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Endoskopische Operationen: Weniger Schmerzen, schneller gesund

by Vera Zylka-Menhorn Klaus Koch

Operationen mit endoskopischen Instrumenten sind bei vielen Krankheiten die ernstzunehmende Alternative zum Eingriff mit Tupfer und Skalpell. Dieses Buch zeigt, welche Operationen mit dem Endoskop heute möglich sind: an Gelenken und Bandscheiben, an Magen und Speiseröhre, Gallenblase und Darm, an Gebärmutter und Eierstöcken, an der Lunge, an Blutgefäßen, ja sogar am Gehirn.Viele Bilder ermöglichen einen Blick in den Körper und zeigen den Ablauf der Operation. Aber auch das Vorher und Nachher wird beschrieben: die notwendigen Schritte vor dem Eingriff, die Narkose und die Genesungszeit. Ein Buch für Patienten, die wissen wollen, was auf sie zukommt.

Cancer Pain

by Magdi Hanna And Zbigniew Ben Zylicz

Cancer Pain provides a comprehensive, practical guide to the management of pain in cancer patients. Beginning with a discussion of current issues in the control of cancer pain, the initial chapters provide a clear, concise explanation of cancer pain syndromes, an up-to-date understanding of the pathophysiological mechanism and recent developments in creating pre-clinical cancer pain models. The book offers the reader the wide and improved options for management of cancer pain in clinical practice including the use of opioid and non-opioid drugs and the role of non-pharmacological methods in pain control. Subsequent chapters address particular challenges in pain control, such as breakthrough pain, neuropathic cancer pain, as well as pain associated with cancer treatment which, until recently, has not been fully appreciated. Recent issues relating to new adverse side effects to chronic opioid medications such as hyperalgesia and neurotoxicity are explained, and best practice to reduce or avoid them is stated. The book also aims to aid in the overall educational need for young doctors as well as established primary care physicians by highlighting the available tools and the importance of early pain interventions in the overall cancer treatment strategy.

Venous Ultrasound

by Joseph A. Zygmunt Jr.

Venous Ultrasound 2e is the essential text for anyone involved in the treatment of chronic venous disease. It provides specific information on ultrasound as it is applied to chronic insufficiency, including history, general techniques, examples of anatomy, and protocols for performing ultrasound on patients, and discussions on key aspects of interpretation of sonographic findings. Updated to include the outcome and impact of three recent studies, the ATTRACT trial, the EVRA study, and the VIDIO imaging trial. An entire chapter is dedicated to iliac venous and stent imaging for those interested in expanding practice based on the mentioned studies. Also included is specific protocol for imaging of the pelvic area with focus on the pelvic congestion and reflux affecting this anatomic area. This text demonstrates that as imaging techniques improve, so too will the understanding of venous pathologies increase and the burdens of their respective pathologies. Pelvic Congestion, iliofemoral and late stage disease can be interrogated with a non-invasive approach using the techniques included prior to interventional procedures. This fully updated new edition includes coverage of new ablation techniques which include non- thermal and non- tumescent therapies for venous insufficiency – these have unique ultrasound properties on what to see, look for and observe in intra and post- operative situations. Focusing on the fundamentals that every phlebologist needs to know, the color illustrations and numerous line drawings complement the text for a complete learning experience. Key features: Covers anatomy related to venous insufficiency and obstruction Protocols with step by step approaches for those new to certain exams Includes useful diagrams and images to aid understanding Thoroughly up to date, with all the latest information for those practicing venous therapies Venous Ultrasound 2e is valuable for sonographers and physicians alike; including phlebologists, general and vascular surgeons, physicians, radiologists, angiologists, interventional cardiologist, mid-levels, and nurses who work in this area.

Venous Ultrasound

by Joseph A. Zygmunt

Venous Ultrasound 2e is the essential text for anyone involved in the treatment of chronic venous disease. It provides specific information on ultrasound as it is applied to chronic insufficiency, including history, general techniques, examples of anatomy, and protocols for performing ultrasound on patients, and discussions on key aspects of interpretation of sonographic findings. Updated to include the outcome and impact of three recent studies, the ATTRACT trial, the EVRA study, and the VIDIO imaging trial. An entire chapter is dedicated to iliac venous and stent imaging for those interested in expanding practice based on the mentioned studies. Also included is specific protocol for imaging of the pelvic area with focus on the pelvic congestion and reflux affecting this anatomic area. This text demonstrates that as imaging techniques improve, so too will the understanding of venous pathologies increase and the burdens of their respective pathologies. Pelvic Congestion, iliofemoral and late stage disease can be interrogated with a non-invasive approach using the techniques included prior to interventional procedures. This fully updated new edition includes coverage of new ablation techniques which include non- thermal and non- tumescent therapies for venous insufficiency – these have unique ultrasound properties on what to see, look for and observe in intra and post- operative situations. Focusing on the fundamentals that every phlebologist needs to know, the color illustrations and numerous line drawings complement the text for a complete learning experience. Key features: Covers anatomy related to venous insufficiency and obstruction Protocols with step by step approaches for those new to certain exams Includes useful diagrams and images to aid understanding Thoroughly up to date, with all the latest information for those practicing venous therapies Venous Ultrasound 2e is valuable for sonographers and physicians alike; including phlebologists, general and vascular surgeons, physicians, radiologists, angiologists, interventional cardiologist, mid-levels, and nurses who work in this area.

