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Klassiker der Sozialwissenschaften: 111 Schlüsselwerke im Portrait

Der vorliegende Band stellt 111 zentrale Titel vor und liefert einerseits Stichworte zu Leben und Gesamtwerk der AutorInnen, legt andererseits den zentralen Fokus auf das Schlüsselwerk, dessen Titel man in jedem Studium hören wird, der als geflügeltes Wort durch die Feuilletons geistert und zahlreiche Reden schmückt. Es gibt sozialwissenschaftliche Werke, die muss man kennen: egal, ob man Soziologie oder Politikwissenschaft, Sozialpsychologie, Ethnologie, Erziehungswissenschaft oder Geschlechterforschung studiert oder sich für sozialwissenschaftliche Fragestellungen aus dem Blickwinkel affiner Fächer wie Geschichte, Rechtswissenschaft oder Philosophie interessiert. Der Band soll die (Lese-)Lust an den sozialwissenschaftlichen Klassikern (neu) wecken und „Appetit“ auf das Gesamtwerk einzelner AutorInnen machen. Apl. Prof. Dr. Samuel Salzborn ist apl. Professor für Politikwissenschaft am Institut für Politikwissenschaft der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen.

Knowing from the Inside: Cross-Disciplinary Experiments with Matters of Pedagogy (Alternative | Education)

Knowledge comes from thinking with, from and through things, not just about them. We get to know the world around us from the inside of our being in it. Drawing on the fields of anthropology, art, architecture and education, this book addresses what knowing from the inside means for practices of teaching and learning. If knowledge is not transmitted ready-made, independently of its application in the world, but grows from the crucible of our engagements with people, places and materials, then how can there be such a thing as a curriculum? What forms could it take? And what could it mean to place such disciplines as anthropology, art and architecture at the heart of the curriculum rather than – as at present – on the margins? In addressing these questions, the fifteen distinguished contributors to this volume challenge mainstream thinking about education and the curriculum, and suggest experimental ways to overcome the stultifying effects of current pedagogic practice.

Konstellationen des Antiziganismus: Theoretische Grundlagen, empirische Forschung und Vorschläge für die Praxis

Der Band entwirft Grundrisse einer kritischen Theorie des Antiziganismus, präsentiert aktuelle empirische Forschungsbefunde und entwickelt Handlungslinien für die politische Bildungsarbeit gegen Antiziganismus.

Kooperative Organisations- und Professionsentwicklung in Hochschule und Sozialwesen?: Gleichstellungspolitik und Professionalisierung in geteilter Verantwortung (Edition Centaurus - Perspektiven Sozialer Arbeit in Theorie und Praxis)

In einem interdisziplinären Zuschnitt führt dieser Band die Themen Organisationsentwicklung, Professionalisierung, Gleichstellungspolitiken und Adressatenorientierung zusammen, fragt nach kooperativen Schnittstellen und soll zum Weiterdenken der ausgelegten Korrespondenzen anregen. Organisation und Profession im Sozialwesen stehen im gesellschaftlichen Wandel, der Herausforderungen an Entwicklungsprozesse in Institutionen ebenso wie für die Qualifizierung von Fachkräften stellt. Was bedeutet dies für die Herstellung von Fachlichkeit und von Gleichstellung im Hochschul- und Sozialwesen? Inwiefern werden dabei professionelle Orientierungspunkte Sozialer Arbeit – Befähigung, Schutz, Ermächtigung von BürgerInnen – bedeutsam?

The Korean Welfare State: Social Investment in an Aging Society (International Policy Exchange)

The birth and remarkable expansion of Korean social welfare policy over the last several decades has taken place amidst the socio-economic burdens of a rapidly aging society. This book surveys these developments through the analytic lens of the Social Investment State, under which contemporary policies have altered the essential character of the 20th century welfare states, which had provided a counterforce to capitalism. In contrast, the Social Investment State is seen as backing policies designed to advance capitalism by promoting labor force participation, the growth of human capital, individual responsibility and economic development. In examining the modern context and development of the Korean welfare state, this book is divided into three sections that focus on the socio-political evolution, the core policies of the Korean welfare state, and the contemporary policy challenges of Korea's aging society. The first section traces the socio-political evolution of the Korean welfare state over the last three decades. The second section surveys the core policies of the Korean welfare state. The third section explores several key policy challenges encountered by the Korean approach to social investment as it seeks to address the demands of social protection in a rapidly aging society. The volume concludes with a postscript that reviews the contemporary Korean discourse, which goes beyond the social investment state to the political interests in a universal basic income policy.

