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Alltagsklänge – Einsätze einer Kulturanthropologie des Hörens (Kulturelle Figurationen: Artefakte, Praktiken, Fiktionen)

by Jochen Bonz

Von der Frage geleitet, wie die Gegenwartskulturforschung aus der Berücksichtigung klanglicher Phänomene Erkenntnisgewinne ziehen kann, verknüpft die Studie Überlegungen aus Popkultur- und Soundscape-Forschung, Empirischer Kulturwissenschaft, Musikethnologie, Kulturtheorie und Medienwissenschaft zu einem kulturanthropologischen Forschungsansatz. Sie nähert sich ihren Phänomenen interpretativ und erprobt ein begriffliches Instrumentarium, das die subjektivierenden Effekte klanglicher Medialität benennbar macht. Auf diese Weise entwirft die Studie eine Vorstellung vom Forschungsstand kulturwissenschaftlich orientierter Sound Studies und ihren Möglichkeiten.

Ethnografie und Deutung: Gruppensupervision als Methode reflexiven Forschens

by Jochen Bonz Katharina Eisch-Angus Marion Hamm Almut Sülzle

Ethnografische Feldforschung hat das anspruchsvolle Ziel, Annäherungen an das Wirklichkeitserleben und die alltäglichen Handlungspraxen anderer Menschen zu ermöglichen. Der Forschungsprozess zeichnet sich durch eine Komplexität aus, die selbst für qualitative empirische Sozialforschung ungewöhnlich ist; die gewonnenen Daten sind sehr vielschichtig. Die ethnografische Gruppensupervision für Feldforschende ist eine Antwort auf diese Herausforderungen. Der Band stellt dieses Instrumentarium zur Reflexion und Auswertung ethnografischer Feldforschungen in Form von methodologischen Erläuterungen und konkreten Praxisbeispielen vor.

Instrumentaler Musikunterricht als Teil allgemeiner Schulbildung: Das Pforzheimer Pädagogium und sein innovatives Schulmodell im ausgehenden 18. Jahrhundert (Musik in Baden-Württemberg | Quellen und Studien #12)

by Tobias Bonz

In Pforzheim bestand zwischen 1776 und 1804 ein am Pädagogium angeschlossener Musikzug, in dem Geige, Flöte und Ensemblespiel gelehrt wurden. Dieser frühe Vorläufer eines instrumentalpraktischen Musikunterrichts an allgemeinbildenden Schulen wird in diesem Buch als Teil von Schulreformen der Spätaufklärung herausgestellt: In Konsequenz der Aufklärung richteten sich die Schulen neu aus und entwickelten eine Pädagogik, welche die Musik und besonders deren praktische Ausübung als wichtigen Teil der schönen Wissenschaften und Künste fest in ihrem Bildungskanon verankerte. Anhand des Pforzheimer Beispiels wird die Legitimation, die strukturelle Integration sowie die methodisch-didaktische Ausgestaltung des damaligen schulischen Instrumentalunterrichts analysiert, woraus sich Impulse und Argumente für den heutigen musikpädagogischen Diskurs ergeben.

Representations of Sports Coaches in Film: Looking to Win

by Katharina Bonzel Nicholas Chare

This ground-breaking interdisciplinary collection brings together leading international scholars working across the humanities and social sciences to examine ways in which representations of sports coaching in narrative and documentary cinema can shape and inform sporting instruction. The central premise of the volume is that films featuring sports coaches potentially reflect, reinforce or contest how their audiences comprehend the world of coaching. Despite the growing interest in theories of coaching and in the study of the sports film as a genre, specific analyses of filmic depictions of sports coaches are still rare despite coaches often having a central role as figures shaping the values, social situation and cultural expectations of the athletes they train. By way of a series of enlightening and original studies, this volume redresses the relative neglect afforded to sports coaching in film and simultaneously highlights the immense value that research in this emerging field has for sporting performance and social justice. This book was originally published as a special issue of the journal Sports Coaching Review.

