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„… aber das ist noch lange nicht Gewalt“: Empirische Studie zur Wahrnehmung von Gewalt bei Jugendlichen (Forschung Soziologie #87)

by Mirjam von Felten

Die vorliegende Studie befasst sich mit der Frage, wie Jugendliche Gewalt wahrnehmen beziehungsweise was sie unter Gewalt verstehen. Mittels qualitativer und quantitativer Forschungstechniken wurden 462 Basler SchülerInnen der 8. Klassen befragt. Die Analysen legen dar, wie sich die Gewaltperzeption der weiblichen von jener der männlichen Jugendlichen unterscheidet und welche Rolle der Bildungsdifferenz zukommt. Ergänzt wird die Studie durch Analysen selbstberichteter Gewalterfahrungen der Jugendlichen: Inwiefern lassen sich in den Täter- und Opfererfahrungen spezifische Wahrnehmungsmuster ausmachen?

„...Muß kommen, aber nix von Herzen“: Zur Lebenssituation von Migrantinnen — unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Biographien türkischer Frauen (Forschungstexte Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften #20)

by Rita Rosen

Das Phänomen der Migration, die Tatsache, daß Menschen ihre Heimat verlassen, um in einem anderen Land zu leben, ist ein uraltes. Es hat zahlreiche Versuche gegeben, diesen Prozeß zu analysieren, die Auswirkungen zu beschreiben. In unserer Gesellschaft leben seit einem gewissen Zeitraum Menschen, die aus verschiedenen fremden Nationen und Kulturen herstammen. Sie haben den Entschluß gefaßt, ihre Heimat zu ver­ lassen, um hier zu arbeiten und zu leben. Dabei zeigt sich, daß der Prozeß der Auswanderung und des Einlebens in eine neue, fremde Gesellschaft ein sehr konflikthafter ist. Sozialen ga­ gierte Gruppen und Organisationen, Wissenschaftler und Wissen­ schaftlerinnen, pädagogische und sozialpädagogische Fachkräfte, ja, die Betroffenen selber, weisen mit Nachdruck auf die er­ schwerten Bedingungen des Eingewöhnens und Lebens in unserer Gesellschaft hin und fordern Unterstützung und Abhilfe. Forde­ rungen nach politischen und gesetzlichen Maßnahmen spielen hierbei eine zentrale Rolle. Innerhalb der Diskussion über die Lebenssituation von Mi­ granten war die spezifische Situation der Migrantinnen lange Zeit unbeachtet geblieben. Weder die Frauen, die aus eigenem Entschluß die Migration angetreten hatten, noch die, die als Familienmitglieder den vorausgegangenen Verwandten folgten, wurden wahrgenommen. Folglich blieb die Analyse und Beschrei­ bung des Phänomens Migration auf die Lebenswelt der Männer be­ schränkt, und auch Beiträge zur Lösung von Problemen ließen die Situation der Frauen außer acht - Hilfe wurde ihnen nicht zuteil.

10 Erfolgstipps für Berufseinsteiger: Ein persönlicher Ratgeber für den Jobstart und die ersten Berufsjahre

by Tamara Schrammel

Dieser Ratgeber vermittelt die 10 wichtigsten Erfolgsfaktoren rund um den Berufseinstieg und die ersten Berufsjahre. Besonders wertvoll sind die persönlichen Erfahrungen der Autorin, die angesichts der Erfolge und Misserfolge ihrer eigenen ersten Berufsjahre in großen internationalen Unternehmen ein Fazit zieht und ihre Erkenntnisse und Beobachtungen offen teilt. Mit diesem Wissens- und Erfahrungsvorsprung gelingt es jedem, den Karrierestart erfolgreich zu meistern und die eigenen beruflichen Weichen von Anfang an richtig zu stellen. Der Leser profitiert in diesem Buch von Insiderwissen und Karriere-Alltagswissen, dass so in Schule, Ausbildung und Studium nicht gelehrt wird. Ein Must-read für den erfolgreichen Karrierestart.

10 Minuten Soziologie: Digitalisierung (10 Minuten Soziologie #6)

by Katharina Block Anne Deremetz Anna Henkel Malte Rehbein

Vom Algorithmus bis zum Sensor umfasst die Digitalisierung eine Vielfalt technologischer Innovationen. Ebenso facettenreich sind die Dimensionen, in denen sie die Gesellschaft transformiert und gleichzeitig von ihr geprägt wird. Die Auswirkungen auf die Kommunikation im öffentlichen Raum, auf die Wissenschaft und Landwirtschaft sowie die Wechselwirkungen mit dem Recht, der Wirtschaft und der Ökologie - die Beitragenden des Bandes gehen diesen und anderen Aspekten von Digitalisierung aus verschiedenen theoretischen Blickwinkeln nach. Damit eröffnen sie Perspektiven, die Digitalisierung als sozio-technischen Wandel verstehen und erklären lassen.

