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Psychosynergetik: Die fraktale Evolution des Psychischen. Grundlagen einer Allgemeinen Psychotherapie

by Dietmar Hansch

Im Zusammenhang mit der Anwendung moderner Selbstorganisationstheorien wie der Synergetik ist eine emergentistische Psychologie im Entstehen, die psychische Prozesse als evolvierende dynamische Systeme modelliert. Die von den Gestaltpsychologen vielfach experimentell belegte Beziehung zwischen Gestaltqualität und Emotionalität wird auf dieser Basis reinterpretiert: Es existiert ein emotionales Bewertungssystem für die evolutive Stabilität menschlicher Tätigkeitsprozesse. Phänomene wie intrinsische Motivationen, ästhetische Empfindungen und die subtile Wechselwirkung von Kognition und Emotion erfahren so eine neuartige Deutung. Die phylogenetisch abgeleiteten Funktionssysteme werden in ein praktisch handhabbares Rahmenmodell des Psychischen integriert. Nach einer Reinterpretation bestehender Psychotherapieformen und ihrer Neuintegration auf dieser Grundlage wird eine Allgemeine evolutionistische Psychotherapie im Grundriß erkennbar.

Psychosynthesis Counselling in Action (PDF)

by Diana Whitmore

Having sold over 15,000 copies since first publication, Psychosynthesis Counselling in Action is the definitive introduction to the principles and techniques of psychosynthesis. Pitched clearly and accessibly, it explains how the counsellor or psychotherapist can incorporate psychosynthesis into their own work with clients. Demonstrating the need for people to find a more positive meaning to their lives, Diana Whitmore guides the reader to `selfhood' through the four main stages of the counselling journey. She explains the wide range of practical methods available to practitioners and how these can be tailored to different client needs. This updated Fourth Edition includes: 3 new chapters a new case study chapter and two appendices on the application of psychosynthesis in the coaching field and in youth work New content on positive psychology and the therapeutic relationship Updated chapters on diagnosis and assessment and counselling process Enhanced pedagogy and new case studies. The book is illustrated throughout with examples from practice, and includes an in-depth case study at the end. It is vital reading for those seeking an introduction to psychosynthesis, as well as practitioners of other orientations who wish to incorporate this approach into their own therapeutic work. Diana Whitmore is a director of Children Our Ultimate Investment UK.

Psychotechnik und Taylor-System: Erster Band: Arbeitsuntersuchungen

by K. A. Tramm

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Psychotherapeutische Interaktion: Qualitative Studien zu Konversation und Metapher, Geste und Plan

by Michael B. Buchholz

In diesem Band werden neue Verfahren der qualitativen Psychotherapieforschung erprobt - am Material ein und derselben Behandlungsstunde. Sichtbar wird, was alles in einer psychotherapeutischen Sitzung geschieht und wie abhängig die Ansichten von der verwendeten Methode sind, sichtbar wird aber auch, wie sehr die Ergebnisse konvergieren und im Geiste des Betrachters zu einer Synthese verschmelzen. Jedes Verfahren stellt das Zentrum eines eigenen Diskurses dar, und von jedem Zentrum gehen Verbindungslinien zum anderen. Insbesondere kommen hier zur Anwendung: Konversationsanalyse, Metaphernanalyse, objektive Hermeneutik, die Planfeststellungsmethode, die Mikroethnographie der Kommunikation und eine klinische Sichtweise.

Psychotherapie als Transformationsprozeß: Expertenwissen im Alltagshandeln ehemaliger Klienten

by Irene Kühnlein Gerd unter Mutz

Im Unterschied zu der gängigen Psychotherapieforschung, die auf einem medizinisch-pharmakologischen Ursache-Wirkungsmodell basiert, wird in diesem Band eine sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektive zugrunde gelegt, um psychotherapeutische Prozesse zu untersuchen. Psychotherapie wird dabei als ein Transformationsprozeß aufgefaßt, in dem psychologisch-psychotherapeutisches Wissen den Erfordernissen des praktischen Handelns angepaßt wird. Analysiert werden die Rahmenbedingungen einer stationären Psychotherapie und die Erfahrungs-, Deutungs- und Handlungsmuster der Klienten zwei Jahre nach dem Abschluß dieser Psychotherapie.