Medical Ethics in Clinical Practice

by Matjaž Zwitter

This book discusses medicine from an ethical perspective, whereas books on medical ethics more commonly present ethics from a bio-medical standpoint. The book is divided into 23 chapters. The introductory chapters present some basic concepts of medical ethics, such as the relation between the legal system and ethics, ethical documents, ethical theories, and ethical analysis. The following chapters address issues of importance in all fields of medicine: respecting autonomy, communication, relations within a healthcare team, professional malpractice, limited resources, and the portrait of a physician. In turn, the third part of the book focuses on ethical aspects in a broad range of medical activities – preventive medicine, human reproduction, genetics, pediatrics, intensive care, palliative medicine, clinical research, unproven methods in diagnostics and treatment, and the role of physicians who aren’t directly responsible for patient care. The last part presents students’ seminars with case stories. The book offers a valuable resource for physicians of all specialties, students of medicine, professionals, and students from other fields devoted to human health, journalists, and general readers with an interest in medicine.

Sensory Neuroscience: Four Laws Of Psychophysics

by Jozef J. Zwislocki

Sensory Neuroscience: Four Laws of Psychophysics organizes part of psychophysics -- a science of quantitative relationships between human sensations and the stimuli that evoke them. Although psychophysics belongs to sensory neuroscience, and is coupled to neurophysiology, it has also branched out to various specialized disciplines, including the disciplines of vision and hearing, ophthalmology, optometry, otology, and audiology. Due to this diversification and fragmentation, psychophysics has had an ad-hoc, phenomenological orientation. Besides Weber’s law of differential sensitivity, and the still-controversial Stevens’ power law, it has lacked a systematic grid of scientific laws. Sensory Neuroscience: Four Laws of Psychophysics provides valid unifying principles and systematic applications for this otherwise fragmented precursor of experimental psychology, and defines four multisensory relationships of substantial generality between sensations and the underlying stimulus variables. This book will be particularly useful to auditory researchers, experimental psychologists, and behavioral neuroscientists.

Atlas of Thoracic Surgical Techniques E-Book: A Volume in the Surgical Techniques Atlas Series

by Joseph B. Zwischenberger

Atlas of Thoracic Surgical Techniques, a title in the Surgical Techniques Atlas Series edited by Drs. Townsend and Evers, presents state-of-the-art updates on the full range of thoracic surgical procedures performed today. Dr. Joseph B. Zwischenberger, along with esteemed international contributors, offers you expert advice on a variety of thoracic techniques, including lung-volume reduction surgery, video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery, and laparoscopic approaches to many procedures to help you expand your repertoire and hone your clinical skills.Offers step-by-step guidance on a variety of thoracic surgical techniques, giving you more options for the challenges you face. Discusses the hottest topics in thoracic surgery, including lung-volume reduction surgery, video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery, and laparoscopic approaches to many procedures. Presents more than 200 full-color illustrations and step-by-step intraoperative photographs for expert visual guidance. Discusses pearls and pitfalls to help you avoid complications. Uses a consistent, easy-to-follow chapter format that includes clinical anatomy, pre-operative considerations, operative steps, and post-operative care to make reference easy. Visually master a wide range of operative techniques, with authoritative guidance

Tscherne Unfallchirurgie: Fuß

by Hans Zwipp Stefan Rammelt

Dieser Band umfasst mit 7 Kapiteln das aktuelle Wissen zur Erkennung und Behandlung von Frakturen, Luxationen und Luxationsfrakturen sowie Verletzungen von Knorpel, Haut, Sehnen, Muskeln, Gefäßen und Nerven des Fußes. Darüber hinaus werden Analysen und Korrekturempfehlungen zu posttraumatischen Pseudarthrosen und Fehlverheilungen systematisch vom Sprungbein bis zum Sesambein abgehandelt. Verschiedene Techniken von Korrekturosteotomien und -arthrodesen, Sehnentransfers, Weichteilbalancierung, Neurolysen und die Rekonstruktion von Knorpeldefekten werden im Literaturvergleich dargestellt. Neben der Behandlung des komplexen Fußtraumas werden häufige und seltenere Ursachen pathologischer Frakturen, diverse Weichteilläsionen, Stoffwechselerkrankungen, entzündliche Arthritiden, Infektionen sowie Tumoren analysiert und deren Behandlung besprochen.

