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Knowledge Engineering Tools and Techniques for AI Planning

by Mauro Vallati Diane Kitchin

This book presents a comprehensive review for Knowledge Engineering tools and techniques that can be used in Artificial Intelligence Planning and Scheduling. KE tools can be used to aid in the acquisition of knowledge and in the construction of domain models, which this book will illustrate. AI planning engines require a domain model which captures knowledge about how a particular domain works - e.g. the objects it contains and the available actions that can be used. However, encoding a planning domain model is not a straightforward task - a domain expert may be needed for their insight into the domain but this information must then be encoded in a suitable representation language. The development of such domain models is both time-consuming and error-prone. Due to these challenges, researchers have developed a number of automated tools and techniques to aid in the capture and representation of knowledge.This book targets researchers and professionals working in knowledge engineering, artificial intelligence and software engineering. Advanced-level students studying AI will also be interested in this book.

CIM Coursebook: Managing Marketing (Cim Coursebook Ser.)

by Francis Nicholson Richard Meek

Butterworth-Heinemann’s CIM Coursebooks have been designed to match the syllabus and learning outcomes of our new qualifications and should be useful aids in helping students understand the complexities of marketing. The discussion and practical application of theories and concepts, with relevant examples and case studies, should help readers make immediate use of their knowledge and skills gained from the qualifications.’ Professor Keith Fletcher, Director of Education, The Chartered Institute of Marketing ‘Here in Dubai, we have used the Butterworth-Heinemann Coursebooks in their various forms since the very beginning and have found them most useful as a source of recommended reading material as well as examination preparation.’ Alun Epps, CIM Centre Co-ordinator, Dubai University College, United Arab Emirates Butterworth-Heinemann’s official CIM Coursebooks are the definitive companions to the CIM professional marketing qualifications. The only study materials to be endorsed by The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), all content is carefully structured to match the syllabus and is written in collaboration with the CIM faculty. Each chapter is packed full of case studies, study tips and activities to test your learning and understanding as you go along. •The coursebooks are the only study guide reviewed and approved by CIM (The Chartered Institute of Marketing). •Each book is crammed with a range of learning objectives, cases, questions, activities, definitions, study tips and summaries to support and test your understanding of the theory. •Past examination papers and examiners’ reports are available online to enable you to practise what has been learned and help prepare for the exam and pass first time. •Extensive online materials support students and tutors at every stage. Based on an understanding of student and tutor needs gained in extensive research, online materials have been designed specifically for CIM students and created exclusively for Butterworth-Heinemann. Check out exam dates on the Online Calendar, see syllabus links for each course, and access extra mini case studies to cement your understanding. Explore and access online versions of the coursebooks and further reading from Elsevier and Butterworth-Heinemann. INTERACTIVE, FLEXIBLE, ACCESSIBLE ANY TIME, ANY PLACE

The Sustainability Transformation: How to Accelerate Positive Change in Challenging Times

by Alan AtKisson

The Sustainability Transformation is a must-read for anyone trying to make sense of what is happening to our world – and wanting to change it for the better. Renowned consultant and communicator Alan AtKisson, author of the sustainability classic Believing Cassandra, cuts through the jargon and illuminates the essentials in this highly readable and motivational work. The Sustainability Transformation covers theory and practice, tools and strategies, the opportunities and the obstacles, illustrated with in-depth case studies and poignant personal anecdotes. AtKisson's aim is to empower the reader and to help grow a global 'army of change agents,' working effectively to overcome the great challenges of our times. At the heart of the book is AtKisson's potent ISIS Method, used by business, governments, and organizations around the world. ISIS - Indicators, Systems, Innovation, Strategy - helps professionals, students, and amateurs alike to put sustainability to work and accelerate change, even when facing difficult circumstances. AtKisson also introduces the reader to many inspiring people, unsung heroes whose success stories provide a solid foundation for hope. Previously published in hardcover as The ISIS Agreement.

