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Ursachen und Probleme der Stiftungsinsolvenz (Schriften zum Stiftungs- und Gemeinnützigkeitsrecht)

by Johannes Weiland

Angesichts der anhaltenden Niedrigzinsphase geraten Stiftungen mit einer niedrigen Vermögensausstattung vermehrt in wirtschaftliche Schwierigkeiten. Bei einem fortschreitenden Vermögensverfall kann die Eröffnung eines Insolvenzverfahrens auch für die vergleichsweise krisenfeste Rechtsform der Stiftung drohen. Das deutsche Insolvenzrecht ist jedoch primär auf Unternehmensinsolvenzen zugeschnitten. In der vorliegenden Arbeit untersucht Johannes Weiland neben möglichen Ursachen einer Stiftungsinsolvenz die sich hieraus ergebenden rechtlichen Probleme an der Schnittstelle des Insolvenzrechts, des Stiftungsrechts und des Gemeinnützigkeitsrechts.

Ursachen und Konsequenzen der Finanzkrise: Münsteraner Bankentage 2009 (ifk edition #23)

by Andreas Pfingsten

In den Jahren 2007 und 2008 begann eine der bislang größten Bank- und Finanzkrisen. Diesmal war die Realwirtschaft nicht so sehr der Ausgangspunkt als vielmehr das Opfer. Inzwischen hat ein Großreinemachen wesentliche Schäden beseitigt, aber längst ist noch nicht alles repariert. Ob wir uns bereits in einer Zeit nach der Krise oder noch in der Krise befinden, ist deswegen umstritten. Im vorliegenden Band wird von Praktikern und Wissenschaftlern eine Zwischenbilanz von Ursachen und Konsequenzen gezogen. Hierauf bauen Überlegungen auf, wie ausgewählte Elemente einer Neuordnung des Finanzsystems aussehen könnten bzw. sollten. ​

Ursachen saisonaler Holzpreisschwankungen: Eine Analyse des deutschen Holzmarktes

by Kajetan Zwirglmaier

Holz als nachwachsender Rohstoff erfährt in den vergangenen Jahren zunehmend Beachtung. Kajetan Zwirglmaier untersucht die Ursachen saisonaler Preisschwankungen am Beispiel des deutschen Holzmarktes. Auf der Basis eines allgemeinen theoretischen Modells über die Entstehung saisonaler Schwankungen von Angebot und Nachfrage analysiert er den deutschen Holzmarkt im Hinblick auf saisonale Einflüsse. Mithilfe ökonometrischer Verfahren werden die Hypothesen empirisch getestet und anschließend interpretiert. Mit der Entwicklung eines ersten allgemeinen Modells legt der Autor den Grundstein für die Analyse saisonaler Preisschwankungen und Phänomene.

Ursachen des Fachkräftemangels im beruflichen Lehramt: Die Attraktivität des Studiums aus der Sicht von Studierenden (BestMasters)

by Joana Sophie Koldehoff

Das berufliche Lehramt verzeichnet bereits seit vielen Jahren einen deutlichen Fachkräftemangel, der sich auch in den niedrigen Studierendenzahlen an den Universitäten widerspiegelt. Es gibt bereits einige Studien, die sich mit der Ursachenforschung sowie Maßnahmenfindung zur Behebung des Fachkräftemangels beschäftigt haben. Anschließend daran wird im Rahmen dieser Analyse eine Umfrage mit Studierenden des beruflichen Lehramts durchgeführt, um deren Wahrnehmung der Attraktiviät des Studiums zu erfassen. Außerdem werden mögliche Kritikpunkte aufgegriffen, die von Studierenden geäußert werden und gegebenenfalls für andere Studieninteressierte Ausschlusskriterien darstellen und somit die niedrigen Studierendenzahlen begünstigen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf den externen Einflussfaktoren, während die individuellen Berufswahlmotive der Studierenden nicht im Fokus der Untersuchungen stehen.

Uro-Onkologie in der Praxis: Das Arzt-Patienten-Gespräch (DUV: Medizin)

by Jörn von Wietersheim Andreas Böhle Matthias Baumgärtel Dieter Jocham

Diese Broschüre verweist auf die typischen psychosozialen Probleme von urologischen Krebspatienten und informiert in diesem Zusammenhang über eine adäquate ärztlicheGesprächsführung bzw. wie und wo diese erlernt werden kann.

