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Propaganda des „Islamischen Staats“: Formen und Formate (Aktivismus- und Propagandaforschung)

by Bernd Zywietz

Die Propaganda der terroristischen Miliz „Islamischer Staat“ hat für Aufsehen gesorgt und die Debatte um das Internet und vor allem das „Social Web“ als Risikotechnologie oder Gefahrenraum mitbestimmt. Dabei setzt der IS auf ein breites Spektrum medialer und gestalterischer Formen und Formate einer globalen, digitalen Medienkultur, um ein internationales Publikum zu erreichen: Online-Videos, anashid (Lieder) und Computerspiele; Internet-Meme, Social Media Posting oder Selfies. Der Sammelband gibt Einblick in die Bandbreite dieser jihadistischen Kommunikate, ihrer Ausdrucks- und Darstellungsweisen und zeigt dabei Möglichkeiten der Einordnung und der Auseinandersetzung auf.

Terrorismus im Spielfilm: Eine filmwissenschaftliche Untersuchung über Konflikte, Genres und Figuren

by Bernd Zywietz

Bernd Zywietz zeigt in seiner Arbeit auf, wie Terrorismus und Terroristen in Spielfilmen dargestellt werden. Ausgehend vom Begriff des – sozialen wie filmfiktionalen – Erzählens werden verschiedene Terrorismuskonflikte und ihre Filmgeschichte untersucht und verglichen, um Muster der (re-)integrativen Bewältigung aufzuzeigen: der Nordirlandkonflikt, der Linksterrorismus in der BRD, „Evil Arab“-Terrorismus in Hollywood, die politische Gewalt im indischen Bollywood-Kino. Der Autor entwickelt und beschreibt unterschiedliche Genres und Terroristen-Typen des internationalen Terrorismus-Films und arbeitet Leistungen und Grenzen des Kinos als Ort des politischen und moralischen Ausgleichs heraus.

States of Passion: Law, Identity, and Social Construction of Desire

by Yvonne Zylan

In States of Passion: Law, Identity and the Social Construction of Desire, Professor Yvonne Zylan explores the role of legal discourse in shaping sexual experience, sexual expression, and sexual identity. The book focuses on three topics: anti-gay hate crime laws, same-sex sexual harassment, and same-sex marriage, examining how sexuality is socially constructed through the institutionally-specific production of legal discourse. States of Passion argues that law's power to authorize specific discourses and practices of love, desire, hatred, fear, and vulnerability remain grounded in the powerful discourses and institutional practices that mark law as dispassionate, cerebral, and fundamentally procedural. States of Passion contends that those states of passion we experience in our daily lives as particularly significant-to our sense of self, to our collective and social identities, and to our ideas about the body and its dictates-increasingly have as much to do with the state as they do with passion.

Grundlagen psychosozialer Beratung: Ein modelltheoretischer Entwurf zur Neubestimmung psychischer Störungen (Beiträge zur psychologischen Forschung)

by Hans Zygowski

In kritischer Auseinandersetzung mit der Psychiatriereform in der BRD und über eine Neustrukturierung der Diskussion um das "medizinische Modell" der Erklärung und Behandlung psychischer Störungen werden die Grundlagen für ein psychosoziales Störungsmodell entwickelt. Im Sinne dieser Modellperspektive resultieren psychische Störungen aus sozioökonomisch begründeten psychosozialen Widersprüchen und Ambivalenzen. In Abgrenzung zu psychologischer Beratung ist psychosoziale Beratung auf eine reflexive Durchdringung eines mehrwertigen psychosozialen Belastungsgefüges und seine handlungspraktische Beeinflussung ausgelegt, wobei psychosoziale Abwehrprozesse zu überwinden und individuelle wie soziale Bewältigungsmethoden modellgerecht zu integrieren sind."(...) Das enorm materialreiche Buch macht Hoffnung,daß - zumindest theoretisch - den Menschen der Steigbügel zu halten ist, individuell wie kollektiv ihre in Gesellschaft gründenden Probleme sozialkreativ zu bewältigen".Psychologie Heute 4/90

