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Remaking Social Work with Children and Families: A Critical Discussion On The Modernisation Of Social Care

by Paul Michael Garrett

Remaking Social Work with Children and Families provides a sustained examination of the 'modernisation' of this area of social care. It analyses some of the key themes introduced by the administrations of John Major and Tony Blair and provides a critical exploration of contemporary policy initiatives and issues. These include:· the Looking After Children (LAC) materials· The Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need and Their Families· 'working together' to protect children· the mainstream approach to 'race' and ethnicity in social work· the implications for social work of the emergence of 'personal advisers', mentors and related professionals.The author argues that political and ideological factors need to be taken into account in order to understand the dominant discourses and evolving practices of social work with children. Potential fixation with ensuring that young people are able to 'fit' into their allotted roles in a market economy and an overarching concern about children and criminality have been crucial in this respect. He concludes that while social workers and educators should be prepared to embrace change, they need to be critical agents in the process of change, recognising the ever present need to promote and foster democracy within the sphere of social welfare.This timely book will be helpful to all students, educators and social care professionals who are seeking to develop their theoretical and practical understanding of a changing profession.

Remaking the Chinese State: Strategies, Society, and Security (Asia's Transformations)

by Chao Chien-Min Bruce Dickson

After more than twenty years of economic and political reform, China is a vastly different country to that left by Mao. Almost all the characteristic policies and practices of the Maoist era have been abandoned, with the goals of revolution in foreign and domestic policy being replaced by an emphasis on economic modernization, accompanied by radical social transformation and an increasingly significant international role. Yet, despite these dramatic changes other fundamental features of China's policy remain unchanged.This book explores the strategies of reform in China and their implications for its domestic and foreign policies. It challenges the misconceptions that no political reforms are taking place and that China is eagerly embracing capitalism. It also challenges the view that China does not abide by international norms and practices on military and security matters. Its contributors, all highly respected scholars, avoid simple generalisations about the nature of China's politics or future path, instead offering comparisons and contrasts between policy areas and regions to create a more complete picture of this complex country.

Remaking the Chinese State: Strategies, Society, and Security (Asia's Transformations)

by Chien-Min Chao Bruce J. Dickson

After more than twenty years of economic and political reform, China is a vastly different country to that left by Mao. Almost all the characteristic policies and practices of the Maoist era have been abandoned, with the goals of revolution in foreign and domestic policy being replaced by an emphasis on economic modernization, accompanied by radical social transformation and an increasingly significant international role. Yet, despite these dramatic changes other fundamental features of China's policy remain unchanged.This book explores the strategies of reform in China and their implications for its domestic and foreign policies. It challenges the misconceptions that no political reforms are taking place and that China is eagerly embracing capitalism. It also challenges the view that China does not abide by international norms and practices on military and security matters. Its contributors, all highly respected scholars, avoid simple generalisations about the nature of China's politics or future path, instead offering comparisons and contrasts between policy areas and regions to create a more complete picture of this complex country.

Remaking the Postwar World Economy: Robot and British Policy in the 1950s

by P. Burnham

Peter Burnham presents a detailed, archive-based account of the keys aspects of international monetary relations in the 1950s focusing in particular on Anglo-American policy surrounding the restoration of sterling convertibility. He argues that in 1952 the British government had a unique opportunity to take an almost revolutionary step in the external field to transform the international political economy (through the abolition of the fixed rate system, the International Monetary Fund, and the European Payments Union) and restructure Britain's domestic economy to tackle longstanding productivity, export and labour market problems.

Remodelling Hospitals and Health Professions in Europe: Medicine, Nursing and the State

by M. Dent

This work provides an accessible case study approach to European health care systems, medicine and nursing. The institutional analysis explains how welfare states have reformed hospitals and health professions with varying degrees of success.

