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Militant Democracy – Political Science, Law and Philosophy (Philosophy and Politics - Critical Explorations #7)

by Afshin Ellian Bastiaan Rijpkema

This volume offers an up-to-date overview of the much-debated issue of how a democracy may defend itself against those who want to subvert it. The justifications, effectiveness and legal implications of militant democracy are discussed by addressing questions as: How can militant democracy measures such as party bans be justified? Why is it that some democracies ban antidemocratic parties? Does militant democracy succeed in combatting right-wing extremism? And is militant democracy evolving into an internationalized legal and political concept?Bringing together experts and perspectives from political science, law and philosophy, this volume advances our understanding of the current threats to democracy, a political system once thought almost invincible. It is especially timely in the light of the rise of illiberal democracy in the EU, the increasingly authoritarian rule in Turkey, the steady shift to autocracy in Russia and the remarkable election of Trump in the US.

Human Geographies Within the Pale of Settlement: Order and Disorder During the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

by Robert E. Mitchell

This study suggests how traditional language-rich narrative histories of the Pale of Settlement can benefit from drawing on the large vocabularies, questions, theories and analytical methods of human geography, economics and the social sciences for an understanding of how Jewish communities responded to multiple disruptions during the nineteenth century. Moving from the ecological level of systems of settlements and variations among individual ones down to the immediate built environment, the book explores how both physical and human space influenced responses to everyday lives and emigration to America.

Memory and Technology: How We Use Information in the Brain and the World

by Jason R. Finley Farah Naaz Francine W. Goh

How is technology changing the way people remember? This book explores the interplay of memory stored in the brain (internal memory) and outside of the brain (external memory), providing a thorough interdisciplinary review of the current literature, including relevant theoretical frameworks from across a variety of disciplines in the sciences, arts, and humanities. It also presents the findings of a rich and novel empirical data set, based on a comprehensive survey on the shifting interplay of internal and external memory in the 21st century. Results reveal a growing symbiosis between the two forms of memory in our everyday lives.The book presents a new theoretical framework for understanding the interplay of internal and external memory, and their complementary strengths. It concludes with a guide to important dimensions, questions, and methods for future research.Memory and Technology will be of interest to researchers, professors, and students across the disciplines of psychology, philosophy, library and information science, human factors, media and cultural studies, anthropology and archaeology, photography, and cognitive rehabilitation, as well as anyone interested in how technology is affecting human memory._____ "This is a novel book, with interesting and valuable data on an important, meaningful topic, as well as a gathering of multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary ideas...The research is accurately represented and inclusive. As a teaching tool, I can envision graduate seminars in different disciplines drawing on the material as the basis for teaching and discussions." Dr. Linda A. Henkel, Fairfield University "This book documents the achievements of a vibrant scientific project – you feel the enthusiasm of the authors for their research. The organization of the manuscript introduces the reader into a comparatively new field the same way as pioneering authors have approached it." Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Schönpflug, Freie Universität Berlin

Das Experiment in der Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft: Grundlagen, Durchführung und Auswertung experimenteller Forschung (Studienbücher zur Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft)

by Thomas Koch Christina Peter Philipp Müller

Das Lehrbuch bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über das sozialwissenschaftliche Experiment. Es stellt Grundlagen und zentrale Begriffe vor und dient als praktischer Leitfaden, um Experimente durchzuführen. Mit zahlreichen Beispielen aus der Kommunikationswissenschaft liefert dieses Buch eine umfassende Hilfestellung für Methodenkurse und empirische Forschungsprojekte, die sich der experimentellen Forschung widmen.

