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Showing 8,926 through 8,950 of 100,000 results

Economic Exiles

by J.E. King

This exploration of the "economic underworld" and its treatment by orthodox economists has, at its core, a set of intellectual biographies of nine economic heretics ranging from Sir James Steuart in the 18th century to E.F.Schumacher in the 20th and covering a wide political spectrum.

The Economic Impact of Leasing: (pdf)

by David G. Mayes Clive S. Nicholas

Economic Modelling in the OECD Countries (International Studies in Economic Modelling)

by Homa Motamen-Scobie

among the 159 member countries of the United Nations Organization which are treated as country units, while smaller countries are grouped together in regions. The number of equations used is approximately 13 700, while the number of software steps for computation is approximately 100000. Computation, including tabulation, can nevertheless be performed very rapidly, and only about 20 minutes is required to make forecasts from the present up to the year 2000. The FUGI model is at present being used by the Projections and Perspectives Studies Branch, Department of International Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations, for simulations of United Nations medium- and long-term international development strategies, while the Project LINK model is being used for short-term forecasts (Onishi, 1985). Stimulated by our latest joint research with the United Nations University on a 'global early warning system for displaced persions', we have felt the need for our FUGI model to go beyond its present capacities centred on an 'economic' model (in the rather traditional, restricted sense of the term) and to develop into a model that can in the future analyse 'global problematiques' or 'global complexes of symptoms' and complicated questions including various types of environmental problems and the sorts of displaced persons issues to which we are now directing our attention. We are thus expanding the scope of our fifth-generation FUGI model, presently under development, to deal with such issues.

Economic Reform and Political Change in Eastern Europe: A Comparison of the Czechoslovak and Hungarian Experiences (Studies in Soviet History and Society)

by Judy Batt

Economic reform - the introduction of elements of the market into a planned economy - has been the central political problem for socialist states for at least three decades. This book seeks to elucidate the nature of the problem through a reconsideration of the general theoretical issues, and through a comparative analysis of the practice of economic reform in two countries - Czechoslovakia and Hungary.

Economics (Collins Internet-Linked Dictionary of)

by Dr. Christopher Pass

A comprehensive guide to Economics for students in all related fields.

Economics for a Civilized Society

by Greg Davidson

This is an attempt to identify the philosophical underpinnings which have led us to place an over-reliance on the motivation of self-interest in governing our society. It analyzes the role of civic values in modifying economic behaviour.

Economics, Growth and Sustainable Environments: Essays in Memory of Richard Lecomber

by David Collard David W. Pearce David Ulph

This volume brings together leading economists in the UK to address the issue of the sustainable use of the natural environment. The result is a set of original essays which reappraise the 'no growth' debate, investigate the new environmental ethic being built on the concept of sustainable development, look at the way in which projects with major environmental consequences should be evaluated, and ask how future generations are to be represented in economic evaluation.

The Economics of Aging (National Bureau of Economic Research Project Report)

by David A. Wise

The Economics of Aging presents results from an ongoing National Bureau of Economic Research project. Contributors consider the housing mobility and living arrangements of the elderly, their labor force participation and retirement, the economics of their health care, and their financial status. The goal of the research is to further our understanding both of the factors that determine the well-being of the elderly and of the consequences that follow from an increasingly older population with longer individual life spans. Each paper is accompanied by critical commentary.

The Economics of Multispecies Harvesting: Theory and Application to the Barents Sea Fisheries (Studies in Contemporary Economics)

by Ola Flaaten

The aim of this study is twofold: to provide a theoreti­ cal and an applied analysis of multispecies fisheries. The theoretical part will include concepts and analysis which, hopefully, will be of interest not only to economists, but also to biologists and ecologists. The application of the theoreti­ cal model and analysis to the Barents Sea fisheries gives empiri­ cal content to the analysis, which is important for the advance­ ment of fisheries management science. It is also my firm belief that this kind of work in the end will be beneficial to the people trying to make a living from harvesting marine resources. For thousands of years man has been whaling, sealing and fishing in these cold and harsh surroundings. The relative importance of the different species in the ecosystem has changed throughout history. In the seventeenth century the abundant, slow-swimming Greenland right whale and the Biscayan right whale in the Barents Sea area were so valuable, especially to English and Dutch whalers, that the intensive exploitation of these common property resources probably were the main reason for the extinction of these two stocks. The two species are, however, still present in other parts of the North Atlantic Ocean. Except for these two stocks of whales there is no knowledge of other stocks of sea mammals or fish in this area being extinct in historical time.

