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Propaganda des „Islamischen Staats“: Formen und Formate (Aktivismus- und Propagandaforschung)

by Bernd Zywietz

Die Propaganda der terroristischen Miliz „Islamischer Staat“ hat für Aufsehen gesorgt und die Debatte um das Internet und vor allem das „Social Web“ als Risikotechnologie oder Gefahrenraum mitbestimmt. Dabei setzt der IS auf ein breites Spektrum medialer und gestalterischer Formen und Formate einer globalen, digitalen Medienkultur, um ein internationales Publikum zu erreichen: Online-Videos, anashid (Lieder) und Computerspiele; Internet-Meme, Social Media Posting oder Selfies. Der Sammelband gibt Einblick in die Bandbreite dieser jihadistischen Kommunikate, ihrer Ausdrucks- und Darstellungsweisen und zeigt dabei Möglichkeiten der Einordnung und der Auseinandersetzung auf.

Einführung in die Medienwirtschaftslehre

by Christoph Zydorek

Das Lehrbuch dient als Einführung in die Grundfragen und als Vorbereitung auf eine tiefergehende Durchdringung des medienwirtschaftlichen Handlungsbereichs. Welche medienökonomischen Anknüpfungspunkte haben speziell Studierende als Abnehmer und künftige Produzenten von Medien(inhalten)? Diese Einstiegsfrage verdeutlicht auf einfache Weise die Sinnhaftigkeit einer systematischen Durchdringung des Themas Medienökonomie auf dem Niveau einer Einführung für das Grundstudium in Medienstudiengängen. Das Lehrbuch führt die wichtigsten Begriffe ein: Medienträger, Content, Wertschöpfung, Güter, Bedürfnisbefriedigung mit Medien, Medien als Wirtschafts- und Kulturgüter. Christoph Zydorek stellt die drei Haupt-Akteurstypen (Rezipient, Medienunternehmen, Werbetreibende Wirtschaft) auf Medienmärkten mit ihren jeweiligen Handlungsmotivationen sowie die zentralen Eigenschaften von Mediengütern vor. Die 2. Auflage wurde grundlegend überarbeitet und aktualisiert.

Einführung in die Medienwirtschaftslehre

by Christoph Zydorek

Welche medienökonomischen Anknüpfungspunkte haben speziell Studierende als Abnehmer und künftige Produzenten von Medien? Diese Einstiegsfrage verdeutlicht auf einfache Weise die Sinnhaftigkeit einer systematischen Durchdringung des Themas Medienökonomie und führt die wichtigsten Begriffe ein: Medien, Inhalt, Wertschöpfung, Güter, Bedürfnisbefriedigung mit Medien, Medien als Wirtschafts- und Kulturgüter. Christoph Zydorek stellt die drei Haupt-Akteurstypen (Rezipient, Medienunternehmen, werbetreibende Wirtschaft) auf Medienmärkten mit ihren jeweiligen Handlungsmotivationen sowie danach die zentralen Eigenschaften von Mediengütern vor. Darauf aufbauend können einige Mainstream-Handlungskonzepte aus der Sicht der Hersteller von Mediendienstleistungen diskutiert werden: Preis- und Erlöspolitik, Bündelung, Versionierung, Windowing. Das Lehrbuch dient als Einführung in die Grundfragen und als Vorbereitung auf eine tiefergehende Durchdringung des medienwirtschaftlichen Handlungsbereichs.​

Grundlagen der Medienwirtschaft: Algorithmen und Medienmanagement

by Christoph Zydorek

Dieses Lehrbuch setzt an den Inhalten des Bandes "Einführung in die Medienwirtschaftslehre" von Christoph Zydorek an und erweitert diese entsprechend den Anforderungen von medienbezogenen Masterstudiengängen. Dabei wird ein hochaktuelles und für die Medienwirtschaft hoch bedeutsames Thema fokussiert: der Einsatz von Algorithmen in Verbindung mit großen Datenmengen in alltäglichen medienwirtschaftlichen Zusammenhängen. Es wird analysiert, auf welche Weise Medienunternehmen in jüngster Zeit veränderte technische Rahmenbedingungen für ihre Leistungserstellungs-, Leistungsangebots-, Interaktions- und Distributionskonfigurationen nutzen, um damit den seit jeher gegebenen ökonomischen Herausforderungen zu begegnen, die sie bei der Produktion und Vermarktung medialer Inhalteangebote haben. Nachdem der Algorithmusbegriff und seine medienwirtschaftlichen Zusammenhänge erläutert wurden, diskutiert der Autor konkrete Beispiele, die die aktuellen Veränderungen illustrieren.

