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Moderne Wissensgesellschaften

by Nico Stehr

Die zentrale These des Buches lautet, dass nicht Natur, Unfälle, Gewalt, Katastrophen, Macht usw., sondern Wissen mehr denn je die Grundlage und Richtschnur menschlichen Handelns in allen Bereichen unserer Gesellschaft ist. Diese Untersuchung über Wissensgesellschaften ist daher als Antwort auf die grundlegende Beobachtung geschrieben, dass die moderne Wissenschaft keineswegs nur, wie heute noch oft angenommen wird, der Schlüssel und Zugang zu den Geheimnissen der Natur und des menschlichen Verhaltens ist, sondern vor allem das Werden einer Welt: Wissen als Motor und nicht nur als Kamera. Diese beispiellose Bedeutung des wissenschaftlichen Wissens bedeutet jedoch nicht, dass es ihm gelingen wird, traditionelle Lebensweisen und Einstellungen einfach zu überrollen, wie immer wieder erhofft oder ernsthaft befürchtet. Gleichzeitig sind Wissensgesellschaften keine soziale Formation im Stillstand. Die Dynamik des Wirtschaftssystems von Wissensgesellschaften, die Hand in Hand mit der Verrechtlichung von Wissen als der wichtigsten Ressource von Wissensgesellschaften geht, führt unmittelbar zur Transformation der Wissensgesellschaft in einen Wissenskapitalismus."Nico Stehrs Moderne Wissensgesellschaften verstehen ist die Art von Buch über die Wissenssoziologie, die Max Weber hätte schreiben können, wenn er noch hundert Jahre gelebt hätte. Stehr spiegelt und aktualisiert Webers Fähigkeit, die relevante Literatur in den Bereichen Recht, Politik und Wirtschaft - sowie Soziologie - zusammenzuführen, um ein übergeordnetes sozialwissenschaftliches Verständnis der Natur des Wissens zu erreichen. Sowohl Theoretiker als auch politische Entscheidungsträger werden hier viel Stoff zum Nachdenken finden, da Stehr seine größeren und abstrakteren Behauptungen geschickt mit pointierten Illustrationen aus Berichten über aktuelle Ereignisse durchsetzt." Steve Fuller, Auguste Comte Lehrstuhl für soziale Erkenntnistheorie, Universität Warwick, UK "In seinem neuen Buch geht der bekannte Soziologe Nico Stehr auf der Grundlage jahrzehntelanger Forschung der These nach, dass wir in einer Wissensgesellschaft leben. Eine der vielen interessanten Fragen, die er erörtert, ist, ob die Wissensgesellschaft sich in einen Wissenskapitalismus verwandeln wird und was das bedeutet." Richard Swedberg, Professor em. Cornell Universität, USA "Die enormen Veränderungen der Wissensproduktion und -verbreitung im letzten halben Jahrhundert, die extreme Komplexität und die Gefahren der sozialen und biophysikalischen Probleme, die sich aus ihrer Anwendung ergeben haben, und die daraus resultierende Notwendigkeit, große politische Veränderungen zu planen, machen dies zu einem besonders wichtigen Zeitpunkt, um das Verhältnis von Wissen und Gesellschaft neu zu überdenken. Nico Stehrs prägnante und doch umfassende Analyse der modernen Wissensgesellschaften im intellektuellen, sozio-historischen und politisch-ökonomischen Kontext bietet eine prägnante, ganzheitliche Darstellung der wichtigsten Fragen, um die es geht. Sein Buch Gesellschaft und Wissen verstehen wird einem breiten Spektrum von Lesern, die sich für die grundlegenden Veränderungen des gesellschaftlichen Wissens interessieren, die sich auf unser Leben und unsere Welt auswirken, zugänglich sein und zum kritischen Nachdenken anregen." Robert J. Antonio, Chancellor's Club Teaching Professor, Universität von Kansas, USA "Nico Stehrs neues Buch erörtert die grundlegende Frage nach dem Verhältnis von Wissen und Kapitalismus. Diese Frage wird eingehend erörtert. Stehr geht auf eine Vielzahl damit verbundener Themen ein, wie z.B. das Wesen der postindustriellen Gesellschaften und des Spätkapitalismus; Wissen als soziales Verhältnis, als Ware und als Produktivkraft; der Schutz von Wissen durch Patente und andere rechtliche Schutzinstrumente. Stehr geht dann auf die Anstrengungen ein, die unternommen wurden, um zusätzliches oder inkrementelles Wissen national und/oder international zu kontrollieren, da das Wachstum des Wissens und sei

