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Showing 87,726 through 87,750 of 88,517 results

Handbook of Teaching and Learning in Sociology

Showcasing advanced research from over 30 expert sociologists, this dynamic Handbook explores a wide range of cutting-edge developments in scholarship on teaching and learning in sociology. It presents instructors with a comprehensive companion on how to achieve excellence in teaching, both in individual courses and across the undergraduate sociology curriculum.Divided into three distinct sections, the Handbook pinpoints critical aspects of teaching sociology: designing, teaching, and assessing core courses; advancing sociological literacy in topical courses; and engaging with high-impact practices across the curriculum. Chapters further solidify disciplinary understandings of the core elements of the sociology curriculum, as well as the essential concepts and skills that sociology students ought to learn.Offering extensive resources to help teachers think about and improve course and curricular design, their own teaching, and their students’ learning, this comprehensive Handbook is the definitive guide for achieving teaching excellence across sociology. Its timely and practical suggestions will prove invaluable to new instructors, seasoned faculty, and department chairs seeking to advance program quality.

Handbook of Teaching and Learning Social Research Methods

This comprehensive Handbook illustrates the wide range of approaches to teaching and learning social research methods in the classroom, online, in the field and in informal contexts. Bringing together contributors from varied disciplines and nations, it represents a landmark in the development of pedagogical culture for social research methods.Spanning qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods research, this Handbook covers all aspects of teaching and learning, from introductory research methods courses to post-doctoral learning. Offering practical guidance, research evidence and reflective insights, it addresses some of the biggest challenges facing teachers and learners. It further advances ongoing debates, such as facilitating experiential learning online, supporting the development of reflexivity, embedding quantitative methods learning in university programmes and challenging orthodoxies with feminist, anti-racist, and decolonising pedagogies.This Handbook will be an invaluable resource for teachers of research methods across the social sciences, and for research methods training organisations looking to improve their courses. Researchers and students of pedagogy in higher education will also find it an enlightening read.

Handbook of Teaching Public Administration

Compiling the experience and expertise of over 50 leading international scholars, this Handbook of Teaching Public Administration provides critical insights into the questions, issues, and challenges raised by teaching practitioners and aspiring professionals. Its global scope ensures a comprehensive overview of the diversity of current practice in teaching public administration. Featuring international examples of curriculum design and practice, the Handbook positions public administration against a backdrop shaped by global politics, history, philosophy, and social change. Applied case studies on teaching public administration and in-depth analyses of critical pedagogical concepts illuminate the diverse and multidisciplinary approaches to public administration across the globe, as well as emphasising the widely contested nature of its teaching. Contributions from field professionals explore questions of accreditation, curriculum design, assessment, innovation, and practice, ultimately serving to inform and inspire readers’ pedagogical decisions. Theoretical, empirical, and practice-focused, this incisive Handbook will be an essential resource for public administration students, educators, and practitioners at any stage in their study or career. It will also serve as an engaging reference text for public administration accreditation and approvals organisations.

Handbook of Teaching Public Policy (Handbooks of Research on Public Policy series)

Pragmatic, progressive and global in its approach, this Handbook centres around the key question: how can we teach public policy? Presenting a wide variety of theoretical and methodological perspectives, it expertly examines current approaches to teaching public policy and critically reflects on potential future developments in the field.Bringing together contributions from over sixty leading public policy scholars, chapters examine the many different orientations to teaching and learning public policy, spanning traditional, current and emerging approaches. Employing a multi-jurisdictional approach, contributors discuss key theories surrounding the policy process, analyse diverse teaching strategies, and investigate the different publics engaged in learning about public policy. Through detailed case studies, the Handbook also explores the differences in international public policy programmes, and suggests possible explanations for the plurality in content.This forward-thinking Handbook will be an essential resource for educators in the field of public policy looking to enhance their teaching practices as well as those interested in the latest developments within the discipline. Offering a comprehensive overview of modern public policy pedagogy, it will also be of interest to academics and students.

