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Nachhaltigkeit in Umwelt, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven

by Klaus-Dieter Altmeppen Frank Zschaler Hans-Martin Zademach Christoph Böttigheimer Markus Müller

Dieses Buch ist eine Open-Access-Publikation unter einer CC BY-NC 2.5 Lizenz.Der Band vereint Beiträge aus dem Graduiertenkolleg „Nachhaltigkeit in Umwelt, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft“ an der Katholischen Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. Auf diese Weise wird der Begriff der Nachhaltigkeit aus verschiedensten Wissenschaftsdisziplinen analysiert und in seinen Anwendungsbezügen in unterschiedlichen gesellschaftlichen Feldern vorgestellt. Die AutorInnen befassen sich mit dem Problem der Nachhaltigkeit bei Wasserbilanzen und Landnutzung ebenso wie mit Sustainable Finances, Wirtschaftskrisen und der Nachhaltigkeit sozialer Sicherungssysteme; Nachhaltigkeit wird mit Bezug auf Schöpfungsglaube, Gerechtigkeit und Lärmstressoren sowie auf Handlungskompetenz und Medienberichterstattung untersucht.​

Dermatologische Differenzialdiagnose: Der Weg zur klinischen Diagnose

by Peter Altmeyer

Auch Ärzte nicht dermatologischer Fachrichtungen sind mit Hautkrankheiten konfrontiert. Für sie ist der Rückgriff auf ein dermatologisches Nachschlagewerk zuweilen unerlässlich. Dieses fundierte Lehrbuch bezieht sich auf einfache Untersuchungstechniken, die allen Ärzten zur Verfügung stehen. Leicht nachvollziehbar, beantwortet es alle Fragen zur klinischen Diagnostik anhand der Auswahl der Region, Bestimmung des Effloreszenzentypus, Anzahl und Dynamik der Effloreszenzen, Verteilungsmuster, Farbbestimmung und Oberfläche der Läsionen. Es setzt keine "fachdermatologischen" Kenntnisse voraus und unterstützt Ärzte aller Fachrichtungen.

Therapielexikon Dermatologie und Allergologie

by Peter Altmeyer

Knapp und detailliert behandelt das Lexikon die topische und systemische Therapie von rund 3000 dermatologischen, allergologischen und umweltinduzierten Erkrankungen.Systematisch und präzise- Klassische Behandlungsformen und neue Therapieansätze- Indikation, Dosierung, Nebenwirkungen und Pharmakokinetik- Zusätzlich rund 400 bewährte magistrale Rezepturen- Querverweise zur schnellen Orientierung- Nützliche Tips und praktische ÜbersichtenSichern Sie sich diesen aktuellen Ratgeber, der Sie so schnell und kompetent informiert, wie es Ihr dermatologischer Praxisalltag erfordert.Die ideale Ergänzung: Altmeyer et al., Bildlexikon der Dermatologie (Springer 1996, DM 98,-. ISBN 3-540-57283-X)

Therapielexikon Dermatologie und Allergologie: Therapie kompakt von A-Z

by Peter Altmeyer

Das Therapielexikon Dermatologie, jetzt nach neuestem wissenschaftlichen Kenntnisstand vollständig überarbeitet! Das Lexikon zeichnet sich aus durch: Einheitlich strukturierte Beiträge Knappe, übersichtliche und gewichtete lexikalische Systematik Klare und verständliche Sprache Zahlreiche Tabellen geben prägnante Informationen auf einen Blick Magistrale Rezepturen als wichtige Alternativen zu Fertigpräparaten Neu in der zweiten Auflage: Übersichtlich strukturierte Einteilungen wichtiger dermatologischer Krankheitsbilder Aktuelles Verzeichnis von über 300 magistralen Rezepturen angelehnt an Deutschen Arzneimittel-Codex (DAC), Neues Rezeptur-Formularium (NRF) und Europäisches Arzneibuch (Pharm. Eur.) Der Dermatologe erhält mit diesem Buch ein kurzes, praktisches Nachschlagewerk, der Praktiker und niedergelassene Arzt anderer Fachrichtungen einen ausführlichen Ratgeber.

