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50 Schlüsselideen Politik

by Ben Dupré

Eine Entdeckungsreise durch die Welt der politischen Theorien und Strömungen, Staatsformen und gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen _____ In einer Zeit weitverbreiteter Politikverdrossenheit und vielfältiger internationaler Verwerfungen ist die Notwendigkeit, die grundlegenden politischen Konzepte zu verstehen, größer denn je. 50 Schlüsselideen Politik ist der ideale Einstieg in dieses Themenfeld. Die Welt ist zusammengewachsen – und zugleich unüberschaubar komplex geworden. In allen Sphären der Politik wirken vielfältige Einflüsse, auf regionaler wie globaler Ebene. Fundamentalistische Kräfte bedrohen unsere Freiheit und Sicherheit – und provozieren Gegenreaktionen von Regierungen, die ihrerseits Persönlichkeits- und Menschenrechte wie auch die Demokratie insgesamt einschneidend gefährden können. Kriege und diktatorische Regime, Betrug und Korruption lösen Proteste und öffentliche Entrüstung aus, die oftmals durch Propaganda, parteipolitische Einflussnahme und interessengeleitete Medienaktivitäten geschürt wird. Die angemessenen Handlungsgrenzen des Staates, die Legitimität von Revolution und politischer Gewalt, die ideologischen Gegensätze und Spannungen zwischen Sozialismus, Liberalismus und Kapitalismus, die Herausforderungen, vor die uns Armut, Kriminalität und Rassismus stellen: Solche und andere Mechanismen sind grundlegend für das Verständnis aktueller politischer Debatten und staatlicher Handlungsweisen. Klar und prägnant geschrieben, veranschaulicht 50 Schlüsselideen Politik Vorstellungen und Konzepte, die uns alle betreffen. Ben Dupré wendet sich mit diesem Buch an Leser, die wissen wollen, wie das fortwährende Ringen um Macht die Welt und unseren Alltag prägt.

50 Schlüsselideen Literatur

by John Sutherland

50 Schlüsselideen Literatur ist eine grundlegende Einführung in alle wichtigen Formen, Begriffe, Themen und Strömungen der Literatur. Der erfolgreiche Autor und Literaturkritiker John Sutherland stellt Literaturkonzepte und -theorien auf frische und zugleich anspruchsvolle Weise vor – von scheinbar vertrautem Terrain bis hin zu unbekannten Gefilden. Randvoll mit klugen Einblicken und Zitaten aus klassischen wie aus populären Werken, zieht dieses Buch alle in seinen Bann, die jemals fragend vor dem Fachjargon der Literaturkritik standen und die das Lesen und Schreiben auf eine tiefere und bewusstere Weise genießen möchten.

50 Schlüsselideen Kunst

by Susie Hodge

Eine Entdeckungsreise durch die Epochen, Stile und Richtungen der Kunst - von der Höhlenmalerei bis zur GegenwartEin Besuch in einer Kunstgalerie kann einen überwältigen – eine erstaunliche Parade von rätselhaften Bildern, Gegenständen und Installationen, von Künstlern und Kunstrichtungen, die uns kaum einen klaren Blick dafür vermitteln, wie das, was da alles zusammenhängt, auch zusammenpasst. Die 50 Schlüsselideen Kunst helfen, den Überblick zu behalten. Für alle, die Schwierigkeiten haben, Degas von Dalí oder Monet von Mondrian zu unterscheiden, bietet dieser informative Ratgeber Hinweise auf 50 der wichtigsten und einflussreichsten Grundkonzepte in der Kunst – von den Ideen der alten Griechen bis zu solchen der Gegenwart. Aufgenommen sind dabei einerseits Stilepochen wie Barock, Renaissance, die niederländische Malerei des 17. Jahrhunderts, altägyptische Kunst oder klassische Antike, andererseits werden unterschiedliche Stilrichtungen betrachtet wie Romantik, Kubismus, Minimalismus, Surrealismus, Pop-Art, Konzeptkunst und Medienkunst. Die wichtigsten Schlüsselbegriffe werden in einem Glossar, das dem klaren, kompakten und auch kunstvollen Text von Susie Hodge beigegeben ist, sowie durch Mini-Essays und Kurzbiografien von epochemachenden Künstlern vertieft. Mit einer instruktiven Auswahl von Bildern, die beispielhaft Stilmerkmale und künstlerische Ideen zeigen, und mit einer übersichtlichen historischen Zeitleiste wird jede Kunstrichtung in ihren Kontext gestellt und insgesamt ein breiter Überblick über die weltweit bedeutendsten Entwicklungen von Kunst und Design vermittelt. Wem die künstlerische Ausdrucksweise jemals ein Rätsel war und wer sich einen groben Überblick verschaffen möchte, der wird bei diesem Buch voll auf seine Kosten kommen.

