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Konsolidierung zwischen Markt und Staat: Die Bedeutung der Arbeitsbeziehungen für die Demokratisierung in Spanien und Ungarn (Forschung Politik #49)

by Katrin Sell

Das Buch untersucht anhand von je vier Beispielen der Konfliktverregelung den Beitrag der Arbeitsbeziehungen zur Konsolidierung neuer Demokratien in Spanien und Ungarn. Angesichts der notwendigen Gleichzeitigkeit politischer und ökonomischer Reformen in den meisten neuen Demokratien sind an der Schnittstelle zwischen Markt und Staat funktionsfähige Mechanismen der Konfliktverregelung zur Konsolidierung notwendig. Daher wird die Bedeutung der Arbeitsbeziehungen in diesem Prozeß am Beispiel von Spanien und Ungarn vergleichend untersucht, um so Institutionalisierungsmodi herauszuarbeiten, die als erfolgreiche Konsolidierungsstrategien verallgemeinert werden können. Zur Beantwortung der These, daß neo-korporatistische Arrangements die Konfliktverregelung fördern, werden Entstehung und Funktionieren der Arbeitnehmer- und Arbeitgeberverbände sowie ihrer Regeln und Routinen der Interaktion analysiert, Typen der Institutionenbildung identifiziert und ihre jeweilige Fähigkeit zur Konfliktverregelung anhand verschiedener Fallbeispiele überprüft.

Korea: A Historical and Cultural Dictionary (Durham East Asia Series)

by Keith Pratt Richard Rutt

Compiled by specialists from the University of Durham Department of East Asian Studies, this new reference work contains approximately 1500 entries covering Korean civilisation from early times to the present day. Subjects include history, politics, art, archaeology, literature, etc. The Dictionary is intended for students, teachers and researchers, and will also be of interest to the general reader. Entries provide factual information and contain suggestions for further reading. A name index and comprehensive cross-reference system make this an easy to use, multi-purpose guide for the student of Korea in the broadest sense.

Korea: A Historical and Cultural Dictionary (Durham East Asia Series)

by Keith Pratt Richard Rutt

Compiled by specialists from the University of Durham Department of East Asian Studies, this new reference work contains approximately 1500 entries covering Korean civilisation from early times to the present day. Subjects include history, politics, art, archaeology, literature, etc. The Dictionary is intended for students, teachers and researchers, and will also be of interest to the general reader. Entries provide factual information and contain suggestions for further reading. A name index and comprehensive cross-reference system make this an easy to use, multi-purpose guide for the student of Korea in the broadest sense.

Korean Businesses: Internal and External Industrialization

by Johngseok Bae Chris Rowley

Essays in the book focus on the Korean model of industrialization and internal internationalization, organizational capabilities and management roles, and disadvantages inherent in the model. The subjects covered include corporate catch-up strategies, foreign investment, and future possibilities.

Korean Businesses: Internal and External Industrialization


Essays in the book focus on the Korean model of industrialization and internal internationalization, organizational capabilities and management roles, and disadvantages inherent in the model. The subjects covered include corporate catch-up strategies, foreign investment, and future possibilities.

Krankenkassen — Zwang oder Segen?: Organisationsgeschichte des deutschen Krankenkassenwesens im „langen“ 19. Jahrhundert (Forschung Politik #41)

by Thomas Tauchnitz

Dieses Buch befaßt sich mit der herrschaftstheoretisch orientierten Organisationsgeschichte des modernen Krankenkassenwesens, die die Organisation "Krankenkasse" als historisch-spezifisches Phänomen begreift, das auf das engste mit der Entstehung der modernen, kapitalistischen Gesellschaftsform verbunden ist.

