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AI-Driven Cybersecurity and Threat Intelligence: Cyber Automation, Intelligent Decision-Making and Explainability

by Iqbal H. Sarker

This book explores the dynamics of how AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology intersects with cybersecurity challenges and threat intelligence as they evolve. Integrating AI into cybersecurity not only offers enhanced defense mechanisms, but this book introduces a paradigm shift illustrating how one conceptualize, detect and mitigate cyber threats. An in-depth exploration of AI-driven solutions is presented, including machine learning algorithms, data science modeling, generative AI modeling, threat intelligence frameworks and Explainable AI (XAI) models. As a roadmap or comprehensive guide to leveraging AI/XAI to defend digital ecosystems against evolving cyber threats, this book provides insights, modeling, real-world applications and research issues. Throughout this journey, the authors discover innovation, challenges, and opportunities. It provides a holistic perspective on the transformative role of AI in securing the digital world.Overall, the useof AI can transform the way one detects, responds and defends against threats, by enabling proactive threat detection, rapid response and adaptive defense mechanisms. AI-driven cybersecurity systems excel at analyzing vast datasets rapidly, identifying patterns that indicate malicious activities, detecting threats in real time as well as conducting predictive analytics for proactive solution. Moreover, AI enhances the ability to detect anomalies, predict potential threats, and respond swiftly, preventing risks from escalated. As cyber threats become increasingly diverse and relentless, incorporating AI/XAI into cybersecurity is not just a choice, but a necessity for improving resilience and staying ahead of ever-changing threats. This book targets advanced-level students in computer science as a secondary textbook. Researchers and industry professionals working in various areas, such as Cyber AI, Explainable and Responsible AI, Human-AI Collaboration, Automation and Intelligent Systems, Adaptive and Robust Security Systems, Cybersecurity Data Science and Data-Driven Decision Making will also find this book useful as reference book.

Trends and Applications in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: PAKDD 2024 Workshops, RAFDA and IWTA, Taipei, Taiwan, May 7–10, 2024, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14658)

by Zhaoxia Wang Chang Wei Tan

This book constitutes the workshops that have been held in conjunction with the 27th Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, PAKDD 2023, which took place in Osaka, Japan, during May 25–28, 2023. For RAFDA 2024, Workshop on Research and Applications of Foundation Models for Data Mining and Affective Computing, 15 submissions have been received and 9 full papers have been accepted for publication. For IWTA 2024, International Workshop on Temporal Analytics, 4 full papers have been accepted from a total of 6 submissions.

Mathematik für die Informatik: Grundlegende Begriffe, Strukturen und Anwendungen

by Rudolf Berghammer

Mathematik für die Informatik: Dieses Buch bringt Ihnen die Grundlagen beiDieses Lehrbuch bietet eine Einführung in die grundlegenden Begriffe und Strukturen der Mathematik, welche am Anfang eines Informatikstudiums relevant sind. Weiterhin demonstriert es Anwendungen von mathematischen Konzepten und Methoden in der Informatik. Diese betreffen insbesondere formale Methoden der Programmverifikation und -entwicklung und den Entwurf von generischen Programmen. Ein spezielles Konzept mit einer leicht verständlichen Vermittlung des Stoffs, vielen Beispielen mit Rückgriffen auf die Schulmathematik und detaillierten Beweisen (verbunden mit der Erklärung des logischen Hintergrunds) erleichtert den Einstieg in die Mathematik an einer wissenschaftlichen Hochschule. Dadurch werden die Studierenden auch auf spätere Begriffe und tiefergehende Anwendungen der Mathematik in der Informatik gut vorbereitet. Die 5. Auflage erweitert den Inhalt um die Grundlagen der linearen Algebra. Die Übungsaufgaben zu den einzelnen Kapitel helfen, das Erlernte zu festigen und zu kontrollieren. Zahlreiche Lösungsvorschläge am Ende des Buchs ermöglichen die Überprüfung der eigenen Lösungen.Der InhaltMengentheoretische Grundlagen • Logische Grundlagen • Allgemeine direkte Produkte und Datenstrukturen • Mathematische Beweise • Spezifikation und Programmverifikation • Spezielle Funktionen • Spezielle Relationen und gerichtete Graphen • Elementare Kombinatorik und ungerichtete Graphen • Diskrete Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie • Generische Programmierung • Grundbegriffe algebraischer Strukturen • Formale Einführung der natürlichen Zahlen - Grundbegriffe der linearen AlgebraMit diesem Buch gelingt der Einstieg ins Informatik-StudiumMit diesem Buch schaffen Sie eine solide Basis für die Mathematikausbildung im Rahmen desInformatikstudiums. Zudem sind Sie durch die vorgestellten Problemstellungen in der Lage, selbstständig mathematische Konzepte und Methoden anzuwenden. Zielgruppen dieses Buchs über Mathematik in der Informatik sind Bachelor-Studierende in den ersten Studiensemestern folgender Fachbereiche:InformatikMathematikIngenieurwissenschaften