The Economics of Public Debt: Proceedings of a Conference held by the International Economic Association at Stanford, California (International Economic Association Series)

by Kenneth J. Arrow Michael J. Boskin

A collection of essays presenting new insights into the analysis of public debt theory, recent historical episodes, econometric analyses and policy dilemmas and options. It also documents the perceptions of debt problems from viewpoints of national economies as well as the world economy.

Economics of Shipping Practice and Management

by A.E. Branch

It is appropriate that the second edition of this established textbook­ sold in over 150 countries and regarded by many as the standard work on the subject -should be published at a time of great change in the international shipping industry. This edition reflects such change. It also places considerable emphasis on the need for a professional approach in all areas of shipping practice and management in order to provide the high quality service required to sustain and expand international trade, and will help to establish that professionalism. The book is ideal not only for students preparing for shipping examinations but also for persons employed in shipping companies, ashore and afloat. In short it is an aide-memo ire to those engaged in the industry throughout the world and is regarded by many as the shipping executive's handbook. Readers who wish to know more about the basic elements of the subject should also study the com­ panion volume Elements of Shipping (fifth edition). In addition, the sea port operator or executive should study my recently published book Elements of Port Operation and Management. The opportunity has been taken to widen the scope of the book. New chapters have been included on the economics of container­ ization, computerization, roll on/roll off (Ro/Ro) vessels and their features, and counter-trade. In addition, a number of existing chapters have been expanded in the areas of marketing, budgets, political factors, ship finance, BIFFEX, ICHCA, IMO, GCBS, and shipping company mergers and acquisitions.

Economies across Cultures: Towards a Comparative Science of the Economy

by Rhoda H. Halperin

A study containing a combination of theory, ethnography and history, focusing upon critical issues of economic organization and change. Labour organization, land tenure and the division of labour by age and sex are treated in the context of both practical and theoretical problems.

Educational Computing and Problem Solving

by W Michael Reed John K Burton

First published in 1988. Professionals who are on the cutting edge of educational computing discuss, in this provocative new book, one of the most exciting prospects of the field--harnessing the power of the computer to enhance the development of problem-solving abilities. Here is everything that educators will need to know to use computers to improve higher level skills such as problem solving and critical thinking. Current aspects of problem-solving theory, a philosophical case for including programming languages in the curriculum, state-of-the-art research on computers and problem solving, and a look at problem-solving software are included in this comprehensive volume. The research and its application to instruction are grounded in problem-solving theory--making this book a unique and critical addition to the existing literature.

Educational Computing and Problem Solving

by W Michael Reed John K Burton

First published in 1988. Professionals who are on the cutting edge of educational computing discuss, in this provocative new book, one of the most exciting prospects of the field--harnessing the power of the computer to enhance the development of problem-solving abilities. Here is everything that educators will need to know to use computers to improve higher level skills such as problem solving and critical thinking. Current aspects of problem-solving theory, a philosophical case for including programming languages in the curriculum, state-of-the-art research on computers and problem solving, and a look at problem-solving software are included in this comprehensive volume. The research and its application to instruction are grounded in problem-solving theory--making this book a unique and critical addition to the existing literature.

Effective Control of Currency Risks

by Enzio Von Pfeil

Eigentum, Eigentumsrechte und institutioneller Wandel (Studies in Contemporary Economics)

by Ingo Böbel

Die Theorie der Eigentumsrechte kann als eine Synthese verschiedener Forschungsrichtungen innerhalb der modernen Wirtschaftstheorie angesehen werden. In ihr vereinigen sich eine Vielfalt von Konzepten, analytischen Verfahren und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten. Entsprechend dem hier verwendeten Ansatz wird Eigentum als ein Bündel umfassender Rechte an (quasi-handelbaren) Gütern verstanden. Das durch die Rechte gebildete Eigentumssystem (Eigentumsordnung) wird explizit in die ökonomische Analyse einbezogen. Neben einer entwicklungsgeschichtlichen Würdigung des Eigentums und seiner Bedeutung im Verlaufe der zivilisatorischen Gesellschaftsentwicklung wird anhand einer Übersicht über vorliegende empirische Untersuchungen der Frage nachgegangen, welche allokativen Effizienzwirkungen von unterschiedlichen Ausgestaltungsmechanismen von Eigentums- und Verfügungsrechten, d.h. von einem unterschiedlichen Grad der Verdünnung von Eigentumsrechten, tatsächlich ausgehen. Anhand von empirischen Untersuchungen des Autors werden Wirkungen unterschiedlicher Eigentumsrechtsstrukturen auf das Unternehmensverhalten für den Bereich der Industrie der Bundesrepublik analysiert. Bei der Interpretation der Ergebnisse stehen sich zwei Positionen gegenüber: der auf dem methodologischen Individualismus aufbauende verhaltenstheoretische Ansatz zur Erklärung institutioneller Veränderungen (Neuer Institutionalismus) und der evolutionstheoretische Ansatz zur Erklärung gesamtgesellschaftlicher Entwicklungen und Veränderungen (Institutioneller Wandel) aus eigentumstheoretischer Sicht.