10 Minuten Soziologie: Gewalt (10 Minuten Soziologie #8)

by Thorsten Benkel

Gewalt ist vielschichtig und zugleich schrecklich eindeutig. Sie stellt einen Modus sozialer Kommunikation dar, der Menschen zueinander in Beziehung setzt. Indifferenz und Ignoranz halten Personen auf Distanz, Gewalt aber verbindet - und kann schwerlich ignoriert werden. Die Beiträger*innen erörtern die soziologischen Grundlagen eines Phänomens, hinter dem keine ungesteuerte »Naturkraft« steckt, sondern eine situative oder geplante Auseinandersetzung, die sich mal langsam, mal abrupt zuspitzt. In solchen Auseinandersetzungen sind nachteilige, schmerzhafte und repressive Erfahrungen nicht nur möglich, sondern werden für bestimmte Beteiligte in massiver und überwältigender Weise zur spürbaren Wirklichkeit.

10 Nursing Interventions for Family Caregivers: Guide to Best Practices in Adult-Gerontology Patient Care

by Mitzi M. Saunders

This book shines a light on the family caregiver, who cares for their loved one when nurses are not involved. It guides nurses to identify and partner with family caregivers and infuses confidence and desire to support them. The unique feature of this book is to provide nurses with the ability to see themselves in the role of supporting the family caregiver in their own practices with older people. Written in story form with teachable moments interjected within, it develops on the struggles and needs of the family caregiver. This book draws the nurse closer to the family caregiver using empathy, compassion, and competency; it elaborates on best practices to support key interventions that every professional nurse can do. Narrowing to 10 key nursing interventions helps establish the scope of family caregiver nursing care. Much of family caregiver care stems from compassion and “being with” and supporting the patient through difficult times. This is both an art and a skill. This much needed book guides nurses towards the family caregiver, the silent patient.

The 10 Rules of Successful Nations

by Ruchir Sharma

This short primer distils Ruchir Sharma's decades of global analytic experience into ten rules for identifying nations that are poised to take off or crash.A wake-up call to economists who failed to foresee every recent crisis, including the cataclysm of 2008, 10 Rules is full of insights on signs of political, economic, and social change. Sharma explains, for example, why autocrats are bad for the economy; robots are a blessing, not a curse; and consumer prices don't tell you all you need to know about inflation. He shows how currency crises begin with the flight of knowledgeable locals, not evil foreigners; how debt crises start in private companies, not government; and why the best news for any country is none at all.Rethinking economics as a practical art, 10 Rules is a must-read for business, political and academic leaders who want to understand the most important forces that shape a nation's future.

The 10 Worst of Everything: The Big Book of Bad

by Sam Jordison

A celebration of failures, doom, disaster, mistakes, miscalculations, hubris, folly and really, really bad albums. Written by the author of the cult hit, Crap Towns. Most books celebrate the exceptions rather than the rule. They focus on the over-achievers, the unique and strange success stories. They don’t provide a fair reflection of the general tide of history – but they do make your average reader feel, well, more average. The 10 Worst of Everything redresses this imbalance and shows that you maybe shouldn’t take it too badly if your own plans aren’t working out. And there’s nearly always someone worse off than you. Which is reassuring, if nothing else. This is a fascinating compendium of disappointing facts about the world, vital information about places to avoid, mind-boggling information about medicine, history and science, pop culture misses, as well as all the daft things we do to each other. It will help to prove the old adage that you can always learn more from failure than you can from success. And hey, even if you don’t want to boost your brain, there’s still the fun of watching other people go wrong.

100 Activities for Teaching Research Methods

by Dr Catherine Dawson

A sourcebook of exercises, games, scenarios and role plays, this practical, user-friendly guide provides a complete and valuable resource for research methods tutors, teachers and lecturers. Developed to complement and enhance existing course materials, the 100 ready-to-use activities encourage innovative and engaging classroom practice in seven areas: finding and using sources of information planning a research project conducting research using and analyzing data disseminating results acting ethically developing deeper research skills. Each of the activities is divided into a section on tutor notes and student handouts. Tutor notes contain clear guidance about the purpose, level and type of activity, along with a range of discussion notes that signpost key issues and research insights. Important terms, related activities and further reading suggestions are also included. Not only does the A4 format make the student handouts easy to photocopy, they are also available to download and print directly from the book's companion website for easy distribution in class.

