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Showing 11,676 through 11,700 of 100,000 results

Pollution, Politics and Foreign Investment in Taiwan: Lukang Rebellion

by James Reardon-Anderson

Lukang is a sleepy provincial town on the east coast of Taiwan. The Lukang "rebellion" was a series of well-organised mass demonstrations in 1986 and 1987 to block construction by the DuPont Corporation of a titanium dioxide plant nearby. If this protest had occurred just a few years earlier, no doubt it would have been crushed by a powerful government determined to promote development at any cost. If it had been a few years later, it probably would have passed unnoticed. But it came at a time just when environmental consciousness in Taiwan had reached a critical mass and as the government was introducing political reforms allowing unprecendented scope to new forms of civil action. In this atmosphere, a handful of determined, capable activists, bent on keeping a giant multinational corporation out of their "old home", focused the attention of the entire island on Lukang, raised the national consciousness about threats to the natural environment, and challenged the rules that government officials and industrial leaders in Taiwan had come to take for granted. The Lukang rebellion was one of those small events with large consequences that make for interesting and significant history.

Population Policy and Women's Rights: Transforming Reproductive Choice

by Ruth Dixon-Mueller

Global population policies are under intense scrutiny as environmental and development organizations worry about the threat of overpopulation and call for stronger measures of population control. At the same time, women's organizations in both developing and industrialized countries are intensifying their attacks on the simplistic thinking of the population controllers and the quest for a technological fix on the part of the family-planning establishment. Population Policy and Women's Rights presents a forceful argument for a more responsive approach to fertility limitation in developing countries--one that builds on women's concerns about their survival and security and strengthens women's rights. Ruth Dixon-Mueller reviews the history of the debate between feminists and the birth control movement, examines the forces affecting U.S. population policy on the domestic and international fronts, and documents the relationship between women's reproductive rights and their rights in other areas.Dixon-Mueller begins by focusing on the evolution of the political positions of the women's movement and the birth control/population control movements. She examines the relationship between different aspects of women's rights and reproductive choice in developing countries. She concludes with a proposal for a woman-centered approach to reproductive policy-making, based on promoting women's rights and protecting women's sexual and reproductive health. Written from a sociological perspective, Population Policy and Women's Rights is recommended for researchers, policy-makers, and students in the fields of population, development, women's studies, and human rights.

Post Keynesian Monetary Economics

by Rousseas

During the past five years, crises in the US savings and loan industry, commercial banks, and other financial institutions have borne out the ideas that Rousseas expressed in the first edition. His main theme stresses the role of innovation in the financial sector of the economy and its implications for control of the money supply and credit, as well as the larger issue of macroeconomic policy. He holds a Post-Keynesian view of an elastic and endogenous money supply that is largely founded on the "general liquidity thesis" of the Radcliffe Committee. Indeed, the elasticity of the credit structure is even greater than the Radcliffe Committee originally claimed. Tables and charts are revised through 1990, and the text has been revised accordingly. An expanded preface to the revised edition makes this book very relevant to contemporary problems and policy.

Post Keynesian Monetary Economics

by Rousseas

During the past five years, crises in the US savings and loan industry, commercial banks, and other financial institutions have borne out the ideas that Rousseas expressed in the first edition. His main theme stresses the role of innovation in the financial sector of the economy and its implications for control of the money supply and credit, as well as the larger issue of macroeconomic policy. He holds a Post-Keynesian view of an elastic and endogenous money supply that is largely founded on the "general liquidity thesis" of the Radcliffe Committee. Indeed, the elasticity of the credit structure is even greater than the Radcliffe Committee originally claimed. Tables and charts are revised through 1990, and the text has been revised accordingly. An expanded preface to the revised edition makes this book very relevant to contemporary problems and policy.

Postcultural Theory: Critical Theory after the Marxist Paradigm

by E. Bannet

The world of literary theory and criticism is once again at a crossroads. While much of the academy has been absorbing and institutionalizing that unstable mixture of poststructuralism, deconstruction, political critique and materialist historicism which is known as Cultural Theory, some people have been working up alternative theories. This book is about some of these less familiar Postcultural theories, and about the ways in which they challenge current thinking and open other, positive and constructive, possibilities for thought and research in the nineties.