Econometric Analysis of Regional Economy

by Sachiyo Asahi

This book provides readers with an analysis of econometric methods using statistical information to examine actual aspects of Japan's regional economy. Beginning with ways of ascertaining the economy of a region's production factors, the book describes methods for creating new data using various regional statistical data that link regions within prefectures.The topics addressed here are some of the most pressing issues in Japan's regional economy. These include economic ripple effects due to social capital and public investment, economic evaluation of the environment for sustainable growth, the impacts of overtourism congestion phenomenon, and the measurement of the total fertility rate of female employees in industry.The book provides a way to comprehend the actual conditions of Japan's regions and the level of regional economic sectoral effects and regional externalities—an analytical method to obtain the information required for policy making. Combining socially related fields on a wide range of issues in Japan’s regional economy, the detailed studies are aimed especially at researchers and policymakers working on econometric analysis research based on economic theory.

Nonlinear Second Order Elliptic Equations

by Mingxin Wang Peter Y. Pang

This book focuses on the following three topics in the theory of boundary value problems of nonlinear second order elliptic partial differential equations and systems: (i) eigenvalue problem, (ii) upper and lower solutions method, (iii) topological degree method, and deals with the existence of solutions, more specifically non-constant positive solutions, as well as the uniqueness, stability and asymptotic behavior of such solutions.While not all-encompassing, these topics represent major approaches to the theory of partial differential equations and systems, and should be of significant interest to graduate students and researchers. Two appendices have been included to provide a good gauge of the prerequisites for this book and make it reasonably self-contained.A notable strength of the book is that it contains a large number of substantial examples. Exercises for the reader are also included. Therefore, this book is suitable as a textbook for graduate students who havealready had an introductory course on PDE and some familiarity with functional analysis and nonlinear functional analysis, and as a reference for researchers.

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) GoldenGate: Real-world Examples

by Y V Ravi Kumar Raghavendra S Ankur Goel

This book focuses on the utilization of GoldenGate Services (GGS) in conjunction with a microservices architecture on the Oracle cloud (OCI), primarily for data migration and integration across various data sources and targets.The book begins with a practical example of utilizing GGS on a Marketplace VM, progressively advancing to in-depth discussions on implementing GoldenGate as a Service on OCI. The book offers illustrative guides for data replication between RDBMSs (such as Oracle, Postgres, and big data targets such as Kafka). Additionally, it explores monitoring techniques using Enterprise Manager and Grafana dashboards. A comparative analysis is presented between traditional VM-based GoldenGate installations and the OCI service model. Special attention is given to Zero Downtime Migration (ZDM) and leveraging GGS for database migration from on-premises to OCI. Some chapters address multi-cloud replication using OCI GGS and include real-life case studies.By the end of this book you will have gained comprehensive insights into the architectural design of GoldenGate Services and will be adept at replicating data using GGS, enabling you to replicate setups in your own environments.What You Will LearnSet up GoldenGate Services for high availability (HA), disaster recovery (DR), migration of data to cloud, and moving data into the data lake or lakehousePerform logical migration of data to the cloud using the ZDM tool (ZDM uses GoldenGate internally).Replicate data to big data targetsMonitor GGS using Enterprise Manager and GrafanaReplicate data in a multi-cloud environment Who This Book Is ForOracle database administrators who want to replicate data or use Oracle GoldenGate Services for migration and setup of high availability (HA) and disaster recovery (DR); and data engineers who want tobuild the data warehouse, data lake, data lakehouse to push data in near real-time

