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Saints, Signs, and Symbols: The Symbolic Language Of Christian Art

by W. Post

Saints, Signs, and Symbols, which was first published in 1962, contains in compact form all the main symbols used in the Church, complete with notes on their origin, meaning, and colouring. Of particular interest is the section on the Saints, which includes brief biographical details of each.“This is an indispensable handbook for teaching at all age levels.”—Kirkus Review

The Science of Getting Rich

by Katherine Hurst Wallace D. Wattles

Better known as the timeless bestseller to have inspired 'The Secret' by Rhonda Byrne, this is THE original guide to creating wealth and a life you love.The Science of Getting Rich will show you how to overcome any emotional baggage or negative circumstances, to attract wealth and success - in all its form - into your life. Within the pages of this powerful book, Wattles goes directly to the source of the Law of Attraction, and in plain and easy-to-understand language, teaches you how to use it to maximum advantage. Regardless of your background or financial 'story' to date, this self-help classic will reveal to you the secrets for getting 'unstuck' from a life of wanting and lack, to unlock the incredible potential that lies within you, to create a life of unlimited abundance.This is an extraordinary book for the ordinary man or woman, looking to turn their dreams into a reality. Thousands have benefitted from the wisdom within the pages of this game-changing book, applying the lessons taught to their own lives, with astonishing effect. Are you ready to join them?

The Science of Getting Rich: Die Kunst Des Reichwerdens (Dover Empower Your Life Ser.)

by Wallace D. Wattles

Is it possible to will your way to a life of wealth? Can your thoughts take you to a higher level of abundant living? Take a look inside this timeless classic—the inspiration behind the motivational bestseller The Secret—and you'll find that it's all possible by following a program that has set generations of readers on the path to prosperity. Written a century ago, the principles of this approach are as valuable now as they were then.More practical than philosophical, Wattles' method is an exact science with specific laws—and an established outcome. With the help of his tools, you'll discover how to use your mind to create a clear vision of the goal you desire, entertain an ongoing, deeply felt gratitude for having already received the blessing, align yourself with positive principles to find your place in the world, and create a noncompetitive, harmonious environment to nurture wealth and wisdom. It's time to achieve your full potential and use it to create a more rewarding and abundant life. You have the right to be rich! And The Science of Getting Rich can set you on that path today.

Self-Help: The Original Guide to Bootstrapping Your Success

by Samuel Smiles

Author Samuel Smiles coined the phrase self-help with this bestseller, originally published in 1859. Smiles envisions a world in which the lowliest members of a community can reach the heights of society through merit and hard work. A firm believer in the value of sustained effort, he emphasizes the pleasure of engaging in self-improvement for its own sake rather than strictly as a means to worldly advancement. The capacity of work well done to ennoble the life of any man, however humble, is Smiles' main thesis, illustrated with examples of wisdom gleaned from the biographies of notable self-starters. Written at the close of the Industrial Revolution, this book was influenced by the technological advances of the previous century, in which new manufacturing processes and scientific advances enabled greater accomplishments by determined, hard-working individuals. Citing incidents from the lives of prominent inventors and entrepreneurs, Smiles exhorts readers to draw upon their internal resources to get ahead in the world. The book celebrates the traits of perseverance and ingenuity, advocating in self-belief despite hardships and failures, with many illustrations of the value of patience and optimism. The founding work of the self-help movement, this volume retains the capacity to inspire.