Urheberrechtsverletzungen in der digitalen Netzökonomie: Eine ökonomische Analyse zu den veränderten Rahmenbedingungen (Edition KWV)

by Andreas J. Schmidt

Die Digitalisierung der Medien und das Internet haben die Rahmenbedingungen für den Urheberrechtsschutz und die Werksverwertung wesentlich geändert. Einerseits ist eine neue Qualität an Urheberrechtsverletzungen zu beobachten (Filesharing, P2P-Netze). Andererseits entstehen neue Chancen für den Vertrieb und das Marketing von Werken. Den Forderungen nach Rechtsverschärfungen stehen solche zu einer Reform bis hin zur Abschaffung des Urheberrechts gegenüber. Pointiert wird vom „War on Copyrights“ gesprochen.Diese Arbeit systematisiert und vergleicht die Argumente beider Seiten. Die Veränderungen in der Digitalen Netzökonomie werden anhand gängiger Modelle der „Economics of Copyright“ ökonomisch interpretiert sowie die Auswirkungen auf den Urheberrechtschutz und die Werksverwertung untersucht. Schließlich werden die Konsequenzen für ein theoretisch wohlfahrtsoptimales Niveau des Urheberrechtschutzes abgeleitet.Dieses Buch richtet sich an Ökonomen und Juristen, die sich mit der Analyse des Urheberrechts beschäftigen, ebenso wie an Dozenten und Studierende in den Bereichen Medienökonomik, Property Rights Theory und Law and Economics.

Urheberrecht und Urhebervertragsrecht: Nach Österreichischem, Deutschem und Schweizerischem Recht (Rechts- und Staatswissenschaften #17)

by Max Rintelen

Deutschland, t)sterreich und die deutsche Schweiz bilden die Kernlander des geschlossenen deutschen -Spradlgebietes. Es liegt nabe, daB die sprachliche Gemeinschaft sich gerade auf einem Gebiet auch rechtlich auswirkte, das der gegenseitigen Vermittlung der Kultur durch das Mittel der Sprache dient, auf dem Gebiet des Buchwesens und des Buchhandels. III diesem Bereim haben Verlagsrecht und Urheberrewt sim entwimelt. Die sprachliwe Gemeinschaft hatte auch eine weitgehende Verwandtschaft des Urheber- und Verlagsrewtes zur Folge. In jiingerer Zeit war Nieder­ sclJ.lag dieser Verwandtschaft das um das Jabr 1930 betriebene Bestre­ ben, ein fiir Deutschland und t)sterreich iibereinstimmendes Urheber­ remtsgesetz zustande zu bringen. Der damals vom deutswen und oster­ reichischen Justizministerium geschaffene Entwurf wurde in infolge politischer Verhii.ltnisse und des 2. Weltkrieges niwt Gesetz. Wohl aber bildete er eine wichtige Grundlage fiir das 1936 verlautbarte osterreiclJ.ische Urheberrechtsgesetz. Dieses ist - abgesehen von swopfe­ rischer Weiterbildung damaliger !dean - ein gesetzlicher Ausdrum von Reformgedanken, wie sie die urheberrechtIiche Reformarbeit seit Jahr­ zehnten beherrswen. Deutsche Rechtsprewung und deutsches Schrifttum waren und sind bestrebt, in groBziigiger Auslegung der deutschen Ur­ heberrechtsgesetze das deutsche Urheberrecht in ii.hnliwer Richtung vor­ zutreiben und weiter auszugestalten. Dadurch und durch die LOsung mancher anderer neuer Probleme wurden wiederum deutsches Schrifttum und deutsche RechtspfIege auch fiir die osterreichische und die schwei­ zerische Fortentwidclung von EinfIuB. In der Schweiz hatte ein Bundes­ gesetz von 1922 Fortscluitte gebramt.