Digital Transformation: Technology, Tools, and Studies (Intelligent Systems Reference Library #253)

by Lucian-Ionel Cioca Larisa Ivascu Florin Gheorghe Filip Banciu Doina

This book presents a multidisciplinary approach to digital transformation process of organizational transformation, offering support throughout the implementation process to all those interested. The digital transformation (DT) is a priority for many companies in the context of technological evolution. The use of appropriate tools, methodologies, methods, approaches, and techniques for DT, depending on the organizational characteristics, can contribute to a complete approach to organizational processes and to their efficiency. Digital transformation involves the adoption and use of new digital technologies to develop new products and services, modify existing ones and develop new business models to increase efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness. Starting from marketing to culture and education to health, automotive, engineering, mobility and human resources and others, it is addressed to professionals, practitioners, researchers, students, and other interested parties.

Grundkurs Datenbankentwicklung: Von der Anforderungsanalyse zur komplexen Datenbankanfrage

by Stephan Kleuker

Mit diesem Buch erhalten Studierende einen kompakten und praxisorientierten Einstieg, mit dem sie bereits früh im Studium sehr gut zurechtkommen. Die verschiedenen Phasen einer Datenbankentwicklung werden mit ihren Vorgehensweisen, Konzepten und möglichen Problemquellen vorgestellt. Gerade die Anforderungsanalyse und die Möglichkeit zur Erstellung mächtiger SQL-Anfragen werden als besonders praxisrelevante Aspekte betont. Durch die im zweiten Teil detailliert vorgestellte Integration von Datenbanken in die umgebende Software sind Studierende nach der Lektüre in der Lage, in Praxisprojekten erfolgreich mitzuarbeiten. Das Buch deckt inhaltlich eine Einführungsvorlesung vollständig ab. Die 5. Auflage wurde um das Thema JPA (Objekt-Relationale-Persistenz), Trigger in Java ergänzt. Zusätzlich werden Unterschiede zwischen Oracle, Maria DB, SQLite und Apache Derby erläutert. Neben vielen kleinen Beispielen zur Verdeutlichung einzelner Aspekte wird ein durchgehendes Beispiel genutzt. Alle Kapitel schließen mit Wiederholungsfragen und Übungsaufgaben, deren Lösungen online zum Download zur Verfügung stehen.

Once Upon a Prime: The Wondrous Connections Between Mathematics and Literature

by null Sarah Hart

‘A hugely entertaining and well-written tour of the links between math and literature. Hart’s lightness of touch and passion for both subjects make this book a delight to read. Bookworms and number-lovers alike will discover much they didn’t know about the creative interplay between stories, structure and sums.’ – Alex Bellos ‘This exuberant book will educate, amuse and surprise. It might even add another dimension to the way you read.’ – The Sunday Times We often think of mathematics and literature as polar opposites. But what if, instead, they were fundamentally linked? In this insightful, laugh-out-loud funny book, Once Upon a Prime, Professor Sarah Hart shows us the myriad connections between maths and literature, and how understanding those connections can enhance our enjoyment of both. Did you know, for instance, that Moby-Dick is full of sophisticated geometry? That James Joyce’s stream-of-consciousness novels are deliberately checkered with mathematical references? That George Eliot was obsessed with statistics? That Jurassic Park is undergirded by fractal patterns? That Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie wrote mathematician characters? From sonnets to fairytales to experimental French literature, Once Upon a Prime takes us on an unforgettable journey through the books we thought we knew, revealing new layers of beauty and wonder. Professor Hart shows how maths and literature are complementary parts of the same quest, to understand human life and our place in the universe.