Shadow of the Third Century: A Revaluation of Christianity

by Alvin Kuhn

Shadow of the Third Century: A Revaluation of Christianity, first published in 1949, begins with the assertions that a true history of Christianity has never before been written and that the roots of the Christian religion lie in earlier religions and philosophies of the ancient world.The author, Alvin Boyd Kuhn, asserts that Christianity as we know it took the form it did due to a degeneration of knowledge rather than to an energization produced by a new release of light and truth into the world. In the ancient world, knowledge was commonly passed down by esoteric traditions, its inner meaning known only to the initiated. The Gospels, according to Kuhn, should therefore be understood as symbolic narratives rather than as history. Sacred scriptures are always written in a language of myth and symbol, and the Christian religion threw away and lost their true meaning when it mistranslated this language into alleged history instead of reading it as spiritual allegory. This literalism necessarily led to a religion antagonistic toward philosophy. Moreover, it produced a religion that failed to recognize its continuity with, and debt to, earlier esoteric schools. As evidence of this, Kuhn finds that many of the gospel stories and sayings have parallels in earlier works, in particular those of Egypt and Greece. The transformation of Jesus’ followers into Pauline Christians drew on these sources. Moreover, the misunderstanding of true Christianity led to the excesses of misguided asceticism. Overall, the book seeks to serve as a “clarion call to the modern world to return to the primitive Christianity which the founder of Christian theology, Augustine, proclaimed had been the true religion of all humanity.”With its many citations from earlier works, Shadow of the Third Century also serves as a bibliographic introduction to alternative histories of Christianity.

The Shadow on the Earth: A Tale of Tragedy and Triumph

by Owen Dudley

Shadow of the Earth is the second of Father Dudley’s books on the problems of human happiness.It is a novel which endeavors to furnish an answer to the problems of Evil.A young man is injured in the mountains and is taken to a monastery where he is cared for by Brother Anselm, one of the monks. In the shock of discovery that he is crippled for life, he denounces God and turns against the friendly monk. An atheist and a Christian Scientist offer the consolation of their beliefs, but he finds at last in Catholicism, as taught and practiced by Brother Anselm, the faith he needs to face life.“A book full of strength and beauty.”—The Signet“A beautiful piece of work; it shows its author as both philosopher and true artist in words.”—Catholic World

Son of Tears: A Novel on the Life of Saint Augustine

by Henry Coray

“This is the kind of book, and the kind of writing, which the Christian reader so desperately need—realistic yet firmly Christian, lively and historically exact, with real human beings living out convincing lives.”—The Reformed JournalHere, ranging from debauched student life in Carthage to impassioned devotion as the Bishop of Hippo, is the story of St. Augustine, perhaps the most significant figure in all of Christianity since St. Paul. The son of a wealthy and profligate Roman, Augustine was torn between conflicting religious opinions as his student life bridged the cults which had developed around the true church. With simple intensity, Mr. Coray describes Augustine’s relationship with his mother, Monica, the unquenchable fire of his passion for his mistress, Melanie, and the change of heart which led him to conversion. Augustine is frequently remembered only as a “saint”; SON OF TEARS helps to place him in perspective, a citizen also of this earth, where once he was someone’s son.

Strictly Personal: The Adventure of Discovering What God is Really Like

by Eugenia Price

“Can man by searching find out God?”Long before Job, man was asking this question. It has stormed the minds and hearts of all peoples in all lands and cultures. What is God really like? Is He discoverable by those He created? Headhunters in shadow-haunted Africa have tried to beat away their restless questioning. The same necessity to know forced the intellectuals of Athens at the peak of its classical glory to create with their minds their own gods. In man’s primitive desperation to claim a knowing relationship with the Divine, gods have been fashioned after man’s own image. There have been animal gods, bird gods, fish gods. Gods of wood and stone and marble and metal. More cultured civilizations have worshiped reason. A few sensed their limits and saluted an Unknown God. None found rest.Is there one true God? Is He discoverable? “Can man by searching find out God?” Can anyone know God personally? On every page of this new and exciting book by Eugenia Price, these time-old questions are faced honestly and without apology. She writes lucidly, avoiding religious clichés, confessing her own questioning mind and including warmly all who question God for any reason. It is a strictly personal book which vibrates with the tremendous potential of the strictly personal relationship with God which she has found possible for herself and which she believes possible for anyone, regardless of background or intellectual blocks.If you have been wondering if there is a God—for you—this is a book you can read without apology, rebellion or embarrassment. It is written especially for you. Your strictly personal questions demand honest and specific explanations. Generalizations will not do. Pious, pat answers will not do. They are not here. But the door to the realistic adventure of a personal discovery of God is here, and it can open for you as you think through the carefully unfolded chapters of Strictly Personal.