Chirurgie des Fußes

by Hans Zwipp

Die gesamte Sprunggelenks- und Fußchirurgie finden Sie in diesem Buch: von Komplexverletzungen des Fußes über neueste operative Techniken bis hin zu aktuellen Methoden der rekonstruktiven Fußchirurgie einschließlich der Behandlung von Fußdeformitäten.Sie erhalten eine Synopsis der gesamten Anatomie, Bio- und Pathomechanik des Fußes, veranschaulicht durch umfangreiches Bildmaterial. Spezielle klinische Tests, innovative radiologische Diagnostik wie CT, Kernspintomographie und Sonographie und die aktuellen operativen Methoden machen das Buch zu einem praktischen Ratgeber für alle Fragen der Traumatologie und restruktiven Chirurgie des Fußes.

Diagnostik und chirurgische Therapie kindlicher Hornhauttrübungen: Überblick für Fachärzt*innen der Augenheilkunde und Pädiatrie (essentials)

by Sarah Barbara Zwingelberg

Die kindliche Hornhauttrübung gehört weltweit zu den Hauptursachen für Blindheit oder eine schwere Sehbehinderung bei Kindern. Die Ursachen sind hierbei vielfältig und komplex und besitzen ein enges therapeutisches Fenster aufgrund des erhöhten Risikos der Entwicklung einer Amblyopie. Dieses Essential gibt einen komprimierten Überblick zur Diagnostik, Klinik, Genetik und den aktuellen Behandlungsmöglichkeiten von angeborenen Hornhauttrübungen und Dysgenesie des vorderen Augenabschnitts.

Quantile Regression in Clinical Research: Complete analysis for data at a loss of homogeneity

by Aeilko H. Zwinderman Ton J. Cleophas

Quantile regression is an approach to data at a loss of homogeneity, for example (1) data with outliers, (2) skewed data like corona - deaths data, (3) data with inconstant variability, (4) big data. In clinical research many examples can be given like circadian phenomena, and diseases where spreading may be dependent on subsets with frailty, low weight, low hygiene, and many forms of lack of healthiness. Stratified analyses is the laborious and rather explorative way of analysis, but quantile analysis is a more fruitful, faster and completer alternative for the purpose. Considering all of this, we are on the verge of a revolution in data analysis. The current edition is the first textbook and tutorial of quantile regressions for medical and healthcare students as well as recollection/update bench, and help desk for professionals. Each chapter can be studied as a standalone and covers one of the many fields in the fast growing world of quantile regressions. Step by step analyses of over 20 data files stored at are included for self-assessment. We should add that the authors are well qualified in their field. Professor Zwinderman is past-president of the International Society of Biostatistics (2012-2015) and Professor Cleophas is past-president of the American College of Angiology(2000-2002). From their expertise they should be able to make adequate selections of modern quantile regression methods for the benefit of physicians, students, and investigators.

Biology of Aging (Reihe der Villa Vigoni #1)

by Robert Zwilling Cesare Balduini

bhe aim of the book was not to focus the age-dependent modifications of one specific biological systems or phenomena, but the attempt was pursued to cover several fields in which the biological research on aging is going on. The fundamental purpose of this planning was to offer the PhD students an advanced text that could raise the possibility of an interdisciplinary discussion on a wide and complex field that is very suitable to be utilized as an example of the connection existing between advanced teaching and experimental research.

Natural Sciences and Human Thought

by Robert Zwilling

Leaving aside for once all utilitarian considerations, this book attempts to demonstrate the role and influence of the natural sciences in the development of human thought and in shaping the way in which we perceive the world. This seems to be particularly necessary in the present day and age, in view of the fact that a large section of the public is scarcely aware of the great cultural contribution that the natural sciences make towards moulding our conception of the world and scarcely acknowledges their function in helping us to find our bearings in a world that is becoming increasingly complex.