Postsozialistische Religion: Am Beispiel der jungen Generation in den Neuen Bundesländern

by Heiner Barz

Jugend in Europa zwischen moderner und postmoderner Gesellschaft von Shmuel Noah Eisenstadt Vorwort Jugend in Europa zwischen moderner und postmoderner Gesellschaft! von Shmuel Noah Eisenstadt Die Gegenüberstellung der Jugend der ehemaligen DDR und der Westdeutschlands hat natürlich viele Dimensionen. Eine Dimension ist die, daß die Jugend in der BRD bereits durch viele postmoderne Züge gekennzeichnet war, während sie in der DDR im wesentlichen noch innerhalb des Rahmens eines bestimmten Typus von Moderni­ tät verblieb. Deshalb denke ich, daß es ganz nützlich sein könnte, die Bedeutung dieser beiden unterschiedlichen Konfigurationen ein wenig zu diskutieren. Der Ausgangspunkt meiner Überlegungen ist die Tatsache, daß, soweit ich sehe - und ich habe seit geraumer Zeit zum Thema "Jugendprobleme" nicht speziell gearbeitet, jedoch einige Literatur gelesen und die Szene ein wenig beobachtet -, innerhalb der letzten zwanzig Jahre, nach der großen Studentenrevolte der späten 60er Jahre, einige neue Tendenzen in Erscheinung getreten sind, die man altertümlich ausgedrückt als "Jugendprobleme in modemen Gesell­ schaften" bezeichnen könnte. Ein sehr interessantes Charakteristi­ kum der neuen Situation ist, daß heutzutage viel weniger über "Jugendprobleme" gesprochen wird. Es gibt verschiedene konkrete Probleme verschiedener Jugendgruppen und -bereiche: Probleme der Aus dem Englischen übersetzt von Cordula Schneider-Pungs und Heiner Barz. 11 Shmuel Noah Eisenstadt Sozialisation, des Heranwachsens, der Berufsberatung u.ä. Aber irgendwie ist die Rede über "das Jugendproblem", das ft1r geraume Zeit -sowohl in der Zwischen-Kriegs-Periode als auch nach dem 2.

Practical Data Security (Routledge Revivals)

by John Gordon

First published in 1993, this volume emerged in response to the genesis of the Internet and provides early considerations on issues including computer viruses, cyber security and network encryption management, with a particular focus on applying risk analysis to the data security of financial institutions. With the stage set by the UK Data Protection Act of 1984 and the Computer Misuse Act of 1990, this volume provides a series of useful contributions for large companies and home PCs and provides a clear introduction setting out the context and the relevant terminology.

Practical Data Security (Routledge Revivals)

by John Gordon

First published in 1993, this volume emerged in response to the genesis of the Internet and provides early considerations on issues including computer viruses, cyber security and network encryption management, with a particular focus on applying risk analysis to the data security of financial institutions. With the stage set by the UK Data Protection Act of 1984 and the Computer Misuse Act of 1990, this volume provides a series of useful contributions for large companies and home PCs and provides a clear introduction setting out the context and the relevant terminology.

Practice Issues in Sexuality and Learning Disabilities

by Ann Craft

Practice Issues in Sexuality and Learning Disabilities explores the sexual behaviour of people with learning difficulties and addresses issues of concern such as sexual abuse, HIV and AIDS, service provision for those from ethnic minorities, the development of policy guidelines and the implementation of such guidelines in this intensely personal area. Ann Craft draws upon professional expertise from a broad range of backgrounds including social work, psychology, and medicine. She offers practical ideas and suggestions for service responses which acknowledge and respect the right of people with learning disabilities to express their sexuality in ways that are valued by other members of their society. Practice Issues in Sexuality and Learning Disabilities will be of interest to all whose work or relationship brings them into contact with people with learning disabilities - professionals, carers, parents, advocates. It will be invaluable to social workers, practitioners in social work and health, trainees, training officers and voluntary organizations.

Practice Issues in Sexuality and Learning Disabilities

by Ann Craft

Practice Issues in Sexuality and Learning Disabilities explores the sexual behaviour of people with learning difficulties and addresses issues of concern such as sexual abuse, HIV and AIDS, service provision for those from ethnic minorities, the development of policy guidelines and the implementation of such guidelines in this intensely personal area. Ann Craft draws upon professional expertise from a broad range of backgrounds including social work, psychology, and medicine. She offers practical ideas and suggestions for service responses which acknowledge and respect the right of people with learning disabilities to express their sexuality in ways that are valued by other members of their society. Practice Issues in Sexuality and Learning Disabilities will be of interest to all whose work or relationship brings them into contact with people with learning disabilities - professionals, carers, parents, advocates. It will be invaluable to social workers, practitioners in social work and health, trainees, training officers and voluntary organizations.