Kosmopolitische Impulse: Das Integrationshaus in Wien (Edition Angewandte)

Flucht und Migration bleiben bestimmende Themen der Zeit und prägen die humanitäre Situation in Aufnahmeländern. Das Integrationshaus in Wien, konzentriert auf die Aufnahme und Integration von Asylsuchenden und Flüchtlingen, arbeitet seit 15 Jahren fremdenfeindlichen Tendenzen entgegen. Zu solchem zivilgesellschaftlichen Engagement enthält dieser Band vielfältige Erfahrungsberichte und Kommentare bis hin zum Dachgartenprojekt, das 2010 in Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien realisiert wird.

Kriminologische Diskussionstexte I: Verurteilen und Strafen

Verurteilen und Strafen sind nicht nur Angelegenheit der Justiz, sondern durch und durch sozial determiniert und in ihrem gesellschaftlichen Kontext zu verstehen. Das macht dieser Reader deutlich, der eine Auswahl älterer, aber weiterhin aktueller Texte zur Entwicklung des Diskurses über „Verurteilen und Strafen“ bietet und damit Perspektiven einer international anschlussfähigen deutschsprachigen Kriminologie verdeutlicht.Die HerausgebendenDr. Aldo Legnaro ist freier Sozialwissenschaftler.Dr. Daniela Klimke ist Professorin für Kriminologie an der Polizeiakademie Niedersachsen und Leiterin des Instituts für Kriminalitäts- und Sicherheitsforschung (IKriS)

Kriminologische Diskussionstexte II: Kontrollieren und Überwachen

​Kontrollieren und Überwachen sind durch und durch sozial determiniert und in ihrem gesellschaftlichen Kontext zu verstehen. Das macht dieser Reader deutlich, der eine Auswahl älterer, aber weiterhin aktueller Texte zur Entwicklung des Diskurses über „Verurteilen und Strafen“ bietet und damit Perspektiven einer international anschlussfähigen deutschsprachigen Kriminologie verdeutlicht.

Kritisch-emanzipatorische Religionspädagogik: Diskurse zwischen Theologie, Pädagogik und Politischer Bildung

Religiöse Bildung findet in einem krisenhaften Umfeld statt, das religionspädagogisch etablierte Konzepte fundamental herausfordert. Unter Rückgriff auf fachgeschichtliche Ressourcen und aktuelle Debatten in den Bezugsdisziplinen der Religionspädagogik werden die Probleme, Potenziale und Perspektiven einer (neuen) kritisch-emanzipatorischen Religionspädagogik diskutiert. Besonders die religionspädagogische Reformdekade um 1968 gerät so in den Blick, weil in dieser der soziopolitische Kontext religiöser Bildung besonders intensiv reflektiert wurde.

Kulturpolitisches Wörterbuch

Lakshmi’s Footprints and Paisley Patterns: Perspectives on Scoto-Indian Literary and Cultural Interrelations

Lakshmi’s Footprints and Paisley Patterns: Perspectives on Scoto-Indian Literary and Cultural Interrelationships is a unique collection of essays that comprehensively discusses the nature of interrelationship of India and Scotland spread over the last two centuries. It covers areas such as nature writing with an emphasis on Alexander Hamilton and Patrick Geddes, role of the formative history of Scottish Churches College, Disruption Movement in Scotland and Calcutta, rise of surveillance literature, dichotomy of Homeland and Hostland, Vidyasagar and Scottish transactions, Scottish missionary movement in Kalimpong, Scottish war literature, and interface of Scottish and Indian legal systems. Print edition not for sale in South Asia (India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan or Bhutan)

Language and Social Justice: Global Perspectives (Contemporary Studies in Linguistics)

Language, whether spoken, written, or signed, is a powerful resource that is used to facilitate social justice or undermine it. The first reference resource to use an explicitly global lens to explore the interface between language and social justice, this volume expands our understanding of how language symbolizes, frames, and expresses political, economic, and psychic problems in society, thus contributing to visions for social justice. Investigating specific case studies in which language is used to instantiate and/or challenge social injustices, each chapter provides a unique perspective on how language carries value and enacts power by presenting the historical contexts and ethnographic background for understanding how language engenders and/or negotiates specific social justice issues. Case studies are drawn from Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North and South America and the Pacific Islands, with leading experts tackling a broad range of themes, such as equality, sovereignty, communal well-being, and the recognition of complex intersectional identities and relationships within and beyond the human world. Putting issues of language and social justice on a global stage and casting light on these processes in communities increasingly impacted by ongoing colonial, neoliberal, and neofascist forms of globalization, Language and Social Justice is an essential resource for anyone interested in this area of research.