The Kray Files: The True Story of Britain's Most Notorious Murderers

by Colin Fry

When Ron and Reg Kray were sentenced to life imprisonment in 1968, most people thought that was the last they'd hear of two of the most notorious and vicious criminals Britain has ever produced. Instead, the twins and their evil doings have since achieved almost iconic status. Simultaneously, they have become 'Ronnie and Reggie', cuddly Robin Hood characters, little more than a couple of bad lads who loved their mum. The Kray Files is an explosive investigative work which strips away the myths that have grown up around the brothers. It examines why the twins were put away, the true extent of their crimes and the truth about the last 30 years, which Ron and Reg spent at the expense of the country while making a quiet fortune through duplicitous dealings from behind bars. It looks at why their brother Charlie turned to drugs as his only way out of a life of deprivation and misery, and tries to discover the reason why some women have found the Krays fatally attractive. For the first time ever, The Kray Files goes behind the scenes, painting a vivid picture of the brothers' world through psychological profiling, studying the sociology of the East End of London with the help of academics, and investigating the violent legacy the brothers have left behind.

Kriminalität: Gefährdungen der Inneren Sicherheit? (Analysen #66)

by Bernhard Frevel

Der Zustand der Inneren Sicherheit und die Entwicklung der Kriminalität sind fast ständig Themen der politischen und gesellschaftlichen Diskussion: ob Sorge um die Jugendkriminalität oder Abscheu vor Sexualdelikten, Befürchtungen um die Organisierte Kriminalität oder Angst vor international agierenden Banden - die Themenpalette ist vielseitig. In diesem Analysen-Band wird die Kriminalitätslage in Deutschland betrachtet, wird der Zusammenhang von gesellschaftlichem Wandel und Kriminalität aufgezeigt und ein Blick auf die subjektive Dimension der Kriminalität, das Sicherheitsgefühl der Bevölkerung, gerichtet. Ziel des Buches ist es, die Vielseitigkeit des Problems "Kriminalität" aufzuzeigen und mit sozialwissenschaftlich geprägten Betrachtungen einen sachlich orientierten Zugang zu dem die Gemüter erhitzenden Thema zu ermöglichen.

Krippenerziehung in der DDR: Alltagspraxis und Orientierungen von Erzieherinnen im Wandel

by Iris Nentwig-Gesemann

Grundlage dieser Arbeit sind Gruppendiskussionen mit Krippenerzieherinnen aus den neuen Bundesländern, die in den ersten Jahren nach der Wende geführt wurden. Mit Hilfe der empirisch-methodischenVerfahrensweise der ,dokumentarischen Interpretation' werden das handlungsleitende Wissen und die zentralen Orientierungen von Erzieherinnen rekonstruiert und die milieuspezifische Einbettung der Teams herausgearbeitet. Die generierteTypologie wird mit der normativen Programmatik der Krippenerziehung und des Bildungssystems der DDR verknüpft. Die Beleuchtung der professionellen Weltanschauung und der Alltagspraxis von Erzieherinnen erlaubt einengeschärften Blick auf die schwierigen Transformationsprozesse der Nachwendezeit.

Kultur — Medien — Macht: Cultural Studies und Medienanalyse (Medien • Kultur • Kommunikation)

by Andreas Hepp Rainer Winter

In den letzten Jahren haben sich die Cultural Studies innerhalb des anglo-amerikanischen Raumes zu einem wichtigen Ansatz der Medienforschung entwickelt. Mit dem nun in der erweiterten, zweiten Auflage erschienenen Sammelband "Kultur - Medien - Macht. Cultural Studies und Medienwissenschaft" sollen einerseits grundlegende Konzepte der Cultural Studies vorgestellt, andererseits anhand exemplarischer Analysen das Potential dieses An-satzes aufgezeigt werden. Hierzu werden wichtige Texte von Ien Ang, John Fiske und La-wrence Grossberg erstmals in einer deutschen Übersetzung zugänglich gemacht. Daneben enthält der Sammelband Artikel zur Formierung der Cultural Studies, der Rezeption des Cultural Studies-Ansatzes im deutschsprachigen Raum - sowohl im wissenschaftlichen Bereich als auch in populärkulturellen Magazinen - und eine Vielzahl von kulturwissen-schaftlichen Analysen der Fernseh-, Zeitungs- und Netzkommunikation.