Handbook on Academic Freedom

Identifying academic freedom as a major casualty of rapid and extensive reforms to the governance and practices of academic institutions worldwide, this timely Handbook considers the meaning of academic freedom, the threats it faces, and its relation to rights of critical expression, public accountability and the democratic health of open societies.An international cohort of leading scholars discuss the historical conceptualisations of academic freedom and explore the extent of its reconfiguration by neoliberalism and economic globalisation. Chapters examine the threats posed to academic freedom by interventionist government, economic fundamentalism, political conservatism and extremism. The Handbook finds that these threats endanger the intellectual ambitions at the core of academic freedom: contesting established ‘truth’ and holding power to account.Examining a matter of urgent social and political importance which is crucial to the future of democracy and intellectual autonomy, this Handbook is an invigorating read for students and scholars researching academic freedom, free speech and democratic governance in higher education institutions.

Handbook on Higher Education Management and Governance (Elgar Handbooks in Education)

This ground-breaking Handbook examines the evolution of university autonomy and governance by tracking the changing relationship between higher education institutions and the state. Through unique historical analyses, contributors provide important insights into the position of students, academics, and universities in today’s society, mapping potential future directions of travel for the sector.Illustrating how governments have historically always tried to exert some degree of control over universities, this Handbook explores ways institutions have adapted to these changing pressures. Contributors review the diverse societal roles played by higher education institutions, including serving the Church, training public bureaucrats, building the nation- state, preserving national culture, promoting social mobility, and ensuring economic competitiveness. They focus in particular on recent developments in university governance, critically analysing the influence of neoliberal politics, academic capitalism, and the knowledge society on higher education.This Handbook will be an invaluable resource for students and scholars of education economics, management, policy and administration, as well as sociologists and political scientists. It will also be essential reading for leaders and administrators at higher education institutions seeking to design and implement effective higher education policies.

Handbook on Leadership in Education (Elgar Handbooks in Education)

This comprehensive Handbook explores how best to understand, develop and practise educational leadership in an era of significant disruption to education. Contributors evaluate the latest developments in leadership in education and provide novel insights into key conceptual and methodological issues.Viewing leadership in education as a fractured field, this Handbook critically analyses traditional and emerging perspectives and arguments. It reveals the fluidity of educational leadership, identifying how different practices can contribute to diverse educational goals. Chapters examine leadership at every stage of education, from early years to higher education, drawing on diverse national and cultural contexts. Global experts give practical suggestions for improving both the research and practice of leadership in education, covering important topics including leading for social justice, indigenous knowledge, leadership development and leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic.The Handbook on Leadership in Education will be an invaluable resource for students and scholars of educational sociology, leadership, management and administration. It will also be an important guide for practitioners and policy-makers seeking to build inclusive and effective educational leadership structures.

Handbook on Teaching and Learning for Sustainable Development

Exploring the important role of education in both pursuing and implementing sustainable development, this timely Handbook highlights how teaching methods at schools and universities can impact the future. It looks at ways not only to inform students about matters related to sustainable development, but also to empower them to adopt behaviours and actions that lead to more sustainable lifestyles.Chapters from an international team of contributors present and analyse experiences of different learning processes and methods, showcasing the impact of curriculum-related issues and teacher training. Using different pedagogical approaches, case studies and interdisciplinary initiatives, the Handbook explores a broad range of technological approaches and tools to foster better teaching and learning for sustainable development. It provides key insights into the implementation of teaching initiatives in helping to promote sustainable development and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.This Handbook will be crucial reading for those investigating curriculum policies and issues, and looking to enhance students’ understanding of sustainability in schools and universities.

Handbook on Teaching Health Economics: Best Practices

This Handbook features the best teaching practices in the Health Economics (HE) field over the past decade. HE is still considered a relatively new field in the world of economics. While most academic programs leading to HE specializations are housed in economics departments, many courses often reside elsewhere: in schools of public health, health professions, health sciences, nursing, pharmacy, business, or public/health administration. Teaching in these diverse, specialized curricula requires a customized subset of methods and materials developed for both the instructors and the students.The editors have sought to expand applicability beyond North America and Western Europe, and to address issues in both less developed health economies and more advanced ones. The chapters herein present new and innovative teaching methods.Instructors with or without professional training in HE will welcome the featured practical applications that encompass HE courses taught in various economics and non-economics undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs.

