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Business Ethics: Methods, Theories, and Application

by Christian U. Becker

Business Ethics: Methods, Theories, and Application provides a new systematic approach to normative business ethics that covers the complex and various ethical challenges of modern business. It aims to train analytical thinking skills in the field of business ethics and to approach ethical issues in business in a rational and systematic way. The book develops a number of specific methods for business ethics analysis that are tailored for ethical decision-making in business and for analyzing complex ethical topics in business. The book discusses fundamental ethical questions regarding the meaning of business and the economy for the individual person, society, the environment, and people around the world. As a result, Business Ethics: Methods, Theories, and Application develops normative guidelines for business in the 21st century and its fundamental challenges and will be key reading for undergraduate, postgraduate, and MBA students of business ethics, business strategy, business and society, and related fields. This second edition is fully updated to recognize the changing nature of ethics and corporate responsibility in a globalized world and includes online support material.

Business Ethics: Methods, Theories, and Application

by Christian U. Becker

Business Ethics: Methods, Theories, and Application provides a new systematic approach to normative business ethics that covers the complex and various ethical challenges of modern business. It aims to train analytical thinking skills in the field of business ethics and to approach ethical issues in business in a rational and systematic way. The book develops a number of specific methods for business ethics analysis that are tailored for ethical decision-making in business and for analyzing complex ethical topics in business. The book discusses fundamental ethical questions regarding the meaning of business and the economy for the individual person, society, the environment, and people around the world. As a result, Business Ethics: Methods, Theories, and Application develops normative guidelines for business in the 21st century and its fundamental challenges and will be key reading for undergraduate, postgraduate, and MBA students of business ethics, business strategy, business and society, and related fields. This second edition is fully updated to recognize the changing nature of ethics and corporate responsibility in a globalized world and includes online support material.

You Don't Belong Here: How Three Women Rewrote the Story of War

by Elizabeth Becker

The long-buried story of three extraordinary female journalists who permanently shattered the barriers to women covering war. Kate Webb, an Australian iconoclast, Catherine Leroy, a French daredevil photographer, and Frances FitzGerald, a blue-blood American intellectual, arrived in Vietnam with starkly different life experiences but one shared purpose: to report on the most consequential story of the decade. At a time when women were considered unfit to be foreign reporters, Frankie, Catherine, and Kate challenged the rules imposed on them by the military, ignored the belittlement of their male peers, and ultimately altered the craft of war reportage for generations. In You Don&’t Belong Here, Elizabeth Becker uses these women&’s work and lives to illuminate the Vietnam War from the 1965 American buildup, the expansion into Cambodia, and the American defeat and its aftermath. Arriving herself in the last years of the war, Becker writes as a historian and a witness of the times. What emerges is an unforgettable story of three journalists forging their place in a land of men, often at great personal sacrifice. Deeply reported and filled with personal letters, interviews, and profound insight, You Don&’t Belong Here fills a void in the history of women and of war.

Erzählen über Gesellschaft: Eingeleitet und herausgegeben von Reiner Keller (Neue Bibliothek der Sozialwissenschaften)

by Howard S. Becker

Howard S. Becker zählt zu den wichtigsten US-amerikanischen Soziologen der Gegenwart. Sein umfangreiches Werk umspannt weit mehr als ein halbes Jahrhundert und steht in der Tradition der interaktionistischen und interpretativen Soziologie, wie sie an der University of Chicago in den 1920er Jahren begründet wurde. Becker hat nicht nur höchst einflussreiche Schriften u.a. zur soziologischen Methodologie, zur Soziologie der Professionen, des Abweichenden Verhaltens und der Kunst vorgelegt, die allesamt zu Klassikern wurden, sondern gehört auch zu den frühen Pionieren und Wegbereitern der soziologischen Auseinandersetzung mit visuellen und anderen künstlerischen Ausdrucksformen. Der vorliegende Band präsentiert nun zum ersten Mal in deutscher Sprache seine umfassenden vergleichenden Reflexionen dazu, was das soziologische „Erzählen über Gesellschaft“ mit anderen, künstlerischen Erzählformaten gemeinsam hat - und was es davon unterscheidet. Sein leidenschaftliches Plädoyer für eine präzise Soziologie verbindet sich darin disziplinüberschreitend mit einer anregenden Diskussion von künstlerischen Formen der Darstellung gesellschaftlicher Phänomene und den vielfältigen Möglichkeiten, die sich daraus auch für die soziologische Phantasie ergeben, ihre Erzählungen über Gesellschaftliches nicht nur diesseits, sondern vor allem auch jenseits ihrer kanonisierten Formate vorzustellen.