Urheber- und Verlagsrecht (Enzyklopädie der Rechts- und Staatswissenschaft)

by E. Ulmer

Die erste Auflage dieses Buches war 1951, die zweite Auflage 1960 er­ schienen. Angesichts der Rechtsentwicklung in den beiden Jahrzehnten, die seitdem verstrichen sind, war eine Fülle von Änderungen und Neue­ rungen zu beachten. Voran steht dabei das Urheberrechtsgesetz von 1965, mit dem die jahrzehntelangen deutschen Reformarbeiten ihren Abschluß gefunden haben, sowie das ergänzende Gesetz über die Wahr­ nehml;lng von Urheberrechten und verwandten Schutzrechten. Aus dem Konventionsrecht waren insbesondere das Rom-Abkommen über den Schutz der ausübenden Künstler, der Hersteller von Tonträgern und der Sendeunternehmen, die Stockholmer und Pariser Revisionen der Berner Übereinkunft und die Pariser Revision des Welturheberrechtsabkom­ mens zu berücksichtigen. Im Gemeinsamen Markt sind es die Wettbe­ werbsregeln und der Grundsatz des freien Warenverkehrs, die für die Beurteilung urheberrechtlicher Sachverhalte von Bedeutung geworden sind. Und nicht zuletzt sind es wiederum neuartige, durch die technische Entwicklung bedingte Sachverhalte, wie die neuen audiovisuellen Me­ dien, die Sendungen über Satelliten und der Einsatz der elektronischen Datenverarbeitung, die besondere urheberrechtliche Fragen auf den Plan gerufen haben. Die Berücksichtigung der Neuerungen sowie der reichen Rechtspre­ chung und Literatur haben eine umfassende Neubearbeitung erforder­ lich gemacht. Sie war schon bald nach Erlaß des Urheberrechtsgesetzes geplant, hat aber durch vordringliche Arbeiten auf nationaler und inter­ nationaler Ebene einen Aufschub erfahren. Bei der Ausarbeitung hat sich eine Erweiterung des Umfangs des Buchs als unvermeidlich erwie­ sen. Unter anderem wurde auch dem Urhebervertragsrecht angesichts der Bedeutung, die ihm für die Ausübung des Urheberrechts zukommt, ein breiterer Raum als früher gewidmet.

Urgent Business: Five Myths Business Needs to Overcome to Save Itself and the Planet

by Ian Thomson Dominic Bates

Getting business on board is essential if we want to achieve the United Nations’ goal of building a better future for people and planet by 2030. But much of the sustainable business agenda falls woefully short of what is needed, with some practices even accelerating the problems they’re trying to solve. In Urgent Business Ian Thomson and Dominic Bates, a business school professor and a former journalist, combine their expert insight to challenge five common myths that trap businesses in an unsustainable black-hole and offer a manifesto for change. Combining cutting-edge research – from AI and systems theory to climate science and behavioural economics – with fascinating real-world examples, the authors highlight the practical and holistic steps all businesses can take to play their part in addressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals. .

Urgent Business: Five Myths Business Needs to Overcome to Save Itself and the Planet

by Ian Thomson Dominic Bates

Getting business on board is essential if we want to achieve the United Nations’ goal of building a better future for people and planet by 2030. But much of the sustainable business agenda falls woefully short of what is needed, with some practices even accelerating the problems they’re trying to solve. In Urgent Business Ian Thomson and Dominic Bates, a business school professor and a former journalist, combine their expert insight to challenge five common myths that trap businesses in an unsustainable black-hole and offer a manifesto for change. Combining cutting-edge research – from AI and systems theory to climate science and behavioural economics – with fascinating real-world examples, the authors highlight the practical and holistic steps all businesses can take to play their part in addressing the UN Sustainable Development Goals. .

Urgent!: Strategies to Control Urgency, Reduce Stress and Increase Productivity

by Dermot Crowley

Leverage the power of urgency to avoid burnout and increase performance Urgency—that frantic feeling that we need to be doing more, and faster—is a destructive force in today’s workplace. Unnecessary urgency can be toxic, causing stress and burnout. But not all urgency is bad, and sometimes we really do need to get things done quickly. Too little urgency can lead to inaction and lost productivity. So how do we find the right balance where we can use urgency as a meaningful tool to keep productivity up, without generating burnout? Urgent! is a guide to using urgency for good to help achieve your goals, to drive success, and minimise stress for yourself, your teams, and your business. This book will teach you to moderate urgency for yourself and those you lead. In our age of fast-paced technology, it’s easy to swing between extremes, working reactively one minute, and being inactive the next. The middle ground, described in this book, allows us to work in the “Active Zone” where we maximise proactivity and productivity. By following the practical strategies outlined in this book, readers will learn to understand urgency, become proactive rather than reactive, and lead teams to their fullest potential. • Eliminate stress and burnout for yourself, your teams, and your businesses • Learn how to dial urgency up or down, depending on the situation • Keep teams working in the optimal productive zone by moderating urgency • Stay focused on what's important and learn prioritisation skills to avoid burnout If you feel that you and your team are caught up in busy work, stressed to the max by competing demands, leaving no room to focus on what really matters, Urgent! will show you a new way of thinking, leading, and responding. Learn the skills to reduce overload, get more done, and achieve better performance each day.