Handbuch Bildungs- und Erziehungsphilosophie

Das Handbuch bildet den aktuellen Diskussionsstand der zeitgenössischen Bildungs- und Erziehungsphilosophie ab. In der Darstellung und Diskussion der aufgenommenen Begriffe werden die historisch und systematisch bedeutsamen bildungs- und erziehungsphilosophischen Kontextualisierungen und Differenzierungen für die pädagogische Theorie und Praxis herausgearbeitet. Im Durchgang durch die einzelnen Begriffe wird deutlich, dass Pädagogik nicht nur als praktische Handlungswissenschaft, sondern auch als philosophische Reflexionswissenschaft zu verstehen ist. Philosophische Problemstellungen sind in Theorie und Praxis mit pädagogischen Vorannahmen und Implikationen verbunden und pädagogische Fragestellungen sind auf philosophische Explikationen und Reflexionen bezogen.Der InhaltZur Konzeption des Handbuchs • Anthropologie • Ästhetik • Erkenntnistheorie • Ethik • Kulturphilosophie • Metaphysik • Politische Philosophie • Sozialphilosophie • Technikphilosophie • Wissenschaftstheorie Die Herausgeber Dr. Gabriele Weiß ist Professorin für Erziehungswissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Allgemeine Pädagogik an der Universität Siegen.Dr. Jörg Zirfas ist Professor für Allgemeine Erziehungswissenschaft mit dem Schwerpunkt Pädagogische Anthropologie an der Universität zu Köln.

Handbuch Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache: Kontexte – Themen – Methoden

Das Handbuch bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über den aktuellen Stand der Forschung in den verschiedenen Teilbereichen des wissenschaftlichen Faches Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache. Als Zielgruppe ist sowohl an Studierende als auch an Lehrende gedacht, die sich mit den Themen und Problemstellungen des Faches vertraut machen wollen. Die insgesamt 24 Beiträge des Handbuchs, die sich auch als erster orientierender Zugang zum Thema eignen, stellen das jeweilige Fachgebiet überblicksartig, aber zugleich auch differenziert dar und geben Hinweise auf aktuelle weiterführende Literatur. Nach einer umfangreicheren Einleitung in Geschichte und Selbstverständnis des Faches sowie jeweils eigenen Kapiteln zu den spezifischen Lehr- und Lernkontexten von Deutsch als Fremdsprache bzw. Deutsch als Zweitsprache präsentieren die drei zentralen Kapitel die relevanten Teilbereiche (Angewandte) Linguistik, Didaktik und Methodik sowie Kulturstudien und beschreiben deren Forschungsansätze, Methoden und Resultate.

Handbuch Ganztagsbildung

Ganztagsbildung ist zu einem Schlüsselbegriff in der gegenwärtigen Bildungsdebatte geworden, der neue Perspektiven auf ein umfassendes Bildungsverständnis in der Wissensgesellschaft eröffnet. Er kennzeichnet innovative Kooperationsformen zwischen Schule, Jugendhilfe und anderen soziokulturellen Einrichtungen, mit dem Ziel, allen Kindern und Jugendlichen eine ganzheitliche Erziehung und Bildung zu ermöglichen. Die 'Grundbegriffe' bieten als Handbuch erstmalig einen umfassenden Gesamtüberblick, in dem das Handlungsfeld terminologisch geklärt und systematisch erörtert wird. In ihrer bildungstheoretischen Fundierung und empirischen Verankerung werden Entwicklungen der Ganztagsbildung mit neuen Strukturen einer Politik des gerechten Aufwachsens verbunden und in bildungs- und sozialpolitischen Forderungen konkretisiert.