KI in der digitalisierten Medienwirtschaft: Fallbeispiele und Anwendungen von Algorithmen

by Christoph Zydorek

Die Entwicklungstrends in der fortschreitenden Algorithmisierung des Mediensektors werden in diesem Band für verschiedene Teilsektoren der Medien (Games, Musik, Bücher, Audio/Video, Nachrichtenmedien) anhand aktueller Beispiele aus der Forschung, der Entwicklung und der Praxis der Medienwertschöpfung demonstriert. Es erweist sich, dass zunehmend mehr und größere Tätigkeitsbereiche, die früher ausschließlich durch menschliche Arbeitsleistung, professionelle Gestaltungskompetenz und Kreativität geprägt waren, durch unterschiedliche Formen automatisierter und zunehmend „intelligenter“ Routinen übernommen werden. Die diesen Routinen innewohnenden ökonomischen Rationalisierungspotenziale treiben den Prozess der Ersetzung menschlicher Arbeit durch Kapital in der Wertschöpfungskette der Medieninhalte schnell und tiefgreifend voran.

Psychoacoustics: Facts and Models (Springer Series in Information Sciences #22)

by Eberhard Zwicker Hugo Fastl

Psychoacoustics - Facts and Models represents a comprehensive collection of data describing the processing of sound by the human hearing system. It includes quantitative relations between sound stimuli and auditory perception in terms of hearing sensations. In addition, quantitative psychoacoustic models of hearing sensations are given. The monograph contains a unique collection of data on the human hearing system as a receiver of acoustic information as well as many examples of the practical application of the results of basic research in fields such as audiology, noise evaluation, and sound engineering. Many helpful hints for the solution of practical problems will be of particular benefit to engineers, and the book as a whole should serve as an important benchmark in the field of psychoacoustics. The treatment given in this second edition has been thoroughly updated with recent results.

Festschrift für die Wirklichkeit

by Guido Zurstiege

Der Band eröffnet ein möglichst breites Spektrum an aktuellen Zugängen aus Kunst, Literatur und Wissenschaft zu der Frage, was über die Wirklichkeit an der Schwelle zum 21. Jahrhundert (noch) gesagt werden kann. Wie stellt sich heute der Philosophie die grundsätzliche Frage nach der Erreichbarkeit des Seins, der Realität, der Wirklichkeit? Mit welchen Problemen sieht sich die Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaft angesichts der zunehmenden Fiktionalisierung von Medienwirklichkeiten konfrontiert? Worauf verweisen die Bilder der Medien noch, wenn nicht auf sich selbst? Wie reagieren die Kunst und die Literatur auf die gesellschaftliche Beschlagnahme ihrer Domäne, der Fiktionalität? Leben wir bereits in einer künstlichen Gesellschaft ohne Bedarf an künstlerischer Kontingenzerzeugung? Was ist heute noch wirklich wirklich?

Medien und Werbung (Medienwissen kompakt)

by Guido Zurstiege

In den vergangenen Jahrzehnten hat die Werbung ihr Gesicht verändert. Sie macht "Unterhaltungs- und Informationsgeschenke", die von vielen Rezipienten nicht als geheime Verführung wahrgenommen werden. Wie ist es dazu gekommen? Welche Kräfte treiben die Entwicklung des Werbesystems an? Welche Formen der Werbung bringen sie hervor? Und natürlich: Wie wirkt Werbung unter diesen Bedingungen heute? Das sind die zentralen Fragen dieses Buches.

Wireless Communication Networks and Internet of Things: Select Proceedings of ICNETS2, Volume VI (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #493)

by Adamu Murtala Zungeru S Subashini P Vetrivelan

This book is a collection of papers from international experts presented at International Conference on NextGen Electronic Technologies (ICNETS2-2016). ICNETS2 encompassed six symposia covering all aspects of electronics and communications domains, including relevant nano/micro materials and devices. Presenting recent research on wireless communication networks and Internet of Things, the book will prove useful to researchers, professionals and students working in the core areas of electronics and their applications, especially in signal processing, embedded systems and networking.