Advanced Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Methods

by Guillermo Gonzalez

This textbook provides a solid foundation into many approaches that are used in the analysis of advanced electromagnetic wave propagation problems. The techniques discussed are essential to obtain closed-form solutions or asymptotic solutions and meet an existing need for instructors and students in electromagnetic theory. The book covers various advanced mathematical methods used in the evaluation of the electromagnetic fields in rectangular, cylindrical and spherical geometries. The mathematics of special functions (i.e., Bessel, Hankel, Airy, Legendre, Error, etc.) are covered in depth, including appropriate Appendices. The author takes particular care to provide detailed explanations of auxiliary potentials, Hertz’s vectors, Debye potentials, as well as the use of Green functions, the Watson transformation and the method of steepest descent in the solution of electromagnetic problems. Overall, Advanced Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Methods is a good source for the many skills required in obtaining closed form and asymptotic solution, which in many instances cannot be obtained using computer codes of Maxwell’s equations. Thus, it provides an excellent training for preparing graduate students in their research work. This book is intended for a graduate course in electromagnetic theory for students in electrical engineering. Students in physics and professionals will also find it appropriate and useful. Provides a comprehensive and unified treatment of radiation and propagation problems Presents a detailed explanation in the use of Green functions, the Watson transformation and the method of steepest descent as they apply to electromagnetic problems Demonstrates various advanced mathematical techniques used in the evaluation of the electromagnetic fields Details how to formulate and obtain a closed-form solution or an asymptotic solution Includes appendices for Bessel, Legendre, Airy and Error functions

Reliability and Risk Analysis: A Practical Guide, Third Edition (ISSN)

by Mohammad Modarres Katrina Groth

Completely updated for a new edition, this book introduces reliability and risks analysis, for both practicing engineers and engineering students at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Since reliability analysis is a multidisciplinary subject, this book draws together a wide range of topics and presents them in a way that applies to most engineering disciplines.What Every Engineer Should Know About Reliability and Risk Analysis, Second Edition, emphasizes an introduction and explanation of the practical methods used in reliability and risk studies, with a discussion of their uses and limitations. It offers basic and advanced methods in reliability analysis that are commonly used in daily practice and provides methods that address unique topics such as dependent failure analysis, importance analysis, and analysis of repairable systems. The book goes on to present a comprehensive overview of modern probabilistic life assessment methods such as Bayesian estimation, system reliability analysis, and human reliability. End-of-chapter problems and a solutions manual are available to support any course adoptions.This book is refined, simple, and focuses on fundamentals. The audience is the beginner with no background in reliability engineering and rudimentary knowledge of probability and statistics. It can be used by new practitioners, undergraduates, and first-year graduate students.

Numerical Methods: Design, Analysis, and Computer Implementation of Algorithms

by Anne Greenbaum Tim P. Chartier

A rigorous and comprehensive introduction to numerical analysisNumerical Methods provides a clear and concise exploration of standard numerical analysis topics, as well as nontraditional ones, including mathematical modeling, Monte Carlo methods, Markov chains, and fractals. Filled with appealing examples that will motivate students, the textbook considers modern application areas, such as information retrieval and animation, and classical topics from physics and engineering. Exercises use MATLAB and promote understanding of computational results.The book gives instructors the flexibility to emphasize different aspects—design, analysis, or computer implementation—of numerical algorithms, depending on the background and interests of students. Designed for upper-division undergraduates in mathematics or computer science classes, the textbook assumes that students have prior knowledge of linear algebra and calculus, although these topics are reviewed in the text. Short discussions of the history of numerical methods are interspersed throughout the chapters. The book also includes polynomial interpolation at Chebyshev points, use of the MATLAB package Chebfun, and a section on the fast Fourier transform. Supplementary materials are available online.Clear and concise exposition of standard numerical analysis topicsExplores nontraditional topics, such as mathematical modeling and Monte Carlo methodsCovers modern applications, including information retrieval and animation, and classical applications from physics and engineeringPromotes understanding of computational results through MATLAB exercisesProvides flexibility so instructors can emphasize mathematical or applied/computational aspects of numerical methods or a combinationIncludes recent results on polynomial interpolation at Chebyshev points and use of the MATLAB package ChebfunShort discussions of the history of numerical methods interspersed throughoutSupplementary materials available online