Feminist Institutionalism and Gendered Bureaucracies: Forestry Governance in Nepal

by Radha Wagle Soma Pillay Wendy Wright

This book examines the processes for the inclusion of women, and the role of women employees in Nepal’s forestry bureaucracy. The book adopts a “gender lens” drawn from feminist institutionalism and is framed around the following four objectives: evaluating the effectiveness of current legislative and policy frameworks for the inclusion of women in the Nepalese forest bureaucracy; examining the dynamics of organizational culture, formal and informal institutions, and structure and agency in and around forest bureaucracy in Nepal; assessing power relations in forestry institutions focusing on influential participation of women forestry professionals in the bureaucratic structure; and gaining insights about the alternative space of feminist institutionalism in connection with women inclusive forest bureaucracy.Findings in the book inform and extend feminist institutionalism perspectives by applying it to a context which remains under explored, providing insights on the efficacy of public sector cultural change, especially as it relates to those areas within bureaucracies less in a position to adopt the changes mandated by society and principles of good governance.

Stand by me – die Magie der Mitarbeiterbindung

by Mira Christine Mühlenhof Sabine Lipski

Lockmittel wie Dienstwagen und Boni-Zahlungen reichen nicht mehr aus im "War of Talents". Heute stehen die Individualität des Mitarbeiters und damit seine Bedürfnisse im Fokus jeder erfolgreichen Personalarbeit. Wie verstehst du mich, wie sprichst du meine individuellen Gefühle an? Diese Frage spielt für den Führungsstil der Zukunft eine ganz zentrale Rolle. Führungskräfte, die die intrinsische Motivation ihrer Mitarbeiter kennen, können diese konstruktiv nutzen. Verschiedene Motivationen vertragen sich gut miteinander. Andere beißen sich. Dieses Buch entschlüsselt die Chemie zwischen den Menschen und liefert das unerlässliche Wissen, um funktionierende Teams zusammenzustellen, zu halten und zu Höchstleistungen zu bringen.

Government Responses to Crisis (Mercatus Studies in Political and Social Economy)

by Stefanie Haeffele Virgil Henry Storr

When crises occur, citizens, media and policymakers alike expect government to respond and to take a leading role in recovery. Given the scale and scope of crises, whether natural (such as hurricanes, floods, and earthquakes), manmade (such as conflict and economic downturns), or often a combination of the two, governments are often seen as being in the best position to identify the problems, understand the circumstances, and direct action. They are also likely to be the entities that have adequate resources to devote to such large-scale efforts. Yet, governments are not spared from the effects of crises. They are composed of individuals who are impacted by disasters and face many of the same challenges in identifying needs, prioritizing action, and adjusting to changing circumstances. It is by no surprise that governments are also often scrutinized during and after crises. How, then, do we understand the capability of and proper role for governments to respond to crisis and to drive recovery? This edited volume—comprised of chapters by accomplished scholars and seasoned practitioners in disaster and crises studies and management, spanning multiple disciplines including sociology, economics, and public administration—examines the roles, expectations, and capabilities of government responses to crises. It gives an overview of the literature, provides lessons learned from both research and experience on the ground during crises, and puts forth a framework for understanding crisis management and subsequent policy implications. It will be of use to any scholars, students, practitioners or policymakers interested in learning from and better preparing for crises and responding when they do occur.

Bottom-up Responses to Crisis (Mercatus Studies in Political and Social Economy)

by Stefanie Haeffele Virgil Henry Storr

Crises occur in all societies across world, and can be natural (such as hurricanes, flooding, and earthquakes), man-made (such as wars and economic downturns), or, often, a combination of both (such as famines, the flooding of New Orleans in 2005 after Hurricane Katrina and subsequent levy failures, and the earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster in Japan in 2011). Crises cause fatalities, injuries, and property damages as well as introduce uncertainty and challenges for individuals, societies, and polities. Yet, we see individuals and communities rebounding effectively from crises all the time. How do communities go about returning to normalcy and beginning again the mundane life of every day affairs? This edited volume looks at bottom-up responses to crises. The chapters in this volume will highlight the ingenuity and persistence of individuals and private organizations as well as discuss the possibilities, limitations, and adaptability of bottom-up responses. It argues that there are many ways that local leaders, entrepreneurs, and community members can play a role in their own recovery by examining the capabilities, feedback mechanisms, and network effects of decentralized crisis response and recovery efforts. Chapters will focus on the role of local emergency managers in the disaster management process and offer suggestions for reform and the role of businesses, citizens, and children in providing crisis response and recovery. This book will also consider theories of self-governance and nonviolent action in encouraging and sustaining bottom-up recovery.