50 Schlüsselideen Architektur

by Philip Wilkinson

Eine Entdeckungsreise durch die Ideenwelt der Baukunst von der griechischen Antike bis heute _____ Worin besteht der Unterschied zwischen einer dorischen und einer ionischen Säule? Welche Funktion hat ein Strebebogen? Was sind die Leitmotive der modernen Architektur? Wie unterscheidet sich Restaurierung von Konservierung? Wann ist ein Bauwerk bloß ein Bauwerk, wann ist es Kunst? Wenn Sie sich schon einmal solche Fragen gestellt haben oder sich allgemein für Baustile und Kunstepochen, Fassadengestaltung und Stadtplanung interessieren, dann bietet Ihnen 50 Schlüsselideen Architektur den perfekten Einstieg. Philip Wilkinson erklärt klar und präzise die Leitgedanken und Schlüsselkonzepte der Architektur und zeigt, auf welch unterschiedliche Weise die bebaute Umwelt in den verschiedenen Epochen der Geschichte gestaltet wurde. In 50 anregenden und spannenden Essays stellt er die einflussreichsten Architekturbewegungen wie auch die wichtigsten und berühmtesten Werke der größten Baumeister aller Zeiten vor. Das Buch spannt einen weiten Bogen von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart – von den frühesten Anfängen der Architektur im antiken Griechenland über die revolutionären Entwicklungen im späten 19. Jahrhundert und die skulpturalen Formen der Expressionisten bis hin zu den reduzierten Beton-Glas-Bauten des Internationalen Stils und, in jüngerer Zeit, der Eisen- und Glasarchitektur der Postmoderne sowie den aktuellen Trends der grünen Architektur heute – und verhilft so zu einem neuen und tieferen Verständnis für die Architektur und ihre tiefgreifenden Auswirkungen auf die Welt, in der wir heute leben.

The 50-Plus Market: Why the Future is Age-Neutral When it Comes to Marketing and Branding Strategies (1st edition) (PDF)

by Dick Stroud

Challenging marketing's core assumptions about the effects of ageing on consumer behaviour, The 50 Plus Market provides a fresh approach to the way companies interact with their older customers. It explains how the principles of age-neutral marketing will ensure companies capture the vast expenditure generated by this affluent group.This compelling book analyses all aspects of marketing to this age group. Supported by research from OMD, one of the largest and most influential media communications specialists in the world, The 50 Plus Market is essential reading for those wishing to refine their marketing strategies.

50 Literature Ideas You Really Need to Know (50 Ideas You Really Need to Know series)

by John Sutherland

Literature suffers from appearing both deceptively easy and dauntingly difficult. We all like to think we can read a novel and understand what 'genre', 'style' and 'narrative' mean, but do we really understand them fully and how they can enrich our reading experience? How should we approach the works of great writers such as William Shakespeare, T.S. Eliot, Charles Dickens and Jane Austen? 50 Literature Ideas you Really Need to Know provides a clear, opinionated and thorough overview of literary theories from the apparently familiar to the decidedly unfamiliar. Packed with insights and examples from both classic and popular works, it is a book that will delight anyone who has ever been mystified by literary jargon and wants to gain a deeper enjoyment of reading and writing.

50 Literature Ideas You Really Need to Know (50 Ideas You Really Need to Know series)

by John Sutherland

In a series of 50 accessible essays, John Sutherland introduces and explains the important forms, concepts, themes and movements in literature, drawing on insights and examples from both classic and popular works.From postmodernism to postcolonialism, William Shakespeare to Jane Austen , 50 Literature Ideas You Really Need to Know is a complete introduction to the most important literary concepts in history.