Bildlexikon der Dermatologie

by Peter Altmeyer Martina Bacharach-Buhles Hans Holzmann

Das "Bildlexikon der Dermatologie" hat sich als kurzes, praktisches Nachschlagewerk bewährt.-> Klar und übersichtlich strukturiert, ermöglicht Ihnen das Lexikon den schnellen Zugriff auf die Informationen zu allen Krankheiten der Haut und der Geschlechtsorgane.-> Querverweise bieten Ihnen zusätzliche Unterstützung bei differentialdiagnostischen Überlegungen.-> Zahlreiche neue Farbabbildungen ergänzen die zweite Auflage. Aus den Rezensionen der ersten Auflage:"Ein in der Dermatologie wohl einmaliges Nachschlagewerk." (Dermatologische Monatsschrift)"Dieses Lexikon entspricht allen Anforderungen in vollem Maße. Hervorragende Farbabbildungen veranschaulichen die Krankheitsbilder." (Medizin literatur aktuell)"Eine nützliche und rasche Orientierungshilfe bei dermatologischen Problemen." (Ärztliche Praxis)"Als bebildertes Lexikon bietet das Buch eine Fülle von Informationen und zusätzlich viele Tabellen...Eine lohnende Anschaffung für alle, denen es um eine schnelle Information geht." (Deutsches Ärzteblatt)

Kutane Mikrozirkulation

by Peter Altmeyer Klaus Hoffmann Markus Stücker

Aktuell und praxisnah stellt Ihnen das Buch die neuesten Kenntnisse über nichtinvasive Methoden zur klinischen und experimentellen Untersuchung der Endstrombahn der Haut zur Verfügung.In dem systematischen und synoptischen Aufbau finden Sie schnell die für Sie relevanten Informationen über aktuelle Entwicklungen und bewährte Routinetechniken.Zahlreiche Anwendungsbeispiele bieten Ihnen konkrete Hilfen für die Praxis.

Lexikon der Dermatologie

by Peter Altmeyer Hans Holzmann

In un serer modern en , schnellebigen Zeit unterliegt auch der dermato­ logische Wortschatz einem steten Wandel. Krankheitsbilder werden begrifflich neu gepriigt, angloamerikanische Termini in die traditio­ nelle Nomenklatur iibernommen und bekannte Erkrankungen durch verbesserte Untersuchungsmethoden in zahlreiche Varietiiten unter­ teilt. Der gleichzeitige, ja teilweise gleichberechtigte Gebrauch alther­ gebrachter und neueingefiihrter Krankheitsbezeichnungen fiihrt zu einer kaum iiberschaubaren nomenklatorischen Vieifalt. In dieser "babylonischen Sprachverwirrung" hat ein lexikalisches Bindeglied zweifelsohne seine Berechtigung. Die Autoren dieses Buches waren bemiiht eine Orientierungshiife im dermatologischen Sprachbereich zu geben. Trotz der beachtlichen Zahl von etwa 17000 erfaBten Termini konnen wir keinen Anspruch auf Vollstiindigkeit erheben. Nach dem Sammeln der Stichworte galt es, gemiiB dem ordnenden Prinzip eines lexikalischen Werkes die Krankheitsbilder mit ihren zahlreichen Synonym a zu wichten und den Leitbegriff zu wiihlen. Wir handelten die Erkrankungen unter dem Terminus ab, dem unseres Erachtens die groBte Bedeutung zukommt. Bei den entsprechenden Synonyma wird jeweils auf den Leitgebriff verwiesen. Somit flieBt trotz der eingehaltenen lexikalischen Strenge in eine ganze Reihe von Termini eine personliche "Note" ein. Als bezeichnendes Beispiel seien die Begriffe "Ekzem" und "Dermatitis" genannt, die je nach Schule gleichberechtigt nebeneinander oder als unterschiedliche Sta­ dien desselben Krankheitsbildes bzw. giinzlich unabhiingig voneinan­ der gebraucht werden.

Fundamentals of Sensory Physiology (Springer Study Edition)

by H. Altner J. Dudel O. J. Grüsser U. Grüsser-Cornehls R. Klinke R. F. Schmidt M. Zimmermann

Since the first English edition of this book appeared three years ago, the authors have received many useful comments from readers. In preparing this amended edition we have carefully examined each chapter, improving and expanding the text where necessary; in the process, we have been greatly helped by their remarks. Further commentary on this edition will be much appreciated. Again, I should like to express the gratitude of all the authors to the staff of Springer-Verlag for expediting the publication of the book. Kiel, Germany, July 1981 ROBERT F. SCHMIDT Preface to the First Edition In the field of sensory physiology we are concerned with what our sense organs­ and the associated central nervous structures - can do and how that perform­ ance is achieved. Research here is not limited to description of the physi­ cochemical reactions taking place in these structures; the conditions under which sensations and perceptions arise and the rules that govern them are also of fundamental interest. Sensory physiology thus demands the attention of everyone who wishes to - or must - delve into the potentialities and limitations of human experience.