Representations of Sports Coaches in Film: Looking to Win

by Katharina Bonzel Nicholas Chare

This ground-breaking interdisciplinary collection brings together leading international scholars working across the humanities and social sciences to examine ways in which representations of sports coaching in narrative and documentary cinema can shape and inform sporting instruction. The central premise of the volume is that films featuring sports coaches potentially reflect, reinforce or contest how their audiences comprehend the world of coaching. Despite the growing interest in theories of coaching and in the study of the sports film as a genre, specific analyses of filmic depictions of sports coaches are still rare despite coaches often having a central role as figures shaping the values, social situation and cultural expectations of the athletes they train. By way of a series of enlightening and original studies, this volume redresses the relative neglect afforded to sports coaching in film and simultaneously highlights the immense value that research in this emerging field has for sporting performance and social justice. This book was originally published as a special issue of the journal Sports Coaching Review.

Leitfaden Herzkatheter

by Tassilo Bonzel C. H. Hamm

Der Leitfaden fasst den umfangreichen aktuellen Wissenszuwachs in der Kardiologie für alle Fragen der Herzkatheterdiagnostik und der invasiven Koronartherapie zusammen. Dabei wird die wissenschaftliche Evidenz mit dem allgemeinen kardiologischen Wissen und der praktischen Erfahrung so verbunden, dass Ärzte in der Lage sind, die bestmögliche Strategie für die Behandlung der Patienten zu finden und umzusetzen. Tabellen, Faktorenlisten und Empfehlungsübersichten fassen die Informationen strukturiert und übersichtlich zusammen.

Logics of Variable Inclusion (Trends in Logic #59)

by Stefano Bonzio Francesco Paoli Michele Pra Baldi

This monograph shows that, through a recourse to the concepts and methods of abstract algebraic logic, the algebraic theory of regular varieties and the concept of analyticity in formal logic can profitably interact. By extending the technique of Plonka sums from algebras to logical matrices, the authors investigate the different classes of models for logics of variable inclusion and they shed new light into their formal properties.The book opens with the historical origins of logics of variable inclusion and on their philosophical motivations. It includes the basics of the algebraic theory of regular varieties and the construction of Plonka sums over semilattice direct systems of algebra. The core of the book is devoted to an abstract definition of logics of left and right variable inclusion, respectively, and the authors study their semantics using the construction of Plonka sums of matrix models. The authors also cover Paraconsistent Weak Kleene logic and survey its abstract algebraic logical properties. This book is of interest to scholars of formal logic.

The Market Photo Workshop in South Africa and the 'Born Free' Generation: Remaking Histories (Routledge History of Photography)

by Julie Bonzon

This study presents the history of the Market Photo Workshop (MPW) in Johannesburg and works produced by its new generation of photography students. Founded in 1989 by internationally renowned documentary photographer David Goldblatt, the MPW has reflected upon South African political struggles and sociocultural changes since its creation. Its foundation parallels a moment in time when photography was considered a ‘truth telling’ genre and an essential source of documents deployed against the apartheid regime. This book reflects on the evolution of the MPW in the post-apartheid era and explores how its new generation of students engages the photographic tradition of this institution and the revolutionary times that accompanied its creation to question their present moment. The book will be of interest to scholars working in art history, visual studies, photography, African studies, cultural studies and post-colonial studies.

The Market Photo Workshop in South Africa and the 'Born Free' Generation: Remaking Histories (Routledge History of Photography)

by Julie Bonzon

This study presents the history of the Market Photo Workshop (MPW) in Johannesburg and works produced by its new generation of photography students. Founded in 1989 by internationally renowned documentary photographer David Goldblatt, the MPW has reflected upon South African political struggles and sociocultural changes since its creation. Its foundation parallels a moment in time when photography was considered a ‘truth telling’ genre and an essential source of documents deployed against the apartheid regime. This book reflects on the evolution of the MPW in the post-apartheid era and explores how its new generation of students engages the photographic tradition of this institution and the revolutionary times that accompanied its creation to question their present moment. The book will be of interest to scholars working in art history, visual studies, photography, African studies, cultural studies and post-colonial studies.