Gloria E. Anzaldúa: Feminist Body Writing and Borderlands

by Grażyna Zygadło

Gloria E. Anzaldúa is a crucial figure in contemporary border and women’s studies. When in 1987 she published her groundbreaking book Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza, she became one of the most often quoted writers of the US–Mexico border, but she remains relatively little known outside Americas. In one of the first monographs written on her work, Grażna Zygadło introduces Anzaldúa’s work and outlines her feminist revisionist thinking to new audiences, especially in Europe. The author defines these borderlands as areas where numerous systems of power, exploitation, and oppression intersect – capitalism, patriarchy, racism, and white man’s supremacy. She also concentrates on the innovative philosophy of women’s writing from the body that Anzaldúa has propagated and on her formative role in the women of color feminism. Zygadło also works to expand Anzaldúa’s borderland thinking by applying it to the recent issues related to migration crisis and border problems in the European Union – namely the contradictory treatment of refugees at the Polish eastern border. Gloria E. Anzaldúa is situated at the intersection of various disciplines, in particular, American cultural studies, feminist criticism, and Latin American postcolonial studies, and is a valuable source of knowledge about Anzaldúa’s ideas for undergraduate and graduate students.

Gloria E. Anzaldúa: Feminist Body Writing and Borderlands

by Grażyna Zygadło

Gloria E. Anzaldúa is a crucial figure in contemporary border and women’s studies. When in 1987 she published her groundbreaking book Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza, she became one of the most often quoted writers of the US–Mexico border, but she remains relatively little known outside Americas. In one of the first monographs written on her work, Grażna Zygadło introduces Anzaldúa’s work and outlines her feminist revisionist thinking to new audiences, especially in Europe. The author defines these borderlands as areas where numerous systems of power, exploitation, and oppression intersect – capitalism, patriarchy, racism, and white man’s supremacy. She also concentrates on the innovative philosophy of women’s writing from the body that Anzaldúa has propagated and on her formative role in the women of color feminism. Zygadło also works to expand Anzaldúa’s borderland thinking by applying it to the recent issues related to migration crisis and border problems in the European Union – namely the contradictory treatment of refugees at the Polish eastern border. Gloria E. Anzaldúa is situated at the intersection of various disciplines, in particular, American cultural studies, feminist criticism, and Latin American postcolonial studies, and is a valuable source of knowledge about Anzaldúa’s ideas for undergraduate and graduate students.

KI in der digitalisierten Medienwirtschaft: Fallbeispiele und Anwendungen von Algorithmen

by Christoph Zydorek

Die Entwicklungstrends in der fortschreitenden Algorithmisierung des Mediensektors werden in diesem Band für verschiedene Teilsektoren der Medien (Games, Musik, Bücher, Audio/Video, Nachrichtenmedien) anhand aktueller Beispiele aus der Forschung, der Entwicklung und der Praxis der Medienwertschöpfung demonstriert. Es erweist sich, dass zunehmend mehr und größere Tätigkeitsbereiche, die früher ausschließlich durch menschliche Arbeitsleistung, professionelle Gestaltungskompetenz und Kreativität geprägt waren, durch unterschiedliche Formen automatisierter und zunehmend „intelligenter“ Routinen übernommen werden. Die diesen Routinen innewohnenden ökonomischen Rationalisierungspotenziale treiben den Prozess der Ersetzung menschlicher Arbeit durch Kapital in der Wertschöpfungskette der Medieninhalte schnell und tiefgreifend voran.

Finanzierung und Förderung von Kinospielfilmen in Deutschland: Herausforderungen und Chancen für junge Produzenten (Film, Fernsehen, Medienkultur)

by Anke Zwirner

Viele junge Menschen streben einen Beruf im Filmgeschäft an, viele auch gleich mit Fokus auf die Filmproduktion. Es besteht ein reichhaltiges Ausbildungsangebot, doch was passiert danach? Was heißt es eigentlich heute Filmproduzent zu sein, welche Qualifikationen benötigt man dafür? Wie etabliere ich ein junges Unternehmen auf dem bestehenden Filmmarkt – ja und wie funktioniert dieser überhaupt? Wie werden Filme – hier mit der Konzentration auf Nachwuchsfilme – finanziert und welche spezielle Rolle spielt die Filmförderung dabei? Die vorliegende Arbeit versucht aus der Entwicklung und aktuellen Situation des bestehenden Filmmarktes heraus die Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen junger Produktionsunternehmen zu analysieren, nicht nur um kommende Filmproduzenten mit der aktuellen Marktsituation zu konfron-tieren.