Practising Social Work

by Christopher Hanvey Terry Philpot

Practicing Social Workprovides a systematic exploratiuon of ar ange of social work approaches. Each chapter focuses on a single theme and explains the practice implications of a particular method.

Practising Social Work

by Christopher Hanvey Terry Philpot

Practicing Social Workprovides a systematic exploratiuon of ar ange of social work approaches. Each chapter focuses on a single theme and explains the practice implications of a particular method.

Pragmatism and Social Theory

by Hans Joas

Rising concerns among scholars about the intellectual and cultural foundations of democracy have led to a revival of interest in the American philosophical tradition of pragmatism. In this book, Hans Joas shows how pragmatism can link divergent intellectual efforts to understand the social contexts of human knowledge, individual freedom, and democratic culture. Along with pragmatism's impact on American sociology and social research from 1895 to the 1940s, Joas traces its reception by French and German traditions during this century. He explores the influences of pragmatism—often misunderstood—on Emile Durkheim's sociology of knowledge, and on German thought, with particularly enlightening references to its appropriation by Nazism and its rejection by neo-Marxism. He also explores new currents of social theory in the work of Habermas, Castoriadis, Giddens, and Alexander, fashioning a bridge between Continental thought, American philosophy, and contemporary sociology; he shows how the misapprehension and neglect of pragmatism has led to systematic deficiencies in contemporary social theory. From this skillful historical and theoretical analysis, Joas creates a powerful case for the enduring legacy of Peirce, James, Dewey, and Mead for social theorists today.

Präventive Frauenförderung bei technisch-organisatorischen Veränderungen: Weiterbildung · Personaleinsatz · Arbeitsgestaltung (Sozialverträgliche Technikgestaltung, Materialien und Berichte)

by Bärbel Meschkutat Bernd Tenbensel

Technisch-organisatorische Innovationen in Betrieben verändern die Aufgabenteilung und damit auch das Geschlechterverhältnis. Anhand betrieblicher Fallbeispiele aus dem Verwaltungs- und Dienstleistungsbereich wird erkennbar, daß mit betrieblichen Reorganisationsprozessen verbesserte berufliche Entwicklungsperspektiven für Frauen verbunden sein können. In der Realität kommt es jedoch häufig zu einer Neuauflage alter, Frauen benachteiligender Arbeitsstrukturen. Die AutorInnen entkräften den Mythos einer geschlechtsneutralen Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung. Sie zeigen, daß präventive Frauenfördermaßnahmen hier ansetzen müssen, wenn sie erfolgreich zum Abbau geschlechtshierarchischer Arbeitsteilung im Betrieb beitragen sollen.

Prehistoric Human Bone: Archaeology at the Molecular Level

by GiselaGrupe Joseph B. Lambert

Locked up within human bone are tantalizing clues concerning the diets consumed by ancient peoples. On the one hand the amounts of certain elementsin bone (strontium, zinc) serve as measures of protein, fiber, and calcium intake. On the other hand, the ratios of carbon isotopes and of nitrogen isotopes provide information on questions of fish vs. meat, herbivore vs. carnivore, or (for animals) browser (shrubs) vs. grazer (grasses). Such information can provide a window on many aspects of prehistoric cultures and can supplement the nonskeletal archaeological record. In addition to these two approaches, the biochemical record in bone from protein and nucleic acids such as DNA serves as a source of nondietary information such as genetic relationships. This volume treats all three subjects.: elemental, isotopic, and biochemical. The foremost experts in the areas provide fundamental descriptions of the techniques, express their concerns over the limitations of the methods, and describe recent applications to archaeological studies.