Sustainable Home Refurbishment: The Earthscan Expert Guide to Retrofitting Homes for Efficiency (Earthscan Expert)

by David Thorpe

A retro-fit offers many benefits: cutting electricity and heating bills, increasing the resale value of homes, slashing carbon emissions and creating a healthier place to live. This book is the guide to making it happen. It looks at: draught-proofing, insulation and damp ventilation, heating and cooling electrical efficiency and renewable energy water use and re-use materials' life cycles and incorporating nature protection from climate change impacts - modelling energy flows and embodied energy how we can meet the need to cut carbon emissions from dwellings by eighty percent by 2050. Projects can apply to apartment blocks, recent builds and older, solid-walled properties. Enlivened with helpful diagrams and photographs, plus plenty of pointers for further information, it provides a comprehensive resource handbook for any building professional and contractor, students – or any homeowner serious about efficiency (cash and carbon) savings.

Accounting for Sustainability: Practical Insights

by Anthony Hopwood Jeffrey Unerman Jessica Fries

If businesses and other organizations are to meet the many and complex challenges of sustainable development, then they all, both public and private, need to embed sustainability considerations into their decision-making and reporting. However, the translation of this aspiration into effective action is often inhibited by the lack of systems and procedures that take sustainability into account. Accounting for Sustainability: Practical Insights will help organizations to address these issues. The book sets out a number of tools and approaches that have been developed and applied by leading organizations to: - embed sustainability into decision-making, extending beyond an organization's boundaries to take into account suppliers, customers and other stakeholders; - measure and link sustainability and financial performance; - integrate sustainability into 'mainstream' reporting, both to management and external stakeholders. In-depth cases studies from Aviva, BT, the Environment Agency, EDF Energy, HSBC, Novo Nordisk, Sainsbury's and West Sussex County Council show in detail how accounting for sustainability works in practice in a wide range of organizational contexts. Published with The Prince's Charities: Accounting for Sustainability

Shopping 3.0: Shopping, the Internet or Both?

by Cor Molenaar

Retailers are in difficult times. The recession, global competition, government regulation and the growth of the Internet mean that costs are rising but margins are increasingly squeezed. Cor Molenaar's Shopping 3.0 offers an engaging, convincing and well-researched manifesto for the future of retailing; a manifesto which encourages retailers to switch their approach from a strategy that is based around transactions to one that is based around customers. Logic dictates that there is no one single strategy that will work for all retailers; some of them may indeed benefit from investing in e-retailing solutions and the Internet but for others, success will lie in developing a service based on customer experience or one with some apparently bespoke elements; a strategy to appeal to customers as individuals. Shopping 3.0 examines all these changes. It sketches the world of consumers; those who make their purchases from the comfort of their armchair and those who enjoy shopping with friends. Cor Molenaar explores the impact of changing consumer attitudes to shopping; the role of new technology in future retailing and the changing face of both city centre and out of town shops and malls. Shopping 3.0 offers a welcome helping hand for retailers, both physical and web-based shopkeepers; something to help you make sense of the ongoing revolution in shopping and to plan or adjust your business strategy to enable you not just to survive but to thrive in a world that will look very different in a few years time.

Compensation and Organizational Performance: Theory, Research, and Practice

by Luis R. Gomez-Mejia Pascual Berrone Monica Franco-Santos

This up-to-date, research-oriented textbook focuses on the relationship between compensation systems and firm overall performance. In contrast to more traditional compensation texts, it provides a strategic perspective to compensation administration rather than a functional viewpoint. The text emphasizes the role of managerial pay, its importance, determinants, and impact on organizations. It analyzes recent topics in executive compensation, such as pay in high technology firms, managerial risk taking, rewards in family companies, and the link between compensation and social responsibility and ethical issues, among others. The authors provide a thorough and comprehensive review of the vast literatures relevant to compensation and revisit debates grounded in different theoretical perspectives. They provide insights from disciplines as diverse as management, economics, sociology, and psychology, and amplify previous discussions with the latest empirical findings on compensation, its dynamics, and its contribution to firm overall performance.