File Sharing in Peer-to-Peer-Netzwerken: Ökonomische Analyse des Nutzerverhaltens (Betriebswirtschaftliche Aspekte lose gekoppelter Systeme und Electronic Business)

by Jan Becker

Jan U. Becker untersucht, welche Gründe Nutzer zu einem Angebot in File-Sharing-Netzwerken bewegen und wie diese sich in Abhängigkeit von Nutzereigenschaften darstellen. Er zeigt, wie Unternehmen der Medienindustrie mit legalen Angeboten von Downloads konkurrenzfähig sein können.

Die Digitalisierung von Medien und Kultur

by Jörg Becker

Alle wichtigen Massenmedien werden in diesem Buch daraufhin untersucht, inwieweit sich deren Produktion, Inhalt, Vertrieb, Funktion, Wirkung und Rezeption durch die Einführung neuer Digitalisierungstechniken verändern. Es ist eine Mischung aus informationsreichem Handbuch und kritischer Medienanalyse.

Medien im Krieg – Krieg in den Medien

by Jörg Becker

Das Thema Medien und Krieg wird in diesem Buch aus einer vierfachen Perspektive heraus behandelt. Es geht zum einen um die Frage nach der Berichterstattung über Kriege, zum zweiten um die Rolle von Medien im Krieg, drittens geht es darum, welche strukturellen Bedingungen von Krieg und Gesellschaft die Inhalte der Medien wie prägen und viertens um eine friedensstiftende Sicht auf diese Zusammenhänge. Das Fazit: Definitorisch gibt es kaum noch einen Unterschied zwischen medialer Kommunikation und Krieg.Die zweite Auflage wurde um ein Kapitel über ukrainische Propaganda im Ukraine-Krieg ergänzt.

Medien im Krieg - Krieg in den Medien

by Jörg Becker

Das Thema Medien und Krieg wird in diesem Buch aus einer vierfachen Perspektive heraus behandelt. Es geht zum einen um die Frage nach der Berichterstattung über Kriege, zum zweiten um die Rolle von Medien im Krieg, drittens geht es darum, welche strukturellen Bedingungen von Krieg und Gesellschaft die Inhalte der Medien wie prägen und viertens um eine friedensstiftende Sicht auf diese Zusammenhänge. Das Fazit: Definitorisch gibt es kaum noch einen Unterschied zwischen medialer Kommunikation und Krieg.

Professionelles E-Mail-Management: Von der individuellen Nutzung zur unternehmensweiten Anwendung

by Lars Becker

Die Anzahl der E-Mails in Unternehmen nimmt unaufhörlich zu. Welche Maßnahmen geeignet sind, dieser aufkommenden E-Mail-Flut wirkungsvoll zu begegnen, zeigt dieses Buch.

Write a Brilliant CV (Super Quick Skills)

by Lucinda Becker

Having a good CV is integral for securing your perfect job. This book gives you the tools necessary to produce a persuasive CV, targeted at the relevant career and accurately reflecting your value to a potential employer. Learn how to target your CV Showcase your key skills and experience Prove your value so you're hired on the spot. Super Quick Skills provide the essential building blocks you need to succeed at university - fast. Packed with practical, positive advice on core academic and life skills, you&’ll discover focused tips and strategies to use straight away. Whether it&’s writing great essays, understanding referencing or managing your wellbeing, find out how to build good habits and progress your skills throughout your studies. Learn core skills quickly Apply right away and see results Succeed in your studies and life. Super Quick Skills give you the foundations you need to confidently navigate the ups and downs of university life.