Such is My Confidence

by Carolyn Rhea

First published in 1961, this great book provides the reader with spiritual guidance and inspiration, with the purpose of leading the reader toward happier lives.In Such is My Confidence, using pertinent biblical references as her guidelines, author Carolyn Rhea examines various subjects relating to one’s inner world, including as faith, hope, love, joy, sorrow, comfort, disappointment, patience, happiness, compassion, suffering, humility and courage. In the author’s own words, her purpose in sharing her simple convictions is that of “urging everyone to define more clearly his own beliefs.”A comforting book to turn to in today’s complex modern world.

Think and Grow Rich

by Napoleon Hill Katherine Hurst

Think and Grow Rich is the wildly successful motivational book from personal development author, Napoleon Hill. Having sold over 30 million copies over the past 70 years alone, this groundbreaking volume reveals the secrets of hundreds of the world's most affluent people - exposing the thought-processes and success mindset that can help you too, to enjoy unlimited prosperity and abundance. The thirteen step program found in this book has everything you need to set you on the path to incredible wealth and success. Regardless of your current circumstances, education or business experience... once you begin to read this book, you'll have access to the truths and lessons that can teach any man or woman - young or old, rich or poor - to turn their dreams for an abundant life into a reality. With this book, the formula for everything you desire - to be applied in ALL areas of life - is in your hands. Simple, direct, but incredibly powerful too - this book has the potential to change your life for the better. Are you ready? The formula for prosperity - to be applied in ALL areas of your life - is within your reach.

This Thing Called Life: Russian Version

by Ernest Holmes

The great contribution of Ernest Holmes to modern thought is the specific form of meditation and prayer by which man can control outward conditions of his life instead of permitting conditions to control him. Based soundly and thoughtfully upon the teachings of Jesus and other great spiritual leaders and philosophers, THIS THING CALLED LIFE is an outline of the practice of Faith by which problems of every kind may be solved by every man and woman, directly, simply and effectively.Recognised as one of the foremost teachers of religious science and philosophy since William James, in this book Mr. Holmes courageously declares that for centuries man has been putting the cart before the horse, that he is not helpless in the face of poverty, disease, evil and unhappiness, but that by this clear and simple system of thought and faith he can dominate them and introduce into his experience their exact opposites—abundance, health, good and happiness. If man will try and learn how to think, writes Mr. Holmes, he can dominate his entire life and everything in and around it.

To God the Glory

by Annalee Skarin

In the words and teachings of Jesus, TO GOD THE GLORY is a divinely inspired message revealing how His great love is being poured out in abundance and can, if man will accept it, change his life and lead him into His Kingdom.“Behold, I, Jesus Christ, the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, the Great Amen, have commanded Annalee Skarin to write these, my words, and to send them forth unto the ends of the earth, that, you, who know my voice might be prepared to enter into the New Day—that you might be purified even as I Am pure. For this is my commandment unto you, and I give no commandment save I prepare the way for its fulfillment.“This work is given that all my holy promises might begin to be made manifest in very deed, yea, that they might begin to be fulfilled in you, for the time is at hand, even the great day of preparation, the day of Almighty God the Father.”—Annalee Skarin

Too Small a World: The Life of Francesca Cabrini

by Theodore Maynard

Too Small a World is the bestselling biography of Mother Francesca Cabrini (1850-1917), an Italian-American religious sister who founded the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, a Catholic religious institute, which became a major support to the Italian immigrants to the United States in the 19th century. Sister Cabrini was also the first naturalized citizen of the United States to be canonized by the Roman Catholic Church in 1946.Born in Northern Italy in 1850, Sister Cabrini was a woman of great compassion and courage. Inspired by her deep faith in Jesus Christ, she saw her life as a mission to relieve suffering and serve those in need—in particular the poor and excluded. Sister Cabrini established health, education and care centres in the U.S.A. and Latin America, Europe and England, becoming an inspiration to all those whose lives she touched.

