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Abortion Ecologies in Southern African Fiction: Transforming Reproductive Agency (Critical Interventions in the Medical and Health Humanities)

by Caitlin E. Stobie

Focusing on texts from the late 1970s to the 1990s which document both changing attitudes to terminations of pregnancy and dramatic environmental, medical, and socio-political developments during southern Africa's liberation struggles, this book examines how four writers from Botswana, South Africa, and Zimbabwe address the ethics of abortion and reproductive choice.Viewing recent fiction through the lens of new materialist theory – which challenges conventional, individual-based notions of human rights by asserting that all matter holds agency – this book argues that southern African women writers anticipate and exceed current feminist revivals of materialist thought. Not only do the authors question contemporary discourse framing abortion as either a confirmation of a woman's 'right to choose' or an unethical termination of human life, but they challenge conventional understandings of development, growth, and time. Through close readings of both literal gestation in the selected texts and the metaphorical reproduction of the post/colonial nation, this study advances the concept of reproductive agency, creating a range of queer ecocritical alternatives to tropes such as those of 'the Mother Country', 'Mother Africa', or 'the birth of a nation'. This study situates abortion narratives by Wilma Stockenström (translated by J. M. Coetzee), Zoë Wicomb, Yvonne Vera, and Bessie Head alongside contemporary postcolonial feminist theories, melding traditional beliefs with materialist views to reconsider the future of reproductive health matters in southern Africa. Merging queer ecocritical perspectives from materialism and postcolonialism, this study will appeal to students and researchers in the medical humanities, new materialisms, and postcolonial studies.

Abortion Ecologies in Southern African Fiction: Transforming Reproductive Agency (Critical Interventions in the Medical and Health Humanities)

by Caitlin E. Stobie

Focusing on texts from the late 1970s to the 1990s which document both changing attitudes to terminations of pregnancy and dramatic environmental, medical, and socio-political developments during southern Africa's liberation struggles, this book examines how four writers from Botswana, South Africa, and Zimbabwe address the ethics of abortion and reproductive choice.Viewing recent fiction through the lens of new materialist theory – which challenges conventional, individual-based notions of human rights by asserting that all matter holds agency – this book argues that southern African women writers anticipate and exceed current feminist revivals of materialist thought. Not only do the authors question contemporary discourse framing abortion as either a confirmation of a woman's 'right to choose' or an unethical termination of human life, but they challenge conventional understandings of development, growth, and time. Through close readings of both literal gestation in the selected texts and the metaphorical reproduction of the post/colonial nation, this study advances the concept of reproductive agency, creating a range of queer ecocritical alternatives to tropes such as those of 'the Mother Country', 'Mother Africa', or 'the birth of a nation'. This study situates abortion narratives by Wilma Stockenström (translated by J. M. Coetzee), Zoë Wicomb, Yvonne Vera, and Bessie Head alongside contemporary postcolonial feminist theories, melding traditional beliefs with materialist views to reconsider the future of reproductive health matters in southern Africa. Merging queer ecocritical perspectives from materialism and postcolonialism, this study will appeal to students and researchers in the medical humanities, new materialisms, and postcolonial studies.

Abkehr von Schönheit und Ideal in der Liebeslyrik

Die hohe Minne und die höfische Liebe bestimmen unser Bild der Liebeslyrik, das durch die Textauswahl der Philologen sowie ihre Urteile entscheidend geprägt wurde. Die 27 Beiträge dieses Bandes behandeln - mit romanistischem Schwerpunkt - Gedichte aus acht europäischen Literaturen und neun Jahrhunderten. Sie zeigen, daß bereits im Mittelalter die irdischen Aspekte der Liebe bis hin zur Gewalttätigkeit dargestellt wurden, und dies nicht nur in Sammlungen wie den Carmina Burana, sondern auch in den Gesängen der Troubadours. Die Anbetung einer idealen Geliebten ist nur eine mögliche Haltung; gleichzeitig finden wir deutlich misogyne Tendenzen, oder eben die Liebe zu einer Frau, die nicht den stereotypen Vorstellungen innerer und äußerer Vollkommenheit entspricht. Gleichzeitig wird deutlich, daß die Texte, die sich von den Idealen der höfischen Liebe abwenden, durchaus in einer eigenen Tradition stehen und nicht nur als Gegenbewegung wie der Antipetrarkismus verstanden werden dürfen. Die Umwertung des Schönen und des Hässlichen, die das ästhetische Denken im 18. Jahrhundert hervorgebracht hat, bleibt nicht ohne Wirkung auf die Beurteilung weiblicher Reize und auf die Liebeslyrik im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert.