Write a Brilliant CV (Super Quick Skills)

by Lucinda Becker

Having a good CV is integral for securing your perfect job. This book gives you the tools necessary to produce a persuasive CV, targeted at the relevant career and accurately reflecting your value to a potential employer. Learn how to target your CV Showcase your key skills and experience Prove your value so you're hired on the spot. Super Quick Skills provide the essential building blocks you need to succeed at university - fast. Packed with practical, positive advice on core academic and life skills, you&’ll discover focused tips and strategies to use straight away. Whether it&’s writing great essays, understanding referencing or managing your wellbeing, find out how to build good habits and progress your skills throughout your studies. Learn core skills quickly Apply right away and see results Succeed in your studies and life. Super Quick Skills give you the foundations you need to confidently navigate the ups and downs of university life.

Write a Brilliant CV (Super Quick Skills)

by Lucinda Becker

Having a good CV is integral for securing your perfect job. This book gives you the tools necessary to produce a persuasive CV, targeted at the relevant career and accurately reflecting your value to a potential employer. Learn how to target your CV Showcase your key skills and experience Prove your value so you're hired on the spot. Super Quick Skills provide the essential building blocks you need to succeed at university - fast. Packed with practical, positive advice on core academic and life skills, you&’ll discover focused tips and strategies to use straight away. Whether it&’s writing great essays, understanding referencing or managing your wellbeing, find out how to build good habits and progress your skills throughout your studies. Learn core skills quickly Apply right away and see results Succeed in your studies and life. Super Quick Skills give you the foundations you need to confidently navigate the ups and downs of university life.

French for Reading and Translation

by Shannon R. Becker

French for Reading and Translation is a comprehensive introduction to French grammar and vocabulary for those who want to learn to read and understand French, either to conduct academic research or to experience French literature in its original form. Rather than explaining every grammatical concept in tedious detail, the book gives easy-to-follow explanations followed by abundant examples and opportunities to see the language in use. It encourages readers to learn vocabulary by showing them how to break it down and how to recognize related words. It gives learners the opportunity to use various reading strategies as they apply this newfound knowledge to the French passages provided. An engaging guide that will help readers decode the intricacies of the French language, this is an ideal resource for graduate students and researchers consulting French sources.

French for Reading and Translation

by Shannon R. Becker

French for Reading and Translation is a comprehensive introduction to French grammar and vocabulary for those who want to learn to read and understand French, either to conduct academic research or to experience French literature in its original form. Rather than explaining every grammatical concept in tedious detail, the book gives easy-to-follow explanations followed by abundant examples and opportunities to see the language in use. It encourages readers to learn vocabulary by showing them how to break it down and how to recognize related words. It gives learners the opportunity to use various reading strategies as they apply this newfound knowledge to the French passages provided. An engaging guide that will help readers decode the intricacies of the French language, this is an ideal resource for graduate students and researchers consulting French sources.

Medienmanagement und öffentliche Kommunikation: Der Einsatz von Medien in Unternehmensführung und Marketing

by Thomas Becker

Wie setzt man Medien und Kommunikation ein, um unternehmerische Ziele zu erreichen? Das ist das Thema des Fachgebiets Medienmanagement. Im Medienmanagement unterscheidet man zwei Disziplinen: Medien und Kommunikation als Mittel der Unternehmensführung sowie Medien und Kommunikation als strategisches Instrument im Marketing. Beide Aspekte stellt das Lehrbuch Medienmanagement und öffentliche Kommunikation für Studium und Berufspraxis vor und dient damit als Kompass für die Anwendung erfolgreicher Unternehmenskommunikation.