Total Sports Media: Production, Performance and Career Development

by Marc Zumoff Max Negin

This thoroughly revised second edition of Total Sports Media (formerly Total Sportscasting) offers a complete guide to sports media across TV, radio and digital broadcasting. Covering everything from practical skills to industry lingo, this book guides readers through each aspect of the sportscasting process, including performance and production techniques, demo reel production, and writing for sports media. Chapters feature interviews with successful sports media professionals who take you inside the real-world practices of the industry, offering invaluable insights on how to carve out a career in the field and forge lasting relationships with team personnel. New to this edition are a discussion of changes in the industry as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, updated sections on career paths and professional development opportunities, and an updated chapter on social media strategies for sportscasters. This book also delves into the unique issues facing women and minority sportscasters. Finally, the authors look at the history of sports media and discuss the future of the industry. Total Sports Media is an essential resource for both students and instructors of sports media, as well as for industry professionals interested in a wide-reaching look at this changing field. A companion website features additional resources for instructors and students, including video and audio examples and links to additional resources.

Total Sports Media: Production, Performance and Career Development

by Marc Zumoff Max Negin

This thoroughly revised second edition of Total Sports Media (formerly Total Sportscasting) offers a complete guide to sports media across TV, radio and digital broadcasting. Covering everything from practical skills to industry lingo, this book guides readers through each aspect of the sportscasting process, including performance and production techniques, demo reel production, and writing for sports media. Chapters feature interviews with successful sports media professionals who take you inside the real-world practices of the industry, offering invaluable insights on how to carve out a career in the field and forge lasting relationships with team personnel. New to this edition are a discussion of changes in the industry as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, updated sections on career paths and professional development opportunities, and an updated chapter on social media strategies for sportscasters. This book also delves into the unique issues facing women and minority sportscasters. Finally, the authors look at the history of sports media and discuss the future of the industry. Total Sports Media is an essential resource for both students and instructors of sports media, as well as for industry professionals interested in a wide-reaching look at this changing field. A companion website features additional resources for instructors and students, including video and audio examples and links to additional resources.

Translating Controversial Texts in East Asian Contexts: A Methodology for the Translation of ‘Controversy’ (Routledge Advances in Translation and Interpreting Studies)

by Adam Zulawnik

Zulawnik focuses on the broad concept of ‘controversy’ and issues pertaining to the translation of politically and historically controversial texts in East Asia. The research methodology is exemplified through a case study in the form of the author’s translation of the best-selling Japanese graphic novel (manga) Manga Kenkanryū (Hate Hallyu: The Comic) by Sharin Yamano (2005), a work that has been problematised as an attack on South Korean culture and the Korean Wave. Issues analysed and discussed in the research include translation risk, ethics, a detailed methodology for the translation of so-called controversial texts exemplified through numerous thematically divided examples from the translation of the chosen Japanese text, as well as examples from a Korean language equivalent (Manhwa Hyeomillyu – Hate Japanese Wave), and definition and contextualisation of the concept of ‘controversy’. There has been limited research in the field of translation studies, which seeks to exemplify potential pragmatic approaches for the translation of politically-charged texts, particularly in multi-modal texts such as the graphic novel. It is hoped that Zulawnik’s research will serve both as a valuable source when examining South Korea–Japan relations and a theoretical and methodological base for further research and the development of an online augmented translation space with devices specifically suited for the translation of multi-modal texts such as – but not limited to – graphic novels and visual encyclopaedias.

Translating Controversial Texts in East Asian Contexts: A Methodology for the Translation of ‘Controversy’ (Routledge Advances in Translation and Interpreting Studies)

by Adam Zulawnik

Zulawnik focuses on the broad concept of ‘controversy’ and issues pertaining to the translation of politically and historically controversial texts in East Asia. The research methodology is exemplified through a case study in the form of the author’s translation of the best-selling Japanese graphic novel (manga) Manga Kenkanryū (Hate Hallyu: The Comic) by Sharin Yamano (2005), a work that has been problematised as an attack on South Korean culture and the Korean Wave. Issues analysed and discussed in the research include translation risk, ethics, a detailed methodology for the translation of so-called controversial texts exemplified through numerous thematically divided examples from the translation of the chosen Japanese text, as well as examples from a Korean language equivalent (Manhwa Hyeomillyu – Hate Japanese Wave), and definition and contextualisation of the concept of ‘controversy’. There has been limited research in the field of translation studies, which seeks to exemplify potential pragmatic approaches for the translation of politically-charged texts, particularly in multi-modal texts such as the graphic novel. It is hoped that Zulawnik’s research will serve both as a valuable source when examining South Korea–Japan relations and a theoretical and methodological base for further research and the development of an online augmented translation space with devices specifically suited for the translation of multi-modal texts such as – but not limited to – graphic novels and visual encyclopaedias.