Sinnesphysiologie programmiert

by H. Altner J. Dudel O. Grüsser R. Klinke Robert Schmidt

Fundamentals of Sensory Physiology (Springer Study Edition)

by Helmut Altner Josef Dudel Otto-Joachim Grüsser Ursula Grüsser-Cornehls Rainer Klinke Robert F. Schmidt Manfred Zimmermann

Since 1978 this textbook, to the gratification of its authors and publisher, has found an undiminished readership. Recent research in sensory physiology has progressed so rapidly that this third edition, like the second, has required thorough revision. The understanding of pain, in particular, has increased to a remarkable degree. This development is reflected here in the appearance, for the first time, of a chapter devoted entirely to the subject "Nociception and Pain". In view of the great clinical significance of pain, it seemed necessary to broaden the scope of the discussion, so that in addition to the aspects directly related to sensory physiology consideration is given to the pathophysiology, pharmacology and psychology of pain. The chapters present in earlier editions have also been carefully reexamined and, where necessary, revised and extended. Most of the illustrations provided for the first edition by the Stuttgart studio Gay & Benz have been retained. Some required alteration or replacement, and a number of new illustrations have been added. For the meticulous skill with which she transformed our ideas into graphs and drawings, we are most grateful to Mrs. Regine Gattung-Petith.

Haptic Devices for Studies on Human Grasp and Rehabilitation (Springer Series on Touch and Haptic Systems)

by Alessandro Altobelli

This book presents a new set of devices for accurate investigation of human finger stiffness and force distribution in grasping tasks. The ambitious goal of this research is twofold, the first is to advance the state of the art on human strategies in manipulation tasks and provide tools to assess rehabilitation procedure and the second is to investigate human strategies for impedance control that can be used for human robot interaction and control of myoelectric prosthesis.Part one describes two types of systems that are able to achieve a complete set of measurements on force distribution and contact point locations. The effectiveness of these devices in grasp analysis is also experimentally demonstrated and applications to neuroscientific studies are discussed. In part two, the devices are exploited in two different studies to investigate stiffness regulation principles in humans. The first study provides evidence on the existence of coordinated stiffening patterns in the fingers of human hands and establishes initial steps towards a real-time and effective modelling of finger stiffness in tripod grasp. The second study presents experimental findings on how humans modulate their hand stiffness whilst grasping objects of varying levels of compliance.The overall results give solid evidence on the validity and utility of the proposed devices to investigate human grasp properties. The underlying motor control principles that are exploited by humans in the achievement of a reliable and robust grasp can potentially be integrated into the control framework of robotic or prosthetic hands to achieve a similar interaction performance.

Rectal Prolapse: Diagnosis and Clinical Management

by Donato F. Altomare Filippo Pucciani

This textbook addresses the best way of evaluating patients with rectal prolapse, the underlying pathophysiology, the different surgical approaches, the expected functional results after surgery and the management of complex clinical conditions associated with this condition. It is an essential book that attempts to draw together material that could be of vital importance to surgeons around the world. The pathophysiology of rectal prolapse is still uncertain and its clinical and instrumental diagnostic assessment needs to be clarified.

Nutritional Support after Gastrointestinal Surgery

by Donato Francesco Altomare Maria Teresa Rotelli

This volume provides readers with the necessary information to select the most appropriate nutritional support following gastrointestinal tract surgery.Most patients are worried about resuming oral intake, particularly when the surgery has altered the GI tract normal physiology removing organs (e.g. total colectomy) or part of them, or modifying the natural sequence of the different GI tract parts (e.g. after esophagectomy or pancreatectomy). Patients may also worry about the possible complications of an inappropriate alimentation. As a matter of fact, several metabolic processes can be modified by GI tract surgery (e.g. major liver resection or pancreatectomy), thus making the nutritional support essential: and the same support is fundamental in bariatric surgery, nowadays widely used for super-obese patients. There is therefore a need for a nutritional guide in surgery and in troubleshooting postoperative cases where nutrition is a major issue This book offers nutritionists insights into the possible alterations of GI tract physiology occurring after surgery, and will be a valuable resource for surgeons, gastroenterologists, coloproctologists, nutritionists and clinical specialist nurses, seeking guidance on postoperative nutrition.