Language Communities in Japan

This book offers a comprehensive sociolinguistic overview of the linguistic situation in Japan. Contemporary Japan displays rich linguistic diversity, particularly in urban areas, but the true extent of this diversity has often been overlooked. The contributors to this volume provide a new perspective, with detailed accounts of the wide range of languages spoken in different contexts and by different communities across the Japanese archipelago. Each chapter focuses on a specific language community, and systematically explores the history of the variety in Japanese culture and the current sociolinguistic situation. The first part explores the indigenous languages of Japan, including the multiple dialects of Japanese itself and the lesser-known Ryukyan and Ainu languages. Chapters in Part II look at community languages, ranging from the historic minority languages such as Korean and Chinese to the languages spoken by more recent migrant communities, such as Nepali, Filipino, and Persian. The final part examines languages of culture, politics, and modernization, from the use of English in international business and education contexts to the ongoing use of Latin and Sanskrit for religious purposes. The volume sheds new light on Japan's position as an important multilingual and multicultural society, and will be of interest to scholars and students not only of Japanese and sociolinguistics, but of Asian studies and migration studies more widely.

Language, Expressivity and Cognition

Providing an up-to-date, multi-perspective and cross-linguistic account of the centrality of the expressive function in communication, this book explores the conceptualization of emotions in language and the high emotional 'temperature' of a variety of contemporary discourses.Adopting a number of methodological angles, both qualitative and quantitative, the chapters present insights from cognitive linguistics, (critical) discourse analysis, corpus linguistics and sociolinguistics, as well as those resulting from the combination of these approaches. Using a wide variety of data types, from song lyrics and TV series to Twitter posts and political speeches, and through the analysis of a range of languages, including Arabic, English, Polish, Italian, Hungarian, and Turkish, the book offers a panoramic view of the multi-faceted interaction between language, expressivity and cognition.

Language, Health and Culture: Problematizing the Centers and Peripheries of Healthcare Communication Research (Routledge Studies in Language, Health and Culture)

Language, Health and Culture brings together contributions by linguistic scholars working in the area of health communication in Asia—in particular, in Hong Kong, Mainland China, Singapore, Japan and Taiwan. Olga Zayts-Spence and Susan M. Bridges, along with the contributors, draw on a diverse range of authentic data from different (primary, secondary, digital) healthcare contexts across Asia. The contributions probe empirical analyses and meta-reflections on the empirical, epistemological and theoretical foundations of doing research on language and health communication in Asia. While many of the medical and technological advances originate from the ‘non-English-dominant’/‘peripheral’ contexts, when it comes to health communication, there is a strong tendency to downplay and marginalize the scope and the impact of the ripe research tradition in these contexts. The contributions to the edited volume problematize the hegemony of dominant (Anglocentric) traditions in health communication research by highlighting culture- and context-specific ways of interpreting different health realities through linguistic lenses.

Language of Conflict: Discourses of the Ukrainian Crisis

Exploring the ways in which language and conflict are intertwined and interrelated, this volume examines the patterns of public discourse in Ukraine and Russia since the beginning of the Ukrainian Crisis in 2014. It investigates the trends in language aggression, evaluation, persuasion and other elements of conflict communication related to the situation. Through the analysis of the linguistic features of salient discourses and prevalent narratives constructed by different social groups, Language of Conflict reflects competing worldviews of various stakeholders in this conflict and presents multiple, often contradictory, visions of the circumstances. Contributors from Ukraine, Russia and beyond investigate discursive representations of the most important aspects of the crisis: its causes and goals, participant andthe values and ideologies of the opposing factions. They focus on categorization, stance, framing, (de)legitimation, manipulation and coping strategies while analysing the ways in which the stress produced by social discord, economic hardship, and violence shapes public discourse. Primarily focusing on informal communication and material gathered from online sources, the collection provides insight into the ways people directly affected by the crisis think about and respond to it. The volume acknowledges the communicators' active role in constructing the (often incompatible) discursive images of the conflict and concentrates on the conscious and strategic use of linguistic resources in negative and aggressive communication.

Latina Issues (ella) (Herstory): Fragments of Historia(ella) (Herstory)

This book attempts to make Latina history visible and Latina voices heard. It focuses solely on women – not to marginalize Latina stories but to showcase them, illustrating Latina perspectives on colonization, gender, race, and class.