Bewegung als Therapie: Gezielte Schritte zum Wohlbefinden

by Hartmut Zwick

Dosierte körperliche Belastung ist fester therapeutischer Bestandteil bei zahlreichen Erkrankungen, denn es gibt nur wenige medizinische Gründe für absolute Schonung. Erfahrene Mediziner stellen hier ein prägnantes, praxisrelevantes Handbuch der Bewegungstherapie zur Verfügung. Einer kurzen Beschreibung der jeweiligen Krankheit folgen Antworten auf häufig auftretende Fragen aus der Praxis zu Nutzen, Dauer, Intensität und Risiko der Bewegung. Leicht verständlich für Laien und Fachleute, mit Falldiskussionen und Beispielen aus der Praxis. Neu: psychiatrische Erkrankungen (u.a. Depression, Schizophrenie), Prävention von Zivilisationskrankheiten.

Bewegung als Therapie: Gezielte Schritte zum Wohlbefinden

by Hartmut Zwick

In der heutigen Zeit kommt regelmäßiger Sportausübung fraglos eine ganz große psychosomatische Bedeutung zu. Dies sowohl in Hinblick auf eine Prophylaxe als auch zur Erhaltung der Lebensqualität, auf die der verzichten muss, der sich - aus welchen Gründen auch immer - auf falsche Weise schont. Dabei spielt sicher auch die im Berufsleben häu­ fig geforderte, aber oft missdeutete, "adäquate" Belastungsökonomie eine Rolle. Das richtet sich letztlich aber gegen den Menschen selbst und stellt eine Ursache vieler Zivilisationskrankheiten dar. Auch die ein­ seitige Interpretation des Begriffes "Stress" trägt dazu bei. Doch nur mit dem richtigen Ausmaß an körperlicher, geistiger und psychischer Belastung können wir gesund leben. Die Autoren dieses Buches beziehen zu diesem Problemkreis - aus zum Teil sehr unterschiedlicher Sicht - klar Stellung. Die Bedeutung der richtigen körperlichen Belastung für Körper und Psyche des modemen Menschen ist wissenschaftlich bewiesen. Daher stellt Bewegung völlig berechtigt einen integralen Bestandteil der komplexen Prävention und Therapie dar. Der Begriff "Anti-Aging" soll besonders angesprochen werden, da ihm hier eine spezifische Bedeutung zukommt. Bewegung als Therapie ist hochaktuell und kann die Lebensqualität vieler Menschen positiv beeinflussen. Deshalb ist zu wünschen, dass sich nicht nur Mediziner dieser Fragen annehmen. em. Univ.-Prof. DDDDr. Ludwig Prokop Vorwort Sind Sie jung und schlank, gerade richtig gebaut? Körperliche Be­ schwerden und Laster wie Nikotin, Alkohol und Süßigkeiten sind Ih­ nen fremd? Im Fitness-Center zählen Sie zu den fittesten und Ihr Bauch gleicht einem Waschbrett? Ja, dann können Sie dieses Buch getrost weglegen. Es ist nichts für Sie.

Benigne Prostatahyperplasie: Grundlagen und Therapie (Optimierte Arzneimitteltherapie)

by Ulrike Zwergel Jürgen Sökeland

Der Praxis-Leitfaden enthält alle Informationen zu Wirkstoffen und Grundlagen der Arzneimitteltherapie bei benigner Prostatahyperplasie. Anerkannte Indikationen werden ebenso dargestellt wie die unerwünschten Wirkungen. Nutzen-Risiko- und Aufwand-Nutzen-Relation sind die zentralen Parameter für die Arzneimittelauswahl. Hinweise für die Patientenbetreuung und praktische Patiententips ergänzen das Buch.

Inflammatory Mechanisms in Allergic Diseases (Clinical Allergy And Immunology Ser.)

by Burton Zweiman Lawrence B. Schwartz

Contains patterns of allergic reactivity for disorders such as asthma, atopic dermatitis, urticaria, and anaphylaxis. Written by leading experts in the field, Inflammatory Mechanisms in Allergic Diseases covers non-anaphylactic drug disorders; synthesis and formation of IgE antibodies; new treatments using allergenic peptides, immunostimulatory oligonucleotides, and pharmacogenomics;recent advances targeting effector mechanisms; hypersensitivity reactions to drugs and more! With over 3100 references, tables, drawings, and micrographs, Inflammatory Mechanisms in Allergic Diseases is an essential reference for allergists, pulmonologists, immunologists, dermatologists, ophthalmologists, otolaryngologists, internists, pediatricians, family practitioners, and medical students in these disciplines.