Animal-Assisted Therapy (Health and Medical Issues Today)

by Donald Altschiller

This comprehensive overview of the many types of animal-assisted therapy provides the perfect reference for students, general readers, pet owners, animal care specialists, psychologists, occupational and physical therapists, and mental health professionals.The use of animals for therapy is a burgeoning form of treatment for individuals with physical, emotional, or psychological illnesses. Written for students and general readers, Animal-Assisted Therapy offers a historical overview of the practice, detailing its growth and the many ways it is practiced today. Filled with illustrative examples, such as successful programs where children with reading problems read aloud to canine companions, the book illuminates the expansive nature and effectiveness of this therapy as it is practiced both generally and among special populations, including children, the elderly, autistic individuals, and the incarcerated. The book also provides specific information that will be of interest to pet owners who want to get involved in these programs and includes information on U.S. government requirements allowing guide dogs in public and private facilities.

Migration, Illness and Healthcare

by Jenny Altschuler

Forces such as political conflict, globalisation and the growth of the internet, offering news of life elsewhere, mean levels of migration are higher now than at any other time in history. Despite the signing of a number of legally binding international treaties that seek to guarantee health care for migrants, there is still a considerable gap between government commitments and the reality of everyday life. As levels of migration continue to increase, it is essential for health care professionals to consider the differing needs of migrants in order to provide them with quality care. Informed by systemic theory, and drawing on the author's extensive clinical – as well as personal – experience, this timely book explores the limited existing information about migrants' health care experiences. Providing a comprehensive insight into a worldwide issue, this is an essential guide for health care students, professionals and policy makers.

Migration, Illness and Healthcare

by Jenny Altschuler

Forces such as political conflict, globalisation and the growth of the internet, offering news of life elsewhere, mean levels of migration are higher now than at any other time in history. Despite the signing of a number of legally binding international treaties that seek to guarantee health care for migrants, there is still a considerable gap between government commitments and the reality of everyday life. As levels of migration continue to increase, it is essential for health care professionals to consider the differing needs of migrants in order to provide them with quality care. Informed by systemic theory, and drawing on the author's extensive clinical – as well as personal – experience, this timely book explores the limited existing information about migrants' health care experiences. Providing a comprehensive insight into a worldwide issue, this is an essential guide for health care students, professionals and policy makers.

Working with Chronic Illness: A Family Approach (Basic Texts in Counselling and Psychotherapy)

by Jenny Altschuler

This innovative and challenging book provides a theoretical and practical framework for understanding and helping people face the challenge of living with serious physical illness. Drawing on Jenny Altschuler's considerable experience of inpatient and outpatient work, Working with Chronic Illness shows how family therapy techniques can be used by professionals working within a range of contexts, including schools, inpatient and outpatient settings. Clinical cases illustrate the profound dilemmas faced by families and professionals and offer specific guidelines to this work. A range of questions and exercises are provided to help the reader extend their own understandings of the issues confronting families.Working with Chronic Illness recognises both the losses and gains experienced by individuals and familes as they seek to make sense of the impact of illness on their lives. It raises questions abut the imbalance created in families when illness strikes a member, challenging key beliefs about vulnerability, loss, caring and professional distance. Written by experienced trainers of family therapy, the book provides a fresh and provactive insight into training and clinical work in a demanding field.

Radiation Therapy Physics (Medical Radiology)

by M. D. Altschuler P. Bloch F. J. Bova A. Brahme D. J. Buchsbaum G.T.Y. Chen P. Fessenden B. A. Fraass Z. Fuks J. M. Galvin J. W. Hand M. S. Huq D. Jette G. J. Kutcher D. D. Leavitt S. A. Leibel C. C. Ling D. L. McShan R. Mohan R. Nath C. A. Pelizzari I. I. Rosen M. C. Schell T. E. Schultheiss S. Shalev K. A. Weaver B. W. Wessels J. F. Williamson A. Wu

The aim of this book is to provide a uniquely comprehensive source of information on the entire field of radiation therapy physics. The very significant advances in imaging, computational, and accelerator technologies receive full consideration, as do such topics as the dosimetry of radiolabeled antibodies and dose calculation models. The scope of the book and the expertise of the authors make it essential reading for interested physicians and physicists and for radiation dosimetrists.

Internal Medicine: An Illustrated Radiological Guide

by Jarrah Ali Al-Tubaikh

In any radiology department worldwide, around 60–70% of investigations deal with surgical cases: trauma, tumors, pre- and postsurgical assessment, surgical follow-ups, and more. In spite of that, radiology has a lot to offer in the ? eld of internal medicine in terms of establishing, con? rming, or rejecting diagnoses, or favoring differential diagnoses. Before I joined radiology, I worked as an internal physician for almost a year and almost another year and half as a general surgeon. This clinical experience leads me to look at radiological images with the eye of a radiologist and the mind of a clinician when I examine patient radiological images. I even take a history and do a clinical examination if I have the chance when the patient is in the ultrasound, CT, or MRI room. I have always believed that the radiologist’s role is not con? ned to writing reports, but it can be broadened to establish the diagnosis in the ? rst hand in the same way as the clinician do. In the medical library, there are books dedicated to the clinical signs of internal medicine diseases; interestingly, there are no such books in the radiology library.