Psychotherapie in der Medizin: Beiträge zur psychosozialen Medizin in ost- und westeuropäischen Ländern

by Elmar Brähler Michael Geyer Modest M. Kabanov

Dieser Band bietet einen Überblick über Aufgabenbereiche der psychosozialen Medizin in Deutschland, der Schweiz, Polen und der Sowjetunion. Neben theoretischen Konzepten wird über ausgewählte psychotherapeutische und medizin-psychologische Handlungsfelder berichtet, die zwar in der somatischen Medizin liegen, aber auch funktionelle Erkrankungen umfassen. Behandelt werden außerdem die Rolle der Psychotherapie in der Neuropsychiatrie sowie Verlaufs- undErfolgskontrollen bei Psychotherapien in verschiedenen Ländern. Schließlich werden neuartige psychotherapeutische Settings vorgestellt.

Psychotherapie in Zeiten der Veränderung: Historische, kulturelle und gesellschaftliche Hintergründe einer Profession

by Bernhard Strauß Michael Geyer

Angesichts zahlreicher Veränderungen im psychotherapeutischen Versorgungssystem (Psychotherapeutenge-setz, ökonomischer Druck, Folgen des sozialen Wandels) erscheint es an der Zeit, kritisch über die Psychothe-rapie zu reflektieren und dabei auch historische, kulturelle und gesellschaftswissenschaftliche Perspektiven mit einzubeziehen. Namhafte Vertreter unterschiedlicher Disziplinen äußern sich zu diesen Aspekten und tragen dazu bei, die Psychotherapie als wichtige kulturelle Errungenschaft dieses Jahrhunderts aus vielfältigen Perspektiven zu betrachten. Dazu gehören u.a. die historischen und biographischen Ansätze, kulturelle Einflüsse, Diktaturerfahrung und Psychotherapie, Psychotherapie in Ostdeutschland und Osteuropa sowie gesellschaftliche und politische Hintergründe von Psychotherapie.

Psychotherapie Ratgeber: Ein Wegweiser zur seelischen Gesundheit

by Hans Morschitzky

Jeder zweite Bürger leidet zumindest eine gewisse Zeit an einer seelischen Erkrankung. Außer einer Erkrankung, gibt es aber viele andere Gründe für eine Therapie. Insbesondere u.a. die Klärung familiärer, partnerschaftlicher und beruflicher Probleme, fachliche Unterstützung in Krisensituationen, Neuorientierung. Doch was ist Psychotherapie? Was kann ich von ihr erwarten? Welche Therapie ist für mich geeignet? Wie läuft sie ab und wie finanziere ich sie? Wie finde ich den richtigen Therapeuten (Mann oder Frau)? Der erfahrene Psychotherapeut und Autor zahlreicher populär/wissenschaftlicher Bücher, führt durch den Dschungel der Psychotherapie.

Psychotherapie und Gender. Konzepte. Forschung. Praxis.: Welche Rolle spielt die Geschlechtszugehörigkeit im therapeutischen Prozess? (Integrative Modelle in Psychotherapie, Supervision und Beratung)

by Brigitte Schigl

Bisherige psychotherapiebetreffende Publikationen zum Thema Gender betrachten die PatientInnen und lassen die Interaktion mit den TherapeutInnen weitgehend außer Acht. Hier wird im Gegensatz dazu ein interaktionistischer Standpunkt bezogen, der den gemeinsamen Prozess, die gegenseitige Zuschreibung und Verstärkung in den Geschlechtsrollen in den Blick nimmt. Nicht nur wir PsychotherapeutInnen verändern unsere KlientInnen, auch KlientInnen verändern ihre PsychotherapeutInnen.