Reporting on Income Distribution and Poverty: Perspectives from a German and a European Point of View

by Richard Hauser Irene Becker

Richard Hauser Irene Becker Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, FrankfurtlMain This volume marks the end of a research project of the editors titled "The Devel­ opment of the Personal Distribution of Income in Germany" that was financed by the Hans Bockler Foundation from 1994 to 2001. This research concentrated on a national perspective, studying many aspects of income inequality and poverty in West Germany between 1969 and 1998 and extending the analyses to inequality in East Germany after the German reunification. Now at the end point of our empiri­ cal analyses, we want to expand the perspective to other research in this field, to challenges for future research, and to the European dimension, rather than to summarise all our results, which is done in another bookl. In 2001, the German goverrunent published its first Poverty and Wealth Re­ 2 port , which also draws on results from our research project. Thus, the intention of this volume is threefold: presenting and advancing Gernlan reporting on poverty in other coun­ and wealth, examining experience with advanced reporting schemes tries, and discussing comparative concepts for social monitoring in the European Union.

Reproductive Issues in America: A Reference Handbook (Contemporary World Issues)

by Janna Merrick Robert H. Blank

A balanced and thoughtful analysis of human reproduction issues in the United States with emphasis on the ethical and policy implications of cutting-edge reproductive technologies.Few subjects are as divisive and partisan as the issues surrounding the propagation of the human species. This thorough examination covers the full scope of the debates and offers an up to the minute survey of the controversial technologies that are at the heart of reproductive rights in the United States.The areas explored range from abortion and sterilization to fetal research and human cloning. The moral, societal, and public policy implications of each subject are examined thoroughly, with emphasis on those areas where cutting-edge technology has raced ahead of public policy, thereby creating new concerns for ethicists and policy-makers. Legislative oversight or the freedom to pursue reproductive technologies at any cost, this debate is far from over.

Republican learning: John Toland and the crisis of Christian culture, 1696–1722 (PDF)

by Justin Champion

This book explores the life, thought and political commitments of the free-thinker John Toland (1670-1722). Studying both his private archive and published works, it illustrates how Toland moved in both subversive and elite political circles in England and abroad. It explores the connections between his republican political thought and his irreligious belief about Christian doctrine, the ecclesiastical establishment and divine revelation, arguing that far from being a marginal and insignificant figure, Toland counted queens, princes and government ministers as his friends and political associates. The book argues that Toland shaped the republican tradition after the Glorious Revolution into a practical and politically viable programme, focused not on destroying the monarchy, but on reforming public religion and the Church of England. It explores the connections between Toland’s erudition and print culture, arguing that his intellectual project was aimed at compromising the authority of Christian ‘knowledge’ as much as the political power of the Church.

Republican learning: John Toland and the crisis of Christian culture, 1696–1722

by Justin Champion

This book explores the life, thought and political commitments of the free-thinker John Toland (1670-1722). Studying both his private archive and published works, it illustrates how Toland moved in both subversive and elite political circles in England and abroad. It explores the connections between his republican political thought and his irreligious belief about Christian doctrine, the ecclesiastical establishment and divine revelation, arguing that far from being a marginal and insignificant figure, Toland counted queens, princes and government ministers as his friends and political associates. The book argues that Toland shaped the republican tradition after the Glorious Revolution into a practical and politically viable programme, focused not on destroying the monarchy, but on reforming public religion and the Church of England. It explores the connections between Toland’s erudition and print culture, arguing that his intellectual project was aimed at compromising the authority of Christian ‘knowledge’ as much as the political power of the Church.

Republican Legal Theory: The History, Constitution and Purposes of Law in a Free State

by M. Sellers

Republican legal theory developed out of the jurisprudential and constitutional legacy of the Roman res publica as interpreted over two millennia in Europe and North America. In this book - the most comprehensive study of republican legal ideas to date - Professor Sellers traces the development of republican legal theory. Explaining the importance of popular sovereignty, the rule of law, the separation of powers and other essential republican legal characteristics, he argues that these republican institutions have introduced a new era of justice into politics.

