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Indikatoren des Neuen: Innovation als Sozialmethodologie oder Sozialtechnologie? (Innovation und Gesellschaft)

by Inka Bormann René John Jens Aderhold

Die Diskussion in diesem Band sorgt für eine sachliche Fundierung und Verbreitung der Debatte um soziale Innovationen. Das Verhältnis von Innovation und Gesellschaft insbesondere bei der Beobachtung sozialen Wandels sowohl in konkreten organisationalen als auch in allgemeingesellschaftlichen Zusammenhängen wird aufgezeigt: Es gilt, Innovationen als temporär fixierte Lösungen für soziale Probleme zu thematisieren.

The Ethics of Teaching at Sites of Violence and Trauma: Student Encounters with the Holocaust

by Natalie Bormann

This book chronicles a professor’s experience with a group of US undergraduate students at Holocaust memorials, museums, and sites of remembrance as part of a yearly Holocaust study abroad program to Germany and Poland. Narrated through a series of personal encounters, The Ethics of Teaching at Sites of Violence and Trauma synthesizes a concrete experiential teaching account - on issues ranging from trauma tourism to the ethics of spectatorship - with contemporary debates on Holocaust education. In doing so, this book seeks to offer a critical assessment on the possibilities and limitations of teaching at sites that were central to the planning and execution of the Holocaust.

Human Growth and Development

by Jan Borms

Uncertain Vision: Birt, Dyke and the Reinvention of the BBC

by Georgina Born

The BBC is the world's most famous and powerful cultural institution. Throughout its 75 year existence it has attracted criticism, controversy and political bullying, as well as epitomising globally the heights to which public, non-commercial broadcasting can aspire. It remains the model for public broadcasters around the world. Uncertain Vision is a unique and fascinating portrait of this venerable institution in changing and uncertain times. It is based on the most extensive independent research ever conducted inside the BBC, during which Georgina Born was allowed unprecedented access to employees from all ranks of the organisation and gives an extraordinary portrait of the corporation during the later 1990s, the last years of the regime of the former director general John Birt. Its insight into the workings and problems of the BBC is unparalled and it does not flinch from criticising the destructive policies of the Birt period. It promises to be a stimulating, controversial and definitive portrait of the most fascinating period in the history of the greatest broadcasting organisation in the world.

Urban India: Cultural Heritage, Past and Present (Cities, Heritage and Transformation)

by Renate Bornberg

This book discusses the importance of socio-spatial patterns in cities that are embedded in the cultural heritage and self-understanding of a society, showing that Indian cities follow different urban concepts. In nine episodes (nine is a sacred figure), it highlights the principal influences and social impacts on cities from ancient times to contemporary city developments. As such, it provides planners and architects with insights that can easily be applied in contemporary cities and towns and help foster India’s cultural heritage—a much-needed, but little-discussed approach.Indian cities are the result of various factors, some imposed, others following local traditions that shaped them. They were founded around social needs, landscape conditions and production routines, as well as the religious influences of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Islam, Christianity and animism. However, Western town-planning models are often implemented, blurring the traditional way of life in cities. For sustainable town development, it is of key importance to find solutions that deal with Indian city models.

Equine Cultures in Transition: Ethical Questions (Routledge Advances in Sociology)

by Jonna Bornemark Petra Andersson Ulla Ekström Von Essen

Societal views on animals are rapidly changing and have become more diversified: can we use them for our own pleasure, and how should we understand animal agency? These questions, asked both in theoretical discourses and different practices, are also relevant for our understanding of horses and the human–horse relation. Equine Cultures in Transition stands as the first volume to bring together ethical questions of the new field of human–horse studies. For instance: what sort of ethics should be developed in relation to the horse today: an egalitarian ethics or an ethics that builds upon asymmetrical relations? How can we understand the horse as a social actor and as someone who, just like the human being, becomes through interspecies relations? Through which methods can we give the horse a stronger voice and better understand its becoming? These questions are not addressed from a medical or ethological perspective focused on natural behaviour, but rather from human acknowledgement of the horse as a sensing, feeling, acting, and relational being; and as a part of interspecies societies and relations. Providing an introductory yet theoretically advanced and broad view of the field of post humanism and human animal studies, Equine Cultures in Transition will appeal to students and researchers interested in fields such as human–animal studies, political sociology, animals and ethics, animal behaviour, anthropology, and sociology of culture. It may also appeal to riders and other practitioners within different horse traditions.