Kulturen des Kompromisses

by Martin Greiffenhagen

Das Buch beschreibt einen Paradigmenwechsel des Kompromißthemas: Aus bloßen Strategien wird eine Lebensform. Gründe für diesen Wandel entwickelt der Autor sowohl in weltgeschichtlicher wie zeitgeschichtlicher Sicht. Vor dem historischen Hintergrund deutschen Schwarz-Weiß-Denkens bis 1945 werden Grundstrukturen des Kompromißhandelns entwickelt. Die Quellen dafür reichen teilweise hinter das erste Auftreten des homo sapiens zurück: als elementare Erfahrungen von Reziprozität und Kooperation, sozialem Vertrauen und einem in gemeinsamer Herkunft und Zukunft gründenden Zeitbewußtsein. Das Buch stellt unterschiedliche Kompromißkulturen der Menschheitsgeschichte vor, unter jeweils neuen Bedingungen, Chancen und Einschränkungen. Für die Gegenwart nimmt Greiffenhagen einen Paradigmenwechsel des Kompromißthemas an: Aus einem Arsenal von Klugheitsregeln allseitigen Nachgebens entwickelt sich ein Stil kooperativen Verhaltens. An Beispielen neuer Kompromißformen beschreibt der Autor diesen Wandel.

Kulturlandschaftsforschung (iff-Texte #5)

Das Schwerpunktheft "Kulturlandschaftsforschung" der iff-Texte stellt zwei komplementäre Ansätze der Kulturlandschaftsforschung dar: Einerseits geht es um die Wahrnehmung und gesellschaftliche Konstruktion von Landschaften sowie deren politische Instrumentierbarkeit, andererseits werden materielle Wechselwirkungen zwischen Gesellschaft und Landschaft und deren Rolle für die Landschaftsgenese analysiert. Das Buch umfaßt ausgewählte Ergebnisse, die in den Abteilungen "Raum und Ökonomie" und "Soziale Ökologie" im Rahmen des BMWV-Forschungsschwerpunktes Kulturlandschaftsforschung erarbeitet wurden. Es bietet einen breiten interdisziplinären Zugang zum Thema: die AutorInnen kommen aus den Fachbereichen Politikwissenschaften, Soziologie, Landschaftsplanung, Biologie, Ökologie, Geschichte, Mathematik, Pädagogik usw.; auch die dargestellten Ergebnisse wurden in interdisziplinären Projekten erarbeitet.

Kurdish Diasporas: A Comparative Study of Kurdish Refugee Communities (Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship)

by Ö. Wahlbeck

In this important theoretical contribution to the area of refugee studies based on ethnographic field work among Kurdish refugees, the author has uniquely combined empirical evidence and contemporary sociological theories of diasporas and transnationalism. The book provides essential reading for anybody looking for a comprehensive view of refugee resettlement issues and it will be of special interest to anybody concerned with the topical Kurdish question.

The Labors of Sisyphus: Economic Development of Communist China

by Joan Roland

Almost a half century has passed since the inception of the People's Republic cf China. In that time a charismatic leader has ruled and died, leaving a wake of .Destruction in his quest to transform China. In that time, too, the PRC's most powerful ally and mentor, the Soviet Union, has dismantled and announced that jcmmunism had failed. Today, China fluctuates between tradition and modernity, ideology and pragmatism, between an antiquated collectivist ethic and a new spirit rf individualism. It is a country precariously suspended between past and future. Maria Hsia Chang's The Labors of Sisyphus is a long overdue reassessment of rie meaning and purpose of the Chinese communist revolution. In it, she discusses ihe thought of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping, reform and its dilemmas, regionalism in greater China and autonomous areas, and nationalism. She also eyjnines China's immediate present and uncertain future. If it manages to transform economic growth into development, China--filled with natural resources and a large, capable labor force--has the potential to become a world superpower. It could also collapse under the weight of its own problems: regionalism, a flawed state sector, corruption, and a pronounced decline in state capacity. If China succeeds, an imposing new economic power will enter the global stage, one that is often arbitrary and prone to despotism and xenophobia, unless it is tempered by political reform. Prior accounts of communist China have failed to capture China's evolving present In all its complexity and variety, misrepresenting Maoist China In the process. Information shortfall was partly to blame: as recently as August 1994, the Chinese government itself decried falsification of statistics by government officials and cadres. Sinologists in the 1960s and 1970s had to approach analysis of contemporary China with clear recognition of the limitations involved and the questionable validity of the factual sources available. Maria Hsia Chang lends structure, meaning, and purpose to the very complex recent political and historical past of communist China. With greater access to more accurate information, Chang is able to analyze objectively, without political motive or intention, providing readers with a fresh look at the People's Republic. Her pathbreaking work will be of interest to scholars of international economics and politics, sinologists, and historians.