Knowledge In The Age Of Digital Capitalism: An Introduction To Cognitive Materialism (Critical Digital and Social Media Studies #2)

by Mariano Zukerfeld

Knowledge in the Age of Digital Capitalism proposes a new critical theory concerning the functioning of capitalism and how we consider knowledge and information. This ambitious book systematically and lucidly introduces contemporary phenomena into the framework of cognitive materialism to address some of the great themes of the social sciences: knowledge, exploitation and social class in an account of capitalism’s totality in the present day. Author Mariano Zukerfeld reinvigorates materialist study of communications, presenting a typology of knowledge to explain the underlying material forms of information, intellectual property and cognitive work in contemporary societies. Using current examples the book also examines concerns such as free labour and the pivotal role of intellectual property.

Knowledge in the Age of Digital Capitalism: An Introduction to Cognitive Materialism (Critical Digital and Social Media Studies #2)

by Mariano Zukerfeld

Knowledge in the Age of Digital Capitalism proposes a new critical theory concerning the functioning of capitalism and how we consider knowledge and information. This ambitious book systematically and lucidly introduces contemporary phenomena into the framework of cognitive materialism to address some of the great themes of the social sciences: knowledge, exploitation and social class in an account of capitalism’s totality in the present day. Author Mariano Zukerfeld reinvigorates materialist study of communications, presenting a typology of knowledge to explain the underlying material forms of information, intellectual property and cognitive work in contemporary societies. Using current examples the book also examines concerns such as free labour and the pivotal role of intellectual property. The book offers nothing less than an introduction to the theory of cognitive materialism and an account of the entirety of the digital (or knowledge) capitalism of our time. 'A sustained and well-informed critical philosophical study of knowledge in society and capitalism.' Professor Christian Fuchs, CDSMS series editor and author of Critical Theory of Communication and Social Media: A Critical Introduction. 'A bold, comprehensive theoretical book, offering a new understanding of knowledge and its role in capitalism, historically, and today.' Dr Eran Fisher, author of Media and New Capitalism in the Digital Age: The Spirit of Networks.

Intelligence in Services and Networks. Paving the Way for an Open Service Market: 6th International Conference on Intelligence and Services in Networks, IS&N'99, Barcelona, Spain, April 27-29, 1999, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #1597)

by Han Zuidweg Mario Campolargo Jaime Delgado Al Mullery

Paving the Way for an Open Service Market We live in an age when powerful communications technology is becoming available to everyone. From our home we can send and receive not only analogue voice, but also growing volumes of digital information and even intelligence in the form of agents. We are becoming increasingly mobile and are expecting the same level of connectivity in the home, in the office, and on the road. The regulatory and commercial environment in which we communicate is changing. The telecommunications market is becoming increasingly competitive. The Internet is erasing the borders between information technology and telecommunications. And the way we do business is ever more dominated by electronic exchanges of information. Is our technology ready for the open market of networks and services? Can we manage the growing complexity of computing and telecommunications technology and place it at the service of the people? The challenge for the research community is to develop the tools and techniques that will ultimately bring the full power of communications and information to everyone, in a way that everyone can easily use. The Sixth International Conference on Intelligence in Services and Networks (IS&N’99) is all about technology for paving the way to the open services market. Since the first IS&N conference in 1992 the focus of the IS&N program has continually shifted. We see existing technologies maturing while new ones emerge, but the bottom line has always been putting technology at the service of the people.