Equine Cultures in Transition: Ethical Questions (Routledge Advances in Sociology)

by Jonna Bornemark Petra Andersson Ulla Ekström von Essen

Societal views on animals are rapidly changing and have become more diversified: can we use them for our own pleasure, and how should we understand animal agency? These questions, asked both in theoretical discourses and different practices, are also relevant for our understanding of horses and the human–horse relation. Equine Cultures in Transition stands as the first volume to bring together ethical questions of the new field of human–horse studies. For instance: what sort of ethics should be developed in relation to the horse today: an egalitarian ethics or an ethics that builds upon asymmetrical relations? How can we understand the horse as a social actor and as someone who, just like the human being, becomes through interspecies relations? Through which methods can we give the horse a stronger voice and better understand its becoming? These questions are not addressed from a medical or ethological perspective focused on natural behaviour, but rather from human acknowledgement of the horse as a sensing, feeling, acting, and relational being; and as a part of interspecies societies and relations. Providing an introductory yet theoretically advanced and broad view of the field of post humanism and human animal studies, Equine Cultures in Transition will appeal to students and researchers interested in fields such as human–animal studies, political sociology, animals and ethics, animal behaviour, anthropology, and sociology of culture. It may also appeal to riders and other practitioners within different horse traditions.

Belonging, Solidarity and Expansion in Social Policy

by S. Börner

This book examines the relationship of belonging and social policy in a historical-comparative perspective reconstructing individual arguments in favour of or opposed to the expansion of solidarities.

European Integration, Processes of Change and the National Experience (Palgrave Studies in European Political Sociology)

by Stefanie Börner Monika Eigmüller

In order to better understand processes of European integration, this book offers a new perspective that compares past experiences of change to current transitional moments at the European level. It addresses key questions about European society, EU integration and social change to reveal the social construction of emergent polities and societies.

Vernetztes Kompetenzmanagement: Gestaltung von Lernprozessen in organisationsübergreifenden Strukturen (Kompetenzmanagement in Organisationen)

by Manfred Bornewasser

Dieses Buch zeigt praxisnah, wie Kompetenzentwicklung in Organisationen durch gezielte Vernetzung zwischen Abteilungen sowie dem Unternehmen und seinen Kunden, Zulieferern und weiteren Marktpartnern verbessert und kommende Kompetenzbedarfe frühzeitig erkannt werden können. Es werden Ziele, Herausforderungen und Umsetzungstipps eines solchen „vernetzten Kompetenzmanagements“ beschrieben: Vom Aufbau des notwendigen Vertrauens zwischen den Kooperationspartnern über die organisatorische und technische Realisierung von Austauschstrukturen sowie die Förderung von Akzeptanz und Motivation der Beteiligten bis zu einer sinnvollen Modularisierung von Lehr-/Lerninhalten und der Einbindung des Kompetenzmanagements in die aktuellen Arbeitsprozesse.

Informatorische Assistenzsysteme in der variantenreichen Montage: Theorie und Praxis

by Manfred Bornewasser Sven Hinrichsen

In diesem Buch werden die Herausforderungen bei der Einführung von informatorischen Assistenzsystemen in der Montage erörtert und umfangreiche Gestaltungsempfehlungen vermittelt.Die industrielle Montage ist in Deutschland nach wie vor von hoher volkswirtschaftlicher Bedeutung. In der Industrie existieren zehntausende Montagearbeitsplätze. Diese verändern sich. Infolge hoher Wettbewerbsintensität und Innovationsdynamik entstehen immer mehr Produktvarianten, die zu einer Zunahme der Komplexität der Montagearbeit beitragen. Es stellt sich daher die Frage, wie mit dieser gestiegenen Komplexität umzugehen und wie diese seitens der Beschäftigten zu bewältigen ist, ohne dass es zu Überbeanspruchungen und einem Verfehlen von Produktivitätszielen kommt. Während Montage bislang vornehmlich als energetische Arbeit begriffen wurde, rücken künftig die kognitiven Anteile der Montagearbeit in den Vordergrund. In diesem Zusammenhang kommt dem Komplexitäts- und Informationsmanagement eine entscheidende Rolle zu: Während früher Strategien des Vereinfachens, z. B. durch fortschreitende Arbeitsteilung, im Vordergrund standen, gewinnen heute Strategien des Beherrschens der Komplexität an Bedeutung. Im Zentrum dieses Paradigmenwechsels stehen informatorische Assistenz­systeme, die den Beschäftigten im Montageprozess mit Informationsangeboten unter­stützen und so die wachsende Komplexität sicher beherrschbar machen.