Translating International Women's Rights: The CEDAW Convention in Context (Gender and Politics)

by Susanne Zwingel

This book looks at the centerpiece of the international women’s rights discourse, the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), and asks to what extent it affects the lives of women worldwide. Rather than assuming a trickle-down effect, the author discusses specific methods which have made CEDAW resonate. These methods include attempts to influence the international level by clarifying the meaning of women’s rights and strengthening the Convention’s monitoring procedure, and building connections between international and domestic contexts that enable diverse actors to engage with CEDAW. This analysis shows that while the Convention has worldwide impact, this impact is fundamentally dependent on context-specific values and agency. Hence, rather than thinking of women’s rights exclusively as normative content, Zwingel suggests to see them as in process. This book will especially appeal to students and scholars interested in transnational feminism and gender and global governance.

Biology of Aging (Reihe der Villa Vigoni #1)

by Robert Zwilling Cesare Balduini

bhe aim of the book was not to focus the age-dependent modifications of one specific biological systems or phenomena, but the attempt was pursued to cover several fields in which the biological research on aging is going on. The fundamental purpose of this planning was to offer the PhD students an advanced text that could raise the possibility of an interdisciplinary discussion on a wide and complex field that is very suitable to be utilized as an example of the connection existing between advanced teaching and experimental research.

Nuclear Minds: Cold War Psychological Science and the Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

by Ran Zwigenberg

How researchers understood the atomic bomb’s effects on the human psyche before the recognition of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. In 1945, researchers on a mission to Hiroshima with the United States Strategic Bombing Survey canvassed survivors of the nuclear attack. This marked the beginning of global efforts—by psychiatrists, psychologists, and other social scientists—to tackle the complex ways in which human minds were affected by the advent of the nuclear age. A trans-Pacific research network emerged that produced massive amounts of data about the dropping of the bomb and subsequent nuclear tests in and around the Pacific rim. Ran Zwigenberg traces these efforts and the ways they were interpreted differently across communities of researchers and victims. He explores how the bomb’s psychological impact on survivors was understood before we had the concept of post-traumatic stress disorder. In fact, psychological and psychiatric research on Hiroshima and Nagasaki rarely referred to trauma or similar categories. Instead, institutional and political constraints—most notably the psychological sciences’ entanglement with Cold War science—led researchers to concentrate on short-term damage and somatic reactions or even, in some cases, on denial of victims’ suffering. As a result, very few doctors tried to ameliorate suffering. But, Zwigenberg argues, it was not only that doctors “failed” to issue the right diagnosis; the victims’ experiences also did not necessarily conform to our contemporary expectations. As he shows, the category of trauma should not be used uncritically in a non-Western context. Consequently, this book sets out, first, to understand the historical, cultural, and scientific constraints in which researchers and victims were acting and, second, to explore how suffering was understood in different cultural contexts before PTSD was a category of analysis.

Nuclear Minds: Cold War Psychological Science and the Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

by Ran Zwigenberg

How researchers understood the atomic bomb’s effects on the human psyche before the recognition of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. In 1945, researchers on a mission to Hiroshima with the United States Strategic Bombing Survey canvassed survivors of the nuclear attack. This marked the beginning of global efforts—by psychiatrists, psychologists, and other social scientists—to tackle the complex ways in which human minds were affected by the advent of the nuclear age. A trans-Pacific research network emerged that produced massive amounts of data about the dropping of the bomb and subsequent nuclear tests in and around the Pacific rim. Ran Zwigenberg traces these efforts and the ways they were interpreted differently across communities of researchers and victims. He explores how the bomb’s psychological impact on survivors was understood before we had the concept of post-traumatic stress disorder. In fact, psychological and psychiatric research on Hiroshima and Nagasaki rarely referred to trauma or similar categories. Instead, institutional and political constraints—most notably the psychological sciences’ entanglement with Cold War science—led researchers to concentrate on short-term damage and somatic reactions or even, in some cases, on denial of victims’ suffering. As a result, very few doctors tried to ameliorate suffering. But, Zwigenberg argues, it was not only that doctors “failed” to issue the right diagnosis; the victims’ experiences also did not necessarily conform to our contemporary expectations. As he shows, the category of trauma should not be used uncritically in a non-Western context. Consequently, this book sets out, first, to understand the historical, cultural, and scientific constraints in which researchers and victims were acting and, second, to explore how suffering was understood in different cultural contexts before PTSD was a category of analysis.