Formal Aspects of Context (Applied Logic Series #20)

by Pierre Bonzon Marcos Cavalcanti Rolf Nossum

We welcome Volume 20, Formal Aspects of Context. Context has always been recognised as strongly relevant to models in language, philosophy, logic and artifi­ cial intelligence. In recent years theoretical advances in these areas and especially in logic have accelerated the study of context in the international community. An annual conference is held and many researchers have come to realise that many of the old puzzles should be reconsidered with proper attention to context. The volume editors and contributors are from among the most active front-line researchers in the area and the contents shows how wide and vigorous this area is. There are strong scientific connections with earlier volumes in the series. I am confident that the appearance of this book in our series will help secure the study of context as an important area of applied logic. D.M.Gabbay INTRODUCTION This book is a result of the First International and Interdisciplinary Con­ ference on Modelling and Using Context, which was organised in Rio de Janeiro in January 1997, and contains a selection of the papers presented there, refereed and revised through a process of anonymous peer review. The treatment of contexts as bona-fide objects of logical formalisation has gained wide acceptance in recent years, following the seminal impetus by McCarthy in his 'lUring award address.

The Rules of Democracy

by Marcial Bragadini Bóo

The world can be better run. Democracy is the most effective way to take back control over decisions that impact people’s lives. But democracy must evolve following a global technological revolution that has increased fears that global trade and immigration threaten our identity, that we face environmental ruin and that cybercriminals and Big Tech can do as they please, unchecked – all made worse by COVID-19. This book presents a roadmap for more accountable democracy locally, nationally and internationally. Marcial Bragadini Bóo proposes updating rules so that politicians are better held to account, public services improve and people can contribute to their communities. New rules of democracy may help find solutions to global problems and ensure everyone is fairly represented at the decision-making table.

The Rules of Democracy

by Marcial Bragadini Bóo

The world can be better run. Democracy is the most effective way to take back control over decisions that impact people’s lives. But democracy must evolve following a global technological revolution that has increased fears that global trade and immigration threaten our identity, that we face environmental ruin and that cybercriminals and Big Tech can do as they please, unchecked – all made worse by COVID-19. This book presents a roadmap for more accountable democracy locally, nationally and internationally. Marcial Bragadini Bóo proposes updating rules so that politicians are better held to account, public services improve and people can contribute to their communities. New rules of democracy may help find solutions to global problems and ensure everyone is fairly represented at the decision-making table.

Enquiring Children, Challenging Teaching: Challenging Teaching (UK Higher Education OUP Humanities & Social Sciences Education OUP)

by Max De Boo

This book describes the development of children's enquiry skills offering a rationale and theoretical basis for teaching and learning using this approach and showing its particular relevance to scientific enquiries. The teacher's role is discussed and practical suggestions are given to stimulate effective classroom practice. The author shows how children's ideas can be supported, challenged and assessed, and considers how to resource enquiries and expand these within the school and local environment. The nature of knowledge is explored, with a focus on scientific knowledge about our world. Communication and language skills are discussed, emphasising effective questioning and ways to encourage children's questions. Guidance is given as to how to promote and integrate problem-solving skills into class teaching, particularly in practical cross-curricular and technological projects.The book will be of great value to both student and practising primary school teachers as well as providing informed support for parents and governors.

Southeast Asia beyond Crises and Traps: Economic Growth and Upgrading (Studies in Economic Transition)

by Boo Teik Khoo, Keiichi Tsunekawa and Motoko Kawano

This book examines five countries in South East Asia that are instructive case studies of how the region has had to negotiate pathways of development beyond crises and traps. At two ends of just one decade, 1997–2007, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam all had to weather the shocks of an East Asian financial crisis and a global financial crisis. Some economies might have buckled completely under those shocks and been condemned to long-term stagnation. Yet these five economies, part of the larger Asian region, emerged with continued if slower economic growth.An important theme of this book is that their resilience has been partly derived from the pursuit of growth and competitiveness along less known or recommended pathways. The chapters of this book take a novel approach to South East Asia’s search for growth and improvement. They do not begin by evaluating how far macro-level performances would take a particular country towards high-income status. Instead they provide original insights into actual cases of intermediate ways of achieving growth, upgrading and income improvement in non-privileged sectors. Such cases may hold more relevant lessons for the majority of developing countries than the experiences of highly developed economies.