Welcome The Little One: Jubiläumsedition Zum 102. Todesjahr Von Karl May (Correct Times)

by Elsie Guy

The pending arrival of a baby is a wonderful time! It doesn't matter what the circumstances, when a new baby comes into the world, it is a true miracle. As is expected, much of the focus in the delivery room is on the woman. After all, she is the one who is enduring the pain of childbirth. What many people don?t consider is that the men in the delivery room have their own issues as well. Years ago, men weren't allowed in the delivery room. Guys were relegated to the waiting room, left to pace a hole in the floor as they waited for their offspring to be born. Today, however, there has been an enormous shift in tradition, with 90 per cent of dads now taking a hands-on approach in the birthing process. The journey begins not only with conception but with choosing the nursery furniture, picking out names, and taking Lamaze classes. Even with the best of training, guys may still feel out of place when attending the birth of a child. With the advent of birthing rooms taking the place of the sterile operating room, grandparents, uncles, friends, and even siblings are invited into the birth experience. Obviously you cannot know exactly what it feels like to carry and birth a newborn; however, you can learn as much as possible about all the stages of pregnancy, labor, delivery, and newborn bonding. Perhaps once you understand the prenatal class basics you might start having doubts about how you will be able to handle it all. Try to set those uncomfortable thoughts aside. Studies show that men are more likely to get and stay involved in the care and nurturing of their children if they are present at the births. So what's a guy to do? If you're the father to be, you have probably heard the horror stories. You're called every name in the book. You're blamed for everything from inflation to the price of gas to getting your gal in the situation she's in. It's normal. It's probably going to happen. But how do you deal with it? That's hard to say. But the birthing experience is still something every guy can ? well, not exactly enjoy, but, at the very least, participate in. It all begins with the onset of labor. The pains begin. She screams with each contraction. What do you do? At this point, running to the store for a late night craving is out of the question. Right now, you're expected to be the supportive one. But you?re confused and aren?t sure exactly what to do. It can be difficult watching someone you love in pain and childbirth IS PAINFUL! It's like a pain you, as a man, can never know. Research shows that when a woman has a supportive birth partner, this reduces her need for pain-killing drugs and increases her satisfaction with the birth experience. This also can reduce her stresses and worries about being a mother and make her more confident after the baby is born. Having a familiar face can be very reassuring. There are many things you can do to help the momma to be along the way to becoming a full-fledged mother. You may be confused, especially when things start getting a little frantic and they will! With the help of this book, you'll be much more prepared for the birthing experience. In these pages, you?ll be better prepared to help with back labor, understanding what happens in the birthing room, easing the pain of mom, and dealing with your own feelings of helplessness. It can be a daunting and scary experience, but you CAN get through it just like SHE can! Enjoy your ebok "Welcome the little one (for men)"!

The Woman God Loved: The Life of Blessed Anne-Marie Javouhey

by Glenn Kittler

First published in 1959, this is the fascinating biography of Blessed Anne-Marie Javouhey (1779-1851), a French nun who founded the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Cluny. Widely regarded as an outstanding religious figure of the 19th century, Blessed Anne-Marie Javouhey was the foundress of the order of Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny. Venerated in the Roman Catholic Church, she was also known as the Liberator of the Slaves in the New World, and as the mother of the town of Mana, French Guiana.Her legacy lives on today, with close to 3,000 Sisters serving in over 60 countries, including the United States, Canada, India and Ireland on behalf of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny.“Imagine a Mother Teresa in the France of Napoleon’s day and you will have a picture of Anne-Marie Javouhey. Nanette, as she was called, was a “velvet brick,” a thin layer of gentleness covering her determined core. A competent leader, Nanette dominated every scene in her adventurous life.”—Loyola Press

Yes, You Can! The Healthy Way To Loose Weight: Jubiläumsedition Zum 102. Todesjahr Von Karl May (Correct Times)

by Rae Salvetti

If you struggle with weight gain it's a good bet that you have tried at least one of the "fad" diets that crop up on a regular basis. The truth is that some of these diets may grant you temporary weight loss. In the usual case, however, the weight returns as soon as you stray from the diet. The bottom line is that you gain weight because you consume more calories than your body is able to use and no diet is a substitute for good eating habits. Your body requires a certain number of calories in order to function properly. If you truly wish to lose weight, you must burn off more calories than your body requires.?In this guide you will learn ways to reduce the number of calories you ingest as well as tips and techniques to help you burn off unnecessary calories. Enjoy your ebook "YES YOU CAN! THE HEALTHY WAY TO LOOSE WEIGHT."