Beastie Boys: A Musical Biography (The Story of the Band)

by Jonathan A. Zwickel

A concise musical biography traces the Beastie Boys' story from the New York punk scene through a blockbuster career that spans more than 20 years.Ever since they hit the big time with their 1986 rock/rap debut Licensed to Ill, the first rap album to reach #1 on the Billboard 200, the Beastie Boys have been a cultural bellwether, the likes of which was unseen before or since. Their association with MTV made the Beasties instant poster children for an unprecedented phase of integration, both musical and racial. Their music, a pastiche of sounds that spans decades and genres, influenced the course of popular music and continues to do so today. Beastie Boys: A Musical Biography tells the story of the band, from its beginnings through its ongoing critical and commercial success. Fans can read about the group's origins, the training of its members, its awards and accomplishments, and its influence on pop culture. Authoritative yet concise, this lively overview covers everything from the band's unique sound to their collaborations with leading filmmakers on their award-winning videos.

Beastie Boys: A Musical Biography (The Story of the Band)

by Jonathan A. Zwickel

A concise musical biography traces the Beastie Boys' story from the New York punk scene through a blockbuster career that spans more than 20 years.Ever since they hit the big time with their 1986 rock/rap debut Licensed to Ill, the first rap album to reach #1 on the Billboard 200, the Beastie Boys have been a cultural bellwether, the likes of which was unseen before or since. Their association with MTV made the Beasties instant poster children for an unprecedented phase of integration, both musical and racial. Their music, a pastiche of sounds that spans decades and genres, influenced the course of popular music and continues to do so today. Beastie Boys: A Musical Biography tells the story of the band, from its beginnings through its ongoing critical and commercial success. Fans can read about the group's origins, the training of its members, its awards and accomplishments, and its influence on pop culture. Authoritative yet concise, this lively overview covers everything from the band's unique sound to their collaborations with leading filmmakers on their award-winning videos.

Je fremdländischer desto einheimischer?: Fallstudien zu Integrationsdynamiken bei nordafrikanischen Einwanderern in Frankreich (Sozialwissenschaft)

by Almut Zwengel

Almut Zwengel untersucht exemplarisch die Lage junger Erwachsener nordafrikanischer Herkunft im Pariser Raum. Sie zeigt Alltagssituationen, die zum Teil stark mit Medienberichten über die französischen banlieues kontrastieren, und es wird deutlich, dass Integration gelingen kann, obwohl bzw. weil Migranten fremdländisch sind.

The 2017 Gulf Crisis: An Interdisciplinary Approach (Gulf Studies #3)

by Mahjoob Zweiri Md Mizanur Rahman Arwa Kamal

This book provides an overview of the origins, repercussions and projected future of the ongoing Gulf crisis, as well as an analysis of the major issues and debates relating to it. The Gulf region witnessed an extraordinary rift when, on 5 June 2017, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain cut all diplomatic ties and imposed a siege on the State of Qatar following the hacking of the Qatar News Agency website. This book approaches the Gulf crisis from an interdisciplinary perspective by bringing together a group of top scholars from a wide range of disciplines and areas of expertise to engage in a nuanced debate on the current crisis. With the pressing role of media in general and social media in particular, new political realities have been created in the region. The book addresses the role that cyber and information security play on politics, as well as the shift of alliances in the region as a result of the crisis. It scrutinizes the role of media and information technology in creating political cultures as well as conflicts. The book also explores the long-term economic implications of the siege imposed on Qatar and identifies how the country's economy is adjusting to the impact of the siege. Thus, the book considers the extent of social and economic changes that the crisis has brought to the region. This book invites in-depth understanding of the regional crisis and its implications on nation building and the reconfiguration of political and economic alliances across the region. It will appeal to a broad interdisciplinary readership in the area of Gulf studies.