Urgent!: Strategies to Control Urgency, Reduce Stress and Increase Productivity

by Dermot Crowley

Leverage the power of urgency to avoid burnout and increase performance Urgency—that frantic feeling that we need to be doing more, and faster—is a destructive force in today’s workplace. Unnecessary urgency can be toxic, causing stress and burnout. But not all urgency is bad, and sometimes we really do need to get things done quickly. Too little urgency can lead to inaction and lost productivity. So how do we find the right balance where we can use urgency as a meaningful tool to keep productivity up, without generating burnout? Urgent! is a guide to using urgency for good to help achieve your goals, to drive success, and minimise stress for yourself, your teams, and your business. This book will teach you to moderate urgency for yourself and those you lead. In our age of fast-paced technology, it’s easy to swing between extremes, working reactively one minute, and being inactive the next. The middle ground, described in this book, allows us to work in the “Active Zone” where we maximise proactivity and productivity. By following the practical strategies outlined in this book, readers will learn to understand urgency, become proactive rather than reactive, and lead teams to their fullest potential. • Eliminate stress and burnout for yourself, your teams, and your businesses • Learn how to dial urgency up or down, depending on the situation • Keep teams working in the optimal productive zone by moderating urgency • Stay focused on what's important and learn prioritisation skills to avoid burnout If you feel that you and your team are caught up in busy work, stressed to the max by competing demands, leaving no room to focus on what really matters, Urgent! will show you a new way of thinking, leading, and responding. Learn the skills to reduce overload, get more done, and achieve better performance each day.

Urbanizing the Regional Sector to Strengthen Economy and Business to Recover from Recession: Proceedings of the 5th International Research Conference on Economics and Business (IRCEB 2021), Malang, Indonesia, 10–11 November 2021

by Aulia Herdiani Agus Hermawan Setya Ayu Rahmawati Mohd. Rizal Palil Reza Havies

This pandemic does not only affect health aspects but also economic aspects. The world today faces a recession resulting from the covid-19 pandemic. Indonesia's economy continues to lead to a recovery, although not very significant. The current government continues to make various recovery efforts. One of the flagship programs includes encouraging and strengthening support for social protection and increasing the purchasing power of households as well as various business sectors, including small and medium-sized micro enterprises (MSMEs). This condition urges the world to create new breakthroughs to rise from this adversity. Academicians and practitioners need to work together to find the necessary solutions and developments. Surely, it will contribute to solve the problems in society by interdisciplinary cooperation. This collaboration will create innovations in science and technology especially business and economic field. This book includes in-depth discussions between academicians and practitioners, especially on how to strengthen the regional sectors to be the strong pillars of the country’s economy. Interestingly, various methods are used to observe the problems, to explore the solutions, and to develop the innovation. This book will be of interest to students, scholars, and practitioners of social empowerment, governance, and other related stakeholders.The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons [Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND)] 4.0 license. Funded by State University of Malang.

Urbanizing the Regional Sector to Strengthen Economy and Business to Recover from Recession: Proceedings of the 5th International Research Conference on Economics and Business (IRCEB 2021), Malang, Indonesia, 10–11 November 2021

by Aulia Herdiani Agus Hermawan Setya Ayu Rahmawati Mohd. Rizal Palil Reza Havies

This pandemic does not only affect health aspects but also economic aspects. The world today faces a recession resulting from the covid-19 pandemic. Indonesia's economy continues to lead to a recovery, although not very significant. The current government continues to make various recovery efforts. One of the flagship programs includes encouraging and strengthening support for social protection and increasing the purchasing power of households as well as various business sectors, including small and medium-sized micro enterprises (MSMEs). This condition urges the world to create new breakthroughs to rise from this adversity. Academicians and practitioners need to work together to find the necessary solutions and developments. Surely, it will contribute to solve the problems in society by interdisciplinary cooperation. This collaboration will create innovations in science and technology especially business and economic field. This book includes in-depth discussions between academicians and practitioners, especially on how to strengthen the regional sectors to be the strong pillars of the country’s economy. Interestingly, various methods are used to observe the problems, to explore the solutions, and to develop the innovation. This book will be of interest to students, scholars, and practitioners of social empowerment, governance, and other related stakeholders.The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons [Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND)] 4.0 license. Funded by State University of Malang.