Making Ecopreneurs: Developing Sustainable Entrepreneurship (Corporate Social Responsibility)

by Michael Schaper

The first edition of this book looked at the emergence of 'ecopreneurs' - environmental entrepreneurs gaining competitive advantage for their firms through understanding and utilising green issues. These green entrepreneurs have led the way in enabling market forces to generate economic growth whilst protecting the environment and encouraging sustainability. This new edition continues the examination of what distinguishes these green entrepreneurs from others. It draws on a diverse range of case studies embracing examples of both successful and unsuccessful ecopreneurial ventures on at least four continents. Contributions have been updated and a number of entirely new chapters describe sustainable business projects in places ranging from the USA , India, western Europe, UK, Australia, central America and New Zealand. Making Ecopreneurs, second edition, charts recent developments and remains highly relevant to researchers in the fields of sustainable business development and entrepreneurship, to policymakers within governments and NGOs, and to those running businesses.

Die 38-Stunden-Woche für Manager: Optimale Work-Life-Balance durch gute Führung

by Daniel Walther

Der Arbeitstag ist immer zu kurz, um alles zu schaffen, was man sich vorgenommen hat – das gilt umso mehr für Führungskräfte. Wie können sie ihre Ziele erreichen, ohne ihr Privatleben zu vernachlässigen? Welche Strukturen müssen dafür im Unternehmen und im Team vorhanden sein, was können Führungskräfte selbst tun, um ihren Alltag und die Zusammenarbeit mit ihren Mitarbeitern effizient und erfolgreich zu gestalten? Erleichtert die Digitalisierung die Arbeit?Dieses Buch, das nun in der 2., überarbeiteten und aktualisierten Auflage vorliegt, ist eine Hilfestellung für Manager jeder Hierarchieebene, um die eigene Work-Life-Balance zu verbessern. Basierend auf einer grundlegenden Untersuchung aller Bereiche der Führung werden konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen zur Umsetzung gegeben. Eine Pflichtlektüre für Führungskräfte und alle, die es werden wollen.

Applied Economic Analysis of Information and Risk

by Moriki Hosoe Iltae Kim

This book examines interesting new topics in applied economics from the perspectives of the economics of information and risk, two fields of economics that address the consequences of asymmetric information, environmental risk and uncertainty for the nature and efficiency of interactions between individuals and organizations. In the economics of information, the essential task is to examine the condition of asymmetric information under which the information gap is exploited. For the economics of risk, it is important to investigate types of behavior including risk aversion, risk sharing, and risk prevention, and to reexamine the classical expected utility approach and the relationships among several types of the changes in risk. Few books have ever analyzed topics in applied economics with regard to information and risk. This book provides a comprehensive collection of applied analyses, while also revisiting certain basic concepts in the economics of information and risk. The book consists of two parts. In Part I, several aspects of applied economics are investigated, including public policy, labor economics, and political economics, from the standpoint of the economics of (asymmetric) information. First, several basic frameworks of the incentive mechanism with regard to transaction-specific investment are assessed, then various tools for market design and organization design are explored. In Part II, mathematical measures of risk and risk aversion are examined in more detail, and readers are introduced to stochastic selection rules governing choice behavior under uncertainty. Several types of change in the random variable for the cumulative distribution function (CDF) and probability distribution function (PDF) are discussed. In closing, the part investigates the comparative static results of these changes in CDF or PDF on the general decision model, incorporating uncertain situations in applied economics.

