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The Bible, Gender, and Sexuality: Critical Readings (T&T Clark Critical Readings in Biblical Studies)

by Rhiannon Graybill and Lynn R. Huber

This volume collects the most important and cutting-edge readings related to gender, sex, sexuality and the Bible. Engaging the Hebrew Bible, New Testament, and surrounding texts and worlds, Rhiannon Graybill and Lynn Huber have amassed a selection of essays that reflects a wide-range of perspectives and approaches towards gender and sexuality. Presented in three distinct parts, this collection begins with an examination of gender/s in and around biblical contexts, before moving to discussing sex and sexualities, and finally critiques of gender and sexuality. Each section features key readings both from the history of scholarship and more contemporary, cutting-edge studies; and each are introduced by Graybill and Huber in order to situate the readings in their broader scholarly contexts. Culminating with an annotated list of further readings to point researchers towards further engagements with these key themes, the collection provide vital understanding to a crucial topic both in biblical studies and in current debates about religion.

Biblical Interpretation in Early Christian Gospels: Volume 2: The Gospel of Matthew (The Library of New Testament Studies #310)

by Thomas R. Hatina

The second title in a proposed five-volume work; volume two, following on from the volume on Mark's Gospel, concentrates on Matthew's Gospel. Contributors consider the function of embedded scripture texts in the context of the Gospels written and read/heard in their early Christian settings. The project is wide ranging, with essays on the function of scripture in the compositional history of the gospels and the collection is broad in scope as a result of current interest in the integration of methods (especially historical and narrative ones). Advancements over the last 20 years in the study of genre and narrative criticism have left a void in the study of the function of embedded biblical texts in the Gospels. This collection of essays will move the study of scripture within scripture forwards.

Biblical Perspectives on Aging: God and the Elderly, Second Edition

by J. Gordon Harris

As the population of older Americans grows, meaningful perspectives on aging are needed by both the young and the old. Biblical Perspectives on Aging: God and the Elderly takes a detailed look at the views of aging presented in the Old and New Testaments. This wide ranging and insightful survey encompasses not only the entire Bible but also interpretations of sacred Middle Eastern and Judaic documents. This new expanded edition of the original classic text adds thorough discussions of the wisdom of the Bible and Jewish literature with ways to interpret these readings and what they teach about spirituality and growing older.Approaches to aging issues have changed in recent years. With the average American lifespan increasing, the view of old age as a solitary time of waiting has been pushed aside. So too has the assumption that the elderly simply want to remember “the good old days.” This updated edition of Biblical Perspectives on Aging: God and the Elderly has expanded its scope to incorporate and address the effects of these changing views. This sweeping study of the Bible’s positive treatment of aging and elderly figures sheds new light on contemporary society’s negative view of the elderly and what can be done about it. Clear examples from both Scripture and literature provide a wealth of understanding, comfort, and wisdom to everyone interested in aging and the Bible. In addition, this new edition explores the changing relationships that exist among aging, hermeneutics, mentoring, and spirituality. The new insights revealed here reinvigorate the challenge against ageism and traditional pictures of old age as a time of withdrawal and living in the past.Among the issues explored in Biblical Perspectives on Aging: God and the Elderly are aging experiences and the Bible, biblical theology and its role in social support for the elderly, hermeneutics and old age, spirituality and its relationship to aging, cross-generational relationships and mentoring, and a detailed index of Old and New Testament Scripture references.Accessible and concise, with compelling arguments and numerous examples, Biblical Perspectives on Aging: God and the Elderly is an ideal resource for pastors, seminary students, professionals, and leaders of programs for the elderly. It shows both young and old that while aging may not be easy, Biblical theology can ease some of its mystery.