Abjection and Representation: An Exploration of Abjection in the Visual Arts, Film and Literature

by R. Arya

Abjection and Representation is a theoretical investigation of the concept of abjection as expounded by Julia Kristeva in Powers of Horror (1982) and its application in various fields including the visual arts, film and literature. It examines the complexity of the concept and its significance as a cultural category.

Abigail's Party & Goose-Pimples

by Mike Leigh

Mike Leigh’s 1970s classic play ‘Abigail’s Party’ focuses on an evening of domestic hell in the guise of a suburban drinks soirée. While teenager Abigail parties a few doors away, the pretentious Beverly and her estate agent husband, Laurence, entertain their neighbours – Abigail’s mother, Susan, ex-footballer, Tony, and his wife, Angela. But as the alcohol flows, tensions in the hosts’ barely functional marriage emerge and their obsessions, prejudices and petty competitiveness are ruthlessly, and hilariously, exposed. ‘Goose-Pimples’, meanwhile, is easily as sharp and uncompromising. This time, the action focuses on ambitious casino croupier, Jackie, and Saudi businessman, Muhammad, who meet – and misunderstand – one another spectacularly.

Abiayalan Pluriverses: Bridging Indigenous Studies and Hispanic Studies

by Gloria Chacón

Abiayalan Pluriverses: Bridging Indigenous Studies and Hispanic Studies looks for pathways that better connect two often siloed disciplines. This edited collection brings together different disciplinary experiences and perspectives to this objective, weaving together researchers, artists, instructors, and authors who have found ways of bridging Indigenous and Hispanic studies through trans-Indigenous reading methods, intercultural dialogues, and reflections on translation and epistemology. Each chapter brings rich context that bears on some aspect of the Indigenous Americas and its crossroads with Hispanic studies, from Canada to Chile. Such a hemispheric and interdisciplinary approach offers innovative and significant means of challenging the coloniality of Hispanic studies.

Abi Morgan: Plays One (Oberon Modern Playwrights)

by Abi Morgan

'Tiny Dynamite: An impossible love story is given a second chance and three scorched characters are about to learn that lightning does strike twice. Splendour: Inside a beautiful state residence on the edge of a city, four women wait. They talk: films, Prada, chilli vodka, anything. Outside civil war looms ever nearer. Tender: In a city of fast talk and chance encounters, how much faith can we put in other people? Abi Morgan’s acerbic play takes a scalpel to modern love and friendship. Lovesong: The story of one couple, told from two different points in their lives – as young lovers in their twenties and as worldly companions looking back on their relationship. 27: Dr Richard Garfield has given Ursula a difficult choice. She is the Mother Superior in waiting of a convent that has been given the opportunity to take part in his revolutionary scientific study. Ursula must weigh up the value of preserving her faith, versus embracing science.

ABHB Annual Bibliography of the History of the Printed Book and Libraries: Volume 1: Publications of 1970 (Annual Bibliography of the History of the Printed Book and Libraries #1)

by H. Vervliet

The history of printing, books, and libraries, is confined only to a limited extent within the boundaries of individual countries. There are, indeed, few historical developments which have played a more universal role, in reaction against all kinds of particularism, than type design, printing, book production, publishing, illustration, binding, librarianship, journal­ ism, and related subjects. Their history should be assessed and studied primarily in an international, not in a local, context. The bibliographical resources, however, which the historian of these sub­ jects has at his disposal correspond hardly at all to the essentially inter­ national character of the object of his studies. Since the appearance of the retrospective bibliography of BIG MORE and WYMAN, covering the subject comprehensively up to 1880, the only current bibliography has been the lnternatwnale Bibliographie des Buch-und Bi­ bliothekswesens. Covering a representative part of newly published liter­ ature, it appeared from 1928, but did not survive the Second World War. More recently, several useful, but limited, bibliographies have appeared.