Numerical Methods: Design, Analysis, and Computer Implementation of Algorithms

by Anne Greenbaum Tim P. Chartier

A rigorous and comprehensive introduction to numerical analysisNumerical Methods provides a clear and concise exploration of standard numerical analysis topics, as well as nontraditional ones, including mathematical modeling, Monte Carlo methods, Markov chains, and fractals. Filled with appealing examples that will motivate students, the textbook considers modern application areas, such as information retrieval and animation, and classical topics from physics and engineering. Exercises use MATLAB and promote understanding of computational results.The book gives instructors the flexibility to emphasize different aspects—design, analysis, or computer implementation—of numerical algorithms, depending on the background and interests of students. Designed for upper-division undergraduates in mathematics or computer science classes, the textbook assumes that students have prior knowledge of linear algebra and calculus, although these topics are reviewed in the text. Short discussions of the history of numerical methods are interspersed throughout the chapters. The book also includes polynomial interpolation at Chebyshev points, use of the MATLAB package Chebfun, and a section on the fast Fourier transform. Supplementary materials are available online.Clear and concise exposition of standard numerical analysis topicsExplores nontraditional topics, such as mathematical modeling and Monte Carlo methodsCovers modern applications, including information retrieval and animation, and classical applications from physics and engineeringPromotes understanding of computational results through MATLAB exercisesProvides flexibility so instructors can emphasize mathematical or applied/computational aspects of numerical methods or a combinationIncludes recent results on polynomial interpolation at Chebyshev points and use of the MATLAB package ChebfunShort discussions of the history of numerical methods interspersed throughoutSupplementary materials available online

Mathematics class 8 - MIE

by Mauritius Institute of Education

The Grade 8 Mathematics textbook by the Mauritius Institute of Education, published in 2021, presents a comprehensive curriculum aligned with the National Curriculum Framework. It covers diverse mathematical topics, including number sequences, indices, rate and proportion, coordinates, algebra, and geometry. Each chapter begins with clear learning objectives and provides ample exercises, examples, and summaries to aid comprehension. Emphasizing real-life applications, the textbook illustrates concepts such as Fibonacci sequences in nature and architectural scales, fostering contextual learning. The educational content is meticulously crafted to enhance learners' cognitive skills through practical activities and contextualized problem-solving. This textbook serves as an invaluable resource for Grade 8 students, facilitating their mathematical understanding and application in various real-world scenarios.

Conference Matrices for Optimizing and Applications: High-Precision Estimation Method with Small Number of Experiments

by Teruo Mori

This book describes many types of Conference matrices and shows the case studies of application. Also, this book deals with putting the operation procedure and data analysis for optimizing. After reading this book, many researchers in universities or industries directly can apply various methods in this book to researching subjects. And it saves the trial numbers, cost and time around 1/3–1/2 in total research activities. Especially, this book contributes SDGs and saving GLOBAL warming which need to countermeasures as well.

Applied Multi-objective Optimization (Springer Tracts in Nature-Inspired Computing)

by Nilanjan Dey

The book explains basic ideas behind several kinds of applied multi-objective optimization and shows how it will be applied in practical contexts in the domain of healthcare, engineering design, and manufacturing. The book discusses how meta-heuristic algorithms are successful in resolving challenging, multi-objective optimization issues in various disciplines, including engineering, economics, medical and environmental management. The topic is useful for graduates, researchers and lecturers in optimization, engineering, management science and computer science.

May Contain Lies: How Stories, Statistics and Studies Exploit Our Biases - And What We Can Do About It

by Alex Edmans

'A powerful and punchy explanation of why misinformation is a problem that affects us all - be that in finance, politics, media, business or anywhere else. Edmans offers clear ideas about how to counter this, not just in our own lives but also across society as a whole. Timely and very provocative!' - Gillian Tett, Editor-at-Large, Financial Times'Not only brilliantly researched and written but immensely practical' - Andy Haldane, former Chief Economist at the Bank of England'A timely book and, despite the nerdy statistical theories, is often quite funny' Harry Wallop, The TimesA ground-breaking book that reveals why our human biases affect the way we receive and interpret information, with practical suggestions for how to think more critically* Featured in Adam Grant’s 8 New Idea Books to Start Spring *Our lives are minefields of misinformation. Stories, statistics and studies lie to us on a daily basis. Not only this but, as Professor Alex Edmans reveals, our brains lie to us too. He argues that we need to acknowledge and understand the role that our own human biases play in interpreting and digesting the information that we consume. It's only when we do, that we can actively resist being manipulated, and make informed decisions that improve our lives.'A passionate and dispassionate call to truth – and how to achieve it - in a world of growing disinformation' – Will Hutton, author of The State We're In