Biblical Perspectives on Aging: God and the Elderly, Second Edition

by J. Gordon Harris

As the population of older Americans grows, meaningful perspectives on aging are needed by both the young and the old. Biblical Perspectives on Aging: God and the Elderly takes a detailed look at the views of aging presented in the Old and New Testaments. This wide ranging and insightful survey encompasses not only the entire Bible but also interpretations of sacred Middle Eastern and Judaic documents. This new expanded edition of the original classic text adds thorough discussions of the wisdom of the Bible and Jewish literature with ways to interpret these readings and what they teach about spirituality and growing older.Approaches to aging issues have changed in recent years. With the average American lifespan increasing, the view of old age as a solitary time of waiting has been pushed aside. So too has the assumption that the elderly simply want to remember “the good old days.” This updated edition of Biblical Perspectives on Aging: God and the Elderly has expanded its scope to incorporate and address the effects of these changing views. This sweeping study of the Bible’s positive treatment of aging and elderly figures sheds new light on contemporary society’s negative view of the elderly and what can be done about it. Clear examples from both Scripture and literature provide a wealth of understanding, comfort, and wisdom to everyone interested in aging and the Bible. In addition, this new edition explores the changing relationships that exist among aging, hermeneutics, mentoring, and spirituality. The new insights revealed here reinvigorate the challenge against ageism and traditional pictures of old age as a time of withdrawal and living in the past.Among the issues explored in Biblical Perspectives on Aging: God and the Elderly are aging experiences and the Bible, biblical theology and its role in social support for the elderly, hermeneutics and old age, spirituality and its relationship to aging, cross-generational relationships and mentoring, and a detailed index of Old and New Testament Scripture references.Accessible and concise, with compelling arguments and numerous examples, Biblical Perspectives on Aging: God and the Elderly is an ideal resource for pastors, seminary students, professionals, and leaders of programs for the elderly. It shows both young and old that while aging may not be easy, Biblical theology can ease some of its mystery.

Big Book of Blob Feelings (Blobs)

by Pip Wilson Ian Long

The Big Book of Blob Feelings uses questions linked to specially selected, photocopiable pictures to help you explore feelings with those who struggle to communicate about their emotions. Tried, tested and loved internationally, this inspirational resource includes a wealth of material around: Blob Theory - the feelosophy, our open-question approach and the importance of allowing people to express their choices freely; Emotions - every day we all experience a wide range of feelings, a broad selection of which have been illustrated to kick-start discussions; Developmental issues - the objective of each of the sheets is to see people of all ages grow in their awareness of who they are, their uniqueness, and how they can develop those gifts further as they share with others. Each picture is accompanied by ideas and questions to kick-start class, group or one-to-one discussion so that everything in the book is relevant to your needs in your setting. The complete book is also included electronically on the accompanying CD Rom so that you can print and re-use resources as often as you need to. The perfect companion to this book is The Big Book of Blob Feelings 2, which provides a huge range of new material while following the same structure and approach.

Bildung als Privileg: Erklärungen und Befunde zu den Ursachen der Bildungsungleichheit

by Rolf Becker Wolfgang Lauterbach

Im Anschluss an kontroverse Diskussionen über dauerhafte Bildungsungleichheiten stellt das Buch detailliert aus sozialwissenschaftlicher Perspektive zentrale Ursachen für sozial ungleiche Bildungschancen in den Mittelpunkt der Betrachtung. Daher werden der aktuelle Stand empirischer Bildungsforschung diskutiert und neue Analysen vorgelegt. Ziel ist es, in systematischer Weise soziale Mechanismen aufzuzeigen, die zur Entstehung und Reproduktion von Bildungsungleichheiten beitragen.

Bildung: Angebot oder Zumutung?

by Yvonne Ehrenspeck Gerhard De Haan Felicitas Thiel

Auf den Begriff der Bildung ist Dieter Lenzen in seinen wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten immer wieder zurückgekommen. Wenn Bildung die Aneignung von Welt bedeutet, dann schienen lange Zeit insbesondere die hohen Freiheitsgrade dieser Aneignung entscheidend: "Erziehung ist eine Zumutung, Bildung ein Angebot". Der gemeinsame Bezugspunkt der Beiträge in diesem Sammelband ist der Begriff der Bildung. In den unterschiedlichen - historischen, systematischen und funktionalen - Analyseperspektiven entfalten die Autoren den Begriff in diversen thematischen Kontexten im Spannungsverhältnis von Angebot und Zumutung.