50 Italian Coffee Breaks: Short activities to improve your Italian one cup at a time (Coffee Break Series)

by Coffee Break Languages

Transform your down time into 'do time'.The most successful language learners create a habit of studying on a regular basis. 50 Italian Coffee Breaks makes it easy to master a simple routine of improving your Italian by effortlessly integrating it with your calming daily ritual - from a 5-minute espresso to a 15-minute latte.Organised by 5, 10 and 15 minutes, these 50 varied and lively activities - from anagrams and idiom challenges to recipes and quotations - are created for high-beginner to intermediate adult and young-adult learners and designed to keep you motivated while building your skills in key areas. · Reading comprehension · Writing skills · Grammar confidence · Translation abilities · Vocabulary expansion · Cultural awareness By practising Italian in a fun and relaxed way in the time you have, you will stay on track to achieve your language-learning aspirations. So, pick up your preferred brew and this practical book, and make learning the most pleasant and productive part of your busy day. For 15 years Coffee Break Languages has helped make it possible for millions of people to learn a language in a way that fits into their everyday life: whether that's while walking the dog, at the gym, or on their coffee break!Teach Yourself has collaborated with Coffee Break Languages to bring their brilliant method to a wider audience by producing their first-ever printed product. All the activities are written by long-time teachers of the language in Coffee Break's characteristically friendly and conversational style. It's the perfect complement to your studies.The activities are levelled for high-beginner to low-intermediate learners: CEFR A2-B1 and ACTFL Intermediate-low/mid

50 Hands-On Advanced Literacy Strategies for Young Learners, PreK-Grade 2

by Allison Bemiss

50 Hands-On Advanced Literacy Strategies for Young Learners, PreK–Grade 2 is your go-to resource for lessons, strategies, and activities to foster the key skills and thinking strategies needed to excel in literacy. The hands-on, minds-on literacy explorations in this book are designed to feel a lot like play, but are rooted in the foundational literacy practices that all young learners need. Packed with engaging and helpful reproducibles, each activity is thoughtfully laid out with skill(s), materials, introduction, hands-on task, and reflection sections to maximize student learning. Instructions on how to scaffold experiences for a wider range of ages and developmental readiness levels make this resource imminently flexible. Ideal for learners in grades PreK–2, this book is for teachers, curriculum coaches, parents, librarians, and community educators looking to work on target literacy skills.

50 Hands-On Advanced Literacy Strategies for Young Learners, PreK-Grade 2

by Allison Bemiss

50 Hands-On Advanced Literacy Strategies for Young Learners, PreK–Grade 2 is your go-to resource for lessons, strategies, and activities to foster the key skills and thinking strategies needed to excel in literacy. The hands-on, minds-on literacy explorations in this book are designed to feel a lot like play, but are rooted in the foundational literacy practices that all young learners need. Packed with engaging and helpful reproducibles, each activity is thoughtfully laid out with skill(s), materials, introduction, hands-on task, and reflection sections to maximize student learning. Instructions on how to scaffold experiences for a wider range of ages and developmental readiness levels make this resource imminently flexible. Ideal for learners in grades PreK–2, this book is for teachers, curriculum coaches, parents, librarians, and community educators looking to work on target literacy skills.

50 German Coffee Breaks: Short activities to improve your German one cup at a time (Coffee Break Series)

by Coffee Break Languages

Transform your down time into 'do time'.The most successful language learners create a habit of studying on a regular basis. 50 German Coffee Breaks makes it easy to master a simple routine of improving your German by effortlessly integrating it with your calming daily ritual - from a 5-minute espresso to a 15-minute latte.Organised by 5, 10 and 15 minutes, these 50 varied and lively activities - from anagrams and idiom challenges to recipes and quotations - are created for high-beginner to intermediate adult and young-adult learners and designed to keep you motivated while building your skills in key areas. · Reading comprehension · Writing skills · Grammar confidence · Translation abilities · Vocabulary expansion · Cultural awareness By practising German in a fun and relaxed way in the time you have, you will stay on track to achieve your language-learning aspirations. So, pick up your preferred brew and this practical book, and make learning the most pleasant and productive part of your busy day. For 15 years Coffee Break Languages has helped make it possible for millions of people to learn a language in a way that fits into their everyday life: whether that's while walking the dog, at the gym, or on their coffee break!Teach Yourself has collaborated with Coffee Break Languages to bring their brilliant method to a wider audience by producing their first-ever printed product. All the activities are written by long-time teachers of the language in Coffee Break's characteristically friendly and conversational style. It's the perfect complement to your studies.The activities are levelled for high-beginner to low-intermediate learners: CEFR A2-B1 and ACTFL Intermediate-low/mid