Moral Markets: How Knowledge and Affluence Change Consumers and Products

by Nico Stehr

Nothing affects modern society more than the decisions made in the marketplace, especially (but not only) the judgments of consumers. Stehr's designation of a new stage in modern societies with the term "moral markets" signals a further development in the social evolution of markets. Market theories still widely in use today emerged in a society that no longer exists. Consumers were hardly in evidence at all in early theories of the market. Today, growing affluence, greater knowledge, and high-speed communication among consumers builds into the marketplace notions of fairness, solidarity, environment, health, and political considerations imbued with a long-term perspective that can disrupt short-term pursuits of the best buy. Importantly, such social goals, individual apprehensions, and modes of consumer conduct become inscribed today in products and services offered in the marketplace, as well as in the rules and regulations that govern market relations. Stehr uses examples to illustrate these trends and build new theory fitting today's changing consumerism.

Moral Markets: How Knowledge and Affluence Change Consumers and Products

by Nico Stehr

Nothing affects modern society more than the decisions made in the marketplace, especially (but not only) the judgments of consumers. Stehr's designation of a new stage in modern societies with the term "moral markets" signals a further development in the social evolution of markets. Market theories still widely in use today emerged in a society that no longer exists. Consumers were hardly in evidence at all in early theories of the market. Today, growing affluence, greater knowledge, and high-speed communication among consumers builds into the marketplace notions of fairness, solidarity, environment, health, and political considerations imbued with a long-term perspective that can disrupt short-term pursuits of the best buy. Importantly, such social goals, individual apprehensions, and modes of consumer conduct become inscribed today in products and services offered in the marketplace, as well as in the rules and regulations that govern market relations. Stehr uses examples to illustrate these trends and build new theory fitting today's changing consumerism.

Understanding Society and Knowledge (Understanding series)

by Nico Stehr

Understanding Society and Knowledge proposes that knowledge, rather than nature, violence, or power, provides the basis of and driving force behind human action in modern society. It demonstrates how the legal containment of knowledge enables the transformation of the knowledge society into knowledge capitalism. Providing an overview of the history of knowledge societies, Nico Stehr analyses the concept of knowledge as well as the nature of post-industrial societies. Chapters examine the genealogy of social scientific theories of modern society; the role of knowledge as a capacity to act or as an intersubjective resource; and recent changes in the structure of the material economy. The book concludes by discussing the political challenges of the knowledge society, highlighting the ways in which discoveries in modern knowledge and subsequent political responses continue to generate controversies. This illuminating book will be an essential resource for students and scholars of economics, political science, sociology and sociological theory, as well as science and technology studies.

Knowledge: Is Knowledge Power? (Key Ideas)

by Nico Stehr Marian Adolf

As we move through our modern world, the phenomenon we call knowledge is always involved. Whether we talk of know-how, technology, innovation, politics or education, it is the concept of knowledge that ties them all together. But despite its ubiquity as a modern trope we seldom encounter knowledge in itself. How is it produced, where does it reside, and who owns it? Is knowledge always beneficial, will we know all there is to know at some point in the future, and does knowledge really equal power? This book pursues an original approach to this concept that seems to define so many aspects of modern societies. It explores the topic from a distinctly sociological perspective, and traces the many ways that knowledge is woven into the very fabric of modern society.

Knowledge: Is Knowledge Power? (Key Ideas)

by Nico Stehr Marian Adolf

As we move through our modern world, the phenomenon we call knowledge is always involved. Whether we talk of know-how, technology, innovation, politics or education, it is the concept of knowledge that ties them all together. But despite its ubiquity as a modern trope we seldom encounter knowledge in itself. How is it produced, where does it reside, and who owns it? Is knowledge always beneficial, will we know all there is to know at some point in the future, and does knowledge really equal power? This book pursues an original approach to this concept that seems to define so many aspects of modern societies. It explores the topic from a distinctly sociological perspective, and traces the many ways that knowledge is woven into the very fabric of modern society.