Märkte und „common ground“: Mit einem Vorwort von Gabriele Wagner und einem Nachwort von Dirk Baecker

by Philipp Hessinger

Die einzelnen Kapitel des Buchs behandeln die Kontexteffekte, die lateralen Bezüge und die endogenen Ursachen gegenwärtiger System- und Krisenprozesse mit dem Ziel, den Möglichkeitssinn relevanter Akteure aus Wissenschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft zu schärfen. Auf der Basis profunder Analysen der strukturellen wie auch normativen Verfasstheit sowie der intelligenten Re-/Konstruierbarkeit der Arbeits-, Gesundheits- und Finanzmärkte entfaltet Philipp Hessinger seine grundlegende Idee: dass aktuelle Krisen und scheiternde Reformprojekte auch Ausdruck und Folge innerer Blockaden des gesellschaftlichen Möglichkeitsreichtums sind – und genau diesen Möglichkeitsreichtum sucht er zu bergen. „Wir brauchen Philipp Hessingers Blick für die Spielräume, die wir zwischen Industrie, Technologie und Politik nach wie vor haben, um Verantwortung für unsere Verhältnisse übernehmen zu können.“ (Dirk Baecker)

Polizei und Gesellschaft: Transdisziplinäre Perspektiven zu Methoden, Theorie und Empirie reflexiver Polizeiforschung

by Christiane Howe Lars Ostermeier

​Darstellungen der Polizei in der Polizeiforschung gleichen häufig den Schilderungen der sprichwörtlichen blinden Männer, die einen Elefanten untersuchen und dabei jeweils etwas völlig Unterschiedliches beschreiben. Eine dominierende und leitende Fragestellung dabei ist meist, ob sich die empirischen Ergebnisse mit als ideal definierten Vorstellungen von der Polizei decken oder nicht. Für die sich hier auftuende Kluft werden dann jeweils Erklärungen gesucht. Die Beiträge in diesem Band gehen darüber hinaus und positionieren sich zwischen etablierten Positionen, die „für“, „über“ oder „gegen“ die Polizei forschen. Aus theoretisch wie methodisch unterschiedlichen Perspektiven wird thematisiert, wie Erkenntnis in der Polizeiforschung durch den sozialen und je eigenen wissenschaftlichen Kontext geprägt und in ihm verankert ist.

Sustainable Mobility in Munich: Exploring the Role of Discourse in Policy Change (Studien zur Mobilitäts- und Verkehrsforschung)

by Chelsea Tschoerner-Budde

Chelsea Tschoerner-Budde analyzes discourse in two cases of sustainable mobility policymaking in Munich: cycling promotion and electric mobility promotion. Both cases revealed that the formation and integration of a new, socially driven discourse on everyday mobility was necessary for policy change. Historically, transport policy has been structured to improve flow and manage transport systems. The new ‘everyday mobility cultures’ approach presents a potential framework for improving policymaking and fostering a transition in the transport sector.

Fanclubs der Nationalmannschaften im deutschen Teamsport: Value Co-Creation zwischen Kommerzialisierung und Fankultur (Event- und Impaktforschung)

by Gerald Fritz

Im Zuge der Kommerzialisierung des professionellen Mannschaftssports hat sich neben dem traditionellen Fantypus (supporter) ein konsumorientierter Fantypus (customer) herausgebildet. Zur verbesserten Fan- bzw. Kundenbindung haben daher Teamsportverbände in Deutschland Fanclubs zu ihren Nationalmannschaften gegründet. Gerald Fritz untersucht diese Fanclubs mithilfe eines Mixed‐Methods‐Ansatzes, der qualitative Interviews von DFB‐Fanclub‐Mitgliedern und Experten der Verbände mit einer quantitativen Online‐Befragung verbindet. Er arbeitet Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten der Fanclubs für fünf Teamsportarten heraus und prüft empirisch, inwieweit die Fanclubs einen systematischen Mehrwert (value co‐creation) für die Fan-Community und Sportverbände schaffen.

Grundlegung einer Soziologie der Scharia: Das islamische Recht im Licht einer neuen Theorie der normativen Ordnung und des Rechts

by Reik Kirchhof

Jenseits etatistischer und territorialer Modellräume entwickelt Reik Kirchhof eine soziologische Theorie der normativen Ordnung und des Rechts und rekonstruiert mit neuer Theoriesprache das traditionelle Narrativ der Islamwissenschaft über die Scharia. Die Beobachtungstheorie eröffnet außergewöhnliche Erkenntnisräume, in denen sich bisher unversöhnliche Positionen zu historischen Beobachtungen des islamischen Rechts sinnvoll zusammenführen lassen, aber auch gegenwärtige Phänomene des Islams in einem neuen Licht erscheinen. Mit seiner theoretischen Grundlagenforschung möchte der Autor die Reflexionsleistung der Islamwissenschaft erhöhen und neue Forschungsperspektiven aufzeigen, die eine Islam-Westen-Differenz überwinden.