Making Sense of Chaos: A Better Economics for a Better World

by J. Doyne Farmer

‘Doyne Farmer is the world's leading thinker on technological change. For decades he has focused on the question of how we can make sense of the data of today to see where the world is going tomorrow. This wonderful book applies these insights to economics, addressing the big global issues of environmental sustainability, and the well-being and prosperity of people around the world’ Max Roser, Founder of Our World in DataWe live in an age of increasing complexity, where accelerating technology and global interconnection hold more promise – and more peril – than any other time in human history. As well as financial crises, issues around climate change, automation, growing inequality and polarization are all rooted in the economy, yet standard economic predictions fail us.Many books have been written about Doyne Farmer and his pioneering work in chaos and complexity theory. Making Sense of Chaos is the first in his own words, presenting a manifesto for doing economics better. In a tale of science and ideas, Farmer fuses his profound knowledge with stories from his life to explain how to harness a scientific revolution to address the economic conundrums facing society.Using big data and ever more powerful computers, we can for the first time apply complex systems science to economic activity, building realistic models of the global economy. The resulting simulations and the emergent behaviour we observe form the cornerstone of complexity economics. This new science, Farmer shows, will allow us to test ideas and make significantly better economic predictions – and, ultimately, create a better world.

Responsible Use of AI in Military Systems (Chapman & Hall/CRC Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Series)

by Jan Maarten Schraagen

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is widely used in society today. The (mis)use of biased data sets in machine learning applications is well‑known, resulting in discrimination and exclusion of citizens. Another example is the use of non‑transparent algorithms that can’t explain themselves to users, resulting in the AI not being trusted and therefore not being used when it might be beneficial to use it.Responsible Use of AI in Military Systems lays out what is required to develop and use AI in military systems in a responsible manner. Current developments in the emerging field of Responsible AI as applied to military systems in general (not merely weapons systems) are discussed. The book takes a broad and transdisciplinary scope by including contributions from the fields of philosophy, law, human factors, AI, systems engineering, and policy development.Divided into five sections, Section I covers various practical models and approaches to implementing military AI responsibly; Section II focuses on liability and accountability of individuals and states; Section III deals with human control in human‑AI military teams; Section IV addresses policy aspects such as multilateral security negotiations; and Section V focuses on ‘autonomy’ and ‘meaningful human control’ in weapons systems.Key Features: Takes a broad transdisciplinary approach to responsible AI Examines military systems in the broad sense of the word Focuses on the practical development and use of responsible AI Presents a coherent set of chapters, as all authors spent two days discussing each other’s work This book provides the reader with a broad overview of all relevant aspects involved with the responsible development, deployment and use of AI in military systems. It stresses both the advantages of AI as well as the potential downsides of including AI in military systems.

Responsible Use of AI in Military Systems (Chapman & Hall/CRC Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Series)

by Jan Maarten Schraagen

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is widely used in society today. The (mis)use of biased data sets in machine learning applications is well‑known, resulting in discrimination and exclusion of citizens. Another example is the use of non‑transparent algorithms that can’t explain themselves to users, resulting in the AI not being trusted and therefore not being used when it might be beneficial to use it.Responsible Use of AI in Military Systems lays out what is required to develop and use AI in military systems in a responsible manner. Current developments in the emerging field of Responsible AI as applied to military systems in general (not merely weapons systems) are discussed. The book takes a broad and transdisciplinary scope by including contributions from the fields of philosophy, law, human factors, AI, systems engineering, and policy development.Divided into five sections, Section I covers various practical models and approaches to implementing military AI responsibly; Section II focuses on liability and accountability of individuals and states; Section III deals with human control in human‑AI military teams; Section IV addresses policy aspects such as multilateral security negotiations; and Section V focuses on ‘autonomy’ and ‘meaningful human control’ in weapons systems.Key Features: Takes a broad transdisciplinary approach to responsible AI Examines military systems in the broad sense of the word Focuses on the practical development and use of responsible AI Presents a coherent set of chapters, as all authors spent two days discussing each other’s work This book provides the reader with a broad overview of all relevant aspects involved with the responsible development, deployment and use of AI in military systems. It stresses both the advantages of AI as well as the potential downsides of including AI in military systems.