Data Mining: 15th Australasian Conference, AusDM 2017, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, August 19-20, 2017, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #845)

by Yee Ling Boo David Stirling Lianhua Chi Lin Liu Kok-Leong Ong Graham Williams

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 15th Australasian Conference on Data Mining, AusDM 2017, held in Melbourne, VIC, Australia, in August 2017.The 17 revised full papers presented together with 11 research track papers and 6 application track papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 31 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on clustering and classification; big data; time series; outlier detection and applications; social media and applications.

Data Mining: 19th Australasian Conference on Data Mining, AusDM 2021, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, December 14-15, 2021, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1504)

by Yee Ling Boo Graham Williams Yanchang Zhao Richi Nayak Yue Xu Rosalind Wang Anton Lord

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 19th Australasian Conference on Data Mining, AusDM 2021, held in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, in December 2021.* The 16 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 32 submissions. The papers are organized in sections on research track and application track. *Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the conference was held online.

Stalin Era (Routledge Sources In History Series )

by Philip Boobbyer

This book provides a wide-ranging history of every aspect of Stalin's dictatorship over the peoples of the Soviet Union. Drawing upon a huge array of primary and secondary sources, The Stalin Era is a first-hand account of Stalinist thought, policy and and their effects. It places the man and his ideology into context both within pre-Revolutionary Russia, Lenin's Soviet Union and post-Stalinist Russia. The Stalin Era examines: * collectivisation * industrialisation * terror * government * the Cult of Stalin * education and Science * family * religion: The Russian Orthodox Church * art and the state.

Stalin Era (Routledge Sources In History Series )

by Philip Boobbyer

This book provides a wide-ranging history of every aspect of Stalin's dictatorship over the peoples of the Soviet Union. Drawing upon a huge array of primary and secondary sources, The Stalin Era is a first-hand account of Stalinist thought, policy and and their effects. It places the man and his ideology into context both within pre-Revolutionary Russia, Lenin's Soviet Union and post-Stalinist Russia. The Stalin Era examines: * collectivisation * industrialisation * terror * government * the Cult of Stalin * education and Science * family * religion: The Russian Orthodox Church * art and the state.

Advanced Analytics and AI: Impact, Implementation, and the Future of Work (Wiley Finance)

by Tony Boobier

Be prepared for the arrival of automated decision making Once thought of as science fiction, major corporations are already beginning to use cognitive systems to assist in providing wealth advice and also in medication treatment. The use of Cognitive Analytics/Artificial Intelligence (AI) Systems is set to accelerate, with the expectation that it’ll be considered ‘mainstream’ in the next 5 – 10 years. It’ll change the way we as individuals interact with data and systems—and the way we run our businesses. Cognitive Analysis and AI prepares business users for the era of cognitive analytics / artificial intelligence. Building on established texts and commentary, it specifically prepares you in terms of expectation, impact on personal roles, and responsibilities. It focuses on the specific impact on key industries (retail, financial services, utilities and media) and also on key professions (such as accounting, operational management, supply chain and risk management). Shows you how users interact with the system in natural language Explains how cognitive analysis/AI can source ‘big data’ Provides a roadmap for implementation Gets you up to speed now before you get left behind If you’re a decision maker or budget holder within the corporate context, this invaluable book helps you gain an advantage from the deployment of cognitive analytics tools.