The Labors of Sisyphus: Economic Development of Communist China

by Joan Roland

Almost a half century has passed since the inception of the People's Republic cf China. In that time a charismatic leader has ruled and died, leaving a wake of .Destruction in his quest to transform China. In that time, too, the PRC's most powerful ally and mentor, the Soviet Union, has dismantled and announced that jcmmunism had failed. Today, China fluctuates between tradition and modernity, ideology and pragmatism, between an antiquated collectivist ethic and a new spirit rf individualism. It is a country precariously suspended between past and future. Maria Hsia Chang's The Labors of Sisyphus is a long overdue reassessment of rie meaning and purpose of the Chinese communist revolution. In it, she discusses ihe thought of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping, reform and its dilemmas, regionalism in greater China and autonomous areas, and nationalism. She also eyjnines China's immediate present and uncertain future. If it manages to transform economic growth into development, China--filled with natural resources and a large, capable labor force--has the potential to become a world superpower. It could also collapse under the weight of its own problems: regionalism, a flawed state sector, corruption, and a pronounced decline in state capacity. If China succeeds, an imposing new economic power will enter the global stage, one that is often arbitrary and prone to despotism and xenophobia, unless it is tempered by political reform. Prior accounts of communist China have failed to capture China's evolving present In all its complexity and variety, misrepresenting Maoist China In the process. Information shortfall was partly to blame: as recently as August 1994, the Chinese government itself decried falsification of statistics by government officials and cadres. Sinologists in the 1960s and 1970s had to approach analysis of contemporary China with clear recognition of the limitations involved and the questionable validity of the factual sources available. Maria Hsia Chang lends structure, meaning, and purpose to the very complex recent political and historical past of communist China. With greater access to more accurate information, Chang is able to analyze objectively, without political motive or intention, providing readers with a fresh look at the People's Republic. Her pathbreaking work will be of interest to scholars of international economics and politics, sinologists, and historians.

Länger erwerbstätig — aber wie?: Mit einer Einführung von Gerhard Naegele und Winfried Schmähl

by Johann Behrens Martina Morschhäuser Holger Viebrok Eberhard Zimmermann

Die Arbeitnehmer und Arbeitnehmerinnen sollen zukünftig länger erwerbstätig sein. Die gesetzliche Anhebung der Altersgrenze zum Renteneintritt und finanzielle Verschlechterung bei einem frühzeitigen Berufsausstieg bewirken jedoch nicht, daß die Beschäftigten auch länger arbeiten können. Die Arbeits- und Beschäftigungsbedingungen, die Erwerbsverläufe, die Arbeitszeit und die Arbeitsanforderungen müßten auch entsprechend "altersgerecht" organisiert und gestaltet werden. Welche Konzepte und Vorstellungen gibt es dazu? Und wie ist es um die Möglichkeiten bestellt, diese in der betrieblichen Praxis umzusetzen? An welche Voraussetzungen und finanzielle Rahmenbedingungen sind sie geknüpft? Diesen Fragen gehen die Autoren anhand konkreter betrieblicher Beispiele nach, so daß die Chancen einer altersorientierten Arbeits- und Beschäftigungspolitik, aber auch die Widerstände und die zu überwindenden Barrieren in den Unternehmen deutlich werden.

Language and Society in the Middle East and North Africa

by Yasir Suleiman

This book investigates issues of central importance in understanding the role of language in society in the Middle East and North Africa. In particular, it covers issues of collective identity and variation as they relate to Arabic, Berber, English, Persian and Turkish in the fields of gender, national affiliation, the debate over authenticity and modernity, language reforms and language legislation. In addition, the book investigates how some of these issues are realized in the diaspora at both the micro and macro levels.

