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数据科学实战手册: Chinese Edition

by Tony Ojeda Benjamin Bengfort Posts & Press Sean P Murphy ABHIJIT DASGUPTA

基于R和Python的数据科学项目案例集锦,数据分析师、数据挖掘工程师、数据科学家必读Key Features手把手的案例解析一边实践一边学习基于R和Python的数据科学项目案例集锦涵盖基于数据科学的所有要素Book Description这本书是基于R和Python的数据科学项目案例集锦,内容涵盖了基于数据科学的所有要素,包括数据采集、处理、清洗、分析、建模、可视化以及数据产品的搭建。案例包含了汽车数据分析、股票市场建模、社交网络分析、推荐系统、地理信息分析,以及Python代码的计算优化。通过手把手的案例解析,令读者知其然并知其所以然。业界的数据分析师、数据挖掘工程师、数据科学家都可以读一读。想要了解实际工作中如何用数据产生价值的在校学生,或者对数据科学感兴趣的人也值得一读。What you will learn数据采集数据处理数据清洗数据分析数据建模数据可视化数据产品的搭建Who this book is for这本书是基于R和Python的数据科学项目案例集锦。业界的数据分析师、数据挖掘工程师、数据科学家都可以读一读。想要了解实际工作中如何用数据产生价值的在校学生,或者对数据科学感兴趣的人也值得一读。

实时数据处理和分析指南: Chinese Edition

by Shilpi Saxena Saurabh Gupta Posts & Press

一本介绍实时大数据计算领域的相关技巧和经验(包括Flink、Spark和Storm等流处理框架技术)的指南。Key Features全书从搭建开发环境开始,逐步实现流处理,循序渐进地引导读者学习如何利用组件协同应用来解决实际问题。Book Description本书主要介绍实时大数据计算领域的相关技巧和经验,包括Flink、Spark和Storm等流处理框架技术。全书从搭建开发环境开始,逐步实现流处理,循序渐进地引导读者学习如何利用Rabbit MQ、Kafka和NiFi以及Storm、Spark、Flink和Beam等组件协同应用来解决实际问题。 本书内容分为6个部分,分别是“导言——熟悉实时分析”“搭建基础设施”“Storm实时计算”“使用Spark实现实时计算”“使用Flink实现实时分析”以及“综合应用”。 在阅读本书之前,读者应具备基本的Java和Scala编程基础,还应熟悉Maven、Java和Eclipse的安装和配置流程。What you will learn搭建基础设施Storm实时计算使用Spark实现实时计算使用Flink实现实时分析Who this book is for本书适合想对实时数据处理和分析的各个方面有深入了解,并想将其以最佳方式部署在生产环境中的人阅读。

程序员学数据结构: Chinese Edition

by William Smith Posts & Press

一本帮助你轻松掌握数据结构的实用指南 Objective-C、C#、Java和Swift多种语言案例Key Features使用一系列主流移动软件开发平台通用的语言编写了示例程序通过示例程序向读者介绍了多种数据结构和对应的用法通过示例程序用浅显易懂的方式展示了很多实际案例Book Description本书通过实用的例子来帮助读者快速理解多种数据结构和它们在实际应用程序中的使用方法。本书使用一系列主流移动软件开发平台通用的语言编写了示例程序,并通过这些示例程序向读者介绍了多种数据结构和对应的用法。同时,本书还通过示例程序用浅显易懂的方式展示了很多实际案例。 本书的第一部分涵盖了大多数语言(如Objective-C、C#、Java以及Swift)均支持的基本数据结构,详细地介绍了如数组、列表、栈、队列、堆这些数据结构的用法和典型应用,并针对每种语言探讨了这些数据结构所独有的特点。这些章节均设有案例学习,通过讲解如何解决实际问题以帮助读者更深入地理解这些数据结构的内涵。 本书的第二部分讨论一些与数据结构相关的高级知识,如泛型数据集、递归、排序和查找。这些章节也提供了相应的案例学习,帮助读者将这些知识应用到自己的应用开发中。 本书适合初学编程或自学编程的人员以及计算机相关专业的教师和学生阅读,也非常适合程序员参考。What you will learn快速回顾基础数据类型的定义,通过实际案例来学习不同数据类型的应用场景和这些数据类型的实践,并介绍这些数据类型在不同平台间的区别;回顾常用的数据结构,并使用不同的移动开发语言来构建这些数据结构的运行示例;数据结构中的高级概念,如泛型数据集和递归等;学习如何在日常应用开发中使用对象数据集,如数组、列表、栈和队列;学习树形数据结构(如堆、二叉树和图),并学习如何将它们应用到软件开发中;学习如何使用不同语言在数组、堆、图和二叉树中进行排序和查找操作。Who this book is for本书适合初学编程或自学编程的人员以及计算机相关专业的教师和学生阅读,也非常适合程序员参考。