Psychotherapie und Gender. Konzepte. Forschung. Praxis.: Welche Rolle spielt die Geschlechtszugehörigkeit im therapeutischen Prozess? (Integrative Modelle in Psychotherapie, Supervision und Beratung)

by Brigitte Schigl

Bisherige psychotherapiebetreffende Publikationen zum Thema Gender betrachten die PatientInnen und lassen die Interaktion mit den TherapeutInnen weitgehend außer Acht. Hier wird im Gegensatz dazu ein interaktionistischer Standpunkt bezogen, der den gemeinsamen Prozess, die gegenseitige Zuschreibung und Verstärkung in den Geschlechtsrollen in den Blick nimmt. Nicht nur wir PsychotherapeutInnen verändern unsere KlientInnen, auch KlientInnen verändern ihre PsychotherapeutInnen.

Psychotherapie und Gesellschaft: Voraussetzungen, Strukturen und Funktionen von Individual- und Gruppentherapien (Studien zur Sozialwissenschaft #133)

by Herbert Willems

Die Arbeit verfolgt das Ziel, Voraussetzungen, innere Strukturen und Funktionen psychotherapeutischer Verfahren herauszuarbeiten. Im Vergleich heterogener Therapieansätze und Quasi-Therapien werden strukturelle und funktionale Übereinstimmungen und Differenzen bestimmt, und zwar in bezug auf den sozialen und psychischen "Unterbau" der therapeutischen Interaktionssysteme.

Psychotherapie zwischen Mythologisierung und Entzauberung: Therapeutisches Handeln im Anfangsstadium der Professionalisierung (Beiträge zur sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung #119)

by Doris Schaeffer

Diese Studie beschäftigt sich mit den von Mythen umwobenen Protagonisten der Therapiebewegung und der neuen Therapien. Gefragt wird nach der Form ihrer biographischen Selbstpräsentation, danach, welche Konturen professioneller Identität darin sichtbar werden und was diese über die Bewältigung der mit Professionalisierungsprozessen verbundenen Handlungsanforderungen auszusagen vermögen. Thema dieser Untersuchung sind somit Professionalisierungsprozesse, genauer: Anfangsstadien der Professionalisierung, die ihnen eigenen Handlungsanforderungen an das einzelne Subjekt und ihre Bewältigung im Feld der neuen Therapien.

Psychotherapy, American Culture, and Social Policy: Immoral Individualism (Culture, Mind, and Society)

by E. Throop

A lively indictment of American culture's pervasive use of the psychotherapeutic metaphor to explain behaviours, a habit that has crossed the Atlantic in recent years, arguing that psychotherapy and excessive individualism has only ensured the continuance of social problems.

Psychotherapy and Buddhism: Toward an Integration (Issues in the Practice of Psychology)

by Jeffrey B. Rubin

There is currently a burgeoning interest in the relationship between the Western psychotherapeutic and Buddhist meditative traditions among therapists, researchers, and spiritual seekers. Psychotherapy and Buddhism initiates a conversation between these two modern methods of achieving greater self-understanding and peace of mind. Dr. Jeffrey B. Rubin explores how they might be combined to better serve patients in therapy and adherents to a spiritual way of life. He examines the strengths and limitations of each tradition through three contexts: the nature of self, conception of ideal health, and process of achieving optimal health. The volume features the first two cases of Buddhists in psychoanalytic treatment.

Psychotherapy for Children and Adolescents: Directions for Research and Practice

by Alan E. Kazdin

What do we wish to know about psychotherapy and its effects? What do we already know? And what needs to be accomplished to fill the gap? These questions and more are explored in this thoroughly updated book about the current status and future directions of psychotherapy for children and adolescents. It retains a balance between practical concerns and research, reflecting many of the new approaches to children that have appeared in the past ten years. Designed to change the direction of current work, this book outlines a blueprint or model to guide future research and elaborates the ways in which therapy needs to be studied. By focusing on clinical practice and what can be changed, it offers suggestions for improvement of patient care and advises how clinical work can contribute directly and in new ways to the accumulation of knowledge. Although it discusses in detail present psychotherapy research, this book is squarely aimed at progress in the future, making it ideal for psychologists, psychiatrists, and all mental health care practitioners.