Latinos and Latinas at Risk [2 volumes]: Issues in Education, Health, Community, and Justice [2 volumes]

This two-volume collection of essays addresses the Latino/a experience in present-day America, covering six major areas of importance: education, health, family, children, teens, and violence.The Latino/a presence in this country predates the United States itself, yet this group is often marginalized in the American culture. Many noted experts explore the ideology behind this prejudicial attitude, examining how America views Latinos/as, how Latinos/as view themselves, and what the future of America will look like as this group progresses toward equitable treatment. Through the exploration process, the book reveals the complexity and diversity of this community, tracing the historical trajectories of those whose diverse points of origin could be from almost anywhere, including the Americas, Europe, or other places.Written with contemporary issues at the forefront, this timely collection looks at the resolve of the Latino people and considers their histories, contributions, concerns, and accomplishments. Pointed essays address disparate quality-of-life issues in education, health, and economic stability while depicting individual and group efforts in overcoming barriers to mainstream American society. Each chapter discusses key challenge areas for the Latino American population in everyday life. An engaging "Further Investigations" feature poses questions about most of the essays, leading to critical thinking about the most important topics affecting Latino/as today.

Laughter, Creativity, and Perseverance: Female Agency in Buddhism and Hinduism (AAR RELIGION CULTURE AND HISTORY SERIES)

In most mainstream traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism, women have for centuries largely been excluded from positions of religious and ritual leadership. However, as this volume shows, in an increasing number of late-20th-century and early-21st-century contexts, women can and do undergo monastic and priestly education; they can receive ordination/initiation as Buddhist nuns or Hindu priestesses; and they are accepted as religious and political leaders. Even though these processes still take place largely outside or at the margins of traditional religious institutions, it is clear that women are actually establishing new religious trends and currents. They are attracting followers, and they are occupying religious positions on par with men. At times women are filling a void left behind by male religious specialists who left the profession, and at times they are perceived as their rivals. In some cases, this process takes place in collaboration with male religious specialists, in others against the will of the women's male counterparts. However, in most cases we see both acceptance and resistance. Whether silently or with great fanfare, women are grasping new opportunities to occupy positions of leadership. This book offers ten in-depth case studies analysing culturally, historically, and geographically unique situations in order to explore the historical background, contemporary trajectories, and impact of the emergence of new and powerful forms of female agency in mostly conservative Hindu and Buddhist religious traditions.

Law, Vulnerability, and the Responsive State: Beyond Equality and Liberty (Gender in Law, Culture, and Society)

This book considers how vulnerability theory provides the basis for a reconceptualization of the liberal ideas of autonomy, equality, and freedom. Vulnerability theory argues a “vulnerable legal subject” should displace the “liberal legal subject” that currently dominates law and policy. The theory is based on the fundamental empirical realities of the material body and offers an alternative to a social contract or rights-based notion of state responsibility, both of which tend to privilege abstractions such as rationality or dignity. A vulnerability analysis poses law and policy questions based on the “vulnerable legal subject” and requires new thinking about state or governmental responsibility. To achieve a truly comprehensive and inclusive notion of what constitutes social justice or a universal or common good, vulnerability theory mandates a reassessment of both equality and freedom as these concepts are currently conceived. Presenting the work of scholars from a wide range of doctrinal areas, it is this task that the book takes up. In particular, in recognizing that many social or institutional relationships entail uneven positions of dependence and reliance, it maintains that individualized notions of equality or freedom are inadequate and must be reformulated to include a sense of collective or social justice, incorporating asymmetric or unequal allocations of responsibility, and requiring appropriate limitations on the individual. This book’s reorientation of the subject, as well as the central objectives of law and policy, will appeal to scholars and students in law, vulnerability studies, gender studies, critical legal and political theory, politics, philosophy, and sociology.

Leadership and Organizational Sustainability: The Knowledge Management Approach (Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society)

The book presents a new type of leadership focused on sustainable human development and organizational sustainability, which is based on the self-realization of the person of the leader, which means the satisfaction of their needs, according to the scale of Abraham Maslow, through integral human development in all aspects of life. Because the term "leader" appears to refer to anyone with the authority to confer a position with subordinates, the reality within organizations has shown that a leader must go further and demonstrate commitment, awareness, and concern for the common good. Which person has these characteristics? People who have had more opportunity to develop in different areas of their being, resulting in them being conceived as more educated. The qualities in a person are the basis of leadership. Education and practice are much more important than all hereditary and genetic codes. This volume explores the various ways of making explicit the dimensions of social, economic, and environmental sustainability through knowledge management that addresses the identification, collection, processing, circulation, use, exchange, and preservation of knowledge within operating systems and the context of organizations, considering issues that contribute to sustainability – human and organizational – where the leader is the main actor and the means is knowledge management.