Pricing and Growth: Neo-Ricardian Approach

by Stanley Bober

This monograph introduces the student to the neo-Ricardian paradigm in economics. It restores the core of economic reasoning to its classical roots with a focus on production and class distribution, rather than the optimum allocation of scarce resources. As in the neo-Ricardian tradition, the book integrates value theory with growth theory and shows how the accumulation of capital (with its impact on growth and employment) is intertwined with price determination and income distribution. In this perspective, the price setting mechanism is presented within the framework of the "megacorp" world. This leads the author to macroeconomics, the determination of the aggregate price level, and aggregate output. The book discusses basic growth models, savings, and the mechanics of income distribution. The student should be able to gain an understanding of the challenges to contemporary neoclassical economics now taking place. The book is appropriate for courses in price theory and national income.

Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work 13–17 September 1993, Milan, Italy ECSCW ’93

by Giorgio De Michelis Carla Simone K. Schmidt

Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) is an interdisicplinary research area devoted to exploring the issues of designing computer-based systems that enhance the abilities of cooperating workers to coordinate and integrate their activities in an efficient, effective, and flexible manner. This rigorously selected volume represents both practical and theoretical approaches from many of the leading researchers in the field. As an interdisciplinary area of research, CSCW is characterized by bringing together widely disparate research traditions and perspectives into an arena of collaboration and contention. The selected papers reflect the diverse approaches and cultures of this multi-disciplinary field. This collection will be of interest to a wide audience - because of the huge practical import of the issues and because of the interdisciplinary nature of the problems and the solutions proposed. In particular, the volume will be of interest to researchers and professionals in computing, sociology, cognitive science, and human factors.

Produktive Arbeitsorganisation: Handbuch für die Betriebspraxis (Sozialverträgliche Technikgestaltung, Materialien und Berichte)

by Josef Strötgen

Der Einzug der Mikroelektronik in die Fertigung bietet weit mehr Optionen zur Gestaltung betrieblicher Organisation, als dies mit konventioneller Technik möglich war. Damit können viele Flexibilitätsprobleme von Betrieben durch neue Organisationsformen der Arbeit gelöst werden. Bei schrumpfenden Produktlebenszeiten, sinkenden Seriengrößen sowie Mitarbeitern, die erhöhte Ansprüche an ihre Arbeit stellen, liegt es im Interesse des Betriebes und der Mitarbeiter, alle Möglichkeiten zu nutzen, die die moderne Elektronik zur Gestaltung von Organisationsformen bietet.Das vorliegende Handbuch ist ein Bildungsbaustein, der in Kursen für Führungskräfte eingesetzt werden kann. Er soll zumindest eine erste Sensibilisierung für Möglichkeiten und Effekte moderner Arbeitsorganisation beim Einsatz der Techniken erreichen.

Professional Law Enforcement Codes: A Documentary Collection

by John Kleinig Yurong Zhang

Although law enforcement codes have a history that parallels most other recent occupational and professional codes, they have been almost completely ignored in the literature of occupational and professional ethics. This volume fills that gap and offers teachers in criminal justice ethics and law enforcement practitioners a rich selection of materials that have emerged in the course of law enforcement professionalization. The book's historical and international orientation reveals something of the development and variety of code formation. A detailed introduction covers the role of codes in professional life as well as the purposes, problems, and value of ethical codes. The substantial bibliography offers students and scholars of professional ethics a unique resource for further research.

Psychoanalysen, die ihre Zeit brauchen: Zwölf klinische Darstellungen

by Heinz Henseler Peter Wegner

Wieviel Zeit brauchen Psychoanalysen? Dieser Frage sind zwölf Behandlungsberichte gewidmet, die auf lebendige und auch für den Laien nachvollziehbare Weise zeigen, durch welche tiefgreifenden und beunruhigenden Konflikte der therapeutische Prozeß in psychoanalytischen Behandlungen führen kann und welche Resultate möglich sind. Die klinischen Darstellungen bieten einen Einblick in die psychoanalytische Praxis, wie er in dieser Form und Dichte in der Literatur bisher nicht vorliegt. Der Band ist ein Plädoyer für eine individuelle Indikationsstellung und belegt die Notwendigkeit, Zweckmäßigkeit und Wirtschaftlichkeit auch langdauernder und hochfrequenter analytischer Psychotherapien."(...) Das vorliegende Buch ist ein gelungener Versuch, die Arbeit des Analytikers nicht nur transparenter zu machen, sondern auch genuine psychoanalytische Arbeit vorzustellen und zugleich aufzuzeigen, daß allein die klinische Darstellung dem Gegenstand gerecht werden kann. (...)"Psyche 11/93

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