10 Don'ts on Your Digital Devices: The Non-Techie's Survival Guide to Cyber Security and Privacy

by Eric Rzeszut Daniel Bachrach

In nontechnical language and engaging style, 10 Don’ts on Your Digital Devices explains to non-techie users of PCs and handheld devices exactly what to do and what not to do to protect their digital data from security and privacy threats at home, at work, and on the road. These include chronic threats such as malware and phishing attacks and emerging threats that exploit cloud‐based storage and mobile apps.It’s a wonderful thing to be able to use any of your cloud-synced assortment of desktop, portable, mobile, and wearable computing devices to work from home, shop at work, pay in a store, do your banking from a coffee shop, submit your tax returns from the airport, or post your selfies from the Oscars. But with this new world of connectivity and convenience comes a host of new perils for the lazy, the greedy, the unwary, and the ignorant. The 10 Don’ts can’t do much for the lazy and the greedy, but they can save the unwary and the ignorant a world of trouble.10 Don’ts employs personal anecdotes and major news stories to illustrate what can—and all too often does—happen when users are careless with their devices and data. Each chapter describes a common type of blunder (one of the 10 Don’ts), reveals how it opens a particular port of entry to predatory incursions and privacy invasions, and details all the unpleasant consequences that may come from doing a Don’t. The chapter then shows you how to diagnose and fix the resulting problems, how to undo or mitigate their costs, and how to protect against repetitions with specific software defenses and behavioral changes.Through ten vignettes told in accessible language and illustrated with helpful screenshots, 10 Don’ts teaches non-technical readers ten key lessons for protecting your digital security and privacy with the same care you reflexively give to your physical security and privacy, so that you don’t get phished, give up your password, get lost in the cloud, look for a free lunch, do secure things from insecure places, let the snoops in, be careless when going mobile, use dinosaurs, or forget the physical—in short, so that you don’t trust anyone over…anything.Non-techie readers are not unsophisticated readers. They spend much of their waking lives on their devices and are bombarded with and alarmed by news stories of unimaginably huge data breaches, unimaginably sophisticated "advanced persistent threat" activities by criminal organizations and hostile nation-states, and unimaginably intrusive clandestine mass electronic surveillance and data mining sweeps by corporations, data brokers, and the various intelligence and law enforcement arms of our own governments. The authors lift the veil on these shadowy realms, show how the little guy is affected, and what individuals can do to shield themselves from big predators and snoops.

The 10-Second Commute: New Realities of Virtual Work

by Terri R. Kurtzberg Mason Ameri

Virtual work, which was steadily on the rise even before the pandemic, is explored in this timely book that describes the impact of technology on our work experiences, ranging from the individual psychological level to the broad societal implications.Widespread remote work is now possible, but it comes with its share of frustrations. Virtual work has changed our lives in ways big and small, from trying to balance our time to what we wear and where we sit and from how we communicate to where we should look during a videoconference. It's also fundamentally changed what kinds of jobs we can now do.Grounded in research and including lively personal anecdotes, The 10-Second Commute provides a thoughtful and comprehensive scan of the nature of virtual work. The authors, both researchers in management and technology, explore the current questions of our virtual lives, such as: Why Zoom instead of Skype? Why are emojis so useful? Why is videoconferencing so exhausting? How does diversity at work both help and hinder productivity? Virtual work is more than just work-it permeates our whole lives, and it will continue to do so as hybrid work arrangements become the new normal. Helping readers better understand the virtual work experience, this book will engage and inform everyone who is still trying to make it work.

