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Combined Scintigraphic and Radiographic Diagnosis of Bone and Joint Diseases: Including Gamma Correction Interpretation

by Yong-Whee Bahk

In this fourth edition of Combined Scintigraphic and Radiographic Diagnosis of Bone and Joint Diseases, the text has been thoroughly amended, updated, and partially rearranged to reflect the latest advances. In addition to discussing the role of pinhole imaging in the range of disorders previously covered, the new edition pays detailed attention to the novel diagnostic use of gamma correction pinhole bone scan in a broad spectrum of skeletal disorders. A large number of state of the art pinhole scans and corroborative CT, MRI, and/or ultrasound images are presented side by side. The book has been enlarged to encompass various new topics, including occult fractures; cervical sprain and whiplash trauma; bone marrow edema; microfractures of trabeculae; evident, gaping, and stress fractures; soft tissue diseases; and differential diagnosis. This new edition will be essential reading for practitioners and researchers in nuclear medicine, radiology, orthopedic surgery, and pathology.

Combined Scintigraphic and Radiographic Diagnosis of Bone and Joint Diseases

by Yong-Whee Bahk

Kaufmännische Betriebslehre in Frage und Antwort

by Alfred Heinz Bahn

Die Anforderungen an den Kaufmann sind gestiegen, und sein Aufgabengebiet ist größer und vielseitiger geworden. Ein wesentlicher Bestandteil des kaufmänni­ schen Wissens sind ausreichende Kenntnisse der Betriebswirtschaftslehre, die dem einzelnen und dem Unternehmen zugute kommen. Das vorliegende Buch soll dem künftigen Kaufmann die erforderlichen Kenntnisse vermitteln und dem tätigen Kaufmann als Nachschlagewerk dienen. Die Frage­ Antwort-Form hat sich als zweckmäßig erwiesen, da sie den oft langatmigen Stoff aufgliedert und zum logischen Denken, zur Aufmerksamkeit und zum klaren For­ mulieren anregt. Zur Vermeidung von Mißdeutungen wurde bei der Formulierung besonders wichtiger Antworten der Gesetzestext übernommen. Alfred H. Bahn Inhaltsverzeichnis A. Allgemein I. Wirtschaftssysteme 11 11. Aufgaben der Wirtschaft . 11 111. Gliederung der Wirtschaft 11 IV. Kaufleute 11 V. Handelsregister 13 VI. Handelsfirma . 14 VII. Handelsbücher 16 VIII. Handelsvertreter 17 IX. Handelsmäkler . 22 X. Kommissionär 23 XI. Bank und Kredit 25 XII. Geld und Währung 27 XIII. Börse, Messe und Auktion 28 B. Das Unternehmen I. Unternehmungsformen . ' . 31 1. Einzelunternehmung 32 2. Gesellschaftsunternehmungen 32 a) Handelsgesellschaften . . 32 Offene Handelsgesellschaft 32 Kommanditgesellschaft 35 Aktiengesellschaft 36 Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien 42 Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung 43 b) Unvollkommene Handelsgesellschaften 45 Stille Gesellschaft . . . . . . 45 Gelegenheitsgesellschaft 46 c) Sonstige Unternehmungsformen 47 Genossenschaft 47 Reederei 52 Gewerkschaft 54 Versicherungsverein auf Gegenseitigkeit 55 11. Zusammenschlüsse 56 1. Allgemein 56 2. Kartell und Syndikat 57 3. Interessengemeinschaft 58 4. Konzern 59 5. Trust . . . . . . . . 59 111. Betriebsorganisation 61 1. Allgemein 61 2. Geschäftsleitung 62 3. Personalabteilung 63 4. Einkauf . . 63 5. Lager 64 6. Kalkulation 65 7. Werbung .

Environmental Photochemistry Part III (The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry #35)

by Detlef W. Bahnemann Peter K. J. Robertson

This volume builds on the previous two editions, Environmental Photochemistry Part I and Part II, which reflect the diverse range of activities in this highly dynamic research field. The chapters cover fundamental topics, from photocatalyst materials, surface-modified materials, reaction kinetics and reactor modelling, to translational research activities on chemical synthesis, energy conversion and water treatment. The applications of the new generation of LED irradiation sources and spectroscopic methods for elucidating reaction pathways are also covered in detail. This new volume maintains the ethos of the previous editions by further contributing to readers’ understanding of photochemical and photocatalytic processes for environmental applications.

