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Showing 99,951 through 99,975 of 100,000 results

Computer Simulation of Ion-Solid Interactions (Springer Series in Materials Science #10)

by Wolfgang Eckstein

In this book the author discusses the investigation of ion bombardment of solids by computer simulation, with the aim of demonstrating the usefulness of this approach to the problem of interactions of ions with solids. The various chapters present the basic physics behind the simulation programs, their structure and many applications to different topics. The two main streams, the binary collision model and the classical dynamics model, are discussed, as are interaction potentials and electronic energy losses. The main topics investigated are backscattering, sputtering and implantation for incident atomic particles with energies from the eV to the MeV range. An extensive overview of the literature is given, making this book of interest to the active reseacher as well to students entering the field.

World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering September 7 - 12, 2009 Munich, Germany: Vol. 25/IV Image Processing, Biosignal Processing, Modelling and Simulation, Biomechanics (IFMBE Proceedings #25/4)

by Olaf Dössel Wolfgang C. Schlegel

Present Your Research to the World! The World Congress 2009 on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering – the triennial scientific meeting of the IUPESM - is the world’s leading forum for presenting the results of current scientific work in health-related physics and technologies to an international audience. With more than 2,800 presentations it will be the biggest conference in the fields of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering in 2009! Medical physics, biomedical engineering and bioengineering have been driving forces of innovation and progress in medicine and healthcare over the past two decades. As new key technologies arise with significant potential to open new options in diagnostics and therapeutics, it is a multidisciplinary task to evaluate their benefit for medicine and healthcare with respect to the quality of performance and therapeutic output. Covering key aspects such as information and communication technologies, micro- and nanosystems, optics and biotechnology, the congress will serve as an inter- and multidisciplinary platform that brings together people from basic research, R&D, industry and medical application to discuss these issues. As a major event for science, medicine and technology the congress provides a comprehensive overview and in–depth, first-hand information on new developments, advanced technologies and current and future applications. With this Final Program we would like to give you an overview of the dimension of the congress and invite you to join us in Munich! Olaf Dössel Congress President Wolfgang C.

Detection and Spectrometry of Faint Light (Astrophysics and Space Science Library #56)

by J. Meaburn

The aim of this book is to bridge the gap between the pure instrumental physicist and the user of detectors and spectrometers. The essential parameters describing the performance of these devices are identified and the designs of a wide variety of practical instruments are illustrated working on topical problems. The author has spent 14 years designing and applying spectrometers in the visible and near infra-red domains predominantly to investigate gaseous nebulae. Most recently he has designed for instance a large (15 x IS-in.) Ha interference filter for the SRC, 48-in. Schmidt camera, insect-eye Fabry-Perot spectrographs, image tube filter cameras, a SISAM monochromator, a three-beam Fabry-Perot monochromator (collaboratively) for the ISO-in. Anglo-Australian telescope and a two-etalon PEPSIOS type monochromator. Consequently emphasis in this book is placed on devices useful from the ultra-violet to the infra-red. Likewise many of the illustrations are drawn from astronomy. However most of the ideas that are presented invariably have applications in other branches of science and wavelength domains.

Spezielle Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe: Mit Andrologie und Neonatologie

by Erich Burghardt

Dieses Buch ist als Ratgeber für die praktische Arbeit des klinisch tätigen Gynäkologen und Geburtshelfers, des frei praktizierenden Facharztes und des in Fachausbildung stehenden Assistenten gedacht. Aber auch dem Diabetologen, dem Neonatologen, Andrologen, Onkologen, Pathologen und Genetiker wird das Buch von Nutzen sein. Es behandelt aktuelle Probleme der Frauenheilkunde und ihrer Randgebiete, diejedoch schon von einem gesicherten Standpunkt aus betrachtet werden können. So kann dem Leser über die Problemstellung hinaus bereits nahegebracht werden, wie und wo geeignete Lösungen zu suchen und zu finden sind. Im klassischen Lehrbuch steht die Ausführlichkeit, mit der ein Thema behandelt wird, meist im umgekehrten Verhältnis zu seiner Aktualität, einfach weil es didaktisch notwendig und besser ist, neue Fakten auf das breite Fundament des überkommenen Wissens zu stellen. Praktisch kann das für den Leser bedeuten, daß er für die umfassende Orientierung über ein neues Gebiet auf die Vielfalt der Zeitschriftenliteratur zurückgreifen muß, die nicht immer bei der Hand ist, und die eher auf Teilaspekten als auf systematischen Darstellungen be­ ruht. Mit der Behandlung einer speziellen Thematik wird - ohne jeglichen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit - eine Brücke vom allgemeinen Wissensstand zum derzeit noch speziellen Fachwissen gebaut. Die Auswahl der Themen richtete sich einerseits nach den aktuellen Perspektiven, wurde aber auch maßgeblich durch die Erfahrung beeinflußt, die in das jeweilige Thema eingebracht werden konnte. Die andrologischen und neonatologischen Kapitel wurden in das Buch aufgenommen, weilsie in der Frauenheilkunde zunehmend an Bedeutung gewonnen haben.

Biology of Inorganic Nitrogen and Sulfur (Proceedings in Life Sciences)

by H. Bothe A. Trebst

Nitrogen and sulfur compounds are continuously synthetized, degraded and converted into other forms in nature. There are many similarities in the principle problems and basic mechanisms of the biology of inorganic nitrogen and sulfur. Many details are not yet understood and hence are the subject of active investigation the world over. In May, 1980, a conference was held in Bochum, Federal Republic of Germany, at which attempts were made to discuss and compare all aspects of both the nitrogen and the sulfur cycle. Lectures were given by internationally recognized experts on the physiology, biochemistry, genetics, and ecology of dinitrogen fIXation, of assimilatory and dissimilatory nitrate and sulfate reduction, and of ammonia and sulfide oxidation. In addition, important data were communicated by German scientists of the national program on the Metabolism of Inorganic Nitrogen and Sulfur Compounds, supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft. This book contains all the contributions to the meeting and consequently should be of interest to researchers, teachers, and students in the field. The members of the German national program on the Metabolism of Inorganic Nitrogen and Sulfur Compounds would like to thank the Deutsche F orschungsgemeinschaft for their generous fmancial support of the scientific projects during the past four years and for the conference itself. Without this help, the present book would not have been written. The members express their appreciation particularly to Dr. A. Hoffmann of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft for her invaluable skill and patience in taking care of the projects and scientists.

An Introduction to the Study of the Moon (Astrophysics and Space Science Library #4)

by Zdenek Kopal

After several decades spent in astronomical semi-obscurity, the Moon has of late suddenly emerged as an object of considerable interest to students of astronomy as well as of other branches of natural science and technology; and the reasons for this are indeed of historical significance. For the Moon has now been destined to be the first celestial body outside the confines of our own planet to be reconnoitered at a close range by means of spacecraft built and sent out by human hand for this purpose. At the time of writing, not less than ten such spacecraft of American as well as Rus­ sian origin landed already on different parts of the lunar surface; and some of these provided remarkable records of its detail structure to a spatial resolution increased thousandfold over that attained so far from our ground-based facilities. A renewed interest in our satellite, stemming from this source, on the part of the students of many branches of science and technology has also underlined the need for presenting the gist of our present knowledge in this field in the form that could serve as an introduction to the study of the Moon not only for astronomers, but also for serious students from other branches of science or technology.

Basilea botanica


Biochemisches Arbeitsbuch

by Nathan H. Sloane John L. York

Biologische Abwasserreinigung

by L. Hartmann

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