Learn R: As a Language (Chapman & Hall/CRC The R Series)

by Pedro J. Aphalo

Learning a computer language like R can be either frustrating, fun or boring. Having fun requires challenges that wake up the learner’s curiosity but also provide an emotional reward for overcoming them. The book is designed so that it includes smaller and bigger challenges, in what I call playgrounds, in the hope that all readers will enjoy their path to R fluency. Fluency in the use of a language is a skill that is acquired through practice and exploration. For students and professionals in the biological sciences, humanities and many applied fields, recognizing the parallels between R and natural languages should help them feel at home with R. The approach I use is similar to that of a travel guide, encouraging exploration and describing the available alternatives and how to reach them. The intention is to guide the reader through the R landscape of 2024 and beyond.What is new in the second edition? Text expanded by more than 25% to include additional R features and gentler and more detailed explanations Contains 24 new diagrams and flowcharts, seven new tables, and revised text and code examples for clarity All three indexes were expanded, and answers to 28 frequently asked questions added What will you find in this book? Programming concepts explained as they apply to current R Emphasis on the role of abstractions in programming Few prescriptive rules—mostly the author’s preferences together with alternatives Presentation of the R language emphasizing the “R way of doing things” Tutoring for “programming in the small” using scripts for data analysis Explanation of the differences between R proper and extensions for data wrangling The grammar of graphics is described as a language for the construction of data visualisations Examples of data exchange between R and the foreign world using common file formats Coaching to become an independent R user, capable of writing original scripts and solving future challenges

Learn R: As a Language (Chapman & Hall/CRC The R Series)

by Pedro J. Aphalo

Learning a computer language like R can be either frustrating, fun or boring. Having fun requires challenges that wake up the learner’s curiosity but also provide an emotional reward for overcoming them. The book is designed so that it includes smaller and bigger challenges, in what I call playgrounds, in the hope that all readers will enjoy their path to R fluency. Fluency in the use of a language is a skill that is acquired through practice and exploration. For students and professionals in the biological sciences, humanities and many applied fields, recognizing the parallels between R and natural languages should help them feel at home with R. The approach I use is similar to that of a travel guide, encouraging exploration and describing the available alternatives and how to reach them. The intention is to guide the reader through the R landscape of 2024 and beyond.What is new in the second edition? Text expanded by more than 25% to include additional R features and gentler and more detailed explanations Contains 24 new diagrams and flowcharts, seven new tables, and revised text and code examples for clarity All three indexes were expanded, and answers to 28 frequently asked questions added What will you find in this book? Programming concepts explained as they apply to current R Emphasis on the role of abstractions in programming Few prescriptive rules—mostly the author’s preferences together with alternatives Presentation of the R language emphasizing the “R way of doing things” Tutoring for “programming in the small” using scripts for data analysis Explanation of the differences between R proper and extensions for data wrangling The grammar of graphics is described as a language for the construction of data visualisations Examples of data exchange between R and the foreign world using common file formats Coaching to become an independent R user, capable of writing original scripts and solving future challenges

An Introduction to Spatial Data Science with GeoDa: Volume 1: Exploring Spatial Data