Modern German Sociology (Routledge Revivals)

by Nico Stehr Volker Meja Dieter Misgeld

Originally published in 1987 Modern German Sociology is a collection of essays containing sociological work published in German since World War II. Included are sections from such out-standing figures as Theodor Adorno, Alexander Mitscherlich, Jürgen Habermas, Niklas Luhmann, and Ralf Darendorf. The editors have arranged the essays into five sections that express their view of the chief aspects of modern German sociology and have written a helpful introduction to each section.

Die Wissenschaft in der Gesellschaft: Klima, Klimawandel und Klimapolitik

by Nico Stehr Hans von Storch

Als die Autoren – über die Grenzen zweier Wissenschaftskulturen hinweg – Anfang der 90er Jahre begannen, über die wissenschaftliche und populäre Wahrnehmung und Konstruktion des Phänomens Klima, Klimawandel, Klimapolitik und die Auswirkungen des Klimas auf die Gesellschaft nachzudenken, stießen sie auf erheblichen Widerstand, insbesondere als sie über die dringende Notwendigkeit einer gesellschaftlichen Anpassung an den Klimawandel schrieben. Die Autoren sehen sich als Pioniere in diesem Politikfeld. Viele, wenn nicht die meisten Maßnahmen für den Klimaschutz und gegen die Klimafolgen erfordern die Innovationskraft aller Wissenschaften und der Technik. Die künftige Umsetzung wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse in der Klimapolitik ist Schlüssel des erfolgreichen Umgangs der Gesellschaft mit den Folgen des Klimawandels. Dies geschieht jedoch nicht automatisch. Die Umsetzung von Wissenschaft in die Gesellschaft unterliegt ökonomischen, politischen und kulturellen Zwängen, und kann insbesondere durch den Mehrwert interdisziplinärer Zusammenarbeit von Wissenschaftlern, wie sie in diesem Band praktiziert wird, erreicht werden.

Money: A Theory of Modern Society

by Nico Stehr Dustin Voss

Since the publication of Georg Simmel’s Philosophy of Money more than a century ago, social science has primarily considered money a medium of exchange. This new book treats money as a more inclusive social concept that has profoundly influenced the emergence of modern society. Money is also a moral and political category. It communicates prices and thus embodies innumerable evaluations and judgments of objects and services, of social relationships and associations. At the same time, modern societies are undergoing fundamental transformations in which money assumes an ever-important role, while banking and financial services constitute the new primary sector of modern service economies. In this book, the authors trace the transformational scope of monetarization and financialization along the four classical productive forces—land, capital, labor, and knowledge—and evaluate the consequences of an irrepressible urge to quantify and monetarize almost everything social. What happens to a society in which the tangible products of the real economy lose their preeminent status, and everything is judged purely according to its economic value? The authors identify an increasing disconnect between market prices and social values with serious social, political, economic, and environmental consequences.

Money: A Theory of Modern Society

by Nico Stehr Dustin Voss

Since the publication of Georg Simmel’s Philosophy of Money more than a century ago, social science has primarily considered money a medium of exchange. This new book treats money as a more inclusive social concept that has profoundly influenced the emergence of modern society. Money is also a moral and political category. It communicates prices and thus embodies innumerable evaluations and judgments of objects and services, of social relationships and associations. At the same time, modern societies are undergoing fundamental transformations in which money assumes an ever-important role, while banking and financial services constitute the new primary sector of modern service economies. In this book, the authors trace the transformational scope of monetarization and financialization along the four classical productive forces—land, capital, labor, and knowledge—and evaluate the consequences of an irrepressible urge to quantify and monetarize almost everything social. What happens to a society in which the tangible products of the real economy lose their preeminent status, and everything is judged purely according to its economic value? The authors identify an increasing disconnect between market prices and social values with serious social, political, economic, and environmental consequences.