Microfluidics in Biotechnology (Advances in Biochemical Engineering/Biotechnology #179)

by Janina Bahnemann Alexander Grünberger

This new volume introduces the applications of microfluidic systems to facilitate biotechnological and biomedical processes. It provides an overview on cutting-edge technologies, summarizes traditional and modern fabrication methods and highlights recent advances regarding the application of lab-on-a-chip (LoC) systems for bioanalytical purposes. This book is ideal for research scientists and students interested at the cross-section between biotechnology, chemistry and chemical engineering.

Open Quantum Systems: A Mathematical Perspective (Tutorials, Schools, and Workshops in the Mathematical Sciences)

by Dorothea Bahns Anke Pohl Ingo Witt

This book presents four survey articles on various aspects of open quantum systems, specifically addressing quantum Markovian processes, Feller semigroups and nonequilibrium dynamics. The contributions are based on lectures given by distinguished experts at a summer school in Göttingen, Germany. Starting from basic notions, the authors of these lecture notes accompany the reader on a journey up to the latest research, highlighting new challenges and addressing unsolved problems at the interface between mathematics and physics. Though the book is primarily addressed to graduate students, it will also be of interest to researchers.

Ernest Sosa: Targeting His Philosophy (Münster Lectures in Philosophy #3)

by Amrei Bahr Markus Seidel

This volume provides the reader with exclusive insights into Ernest Sosa’s latest ideas as well as main aspects of his philosophical work of the last 50 years. Ernest Sosa, one of the most distinguished contemporary philosophers, is best known for his ground-breaking work in epistemology, and has also contributed greatly to metaphysics, metaphilosophy and philosophy of language.This book, resulting from the 18th Münster Lectures in Philosophy, includes an original article by Sosa on his most recent work in epistemology, and seven critical papers that target a wide range of topics from Sosa’s oeuvre, as well as Sosa’s responses. As regards his epistemology, the issues discussed include his solution of the sceptical problem in his most recent work and the question of how to integrate a sensible account of testimony to Sosa’s virtue epistemology. The selected topics from his other fields of inquiry include his view on empirical challenges to human rationality, his defense of the scientific status of philosophy, his concept of causality as considered against the background of the current debate, his suggestion of a middle-way between existential relativism and absolutism and his externalistic internalism in the philosophy of mind and language.

Quirky Quarks: A Cartoon Guide to the Fascinating Realm of Physics

by Benjamin Bahr Boris Lemmer Rina Piccolo

Do you love quantum physics, cosmology, and the humor behind the popular television show The Big Bang Theory? Have you been on the lookout for a fun, non-technical explanation of the science behind things like time travel, wormholes, antimatter, and dark energy? You’ll find all of that, and more, inside this fact-filled, cartoon-packed book. In Quirky Quarks: A Cartoon Guide to the Fascinating Realm of Physics you’ll get:The latest science behind the mysteries of our universe explained in common everyday language.A major dose of cartoons, comics, and humor.A good grasp on the often-bizarre nature of reality.Start reading and you’ll find that hard science does not have to be hard. Whether you’re a teacher, a physicist, or just a lover of the curious, this is the book that delivers the facts in an engaging and entertaining cartoon world inhabited by two dogs, a cat, and some very quirky quarks which you might know from The Particle Zoo.With cutting edge science articles by physicists Boris Lemmer and Benjamin Bahr, and drawings by cartoonist Rina Piccolo, this may be the most fun science reading you’re likely to find out there.

Faszinierende Physik: Ein bebilderter Streifzug vom Universum bis in die Welt der Elementarteilchen

by Benjamin Bahr Jörg Resag Kristin Riebe

Was ist Zeit? Wie entdeckt man Gravitationswellen? Welche physikalischen Gesetze steuern die globale Erwärmung? Was macht die Quantenphysik so besonders? Dieses Buch bietet einen packenden Streifzug durch die spannendsten und aktuellsten Themen der modernen Physik! Auf jeweils einer Doppelseite findet der Leser einen kompakten und klaren Einstieg in ein Thema – von Grundlagen wie Newtons Gesetzen zur aktuellen Forschung, wie Teilchenphysik, Kosmologie aber auch technischen Anwendungen.Die Autoren erklären in klarer Sprache und fast ganz ohne Formeln über 150 Themen aus der Physik. Eindrucksvolle Bilder helfen dabei, physikalische Zusammenhänge zu verstehen, verborgene Dimensionen zu entdecken und Quanten leuchten zu sehen.Faszinierende Physik nimmt Sie mit auf eine Entdeckungsreise in die wunderbare Welt dieser Wissenschaft. Ein kluges Sachbuch - zum Genießen, Verlieben und Verschenken.Aus dem InhaltAstronomie und AstrophysikElektromagnetismus und LichtMechanik und ThermodynamikRelativitätstheorieKosmologieAtome und QuantenmechanikWelt der ElementarteilchenKristalle und andere feste StoffeGeophysikGrenzen des Wissens