by Luc Anselin

This book is the first in a two-volume series that introduces the field of spatial data science. It offers an accessible overview of the methodology of exploratory spatial data analysis. It also constitutes the definitive user’s guide for the widely adopted GeoDa open-source software for spatial analysis. Leveraging a large number of real-world empirical illustrations, readers will gain an understanding of the main concepts and techniques, using dynamic graphics for thematic mapping, statistical graphing, and, most centrally, the analysis of spatial autocorrelation. Key to this analysis is the concept of local indicators of spatial association, pioneered by the author and recently extended to the analysis of multivariate data.The focus of the book is on intuitive methods to discover interesting patterns in spatial data. It offers a progression from basic data manipulation through description and exploration to the identification of clusters and outliers by means of local spatial autocorrelation analysis. A distinctive approach is to spatialize intrinsically non-spatial methods by means of linking and brushing with a range of map representations, including several that are unique to the GeoDa software. The book also represents the most in-depth treatment of local spatial autocorrelation and its visualization and interpretation by means of GeoDa.The book is intended for readers interested in going beyond simple mapping of geographical data to gain insight into interesting patterns. Some basic familiarity with statistical concepts is assumed, but no previous knowledge of GIS or mapping is required.Key Features:• Includes spatial perspectives on cluster analysis• Focuses on exploring spatial data• Supplemented by extensive support with sample data sets and examples on the GeoDaCenter websiteThis book is both useful as a reference for the software and as a text for students and researchers of spatial data science.Luc Anselin is the Founding Director of the Center for Spatial Data Science at the University of Chicago, where he is also the Stein-Freiler Distinguished Service Professor of Sociology and the College, as well as a member of the Committee on Data Science. He is the creator of the GeoDa software and an active contributor to the PySAL Python open-source software library for spatial analysis. He has written widely on topics dealing with the methodology of spatial data analysis, including his classic 1988 text on Spatial Econometrics. His work has been recognized by many awards, such as his election to the U.S. National Academy of Science and the American Academy of Arts and Science.

An Introduction to Spatial Data Science with GeoDa: Volume 1: Exploring Spatial Data

by Luc Anselin

This book is the first in a two-volume series that introduces the field of spatial data science. It offers an accessible overview of the methodology of exploratory spatial data analysis. It also constitutes the definitive user’s guide for the widely adopted GeoDa open-source software for spatial analysis. Leveraging a large number of real-world empirical illustrations, readers will gain an understanding of the main concepts and techniques, using dynamic graphics for thematic mapping, statistical graphing, and, most centrally, the analysis of spatial autocorrelation. Key to this analysis is the concept of local indicators of spatial association, pioneered by the author and recently extended to the analysis of multivariate data.The focus of the book is on intuitive methods to discover interesting patterns in spatial data. It offers a progression from basic data manipulation through description and exploration to the identification of clusters and outliers by means of local spatial autocorrelation analysis. A distinctive approach is to spatialize intrinsically non-spatial methods by means of linking and brushing with a range of map representations, including several that are unique to the GeoDa software. The book also represents the most in-depth treatment of local spatial autocorrelation and its visualization and interpretation by means of GeoDa.The book is intended for readers interested in going beyond simple mapping of geographical data to gain insight into interesting patterns. Some basic familiarity with statistical concepts is assumed, but no previous knowledge of GIS or mapping is required.Key Features:• Includes spatial perspectives on cluster analysis• Focuses on exploring spatial data• Supplemented by extensive support with sample data sets and examples on the GeoDaCenter websiteThis book is both useful as a reference for the software and as a text for students and researchers of spatial data science.Luc Anselin is the Founding Director of the Center for Spatial Data Science at the University of Chicago, where he is also the Stein-Freiler Distinguished Service Professor of Sociology and the College, as well as a member of the Committee on Data Science. He is the creator of the GeoDa software and an active contributor to the PySAL Python open-source software library for spatial analysis. He has written widely on topics dealing with the methodology of spatial data analysis, including his classic 1988 text on Spatial Econometrics. His work has been recognized by many awards, such as his election to the U.S. National Academy of Science and the American Academy of Arts and Science.

Artificial Intelligence in Music, Sound, Art and Design: 13th International Conference, EvoMUSART 2024, Held as Part of EvoStar 2024, Aberystwyth, UK, April 3–5, 2024, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14633)

by Colin Johnson Sérgio M. Rebelo Iria Santos

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Music, Sound, Art and Design, EvoMUSART 2024, held as part of EvoStar 2024, in Aberystwyth, UK, April 3–5, 2024. The 17 full papers and 8 short papers presented in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 55 submissions. The main purpose of this conference proceedings was to bring together practitioners who are using Artificial Intelligence techniques for artistic tasks, providing the opportunity to promote, present, and discuss ongoing work in the area.

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