Urbanization in Developing Countries

by Martinus Nijhoff

Urbanization in Asia: Governance, Infrastructure and the Environment

by Kala Seetharam Sridhar Guanghua Wan

This work focuses on urban governance in the developing world, its aim being to bring a holistic perspective to the debate on urban governance in Asia and around the globe. It has been divided into three sections: The first section is on rural interventions as they influence urbanization and its problems/solutions. The second focuses on urban governance, infrastructure programs, service delivery reforms and their evaluation. The third and final section focuses on urbanization and the environment.In the first section, we present evaluations of India’s rural programs including the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), and of India’s Total Sanitation Campaign. This section covers the transition from rural to urban areas, and highlights coping mechanisms in urban areas and policy implications for urban governance, from the viewpoint of rural migrants.The section on urban governance, infrastructure and service delivery is the most in-depth and consists of papers that present state-of-the-art research on many aspects of infrastructure such as cost and time overruns, risks and their mitigation, assessments of the metro rail, and services such as solid waste management.The focus of the final section is on urbanization and the environment. Here we examine land use change in India, the relationship between urban form and residential energy use in Bandung, Indonesia, and end by depicting a cautiously optimistic view of Asia’s urbanization-environment nexus.

Urbanization and Social Welfare in China

by Gordon G. Liu

China's urban population growth rate has doubled in the past 20 years and the Chinese government has made further urbanization a developmental priority. How Chinese cities cope with such rapid population increases has become a question of critical concern. This book provides an analysis of the welfare implications of China's urbanization, the development of the labour market including migration between rural and urban sectors, and natural and social environmental issues arising from urbanization. The book covers both academic and policy perspectives and, together with its sister volume Urban Transformation in China, brings together a comprehensive and multi-disciplinary overview of China's urbanization.

Urbanization and Social Welfare in China

by Gordon G. Liu

China's urban population growth rate has doubled in the past 20 years and the Chinese government has made further urbanization a developmental priority. How Chinese cities cope with such rapid population increases has become a question of critical concern. This book provides an analysis of the welfare implications of China's urbanization, the development of the labour market including migration between rural and urban sectors, and natural and social environmental issues arising from urbanization. The book covers both academic and policy perspectives and, together with its sister volume Urban Transformation in China, brings together a comprehensive and multi-disciplinary overview of China's urbanization.

Urbanization and Regional Sustainability in South Asia: Socio-economic Drivers, Environmental Pressures and Policy Responses (Contemporary South Asian Studies)

by Sumana Bandyopadhyay Chitta Ranjan Pathak Tomaz Ponce Dentinho

This book examines urbanization and migration processes in South Asia. By analyzing the socio-economic impacts and infrastructural, environmental and institutional aspects of different conurbations, it highlights conflicts over agricultural land as well as the effects on health, education, poverty and the welfare of children, women and old people. The authors also explore issues of mobility; connectivity and accessibility of public services, and discuss the effective use of new urban-management tools, such as the concept of smart cities and urban spatial monitoring.

Urbanization and Locality: Strengthening Identity and Sustainability by Site-Specific Planning and Design

by Fang Wang Martin Prominski

Based on a discussion of conflicts in the urbanization process, this book provides theoretical and practical solutions for the preservation and development of urban localities. On the basis of informative case studies, it reveals the similarities and unique aspects of urbanization in Germany and China. The process of urban growth and the future trend of locality and urbanization are also examined. The book gathers contributions from architects, landscape designers, environmental engineers, urban planners and geographers, who analyze urban issues from their individual perspectives and provide methods for preserving and developing urban localities. As such, it expresses responses to urban development trends against the backdrop of sustainability in the 21st century.