Medienpolitische Strategien für das interaktive Fernsehen: Eine vergleichende Implementationsanalyse

by Bernd Beckert

Interaktives Fernsehen ist seit Mitte der 90er Jahre immer wieder Gegenstand medien- und regulierungspolitischer Debatten. Die konkreten Bedingungen für die Realisierung von interaktiven TV-Diensten (Enhanced TV, WebTV, t-commerce), Video on Demand und Streaming Media-Anwendungen über breitbandige Online-Plattformen wurden bisher jedoch nicht systematisch erhoben. Diese Arbeit untersucht die medienpolitischen Strategien zur Förderung des interaktiven Fernsehens in Deutschland und den USA, wie sie im Rahmen von staatlichen Programmen für die Informationsgesellschaft formuliert und umgesetzt wurden.

Public Service Broadcasting and Media Systems in Troubled European Democracies

by Charlie Beckett Eva Połońska

This book provides the most recent overview of media systems in Europe. It explores new political, economic and technological environments and the challenges they pose to democracies and informed citizens. It also examines the new illiberal environment that has quickly embraced certain European states and its impact on media systems, considering the sources and possible consequences of these challenges for media industries and media professionals. Part I examines the evolving role of public service media in a comparative study of Western, Southern and Central Europe, whilst Part II ventures into Europe’s periphery, where media continues to be utilised by the state in its quest for power. The book also provides an insight into the role of the European Union in preserving the independence and neutrality of public service media. It will be useful to students and researchers of political communication and international and comparative media, as well as democracy and populism.

Podcast or Perish: Peer Review and Knowledge Creation for the 21st Century (Bloomsbury Podcast Studies)

by Lori Beckstead Ian M. Cook Hannah McGregor

Podcasting scholarship is still in its nascent stages. The use of podcasting as a tool for scholarly and intellectual inquiry is a relatively new idea, to think about the medium as an alternative outlet for research output. Podcast or Perish maps out not simply a rationale for the deployment of podcasting as an outlet for open peer review, but also explores some real-world workflows for such a practice.At the forefront of merging these exciting fields, Lori Beckstead, Ian M. Cook, and Hannah McGregor have taken a novel approach to expanding the boundaries of scholarly knowledge by considering podcasting as a focal point for intellectual discussion, engagement, and exploration. By investigating the historical development of the norms of scholarly communication, the unique affordances of sound-based scholarship, and the transformative potential of new modes of knowledge production, Podcast or Perish is the call to action academia needs, by asking how podcasting might change the very ways we think about scholarly work.

Podcast or Perish: Peer Review and Knowledge Creation for the 21st Century (Bloomsbury Podcast Studies)

by Lori Beckstead Ian M. Cook Hannah McGregor

Podcasting scholarship is still in its nascent stages. The use of podcasting as a tool for scholarly and intellectual inquiry is a relatively new idea, to think about the medium as an alternative outlet for research output. Podcast or Perish maps out not simply a rationale for the deployment of podcasting as an outlet for open peer review, but also explores some real-world workflows for such a practice.At the forefront of merging these exciting fields, Lori Beckstead, Ian M. Cook, and Hannah McGregor have taken a novel approach to expanding the boundaries of scholarly knowledge by considering podcasting as a focal point for intellectual discussion, engagement, and exploration. By investigating the historical development of the norms of scholarly communication, the unique affordances of sound-based scholarship, and the transformative potential of new modes of knowledge production, Podcast or Perish is the call to action academia needs, by asking how podcasting might change the very ways we think about scholarly work.

You, Inc.: The Art of Selling Yourself

by Harry Beckwith Christine Clifford Beckwith

From the New York Times bestselling author of Selling the Invisible comes an insightful guide that will show you how to package and present the most important product of all: you.If you need to make a good impression on prospects, clients, or employers, then these inspiring stories, fascinating examples, and surprising tips will help you improve your life in ways you never imagined. Discover:Why life is more like high school than college - and what to do about it.Why surprising people isn't a good idea after all.How a few dollars and seconds could lead to startling success.Whether you're nearing the corner office or just starting out, these and the hundreds of other ideas in YOU, INC. will propel you even faster.