Psychotherapy for Families after Brain Injury

by Pamela S. Klonoff

Whether caused by illness, accident, or incident, brain injury requires multi-tiered resources for the patient and considerable external care and support. When recovery is sidelined by depression, anger, grief, or turmoil, family members and the support network have critical roles to play and need their own guidance and compassionate therapeutic interventions.Psychotherapy for Families after Brain Injury offers theoretical frameworks and eclectic techniques for working effectively with adult patients and their families at the initial, active and post-treatment phases of rehabilitation. This practical reference clarifies roles and relationships of the support network in interfacing with the loved one and addresses the understandably devastating and sometimes derailing emotions and psychosocial adversities. The content promotes psychoeducation and guided exercises, delineates “helpful hints” and coping tools and proffers multimedia resources to overcome hurdles. Constructs of awareness, acceptance and realism for all parties are woven throughout, along with ideas to enhance the support network’s commitment, adjustment, positivity, hope and longevity. Case excerpts, instructive quotes from caregivers and nuggets of clinical advice assist in analyzing these and other topics in salient detail:The impact of brain injury on different family members.Treatment themes in early family sessions.Family therapy for moderate to severe brain injury, concussion and postconcussion syndrome.Family therapy after organic brain injury: stroke, anoxia, tumor, seizure disorders.Family group treatment during active rehabilitation.End-of-life and existential considerations and positive aspects of care giving.Aftercare group therapy for long-term needs.The hands-on approach demonstrated in Psychotherapy for Families after Brain Injury will enhance the demanding work of a range of professionals, including neuropsychologists, clinical psychologists, rehabilitation psychologists, family therapists, marriage and family counselors, psychiatrists, behavioral/mental health counselors, clinical social workers, rehabilitation specialists such as speech-language pathologists, physical and occupational therapists, and graduate students in the helping professions.

Psychotherapy with Gay Men and Lesbians: Contemporary Dynamic Approaches

by Jack Drescher Ann D'Ercole Erica Schoenberg

Examine gay and lesbian psychoanalysis from a variety of perspectives! Psychotherapy with Gay Men and Lesbians: Contemporary Dynamic Approaches presents case histories of psychotherapy sessions with gay and lesbian patients, focusing on today's psychoanalytical approaches. Dedicated to enhancing the emotional, psychological, and psychiatric treatment of gay men, lesbians, and bisexuals, the book features prominent analysts with a wide range of clinical and theoretical approaches. The foremost experts in the therapeutic field address issues affecting gay and lesbian patients from psychoanalytic perspectives that respect the patients' sexual identities. Psychotherapy with Gay Men and Lesbians reflects the significant clinical and theoretical changes therapists face in dealing with issues of gender and sexuality. New ways of thinking coexist with traditional theory as paradigm shifts in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis affect the treatment of gay, lesbian, and bisexual patients. This book provides a forum to address those changes through clinical papers and discussions. Psychotherapy with Gay Men and Lesbians includes discussion of case reports that deal with: gay therapists treating gay patients countertransferential enactments of sex and gender in treatment rethinking the meanings of homosexuality psychotherapeutic treatment of gay male patients with AIDS and much more! Psychotherapy with Gay Men and Lesbians is an essential forum for the exchange of clinical information on gay and lesbian psychotherapy. The book is a valuable resource for psychiatrists, psychologists, social work therapists, psychoanalysts, and anyone interested in today's psychoanalytic approaches to homosexuality.