Präsentieren in Wissenschaft und Forschung

by Barbara Hey

Der Vortrag ist für Forscher die Visitenkarte. Er bietet die Möglichkeit, Forschungsergebnisse, Arbeitsweise und sich selbst einem größeren Publikum vorzustellen. Im Wettbewerb um Noten, Stellen und Forschungsgelder reicht inhaltliche Exzellenz allein nicht aus, auch die Form muss stimmen. Das Buch geht auf die Bedürfnisse von Wissenschaftlern ein und vermittelt anschaulich, worauf in den einzelnen Phasen eines Vortrags zu achten ist. Mit diesen Hilfestellungen lassen sich ein eigener Vortragsstil, persönliche Sicherheit und Souveränität entwickeln.

Psychologie des Geschichtenerzählens

by Tobias C. Breiner

In diesem Buch geht es um die Psychologie guter Geschichten und deren Handlungsfiguren. Es beantwortet Fragen wie:Warum rühren uns manche Filme zu Tränen und andere lassen uns kalt?Warum fesseln uns manche Romane so, dass wir bis tief in die Nacht weiterlesen? Warum quälen wir uns dagegen durch manche Pflichtlektüre hindurch?Warum zocken wir manches Adventure-Game bis zum letzten Level während wir bei anderen schnell die Lust verlieren? Das Werk ist für all diejenigen verfasst, die sich in irgendeiner Weise mit der Erzeugung und Bewertung von Handlungen befassen. Sowohl Charakter- und Game-Designer profitieren durch neue archetypische Modelle und Psychologen können mit der hier präsentierten dodekazyklischen Heldenreise innovative therapeutische Methoden entwickeln. Roman- und Drehbuchautoren bekommen eine Blaupause für erfolgsversprechende Geschichten, die sich auch auf das Interactive Storytelling übertragen lässt und Regisseure sowie Film-, Computerspiel- und Literaturkritiker erhalten durch den Inhalt des Werkes gezielte Bewertungskriterien.

Indian Perspectives on Workplace Bullying: A Decade of Insights

by Premilla D'Cruz Ernesto Noronha Avina Mendonca Nidhi Mishra

This book, recognizing that workplace bullying is a significant employment relations and occupational health and safety problem in India which warrants urgent and holistic intervention, presents empirical studies examining contextual factors, antecedents, mediators, moderators, processes, outcomes and solutions, thereby deepening our understanding of the phenomenon. The chapters showcased in the volume emphasize the paradoxical Indian sociocultural ethos whose simultaneous embrace of humanism versus identity-based, personalized and hierarchical relationships, materialism versus spiritualism and individualism versus collectivism both fuel yet quell misbehaviour. The inquiries which constitute this book engage both positivist and postpostivist paradigms, draw on several theoretical and substantive frameworks, utilize an array of methods, investigate numerous foci and cover various geographical regions in India, a range of industrial sectors and all levels of the organization. In so doing, they make pathbreaking contributions beyond country-specific insights to advance the frontiers of the thematic area worldwide. The chapters include important findings pertaining to digital workplaces, child labour, forgiveness, customer bullying, psychological contract violation, perceived organizational support, psychological capital and comprehensive prevention strategies encompassing psychosocial risks. As well as building on a decade of knowledge about workplace bullying in India, the book puts forward a research agenda on the topic for the subcontinent in particular and the field in general. The volume is of interest to researchers, practitioners and students of organizational studies, human resource management, industrial relations, labour law, corporate law, health sciences and social work.