Bildung für alle?: Die schulischen Logiken von ressourcenprivilegierten und -nichtprivilegierten Kindern als Ursache der bestehenden Bildungsungleichheit

by Rahel Jünger

Die Studie fragt nach den Ursachen der Schwierigkeiten nichtprivilegierter Kinder beim Kompetenzerwerb und der Bildungsreproduktion, wobei für die Erklärung der bestehenden Bildungsungleichheit die Kinder selbst und ihr Verhältnis zur Schule ins Zentrum gestellt werden. Nicht-privilegierte und privilegierte Primarschulkinder haben eine je eigene und ressourcenspezifische schulische Logik, erleben und gebrauchen die Schule auf unterschiedliche Weise, und daraus erwachsen den einen Nachteile, den anderen hingegen Vorteile im Hinblick auf den Kompetenzerwerb. Über die Erklärung der Bildungsungleichheit hinaus kann mit der Rekonstruktion ressourcen-spezifischer schulischer Zugänge endlich gezeigt werden, was es für die nichtprivilegierten Kinder bedeutet, im Kreislauf des Nichterfolgs gefangen zu sein.

Bildung im Kindergarten: Förderkonzeption der Arbeitsgruppe Frühpädagogik an der Universität Rostock (Schulpädagogik #9)

by Antonius Hansel Katharina Schneider

Die Bildungsdebatte hat – nachdem sie ein Jahrzehnt recht immobil vor sich hindümpelte – eine beträchtliche Dynamisierung erfahren, die nahezu alle öffentlichen und privaten, d.h. nichtstaatlichen Bildungsbereiche der Bundesrepublik Deutschland erfasste und auch die frühkindliche Bildung in den Focus der Bildungsreformen einbezog.Das Wissen um die Bedeutung frühkindlicher Bildung und Erziehung ist – nach einer kurzen Revitalisierung in den 70er Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts und einer zumeist unter Finanzierungsgesichtspunkten folgenden Stagnation von mehr als drei Jahrzehnten – nun erneut Impulsgeber für pädagogische Reformen beim Übergang vom frühpädagogischen in den grundschulischen Bereich. Zwar ist die frühkindliche Förderung durch Bildung bereits im Kinder- und Jugendhilfegesetz 1990 (KJHG) neben anderen sozialpolitischen Aufgaben festgeschrieben, es bedurfte allerdings erst der kritischen öffentlichen Debatte über die Bildungsabstinenz der Frühpädagogik, die vorrangig auf Betreuung, weniger auf Bildung setzte, um dieser recht vagen Forderung in den Ländern die Profilierung und die Implementierung in den Alltag der Kindertageseinrichtungen folgen zu lassen.Als Ergebnis dieser Bemühungen haben die Länder inzwischen mit deutlichen föderalen Akzenten Rahmenpläne für die Arbeit in der Kindertagesstätte vorgelegt. Nicht alle Länder setzen so deutliche fachliche Schwerpunkte wie Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, und doch ist der Rahmenplan M-V ein unverkennbares Dokument pädagogischer Eigenständigkeit dieses Bildungs- und Erziehungsbereichs: Er ist weder dem Sog der Grundschule erlegen und noch der Beliebigkeit einer intellektuell anspruchslosen Betreuungspädagogik.Besonderes Augenmerk legen die Herausgeber auf Lesbarkeit, um die Texte nicht nur Fachleuten an die Hand zu geben, sondern gleichermaßen auch Studierenden, Referendaren, Praktikern, interessierten Laien, insbesondere aber dem Personal in den Kindertagesstätten des Landes Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, um ihnen ein Forum für Argumente und Gegenargumente zu erschließen und den Diskurs in den Einrichtungen zu befördern.

