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Showing 10,551 through 10,575 of 100,000 results

Global Climate Change: Linking Energy, Environment, Economy and Equity (Environmental Science Research #45)

by William R. Wagner Carole N. Beal

Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Conference of the Air Resources Information Clearinghouse held in Washington, D.C., December 5-6, 1991

Globalization: Social Theory and Global Culture (PDF)

by Professor Roland Robertson

A stimulating appraisal of a crucial contemporary theme, this comprehensive analysis of globalizaton offers a distinctively cultural perspective on the social theory of the contemporary world. This perspective considers the world as a whole, going beyond conventional distinctions between the global and the local and between the universal and the particular. Its cultural approach emphasizes the political and economic significance of shifting conceptions of, and forms of participation in, an increasingly compressed world. At the same time the book shows why culture has become a globally contested issue - why, for example, competing conceptions of 'world order' have political and economic consequences.

The Golden Boy

by Robert Hatch

This is the first autobiography to be published by The Haworth Press.This is the first autobiography to be published by Harrington Park Press.The place is New York City. The time is the decade before the plague of AIDS. Thousands of gay men were living a free-wheeling lifestyle of club hopping, “score” hunting, sex without fear, and upward mobility. To none did The Big Apple offer greater rewards than to those young men who had the envied “male model” look.Author James Melson belonged to this exclusive clique: he was tall, blond, muscular, and very “straight looking.” He was a model at 19, and by 25, was a highly successful Wall Street banker. His good looks offered him immediate entry into exclusive clubs and onto the sexual fast track with actors, male models, and other members of the “Clique.”The author brings you behind the scenes into the lifestyle of the handsome “Clique”--providing details of the vigorous and entertaining excitement of the times. He exposes--for one of the few times in print--the lesser-known attitudes of the “Clique” and their disdain for “ugly faggots,” their obsession with strictly the chic and glamorous, and the fast lane life of partying and sex.For 200 pages, the reader is brought back to the era that for many older readers is just a memory, and for younger readers a time they never knew--when to be a “Golden Boy” was to be a prince, and sex was only fun and games.The Golden Boy autobiography ends when the author is diagnosed with AIDS, abandoned by a lover and friends, and left to look back on his life with a growing perspective.The role of “good looks” and people with AIDS is rarely talked about, particularly by gay survivors whose lesser appeal was once perhaps a curse but then ultimately their saving grace. This is not just another AIDS autobiography but a document dealing indirectly with this fact of life. The autobiography is introduced by Larry Mass, MD, an internationally recognized social historian/physician who examines the “Culture of Narcissism” in that era. Arnie Kantrowitz then presents an astonishingly frank and perhaps shocking Epilogue which will have many readers wanting to re-read the book.

The Golden Boy

by Robert Hatch

This is the first autobiography to be published by The Haworth Press.This is the first autobiography to be published by Harrington Park Press.The place is New York City. The time is the decade before the plague of AIDS. Thousands of gay men were living a free-wheeling lifestyle of club hopping, “score” hunting, sex without fear, and upward mobility. To none did The Big Apple offer greater rewards than to those young men who had the envied “male model” look.Author James Melson belonged to this exclusive clique: he was tall, blond, muscular, and very “straight looking.” He was a model at 19, and by 25, was a highly successful Wall Street banker. His good looks offered him immediate entry into exclusive clubs and onto the sexual fast track with actors, male models, and other members of the “Clique.”The author brings you behind the scenes into the lifestyle of the handsome “Clique”--providing details of the vigorous and entertaining excitement of the times. He exposes--for one of the few times in print--the lesser-known attitudes of the “Clique” and their disdain for “ugly faggots,” their obsession with strictly the chic and glamorous, and the fast lane life of partying and sex.For 200 pages, the reader is brought back to the era that for many older readers is just a memory, and for younger readers a time they never knew--when to be a “Golden Boy” was to be a prince, and sex was only fun and games.The Golden Boy autobiography ends when the author is diagnosed with AIDS, abandoned by a lover and friends, and left to look back on his life with a growing perspective.The role of “good looks” and people with AIDS is rarely talked about, particularly by gay survivors whose lesser appeal was once perhaps a curse but then ultimately their saving grace. This is not just another AIDS autobiography but a document dealing indirectly with this fact of life. The autobiography is introduced by Larry Mass, MD, an internationally recognized social historian/physician who examines the “Culture of Narcissism” in that era. Arnie Kantrowitz then presents an astonishingly frank and perhaps shocking Epilogue which will have many readers wanting to re-read the book.