Urbanization and Environmental Quality (Studies in Applied Regional Science #21)

by I. Orishimo

The purpose of this monograph is to clarify the effect of environmental change on the process of urbanization. The research attempts to uncover the similarities as well as the differences across countries of the charac­ teristics of environmental effects on cities and metropolitan areas during the process of industrial development. Over the past several decades, a notable behavioral shift has been observed in many developed countries. People appear to be switching from an almost exclusive concern for material (commodity) consumption to a broader set of concerns that includes interest in so-called environ­ mental problems and in improving the quality of life (USEPA 1973). These new areas of concern include, of course, the problems of pollution, congestion, and, in general, environmental degradation in urban areas. People seem to be becoming increasingly conscious of the physical as well as the social environment. Richard L. Morrill described the situation in the United States as follows: Evidently many are still moving [their residences] for amenity values, into regions they like, irrespective of job opportunities. While movement to the traditional amenity areas of Florida and Arizona continues, there has been a dramatic shift away from California, or from metropolitan areas generally, to xv xvi INTRODUCTION the Pacific Northwest, the Rocky Mountains, upper New England, and even to the Ozarks, Appalachia, and Upper Michigan. [Quoted in Berry and Gillard 1977, p.

Urbanization and Climate Co-Benefits: Implementation of win-win interventions in cities (Routledge Advances in Climate Change Research)

by Christopher N.H. Doll and Jose A. Puppim de Oliveira

Urban areas are increasingly contributing to climate change while also suffering many of its impacts. Moreover, many cities, particularly in developing countries, continue to struggle to provide services, infrastructure and socio-economic opportunities. How do we achieve the global goals on climate change and also make room for allowing global urban development? Increasing levels of awareness and engagement on climate change at the local level, coupled with recent global agreements on climate and development goals, as well as the New Urban Agenda emerging from Habitat III, present an unprecedented opportunity to radically rethink how we develop and manage our cities. Urbanization and Climate Co-Benefits examines the main opportunities and challenges to the implementation of a co-benefits approach in urban areas. Drawing on the results of empirical research carried out in Brazil, China, Indonesia, South Africa, India and Japan, the book is divided into two parts. The first part uses a common framework to analyse co-benefits across the urban sectors. The second part examines the tools and legal and governance perspectives at the local and international level that can help in planning for co-benefits. This book will be of great interest to students, practitioners and scholars of urban studies, climate/development policy and environmental studies.

Urbanization and Climate Co-Benefits: Implementation of win-win interventions in cities (Routledge Advances in Climate Change Research)

by Christopher N. H. Doll Jose A. Puppim De Oliveira

Urban areas are increasingly contributing to climate change while also suffering many of its impacts. Moreover, many cities, particularly in developing countries, continue to struggle to provide services, infrastructure and socio-economic opportunities. How do we achieve the global goals on climate change and also make room for allowing global urban development? Increasing levels of awareness and engagement on climate change at the local level, coupled with recent global agreements on climate and development goals, as well as the New Urban Agenda emerging from Habitat III, present an unprecedented opportunity to radically rethink how we develop and manage our cities. Urbanization and Climate Co-Benefits examines the main opportunities and challenges to the implementation of a co-benefits approach in urban areas. Drawing on the results of empirical research carried out in Brazil, China, Indonesia, South Africa, India and Japan, the book is divided into two parts. The first part uses a common framework to analyse co-benefits across the urban sectors. The second part examines the tools and legal and governance perspectives at the local and international level that can help in planning for co-benefits. This book will be of great interest to students, practitioners and scholars of urban studies, climate/development policy and environmental studies.

Urbanisierung und Energieversorgung der Megastädte in China: Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze – eine empirische Untersuchung

by Wei Manske-Wang

Wei Manske-Wang analysiert den Zusammenhang zwischen der Urbanisierung im Rahmen der Stadtentwicklung und der zentralisierten Energieversorgungsstruktur in chinesischen Megastädten anhand einer empirischen Untersuchung, die auf Daten der vergangenen 35 Jahre zurückgreift. Aus den Ergebnissen der Studie entwickelt die Autorin eine Zukunftsprognose, welche durch eine Fallstudie für die Stadtentwicklung von Shanghai validiert wird. China spielt seit drei Jahrzehnten eine bedeutende Rolle für das Wachstum der Weltökonomie, gleichzeitig unterscheidet sich diese Volkswirtschaft in vielen Aspekten von den hierzulande bekannten Mustern. Die Autorin behandelt den gesamten Themenkomplex aus chinesischer Perspektive.

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