Research For Social Workers: An Introduction To Methods (PDF)

by Margaret Alston Wendy Bowles

Social work is developing its own research orientation and knowledge base, springing from the research traditions of sociology and psychology and grounded in human rights and social justice. Effective social research relies on critical thinking and the ability to view situations from new perspectives. It is relevant to every area of social work practice: from the initial stages of an intervention, to planning a course of action, and finally evaluating practice. Research for Social Workers is an accessible introduction to the research methods most commonly used in social work and social welfare. The major stages of research projects are outlined step by step, including analysing results and reporting. It is written in non-technical language for students and practitioners without a strong maths background. Illustrated with examples from across the world, this book captures the realities of social work research in a wide range of settings. End of chapter exercises and questions make this an ideal introduction to research methods. This third edition is fully revised and updated. It includes new chapters on systematic reviews and research in crisis situations, as well as more substantial coverage of statistics. 9780415506816

Responses to Governance: Governing Corporations, Societies and the World (Non-ser.)

by John C. Dixon

Dixon and his colleagues provide a behaviorist perspective on governance. Their concern is with the governed's responses to those who seek to govern them-their governors-and the counter responses that they induce from the governors. They take as axiomatic that the governed are not a homogenized and amorphus them in the them-us dichotomy, reduced to what Carlyle called a dead logic formula, thereby, for the purpose of this analysis, leave begging all the relevant questions.The governed are not a disembodied abstraction; they are an aggregate of men and women of flesh and blood. In a corporation, they are corporate directors (whose governors are those who own or, perhaps, have a stake in that corporation), corporate managers (whose governors are the corporate directors), corporate employees (whose governors are the corporate managers). In a society, they are individuals or groups of individuals, perhaps in corporations, located within its jurisdiction (whose governors are the members of societal politial and administrative elites). At the global level, they are individuals or groups of individuals in countries and corporations within the jurisdiction of international governmental organizations and international regimes (whose governors are those who seek to control those global governance mechanisms). Whether the governed's response to their governors' processs is one of compliance or antagonism, and how the governors response to any antagoism, has implications for governance capacity, good governance, and governability. A provocative study that will be of interest to students and scholars of political theory, international relations, and management and organizational theory as well as those who are concerned with issues of goverance at all levels, corporate, societal,and global.

Responses to Nazism in Britain, 1933-1939: Before War and Holocaust

by D. Stone

This book examines the large and previously-neglected body of literature on Nazism that was produced in the years 1933-1939. Shifting attention away from high politics or appeasement, it reveals that a remarkably wide range of responses was available to the reading public. From sophisticated philosophical analyzes of Nazism to pro-Nazi apologies, the book shows how Nazism informed debates over culture and politics in Britain, and how before the war and the Holocaust made Nazism anathema it was often discussed in ways that seem surprising today.

Rethinking Europe's Future

by David P. Calleo

Rethinking Europe's Future is a major reevaluation of Europe's prospects as it enters the twenty-first century. David Calleo has written a book worthy of the complexity and grandeur of the challenges Europe now faces. Summoning the insights of history, political economy, and philosophy, he explains why Europe was for a long time the world's greatest problem and how the Cold War's bipolar partition brought stability of a sort. Without the Cold War, Europe risks revisiting its more traditional history. With so many contingent factors--in particular Russia and Europe's Muslim neighbors--no one, Calleo believes, can pretend to predict the future with assurance. Calleo's book ponders how to think about this future. The book begins by considering the rival ''lessons'' and trends that emerge from Europe's deeper past. It goes on to discuss the theories for managing the traditional state system, the transition from autocratic states to communitarian nation states, the enduring strength of nation states, and their uneasy relationship with capitalism. Calleo next focuses on the Cold War's dynamic legacies for Europe--an Atlantic Alliance, a European Union, and a global economy. These three systems now compete to define the future. The book's third and major section examines how Europe has tried to meet the present challenges of Russian weakness and German reunification. Succeeding chapters focus on Maastricht and the Euro, on the impact of globalization on Europeanization, and on the EU's unfinished business--expanding into ''Pan Europe,'' adapting a hybrid constitution, and creating a new security system. Calleo presents three models of a new Europe--each proposing a different relationship with the U.S. and Russia. A final chapter probes how a strong European Union might affect the world and the prospects for American hegemony. This is a beautifully written book that offers rich insight into a critical moment in our history, whose outcome will shape the world long after our time.