Teamkonstellation und betriebliche Innovationsprozesse

by Manfred Bornewasser Christopher M. Schlick Ricarda B. Bouncken

Dieses Buch beantwortet die Frage, wie sich die Innovationsfähigkeit von Unternehmen im demografischen Wandel erhalten oder sogar steigern lässt. Dabei sehen die Autoren Diversität – gerade auch im Bereich von Kompetenz, Wissen und Alter – als Erfolgsfaktor für Innovationen an. Hier ist von entscheidender Bedeutung, die grundlegenden Kommunikations- und Koordinationsprozesse in den Teams genauer zu analysieren. Aus unterschiedlich gewonnenen Befunden verschiedener Disziplinen entwickeln die Autoren praxisnahe Werkzeuge, die helfen, Herausforderungen auf der praktischen Ebene des betrieblichen Alltags besser zu bewältigen. Darüber hinaus werden diese Werkzeuge aus der Perspektive der betrieblichen Praxis evaluiert.

Zivile Wissenschaft: Theorie und Praxis von Friedens- und Zivilklauseln an deutschen Hochschulen

by Falk Bornmüller

Die Forderung nach Friedens- und Zivilklauseln erfährt in der hochschulpolitischen Öffentlichkeit erhebliche Aufmerksamkeit. Bislang wurde jedoch nicht untersucht, wie diese Klauseln an Hochschulen auch erfolgreich eingeführt und nachhaltig umgesetzt werden können. Falk Bornmüller erörtert organisationstheoretische, hochschulwissenschaftliche, juristische und journalistische Beiträge zur Debatte in einem umfassenden Zusammenhang und ordnet sie kritisch ein. Davon ausgehend zeigt und analysiert er an einem Fallbeispiel den Prozess der Einführung und Implementierung einer Zivilklausel aus der Perspektive beteiligter Akteur*innen.

Motivating Cooperation and Compliance with Authority: The Role of Institutional Trust (Nebraska Symposium on Motivation #62)

by Brian H. Bornstein Alan J. Tomkins

This volume explores the various ways in which trust is thought about and studied in contemporary society. In doing so, it aims to advance both theoretical and methodological perspectives on trust. Trust is an important topic in this series because it raises issues of both motivation and emotion. Specifically, notions of trust and fairness motivate individuals to behave in a manner they deem appropriate when responding to governmental authority. On the emotions-related side, individuals have emotional responses to institutions with authority over their lives, such as the city government or the Supreme Court, depending on whether they perceive the institutions as legitimate. The public’s trust and confidence in governmental institutions are frequently claimed as essential to the functioning of democracy), spawning considerable research and commentary. For those in the law and social sciences, the tendency is to focus on the criminal justice system in general and the courts in particular. However, other public institutions also need trust and confidence in order not only to promote democracy but also to assure effective governance, facilitate societal interactions, and optimize organizational productivity. Not surprisingly, therefore, important research and commentary is found in literatures that focus on issues ranging from social sciences to natural resources, from legislatures to executive branch agencies, from brick and mortar businesses to online commerce, from health and medicine to schools, from international development to terrorism, etc. This volume integrates these various approaches to trust from these disciplines, with the goal of fostering a truly interdisciplinary dialogue. By virtue of this interdisciplinary focus, the volume should have broad appeal for researchers and instructors in a variety of disciplines: psychology, sociology, political science, criminal justice, social justice practitioners, economics and other areas.