Gordon McLendon: The Maverick of Radio (Contributions to the Study of Mass Media and Communications)

by Ronald Garay

Students and others interested in radio history will be intrigued by this fast-paced biography of Gordon McLendon's career in the radio industry, touching also on his work in motion pictures and involvement in Texas politics.Following a glimpse into his childhood, education, and military career, Ronald Garay describes McLendon's station ownership and management in Palestine, Texas; the development of a major network, the Liberty Broadcasting System; his live and recreated baseball and football programs; and his skirmishes with the major league baseball establishment. Much attention is given to how McLendon re-invented radio and competed with television and print media through his Top 40 music hits, disc jockey programming, and the use of local news. Important concerns regarding station trafficking, editorializing, and public interests are considered as well in this extraordinary book.


by Allan Brown

This highly successful book on groupwork practice, first published in 1979, has become a standard introductory text on most social work training courses. It is very popular with social workers, whatever their agency setting, and is also used by health visitors, youth workers and the voluntary sector. This new enlarged and revised third edition includes two new additional chapters. The first of these addresses the issue of groupwork in day and residential centres where special kinds of group skills are required in addition to those already well established for fieldwork groups. The second new chapter attempts to understand the significance of race and gender in groupwork and to begin to develop a framework for anti-discriminatory practice. All key sections from previous editions have been retained and updated, while those on group composition, open groups, co-working and consultation have been extended and revised to give more comprehensive coverage. The bibliography has also been developed to include the most recent additions to the groupwork literature, including many articles from the journal Groupwork for which Allan Brown is co-editor.


by Allan Brown

This highly successful book on groupwork practice, first published in 1979, has become a standard introductory text on most social work training courses. It is very popular with social workers, whatever their agency setting, and is also used by health visitors, youth workers and the voluntary sector. This new enlarged and revised third edition includes two new additional chapters. The first of these addresses the issue of groupwork in day and residential centres where special kinds of group skills are required in addition to those already well established for fieldwork groups. The second new chapter attempts to understand the significance of race and gender in groupwork and to begin to develop a framework for anti-discriminatory practice. All key sections from previous editions have been retained and updated, while those on group composition, open groups, co-working and consultation have been extended and revised to give more comprehensive coverage. The bibliography has also been developed to include the most recent additions to the groupwork literature, including many articles from the journal Groupwork for which Allan Brown is co-editor.


by Allan Brown

This highly successful book on groupwork practice, first published in 1979, has become a standard introductory text on most social work training courses. It is very popular with social workers, whatever their agency setting, and is also used by health visitors, youth workers and the voluntary sector. This new enlarged and revised third edition includes two new additional chapters. The first of these addresses the issue of groupwork in day and residential centres where special kinds of group skills are required in addition to those already well established for fieldwork groups. The second new chapter attempts to understand the significance of race and gender in groupwork and to begin to develop a framework for anti-discriminatory practice. All key sections from previous editions have been retained and updated, while those on group composition, open groups, co-working and consultation have been extended and revised to give more comprehensive coverage. The bibliography has also been developed to include the most recent additions to the groupwork literature, including many articles from the journal Groupwork for which Allan Brown is co-editor.

Groupwork (PDF)

by Allan Brown

This highly successful book on groupwork practice, first published in 1979, has become a standard introductory text on most social work training courses. It is very popular with social workers, whatever their agency setting, and is also used by health visitors, youth workers and the voluntary sector. This new enlarged and revised third edition includes two new additional chapters. The first of these addresses the issue of groupwork in day and residential centres where special kinds of group skills are required in addition to those already well established for fieldwork groups. The second new chapter attempts to understand the significance of race and gender in groupwork and to begin to develop a framework for anti-discriminatory practice. All key sections from previous editions have been retained and updated, while those on group composition, open groups, co-working and consultation have been extended and revised to give more comprehensive coverage. The bibliography has also been developed to include the most recent additions to the groupwork literature, including many articles from the journal Groupwork for which Allan Brown is co-editor.

Grundbegriffe der Soziologie (Uni-Taschenbücher)