Rethinking Human Rights for the New Millennium

by A. Fields

This book invites people to think more deeply about human rights in an attempt to overcome many of the traditional arguments in the human rights literature. Belden Fields argues that human rights should be reconceptualized to combine philosophical, historical, and empirical-practical dimensions. The best way to understand human rights is not as a set of universal abstractions but rather as a set of past and ongoing social practices rooted in the claims and struggles of peoples against what they consider to be political, economic, or social domination. Fields aptly shows how a people's fight for recognition is often closely tied to rights claims and that these connections to identify can help bridge the gulf between universalistic and cultural relativistic arguments in the human rights debate.

Rethinking Islamist Politics: Culture, the State and Islamism

by Salwa Ismail

In an atmosphere of growing concern over the threat posed by Islamist violence, political Islamism has become the most important of geopolitical issues. In the process, it has been misrepresented. Contrary to what many believe, Islamist movements are characterised by their diversity. Revisiting the main arguments and explanations that have been used over the past twenty years to understand Islamist activism, moderate as well as militant, Salwa Ismail here proposes a rethinking of Islamist politics. The phenomenon of political Islam is determined by macro and micro-level changes in the Muslim world, such as the retreat of the welfare state across the Middle East, and the subsequent expansion in the role of informal political activists in the popular neighbourhoods of such cities as Algiers or Cairo. Ismail examines both levels to explain the socio-economic and political settings out of which Islamism has developed. Her focus is both the economic and political environments that fomented Islamism, and the structures of Islamist movements themselves (from their ideologies to their modes of action).Looking at Islamism as a form of contestation politics, Ismail offers a reassessment of its failures and successes - limited, as it is, by its use of violence, but capable of real mobilisation at a popular level. "Rethinking Islamist Politics" will be vital reading for anyone seeking to understand such spectacular expressions of Islamism as the September 11th attacks, but also the everyday struggles of ordinary people which Islamism embodies.

Rethinking The School Curriculum: Values, Aims And Purposes (PDF)

by John White

In 2000, the school curriculum in England was equipped - for the first time in the country's history - with an extensive set of aims and purposes. In this book, leading experts in the teaching of school subjects examine the significance of the new aims for the reform of the curriculum. In two general introductory chapters John White discusses the validity of the aims and how they might be realized in schools. The remainder of the book focuses on subject specific areas and how these need to be brought into line with the new aims, so as to produce a more relevant and enjoyable curriculum experience for pupils, including more opportunities for choice of activities. The book concludes with suggestions about how government policy on the curriculum should now succeed. This portrayal of the school curriculum today and how it could be developed in line with the new aims will be of interest to those studying education with a particular focus on the areas of curriculum, assessment, school management, philosophy of education and the history of education.

Rethinking The School Curriculum: Values, Aims And Purposes

by John White

In 2000, the school curriculum in England was equipped - for the first time in the country's history - with an extensive set of aims and purposes. In this book, leading experts in the teaching of school subjects examine the significance of the new aims for the reform of the curriculum. In two general introductory chapters John White discusses the validity of the aims and how they might be realized in schools. The remainder of the book focuses on subject specific areas and how these need to be brought into line with the new aims, so as to produce a more relevant and enjoyable curriculum experience for pupils, including more opportunities for choice of activities. The book concludes with suggestions about how government policy on the curriculum should now succeed. This portrayal of the school curriculum today and how it could be developed in line with the new aims will be of interest to those studying education with a particular focus on the areas of curriculum, assessment, school management, philosophy of education and the history of education.

Rethinking Social Movements: Structure, Meaning, And Emotion (People, Passions, And Power Ser.)

by Jeff Goodwin James M. Jasper Myra Marx Ferree Richard Flacks Marshall Ganz Deborah B. Gould Ruud Koopmans Charles Kurzman Doug McAdam David A. Merrill David S. Meyer Aldon Morris Francesca Polletta Marc W. Steinberg Sidney Tarrow Charles Tilly

This landmark volume brings together some of the titans of social movement theory in a grand reassessment of its status. For some time, the field has been divided between a dominant structural approach and a cultural or constructivist tradition. The gaps and misunderstandings between the two sides-as well as the efforts to bridge them-closely parallel those in the discipline of sociology at large. This book aims to further the dialogue between these two distinct approaches to social movements and to show the broader implications for sociology as a whole as it struggles with issues including culture, emotion, and agency.