100 Activities for Teaching Research Methods (PDF)

by Dr Catherine Dawson

A sourcebook of exercises, games, scenarios and role plays, this practical, user-friendly guide provides a complete and valuable resource for research methods tutors, teachers and lecturers. Developed to complement and enhance existing course materials, the 100 ready-to-use activities encourage innovative and engaging classroom practice in seven areas: finding and using sources of information planning a research project conducting research using and analyzing data disseminating results acting ethically developing deeper research skills. Each of the activities is divided into a section on tutor notes and student handouts. Tutor notes contain clear guidance about the purpose, level and type of activity, along with a range of discussion notes that signpost key issues and research insights. Important terms, related activities and further reading suggestions are also included. Not only does the A4 format make the student handouts easy to photocopy, they are also available to download and print directly from the book's companion website for easy distribution in class.

100 Amazing Facts About the Negro with Complete Proof: A Short Cut to The World History of The Negro

by J. A. Rogers

First published in 1934 and revised in 1962, this book gathers journalist and historian Joel Augustus Rogers' columns from the syndicated newspaper feature titled Your History. Patterned after the look of Ripley's popular Believe It or Not the multiple vignettes in each episode recount short items from Rogers's research. The feature began in the Pittsburgh Courier in November 1934 and ran through the 1960s.

100 American Crime Writers (Crime Files)

by Steven Powell

100 American Crime Writers features discussion and analysis of the lives of crime writers and their key works, examining the developments in American crime writing from the Golden Age to hardboiled detective fiction. This study is essential to scholars and an ideal introduction to crime fiction for anyone who enjoys this fascinating genre.

100 Children's Books: That Inspire Our World

by Colin Salter

An amazing guide to some of the most beloved, original, inspiring, hysterical, heart-warming, compelling, rude and downright scary books that have enchanted children the world over.

100 Completely New Ideas for Managing Behaviour (Continuum One Hundreds)

by Johnnie Young

This pick-and-mix treasure trove of advice is brimming with tried-and-tested strategies for managing behaviour in the secondary classroom. The book contains 100 completely new ideas including:suggested scripts and keywords designed to pacify even the most aggressive situationshort-term and longer term strategiesadvice on pre-empting and avoiding challenging behaviourideas for thinking on your feet in extreme circumstancesThis book will be invaluable to trainee teachers and NQTs, but it will also give experienced teachers new ideas and inspiration for better managing their students' behaviour.

100 Completely New Ideas for Managing Behaviour: For Managing Behaviour (Continuum One Hundreds)

by Johnnie Young

This pick-and-mix treasure trove of advice is brimming with tried-and-tested strategies for managing behaviour in the secondary classroom. The book contains 100 completely new ideas including:suggested scripts and keywords designed to pacify even the most aggressive situationshort-term and longer term strategiesadvice on pre-empting and avoiding challenging behaviourideas for thinking on your feet in extreme circumstancesThis book will be invaluable to trainee teachers and NQTs, but it will also give experienced teachers new ideas and inspiration for better managing their students' behaviour.

100 Entertainers Who Changed America [2 volumes]: An Encyclopedia of Pop Culture Luminaries [2 volumes]

by Robert C. Sickels

This fascinating and thought-provoking read challenges readers to consider entertainers and entertainment in new ways, and highlights figures from outside the worlds of film, television, and music as influential "pop stars."Comprising approximately 100 entries from more than 50 contributors from a variety of fields, this book covers a wide historical swath of entertainment figures chosen primarily for their lasting influence on American popular culture, not their popularity. The result is a unique collection that spotlights a vastly different array of figures than would normally be included in a collection of this nature—and appeals to readers ranging from high school students to professionals researching specific entertainers.Each subject individual's influence on popular culture is analyzed from the context of his or her time to the present in a lively and engaging way and through a variety of intellectual approaches. Many entries examine commonly discussed figures' influence on popular culture in ways not normally seen—for example, the widespread appeal of Woody Allen's essay collections to other comedians; or the effect of cinematic adaptations of Tennessee Williams' plays in breaking down Hollywood censorship.