Bildungsrisiken und -chancen im Globalisierungsprozess: Jahresgutachten 2008

by Vbw-Vereinigung Der Bayerischen Wirtscha

Der Globalisierungsprozess hat das deutsche Bildungssystem als eine Herausforderung erreicht, auf die bisher keine überzeugende Antwort gefunden wurde. Daher widmet sich der Aktionsrat Bildung in seinem zweiten Jahresgutachten dem Thema „Bildungsrisiken und Bildungschancen im Globalisierungsprozess“. Die Experten stellen Globalisierungsprozesse mit ihren vielschichtigen Konsequenzen dar, insbesondere einer zunehmenden Unsicherheit für individuelle Lebensläufe, und zeigen daraus resultierende Herausforderungen für Bildungsinstitutionen auf. Zentrale Erfordernisse für alle Bildungsphasen von der frühen Kindheit bis hin zur Weiterbildung werden nach einer Analyse der Situation beleuchtet und konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen an die Politik formuliert.

Biographisches Wissen von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern: Der Einfluss lebensgeschichtlicher Erfahrungen auf berufliches Handeln und Deuten im Fach Sport

by Vera Volkmann

Lebensgeschichtliche Erfahrungen haben auf den Professionalisierungsprozess von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern maßgeblichen Einfluss. Am Beispiel des Sports mit seiner Verwobenheit zwischen Privatem und Beruf lässt sich auf-zeigen, wie bedeutsam die persönlichen Erfahrungen im und mit Sport, aber auch mit Erziehung und Schule für die eigene pädagogische Praxis sind. Sie werden zu einer Art Hintergrundfolie für die pädagogische Reflexion und das darauf basierende berufliche Handeln.

Bippo and Boppo (Start Reading: Carlo's Circus)

by Penny Dolan

Bippo and Boppo are new circus clowns but their jokes aren't making people laugh.They stay up all night thinking of better jokes, and are so tired they almost miss the show next day...

Black Theology and Pedagogy (Black Religion/Womanist Thought/Social Justice)

by N. Erskine

This project proposes to look at the emergence of Black theology as a discipline within the academy and how Black theology may serve as a resource for excellence in teaching.

Blended Learning and Online Tutoring: Planning Learner Support and Activity Design

by Janet MacDonald

Blended learning provides the flexibility to accommodate the varied requirements of pedagogies, disciplines and levels of course, together with the needs of a wide variety of learners. However, anyone concerned with the integration of online tutoring to support students appropriately may need to reassess current practice. This book adopts a pragmatic and common-sense approach to blended learning by situating the use of online media within a well-grounded teaching and learning strategy. It provides practical ideas for the successful implementation of blended strategies, including good practice in both asynchronous and synchronous tutoring, appropriate assessment design for developing successful blended learners, and innovative approaches to professional development for distance tutors. It is illustrated with a wide variety of examples and comments from students and practitioners in both distance and campus-based environments in 13 different countries. Since the first edition was published in 2006, there has been great interest in Web 2.0 technologies and their potential for use in an educational environment. This second edition has therefore incorporated many new examples of good practice, making use of a combination of tried and tested tools as well as blogs and wikis for supporting students. There has also been a recent rise in the use of activity-based learning and interest in its potential for supporting students in distance and online environments. The new edition incorporates many new exemplars of learning activity design in Part Three, to illustrate approaches to the development of critical, independent learners.

Blended Learning and Online Tutoring: Planning Learner Support and Activity Design

by Janet MacDonald

Blended learning provides the flexibility to accommodate the varied requirements of pedagogies, disciplines and levels of course, together with the needs of a wide variety of learners. However, anyone concerned with the integration of online tutoring to support students appropriately may need to reassess current practice. This book adopts a pragmatic and common-sense approach to blended learning by situating the use of online media within a well-grounded teaching and learning strategy. It provides practical ideas for the successful implementation of blended strategies, including good practice in both asynchronous and synchronous tutoring, appropriate assessment design for developing successful blended learners, and innovative approaches to professional development for distance tutors. It is illustrated with a wide variety of examples and comments from students and practitioners in both distance and campus-based environments in 13 different countries. Since the first edition was published in 2006, there has been great interest in Web 2.0 technologies and their potential for use in an educational environment. This second edition has therefore incorporated many new examples of good practice, making use of a combination of tried and tested tools as well as blogs and wikis for supporting students. There has also been a recent rise in the use of activity-based learning and interest in its potential for supporting students in distance and online environments. The new edition incorporates many new exemplars of learning activity design in Part Three, to illustrate approaches to the development of critical, independent learners.