Abfallverbindungen: Verworfenes und Verwerfungen in Erzähltexten der deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur (Gegenwartsliteratur #1)

by Christina Gehrlein

Was sind die Begleiterscheinungen einer Industriegesellschaft, die in immer größerem Ausmaß Abfälle produziert, die räumliche und zeitliche Grenzen sprengen? Wie hängt deren Entstehung mit Imaginationen und Phantasmen zusammen? Was wissen literarische Texte über die Transformationen, die den Wandel von Abfällen begleiten? Christina Gehrlein nimmt sich diesen Fragen an und betrachtet Akte der Verschiebung - zwischen Wert und Unwert, Nutzen und Unnutzen, Kultur und Natur, Nichtabfall und Abfall. Damit eröffnet sie ein Panorama an Reflexionsangeboten auf individueller wie gesellschaftlicher Ebene, in Bezug auf Handlungsweisen, aber auch dichotome Perspektiven.

„Aber Tote weinen nicht“: Komisches Schreiben im Nachexil bei Alfred Polgar, Albert Drach und Georg Kreisler (Exil-Kulturen #5)

by Philipp Wulf

Die Studie analysiert die Ästhetik des Komischen in Texten von Alfred Polgar, Albert Drach und Georg Kreisler, in denen die nach 1945 gewandelte wie fortdauernde Erfahrung der Exilierung – die Konstellation des Nachexils – thematisch wird. Die Arbeit widmet sich sowohl der Erschließung der Kategorien Heimat und nationale Identität als auch der bis heute kontroversen Erforschung der Komik, die insbesondere in der Exilliteratur als unkonventionell zu gelten hat. – Die Primäranalysen nehmen ein heterogenes Textkorpus aus Prosaminiaturen, Liedtexten, Romanen und einem Theaterstück in den Blick: Die Gleichzeitigkeit von Selbstverlachung und Selbstbehauptung bei Drach steht neben den Komisierungen der Kommunikation zwischen Remigrant/innen und Nicht-Exilierten bei Polgar und der pessimistischen Gesellschaftskritik Kreislers.

Abenteurer als Helden der Literatur: Oder: Wie wurden oder machten sich Schwindler, Spione, Kolonialisten oder Militärs zu großen Gestalten der europäischen Literatur?

Der thematische Bogen spannt sich von Columbus´ kurioser Reise nach China bis zu den Araberaufständen, die zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts von Lawrence of Arabia für die englische Kolonialpolitik organisiert wurden. Vorgeführt werden so seltsame Erscheinungen wie Theodor Neuhoff, der es für einige Wochen zum König von Korsika brachte, aber als Würfelspieler in Venedig endete, oder Isabelle Eberhardt, die in Männerkleidung afrikanische Wüsten durchquerte und dabei ertrank. Mehrere Beiträge widmen sich kurz (oder auch lang) dauernden Karrieren im Ancien régime: dem Thronprätendenten Maurice de Saxe, dem Field Marshal Keith, dem Hypnotiseur Mesmer, dem Frauenhelden Casanova oder dem Schwindler Cagliostro. Autoren sind u.a. Michael Asher, Anthony Cross, Claude Foucart, Hans-Wolf Jäger,Volker Kapp, Bernhard Kytzler, Gertrud Lehnert, Karl Maurer, Monika Schmitz-Emans, Alexandre Stroev, Ralph-Rainer Wuthenow.

Abendländische Mystik im Mittelalter: DFG-Symposion 1984 (Germanistische Symposien)

In dem vorliegenden Band werden verschiedene, an der Mystikforschung interessierte Disziplinen zusammengeführt, um kritisch Bilanz zu ziehen und Perspektiven der Weiterarbeit zu eröffnen. Als besonders attraktive Schwerpunkte der Tagung erwiesen sich die Themen der Frauenmystik, des Meister Eckhart und der Sprache und der Formen der Mystik, denen sich eine grundsätzliche Debatte über das Wesen des Mystischen und seiner Begriffsbestimmung anschloss.