Wirtschaftspolitik der Volksrepublik China

by Barbara Darimont

Dieses Buch befasst sich mit der aktuellen Wirtschaftspolitik der Volksrepublik China. Neben einem kurzen Überblick über die Wirtschaftsgeschichte seit der Gründung und den Diskussionen über die Wirtschaftsmodelle, wird sowohl ein Überblick über die Unternehmensformen als auch über den chinesischen Arbeitsmarkt gegeben. Ein besonderes Augenmerk legt das Buch auf die Entwicklung des chinesischen E-Commercesektors. Ebenso bedeutend ist Chinas Umweltproblematik vor dem Hintergrund der Klimakrise. Ohne Innovationen, beispielsweise in der Energiegewinnung und Abfallwirtschaft, wird die chinesische Wirtschaft kaum weiter wachsen können. Daher liegt ein Schwerpunkt des Buches auf der Wirtschaftspolitik im Umweltbereich. Schließlich wird die Außenpolitik inklusive der Seidenstraßeninitiative untersucht. Ziel dieses Buches ist es, die genannten Entwicklungen aufzuzeigen. Es richtet sich an Laien, die im Chinageschäft tätig sind, ebenso wie an Studienanfänger, die einen Überblick über die wirtschaftspolitischen Institutionen und die aktuellen Entwicklungen erhalten möchten.

Georgia Diary: A Chronicle of War and Political Chaos in the Post-Soviet Caucasus

by Thomas Goltz

First Published in 2015. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor &; Francis, an informa company.

Re-imagining the Office: The New Workplace Challenge

by Adryan Bell

'An office workplace, like so many other products and services in the future, will fail if it only manages to be ordinary'... Adryan Bell, one of the pioneers in the design of work and workspace, uses his new book Re-imagining the Office as a canvas on which to paint a vivid and, at times challenging, image of the future office. Through six inter-related themes, efficiency, effectiveness, engagement, expression, e-work and experience he encourages the reader to challenge and re-invent many existing long-standing workplace conventions. These include basic aspects like office design and image, workplace status and symbolism, dependency on desks, use of alternative work settings and locations, territorialism, use of paper, exploitation of technology and flexibility with time. More fundamentally, he encourages a rethinking of the whole concept and location of the workplace - and its role in supporting our work and the organisations we work for. The book is both backward as well as forward looking as the author remarks: 'we can learn from the past. And we should not throw everything completely away in boldly pursuing, as we must do, the new future'. Re-imagining the Office is a call to arms for all those concerned with workplace design; with the engagement of employees; with the practical task of nurturing the culture of knowledge, innovation and transformation that are now seen as key to future competitiveness in business and the delivery of relevant and sustainable services in the public sector.

Business and Global Governance (Routledge Studies in Globalisation)

by Morten Ougaard Anna Leander

Over the past two decades, the role of business in global governance has become increasingly topical. Transnational business associations are progressively more visible in international policy debates and in intergovernmental institutions, and there is a heightened attention given to global policy-making in national and international business communities. This text examines and explains the multiple modes of engagement between business and global governance; it presents a variety of theoretical approaches which can be used to analyse them, along with empirical illustrations. Featuring a range of leading US and European scholars, it is divided into three parts that summarize different modes of engagement. Each section is illustrated by two or three studies that represent a distinct theoretical take on the issue with empirical illustrations. The book examines: Business as master and purpose of global governance Business as subject and opponent to global governance Business as partner and facilitator of global governance This book will be of interest to students and scholars of Business Studies, International Relations, International Politics and International Political Economy, as well as for practitioners – in the public and private sector.

Strategies for Sustainability: Africa (Sustainable Development Set)

by Adrian Wood

The World Conservation Union, Founded in 1948, brings together States government agencies and a diverse range of non-governmental organisations in a unique world partnership over 800 members in all, spread across some 136 countries. As a Union IUCN seeks to influence, encourage and assist societies throughout the world to conserve the integrity and diversity of nature and to ensure that any use of natural resources to equitable and ecological sustainable. The World Conservation Union builds on the strengths of its members, Networks and partners to enhance their capacity and to support global alliances to safeguard natural resources at local, regional and global levels. The Strategies For Sustainably Program of IUCN works to strengthen strategic planning, policy and implementation skills aimed at sustainability development at global, national and local levels. Working with networks of strategy practitioners from member governments, partner institutions and NGOs the programme assists in the conceptual development and analysis of experience of strategies, the development of a range of strategic planning and action planning skills and improved methods of assessing human and ecosystem well being. This volume, originally published in 1996, reviews more than a decadeof experience for sustainability in 12 African countries. These countries provide examples of very different approaches to strategy development and implementation. Many have been involved in the development of the National Environmental Action Plans (NEAPs) at the request of the World Bank. Other countries have developed their strategies independently, or have prepared National Conservation Strategies withe support from the IUCN.