Psychotherapy with Gay Men and Lesbians: Contemporary Dynamic Approaches

by Jack Drescher Ann D'Ercole Erica Schoenberg

Examine gay and lesbian psychoanalysis from a variety of perspectives! Psychotherapy with Gay Men and Lesbians: Contemporary Dynamic Approaches presents case histories of psychotherapy sessions with gay and lesbian patients, focusing on today's psychoanalytical approaches. Dedicated to enhancing the emotional, psychological, and psychiatric treatment of gay men, lesbians, and bisexuals, the book features prominent analysts with a wide range of clinical and theoretical approaches. The foremost experts in the therapeutic field address issues affecting gay and lesbian patients from psychoanalytic perspectives that respect the patients' sexual identities. Psychotherapy with Gay Men and Lesbians reflects the significant clinical and theoretical changes therapists face in dealing with issues of gender and sexuality. New ways of thinking coexist with traditional theory as paradigm shifts in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis affect the treatment of gay, lesbian, and bisexual patients. This book provides a forum to address those changes through clinical papers and discussions. Psychotherapy with Gay Men and Lesbians includes discussion of case reports that deal with: gay therapists treating gay patients countertransferential enactments of sex and gender in treatment rethinking the meanings of homosexuality psychotherapeutic treatment of gay male patients with AIDS and much more! Psychotherapy with Gay Men and Lesbians is an essential forum for the exchange of clinical information on gay and lesbian psychotherapy. The book is a valuable resource for psychiatrists, psychologists, social work therapists, psychoanalysts, and anyone interested in today's psychoanalytic approaches to homosexuality.

Psychotherapy with People in the Arts: Nurturing Creativity

by Terry S Trepper Gerald Schoenewolf

Learn to free creativity from the shackles of emotional conflicts!This riveting collection of case histories illustrates the dark interplay of neurosis and creativity. Psychotherapy with People in the Arts explores the struggles of writers, painters, actors, and composers to reconcile their overwhelming need to create and the self-doubts, frustrations, and neuroses that block their potential. In addition to ten inspiring tales of healing and self-knowledge, Psychotherapy with People in the Arts provides a solid introduction to the primary issues related to emotional disorders and creativity. It begins with a study of the notoriously reclusive and eccentric writer J. D. Salinger. Using both theory and case example, it shows how family history, present relations, and genetics can combine to impede the flow of an artist&’s natural gifts-and how a good therapist can help unblock that creative power. It also includes a series of tests to diagnose blocked creativity. Psychotherapy with People in the Arts explores such compelling themes as: dealing with racism and internalized self-hatred the conflict between commercial and high art anger and blocked tears the drive for an impossible perfection emotional alienation and sexual acting outPsychotherapy with People in the Arts is a fascinating look at a complex and controversial subject. Though not everyone is a professional artist, every human being has creative potential that can be blocked by emotional disturbances. And every therapist, mental health educator, and artist will find rich sources of information and inspiration in this book. Visit the author's website at

Psychotherapy with People in the Arts: Nurturing Creativity

by Terry S Trepper Gerald Schoenewolf

Learn to free creativity from the shackles of emotional conflicts!This riveting collection of case histories illustrates the dark interplay of neurosis and creativity. Psychotherapy with People in the Arts explores the struggles of writers, painters, actors, and composers to reconcile their overwhelming need to create and the self-doubts, frustrations, and neuroses that block their potential. In addition to ten inspiring tales of healing and self-knowledge, Psychotherapy with People in the Arts provides a solid introduction to the primary issues related to emotional disorders and creativity. It begins with a study of the notoriously reclusive and eccentric writer J. D. Salinger. Using both theory and case example, it shows how family history, present relations, and genetics can combine to impede the flow of an artist&’s natural gifts-and how a good therapist can help unblock that creative power. It also includes a series of tests to diagnose blocked creativity. Psychotherapy with People in the Arts explores such compelling themes as: dealing with racism and internalized self-hatred the conflict between commercial and high art anger and blocked tears the drive for an impossible perfection emotional alienation and sexual acting outPsychotherapy with People in the Arts is a fascinating look at a complex and controversial subject. Though not everyone is a professional artist, every human being has creative potential that can be blocked by emotional disturbances. And every therapist, mental health educator, and artist will find rich sources of information and inspiration in this book. Visit the author's website at