The 10-Second Commute: New Realities of Virtual Work

by Terri R. Kurtzberg Mason Ameri

Virtual work, which was steadily on the rise even before the pandemic, is explored in this timely book that describes the impact of technology on our work experiences, ranging from the individual psychological level to the broad societal implications.Widespread remote work is now possible, but it comes with its share of frustrations. Virtual work has changed our lives in ways big and small, from trying to balance our time to what we wear and where we sit and from how we communicate to where we should look during a videoconference. It's also fundamentally changed what kinds of jobs we can now do.Grounded in research and including lively personal anecdotes, The 10-Second Commute provides a thoughtful and comprehensive scan of the nature of virtual work. The authors, both researchers in management and technology, explore the current questions of our virtual lives, such as: Why Zoom instead of Skype? Why are emojis so useful? Why is videoconferencing so exhausting? How does diversity at work both help and hinder productivity? Virtual work is more than just work-it permeates our whole lives, and it will continue to do so as hybrid work arrangements become the new normal. Helping readers better understand the virtual work experience, this book will engage and inform everyone who is still trying to make it work.

10 Short Lessons in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

by Dr Peter J. Bentley

'A lucid, balanced and engaging tour of one of the most important phenomena of this century.' – Steven PinkerFrom the face recognition on your smartphone to the management of our global economy, you cannot live in the modern world without interacting with, or being impacted by, artificial intelligence and robots. But how did this happen? And what does it mean for our lives now and in the future? Is it helping to change our world for the better or creating new problems? 10 Short Lessons in Artificial Intelligence & Robotics examines these key questions and more in this essential guide to the twenty-first century’s most powerful technology.About the series: The Pocket Einstein series is a collection of essential pocket-sized guides for anyone looking to understand a little more about some of the most relevant science that affects us all in the twenty-first century. Broken down into ten simple lessons and written by leading experts in their field, discover the ten most important takeaways from those areas of science we should all know more about.

100 Ideas for Primary Teachers: Computing

by Steve Bunce

Are you looking for exciting ways to get your students interested in computing? Do you need a break down of the basics to get your confidence up before teaching it? Don't worry - help is at hand in this brand new book written by computing whizz Steve Bunce. All areas of the curriculum are introduced, and easy to implement and engaging activities are provided to get you and your students started! Steve covers all the major elements: algorithms, programming, data management, e-safety and more. He answers questions like 'How do computers work?' and introduces ways for you to develop computational thinking and digital literacy in your students. Really accessible 'ways in' which may or may not use a computer make this book something that can be picked up and used in the classroom tomorrow, whatever your level and whatever resources you have to hand. 'Tablet tips' throughout the book provide extra ideas for how to use tablets in the classroom. This book is a must-read for all primary teachers who want to implement a full, engaging computing curriculum in their classroom. Get debugging and coding today!

100 Ideas for Primary Teachers: Coding (100 Ideas for Teachers)

by Martin Burrett

Coding comprises half of the National Curriculum strands for computing, and 100 Ideas for Primary Teachers: Coding is packed with resources that will give every teacher the confidence to deliver it. The easy-to-follow and practical activities in this book will be invaluable for all teachers, whether they are new to coding and just getting to grips with the basics, or are more experienced and wish to expand their repertoire. All the ideas have been carefully selected and written to be appropriate for the widest range of pupils' ages and abilities, and to be used with most coding platforms and devices – making them compatible with any existing scheme. Readers can also access and download additional free resources and templates online – 100 ideas is just the start!

100 Ideas for Primary Teachers: Coding (100 Ideas for Teachers)

by Martin Burrett

Coding comprises half of the National Curriculum strands for computing, and 100 Ideas for Primary Teachers: Coding is packed with resources that will give every teacher the confidence to deliver it. The easy-to-follow and practical activities in this book will be invaluable for all teachers, whether they are new to coding and just getting to grips with the basics, or are more experienced and wish to expand their repertoire. All the ideas have been carefully selected and written to be appropriate for the widest range of pupils' ages and abilities, and to be used with most coding platforms and devices – making them compatible with any existing scheme. Readers can also access and download additional free resources and templates online – 100 ideas is just the start!