Advanced Analytics and AI: Impact, Implementation, and the Future of Work (Wiley Finance)

by Tony Boobier

Be prepared for the arrival of automated decision making Once thought of as science fiction, major corporations are already beginning to use cognitive systems to assist in providing wealth advice and also in medication treatment. The use of Cognitive Analytics/Artificial Intelligence (AI) Systems is set to accelerate, with the expectation that it’ll be considered ‘mainstream’ in the next 5 – 10 years. It’ll change the way we as individuals interact with data and systems—and the way we run our businesses. Cognitive Analysis and AI prepares business users for the era of cognitive analytics / artificial intelligence. Building on established texts and commentary, it specifically prepares you in terms of expectation, impact on personal roles, and responsibilities. It focuses on the specific impact on key industries (retail, financial services, utilities and media) and also on key professions (such as accounting, operational management, supply chain and risk management). Shows you how users interact with the system in natural language Explains how cognitive analysis/AI can source ‘big data’ Provides a roadmap for implementation Gets you up to speed now before you get left behind If you’re a decision maker or budget holder within the corporate context, this invaluable book helps you gain an advantage from the deployment of cognitive analytics tools.

AI and the Future of Banking (Wiley Finance)

by Tony Boobier

An industry-specific guide to the applications of Advanced Analytics and AI to the banking industry Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies help organisations to get smarter and more effective over time – ultimately responding to, learning from and interacting with human voices. It is predicted that by 2020, half of all businesses will be using these intelligent, self-learning systems. Across its entire breadth and depth, the banking industry is at the forefront of investigating Advanced Analytics and AI technology for use in a broad range of applications, such as customer analytics and providing wealth advice for clients. AI and the Future of Banking provides new and established banking industry professionals with the essential information on the implications of data and analytics on their roles, responsibilities and personal career development. Unlike existing books on the subject which tend to be overly technical and complex, this accessible, reader-friendly guide is designed to be easily understood by any banking professional with limited or no IT background. Chapters focus on practical guidance on the use of analytics to improve operational effectiveness, customer retention and finance and risk management. Theory and published case studies are clearly explained, whilst considerations such as operating costs, regulation and market saturation are discussed in real-world context. Written by a recognised expert in AI and Advanced Analytics, this book: Explores the numerous applications for Advanced Analytics and AI in various areas of banking and finance Offers advice on the most effective ways to integrate AI into existing bank ecosystems Suggests alternative and complementary visions for the future of banking, addressing issues like branch transformation, new models of universal banking and ‘debranding’ Explains the concept of ‘Open Banking,’ which securely shares information without needing to reveal passwords Addresses the development of leadership relative to AI adoption in the banking industry AI and the Future of Banking is an informative and up-to-date resource for bank executives and managers, new entrants to the banking industry, financial technology and financial services practitioners and students in postgraduate finance and banking courses.

AI and the Future of Banking (Wiley Finance)

by Tony Boobier

An industry-specific guide to the applications of Advanced Analytics and AI to the banking industry Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies help organisations to get smarter and more effective over time – ultimately responding to, learning from and interacting with human voices. It is predicted that by 2020, half of all businesses will be using these intelligent, self-learning systems. Across its entire breadth and depth, the banking industry is at the forefront of investigating Advanced Analytics and AI technology for use in a broad range of applications, such as customer analytics and providing wealth advice for clients. AI and the Future of Banking provides new and established banking industry professionals with the essential information on the implications of data and analytics on their roles, responsibilities and personal career development. Unlike existing books on the subject which tend to be overly technical and complex, this accessible, reader-friendly guide is designed to be easily understood by any banking professional with limited or no IT background. Chapters focus on practical guidance on the use of analytics to improve operational effectiveness, customer retention and finance and risk management. Theory and published case studies are clearly explained, whilst considerations such as operating costs, regulation and market saturation are discussed in real-world context. Written by a recognised expert in AI and Advanced Analytics, this book: Explores the numerous applications for Advanced Analytics and AI in various areas of banking and finance Offers advice on the most effective ways to integrate AI into existing bank ecosystems Suggests alternative and complementary visions for the future of banking, addressing issues like branch transformation, new models of universal banking and ‘debranding’ Explains the concept of ‘Open Banking,’ which securely shares information without needing to reveal passwords Addresses the development of leadership relative to AI adoption in the banking industry AI and the Future of Banking is an informative and up-to-date resource for bank executives and managers, new entrants to the banking industry, financial technology and financial services practitioners and students in postgraduate finance and banking courses.