Abdelkébir Khatibi: Postcolonialism, Transnationalism, and Culture in the Maghreb and Beyond (Contemporary French and Francophone Cultures #72)

Abdelkébir Khatibi (1938–2009) is one of the greatest Moroccan thinkers, and one of the most important theorists of both postcolonialism and Islamic culture of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. This book introduces his works to Anglophone readers, tracing his development from the early work on sociology in Morocco to his literary and aesthetic works championing transnationalism and multilingualism. The essays here both offer close analyses of Khatibi’s engagements with a range of issues, from Moroccan politics to Arabic calligraphy and from decolonisation to interculturality, and highlights the important contribution of his thinking to the development of Western postcolonial and modern theory. The book acknowledges the legacy of one of the greatest African thinkers of the last century, and addresses the lack of attention to his work in the field of postcolonial studies. More than a writer, a sociologist or a thinker, Khatibi was a leading figure and an eclectic intellectual whose erudite works can still inform and enrich current reflections on the future of postcolonialism and the development of intercultural and transnational studies. The book also includes translated excerpts from Khatibi’s works, thus offering a multilingual perspective on his writing.Contributors: Assia Belhabib, Jasmina Bolfek-Radovani, Dominique Combe, Rim Feriani, Charles Forsdick, Olivia C. Harrison, Jane Hiddleston, Debra Kelly, Khalid Lyamlahy, Lucy McNeece, Matt Reeck, Alison Rice, Nao Sawada, Andy Stafford, Edwige Tamalet Talbayev, Alfonso de Toro

ABC of Gender Identity

by Devika Dalal

A is for Agender, B is for Bigender and C is for Cisgender. Welcome to the ABC of Gender Identity!Gender identity is an important part of who we are, and how we express ourselves in the world. This bright and playful A - Z book is an introduction to 26 different genders, accompanying young readers as they explore and discover their authentic selves.With simple explanations, a helpful guide for adults by Dr. Michele Angello, and a quirky cast of illustrated characters, this is the perfect book for learning about gender diversity with children age 5+.

ABC, Follow Me! Phonics Rhymes and Crafts Grades K-1

by Linda Armstrong

Get solid learning results with phonics! Teach students in Grades K-1 the basics of phonemic awareness to increase reading skills. The lessons include playful story hour rhymes and activities to provide direct instruction in phonics and phonemic awareness targeted to get solid learning results. The lessons are easy-to-implement and correlated to national standards. This new resource offers hands-on help with teaching phonics and phonemic awareness. These easy-to-follow lessons on letter and sound recognition will help educators build the foundation for an effective reading program in the classroom and library. Use this book to teach phonics and improve your students' reading scores!

abc Flashcards 3+ (PDF)

by Collins Easy Learning

Level: EYFS. Subject: English. Have fun learning abc at home with colourful flashcards! These educational flashcards are a fun and easy way to help children recognise upper case and lower case letters and build their confidence with reading.

ABC Book

by C. B. Falls

This classic primer ranges from the familiar Antelope, Bear, and Cat to more unusual creatures ― the graceful Ibis, the aquatic Newt, the legendary Unicorn, and the powerful Xiphius, better known as the swordfish. Originally published in the 1920s, this volume is graced with striking poster art images of every animal. Each letter is represented by a full-page color woodcut illustration. In addition to its value to young learners, the ABC Book will appeal to collectors, bibliophiles, and others who appreciate beautiful books.

ABC (Percy the Park Keeper)

by Nick Butterworth

Learn to the letters of the alphabet with Percy the park keeper and his animal friends in this fun first concept book from highly regarded, award-winning author/illustrator Nick Butterworth.

Abbreviations (Collins Word Power)

by Graham King

The complete guide to abbreviations and acronyms.

Abbé Sicard's Deaf Education: Empowering the Mute, 1785-1820

by Emmet Kennedy

Abbé Sicard was a French revolutionary priest and an innovator of French and American sign language. He enjoyed a meteoric rise from Toulouse and Bordeaux to Paris and, despite his non-conformist tendencies, he escaped the guillotine. In fact, the revolutionaries acknowledged his position and during the Terror of 1794, they made him the director of the first school for the deaf. Later, he became a member of the first Ecole Normale, the National Institute, and the Académie Française. He is recognized today as having developed Enlightenment theories of pantomime, "signing,' and a form of "universal language" that later spread to Russia, Spain, and America. This is the first book-length biography of Sicard published in any language since 1873, despite Sicard’s international renown. This thoughtful, engaging work explores French and American sign language and deaf studies set against the backdrop of the French Revolution and Napoleon.