Leadership and Virtues: Understanding and Practicing Good Leadership (Leadership: Research and Practice)

Good leadership is something every leader and organization should strive towards. This book serves as a pivotal resource in encouraging the understanding and practice of leadership and highlights how good leadership is anchored in the rich philosophy and science of virtue. Through a diverse range of perspectives, the book highlights the importance of leading with virtue, unpacks what it means to be a virtuous leader, and outlines practical strategies for developing and practicing good leadership. Taking a virtues perspective, this cohesive collection of chapters by scholars from around the globe offers an inclusive tone and speaks to practicing and aspiring leaders worldwide. Readers are provided with a nuanced account of the nature of virtues and leadership and how the two interact on multiple levels and in multiple ways to inform the practice of good leadership. Focusing on the tradition of virtue gives this collection a robust scholarly foundation, while simultaneously providing scope for diverse views on how and why virtues inform good leadership. The book offers a balance of scholarly and practice-oriented chapters, instilling readers with a deep understanding of virtues and leadership, and practical strategies to develop their practice of good and virtuous leadership. Each chapter offers a different moral and sociological insight, serving altogether to show readers the most effective ways to use virtues to promote shared well-being and collective success. Scholars, students of leadership and management, and leadership practitioners will benefit from the accessible and practical lessons this book has to offer. This volume will also be of interest to team leaders and managers who are keen to develop their leadership skills in both practice and theory.

Leadership During a Crisis: A Focus on Leadership Development (Routledge Studies in Leadership and Leadership Development)

We live in uncertain times propelled by complex systems, climate change and the use of technology which possess various threats. At times of crisis, leadership that permits quick reactions to the changing organisational environment becomes necessary. However, there has been limited studies that provide a road map of leading during a crisis. What is required of leaders during a crisis? How can you develop the required leadership expertise during such turbulent periods? What are the challenges leaders will have to combat? Through this book, these questions are answered. It is no exaggeration therefore to claim that this book opens a new chapter as it seeks to advance discussions about how to lead during crisis. Drawing on empirical and conceptual evidence from the perspective of renowned authors in leadership research, it offers a robust and engaging overview of the field of leadership and leadership development in turbulent and dynamic environments. The chapters in the book support the personal and professional development of aspiring and experienced leaders and managers. The readers will be able to display critical awareness of current developments in both the theory and practice of leadership and leadership development and its importance in modern organisations.

Learning Technologies and the Body: Integration and Implementation In Formal and Informal Learning Environments (Routledge Research in Education)

This volume explores how technology-supported learning environments can incorporate physical activity and interactive experiences in formal education. It presents cutting-edge research and design work on a new generation of "body-centric" technologies such as wearable body sensors, GPS tracking devices, interactive display surfaces, video game controller devices, and humanlike avatars. Contributors discuss how and why each of these technologies can be used in service of learning within K-12 classrooms and at home, in museums and online. Citing examples of empirical evidence and specific implementation, this timely and critical volume examines how body responsive technologies are being used within the educational community to advance the next generation of educational technology.

The Lebanon Uprising of 2019: Voices from the Revolution

In October 2019, hundreds of thousands took to the streets of Lebanon to protest austerity measures in what became known as the “thawra.” These were the largest mass protests seen in the country's modern history. The Lebanon Uprising of 2019 puts the revolution in its historical and regional context and also follows the huge transformations that have been unraveling in Lebanon ever since. The book is a unique source of testimonies that brings to the fore the voices of those scholars, activists, researchers, and journalists who took part in the protests or were closely involved in the unfolding events. These accounts include stories about specific events and struggles, views of the uprising from various regions of the country, and reflections on topics such as the labor struggle, disability, the student movement, foreign interventions, the struggle for preserving environmental spaces, the role of refugees and non-Lebanese within the movement, and women and queer participation. The book situates the protests within the historical, political, economic, social, and environmental foundations of the Lebanese polity, as well as in the broader context of a "second wave” of Arab uprisings and a global wave of upheavals in 2019, making this book a testament to the rich history of protests and activism in the country. It features some primary documents, including photos and other materials that were disseminated in the streets and over social media platforms, making this book an important resource of first-hand knowledge.

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