Language and Society in the Middle East and North Africa

by Yasir Suleiman

This book investigates issues of central importance in understanding the role of language in society in the Middle East and North Africa. In particular, it covers issues of collective identity and variation as they relate to Arabic, Berber, English, Persian and Turkish in the fields of gender, national affiliation, the debate over authenticity and modernity, language reforms and language legislation. In addition, the book investigates how some of these issues are realized in the diaspora at both the micro and macro levels.

Language & Peace (War And Peace Ser. #Vol. 6)

by Christina Schäffne Anita L. Wenden

First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Language & Peace

by Christina Schäffne Anita L. Wenden

First published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Latino Elders and the Twenty-First Century: Issues and Challenges for Culturally Competent Research and Practice

by Melvin Delgado

Latino Elders and the Twenty-First Century: Issues and Challenges for Culturally Competent Research and Practice will help social workers, researchers, and organizations identify and analyze ways of meeting the demands of the increasing number of elderly Latinos. Working from conceptual frameworks, case studies, and examples, this book provides you with a demographic picture of Latino elders and investigates the needs of ethnic-specific groups. Latino Elders and the Twenty-First Century will help you develop and create culturally competent intervention methods that take the culture, beliefs, and situations of Latino elders into consideration. Addressing the future challenges to individuals involved in the field of gerontology, this book offers you current studies on the assessment of present services for Latino elders, how they can be improved, and why these individuals may be reluctant to seek financial or medical help. Latino Elders and the Twenty-First Century will assist you in devising policies and programs aimed at improving services for Latino elders, including: providing Latino and non-Latino staff with an understanding of culturally competent principles, such as values, knowledge, and skills, that will help them give attention to individual and cultural needsimproving staff development by assessing issues and underlying causes of client problems using the self and other cultural awareness models to help professionals realize their own values, attitudes, and behaviorsexamining community resources, such as gift shops, clothing shops, and beauty parlors in Puerto Rican communities that offer interpreter services, integration of the lonely, and community leadership to the elderlyconsidering family structure and personal identification to facilitate access to health care servicesminimizing stress of caregivers by fully understanding how they identify their roles within their families, evaluating their needs and capacity as caregivers, and offering counseling approaches that recognize the dynamics of caregivingexamining contributing factors to substance abuse among elders and researching incidence, prevalence, patterns of use, etiology, and consequences of this behaviorLatino Elders and the Twenty-First Century explores the possibilities of further research in the areas of substance abuse among the elderly and the importance of businesses in ethnic communities to meet the growing needs of clients. In order to assist specific groups of Latinos, this book examines social and medical needs and services for Dominicans, Puerto Ricans, and Yaqui elders of Old Pascua. Latino Elders and the Twenty-First Century will help you develop culturally sensitive programs for individual clients and diminish barriers to service.

Latino Elders and the Twenty-First Century: Issues and Challenges for Culturally Competent Research and Practice

by Melvin Delgado

Latino Elders and the Twenty-First Century: Issues and Challenges for Culturally Competent Research and Practice will help social workers, researchers, and organizations identify and analyze ways of meeting the demands of the increasing number of elderly Latinos. Working from conceptual frameworks, case studies, and examples, this book provides you with a demographic picture of Latino elders and investigates the needs of ethnic-specific groups. Latino Elders and the Twenty-First Century will help you develop and create culturally competent intervention methods that take the culture, beliefs, and situations of Latino elders into consideration. Addressing the future challenges to individuals involved in the field of gerontology, this book offers you current studies on the assessment of present services for Latino elders, how they can be improved, and why these individuals may be reluctant to seek financial or medical help. Latino Elders and the Twenty-First Century will assist you in devising policies and programs aimed at improving services for Latino elders, including: providing Latino and non-Latino staff with an understanding of culturally competent principles, such as values, knowledge, and skills, that will help them give attention to individual and cultural needsimproving staff development by assessing issues and underlying causes of client problems using the self and other cultural awareness models to help professionals realize their own values, attitudes, and behaviorsexamining community resources, such as gift shops, clothing shops, and beauty parlors in Puerto Rican communities that offer interpreter services, integration of the lonely, and community leadership to the elderlyconsidering family structure and personal identification to facilitate access to health care servicesminimizing stress of caregivers by fully understanding how they identify their roles within their families, evaluating their needs and capacity as caregivers, and offering counseling approaches that recognize the dynamics of caregivingexamining contributing factors to substance abuse among elders and researching incidence, prevalence, patterns of use, etiology, and consequences of this behaviorLatino Elders and the Twenty-First Century explores the possibilities of further research in the areas of substance abuse among the elderly and the importance of businesses in ethnic communities to meet the growing needs of clients. In order to assist specific groups of Latinos, this book examines social and medical needs and services for Dominicans, Puerto Ricans, and Yaqui elders of Old Pascua. Latino Elders and the Twenty-First Century will help you develop culturally sensitive programs for individual clients and diminish barriers to service.