100 Ideas for Secondary Teachers: Outstanding Computing Lessons (100 Ideas for Teachers)

by Simon Johnson

An essential collection of 100 practical, tried-and-tested ideas for teaching computing in secondary schools. This is the perfect resource for computing teachers at all levels, whether specialist or non-specialist, newly qualified or experienced. From rubber duck debugging to teaching algorithm design through magic tricks and even setting up an escape room to raise awareness about cyber security, this is the ultimate toolkit for any teacher looking to diversify their lesson plans or revamp their teaching of computing. The activities are research-informed and ready to use in Key Stages 3 and 4 classrooms of all abilities, requiring minimum preparation and resources. 100 Ideas for Secondary Teachers: Outstanding Computing Lessons will ignite students' passion for coding, programming and computational thinking.Additional online resources for the book can be found at Written by experts in their field, 100 Ideas books offer practical ideas for busy teachers. They include step-by-step instructions, teaching tips and taking it further ideas. Follow the conversation on Twitter using #100Ideas.

100 Ideas for Secondary Teachers: Outstanding Computing Lessons (100 Ideas for Teachers)

by Simon Johnson

An essential collection of 100 practical, tried-and-tested ideas for teaching computing in secondary schools. This is the perfect resource for computing teachers at all levels, whether specialist or non-specialist, newly qualified or experienced. From rubber duck debugging to teaching algorithm design through magic tricks and even setting up an escape room to raise awareness about cyber security, this is the ultimate toolkit for any teacher looking to diversify their lesson plans or revamp their teaching of computing. The activities are research-informed and ready to use in Key Stages 3 and 4 classrooms of all abilities, requiring minimum preparation and resources. 100 Ideas for Secondary Teachers: Outstanding Computing Lessons will ignite students' passion for coding, programming and computational thinking.Additional online resources for the book can be found at Written by experts in their field, 100 Ideas books offer practical ideas for busy teachers. They include step-by-step instructions, teaching tips and taking it further ideas. Follow the conversation on Twitter using #100Ideas.

100 Minuten für Anforderungsmanagement: Kompaktes Wissen nicht nur für Projektleiter und Entwickler

by Marcus Grande

In der Produkt-, System- und Softwareentwicklung spielt der professionelle Umgang mit Anforderungen eine entscheidende Rolle für den Erfolg der gesamten Entwicklung und für das entstehende Produkt. Dieses Buch vermittelt in kompakter Form das notwendige Grundwissen für Anforderungsmanagement. Begleitet werden die Ausführungen von Praxiserfahrungen und Beispielvorlagen.

100 Minuten für Anforderungsmanagement: Kompaktes Wissen nicht nur für Projektleiter und Entwickler

by Marcus Grande

In der Produkt-, System- und Softwareentwicklung spielt der professionelle Umgang mit Anforderungen eine entscheidende Rolle für den Erfolg der gesamten Entwicklung und für das entstehende Produkt. Dieses Buch vermittelt in kompakter Form das notwendige Grundwissen für Anforderungsmanagement. Begleitet werden die Ausführungen von Praxiserfahrungen und Beispielvorlagen.

100 Minuten für den kompetenten Auftritt: Persönlichkeitstraining nicht nur für Techniker, Ingenieure und Informatiker

by Sibylle Horger-Thies

Sie wirken, ob Sie dies beabsichtigen oder nicht. Wer Sie sind bestimmen Sie selbst. Vergrößern Sie Ihre Eigenerkenntnis. Mit gewachsenem Selbstbewusstsein gelingt es Ihnen, souverän und authentisch zu wirken und sich dabei wohl zu fühlen. Das Ziel dieses Buches richtet sich darauf, Ihre Persönlichkeit in vielen Bereichen zu stärken und damit erfolgreich zu sein.

100 Minuten für Konfigurationsmanagement: Kompaktes Wissen nicht nur für Projektleiter und Entwickler

by Marcus Grande

In der Produkt-, System- und Softwareentwicklung spielt die professionelle Umsetzung des Konfigurationsmanagements eine entscheidende Rolle für den Erfolg des entstehenden Produkts. Dieses Buch vermittelt in kompakter Form das notwendige Grundwissen für das Konfigurationsmanagement. Anhand von Praxisberichten und Beispielvorlagen können Leser die Inhalte nachvollziehen.