Handbuch Mehrsprachigkeit und Bildung

Das Handbuch fungiert als Nachschlagewerk, das Theorie, empirische Forschung und praxisrelevante Erkenntnisse aus den dynamischen Forschungsfeldern Mehrsprachigkeit und Bildung in ihrer Verschränkung präsentiert. Die behandelten Themen schließen den internationalen Stand der Forschung und Entwicklung ein. Beiträge über Traditionen der Konzeptualisierung von Sprache und Bildung ermöglichen ein besseres Verstehen heutiger ‚Normalvorstellungen‘ und repräsentieren multidisziplinäre Perspektiven. In Zeiten der Globalisierung und großräumiger individueller Mobilität ist dieses Werk nicht nur von aktueller Bedeutung, sondern auch zukunftsrelevant.

Handbuch Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung

Das Handbuch vergleicht systematisch Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede hinsichtlich Problemen, Prinzipien, Vorgehensweisen, Standards und Gütekriterien für verschiedene qualitative und quantitative Methoden der Sozialforschung. Um diese Fragen zu beantworten, diskutieren ausgewiesene Experten in 122 Beiträgen den aktuellen Stand der Forschung und bieten Forschenden, Lehrenden und Studierenden einen detaillierten Überblick über die verschiedenen Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung. Die Schwerpunkte liegen dabei auf der Datenerhebung, also auf digitalen Methoden, standardisierten und offenen Befragungen, sowie zahlreichen anderen aktuell verwendeten Datentypen.

Handbuch Offene Kinder- und Jugendarbeit

Die aktuelle, vierte Auflage des Handbuches Offenen Kinder- und Jugendarbeit hat ein ganz neues Konzept bekommen und viele Inhalte wurden erstmalig aufgenommen. Das Handbuch ist seit vielen Jahren das Schlüsselwerk zu dem großen Arbeitsfeld der Offenen Kinder- und Jugendarbeit. Das Handbuch schließt relevantes Wissen auf und regt Reflexion an. Es unterstützt Fachkräfte der Praxis bei der Klärung ihres Selbstverständnisses, ihrer Ziele und Arbeitsweisen. Das Handbuch hilft pädagogisches Handeln im komplexen Feld der Offenen Kinder- und Jugendarbeit professionell zu gestalten, es nach außen zu begründen und wo nötig zu verteidigen. Die heutigen Herausforderungen an eine fachlich qualifizierte Jugendarbeit werden aufgegriffen und kompetent beantwortet. Die Autorinnen und Autoren aus Wissenschaft und Praxis haben langjährige Expertise für das Handlungsfeld. Sie zeigen, dass Offene Kinder- und Jugendarbeit ein wichtiger Bildungsort für Kinder und Jugendliche ist. Das Handbuch nutzt so den Fachkräften, mit den Kindern und Jugendlichen Selbstbestimmung zu entfalten und gesellschaftliche Mitverantwortung auszuüben.

Handbuch Soziale Arbeit und Alter

Das Handbuch 'Soziale Arbeit und Alter' stellt den Bedarf, die Rahmenbedingungen, Institutionen, Paradigmen und Konzepte der Begleitung der vielgestaltigen Lebensphase Alter aus der Perspektive der Sozialen Arbeit dar. Das Handbuch trägt der Tatsache Rechnung, dass sich die Soziale Arbeit weit über die Soziale Altenhilfe hinaus mit der demografischen Entwicklung, dem Strukturwandel des Alters und sozialpolitischen Veränderungen auseinander setzen muss, die sowohl ältere und alte Menschen als auch ihre Familien und außerfamilialen Netzwerke betreffen.

Hannah Arendt on Educational Thinking and Practice in Dark Times: Education for a World in Crisis

In her renowned and provocative essay, The Crisis in Education, Hannah Arendt observed that a 'crisis becomes a disaster only when we respond to it with preformed judgements, that is, with prejudices'. Taken as a whole, Arendt's work provides an enduring provocation to think and to make judgements about education and the issues that impact on it, such as political, economic and cultural disruption and uncertainty. Drawing together the leading thinkers on Arendtian ideas and education, this collection explores the role and promise education can have in preparing the future generation to understand, to think about and to act within the world. Concluding the same essay on the crisis in education, Arendt declared education to be the point at which love for the world meets love for those who are newcomers to it. The authors respond to Arendt's call for responsibility and authority in education, providing a leading edge thinking, analysis and agenda setting for public education systems and the world in dark times.