Blindness and Brain Plasticity in Navigation and Object Perception

by John J. Rieser Daniel H. Ashmead Ford F. Ebner Anne L. Corn

Research into the development of sensory structures in the brains of blind or visually-impaired individuals has opened a window into important ways in which the mind works. In these individuals, the part of the brain that is usually devoted to processing visual information is given over to increased processing of the touch and hearing sense. This d

Blindness and Brain Plasticity in Navigation and Object Perception

by John J. Rieser Daniel H. Ashmead Ford Ebner Anne L. Corn

Research into the development of sensory structures in the brains of blind or visually-impaired individuals has opened a window into important ways in which the mind works. In these individuals, the part of the brain that is usually devoted to processing visual information is given over to increased processing of the touch and hearing sense. This d

BMAT and UKCAT Uncovered: A Guide to Medical School Entrance Exams

by T. O. Osinowo R. A. Weerakkody H. W. Woodward

Contains over one thousand practice questions - worked examples, quick tests, 2 full BMAT-style sample test papers, and 2 full UKCAT-style sample test papers. With the use of admissions tests becoming an increasingly more common part of the selection process for entrance to medical school, BMAT and UKCAT Uncovered is a comprehensive yet accessible guide to the two main tests used by UK medical schools. Written by recent Cambridge graduates, the authors' experience lies in taking these exams themselves and teaching students how to pass them. They combine key strategies for tackling the specific skills tested by the BioMedical Admissions Test and the UK Clinical Aptitude Test, along with practice questions and tests, with worked answers, in the style of the BMAT and UKCAT exams. The simple, informal teaching style, highlighting key practice areas, with the minimal use of jargon, means BMAT and UKCAT Uncovered is an essential tool for all medical school applicants.

Borderless Knowledge: Understanding the "New" Internationalisation of Research and Higher Education in Norway (Higher Education Dynamics #22)

by Liv Langfeldt Ase Gornitzka

Processes of knowledge production and dissemination are increasingly set in an international context. In research and higher education the links between local actors and the international environments are both proliferating and intensifying. Individual level self-organised international collaboration is increasingly supplemented by national and supranational organised activities, and by market oriented activity with a global scope. Starting from these observations, this book analyses patterns of internationalisation comprising the national and supranational level, the level of higher education institutions and private companies, as well as the level of individual researchers and graduates. As a laboratory for studying internationalisation the book uses the case of Norway, a small knowledge system set in an open society, political system and economy. The case offers exceptionally good data on the developments in its research and higher education system that record changes over time and across the different parts and levels of a national knowledge system

Boy: Tales of Childhood (The Roald Dahl Classic Collection)

by Roald Dahl

We all have our moments of brilliance and glory, and this was mine.This beautiful edition of Boy, part of The Roald Dahl Classic Collection, features official archive material from the Roald Dahl Museum and is perfect for Dahl fans old and new.So, enter a world where invention and mischief can be found on every page and where magic might be at the very tips of your fingers . . .The Roald Dahl Classic Collection reinstates the versions of Dahl’s books that were published before the 2022 Puffin editions, aimed at newly independent young readers.

The Boy and the Tiger and other stories for 9 to 11 year olds (Pie Corbett's Storyteller)

by Ray Burrows Corrine Burrows

Don't just read - read aloud! With a treasure-trove of favourite tales, each accompanied by an audio retelling from a professional storyteller, this book gives children the perfect opportunity to read aloud, listen along, follow text, read together and do all the things they need to build their literacy skills! They'll meet tigers, giants and much more in this captivating collection.