Abbatial Authority and the Writing of History in the Middle Ages

by Dr Benjamin Pohl

This book argues that abbatial authority was fundamental to monastic historical writing in the period c.500-1500. Writing history was a collaborative enterprise integral to the life and identity of medieval monastic communities, but it was not an activity for which time and resources were set aside routinely. Each act of historiographical production constituted an extraordinary event, one for which singular provision had to be made, workers and materials assigned, time carved out from the monastic routine, and licence granted. This allocation of human and material resources was the responsibility and prerogative of the monastic superior. Drawing on a wide and diverse range of primary evidence gathered from across the medieval Latin West, this book is the first to investigate systematically how and why abbots and abbesses exercised their official authority and resources to lay the foundations on which their communities' historiographical traditions were built by themselves and others. It showcases them as prolific authors, patrons, commissioners, project managers, and facilitators of historical narratives who not only regularly put pen to parchment personally, but also, and perhaps more importantly, enabled others inside and outside their communities by granting them the resources and licence to write. Revealing the intrinsic relationship between abbatial authority and the writing of history in the Middle Ages with unprecedented clarity, Benjamin Pohl urges us to revisit and revise our understanding of monastic historiography, its processes, and its protagonists in ways that require some radical rethinking of the medieval historian's craft in communal and institutional contexts.

Abbatial Authority and the Writing of History in the Middle Ages

by Dr Benjamin Pohl

This book argues that abbatial authority was fundamental to monastic historical writing in the period c.500-1500. Writing history was a collaborative enterprise integral to the life and identity of medieval monastic communities, but it was not an activity for which time and resources were set aside routinely. Each act of historiographical production constituted an extraordinary event, one for which singular provision had to be made, workers and materials assigned, time carved out from the monastic routine, and licence granted. This allocation of human and material resources was the responsibility and prerogative of the monastic superior. Drawing on a wide and diverse range of primary evidence gathered from across the medieval Latin West, this book is the first to investigate systematically how and why abbots and abbesses exercised their official authority and resources to lay the foundations on which their communities' historiographical traditions were built by themselves and others. It showcases them as prolific authors, patrons, commissioners, project managers, and facilitators of historical narratives who not only regularly put pen to parchment personally, but also, and perhaps more importantly, enabled others inside and outside their communities by granting them the resources and licence to write. Revealing the intrinsic relationship between abbatial authority and the writing of history in the Middle Ages with unprecedented clarity, Benjamin Pohl urges us to revisit and revise our understanding of monastic historiography, its processes, and its protagonists in ways that require some radical rethinking of the medieval historian's craft in communal and institutional contexts.

AAQ GCSE English Language -- Teacher's Book (PDF)

by Keith Brindle

Guiding you through the details and demands of the linear 2015 English Language specification, this Teacher's Book provides full support with exam advice and activities for Grades 1-9. - Enables you to skilfully deliver differentiated lessons with step-by-step teaching notes on the content in both Student's Books - Contains ideas for supporting lower-ability students, extension work to challenge the more able and answers for all activities - Helps you prepare your students for examination with assessment guidance and exam-focused advice on how to apply the mark schemes - Offers more support in understanding and preparing for the new question types and exam-paper structure than any other resources with trusted advice from an author team of teaching and assessment experts

A1 Speed Sounds (PDF)

by Gill Munton

There are three programmes:Read Write Inc. is an inclusive literacy programme for all children in Foundation Stage to Year 4 who are working below National Curriculum level 2. It is also suitable for children in older year groups who have significant learning difficulties, including specific literacy problems. Next Steps follows on from Read Write Inc. Most children will begin at the end of Year 1 or the beginning of Year 2. The programme aims to take children to NC Level 3. There are 15 fiction texts and 15 non-fiction texts, each with a set of core comprehension and composition activities. Read Write Inc. 2 follows a similar format to Read Write Inc. but is aimed at children in Years 5, 6, 7 who are working below National Curriculum level 3. It uses age appropriate text and is also suitable for older students who have been invited to take part.

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