by Hermann L. Gukenbiehl

Die Grundbegriffe der Soziologie sollen eine verläßliche Orientie­ rung und Einführung in jene Wissenschaft bieten, die für das Ver­ ständnis sozialer und gesellschaftlicher Strukturen unabdingbar ist. Neben seiner Hauptfunktion als Nachschlagewerk soll das Lexi­ kon eine mögliche Einführung in die Soziologie sein. Darum wurde auf Allgemeinverständlichkeit großes Gewicht gelegt, wenngleich die notwendige Kürze der Artikel diesem Ziel Grenzen setzt. Bei den Erläuterungen zu den einzelnen Begriffen hatten inhaltliche Aussa­ gen über den jeweiligen sozialen Tatbestand und sozialgeschichtliche Zusammenhänge Vorrang gegenüber , , binnen-soziologischen" Kon­ troversen. Durch ein Verfahren wechselseitiger Kritik an den 142 Artikeln von 31 Autoren wurde versucht, über Inhalte und "Gewichtungen" breiten Konsens zu erzielen. Gleichwohl spiegeln die Grundbegriffe keine einheitliche Lehrmeinung wider. Wichtiger als Einheitlichkeit ist für Herausgeber und Mitarbeiter, daß der Stand der Forschung, die Breite soziologischer Perspektiven und damit die Komplexität so­ zialer Tatbestände deutlich werden. Wir sind der Überzeugung, daß einige der vorgelegten Begriffserklärungen für das Fach einen wich­ tigen Stellenwert haben; hervorgehoben seien nur die Artikel von Prof. Dr. Dr. H.c. Norbert Elias, der grundlegende Begriffe seiner Soziologie (Figuration, soziale Prozesse, Zivilisation) für die Grundbegriffe erstmalig lexikonartig zusammenfaßt.

Hahalis and the Labour of Love: A Social Movement on Buka Island

by Eleanor Rimoldi Max Rimoldi

This book studies the Hahalis Welfare Society, a Bougainville movement which worked for many years to maintain and reform traditional practices and to retain a degree of autonomy in a world of rapid political change and economic dependency. The first extended ethnography of Buka published in nearly sixty years, this book will be of particular interest to Melanesian specialists.

Hahalis and the Labour of Love: A Social Movement on Buka Island (Explorations In Anthropology Ser.)

by Eleanor Rimoldi Max Rimoldi

This book studies the Hahalis Welfare Society, a Bougainville movement which worked for many years to maintain and reform traditional practices and to retain a degree of autonomy in a world of rapid political change and economic dependency. The first extended ethnography of Buka published in nearly sixty years, this book will be of particular interest to Melanesian specialists.

Handbook of Mental Health and Aging

by Gene D. Cohen Nancy R. Hooyman James E. Birren Donna E. Deutchman R. Bruce Sloane Barry D. Lebowitz May Wykle

This book is a thorough revision of one of the most comprehensive reference volumes for persons working in the area of aging and mental health. The thrust of the work is interdisciplinary, and discusses research on both clinical and practical issues in aging and mental health.The multidisciplinary nature of this book and the inclusion of subject matter from the professional as well as research realm result in a level of comprehensiveness which is distinct in the field of mental health and agingEach chapter contains a comprehensive bibliography, the compilation of which represents a definitive reference source in the fieldThe chapters review state-of-the-art research in the biological, behavioral, and social sciences and represent the cutting-edge of current practice in psychiatry, neurology, social work, nursing, psychology, and pharmacology, among other professionsThe compilation of prevalence data is a much-needed addition to the current literatureThe multidisciplinary nature of this book and the inclusion of both clinical and practical issues makes the book distinctively comprehensive

Handbook of Social Services for Asian and Pacific Islanders

by Noreen Mokuau

This handbook emphasizes culturally sensitive social services for Asian and Pacific Islanders. It integrates conceptual information with concrete, hands-on application of skills. The book is divided into three parts: (1) the nature and scope of social services for Asian and Pacific Islanders (2) Asian and Pacific Islander populations and (3) special issues and problems.The first section establishes a foundation for culturally sensitive practice through an overview of all Asian and Pacific Islander groups. It presents a framework for appropriate intervention with these populations and details the interface of western and eastern psychologies. Section two specifically focuses on seven of the largest Asian and Pacific Islander populations in the United States: the three largest Asian American groups (Chinese, Filipino, and Japanese); the three largest Pacific Islander groups (native Hawaiians, Samoans, and Chamorros); and the newest refugee group (Vietnamese). The contributors provide in-depth information on topics critical to culturally sensitive practice such as history, sociodemographic description, values and behavioral norms, and profiles of social and psychological problems, then discuss appropriate social service intervention. Finally, section three addresses special problems and issues confronting Asian and Pacific Islanders in contemporary society such as family violence, aging, and social literacy. It is projected that in the year 2030, one of every three Americans will be a person of color. It is essential that social and human service educators and providers begin to examine critically those components that constitute culturally sensitive practice for a historically neglected population. This book will be an essential part of that process.