Brain Research in Language (Literacy Studies #1)

by Zvia Breznitz

Brain Research in Language addresses important neurological issues involved in reading. The reading process is a highly composite cognitive task, which relies on brain systems that were originally devoted to other functions. The majority of studies in this area have used behavioral methodologies. This book presents data obtained from studies employing behavioral, electrophysiological and imaging methodologies focusing on the regular reading process and the dyslexic population.

Bridging the Gap Between Engineering and the Global World: A Case Study of the Coconut (Coir) Fiber Industry in Kerala, India (Synthesis Lectures on Engineers, Technology, & Society)

by Shobha K. Bhatia Jennifer L. Smith

Over the last two decades, globalization has had a profound impact on how we view the world and its sustainability. One group of professionals that lies at the heart of sustainability is the engineers. Engineers are trained problem solvers, required to implement technical solutions and are at the forefront of the development of new technologies. Although engineers play a critical role in sustainability, traditional engineering programs typically only focus on the technocentric and ecocentric dimensions of sustainability, providing little training on the sociocentric dimension. With more and more interest in sustainability, it is becoming increasingly important to also provide engineers with an awareness of sociocentric issues and the necessary skills to address them. The aim of this book is to provide engineering educators with a real-life case study that can be brought into existing courses to help bridge the gap between engineering and the global world. The case study focuses on how our engineering study of different natural plant fibers for soil erosion control led us to small villages in Kerala, India, where marginalized women workers often stand waste deep in water several hours a day, clean and beat coconuts by hand, and separate and spin coconut (coir) fibers into yarn by hand, for very low wages. The case study provides insight into the three dimensions of sustainability (technocentric, ecocentric, and sociocentric) and how they come together in a typical engineering problem. Table of Contents: Reinforcing the Classroom / Natural Plant Fibers for Engineering Applications: Technocentric and Ecocentric Dimensions of Sustainability / The Coir Fiber Industry in Kerala, India: Sociocentric Dimension of Sustainability / Case Study / Conclusion / Bibliography

Bright Earth: The Invention of Colour

by Philip Ball

Colour in art - as in life - is both inspiring and uplifting, but where does it come from? How have artists found new hues, and how have these influenced their work? Beginning with the ancients - when just a handful of pigments made up the artist's palette - and charting the discoveries and developments that have led to the many splendoured rainbow of modern paints, Bright Earth brings the story of colour spectacularly alive. Packed with anecdotes about lucky accidents and hapless misfortunes in the quests for new colours, it provides an entertaining and fascinating new perspective on the science of art.

Bringing Knowledge Back In: From Social Constructivism to Social Realism in the Sociology of Education

by Michael F. D. Young

'This book tackles some of the most important educational questions of the day. . . It is rare to find a book on education which is theoretically sophisticated and practically relevant: this book is. ' From the Foreword by Hugh Lauder What is it in the twenty-first century that we want young people, and adults returning to study, to know? What is it about the kind of knowledge that people can acquire at school, college or university that distinguishes it from the knowledge that people acquire in their everyday lives everyday lives, at work, and in their families? Bringing Knowledge Back Indraws on recent developments in the sociology of knowledge to propose answers to these key, but often overlooked, educational questions. Michael Young traces the changes in his own thinking about the question of knowledge in education since his earlier books Knowledge and Control and The Curriculum of the Future. He argues for the continuing relevance of the writings of Durkheim and Vygotsky and the unique importance of Basil Bernstein's often under-appreciated work. He illustrates the importance of questions about knowledge by investigating the dilemmas faced by researchers and policy makers in a range of fields. He also considers the broader issue of the role of sociologists in relation to educational policy in the context of increasingly interventionist governments. In so doing, the book: provides conceptual tools for people to think and debate about knowledge and education in new ways provides clear expositions of difficult ideas at the interface of epistemology and the sociology of knowledge makes explicit links between theoretical issues and practical /policy questions offers a clear focus for the future development of the sociology of education as a key field within educational studies. This compelling and provocative book will be essential reading for anyone involved in research and debates about the curriculum as well as those with a specific interest in the sociology of education. 9780415321211 9780203073667

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