Hokkien Theatre Across The Seas: A Socio-Cultural Study

by Caroline Chia

This book adopts a refreshing approach by examining Hokkien theatre in a region connected by maritime networks, notably southern Fujian, Taiwan, Kinmen and Singapore. It considers how regional theatre is shaped by broader socio-cultural and political contexts and the motivation to stay relevant in an era of modernisation and secularisation. Political domains are often marked out by land boundaries, but the sea concept denotes fluidity, allowing theatrical forms to spread across these ‘land-bounded’ societies and share a common language and culture."This is an insightful theatrical study on the web of Chinese cultural networks in southern China and Singapore, and by extension, between China and Southeast Asia in the twentieth century and beyond. Using diverse sources in multiple languages and extensive field ethnography, this is a ground-breaking study which is both didactic and inspiring."- Lee Tong Soon, author of Chinese Street Opera in Singapore (University of Illinois, 2009)."Focusing on Hokkien theatre, this book offers new insights into how Chinese performing art responds to geographical, temporal, and social changes. Historical sources in different languages are widely used to give access to the cultural characteristics of Hokkien theatre, offering valuable ethnographic reports on the contemporary practices of Hokkien theatre in Taiwan, Kinmen, and Singapore. The book comments on the changing ritualistic significance of Hokkien theatre, and help us understand how societies remember the past of a performing tradition, and shape its present."- Luo Ai Mei, Co-Editor of A Preliminary Survey of the Cantonese Eight Song Cycles in South China: History and Sources (2016)

Microcelebrity Around the Globe: Approaches to Cultures of Internet Fame

by Crystal Abidin Megan Lindsay Brown

This absorbing anthology uses in-depth interdisciplinary case studies from across the globe to examine the practice and concept of microcelebrity. Expanding on the existing theoretical framing of the online celebrity experience, the editors re-theorize microcelebrity to accommodate developments in global internet governance, the evolution of platform politics, the emergence of hybrid forms of celebrity, and the collapsing networks between old and new media. Chapters analyse experiences across Asia, Europe, Latin America and Australia, and consider microcelebrities at all stages of their careers, from everyday users and beginners to veteran influencers. Arguing for new perspectives and theories of microcelebrity that take into account colonial geographies, cross-media networks between influencers and legacy media, and gendered aggression and political discourses in a social media-saturated age, this volume will be of huge value to students and scholars of microcelebrity, social media, digital labour, creative industries and internet culture.

Drivers of Climate Change in Urban India: Social Values, Lifestyles, and Consumer Dynamics in an Emerging Megacity (Springer Climate)

by Lutz Meyer-Ohlendorf

This study transcends the homogenizing (inter-)national level of argumentation (‘rich’ versus ‘poor’ countries), and instead looks at a sub-national level in two respects: (1) geographically it focuses on the rapidly growing megacity of Hyderabad; (2) in socio-economic terms the urban population is disaggregated by taking a lifestyle typology approach. For the first time, the lifestyle concept – traditionally being used in affluent consumer societies – is applied to a dynamically transforming and socially heterogeneous urban society. Methodically, the author includes India-specific value orientations as well as social practices as markers of social structural differentiation. The study identifies differentials of lifestyle-induced GHG emissions (carbon footprints) and underlines the ambiguity of a purely income based differentiation with regard to the levels of contribution to the climate problem.

Challenges And Opportunities In The Digital Era: 17th Ifip Wg 6. 11 Conference On E-business, E-services, And E-society, I3e 2018, Kuwait City, Kuwait, October 30 - November 1, 2018, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #11195)

by Salah A. Al-Sharhan Antonis C. Simintiras Yogesh K. Dwivedi Marijn Janssen Matti Mäntymäki Luay Tahat Issam Moughrabi Taher M. Ali Nripendra P. Rana

This book constitutes the refereed conference proceedings of the 17th IFIP WG 6.11 Conference on e-Business, e-Services and e-Society, I3E 201, held in Kuwait City, Kuwait, in October/November 2018. The 65 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 99 submissions. Topics of interest include, amongst others, the following: social media; information systems; marketing and communications; management and operations; public administration; economics, sociology, and psychology; e-finance, e-banking, and e-accounting; computer science and computer engineering; and teaching and learning.