COVID-19 and India’s Northeast: Psychological and Social Imprints

by Indranee Phookan Borooah Sabiha Alam Choudhury Bidita Das

This book explores the experiences of managing the COVID-19 pandemic in Northeast India across different areas of life and work. It offers insights into the challenges and adaptability of communities and stakeholders by including the experiences of psychologists, students, administrators, the police and children among others. The book provides an account of the turmoil—psychological, social and economic – which people endured through stories of migration, loss of livelihood, discrimination and abuse while also highlighting the outpouring of collaboration and support which was found in communities across the Northeast. This volume will be of interest to scholars and researchers of psychology, sociology, public health and administration, development studies, law and governance and South Asia studies.

COVID-19 and India’s Northeast: Psychological and Social Imprints

by Indranee Phookan Borooah Sabiha Alam Choudhury Bidita Das

This book explores the experiences of managing the COVID-19 pandemic in Northeast India across different areas of life and work. It offers insights into the challenges and adaptability of communities and stakeholders by including the experiences of psychologists, students, administrators, the police and children among others. The book provides an account of the turmoil—psychological, social and economic – which people endured through stories of migration, loss of livelihood, discrimination and abuse while also highlighting the outpouring of collaboration and support which was found in communities across the Northeast. This volume will be of interest to scholars and researchers of psychology, sociology, public health and administration, development studies, law and governance and South Asia studies.

The Economics of Schooling in a Divided Society: The Case for Shared Education

by V. Borooah C. Knox

Countries that have suffered ethnic or religious conflict and become segregated societies reflect these divisions in education provision for their children. Northern Ireland is a case study in point where a parallel system of schools offers education in Catholic maintained schools and Protestant (de facto) controlled schools. While school segregation is the most obvious manifestation of Northern Ireland's fractured society, there are more important issues of 'educational inequality' with respect to schools and pupils. This book analyses three issues in some detail: segregation, educational performance and inequality in educational outcomes between schools and between pupils from deprived and affluent family backgrounds. Thus far public policies to tackle these issues have been met with limited success. The authors consider an alternative approach, which they term 'shared education', the aim of which is to improve school performance and, in so doing, to dismantle some of the barriers between maintained and controlled schools.

Re-Imagining Public Space: The Frankfurt School in the 21st Century

by Diana Boros James M. Glass

Public space, both literally and figuratively, is foundationally important to political life. From Socratic lectures in the public forum, to Occupy Wall Street and the Arab Spring, public spaces have long played host to political discussion and protest. The book provides a direct assessment of the role that public space plays in political life.

Perverse Memory and the Holocaust: A Psychoanalytic Understanding of Polish Bystanders (Memory Studies: Global Constellations)

by Jan Borowicz

Perverse Memory and the Holocaust presents a new theoretical approach to the study of Polish memory bystanders of the Holocaust. Drawing on psychoanalytic theory, it examines representations of the Holocaust in order to explore the perverse mechanisms of memory at work, in which surface a series of phenomena difficult to remember: the pleasure derived from witnessing scenes of violence, identification with the German perpetrators of violence, the powerful fear of revenge at the hands of Jewish victims, and the adoption of the position of genocide victims. Moving away from the focus of previous psychoanalytic studies of memory on questions of mourning, melancholy, repressed memory, and loss, this volume considers the transformation of the collective identity of those who remained in the space of past Holocaust events: bystanders, who partook in the events and benefited from the extermination of the Jews. A critique of ‘perverse memory’ that hampers attempts to work through what is remembered, this book will be of interest to scholars across the social sciences working in the fields of Holocaust studies, memory studies, psychoanalytic studies, and cultural studies.

Perverse Memory and the Holocaust: A Psychoanalytic Understanding of Polish Bystanders (Memory Studies: Global Constellations)

by Jan Borowicz

Perverse Memory and the Holocaust presents a new theoretical approach to the study of Polish memory bystanders of the Holocaust. Drawing on psychoanalytic theory, it examines representations of the Holocaust in order to explore the perverse mechanisms of memory at work, in which surface a series of phenomena difficult to remember: the pleasure derived from witnessing scenes of violence, identification with the German perpetrators of violence, the powerful fear of revenge at the hands of Jewish victims, and the adoption of the position of genocide victims. Moving away from the focus of previous psychoanalytic studies of memory on questions of mourning, melancholy, repressed memory, and loss, this volume considers the transformation of the collective identity of those who remained in the space of past Holocaust events: bystanders, who partook in the events and benefited from the extermination of the Jews. A critique of ‘perverse memory’ that hampers attempts to work through what is remembered, this book will be of interest to scholars across the social sciences working in the fields of Holocaust studies, memory studies, psychoanalytic studies, and cultural studies.