Happiness Education: Holistic Learning for Sustainable Well-Being (Routledge Research in International and Comparative Education)

This edited collection challenges the common preoccupation with knowledge acquisition and academic achievement by comparing the aims and cultural beliefs which drive education in different countries throughout the world. Through case studies from countries in Asia, Latin America, Africa, and Europe, the authors present how education can be approached holistically to foster student happiness and well-being. The book illustrates wide-ranging interpretations of what it means to provide a "good education," and how student-centered, holistic approaches to learning can be effective in promoting creativity, tolerance, student well-being, and an appreciation of environmental and societal responsibilities. Based on rigorous mixed-method empirical research, it highlights how the integration of happiness in education can not only enhance academic excellence but can also have a positive impact on the students’ overall well-being. This cutting-edge book focuses on the holistic development and well-being of students and will be a relevant reading for educators, researchers, and students in such diverse fields as psychology, the sociology and philosophy of education, intercultural education, education policy and politics, leadership/management, mental health, and international and comparative education.

Hearing Vocation Differently: Meaning, Purpose, and Identity in the Multi-Faith Academy

Many colleges and universities have begun using the language of vocation and calling to help undergraduates think about the future direction of their lives. This language is used in both secular and religious contexts, but it has deep roots in the Christian theological tradition. Given the increasingly multi-faith context of undergraduate life, many have asked whether this terminology can truly serve as a new vocabulary for higher education. If vocation is to find a foothold in the contemporary context, it will need to be re-examined, re-thought, and re-written; in short, higher education will need to undertake the project of hearing vocation differently. In this third volume on vocation from editor David S. Cunningham, the thirteen contributing scholars identify with a wide variety of religious traditions, including Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Sikhism. Some contributors identify with more than one of these; others would claim none of them. The authors met on multiple occasions to read common texts, to discuss agreements and differences, and to respond to one another's writing; some of these responses are included at the end of each chapter. Both individually and collectively, these contributors expand the range of vocational reflection and discernment well beyond its traditional Christian origins. The authors observe that all undergraduate students--regardless of their academic field, religious background, or demographic identity-need to make space for reflection, to overcome obstacles to discernment, and to consider the significance of their own narratives, beliefs, and practices. This, in turn, will require college campuses to re-imagine their curricular and co-curricular programming in order to support their students's reflection on issues of meaning, purpose, and identity.

High-Impact Practices in Online Education: Research and Best Practices

This volume offers the first comprehensive guide to how high-impact practices (HIPs) are being implemented in online environments and how they can be adjusted to meet the needs of online learners. This multi-disciplinary approach will assist faculty and administrators to effectively implement HIPs in distance education courses and online programs.With a chapter devoted to each of the eleven HIPs, this collection offers guidance that takes into account the differences between e-learners and traditional on-campus students.A primary goal of High-Impact Practices Online is to share the ways in which HIPs may need to be amended to meet the needs of online learners. Through specific examples and practical suggestions in each chapter, readers are introduced to concrete strategies for transitioning HIPs to the online environment that can be utilized across a range of disciplines and institution types. Each chapter of High-Impact Practices Online also references the most recent and relevant literature on each HIP so that readers are brought up to date on what makes online HIPs successful.The book provides guidance on how best to implement HIPs to increase retention and completion for online learners.

High Leverage Practices for Intensive Interventions

High Leverage Practices for Intensive Interventions provides special education teachers with descriptions and practical instructions on how to use High Leverage Practices (HLPs) to improve student outcomes. Since many students with disabilities spend their school day in inclusive general education classrooms, these intensive interventions are often delivered in separate or tier 3 settings to meet the students’ individualized needs. Each chapter focuses on a specific High Leverage Practice with explanations of its purpose and essential components, accompanied by examples for use with small groups of students or the individual student. This accessible and comprehensive guide is key for pre-service teachers in special education programs or those who provide intensive interventions with students.