50 French Coffee Breaks: Short activities to improve your French one cup at a time (Coffee Break Series)

by Coffee Break Languages

Transform your down time into 'do time'.The most successful language learners create a habit of studying on a regular basis. 50 French Coffee Breaks makes it easy to master a simple routine of improving your French by effortlessly integrating it with your calming daily ritual - from a 5-minute espresso to a 15-minute latte.Organised by 5, 10 and 15 minutes, these 50 varied and lively activities - from anagrams and idiom challenges to recipes and quotations - are created for high-beginner to intermediate adult and young-adult learners and designed to keep you motivated while building your skills in key areas. · Reading comprehension · Writing skills · Grammar confidence · Translation abilities · Vocabulary expansion · Cultural awareness By practising French in a fun and relaxed way in the time you have, you will stay on track to achieve your language-learning aspirations. So, pick up your preferred brew and this practical book, and make learning the most pleasant and productive part of your busy day. For 15 years Coffee Break Languages has helped make it possible for millions of people to learn a language in a way that fits into their everyday life: whether that's while walking the dog, at the gym, or on their coffee break!Teach Yourself has collaborated with Coffee Break Languages to bring their brilliant method to a wider audience by producing their first-ever printed product. All the activities are written by long-time teachers of the language in Coffee Break's characteristically friendly and conversational style. It's the perfect complement to your studies.The activities are levelled for high-beginner to low-intermediate learners: CEFR A2-B1 and ACTFL Intermediate-low/mid

50 Fantastic Ideas for Mark Making (50 Fantastic Ideas)

by Alistair Bryce-Clegg

Children are naturally drawn to mark-making. Long before they pick up a pencil or a paintbrush, they will experiment with making marks using their own bodies as well as various found objects that they come across in day-to-day life. By collecting together a whole host of ideas for different mark-making utensils, as well as exploring numerous substances and surfaces that children can mark-make on and in, this book supports both individual and group mark-making.

50 Fantastic Ideas for Early Writing Prompts (50 Fantastic Ideas)

by Alistair Bryce-Clegg

If children are not interested or motivated by what they have been asked to write about, you can be sure that any writing you do get will be rushed, short and a bit half-hearted. In 50 Fantastic Ideas for Early Writing Prompts, Alistair Bryce-Clegg offers a collection of all of his favourite ideas and inspirations that have motivated the children he works with to pick up their pencils and get scribbling!

50 Fantastic Ideas for Early Language Development (50 Fantastic Ideas)

by Mary Scanlan

Supporting young children's language development has always been an important part of high-quality Early Years practice. Competency in language (written and spoken) is essential in ensuring children can access learning across the whole curriculum and simultaneously supports personal, social and emotional development. However, it is becoming increasingly clear that many children need additional support to meet age-related expectations in this area. 50 Fantastic Ideas for Early Language Development presents a range of flexible and adaptable ideas to help practitioners develop their practice in the area of speaking, listening and communication. The author, Dr Mary Scanlan, is a expert in Early Years education. She puts theory into practice in this dip-in book by introducing accessible activities that are underpinned by research and an understanding of best practice. This book covers all areas of the EYFS, including the needs of children with EAL or SEND.

50 Fantastic Ideas for Children with EAL (50 Fantastic Ideas)

by Natasha Wood

Every year, an increasing number of children enter the Early Years setting either new to English or with English as an additional language (EAL), which can be daunting, not just for the child but for the practitioner too. How can Early Years practitioners ensure that the right support is in place for the child and themselves? What practical ideas can be used successfully to enrich an EAL child's understanding of a new language, while, at the same time, allowing that child to bond with their peers? 50 Fantastic Ideas for Children with EAL is an invaluable resource to help integrate children with EAL into the classroom with fresh, exciting and engaging activities that are easy to resource, require little preparation and are fun to carry out. The activities include simple speak-and-repeat games, visual ideas to support learning new words and phrases and activities that evoke feelings of being at home, allowing the children to feel welcomed and part of the school's diverse community. Traditional games are also featured to help children with EAL play with their peers, as well as feel that they can contribute to the learning of others. Perfect for promoting inclusion and self-esteem, 50 Fantastic Ideas for Children with EAL is ideal for supporting children as they navigate the ups and downs of having English as an additional language.