The Law Of Peoples (PDF)

by John Rawls

This work consists of two parts: the essay The Idea of Public Reason Revisited, first published in 1997, and The Law of Peoples, a major reworking of a much shorter article by the same name published in 1993. Taken together, they are the culmination of more than 50 years of reflection on liberalism anon some of the most pressing problems of our times by John Rawls.

The Law of the Lifegivers: The Domestication of Desire

by Claude Brodeur René Devisch

African societies are gifted with a rich creativity, often expressed in intimate corporeal terms. For the Yaka people of southwestern Congo, such manifestations can have individual, social, or even cosmic significance. The Law of the Lifegivers investigates the importance among the Yaka of body and space in their daily life, exercise of power, and initiatic traditions. Through this analysis, Devisch and Brodeur show that body, desire, and symbol are intertwined, so that bodily expression can act as sensuous and powerful symbol. The domestication of passion and the institutionalizing of a subject are all expressed in bodily terms, particularly during initiations; the ethical order of law rests on many bodily symbols, including the importance of maternal and paternal lifegivers. The authors vividly describe the different life-giving or life-threatening roles which function in this society, such as sorcerer, diviner, therapist, and chief, as well as the funeral drama which shapes the passage to the afterlife with the ancestors, as experienced by the dying subject and his community. Through their dialogue and correspondence, Devisch and Brodeur (an anthropologist and a psychoanalyst, respectively) bring together two, sometimes conflicting, intellectual approaches. They aim to unravel a truth which is freed, as much as possible, from the presumption that only the West possesses the knowledge of objective discourse and science. Through the interaction, the authors reveal the semantic threads, located at the very heart of the most vital, life-giving processes, which weave the fabric of the practice and thought of a riveting, passionate Africa.

The Law of the Lifegivers: The Domestication of Desire

by Claude Brodeur René Devisch

African societies are gifted with a rich creativity, often expressed in intimate corporeal terms. For the Yaka people of southwestern Congo, such manifestations can have individual, social, or even cosmic significance. The Law of the Lifegivers investigates the importance among the Yaka of body and space in their daily life, exercise of power, and initiatic traditions. Through this analysis, Devisch and Brodeur show that body, desire, and symbol are intertwined, so that bodily expression can act as sensuous and powerful symbol. The domestication of passion and the institutionalizing of a subject are all expressed in bodily terms, particularly during initiations; the ethical order of law rests on many bodily symbols, including the importance of maternal and paternal lifegivers. The authors vividly describe the different life-giving or life-threatening roles which function in this society, such as sorcerer, diviner, therapist, and chief, as well as the funeral drama which shapes the passage to the afterlife with the ancestors, as experienced by the dying subject and his community. Through their dialogue and correspondence, Devisch and Brodeur (an anthropologist and a psychoanalyst, respectively) bring together two, sometimes conflicting, intellectual approaches. They aim to unravel a truth which is freed, as much as possible, from the presumption that only the West possesses the knowledge of objective discourse and science. Through the interaction, the authors reveal the semantic threads, located at the very heart of the most vital, life-giving processes, which weave the fabric of the practice and thought of a riveting, passionate Africa.

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