High Participation Systems of Higher Education

Higher Education has become a central institution of society, building individual knowledge, skills, agency, and relational social networks at unprecedented depth and scale. Within a generation there has been an extraordinary global expansion of Higher Education, in every region in all but the poorest countries, outstripping economic growth and deriving primarily from familial aspirations for betterment. By focusing on the systems and countries that have already achieved near universal participation, High Participation Systems of Higher Education explores this remarkable transformation. The world enrolment ratio, now rising by 10 per cent every decade, is approaching 40 per cent, mostly in degree-granting institutions, including three quarters of young people in North America and Europe. Higher Education systems in the one in three countries that enrol more than 50 per cent are here classified as 'high participation systems'. Part I of the book measures, maps, and explains the growth of participation, and the implications for society and Higher Education itself. Drawing on a wide range of literature and data, the chapters theorize the changes in governance, institutional diversity, and stratification in Higher Education systems, and the subsequent effects in educational and social equity. The theoretical propositions regarding high-participation Higher Education developed in these chapters are then tested in the country case studies in Part II, presenting a comprehensive enquiry into the nature of the emerging 'high participation society'.

Higher Education and the Carceral State: Transforming Together

Higher Education and the Carceral State: Transforming Together explores the diversity of ways in which university faculty and students are intervening in the system of mass incarceration through the development of transformative arts and educational programs for students in correctional institutions.Demonstrating the ways that higher education can intervene in and disrupt the deeply traumatic experience of incarceration and shift the embedded social-emotional cycles that lead to recidivism, this book is both inspiration and guide for those seeking to create and sustain programs as well as to educate students about the types of programs universities bring to prisons.From arts workshops and educational courses to degree-granting programs, individuals and communities across multiple disciplines in higher education are actively breaking the cycle of shame and division in mass incarceration through direct engagement. This book explores the inspiring, innovative, and changemaking initiatives in carceral spaces - from arts workshops and educational courses to degree granting programs - through the lens of faculty, artists, scholars, students, and administrators. Readers will learn the diverse ways in which these interventions and partnerships can take shape and the life changing impacts that they have on all those involved, in particular students who are incarcerated. The book includes authors with lived experience of incarceration throughout.Section I highlights the voices of students who are currently or formerly incarcerated, while Section II addresses diverse collaborations through and across systems of corrections and education. Section III features the voices of teaching artists, while Section IV includes those that start and lead these programs, offering roadmaps for others interested in engaging in this transformative work.

Higher Education Beyond COVID: New Teaching Paradigms and Promise

This book illustrates how higher education responded to the COVID-19 pandemic and grew from it. The pandemic impacted faculty development, drew a greater focus on the measurement of effective teaching in higher education, and provided a better understanding of what was needed to better aid educators in colleges and universities nationwide. The stage is set for a more resilient higher education with chapters illustrating new paradigms and promise. Three themes are highlighted throughout this volume. Authors underscore the need to explore different modalities of delivery for faculty development and instruction, to enhance the leverage of technology in course design, and to refine faculty development for holistic development. Pulling together empirical data on college faculty administration, and student responses to the pandemic, chapter authors address the unique issues faced by educators and highlight successes and challenges in working with existing Centers for Teaching and Learning (CTLs) and information technology structures. Featuring contributions from diverse institutions, each chapter provides specific guidelines and recommendations for higher education to set the stage for innovation and change. Laying the groundwork for the design of more effective models of faculty development for higher education, this book is a valuable resource for higher education administrators and faculty to improve higher education going forward.

Higher Education, Employment, and Economic Development in India: Problems, Prospects, and Policies

This volume examines the role of higher education and employment in economic development in emerging economies like India. It looks at the contours of higher education policies and the labour market dynamics to explore ways to address joblessness and income disparity. The book discusses themes such as quality and access to higher education, the shift towards private investment in higher education, demographic dividend and joblessness among youth, social and income inequalities, labour migration and employment, and the participation of women in the workforce, among others. It provides insights into the challenges relating to employment generation in the industrial sector. It also offers solutions and policy measures to move towards sustainable growth, better employment opportunities in various sectors of industries, and human development. Rich in empirical data, this volume will be of interest to students and researchers of education, economics, development studies, sociology, gender studies, and social and economic policy.

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