50 English Coffee Breaks: Short activities to improve your English one cup at a time (50 Coffee Breaks Series)

by Coffee Break Languages

Transform your down time into 'do time'.The most successful language learners create a habit of studying a little bit, often. With 50 English Coffee Breaks, you can easily improve your English by combining it with your relaxing daily coffee - from a 5-minute espresso to a 15-minute latte.Organised by 5, 10 and 15 minutes, these 50 varied and lively activities - from anagrams and idiom challenges to recipes and quotations - are created for high-beginner to intermediate adult and young-adult learners. The activities are carefully designed to keep you motivated and build your skills in key areas.· Reading comprehension· Writing skills· Grammar confidence· Phrasal verbs practice · Vocabulary development· Cultural awarenessBy practising English in a fun and relaxed way - in the time you have - you will find time to achieve your language-learning goals. So, pick up your preferred drink and this practical book. Soon, studying English will be the most pleasant and productive part of your busy day.For 15 years Coffee Break Languages has helped millions of people to learn a language in a way that fits into their everyday life: while walking the dog, working out at the gym, or on their coffee break!Teach Yourself has collaborated with Coffee Break Languages to bring their brilliant method to a wider audience by producing their first-ever printed product. All the activities are written by long-time English teachers in Coffee Break's characteristically friendly and conversational style. It's the perfect complement to your studies.The activities are levelled for high-beginner to low-intermediate learners: CEFR A2-B1 and ACTFL Intermediate-low/mid

5 Kinds of Nonfiction: Enriching Reading and Writing Instruction with Children's Books

by Melissa Stewart Marlene Correia

Once upon a time...children's nonfiction books were stodgy, concise, and not very kid friendly. Most were text heavy, with just a few scattered images decorating the content and meaning, rather than enhancing it. Over the last 20 years, children's nonfiction has evolved into a new breed of visually dynamic and engaging texts.In 5 Kinds of Nonfiction: Enriching Reading and Writing Instruction with Children's Books , Melissa Stewart and Dr. Marlene Correia present a new way to sort nonfiction into five major categories and show how doing so can help teachers and librarians build stronger readers and writers. Along the way, they: Introduce the 5 kinds of nonfiction: Active, Browseable, Traditional, Expository Literature, and Narrative -;and explore each category through discussions, classroom examples, and insights from leading children's book authorsOffer tips for building strong, diverse classroom texts and library collectionsProvide more than 20 activities to enhance literacy instructionInclude innovative strategies for sharing and celebrating nonfiction with students.With more than 150 exemplary nonfiction book recommendations and Stewart and Correia's extensive knowledge of literacy instruction, 5 Kinds of Nonfiction will elevate your understanding of nonfiction in ways that speak specifically to the info-kids in your classrooms, but will inspire all readers and writers.

5 Kinds of Nonfiction: Enriching Reading and Writing Instruction with Children's Books

by Melissa Stewart Marlene Correia

Once upon a time...children's nonfiction books were stodgy, concise, and not very kid friendly. Most were text heavy, with just a few scattered images decorating the content and meaning, rather than enhancing it. Over the last 20 years, children's nonfiction has evolved into a new breed of visually dynamic and engaging texts.In 5 Kinds of Nonfiction: Enriching Reading and Writing Instruction with Children's Books , Melissa Stewart and Dr. Marlene Correia present a new way to sort nonfiction into five major categories and show how doing so can help teachers and librarians build stronger readers and writers. Along the way, they: Introduce the 5 kinds of nonfiction: Active, Browseable, Traditional, Expository Literature, and Narrative -;and explore each category through discussions, classroom examples, and insights from leading children's book authorsOffer tips for building strong, diverse classroom texts and library collectionsProvide more than 20 activities to enhance literacy instructionInclude innovative strategies for sharing and celebrating nonfiction with students.With more than 150 exemplary nonfiction book recommendations and Stewart and Correia's extensive knowledge of literacy instruction, 5 Kinds of Nonfiction will elevate your understanding of nonfiction in ways that speak specifically to the info-kids in your classrooms, but will inspire all readers and writers.