Faszinierende Physik: Ein bebilderter Streifzug vom Universum bis in die Welt der Elementarteilchen

by Benjamin Bahr Jörg Resag Kristin Riebe

Von den Rätseln der Quantenwelt bis zum Polarlicht - von Schwarzen Löchern bis zum GPS-System -von Teilchenbeschleunigern, dem Higgs und der Supersymmetrie bis zum Foucaultschen Pendel – dieses Buch bietet einen packenden Streifzug durch die spannendsten und aktuellsten Themen der modernen Physik! Auf jeweils einer Doppelseite wird dem Leser dabei mit vielen Bildern ein kompakter und klar verständlicher Einstieg in jeweils ein Thema und den Stand der Forschung geboten – und so insgesamt etwa 140 verschiedene Themen beleuchtet und jedes treffend erläutert. Dabei liegt die besondere Stärke des Buches in der klaren Sprache und den Erklärungen, die nahezu ganz ohne Formeln auskommen – begleitet von atemberaubenden und weltweit eingeholten Bildern renommierter Forscher und Institute, die uns die Schönheit unserer Welt vor Augen führen.'Zu erkennen, was die Welt im Innersten zusammenhält' – das hat auch Benjamin Bahr, Jörg Resag und Kristin Riebe angetrieben, Physik zu studieren – und so entstand dieses moderne Lesebuch zum Blättern und Entdecken, zum Lesen und Träumen – als gemütliches, aber auch kluges Sachbuch, fürs Bett, für den Couchtisch, zum Genießen, Verlieben und Verschenken.

Faszinierende Physik: Ein bebilderter Streifzug vom Universum bis in die Welt der Elementarteilchen

by Benjamin Bahr Jörg Resag Kristin Riebe

Von den Rätseln der Quantenwelt bis zum Polarlicht - von Schwarzen Löchern bis zum GPS-System -von Teilchenbeschleunigern, dem Higgs und der Supersymmetrie bis zum Foucaultschen Pendel – dieses Buch bietet einen packenden Streifzug durch die spannendsten und aktuellsten Themen der modernen Physik! Auf jeweils einer Doppelseite wird dem Leser dabei mit vielen Bildern ein kompakter und klar verständlicher Einstieg in jeweils ein Thema und den Stand der Forschung geboten – und so insgesamt etwa 140 verschiedene Themen beleuchtet und jedes treffend erläutert. Dabei liegt die besondere Stärke des Buches in der klaren Sprache und den Erklärungen, die nahezu ganz ohne Formeln auskommen – begleitet von atemberaubenden und weltweit eingeholten Bildern renommierter Forscher und Institute, die uns die Schönheit unserer Welt vor Augen führen. 'Zu erkennen, was die Welt im Innersten zusammenhält' – das hat auch Benjamin Bahr, Jörg Resag und Kristin Riebe angetrieben, Physik zu studieren – und so entstand dieses moderne Lesebuch zum Blättern und Entdecken, zum Lesen und Träumen – als gemütliches, aber auch kluges Sachbuch, fürs Bett, für den Couchtisch, zum Genießen, Verlieben und Verschenken.

Sustainable Structures and Buildings

by Alireza Bahrami

This open access book includes detail on various structures, buildings, and building materials from different structural and sustainability perspectives. It describes how the building industry is vital for the achievement of the sustainable development goals, namely, economic growth, social progress, and the effective protection of the environment. The aim of this collection is to foster the design and construction of sustainable structures and buildings to reduce the environmental load, connect with the environment, and benefit the health of occupants. Presenting the knowledge, trends, and developments from a group of contributors in the field working with different kinds of structures, structural components, buildings, and building materials, the book is ideal for practitioners working in commercial settings, as well as engineering students and researchers concerned with sustainability issues.