The Routledge Handbook of Experimental Linguistics (Routledge Handbooks in Linguistics)

by Sandrine Zufferey Pascal Gygax

The Routledge Handbook of Experimental Linguistics provides an up-to-date and accessible overview of various ways in which experiments are used across all domains of linguistics and surveys the range of state-of-the-art methods that can be applied to analyse the language of populations with a wide range of linguistic profiles. Each chapter provides a step-by-step introduction to theoretical and methodological challenges and critically presents a wide range of studies in various domains of experimental linguistics. This handbook: • Provides a unified perspective on the data, methods and findings stemming from all experimental research in linguistics • Covers many different subfields of linguistics, including argumentation theory, discourse studies and typology • Provides an introduction to classical as well as new methods to conduct experiments such as eye tracking and brain imaging • Features a range of internationally renowned academics • Shows how experimental research can be used to study populations with various linguistic profiles, including young children, people with linguistic impairments, older adults, language learners and bilingual speakers Providing readers with a wealth of theoretical and practical information in order to guide them in designing methodologically sound linguistic experiments, this handbook is essential reading for scholars and students researching in all areas of linguistics.

Standard Basque and Its Dialects

by Koldo Zuazo

The origins of Basque dialects, a highly disputed area of research in Basque studies, are examined. The author, the foremost expert on Basque dialects, traces their emergence to medieval times, using: a) the profusion of features common to all dialects: b) the large number of innovations common to all dialects; and c) the fact that the only truly divergent dialects are the western and Souletin ones. In contrast, the three central dialects differ in far fewer and less important respects. The main contribution of Standard Basque and Its Dialects to the scholarly debate about the formation of Basque is that it identifies the nuclei from which the current dialects almost certainly emerged. The book explains the points of view that Basque speakers have upheld concerning their dialects, the formation of provincial standards starting in the eighteenth century, and the launch of Standard Basque in the second half of the twentieth century.

Standard Basque and Its Dialects

by Koldo Zuazo

The origins of Basque dialects, a highly disputed area of research in Basque studies, are examined. The author, the foremost expert on Basque dialects, traces their emergence to medieval times, using: a) the profusion of features common to all dialects: b) the large number of innovations common to all dialects; and c) the fact that the only truly divergent dialects are the western and Souletin ones. In contrast, the three central dialects differ in far fewer and less important respects. The main contribution of Standard Basque and Its Dialects to the scholarly debate about the formation of Basque is that it identifies the nuclei from which the current dialects almost certainly emerged. The book explains the points of view that Basque speakers have upheld concerning their dialects, the formation of provincial standards starting in the eighteenth century, and the launch of Standard Basque in the second half of the twentieth century.

Kulturorganisationen und Corporate Cultural Responsibility: Eine neoinstitutionalistische Analyse am Beispiel der Festivalregion Rhein-Neckar

by Sandra Morticia Zschiesche

Die Arbeit widmet sich dem Phänomen Corporate Cultural Responsibility und seiner Bedeutung für das Handlungsspektrum von Kulturorganisationen in Deutschland. Dabei wird herausgearbeitet, wie Kulturakteure, die unter dem verstärkten Druck zur Drittmittelakquise stehen, institutionelle Arbeit erfolgreich zur Sicherung ihrer Existenz und als Nachweise ihrer Exzellenz nutzen können. Die Analyse zeigt, dass die Anforderungen aus mehr als „nur“ der Akquise von zusätzlichen Geldern bestehen, sondern sich mehrdimensional auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen identifizieren lassen. Insbesondere durch den Journalismus kann die Bedeutung von „guter“ CCR wesentlich mitgeprägt werden.

Circuits and Systems Based on Delta Modulation: Linear, Nonlinear and Mixed Mode Processing (Signals and Communication Technology)

by Djuro G. Zrilic

This book is intended for students and professionals who are interested in the field of digital signal processing of delta-sigma modulated sequences. The overall focus is on the development of algorithms and circuits for linear, non-linear, and mixed mode processing of delta-sigma modulated pulse streams. The material presented here is directly relevant to applications in digital communication, DSP, instrumentation, and control.