4E Cognition and Eighteenth-Century Fiction: How the Novel Found its Feet (Cognition and Poetics)

by Karin Kukkonen

When the novel broke into cultural prominence in the eighteenth century, it became notorious for the gripping, immersive style of its narratives. In this book, Karin Kukkonen explores this phenomenon through the embodied style in Eliza Haywood's flamboyant amatory fiction, Charlotte Lennox's work as a cultural broker between Britain and France, Sarah Fielding's experimental novels, and Frances Burney's practice of life-writing and fiction-writing. Four female authors who are often written out of the history of the genre are here foregrounded in a critical account that emphasizes the importance of engaging readers' minds and bodies, and which invites us to revisit our understanding of the rise of the modern novel. Kukkonen's innovative theoretical approach is based on the approach of 4E cognition, which views thinking as profoundly embodied and embedded in social and material contexts, extending into technologies and material devices (such as a pen), and enactive in the inherent links between perceiving the world and moving around in it. 4E Cognition and Eighteenth-Century Fiction investigates the eighteenth-century novel through each of these trajectories and shows how language explores its embodied dimension by increasing the descriptions of inner perception, or the bodily gestures around spoken dialogue. The embodied dimension is then related to the media ecologies of letter-writing, book learning, and theatricality. As the novel feeds off and into these social and material contexts, it comes into its own as a lifeworld technology that might not answer to standards of nineteenth-century realism but that feels 'real' because it is integrated into the lifeworld and embodied experiences. 4E cognition answers one of the central challenges to cognitive literary studies: how to integrate historical and cultural contexts into cognitive approaches.

4 and The Night Tella (Modern Plays)

by Sarah Milton

You definitely want to f*ck her but you don't want to know her. You certainly don't want to stay for breakfast… Sarah Milton's new one-woman play tells the story of one woman's immediate response to a sexual assault, fueled by a toxic friendship and crisis of identity.Two best friends are heading out for the night. Our protagonist, known as 'She', is hoping to win over her crush – Isaac the bartender, at their favourite joint. That night, her best friend Trixie decides to invite a group of men home that she fancies, promoting She as her sexy, obtainable friend, to help seal the deal. But when She wakes up the next day, confused, sore, laid next to a man she doesn't recognise, She is forced to re-evaluate everything she thinks she knows about her friendships, identity and sexuality.This edition was published to coincide with the premiere at London's Vault Festival 2022.

4 and The Night Tella (Modern Plays)

by Sarah Milton

You definitely want to f*ck her but you don't want to know her. You certainly don't want to stay for breakfast… Sarah Milton's new one-woman play tells the story of one woman's immediate response to a sexual assault, fueled by a toxic friendship and crisis of identity.Two best friends are heading out for the night. Our protagonist, known as 'She', is hoping to win over her crush – Isaac the bartender, at their favourite joint. That night, her best friend Trixie decides to invite a group of men home that she fancies, promoting She as her sexy, obtainable friend, to help seal the deal. But when She wakes up the next day, confused, sore, laid next to a man she doesn't recognise, She is forced to re-evaluate everything she thinks she knows about her friendships, identity and sexuality.This edition was published to coincide with the premiere at London's Vault Festival 2022.

3D Warhol: Andy Warhol and Sculpture (International Library of Modern and Contemporary Art)

by Thomas Morgan Evans

Rain machines; alarmed kosher pickle jars filled with gemstones; replica cornflakes boxes; 'disco décor'; time capsules; art bombs; birthday presents; perfume bottles and floating silver pillows that are clouds; paintings that are also films; museum interventions; collected and curated projects; expanded performance environments; holograms. This is a book about the vast array of sculptural work made by Andy Warhol between 1954 and 1987, a period that begins long before the first Pop paintings and ends in the year of his death.In 3D Warhol, Thomas Morgan Evans demonstrates that Warhol's engagement with sculpture and its traditional notions produced 'trespasses', bisecting across the expectations, allegiances and values within art historical, and ultimately, social, sites of investiture - or territories. This groundbreaking, original book brings to the forefront a major, but overlooked aspect of Warhol's oeuvre and provides an essential new perspective on the artist's legacy.

3D-Kino: Studien zur Rezeption und Akzeptanz (Film, Fernsehen, Medienkultur)

by Claudia Wegener Jesko Jockenhövel Mariann Gibbon

Dreidimensionales Kino ist im Trend: Internationale Filmfestivals eröffenen mit 3D-Filmen, große Filmproduktionen werden immer häufiger auch oder ausschließlich dreidimensional umgesetzt, Gerätehersteller versuchen, den 3D-Markt im Bereich des Home-Entertainments zu erschließen. Das Buch nimmt die Perspektive des Publikums in den Blick und setzt sich mit dem Phänomen empirisch auseinander

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