Your Forces and How to Use Them

by Christian D. Larson

One of the original teachers of the power of optimism and self-belief, Christian D. Larson(1874–1954) was a prominent writer and speaker and an early proponent of the power of positive thinking. This seminal book in self-help literature encourages readers to develop their talents and improve their daily lives by assuming a cheerful and supportive attitude.Your Forces and How to Use Them includes "The Optimist Creed," originally developed by Larson under the title "Promise Yourself" and now the cornerstone philosophy of the service club Optimist International. Larson's approach encourages readers to develop their subconscious powers in order to tap into their individual talents and strengths. A classic of the New Thought movement, this volume provides a powerful template for achieving greatness.

BISG Guide to Accessible Publishing: 2019 Edition

by Robin Seaman Elaine Ober Bill Kasdorf

The BISG Quick Start Guide to Accessible Publishing offers both a succinct introduction to the basics of accessibility and the market advantages to publishers for adopting best practices in creating accessible digital content. It is available in the EPUB 3 format and serves as a model of a properly accessible publication. <P><P>The guide addresses why and how to create, distribute, and display accessible digital content and provides an overview of these topics: <br>The critical importance of accessibility <br>The business case for making content accessible <br>Practical advice on how best to make content accessible <br>Legal requirements for accessible content <P><P>The BISG Quick Start Guide to Accessible Publishing can help companies: <br>Make content more discoverable <br>Reach an untapped market <br>Streamline production workflow <br>Save money by creating "born accessible" educational materials <P><P>This is a critical and hopeful time, when technology and massive industry shifts are mitigating the constant catch-up effort that currently limits access and requires so much extra work to create accessible content. With the BISG Quick Start Guide to Accessible Publishing, publishers will discover an invaluable resource. When all digital content is also “born accessible,” the dream of equal access to information for everyone will be a reality.

Eleanor Roosevelt's Book of Common Sense Etiquette

by Eleanor Roosevelt

In an era of incivility, discover a timeless guide to good manners from First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt. “The basis of all good human behavior is kindness,” says Eleanor Roosevelt in this classic handbook, first published in 1962 as a “modern book of etiquette for modern Americans.” As a politician, diplomat, and activist, as well as the longest-serving First Lady of the United States, Mrs. Roosevelt knew that thoughtful, civil behavior was essential to peaceful, productive relationships. In this etiquette guide, she teaches that decorum is not about strict adherence to formal rules; it is about approaching all social situations with consideration for others. She advises, “If ever you find yourself in a situation in which following a formal rule would be manifestly unkind, forget it, and be kind instead.” Drawing from her personal and professional experiences, Roosevelt covers a broad range of topics, including business dealings and family affairs, writing letters and receiving guests, and entertaining at home and traveling abroad. Beginning with the necessity of good manners between husband and wife, she considers the importance of courtesy in society at large and the role all Americans play as ambassadors of democracy while visiting foreign countries. In an era of incivility, Eleanor Roosevelt’s Book of Common Sense Etiquette is more relevant than ever. This ebook has been professionally proofread to ensure accuracy and readability on all devices.