Catalytic Conversations: Organizational Communication and Innovation

by Ann C. Baker

In today's increasingly globalized world, it is essential that people of diverse ethnicities and socio-economic backgrounds learn to work together and communicate effectively. This book offers a breakthrough approach to recognizing that differences among people are resources for organizations to tap as they strive to anticipate change and adapt rapidly in an unpredictable world. "Catalytic Conversations" provides a conceptual framework for understanding how complex communication patterns of social networks influence, and are influenced by, organizational structures. It discusses how to enhance the quality and viability of groups and organizational life by paying attention to how people talk - and do not talk - to each other. The book distinguishes between conversations that support organizational enhancement and others that inhibit innovation, and explores the complexity of organizational communication in detail.

The Encyclopedia of Strikes in American History

by Aaron Brenner Benjamin Day Immanuel Ness

Strikes have been part of American labor relations from colonial days to the present, reflecting the widespread class conflict that has run throughout the nation's history. Against employers and their goons, against the police, the National Guard, local, state, and national officials, against racist vigilantes, against their union leaders, and against each other, American workers have walked off the job for higher wages, better benefits, bargaining rights, legislation, job control, and just plain dignity. At times, their actions have motivated groundbreaking legislation, defining new rights for all citizens; at other times they have led to loss of workers' lives. This comprehensive encyclopedia is the first detailed collection of historical research on strikes in America. To provide the analytical tools for understanding strikes, the volume includes two types of essays - those focused on an industry or economic sector, and those focused on a theme. Each industry essay introduces a group of workers and their employers and places them in their economic, political, and community contexts. The essay then describes the industry's various strikes, including the main issues involved and outcomes achieved, and assesses the impact of the strikes on the industry over time. Thematic essays address questions that can only be answered by looking at a variety of strikes across industries, groups of workers, and time, such as, why the number of strikes has declined since the 1970s, or why there was a strike wave in 1946. The contributors include historians, sociologists, anthropologists, and philosophers, as well as current and past activists from unions and other social movement organizations. Photos, a Topic Finder, a bibliography, and name and subject indexes add to the works appeal.

Wettbewerbsfaktor Mensch: Wie man durch Mitarbeiterbegeisterung und moderne Führung Mehrwert schafft

by Ingo Hamm Wiebke Köhler

Fakten statt Hype: was treibt Mitarbeiterbegeisterung wirklich?Nur wenige Arbeitnehmer in Deutschland sind von ihrer Arbeit oder ihrem Arbeitgeber begeistert. Dabei ist fehlende Motivation weit mehr als nur ein Wohlfühl-Problem, denn Begeisterung hat einen erheblichen „ökonomischen Fußabdruck“: Der deutschen Wirtschaft entgehen pro Jahr über 275 Mrd. EUR wegen geringen Engagements von Mitarbeitern und Führungskräften.In einer großangelegten Studie ergründen die Autoren die Stimmung unter Arbeitnehmern und stellen moderne Konzepte von Arbeit und Führung auf den Prüfstand. Sie präsentieren konkrete, an-wendungsfreundliche Maßnahmen für mehr Mitarbeiterbegeisterung und simulieren deren finanzielle Effekte. In diesem Buch erfahren Sie, was Unternehmen ganz allgemein, Führungskräfte im Speziellen, aber auch Mitarbeiter selbst tun können, um die Motivation und Begeisterung bei der Arbeit zu steigern.Begeisterung entsteht durch solide Arbeit und solide Führung – moderne, zum Teil gehypte HR- und Führungs-Trends tragen weniger zu Begeisterung beiDabei wird deutlich, dass gerade viele Trendthemen nachweislich wenig zur Begeisterung von Mitarbeitern und Führungskräften beitragen. Es sind vielmehr klassische Tugenden der Führung und altbekannte Grundsätze guten Unternehmertums, die auch in Zeiten starken Wandels einen großen Effekt auf Ertragskraft und Stimmung des Einzelnen haben. Dazu untersuchen die Autoren beispielhaft zwei Bereiche außerhalb der Unternehmenswelt – die Grenzschutzgruppe (GSG) 9 und den Profifußball, die diese Thesen stützen.Aus dem InhaltBegeisterte Mitarbeiter sind bessere Mitarbeiter Studie über Mitarbeiterbegeisterung: Vorgehen und Ergebnisse Konkrete Instrumente und Maßnahmen für MitarbeiterbegeisterungWie Mitarbeiterbegeisterung Wert für den Arbeitgeber schafft – das Employee Excitement GridModerne Führung – was wirklich zählt