AI and the Future of the Public Sector: The Creation of Public Sector 4.0 (Wiley Finance)

by Tony Boobier

Discover how data, analytics, and AI will transform public services for the better In AI and the Future of the Public Sector: The Creation of Public Sector 4.0, renowned executive and consultant Tony Boobier delivers a comprehensive reference of the most relevant and central issues regarding the adoption and implementation of AI in the public sector. In the book, you&’ll find out why data and analytics are the solution to significant and ongoing problems in the public service relating to its ability to effectively provide services in an environment of reduced funding. You&’ll also discover the likely impact of future technological developments, like 5G and quantum computing, as well as explore the future of healthcare and the effective digitalization of the healthcare industry. The book also offers: Discussions of policing 4.0 and how data and analytics will transform public safety Explorations of the future of education and how ai can dramatically enhance educational standards while reducing costs Treatments of the internationalization of public services and its impact on agencies and departments everywhereA can&’t-miss resource for public sector employees at the managerial and professional levels, AI and the Future of the Public Sector is an insightful and timely blueprint to the effective use of artificial intelligence that belongs in the bookshelves of policy makers, academics, and public servants around the world.

AI and the Future of the Public Sector: The Creation of Public Sector 4.0 (Wiley Finance)

by Tony Boobier

Discover how data, analytics, and AI will transform public services for the better In AI and the Future of the Public Sector: The Creation of Public Sector 4.0, renowned executive and consultant Tony Boobier delivers a comprehensive reference of the most relevant and central issues regarding the adoption and implementation of AI in the public sector. In the book, you&’ll find out why data and analytics are the solution to significant and ongoing problems in the public service relating to its ability to effectively provide services in an environment of reduced funding. You&’ll also discover the likely impact of future technological developments, like 5G and quantum computing, as well as explore the future of healthcare and the effective digitalization of the healthcare industry. The book also offers: Discussions of policing 4.0 and how data and analytics will transform public safety Explorations of the future of education and how ai can dramatically enhance educational standards while reducing costs Treatments of the internationalization of public services and its impact on agencies and departments everywhereA can&’t-miss resource for public sector employees at the managerial and professional levels, AI and the Future of the Public Sector is an insightful and timely blueprint to the effective use of artificial intelligence that belongs in the bookshelves of policy makers, academics, and public servants around the world.

Analytics for Insurance: The Real Business of Big Data (The Wiley Finance Series)

by Tony Boobier

The business guide to Big Data in insurance, with practical application insight Big Data and Analytics for Insurers is the industry-specific guide to creating operational effectiveness, managing risk, improving financials, and retaining customers. Written from a non-IT perspective, this book focusses less on the architecture and technical details, instead providing practical guidance on translating analytics into target delivery. The discussion examines implementation, interpretation, and application to show you what Big Data can do for your business, with insights and examples targeted specifically to the insurance industry. From fraud analytics in claims management, to customer analytics, to risk analytics in Solvency 2, comprehensive coverage presented in accessible language makes this guide an invaluable resource for any insurance professional. The insurance industry is heavily dependent on data, and the advent of Big Data and analytics represents a major advance with tremendous potential – yet clear, practical advice on the business side of analytics is lacking. This book fills the void with concrete information on using Big Data in the context of day-to-day insurance operations and strategy. Understand what Big Data is and what it can do Delve into Big Data's specific impact on the insurance industry Learn how advanced analytics can revolutionise the industry Bring Big Data out of IT and into strategy, management, marketing, and more Big Data and analytics is changing business – but how? The majority of Big Data guides discuss data collection, database administration, advanced analytics, and the power of Big Data – but what do you actually do with it? Big Data and Analytics for Insurers answers your questions in real, everyday business terms, tailored specifically to the insurance industry's unique needs, challenges, and targets.

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