Cultural Heritage in a Changing World

by Karol Jan Borowiecki Neil Forbes Antonella Fresa

The central purpose of this collection of essays is to make a creative addition to the debates surrounding the cultural heritage domain. In the 21st century the world faces epochal changes which affect every part of society, including the arenas in which cultural heritage is made, held, collected, curated, exhibited, or simply exists. The book is about these changes; about the decentring of culture and cultural heritage away from institutional structures towards the individual; about the questions which the advent of digital technologies is demanding that we ask and answer in relation to how we understand, collect and make available Europe’s cultural heritage. Cultural heritage has enormous potential in terms of its contribution to improving the quality of life for people, understanding the past, assisting territorial cohesion, driving economic growth, opening up employment opportunities and supporting wider developments such as improvements in education and in artistic careers. Given that spectrum of possible benefits to society, the range of studies that follow here are intended to be a resource and stimulus to help inform not just professionals in the sector but all those with an interest in cultural heritage.

Cultuur en psychodiagnostiek: Professioneel werken met psychodiagnostische instrumenten

by Ria Borra Rob Van Dijk Raymond Verboom

Tal van psychodiagnostische instrumenten zijn niet gevalideerd voor etnisch-culturele minderheidsgroepen in Nederland. In dit boek, bedoeld voor de interculturele hulpverleningspraktijk van de GGZ, worden de problemen in de interculturele psychodiagnostiek geschetst. Er worden methoden aangereikt hoe op een professionele manier deze problemen het hoofd te bieden. Aan de hand van casuïstiek geven ervaren interculturele hulpverleners inzicht in hoe psychologische instrumenten kunnen worden toegepast op een cultuur sensitieve manier. De regulatieve cyclus wordt gebruikt als een methodisch handvat voor een zorgvuldig, systematisch en reflexief handelen in dit psychodiagnostische proces.

Soziale Kohäsion und gesellschaftliche Wandlungsprozesse: Herausforderungen für die Profession Soziale Arbeit (Sozialer Wandel und Kohäsionsforschung)

by Stefan Borrmann Christoph Fedke Barbara Thiessen

Dieses Buch zeigt auf, wie sich gesellschaftliche Wandlungsprozesse auf soziale Kohäsion auswirken. Dabei wird der Blick zum einen auf soziale Kohäsion als normatives Ziel gelenkt. Zum anderen werden aktuelle Herausforderungen dieser Wandlungsprozesse für ausgewählte Arbeits- und Handlungsfelder der Sozialen Arbeit analysiert. Das Herstellen von gesellschaftlichem Zusammenhalt kann dabei für die Soziale Arbeit handlungsleitend sein und somit helfen, Veränderungsziele zu definieren und zu formulieren.

The Power of Culture in City Planning

by Tom Borrup

The Power of Culture in City Planning focuses on human diversity, strengths, needs, and ways of living together in geographic communities. The book turns attention to the anthropological definition of culture, encouraging planners in both urban and cultural planning to focus on characteristics of humanity in all their variety. It calls for a paradigm shift, re-positioning city planners’ "base maps" to start with a richer understanding of human cultures. Borrup argues for cultural master plans in parallel to transportation, housing, parks, and other specialized plans, while also changing the approach of city comprehensive planning to put people or "users" first rather than land "uses" as does the dominant practice. Cultural plans as currently conceived are not sufficient to help cities keep pace with dizzying impacts of globalization, immigration, and rapidly changing cultural interests. Cultural planners need to up their game, and enriching their own and city planners’ cultural competencies is only one step. Both planning practices have much to learn from one another and already overlap in more ways than most recognize. This book highlights some of the strengths of the lesser-known practice of cultural planning to help forge greater understanding and collaboration between the two practices, empowering city planners with new tools to bring about more equitable communities. This will be an important resource for students, teachers, and practitioners of city and cultural planning, as well as municipal policymakers of all stripes.

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