Internal Medicine: An Illustrated Radiological Guide

by Jarrah Ali Al-Tubaikh

This very well-received book, now in its third edition, equips the radiologist with the information needed in order to diagnose internal medicine disorders and their complications from the radiological perspective. It offers an easy-to-consult tool that documents the most common and most important radiological signs of a wide range of diseases, across diverse specialties, with the aid of an excellent gallery of images and illustrations. Compared with the second edition, new updates have been added, including three new chapters that cover autonomic medicine, psychosomatic medicine, and forensic medicine. Internal Medicine – An Illustrated Radiological Guide puts the radiologist in the internal medicine physician’s shoes. It teaches radiologists how to think in terms of disease progression and complications, explains where to look for and to image these complications, and identifies the best modalities for reaching a diagnosis. It will also benefit internal medicine physicians by clarifying the help that radiology can offer them and assisting in the choice of investigation for diagnostic confirmation.

Congenital Diseases and Syndromes: An Illustrated Radiological Guide

by Jarrah Ali Al-Tubaikh Maximilian F Reiser

Radiology to me is an art more than a science; an art of imaging the human body, and an art of extracting information from an image. Radiology today is a vital specialty that almost no other medical specialty can work without. Congenital anomalies and syndromes are complex subjects in all medical specialties. They require knowledge of the normal anatomy and of the embryological basis of organogenesis. The importance of recognizing a congenital malformation or an anomaly, which can be the tip of an iceberg of a more complex syndrome, is to prevent future manifestations of a s- drome if possible or to reduce its severity. Due to this concept, I had an interest in studying how to use the radiological modalities in diagnosing congenital malfor- tions as early as possible. Although radiology offers very powerful tools for diag- sis, the basics of medicine are still the main tools to be used for diagnosis. History, observation, clinical examination, and laboratory investigations are essential elements for diagnosis, which need to be used before radiology investigations are initiated. The idea of this book is based on a simple principle: it is to link radiology to these basic medical tools. The book is written for junior radiologists, radiology students, and doctors interested in congenital malformations and syndromes in any specialty. Each disease is represented with a de? nition, description, etiology, diagnostic cri- ria, main symptoms, and its typical diagnostic radiological features on the modern radiological modalities available today.

Liver Imaging: MRI with CT Correlation (Current Clinical Imaging #1)

by Ersan Altun Mohamed El-Azzazi Richard C. Semelka

The first single source work to deal with the two primary radiologic modalities in diagnosing and treating benign and malignant diseases of the liver, presented with clearly laid out MRI and CT correlations. Developed by an editor team led by one of the world’s leading authorities in abdominal imaging, Richard C. Semelka MD. User-friendly, atlas-style presentation, with over 1500 MRI and CT images in over 320 figures featuring state-of-the-art MR and CT imaging sequences, multidetector row CT images, 3D reformatted images, breath-hold MRI sequences, and cutting-edge MR 3T images Highly practical approach for imaging of focal and diffuse liver lesions, complete relevant and systematic (differential) diagnostic information, the latest references to primary literature and clinical evidence, and patient management possibilities Reflects a pattern-recognition approach to MRI and CT imaging, assisting with efficient scanning of images and assessment and diagnosis of disorders

Liver Imaging: MRI with CT Correlation (Current Clinical Imaging)

by Ersan Altun Mohamed El-Azzazi Richard C. Semelka

The first single source work to deal with the two primary radiologic modalities in diagnosing and treating benign and malignant diseases of the liver, presented with clearly laid out MRI and CT correlations. Developed by an editor team led by one of the world’s leading authorities in abdominal imaging, Richard C. Semelka MD. User-friendly, atlas-style presentation, with over 1500 MRI and CT images in over 320 figures featuring state-of-the-art MR and CT imaging sequences, multidetector row CT images, 3D reformatted images, breath-hold MRI sequences, and cutting-edge MR 3T images Highly practical approach for imaging of focal and diffuse liver lesions, complete relevant and systematic (differential) diagnostic information, the latest references to primary literature and clinical evidence, and patient management possibilities Reflects a pattern-recognition approach to MRI and CT imaging, assisting with efficient scanning of images and assessment and diagnosis of disorders

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