Rethinking Sustainability: Power, Knowledge, and Institutions (Evolving Values For A Capitalist World)

by Jonathan Mark Harris

Bringing together the thoughts of economists, political scientists, anthropologists, philosophers, and agricultural policy professionals, this volume focuses on the issues of sustainability in development. Examining such topics as international trade, political power, gender roles, legal institutions, and agricultural research, the contributors focus on the missing links in theory and practice that have been barriers to the achievement of truly sustainable development. Any theory of sustainable development must take into account economic, social, and environmental dimensions. Until recently, the question "What is development?" was often answered predominantly from the economist's perspective, with high priority being assigned to expansion of economic output. Social, political, institutional, and ethical aspects have often been neglected. But now that sustainable development has become a broadly accepted concept, it is impossible to maintain a narrowly economistic view of development. For this reason, the varied perspectives offered by the contributors to this volume are crucial to understanding the process of development as it relates to environmental sustainability and human well-being. The selection of articles is meant to be stimulating and provocative rather than comp-rehensive. They are roughly divided between those dealing with broad theoretical issues concerning the economic, political, and social aspects of development (Part I) and those presenting more applied analysis (Part II). The common thread is a concern for examining which factors contribute to making development socially just and environmentally sound. Rethinking Sustainability will be of interest to economists and social scientists, development professionals, and instructors seeking to offer their students a broad perspective on development issues. Jonathan Harris is Senior Research Associate, Global Development and Environment Institute at Tufts University, as well as Adjunct Associate Professor of International Economics at Tufts University Fletcher School of Law.

Rethinking the Labour Movement in the 'New South Africa'

by Franco Barchiesi

Title first published in 2003. In recognition of the power of organised labour, the ANC Government elected in 1994 granted South Africa's unions unprecedented legal and constitutional rights. Despite these gains, the country's unions have faced a fresh set of challenges, many of them emanating from their political allies in Government. From Parliament to the factory floor, South Africa's unions are now confronted with threats as dangerous as those they confronted when organising illegally in the heyday of apartheid. The purpose of this book is to examine how South African unions have responded and how well prepared they are to meet the challenges that confront them in the new millennium.

Rethinking the Labour Movement in the 'New South Africa'

by Franco Barchiesi

Title first published in 2003. In recognition of the power of organised labour, the ANC Government elected in 1994 granted South Africa's unions unprecedented legal and constitutional rights. Despite these gains, the country's unions have faced a fresh set of challenges, many of them emanating from their political allies in Government. From Parliament to the factory floor, South Africa's unions are now confronted with threats as dangerous as those they confronted when organising illegally in the heyday of apartheid. The purpose of this book is to examine how South African unions have responded and how well prepared they are to meet the challenges that confront them in the new millennium.

The Return of Berlusconi (Italian Politics #17)

by Paolo Bellucci Martin Bull

In 2001, for the first time in the history of the Italian Republic, an opposition replaced the incumbent government as a consequence of an electoral victory. In the May General Election, the center-left government was ousted and a new right-right majority came into office. It would be premature to suggest that this election represents the birth of a new Italian political system, one that will be based on an ongoing alternation in government between two coalitions and a realignment of voters and parties. Nevertheless, the second Berlusconi government — aside from the various political judgments of it – undoubtedly constitutes an institutional and political novelty. This is not just because the left-left proved unable, in the election campaign, to exploit its achievements in office when confronted with someone with undoubted (if controversial) abilities, but also because of the likely impact of the new government on policy making and Italy's economic, social and international trajectory. This edition of Italian Politics evaluates the 2001 election and impact and analyzes the electoral success of the right, the election campaign, the crisis of the left-left after the defeat, and the composition of the new parliament.

Reviving America's Forgotten Neighborhoods: An Investigation of Inner City Revitalization Efforts (Contemporary Urban Affairs)

by Elise M. Bright

This book examines both successful and unsuccessful efforts at revitalizing low-income neighborhoods and features case studies on a wide range of American cities.

Reviving America's Forgotten Neighborhoods: An Investigation of Inner City Revitalization Efforts (Contemporary Urban Affairs)

by Elise M. Bright

This book examines both successful and unsuccessful efforts at revitalizing low-income neighborhoods and features case studies on a wide range of American cities.

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