Contemporary Qatar: Examining State and Society (Gulf Studies #4)

by Mahjoob Zweiri Farah Al Qawasmi

This book addresses critical topics and unanswered questions on the contemporary state of Qatar. Drawing together a unique combination of authors that have researched the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) in general, and the state of Qatar specifically, each author provides an in-depth empirical analysis of Qatar’s current social, political, and economic landscape against a historically informed backdrop. Cognizant of its rapid state of flux, the contributors collectively provide a comprehensive overview of the intersection of these respective areas, delving into the historical creation of Qatar as a state, its politics and systems of governance, its economic strata and reliance on natural resources, its society and national identity, its new and thriving sports culture, and, most topically, matters of diplomacy, the 2017 blockade, and its armed forces. Owing to the contributors’ invaluable firsthand experience and knowledge of Qatar, this book provides valuable insights into this nation, at once old and new, and its intertwined trajectories in its socio-political and economic positionality within the region. This book is an invaluable resource for students and scholars researching the Middle East generally, and the Gulf, specifically, with interests in topics such as politics and international relations, political economy and foreign policy, development, sources of social change, societal activism, popular culture, and the various elements of identity.

Arab-Iranian Relations Since the Arab Uprisings (Durham Modern Middle East and Islamic World Series)

by Mahjoob Zweiri

Unlike most writing on Arab-Iran relations, which looks at specific episodes and specific countries, this book, taking a long term view, assesses the overall dynamics of the relationship, discussing in particular how far religion or politics drives the relationship. It argues that although Iran asserts that religion is a key factor underpinning a coherent approach to international relations, in fact what turns out to be the key factor is the politics of particular circumstances and Iran’s specific interests. The book considers Iran’s differing reactions to the Arab uprisings of 2011 onwards, showing that while Iran supported the uprisings in some countries it sided with repressive governments in other countries. The book also examines Iran’s reaction to its own outbreak of popular discontent in 2009 which was controlled by what has been considered as severe repression and explores how Iran is viewed by ordinary people in different Arab countries.Chapter 1 of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF at under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.

Arab-Iranian Relations Since the Arab Uprisings (Durham Modern Middle East and Islamic World Series)

by Mahjoob Zweiri

Unlike most writing on Arab-Iran relations, which looks at specific episodes and specific countries, this book, taking a long term view, assesses the overall dynamics of the relationship, discussing in particular how far religion or politics drives the relationship. It argues that although Iran asserts that religion is a key factor underpinning a coherent approach to international relations, in fact what turns out to be the key factor is the politics of particular circumstances and Iran’s specific interests. The book considers Iran’s differing reactions to the Arab uprisings of 2011 onwards, showing that while Iran supported the uprisings in some countries it sided with repressive governments in other countries. The book also examines Iran’s reaction to its own outbreak of popular discontent in 2009 which was controlled by what has been considered as severe repression and explores how Iran is viewed by ordinary people in different Arab countries.Chapter 1 of this book is freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF at under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.