The Fragility of Modern Societies: Knowledge and Risk in the Information Age (PDF)

by Professor Nico Stehr

This book argues that knowledge is now central to the modern economy and its productive processes. It is also essential for social relations, social cohesion and conflict resolution. We have moved from a society based around heavy commodities to symbolic goods, from situated markets to non-place-specific locations, from machines to software and from things to ideas. These changes produce new forms of social interaction and new perspectives on identity, practice and association. This penetrating book slices through the cliches and blind alleys of discussions around the knowledge society to reveal the tendons of contemporary change. Written with insight and panache the book explains the momentous nature of the changes associated with the knowledge society.

Präsentismus als Selbstgefährdung: Gesundheitliche und leistungsbezogene Auswirkungen des Verhaltens, krank zu arbeiten (Gesundheitspsychologie)

by Corinna Steidelmüller

Corinna Steidelmüller untersucht zum einen den Einfluss von Präsentismus auf die Gesundheit und die Arbeitsleistung und vergleicht zum anderen verschiedene Arten der Messung von Präsentismus. Die Ergebnisse zweier Längsschnittstudien deuten darauf hin, dass Präsentismus als Strategie zur Aufrechterhaltung der Leistung (performance protection strategy) genutzt werden kann, was allerdings zulasten der eigenen Gesundheit geht. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen gibt die Autorin Empfehlungen für die Messung von Präsentismus.

Public Policy Analytics: Code and Context for Data Science in Government (Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Science Series)

by Ken Steif

Public Policy Analytics: Code & Context for Data Science in Government teaches readers how to address complex public policy problems with data and analytics using reproducible methods in R. Each of the eight chapters provides a detailed case study, showing readers: how to develop exploratory indicators; understand ‘spatial process’ and develop spatial analytics; how to develop ‘useful’ predictive analytics; how to convey these outputs to non-technical decision-makers through the medium of data visualization; and why, ultimately, data science and ‘Planning’ are one and the same. A graduate-level introduction to data science, this book will appeal to researchers and data scientists at the intersection of data analytics and public policy, as well as readers who wish to understand how algorithms will affect the future of government.

Public Policy Analytics: Code and Context for Data Science in Government (Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Science Series)

by Ken Steif

Public Policy Analytics: Code & Context for Data Science in Government teaches readers how to address complex public policy problems with data and analytics using reproducible methods in R. Each of the eight chapters provides a detailed case study, showing readers: how to develop exploratory indicators; understand ‘spatial process’ and develop spatial analytics; how to develop ‘useful’ predictive analytics; how to convey these outputs to non-technical decision-makers through the medium of data visualization; and why, ultimately, data science and ‘Planning’ are one and the same. A graduate-level introduction to data science, this book will appeal to researchers and data scientists at the intersection of data analytics and public policy, as well as readers who wish to understand how algorithms will affect the future of government.

The Places Where Community Is Practiced: How Store Owners and Their Businesses Build Neighborhood Social Life (Stadt, Raum und Gesellschaft)

by Anna Steigemann

In this open access publication, the social cohesion of urban neighborhoods and their residents is examined, which is often viewed as vulnerable since increased mobility, individualization, wider socio-economic and demographic changes have fundamentally altered the basis for everyday social interaction in urban neighborhoods. Anna Steigemann gives scholarly attention to the concrete places where neighborly interactions still take place and to how these interactions affect local community building. She illuminates and explores the ordinary everyday interactions and social practices in and around shops and gastronomic facilities on a shopping street in Berlin-Neukölln, revealing how these businesses are important places where community is practiced, but also why they are increasingly threatened by commercial and residential gentrification.

Handbuch Angewandte Psychologie für Führungskräfte: Führungskompetenz und Führungswissen