Magnetische und magnetisch-elektrische Messungen im Unterricht (Abhandlungen zur Didaktik und Philosophie der Naturwissenschaft #2)

by W. Bahrdt

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Environmental Pollution and Natural Resource Management (Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences)

by Kanchan Deoli Bahukhandi Nitin Kamboj Vishal Kamboj

This book presents conference articles related to environmental pollution and natural resource management, and environmentally friendly technologies that lead to sustainable development presented in the Conference "Sustainable Management of Environment & Natural Resource Through Innovation in Science and Technology". The book highlights the latest development and innovation in environmental science, technology, and interdisciplinary research to improve the environment and health safety. It includes innovations and improvisations in the broad area of science and technology, natural resource, and environment management. It deliberates on the current burning issues of environment protection management and sustainable development, environmental pollution, global warming, and climate change.The development strategies must therefore be shaped by the following components:The satisfaction of basic human requirementsThe eradication of povertySelf-reliant and participatory developmentEnvironmental consciousnessTechnology has to play a critical role in the process of changing industrial society. But innovation has to be embedded in social and organizational innovation. This book provides a wide range of research articles in the area of science and technology, sustainability, natural resource management, ecology and its environmental fields, geosciences and geology, atmospheric sciences, sustainability, climate change, and extreme weather, global warming, and environmental change, the effect of climate change on the ecosystem, environment, and pollution.

Gap Junction Channels and Hemichannels (Methods in Signal Transduction Series)

by Donglin Bai Juan C. Sáez

Gap junction channels are a group of intercellular channels expressed in tissues and organs to synchronize many physiological processes. A gap junction channel is formed by the docking of two hemichannels, and each hemichannel is a hexamer of connexins. The field of gap junction channel and hemichannel research has recently exploded and became one of the most active areas of cell biology. Numerous novel approaches and techniques have been developed, but there is no single book dedicated to the unique techniques and protocols employed for the research on these large pore channels. This book fills the gap and focuses on protocols, approaches and reviews of gap junction channels and connexin hemichannels. It will be a useful reference for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and researchers. Anyone with an interest in gap junction channels and hemichannels will need this summary of state-of-the-art techniques and protocols.

Gap Junction Channels and Hemichannels (Methods in Signal Transduction Series #14)

by Donglin Bai Juan C. Sáez

Gap junction channels are a group of intercellular channels expressed in tissues and organs to synchronize many physiological processes. A gap junction channel is formed by the docking of two hemichannels, and each hemichannel is a hexamer of connexins. The field of gap junction channel and hemichannel research has recently exploded and became one of the most active areas of cell biology. Numerous novel approaches and techniques have been developed, but there is no single book dedicated to the unique techniques and protocols employed for the research on these large pore channels. This book fills the gap and focuses on protocols, approaches and reviews of gap junction channels and connexin hemichannels. It will be a useful reference for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and researchers. Anyone with an interest in gap junction channels and hemichannels will need this summary of state-of-the-art techniques and protocols.

Cooperative Control Design: A Systematic, Passivity-Based Approach (Communications and Control Engineering)

by He Bai Murat Arcak John Wen

Cooperative Control Design: A Systematic, Passivity-Based Approach discusses multi-agent coordination problems, including formation control, attitude coordination, and synchronization. The goal of the book is to introduce passivity as a design tool for multi-agent systems, to provide exemplary work using this tool, and to illustrate its advantages in designing robust cooperative control algorithms. The discussion begins with an introduction to passivity and demonstrates how passivity can be used as a design tool for motion coordination. Followed by the case of adaptive redesigns for reference velocity recovery while describing a basic design, a modified design and the parameter convergence problem. Formation control is presented as it relates to relative distance control and relative position control. The coverage is concluded with a comprehensive discussion of agreement and the synchronization problem with an example using attitude coordination.

Systems Medicine (Methods in Molecular Biology #2486)

by Jane P. F. Bai Junguk Hur

This volume explores the latest technological advances and covers all facets of systems medicine with respect to precision medicine. The chapters in this book are organized into four parts. Part One highlights the recent achievements in proteomics for biomarkers identification, integration of omics and phenotypic data for precision medicine, and medicine-guided treatment of drug-induced Stevens-Johnson syndrome. Part Two covers systems-based computational approaches for pharmaceutical research and drug development, the principle of optimizing systemic exposure of drugs, and Animal Rule for drug repurposing. Part Three looks at computational tools and methodologies of network biology, quantitative systems toxicology, and modeling and stimulating patient response variabilities. Part Four talks about how systems medicine can address unmet medical and health needs, and identify educational needs. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.Cutting-edge and thorough, Systems Medicine: Methods and Protocols is a valuable resource for the scientific community that will help researchers work together toward the further advancement of achieving the goal of promoting global health.Chapter 8 is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via