Holderlin, Kleist, and Nietzsche: The Struggle with the Daemon

by Stefan Zweig

This is the second volume in a trilogy in which Stefan Zweig builds a composite picture of the European mind through intellectual portraits selected from among its most representative and influential figures. In 'Hoelderlin, Kleist, and Nietzsche', Zweig concentrates on three giants of German literature to portray the artist and thinker as a figure possessed by a powerful inner vision at odds with the materialism and scientific positivism of his time, in this case, the nineteenth century. Zweig's subjects here are respectively a lyric poet, a dramatist and writer of novellas, and a philosopher. Each led an unstable life ending in madness and/or suicide and not until the twentieth century did each make their full impact. Whereas the nineteenth-century novel is socially capacious in terms of subject and audience, the three figures treated here are prophets or forerunners of modernist ideas of alienation and exile. Hoelderlin and Kleist consciously opposed the worldly harmoniousness of Goethe's classicism in favor of a visionary inwardness and dramatisation of the subjective psyche. Nietzsche set himself as a destroyer and rebuilder of philosophy and critic of the degradation of the German spirit through nationalism and militarism. Zweig's choice of subjects reflects a division in his own soul. The image of Goethe recurs here as the ultimate upholder of Zweig's own ideals: scientist and artist, receptive to world culture, supremely rational and prudent. Yet Zweig was aware that Hoelderlin, Kleist, and Nietzsche were more daring explorers of the dangerous and destructive aspects of man that needed to be seen and comprehended in the clarifying light of poetry and philosophy.

Holderlin, Kleist, and Nietzsche: The Struggle with the Daemon

by Stefan Zweig

This is the second volume in a trilogy in which Stefan Zweig builds a composite picture of the European mind through intellectual portraits selected from among its most representative and influential figures. In 'Hoelderlin, Kleist, and Nietzsche', Zweig concentrates on three giants of German literature to portray the artist and thinker as a figure possessed by a powerful inner vision at odds with the materialism and scientific positivism of his time, in this case, the nineteenth century. Zweig's subjects here are respectively a lyric poet, a dramatist and writer of novellas, and a philosopher. Each led an unstable life ending in madness and/or suicide and not until the twentieth century did each make their full impact. Whereas the nineteenth-century novel is socially capacious in terms of subject and audience, the three figures treated here are prophets or forerunners of modernist ideas of alienation and exile. Hoelderlin and Kleist consciously opposed the worldly harmoniousness of Goethe's classicism in favor of a visionary inwardness and dramatisation of the subjective psyche. Nietzsche set himself as a destroyer and rebuilder of philosophy and critic of the degradation of the German spirit through nationalism and militarism. Zweig's choice of subjects reflects a division in his own soul. The image of Goethe recurs here as the ultimate upholder of Zweig's own ideals: scientist and artist, receptive to world culture, supremely rational and prudent. Yet Zweig was aware that Hoelderlin, Kleist, and Nietzsche were more daring explorers of the dangerous and destructive aspects of man that needed to be seen and comprehended in the clarifying light of poetry and philosophy.

David Ben-Gurion: Politics and Leadership in Israel

by Ronald W Zweig

First published in 2004. It may well be that genius begins where fear ends: not to be afraid to question what is known, not to be afraid to be original. David Ben-Gurion did not try to imitate anyone...He was endowed with a mind that sought out whats was new and was capable of penetrating the deepest recesses. First and foremost, he challenged every Jew who believed it was the fate of Jews to live in the Diaspora, and he believed that the Jews could be a nation of farmers, industrialists, soldiers, pioneers, and not only scientists and intellectuals. He decided that the time had come to establish a Jewish state, yet once it had been founded, he was not satisfied- it must be an exemplary state, a chosen state.

David Ben-Gurion: Politics and Leadership in Israel

by Ronald W Zweig

First published in 2004. It may well be that genius begins where fear ends: not to be afraid to question what is known, not to be afraid to be original. David Ben-Gurion did not try to imitate anyone...He was endowed with a mind that sought out whats was new and was capable of penetrating the deepest recesses. First and foremost, he challenged every Jew who believed it was the fate of Jews to live in the Diaspora, and he believed that the Jews could be a nation of farmers, industrialists, soldiers, pioneers, and not only scientists and intellectuals. He decided that the time had come to establish a Jewish state, yet once it had been founded, he was not satisfied- it must be an exemplary state, a chosen state.

The Working Class Majority: America's Best Kept Secret

by Michael Zweig

In the second edition of his essential book—which incorporates vital new information and new material on immigration, race, gender, and the social crisis following 2008—Michael Zweig warns that by allowing the working class to disappear into categories of "middle class" or "consumers," we also allow those with the dominant power, capitalists, to vanish among the rich. Economic relations then appear as comparisons of income or lifestyle rather than as what they truly are—contests of power, at work and in the larger society.

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