Instant Edublogs

by Jason T. Bedell

Filled with practical, step-by-step instructions and clear explanations for the most important and useful tasks. A concise guide full of step-by-step recipes to teach you how to set up and manage your blog.Instant Edublogs is aimed at educators – teachers, administrators, support specials, and paraprofessionals – who want to share their experiences and learn from others online. While some CSS and HTML skills can be helpful for understanding some of the advanced features, no specific technical knowledge is needed

Communicating Knowledge (Working Methods for Knowledge Management)

by Denise Bedford Ira Chalphin Karen Dietz Karla Phlypo

The communication of knowledge is a core concept in the field of knowledge management and an essential new role and responsibility of business managers. Knowledge capital is the primary source of wealth and the key source of productivity in the knowledge economy. Stockpiling and storing knowledge diminishes its value. It is only through circulation that our knowledge capital realizes its business value. Communicating Knowledge addresses essential management practices in the 21st-century knowledge economy. It speaks to the change that every organization is experiencing as they transition from an industrial to a knowledge organization. The COVID-19 pandemic has heightened an awareness of communications practices in the past year, with communication norms and behaviors being challenged at every level. How we communicate, when we communicate, with whom we communicate, and what we communicate is currently undergoing a global reform. Communication competencies are no longer desirable qualities in managers - they are essential. This book is intended for business managers working at all levels, knowledge management practitioners and scholars, communications professionals, practitioners, and consultants.

Communicating Knowledge (Working Methods for Knowledge Management)

by Denise Bedford Ira Chalphin Karen Dietz Karla Phlypo

The communication of knowledge is a core concept in the field of knowledge management and an essential new role and responsibility of business managers. Knowledge capital is the primary source of wealth and the key source of productivity in the knowledge economy. Stockpiling and storing knowledge diminishes its value. It is only through circulation that our knowledge capital realizes its business value. Communicating Knowledge addresses essential management practices in the 21st-century knowledge economy. It speaks to the change that every organization is experiencing as they transition from an industrial to a knowledge organization. The COVID-19 pandemic has heightened an awareness of communications practices in the past year, with communication norms and behaviors being challenged at every level. How we communicate, when we communicate, with whom we communicate, and what we communicate is currently undergoing a global reform. Communication competencies are no longer desirable qualities in managers - they are essential. This book is intended for business managers working at all levels, knowledge management practitioners and scholars, communications professionals, practitioners, and consultants.

Polish vs. American Courtroom Discourse: Inquisitorial and Adversarial Procedures of Witness Examination in Criminal Trials

by G. Bednarek

Polish vs. American Courtroom Discourse brings together the fields of discourse analysis and socio-legal studies to identify, illustrate and explain the cross-cultural similarities and disparities between the inquisitorial and adversarial procedures of witness examination in criminal trials.

The Discourse of News Values: How News Organizations Create Newsworthiness

by Monika Bednarek Helen Caple

The Discourse of News Values breaks new ground in news media research in offering the first book-length treatment of the discursive construction of news values through words and images. Monika Bednarek and Helen Caple combine in-depth theoretical discussion with detailed empirical analysis to introduce their innovative analytical framework: discursive news values analysis (DNVA). DNVA allows researchers to systematically investigate how reported events are "sold" to audiences as "news" (made newsworthy) through the semiotic resources of language and image. With an interdisciplinary and multi-methodological approach, The Discourse of News Values analyzes authentic news discourse (both language and images) from around the English-speaking world through three new case studies: one that analyzes newsworthiness around the topic of cycling/cyclists; another that analyzes news values in images disseminated by news media organizations via Facebook; and a third that focuses on news values in "most shared" news items. Introducing readers to the possibilities of both DNVA and corpus-assisted multimodal discourse analysis (CAMDA), The Discourse of News Values brings together corpus linguistics and multimodal discourse analysis in a stimulating and unique book for researchers in Linguistics, Semiotics, Critical Discourse Analysis and Media/Journalism Studies.

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