Inflammatory Mechanisms in Allergic Diseases

by Burton Zweiman Lawrence B. Schwartz

Contains patterns of allergic reactivity for disorders such as asthma, atopic dermatitis, urticaria, and anaphylaxis. Written by leading experts in the field, Inflammatory Mechanisms in Allergic Diseases covers non-anaphylactic drug disorders; synthesis and formation of IgE antibodies; new treatments using allergenic peptides, immunostimulatory oligonucleotides, and pharmacogenomics;recent advances targeting effector mechanisms; hypersensitivity reactions to drugs and more! With over 3100 references, tables, drawings, and micrographs, Inflammatory Mechanisms in Allergic Diseases is an essential reference for allergists, pulmonologists, immunologists, dermatologists, ophthalmologists, otolaryngologists, internists, pediatricians, family practitioners, and medical students in these disciplines.

Mass Spectrometry in Food Safety: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #747)

by Jerry Zweigenbaum

As a key component of human survival, a safe and sufficient food supply is essential for a healthy and productive population throughout the world, so assurance that the food supply is clean and free of harmful substances is a global concern. In Mass Spectrometry in Food Safety: Methods and Protocols, experts in the field provide context to the subject through reviews of regulations in various countries, the current state-of-the art, and specific, detailed scientific methods being employed today. The volume thoroughly covers the key areas in food safety, such as detection of low level chemical residues, pesticide analysis aided by chromatographic techniques, and the revealing of mycotoxins and chemical contaminants from packaging materials. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology™ series format, method chapters contain introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Pertinent and cutting-edge, Mass Spectrometry in Food Safety: Methods and Protocols serves researchers with both understanding and appreciation for the contribution of mass spectrometry and its vital application to food testing and food safety.

Darmkrankheiten: (pdf) (Bücher der ärztlichen Praxis #12)

by Walter Zweig

Die interne Therapie des Ulcus ventriculi (Ergebnisse der Inneren Medizin und Kinderheilkunde)

by Walter Zweig

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Regulation of Health: Case Studies of Sweden and Switzerland (Developments in Health Economics and Public Policy #7)

by Peter Zweifel Carl Hampus Lyttkens Lars Söderström

Health care arguably is the single most regulated industry in industrial countries, and possibly in newly industrialized and developing countries as well. But what exactly is being regulated, what are the instruments used, and what are the effects and side-effects of such regulation? Regulation of Health: Case Studies of Sweden and Switzerland seeks to resolve problems in answering these key questions regarding the health care sector in two countries - Sweden and Switzerland. The volume contains a series of studies that compare the regulation of health and health care in these two apparently very similar countries, in considerable detail. The contributing teams acquired a great deal of knowledge about health regulation in both countries; they also derived comparative predictions when regulation differs, using actual observations to check whether these predictions are borne out. These comparisons are based on the conditions prevailing in the mid-nineties.

Health Economics

by Peter Zweifel Friedrich Breyer Mathias Kifmann

This is the most complete text available on the economics of health behavior and health care delivery. Appropriate both for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students of economics, this text provides the key analytical tools required to understand current research. Issues discussed include the "cost explosion" in health care, the power of medical associations, the search for remuneration systems with favorable incentives, and technological change in medicine. Rather than simplifying the issues facing today’s healthcare systems, the book models existing complexities as they are, adapting economics to reflect the views of the average person.

Nitric Oxide in Transplant Rejection and Anti-Tumor Defense

by Jay L. Zweier StanislawLukiewicz

Nitric Oxide in Transplant Rejection and Anti-Tumor Defense represents a unique combination of three interrelated topics that is unavailable in any other single work: The detection and visualization of nitric oxide in biological materials using EPR spectroscopy and EPR imaging; Nitric oxide in immune mechanisms of allograft rejection; and The involvement of nitric oxide in anti-tumor defense. By bringing together specialists from these three disciplines, the book investigates the common molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying phenomena in transplants and oncology. In addition, the book provides an introduction to biological applications of EPR spectroscopy and imaging. Nitric Oxide in Transplant Rejection and Anti-Tumor Defense will appeal to researchers and graduate-level students investigating transplant rejections and their immune mechanisms, anti-tumor immune defenses, novel types of contrast agents for EPR imaging, and biological applications of EPR spectroscopy and EPR imaging.

Eigentijds ouder worden: Tijd in de levensloop

by Wim Zwanikken

Gedurende de menselijke levensloop heeft de psychologische tijd vele vormen en gedaanten. Heden, verleden en toekomst, haast en verveling, depressie en vreugde, arbeid en inspanning kennen alle hun bijbehorende tijdsvormen. De mens doet iets met tijd; de tijd doet ook steeds iets met de mens. Op zoek naar de betekenis van zijn levensloop stuit de mens zowel op zijn afkomst waar hem het leven is geschonken als op zijn bestemming waar voltooiing tevens het einde betekent.

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