Think and Grow Rich: The All-Time Masterpiece on Unlocking Your Potential--In Its Original 1937 Edition

by Napoleon Hill

An affordable, beautifully produced reproduction of the vintage text of Napoleon Hill's original landmark--this is the legendary program, just as it reached readers in 1937.You want to dip into Think and Grow Rich ... you've heard about it from friends and coworkers ... you see people reading it ... and you feel it's time for a change in life. But where do you start? RIGHT HERE. Think and Grow Rich: The Classic Edition is a handsome, reliable, inexpensive, and compact volume that features the full 1937 text, just as it appeared on its first day of publication, before the book lit up millions of lives and became known around the world. This is a volume you will want to read, reread, cherish--and then share with friends and loved ones. And it is priced so affordably that you can do just that. From the Trade Paperback edition.

Klesh Rahit Jeevan - Novel: क्लेश रहित जीवन - कादंबरी

by Dada Bhagwan

तुम्ही जीवनात होणाऱ्या क्लेशांपासून थकून गेला आहात का? आणि चकित आहात की हे नवीन क्लेश कुठून बरे उत्पन्न होतात? क्लेश रहित जीवनासाठी तुम्हाला फक्त पक्का निश्चय करायचा आहे की लोकांसोबत असलेला व्यवहार तुम्ही समताभावे पूर्ण कराल आणि तेही त्यात यश मिळेल की नाही याची चिंता केल्याशिवाय. मग एक दिवस तुम्हाला तुमच्या जीवनात नक्कीच शांती लाभेल. जर बायको-मुलांसोबत अधिक गुंतागुंतीचे कर्म असतील तर त्यांचा निकाल करण्यात जरा जास्त वेळ लागतो. जवळच्या माणसांसोबत असलेला गुंता हळूहळू संपुष्टात येतो. चिकट कर्मांचा निकाल करतेवेळी तुम्हाला अतिशय जागृत राहावे लागेल. जर तुम्ही निष्काळजीपणा आणि आळस दाखवलात तर हा सर्व गुंता सोडवण्यात तुम्हाला अपयश मिळेल. जर कोणी तुम्हाला कटू शब्द बोलला आणि त्यावर तुमचीही जर कटू वाणी निघाली तरीही तुमच्या बाहेरील व्यवहार इतका महत्वपूर्ण नाही कारण तुमची घृणा समाप्त झाली आहे आणि तुम्ही समभावे निकाल करण्याचा दृढ निश्चय केलेला आहे. बदला घेण्याच्या सर्व भावनांपासून मुक्त होण्यासाठी तुम्हाला परम पूज्य दादाश्रींकडे येऊन ज्ञान घेतले पाहिजे. मी तुम्हाला मुक्त होण्याचा रस्ता दाखवेल. जीवनात थकलेली माणसे मृत्यूला का कवटाळतात? याचे कारण ते जीवनातील ताण-तनावाचा सामना करु शकत नाही. इतक्या अधिक ताण-तनावात तुम्ही किती दिवस जगू शकाल? किड्या-मुंग्याप्रमाणे आजचा मनुष्य निरंतर त्रासलेला आहे. मनुष्य जीवन मिळाल्यानंतरही कोणी दु:खी का असावे? संपूर्ण जग दु:खातच आहे आणि जो दु:खात नाही तो काल्पनिक सुखात हरवलेला आहे. या दोन टोकांमध्ये जीवत झुलत आहे. आत्मज्ञान प्राप्त झाल्यानंतर तुम्ही सर्व कल्पना आणि दु:खांपासून मुक्त व्हाल. दादाश्रींच्या या पुस्तकात क्लेश रहित जीवन जगण्याच्या चाव्या आणि योग्य समज देण्यात आली आहे.

As a Matter of Course

by Annie Payson Call

Annie Call wrote for The Ladies Home Journal. Her main interest was mental health. Call states that when we no longer put up resistance to the things in life that seem to be painful and evil we can then reach interior freedom. We free our natural love of self. The preface begins, "The aim of this book is to assist towards the removal of nervous irritants, which are not only the cause of much physical disease, but materially interfere with the best possibilities of usefulness and pleasure in everyday life." Topics covered include physical care, amusements, brain impressions, the triviality of trivialities, moods, tolerance, sympathy, others, one's self, children, illness, sentiment versus sentimentality, and problems.


by Gail Hamilton

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