PTL: The Rise and Fall of Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker's Evangelical Empire

by John Wigger

In 1974 Jim and Tammy Bakker launched their television show, the PTL Club, from a former furniture store in Charlotte, N.C. with half a dozen friends. By 1987 they stood at the center of a ministry empire that included their own satellite network, a 2300-acre theme park visited by six million people a year, and millions of adoring fans. The Bakkers led a life of conspicuous consumption perfectly aligned with the prosperity gospel they preached. They bought vacation homes, traveled first-class with an entourage and proclaimed that God wanted everyone to be healthy and wealthy. When it all fell apart, after revelations of a sex scandal and massive financial mismanagement, all of America watched more than two years of federal investigation and trial as Jim was eventually convicted on 24 counts of fraud and conspiracy. He would go on to serve five years in federal prison. PTL is more than just the spectacular story of the rise and fall of the Bakkers, John Wigger traces their lives from humble beginnings to wealth, fame, and eventual disgrace. At its core, PTL is the story of a group of people committed to religious innovation, who pushed the boundaries of evangelical religion's engagement with American culture. Drawing on trial transcripts, videotapes, newspaper articles, and interviews with key insiders, dissidents, and lawyers, Wigger reveals the power of religion to redirect American culture. This is the story of a grand vision gone wrong, of the power of big religion in American life and its limits.

PTL: The Rise and Fall of Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker's Evangelical Empire

by John Wigger

In 1974 Jim and Tammy Bakker launched their television show, the PTL Club, from a former furniture store in Charlotte, N.C. with half a dozen friends. By 1987 they stood at the center of a ministry empire that included their own satellite network, a 2300-acre theme park visited by six million people a year, and millions of adoring fans. The Bakkers led a life of conspicuous consumption perfectly aligned with the prosperity gospel they preached. They bought vacation homes, traveled first-class with an entourage and proclaimed that God wanted everyone to be healthy and wealthy. When it all fell apart, after revelations of a sex scandal and massive financial mismanagement, all of America watched more than two years of federal investigation and trial as Jim was eventually convicted on 24 counts of fraud and conspiracy. He would go on to serve five years in federal prison. PTL is more than just the spectacular story of the rise and fall of the Bakkers, John Wigger traces their lives from humble beginnings to wealth, fame, and eventual disgrace. At its core, PTL is the story of a group of people committed to religious innovation, who pushed the boundaries of evangelical religion's engagement with American culture. Drawing on trial transcripts, videotapes, newspaper articles, and interviews with key insiders, dissidents, and lawyers, Wigger reveals the power of religion to redirect American culture. This is the story of a grand vision gone wrong, of the power of big religion in American life and its limits.

The Pub and the People: A Worktown Study (Mass Observation social surveys #6)

by Mass Observation

Mass Observation was founded in 1937 with the aim of researching the everyday lives of ordinary people in Britain. One of its best-loved publications is The Pub and the People (1943), a unique study of one of Britain's best-loved pastimes, describing how people behaved in pubs, what and how much they drank, and the decor and layout of the average pre-war alehouse. Alongside sociological interest it offers amusing insights into an era when supping pints was only for the roughest customers, and beer was considered helpful not only to general health ('There is no bad ale, so Grandma said') but also (contra the porter in Macbeth) to the act of love. 'The authors of this book have unearthed much curious information.' George Orwell, Listener'Anyone with an interest in the history of beer and pubs in Britain ought to read it.' Boak and Bailey's Beer Blog

Public Administration in Conflict Affected Countries (Governance and Public Management)

by Juraj Nemec Purshottama S Reddy

This book highlights the main factors determining the quality of public administration in conflict affected countries; and assesses to what extent the conflict determines and impacts on the performance of public administration in affected countries. The main value added by this book is confirming the general expectation that there is no direct and universal link between the conflict and public administration performance (and vice-versa). One may need to argue that each country situation differs and specific factors of internal and external environments determine the trends of public administration performance in conflict affected countries. To achieve the overarching goal of the book, sixteen country studies were developed from all relevant continents - America, Africa, Asia and Europe: Bangladesh, Colombia, Croatia, Egypt, Georgia, Iraq, Kosovo, Nigeria, Palestine, Paraguay, Philippines, Serbia, South Africa, Uganda, Ukraine, and Venezuela.

Public Administration Theories: Instrumental and Value Rationalities

by L. Dong

The book examines key public administration theories from the perspective of instrumental and value rationalities. The theories are analyzed on core value, assumption about human nature, methodology, role of government, and disciplinary positioning. The author traces the historical trajectory of each of the two camps of theories.

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