Physical-Layer Security for Cooperative Relay Networks (Wireless Networks)

by Yulong Zou Jia Zhu

This book presents physical-layer security as a promising paradigm for achieving the information-theoretic secrecy required for wireless networks. It explains how wireless networks are extremely vulnerable to eavesdropping attacks and discusses a range of security techniques including information-theoretic security, artificial noise aided security, security-oriented beamforming, and diversity assisted security approaches. It also provides an overview of the cooperative relaying methods for wireless networks such as orthogonal relaying, non-orthogonal relaying, and relay selection.Chapters explore the relay-selection designs for improving wireless secrecy against eavesdropping in time-varying fading environments and a joint relay and jammer selection for wireless physical-layer security, where a relay is used to assist the transmission from the source to destination and a friendly jammer is employed to transmit an artificial noise for confusing the eavesdropper. Additionally, the security-reliability tradeoff (SRT) is mathematically characterized for wireless communications and two main relay-selection schemes, the single-relay and multi-relay selection, are devised for the wireless SRT improvement. In the single-relay selection, only the single best relay is chosen for assisting the wireless transmission, while the multi-relay selection invokes multiple relays for simultaneously forwarding the source transmission to the destination.Physical-Layer Security for Cooperative Relay Networks is designed for researchers and professionals working with networking or wireless security. Advanced-level students interested in networks, wireless, or privacy will also find this book a useful resource.

Secure Group Communications Over Data Networks

by Xukai Zou Byrav Ramamurthy Spyros S. Magliveras

The ubiquitous nature of the Internet is enabling a new generation of - pUcations to support collaborative work among geographically distant users. Security in such an environment is of utmost importance to safeguard the pri­ vacy of the communication and to ensure the integrity of the applications. 'Secure group communications' (SGC) refers to a scenario in which a group of participants can receive and send messages to group members, in a way that outsiders are unable to glean any information even when they are able to intercept the messages. SGC is becoming extremely important for researchers and practitioners because many applications that require SGC are now widely used, such as teleconferencing, tele-medicine, real-time information services, distributed interactive simulations, collaborative work, grid computing, and the deployment of VPN (Virtual Private Networks). Even though considerable research accomplishments have been achieved in SGC, few books exist on this very important topic. The purpose of this book is to provide a comprehensive survey of principles and state-of-the-art techniques for secure group communications over data net­ works. The book is targeted towards practitioners, researchers and students in the fields of networking, security, and software applications development. The book consists of 7 chapters, which are listed and described as follows.

Marketing Communications: Offline and Online Integration, Engagement and Analytics

by Ze Zook Pr Smith

Marketing Communications provides a comprehensive overview of every aspect of marketing communications, from social media, advertising, PR and sponsorship to direct selling and merchandizing. It presents modern marketing communications theories and tools in an accessible way so readers can fully understand the landscape and achieve better results. With a plethora of examples and case studies, as well as online support material for lecturers and students, this essential textbook will guide students and practitioners through everything they need to know about the changing face of marketing.This fully updated 6th edition of Marketing Communications features more of the underpinning theory whilst building on its impressive reputation as a leading practical textbook on the subject. Case studies and anecdotes from companies such as Campbell's Soup, Spotify, Paypal, Kraft and Nike focus on recent digital developments to bring the latest marketing tools to life. With a particular emphasis on analytics, engagement and integration, it addresses the integrated offline and online with social media approach to reflect the current state of play for marketing communications experts. This edition is also supported by a wealth of online resources, including lecture slides for every chapter and self-tests for students.Hear What the Experts Think:Angela Byrne, Senior Lecturer at MMU - Alison Lawson, Senior Lecturer in Marketing at Derby University -

Marketing Communications: Offline and Online Integration, Engagement and Analytics (PDF)

by Ze Zook Pr Smith

Marketing Communications provides a comprehensive overview of every aspect of marketing communications, from social media, advertising, PR and sponsorship to direct selling and merchandizing. It presents modern marketing communications theories and tools in an accessible way so readers can fully understand the landscape and achieve better results. With a plethora of examples and case studies, as well as online support material for lecturers and students, this essential textbook will guide students and practitioners through everything they need to know about the changing face of marketing.This fully updated 6th edition of Marketing Communications features more of the underpinning theory whilst building on its impressive reputation as a leading practical textbook on the subject. Case studies and anecdotes from companies such as Campbell's Soup, Spotify, Paypal, Kraft and Nike focus on recent digital developments to bring the latest marketing tools to life. With a particular emphasis on analytics, engagement and integration, it addresses the integrated offline and online with social media approach to reflect the current state of play for marketing communications experts. This edition is also supported by a wealth of online resources, including lecture slides for every chapter and self-tests for students.Hear What the Experts Think:Angela Byrne, Senior Lecturer at MMU - Alison Lawson, Senior Lecturer in Marketing at Derby University -

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