Ein Algorithmus zur kapazitätsorientierten Bildung von Losen (IPA-IAO - Forschung und Praxis #117)

by Tilmann Greiner

Solange es technisch noch nicht möglich ist, die "Losgröße Eins" zu realisieren, müssen in Produktionsbetrieben die Lagerbestände durch geeignete Losbildung weiterhin möglichst gering gehalten werden. In diesem Band wird eine einfache, praxisnahe Rechenmethode vorgestellt, mit der der Disponent minimale Bestände erreichen kann. Die herkömmlichen Dispositionsmethoden Bestellpunkt und Bestellrhythmus werden zu einem neuen Prinzip kombiniert, wobei die jeweiligen Vorteile erhalten bleiben, die Nachteile jedoch wegfallen. Der Algorithmus zeichnet sich insbesondere dadurch aus, daß begrenzte Produktionskapazität, mehrere Werkstücke auf einer Kapazitätseinheit und die Disposition über mehrere Fertigungsstufen berücksichtigt werden. Die vorgestellte Rechenvorschrift ist jederzeit in ein übergeordnetes Produktionsplanungs- und -steuerungssystem integrierbar, benötigt wenig Rechenaufwand und ist leicht manuell nachvollziehbar. Dennoch bezieht sie alle wesentlichen betrieblichen Bedingungen ein und baut auf bewährten, überall bekannten Prinzipien auf, wodurch ihre Praxistauglichkeit gewährleistet ist.

Einführung in die Wirtschaftsmathematik (Physica-Lehrbuch)

by Herbert Vogt

Das vorliegende Lehrbuch gibt eine Einführung in die Teilbereiche der Analysis und der linearen Algebra, die für die Anwendungen in der Wirtschaftswissenschaft am wichtigsten sind und zum Ausbildungsstandard der Studenten wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Fachrichtungen gehören. Unnötige Definitionen wurden vermieden und die benötigten mathematischen Begriffe wurden durch Beispiele aus vielen ökonomischen Anwendungsgebieten erläutert. Der Anfänger sollte erkennen, welche mathematischen Verfahren später z.B. in der Theorie der marginalen Größen, der Preistheorie, der Wachstumstheorie oder bei Optimierungsmethoden für ihn wichtig sein werden. Abgesehen von kleineren Berichtigungen unterscheidet sich die Neuauflage nicht von der vorigen Auflage. Das Buch wird ergänzt durch die Aufgabensammlung "Aufgaben und Beispiele zur Wirtschaftsmathematik", das in derselben Reihe erschienen ist.

Einführung in Expertensysteme (Studienreihe Informatik)

by Frank Puppe

Expertensysteme sind Problemlösungsprogramme, die das Fachwissen und die Schlußfolgerungsfähigkeit von Experten nachbilden. Da in einigen Anwendungen überzeugende Erfolge erzielt wurden und ein großer kommerzieller Bedarf nach kompetenten, erklärungsfähigen und änderungsfreundlichen Problemlösungsprogrammen besteht, hat sich die Forschung und Entwicklung in den letzten Jahren erheblich beschleunigt. Dieses Buch vermittelt den aktuellen Stand und eine realistische, praxisbezogene Einschätzung der Möglichkeiten und Beschränkungen von Expertensystemen. Es zeichnet sich durch eine klare Gliederung aus, die einen kognitiven Rahmen zur Einordnung der vielfältigen Techniken bietet. Neu ist die Unterscheidung zwischen Basis-Wissensrepräsentationen mit zugehörigen Ableitungsstrategien (Regeln, Frames, Constraints, probabilistisches, nicht-monotones und temporales Schließen) und höheren Problemlösungsstrategien zur Diagnostik, Konstruktion und Simulation. Frank Puppe von der Universität Karlsruhe begründet sein Buch auf Vorlesungen über Expertensysteme und auf seine langjährigen Erfahrungen bei der Entwicklung und dem industriellen Einsatz von Expertensystemwerkzeugen.

Einkommensteuer / Lohnsteuer (Gabler-Studientexte)

by Werner Sacher

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