The Art of Human Rights: Commingling Art, Human Rights and the Law in Africa (Arts, Research, Innovation and Society)

by Romola Adeola Michael Gyan Nyarko Adebayo Okeowo Frans Viljoen

This book highlights the use of art in human rights, specifically within Africa. It advances an innovative pattern of thinking that explores the intersection between art and human rights law. In recent years, art has become an important tool for engagement on several human rights issues. In view of its potency, and yet potential to be a danger when misused, this book seeks to articulate the use of arts in the human rights discourse in its different forms. Chapters cover how music, photography, literature, photojournalism, soap opera, commemorations, sculpting and theatre can be used as an expression of human rights. This book demonstrates how arts have become a formidable expression of thoughts and a means of articulating reality in a form that simplifies truth and congregates resolve to advance change.

Marketing Theory: Foundations, Controversy, Strategy, and Resource-advantage Theory

by Shelby D. Hunt

One of the true classics in Marketing is now thoroughly revised and updated. "Marketing Theory" is both evolutionary and revolutionary. As in earlier editions, Shelby Hunt focuses on the marketing discipline's multiple stakeholders. He articulates a philosophy of science-based 'tool kit' for developing and analyzing theories, law-like generalizations, and explanations in marketing science. Hunt adds a new dimension to the book, however, by developing arguments for the position that Resource-Advantage Theory provides the foundation for a general theory of marketing and a theoretical foundation for business and marketing strategy. Also new to this edition are four chapters adapted and updated from Hunt's "Controversy in Marketing Theory" that analyze the 'philosophy debates' within the field, including controversies with respect to scientific realism, qualitative methods, truth, and objectivity.

Walking Away from Terrorism: Accounts of Disengagement from Radical and Extremist Movements (Political Violence)

by John G. Horgan

This accessible new book looks at how and why individuals leave terrorist movements, and considers the lessons and implications that emerge from this process. Focusing on the tipping points for disengagement from groups such as Al Qaeda, the IRA and the UVF, this volume is informed by the dramatic and sometimes extraordinary accounts that the terrorists themselves offered to the author about why they left terrorism behind. The book examines three major issues: what we currently know about de-radicalisation and disengagement how discussions with terrorists about their experiences of disengagement can show how exit routes come about, and how they then fare as ‘ex-terrorists’ away from the structures that protected them what the implications of these findings are for law-enforcement officers, policy-makers and civil society on a global scale. Concluding with a series of thought-provoking yet controversial suggestions for future efforts at controlling terrorist behaviour, Walking Away From Terrorism provides an comprehensive introduction to disengagement and de-radicalisation and offers policymakers a series of considerations for the development of counter-radicalization and de-radicalisation processes. This book will be essential reading for students of terrorism and political violence, war and conflict studies, security studies and political psychology. John Horgan is Director of the International Center for the Study of Terrorism at the Pennsylvania State University. He is one of the world's leading experts on terrorist psychology, and has authored over 50 publications in this field; recent books include the The Psychology of Terrorism (Routledge 2005) and Leaving Terrorism Behind (co-edited, Routledge 2008)

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