Handbuch der Jugendforschung

by Heinz-Hermann Krüger

Handwerk und Computer: Probleme und Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten im betrieblichen Innovationsprozeß (Sozialverträgliche Technikgestaltung, Hauptreihe)

by Erwin Single

Auch im Handwerk kommen zunehmend computergestützte Technologien zum Einsatz. In erster Linie handelt es sich dabei um EDV-Systeme im Büro, CAD-Systeme und CNC-Maschinen. Diese technischen Innovationen und die damit im Zusammenhang stehenden organisatorischen und qualifikatorischen Veränderungen zu bewältigen, stellt für alle Beteiligten eine große Herausforderung dar. Diese Studie untersucht Strukturmerkmale und Verlauf EDV-bezogener Innovationen sowie ihre Auswirkungen auf Arbeitsbedingungen und Qualifikationsanforderungen. Empirische Basis sind betriebliche Fallstudien bei Elektro- und Sanitärinstallateuren sowie im handwerklichen Maschinen- und Werkzeugbau, ferner außerbetriebliche Expertengespräche u. a. bei Handwerkskammern, Fachverbänden, Gewerkschaften und EDV-Anbietern.

Health and Performance: Health and Performance

by A. R. Smith D. M. Jones

This second volume of Handbook of Human Performance covers issues in the biochemical domain. Commentaries by leading authorities point to significant advances of understanding in the relationship between health and performance. This volume cover nutrition, habitual substance use (such as alcohol and smoking), prescribed psychotic drugs, and viral illness-flu to AIDS. ur

Health Care Systems And Their Patients: An International Perspective

by Marilynn M. Rosenthal Marcel Frenkel

This book provides an examination of the American health care system, a benchmark for cost-containment efforts, exploring two worlds: that of cost containment and that of the patient experience. It emphasises on the quality of care as perceived by the individual patient.

Health Care Systems And Their Patients: An International Perspective

by Marilynn M. Rosenthal

This book provides an examination of the American health care system, a benchmark for cost-containment efforts, exploring two worlds: that of cost containment and that of the patient experience. It emphasises on the quality of care as perceived by the individual patient.

Health, Disease and Healing in Medieval Culture

by Sheila Campbell Bert Hall David Klausner

This volume of studies seeks an anthropological view of medicine and the healing arts as they were situated within the lives of medieval people. Miracle cures and charms as well as drugs and surgery fall within the scope of the authors represented here, as does advice about diet and regimen. As well, the volume looks at wellness and illness in broad contexts, avoiding the tendency of modern medicine to focus on the isolation and definition of pathological states.

Health Policy And The Hispanic

by Antonio Furino

Exploring the many dimensions of Hispanic health issues, this book updates interested readers with recent information and offers a view of the depth, scope, and complementarity of the challenges of providing adequate health care. Accordingly, the book is organized in four sections addressing, first, the conceptual, institutional, and policy elements of the problems and their solutions; second, the clinical evidence about diseases for which Hispanics are disproportionally at risk; third, social and economic factors that have an impact on the health status of Hispanics; and, fourth, future policy options that could improve the health conditions of this increasingly large and underserved group of Americans. While clarifying the issues, the book documents the importance of seeking solutions to Hispanic health problems with determination and haste. Hispanics will soon represent the largest minority in American society. And, 20 million people with Latin American and Spanish origins contribute a large, youthful, and potentially very productive group of workers to our aging labor force. Finally, in searching for solutions to Hispanic health challenges, we learn that in order to improve the health of all Americans, while containing costs, it is necessary to address, proactively, the special needs of our culturally diverse society.

Health Policy And The Hispanic

by Antonio Furino

Exploring the many dimensions of Hispanic health issues, this book updates interested readers with recent information and offers a view of the depth, scope, and complementarity of the challenges of providing adequate health care. Accordingly, the book is organized in four sections addressing, first, the conceptual, institutional, and policy elements of the problems and their solutions; second, the clinical evidence about diseases for which Hispanics are disproportionally at risk; third, social and economic factors that have an impact on the health status of Hispanics; and, fourth, future policy options that could improve the health conditions of this increasingly large and underserved group of Americans. While clarifying the issues, the book documents the importance of seeking solutions to Hispanic health problems with determination and haste. Hispanics will soon represent the largest minority in American society. And, 20 million people with Latin American and Spanish origins contribute a large, youthful, and potentially very productive group of workers to our aging labor force. Finally, in searching for solutions to Hispanic health challenges, we learn that in order to improve the health of all Americans, while containing costs, it is necessary to address, proactively, the special needs of our culturally diverse society.

Health Policy/spec Sale/avail Hard Only

by Antonio Furino

Exploring the many dimensions of Hispanic health issues, this book updates interested readers with recent information and offers a view of the depth, scope, and complementarity of the challenges of providing adequate health care. Accordingly, the book is organized in four sections addressing, first, the conceptual, institutional, and policy element

Health Policy/spec Sale/avail Hard Only

by Antonio Furino

Exploring the many dimensions of Hispanic health issues, this book updates interested readers with recent information and offers a view of the depth, scope, and complementarity of the challenges of providing adequate health care. Accordingly, the book is organized in four sections addressing, first, the conceptual, institutional, and policy element

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