The Nonprofit Sector In Eastern Europe, Russia, And Central Asia: Civil Society Advances And Challenges (Brill's Nonprofit Sector Research Ser. (PDF) #1)

by David Horton Smith Alisa Moldavanova Svitlana Krasynska

<i>The Nonprofit Sector in Eastern Europe, Russia, and Central Asia (EERCA)</i>, edited by David Horton Smith, Alisa V. Moldavanova, and Svitlana Krasynska, uniquely provides a research overview of the nonprofit sector and nonprofit organizations in eleven former Soviet republics, with each central chapter written by local experts. Such chapters, with our editorial introductions, present up-to-date versions of works previously published in EERCA native languages. With a Foreword by Susan Rose-Ackerman (Yale University), introductory and concluding chapters also explain the editors’ theoretical approach, setting the whole volume in several, relevant, larger intellectual contexts, and summarize briefly the gist of the book. The many post-Soviet countries show much variety in their current situation, ranging from democratic to totalitarian regimes.

Global Raciality: Empire, PostColoniality, DeColoniality (New Racial Studies)

by Paola Bacchetta Sunaina Maira Howard Winant

Global Raciality expands our understanding of race, space, and place by exploring forms of racism and anti-racist resistance worldwide. Contributors address neoliberalism; settler colonialism; race, class, and gender intersectionality; immigrant rights; Islamophobia; and homonationalism; and investigate the dynamic forces propelling anti-racist solidarity and resistance cultures. Midway through the Trump years and with a rise in nativism fervor across the globe, this expanded approach captures the creativity and variety found in the fight against racism we see the world over. Chapters focus on both the immersive global trajectories of race and racism, and the international variation in contemporary configurations of racialized experience. Race, class, and gender identities may not only be distinctive, they can extend across borders, continents, and oceans with remarkable demonstrations of solidarity happening all over the world. Palestinians, Black Panthers, Dalit, Native Americans, and Indian feminists among others meet and interact in this context. Intersections between race and such forms of power as colonialism and empire, capitalism, gender, sexuality, religion, and class are examined and compared across different national and global contexts. It is in this robust and comparative analytical approach that Global Raciality reframes conventional studies on postcolonial regimes and racial identities and expression.

Crime, Media and Culture

by Greg Martin

Working broadly from the perspective of cultural criminology, Crime, Media and Culture engages with theories and debates about the nature of media-audience relations, examines representations of crime and justice in news media and fiction, and considers the growing significance of digital technologies and social media. The book discusses the multiple effects media representations of crime have on audiences but also the ways media portrayals of crime and disorder influence government policy and lawmaking. It also considers the processes by which certain stories are selected for their newsworthiness. Also examined are the theoretical, conceptual and methodological underpinnings of cultural criminology and its subfields of visual criminology and narrative criminology. Drawing on case studies and empirical examples from the increasingly blurred worlds of reality and entertainment, the dynamics of crime, media and culture are illuminated across a range of chapters covering topics that include: moral panics/folk devils and trial by media; fear of crime; cop shows and courtroom dramas; female criminality and child-on-child killing; serial killers; surveillance, new media and policing; organized crime and state crime. Crime, Media and Culture will be an invaluable resource for undergraduate and postgraduate students interested in criminology and media studies. The book will also prove useful for lecturers and academic researchers wishing to explore the intersections of crime, media and cultural inquiry.

Creative Career Coaching: Theory into Practice

by Liane Hambly Ciara Bomford

Creative Career Coaching: Theory into Practice is an innovative book for career development students and professionals aiming to creatively progress their coaching practice. Without losing sight of fundamental coaching values and practices, it encourages career development professionals to adapt their practice by harnessing imagination, intuition and critical reflection to engage clients. Hambly and Bomford consider the usefulness of creativity alongside traditional coaching models to reach "harder to help" groups. They consider a whole-brain approach to creativity, emphasising the need for coaches to adapt their client-facing skills for individual cases. They work through how clients make career decisions, how to use labour market information to motivate clients, how to frame a creative coaching session using techniques such as metaphor, visualisation and role play, how to use practical tools and techniques to resolve a client’s individual needs, and how to deliver on digital platforms. Combining the latest neuroscientific research with activities, summaries and case studies, this book provides a practical, skills-based approach to coaching. Creative Career Coaching: Theory into Practice is the first book to summarise the Creative Career Coaching Model. It will be an indispensable resource for students of career development, career coaching, coaching psychology and advice and guidance courses. It will also be of interest to career coaches in practice seeking to enhance their skills.