Nanocomposites: Preparation, Characterization and Modeling

by Jinbo Bai

Nanocomposites are one of the major advances in the field of materials. They have applications in sectors as varied as aeronautics, energy and the environment. However, the effective use of nanocomposites requires new knowledge and tools in order to overcome the difficulties and benefit from the advantages. Nanocomposites presents recent academic and industrial progress in this field, as well as the latest research on the effective use of nanoscale fillers and reinforcements to improve the performance of advanced nanocomposites. It also describes the techniques and tools used to prepare nanocomposites, including the latest techniques for synthesis and surface treatment of nanofillers for different applications. Finally, it details the role of nanoscience in the design, characterization and multi-scale modeling of these materials, with a focus on nanoscale phenomena.

Nanocomposites: Preparation, Characterization and Modeling

by Jinbo Bai

Nanocomposites are one of the major advances in the field of materials. They have applications in sectors as varied as aeronautics, energy and the environment. However, the effective use of nanocomposites requires new knowledge and tools in order to overcome the difficulties and benefit from the advantages. Nanocomposites presents recent academic and industrial progress in this field, as well as the latest research on the effective use of nanoscale fillers and reinforcements to improve the performance of advanced nanocomposites. It also describes the techniques and tools used to prepare nanocomposites, including the latest techniques for synthesis and surface treatment of nanofillers for different applications. Finally, it details the role of nanoscience in the design, characterization and multi-scale modeling of these materials, with a focus on nanoscale phenomena.

In Vivo Fluorescence Imaging: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #1444)

by Mingfeng Bai

This detailed volume includes a rich variety of applications using various instrumentations, probes, disease models, and targets in order to account for the multidisciplinary nature of the use of in vivo fluorescence imagine. The book also includes chapters on the emerging fields of cell tracking, image-guided treatment, and fluorescence imaging in the second NIR window, as well as protocols for evaluation methods before and after in vivo imaging. Written for the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, chapters include brief introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and practical, In Vivo Fluorescence Imaging: Methods and Protocols serves as a valuable reference for researchers from numerous fields who wish to become more familiar with in vivo fluorescence imaging techniques.

Acoustic Array Systems: Theory, Implementation, and Application (Wiley - IEEE)

by Mingsian R. Bai Jeong-Guon Ih Jacob Benesty

Presents a unified framework of far-field and near-field array techniques for noise source identification and sound field visualization, from theory to application. Acoustic Array Systems: Theory, Implementation, and Application provides an overview of microphone array technology with applications in noise source identification and sound field visualization. In the comprehensive treatment of microphone arrays, the topics covered include an introduction to the theory, far-field and near-field array signal processing algorithms, practical implementations, and common applications: vehicles, computing and communications equipment, compressors, fans, and household appliances, and hands-free speech. The author concludes with other emerging techniques and innovative algorithms. Encompasses theoretical background, implementation considerations and application know-how Shows how to tackle broader problems in signal processing, control, and transudcers Covers both farfield and nearfield techniques in a balanced way Introduces innovative algorithms including equivalent source imaging (NESI) and high-resolution nearfield arrays Selected code examples available for download for readers to practice on their own Presentation slides available for instructor use A valuable resource for Postgraduates and researchers in acoustics, noise control engineering, audio engineering, and signal processing.

Acoustic Array Systems: Theory, Implementation, and Application (Wiley - IEEE)

by Mingsian R. Bai Jeong-Guon Ih Jacob Benesty

Presents a unified framework of far-field and near-field array techniques for noise source identification and sound field visualization, from theory to application. Acoustic Array Systems: Theory, Implementation, and Application provides an overview of microphone array technology with applications in noise source identification and sound field visualization. In the comprehensive treatment of microphone arrays, the topics covered include an introduction to the theory, far-field and near-field array signal processing algorithms, practical implementations, and common applications: vehicles, computing and communications equipment, compressors, fans, and household appliances, and hands-free speech. The author concludes with other emerging techniques and innovative algorithms. Encompasses theoretical background, implementation considerations and application know-how Shows how to tackle broader problems in signal processing, control, and transudcers Covers both farfield and nearfield techniques in a balanced way Introduces innovative algorithms including equivalent source imaging (NESI) and high-resolution nearfield arrays Selected code examples available for download for readers to practice on their own Presentation slides available for instructor use A valuable resource for Postgraduates and researchers in acoustics, noise control engineering, audio engineering, and signal processing.

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