100 Entertainers Who Changed America [2 volumes]: An Encyclopedia of Pop Culture Luminaries [2 volumes]

by Robert C. Sickels

This fascinating and thought-provoking read challenges readers to consider entertainers and entertainment in new ways, and highlights figures from outside the worlds of film, television, and music as influential "pop stars."Comprising approximately 100 entries from more than 50 contributors from a variety of fields, this book covers a wide historical swath of entertainment figures chosen primarily for their lasting influence on American popular culture, not their popularity. The result is a unique collection that spotlights a vastly different array of figures than would normally be included in a collection of this nature—and appeals to readers ranging from high school students to professionals researching specific entertainers.Each subject individual's influence on popular culture is analyzed from the context of his or her time to the present in a lively and engaging way and through a variety of intellectual approaches. Many entries examine commonly discussed figures' influence on popular culture in ways not normally seen—for example, the widespread appeal of Woody Allen's essay collections to other comedians; or the effect of cinematic adaptations of Tennessee Williams' plays in breaking down Hollywood censorship.

100 Great Black Britons: A celebration of the extraordinary contribution of key figures of African or Caribbean descent to British Life

by Patrick Vernon Angelina Osborne

A long-overdue book honouring the remarkable achievements of key Black British individuals over many centuries, in collaboration with the 100 Great Black Britons campaign founded and run by Patrick Vernon OBE.'Buillding on decades of scholarship, this book by Patrick Vernon and Dr Angelina Osborne brings the biographies of Black Britons together and vividly expands the historical backdrop against which these hundred men and women lived their lives.'From the Foreword, by DAVID OLUSOGA'I am delighted to see the relaunch of 100 Great Black Britons. For too long the contribution of Britons of African and Caribbean heritage have been underestimated, undervalued and overlooked' SADIQ KHAN, Mayor of LondonPatrick Vernon's landmark 100 Great Black Britons campaign of 2003 was one of the most successful movements to focus on the role of people of African and Caribbean descent in British history. Frustrated by the widespread and continuing exclusion of the Black British community from the mainstream popular conception of 'Britishness', despite Black people having lived in Britain for over a thousand years, Vernon set up a public poll in which anyone could vote for the Black Briton they most admired. The response to this campaign was incredible. As a result, a number of Black historical figures were included on the national school curriculum and had statues and memorials erected and blue plaques put up in their honour. Mary Seacole was adopted by the Royal College of Nursing and was given the same status as Florence Nightingale. Children and young people were finally being encouraged to feel pride in their history and a sense of belonging in Britain.Now, with this book, Vernon and Osborne have relaunched the campaign with an updated list of names and accompanying portraits - including new role models and previously little-known historical figures. Each entry explores in depth the individual's contribution to British history - a contribution that too often has been either overlooked or dismissed. In the wake of the 2018 Windrush scandal, and against the backdrop of Brexit, the rise of right-wing populism and the continuing inequality faced by Black communities across the UK, the need for this campaign is greater than ever.

The 100 Greatest Americans of the 20th Century: A Social Justice Hall of Fame

by Peter Dreier

A hundred years ago, any soapbox orator who called for women's suffrage, laws protecting the environment, an end to lynching, or a federal minimum wage was considered a utopian dreamer or a dangerous socialist. Now we take these ideas for granted- because the radical ideas of one generation are often the common sense of the next. We all stand on the shoulders of earlier generations of radicals and reformers who challenged the status quo of their day. Unfortunately, most Americans know little of this progressive history. It isn't taught in most high schools. You can't find it on the major television networks. In popular media, the most persistent interpreter of America's radical past is Glenn Beck, who teaches viewers a wildly inaccurate history of unions, civil rights, and the American Left.The 100 Greatest Americans of the 20th Century, a colorful and witty history of the most influential progressive leaders of the twentieth century and beyond, is the perfect antidote.

The 100 Greatest Americans of the 20th Century: A Social Justice Hall of Fame

by Peter Dreier

A hundred years ago, any soapbox orator who called for women's suffrage, laws protecting the environment, an end to lynching, or a federal minimum wage was considered a utopian dreamer or a dangerous socialist. Now we take these ideas for granted -- because the radical ideas of one generation are often the common sense of the next. We all stand on the shoulders of earlier generations of radicals and reformers who challenged the status quo of their day. Unfortunately, most Americans know little of this progressive history. It isn't taught in most high schools. You can't find it on the major television networks. In popular media, the most persistent interpreter of America's radical past is Glenn Beck, who teaches viewers a wildly inaccurate history of unions, civil rights, and the American Left.The 100 Greatest Americans of the 20th Century, a colorful and witty history of the most influential progressive leaders of the twentieth century and beyond, is the perfect antidote.