100 Minuten für konstruktive Teamarbeit: Gemeinsam erfolgreich! Nicht nur für Techniker, Ingenieure und Informatiker

by Sibylle Horger-Thies

Mit dem Buch haben Leser die Möglichkeit, ihr eigenes Verhalten im Team zu erkennen, zu analysieren und schnell zu modifizieren. Die Autorin liefert praxiserprobte Hinweise, wie das Selbstbewusstsein gestärkt werden kann. Davon profitiert das gesamte Team: Teamarbeit, bei der jeder fair, produktiv und selbstbewusst seinen Beitrag einbringt, kann den Leistungsanforderungen besser gerecht werden.

100 Questions and Answers to Help You Land Your Dream iOS Job

by Enrique López Mañas

Are you an iOS developer, looking forward to your next career move? Or are you interviewing for positions at your company or start-up? Either way, this book provides the right questions and answers to help you in the review process. If you are an interviewer, this book can guide you on which questions are the most useful to ask to find the perfect candidate. Generic interview questions found online are repetitive and often unrelated to the day-to-day tasks of an iOS developer. If you are looking to hire a professional programmer you should consider more advanced questions about architecture, patterns or frameworks such as those included in this book.All questions are answered clearly and comprehensively and each one is categorized and reviewed by some of the top iOS engineers worldwide. Some of the questions provide quick follow-ups, which might make the difference between a good enough answer and a stellar one. Questions are divided into three different levels, so whether you are a beginner or an advanced iOS developer, this book will help you to land your dream iOS development Job!What You'll LearnAnswer interview questions flawlessly with just the right response to convey your skillsetPractice interviews to make yourself more comfortable during the processDiscover what sets a generic coder and an experienced iOS developer apartWho This Book Is ForExperienced iOS developers seeking a new employer or promotion within their current company. It also serves as a great tool for someone in human resources or another hiring position trying to identify the right candidate for an iOS development position.

100 Rezepte für MS-DOS 6.0: Tips, Tricks und Anwendungsbeispiele für Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene

by Bernd Kretschmer

Handlungsorientierte Darstellung Mit diesem Buch führen wir Sie in einer aufbauenden Folge von Rezepten in die Welt des Betriebssystems MS DOS in der Version 6 ein. An einfachen Beispielen erleben Sie Problemlösungen mit dieser Generation des weit verbreiteten Einplatz­ Betriebssystems. Hilfe Sie lernen die mitgelieferten Hilfeprogramme zu nutzen. Wenn Sie mehr Informa­ tionen wollen, lesen Sie, wie Sie die Microsoft Support CDs und den Zugang zu CompuServe bekommen und dort das Forum MSDOS nutzen. Für alle zusätzli­ chen Hilfen finden Sie Bezugsadressen. Brücken Wir zeigen Ihnen Aussichtspunkte, von denen Sie die Blicke in die Nachbarwelt von Windows 3.1 werfen können. Viele Tabellen veranschaulichen Handlungsal­ ternativen an der DOS-Eingabeaufforderung, der DOS-Shell und Windows. Alles automatisch? Mit Batch-Programmen und Makros gestalten Sie eigene Abläufe. Sie erhalten viele Tips und Anregungen für die Organisation und Planung Ihrer Arbeit mit DOS. Bilderbuch Die zahlreichen exakten Abbildungen von Bildschirmen und Ausdrucken vermit­ teln Ihnen auch ohne PC jederzeit eine genaue Vorstellung von den Beispielen und der Arbeit mit DOS. Beispiele Sie finden durchweg einfache und übersichtliche abgeschlossene Beispiele, die Sie auch noch am Feierabend bequem nachvollziehen können. Danke ... Wir danken CompuServe, Creative Daten Systeme, der GD Gesellschaft für Datenkommunikation, Microsoft und Andreas Müller Software für die vielfältige Unterstützung. Viel Erfolg! Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Freude und Erfolg beim Lesen und Arbeiten mit diesem Rezept-Buch und MS DOS 6.0. Über Ihre Anregungen freuen wir uns.

100% Unofficial Among Us Playbook

by Farshore

There’s a parasitic shapeshifter on the loose and it’s your job to work out who it is.

100% Unofficial Roblox Mega Hits 2

by Roblox


100% Unofficial Roblox Mega Hits 3

by 100% Unofficial


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