Death, Dying, and Bereavement in a Changing World

by Alan R. Kemp

In this introductory text on thanatology, Alan Kemp continues the first edition’s trajectory of taking on the central question of mortality: the centrality of death coupled with the denial of death in the human experience. Drawing from the work of Ernest Becker, Death, Dying, and Bereavement in a Changing World provides a multidisciplinary and multidimensional approach to the study of death, putting extra emphasis on the how death takes place in a rapidly changing world. This new, second edition includes the most up-to-date research, data, and figures related to death and dying. New research on the alternative death movement, natural disaster related deaths, and cannabis as a form of treatment for life-threatening illnesses, and updated research on physician assisted suicide, as well as on grief as it relates to the DSM-5 have been added.

Reporting Humanitarian Disasters in a Social Media Age (Routledge Research in Journalism Ser.)

by Glenda Cooper

From the tsunami to Hurricane Sandy, the Nepal earthquake to Syrian refugees—defining images and accounts of humanitarian crises are now often created not by journalists but by ordinary citizens using Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Snapchat. But how has the use of this content— and the way it is spread by social media—altered the rituals around disaster reporting, the close, if not symbiotic, relationship between journalists and aid agencies, and the kind of crises that are covered? Drawing on more than 100 in-depth interviews with journalists and aid agency press officers, participant observations at the Guardian, BBC and Save the Children UK, as well as the ordinary people who created the words and pictures that framed these disasters, this book reveals how humanitarian disasters are covered in the 21st century—and the potential consequences for those who posted a tweet, a video or photo, without ever realising how far it would go.

Reporting Humanitarian Disasters in a Social Media Age (Routledge Research in Journalism Ser.)

by Glenda Cooper

From the tsunami to Hurricane Sandy, the Nepal earthquake to Syrian refugees—defining images and accounts of humanitarian crises are now often created not by journalists but by ordinary citizens using Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Snapchat. But how has the use of this content— and the way it is spread by social media—altered the rituals around disaster reporting, the close, if not symbiotic, relationship between journalists and aid agencies, and the kind of crises that are covered? Drawing on more than 100 in-depth interviews with journalists and aid agency press officers, participant observations at the Guardian, BBC and Save the Children UK, as well as the ordinary people who created the words and pictures that framed these disasters, this book reveals how humanitarian disasters are covered in the 21st century—and the potential consequences for those who posted a tweet, a video or photo, without ever realising how far it would go.

Transcultural Memory

by Rick Crownshaw

Memories are not static or frozen, remaining in particular sites or places, within and belonging to particular groups, cultures or nations; rather, memory travels. Broadly speaking, memory has travelled because of the demographic displacements brought about by modernity’s extremes – slavery, colonialism, ethnic cleansing and genocide – and also because of the trade, travel and migration made possible by globalisation. Whether a social movement is violent, exilic, migratory, emancipatory or oppressive, it is accompanied by memory. With the movement of people, memories of modernity’s histories and postmodern legacies meet, correspond and often become mutually constitutive. Even where memories compete with each other for cultural dominance, mutual dialogue and recognition is implicit if not explicit. Memories travel through and across cultures and national boundaries, a process increasingly facilitated by mass media technologies. This collection explores a range of case studies of transcultural memory as well as theorising the mobility of memory as it travels. This book was originally published as a special issue of the journal parallax.

Transcultural Memory (PDF)

by Rick Crownshaw

Memories are not static or frozen, remaining in particular sites or places, within and belonging to particular groups, cultures or nations; rather, memory travels. Broadly speaking, memory has travelled because of the demographic displacements brought about by modernity’s extremes – slavery, colonialism, ethnic cleansing and genocide – and also because of the trade, travel and migration made possible by globalisation. Whether a social movement is violent, exilic, migratory, emancipatory or oppressive, it is accompanied by memory. With the movement of people, memories of modernity’s histories and postmodern legacies meet, correspond and often become mutually constitutive. Even where memories compete with each other for cultural dominance, mutual dialogue and recognition is implicit if not explicit. Memories travel through and across cultures and national boundaries, a process increasingly facilitated by mass media technologies. This collection explores a range of case studies of transcultural memory as well as theorising the mobility of memory as it travels. This book was originally published as a special issue of the journal parallax.

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