The 100 Greatest Bands of All Time [2 volumes]: A Guide to the Legends Who Rocked the World [2 volumes]

by David V. Moskowitz

This one-of-a-kind reference investigates the music and the musicians that set the popular trends of the last half century in America.Many rock fans have, at one time or another, ranked their favorite artists in order of talent, charisma, and musical influence on the world as they see it. In this same spirit, author and music historian David V. Moskowitz expands on the concept of "top ten" lists to provide a lineup of the best 100 musical groups from the past 60 years. Since the chosen bands are based on the author's personal taste, this two-volume set provokes discussion of which performers are included and why, offering insights into the surprising influences behind them.From the Everly Brothers, to the Ramones, to Public Enemy, the work covers a wide variety of styles and genres, clearly illustrating the connections between them. Entries focus on the group's history, touring, membership, major releases, selected discography, bibliography, and influence. Contributions from leading scholars in popular music shed light on derivative artists and underscore the overall impact of the performers on the music industry.

The 100 Greatest Bands of All Time [2 volumes]: A Guide to the Legends Who Rocked the World [2 volumes]

by David V. Moskowitz

This one-of-a-kind reference investigates the music and the musicians that set the popular trends of the last half century in America.Many rock fans have, at one time or another, ranked their favorite artists in order of talent, charisma, and musical influence on the world as they see it. In this same spirit, author and music historian David V. Moskowitz expands on the concept of "top ten" lists to provide a lineup of the best 100 musical groups from the past 60 years. Since the chosen bands are based on the author's personal taste, this two-volume set provokes discussion of which performers are included and why, offering insights into the surprising influences behind them.From the Everly Brothers, to the Ramones, to Public Enemy, the work covers a wide variety of styles and genres, clearly illustrating the connections between them. Entries focus on the group's history, touring, membership, major releases, selected discography, bibliography, and influence. Contributions from leading scholars in popular music shed light on derivative artists and underscore the overall impact of the performers on the music industry.

100+ Ideas for Teaching Citizenship (Continuum One Hundreds)

by Ian Davies

This book offers more than 100 ideas to inspire your lesson planning, engage students in lessons, carry out effective assessment and many other tips and activities to make life a bit easier for Citizenship Education teachers in both Secondary and Primary schools. This edition includes activities on: • The international banking crisis • Immigration and migration • The recent elections in the UK, EU and USA and updated material on: • Legislation, curriculum changes, technology, reports and research • Professional development opportunities and teacher training • Citizenship Education across the world 100+ ideas for Teaching Citizenship includes more practical ideas for use in the classroom, whole school and community, and is an invaluable dip-in resource for teachers of Citizenship Education for students aged 5-19.

100+ Ideas for Teaching Citizenship (Continuum One Hundreds)

by Ian Davies

This book offers more than 100 ideas to inspire your lesson planning, engage students in lessons, carry out effective assessment and many other tips and activities to make life a bit easier for Citizenship Education teachers in both Secondary and Primary schools. This edition includes activities on: • The international banking crisis • Immigration and migration • The recent elections in the UK, EU and USA and updated material on: • Legislation, curriculum changes, technology, reports and research • Professional development opportunities and teacher training • Citizenship Education across the world 100+ ideas for Teaching Citizenship includes more practical ideas for use in the classroom, whole school and community, and is an invaluable dip-in resource for teachers of Citizenship Education for students aged 5-19.

100 Ideas that Changed the World: Our Most Important Discoveries, Selected By Our Greatest Minds

by Jheni Osman

Every once in a while, an idea comes along that makes the entire world sit up and take notice. From the earliest understandings of our place in the solar system, via Darwinism, DNA, neutrons and quarks, right up to the theories that are pushing the boundaries of our knowledge today, we are forever propelled forward by our most gifted scientific minds. In this fascinating book, former BBC Focus magazine editor Jheni Osman explores 100 of the most forward thinking, far-reaching and downright inspired ideas and inventions in history, each nominated by experts from all fields of science and engineering. With selections from established authorities such as Brian Cox, Patrick Moore, Richard Dawkins and Marcus du Sautoy, Osman covers topics as diverse as the Big Bang, vaccination, computing, radioactivity, human genomes, the wheel and many more. Each essay looks at the logic behind these great inventions, discoveries, theories and experiments, studying the circumstances that brought them into being and assessing the impact that they had on the world at large. An intriguing and thought-provoking collection, 100 Ideas that Changed the World offers us a glimpse into the minds behind history's greatest eureka moments.

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