by Thomas M. Steiger Eric Lippmann

Führungskräfte müssen in unserer globalisierten, dynamischen und von neuen Medien geprägten Arbeitswelt über ein extrem breites Handlungsrepertoire verfügen. Mehr denn je kann heute psychologisches Know-how dabei helfen, den wachsenden Herausforderungen gerecht zu werden, denn Führen heißt: mit Menschen arbeiten, Interaktionen zielgerichtet und kooperativ managen, Einfluss nehmen, Komplexität bewältigen und nicht zuletzt die eigene Führungsrolle aktiv gestalten. Das erfolgreiche Handbuch für Praktiker von Thomas Steiger und Eric Lippmann fasst das gesamte, für Führungskräfte aller Ebenen relevante Wissen der Psychologie in einem Werk zusammen und ist, nun schon in der 4. Auflage, ein bewährter Wegweiser in allen Führungssituationen, wie ein Blick auf die Themen des Buches zeigt: Leistungsbeeinflussung, Führung der eigenen Person, Kommunikation, Teamführung, Recruiting, Personalentwicklung, Motivation, Projektmanagement, Change Management, Konfliktmanagement, Coaching u.v.m. Auch zeitaktuelle Themen wie Managing Diversity, Virtuelle Führung, Storytelling, Networking u.a. sind enthalten.Eine sorgfältige didaktische Aufbereitung des Textes mit Checklisten, Fallbeispielen, Leitfragen, Arbeitsblättern u.a. erleichtert das Lesen.Herausgeber und Autoren sind erfahrene Praktiker in der Führungskräfteentwicklung und Dozenten am renommierten IAP Institut für Angewandte Psychologie in Zürich.

Snipers, Shills, and Sharks: eBay and Human Behavior

by Ken Steiglitz

Every day on eBay, millions of people buy and sell a vast array of goods, from rare collectibles and antiques to used cars and celebrity memorabilia. The internet auction site is remarkably easy to use, which accounts in part for its huge popularity. But how does eBay really work, and how does it compare to other kinds of auctions? These are questions that led Ken Steiglitz--computer scientist, collector of ancient coins, and a regular eBay user--to examine the site through the revealing lens of auction theory. The result is this book, in which Steiglitz shows us how human behaviors in open markets like eBay can be substantially more complex than those predicted by standard economic theory. In these pages we meet the sniper who outbids you in an auction's closing seconds, the early bidder who treats eBay as if it were an old-fashioned outcry auction, the shill who bids in league with the seller to artificially inflate the price--and other characters as well. Steiglitz guides readers through the fascinating history of auctions, how they functioned in the past and how they work today in online venues like eBay. Drawing on cutting-edge economics as well as his own stories from eBay, he reveals practical auction strategies and introduces readers to the fundamentals of auction theory and the mathematics behind eBay. Complete with exercises and a detailed appendix, this book is a must for sophisticated users of online auctions, and essential reading for students seeking an accessible introduction to the study of auction theory.

Corporate Social Hypocrisy: CSR in the Era of Global Crises (Routledge Advances in Management and Business Studies)

by Dalia Steimikiene Asta Mikalauskienė Gabija Stanislovaitytė

Many new challenges including competitiveness are emerging for sustainable business during this era of disruption. This book analyses these challenges to sustainable development and growth and addresses the impact of corporate social responsibility on the competitiveness of organisations. The authors analyze the major challenges for competitiveness of sustainable business in the COVID-19 era, taking into account a new business environment amid major global risks and uncertainties linked to climate change, pandemics, Russian-Ukrainian war, and intuitions of forthcoming new world economic crisis. The monograph consists of five parts: 1) sustainable development goals and the role of business; 2) climate change, COVID-19, fragile political situation, and business; 3) corporate social responsibility and corporate social hypocrisy; 4) corporate social responsibility, corporate social hypocrisy, and competitiveness of business; and 5) case study on the impact of corporate social responsibility on competitiveness with the impediments of corporate social hypocrisy. The book presents new insights in assessing the impact of CSR on competitiveness of companies with the impediments of corporate social hypocrisy. The developed framework and case study allows to develop valuable policy and managerial implications for sustainable business and engagements in corporate social responsibility as well as to show the danger of corporate social hypocrisy for competitiveness. This book will be of value to researchers, academics, and students in the fields of corporate social responsibility, organizational management, business ethics, and responsible business.

Corporate Social Hypocrisy: CSR in the Era of Global Crises (Routledge Advances in Management and Business Studies)

by Dalia Steimikiene Asta Mikalauskienė Gabija Stanislovaitytė

Many new challenges including competitiveness are emerging for sustainable business during this era of disruption. This book analyses these challenges to sustainable development and growth and addresses the impact of corporate social responsibility on the competitiveness of organisations. The authors analyze the major challenges for competitiveness of sustainable business in the COVID-19 era, taking into account a new business environment amid major global risks and uncertainties linked to climate change, pandemics, Russian-Ukrainian war, and intuitions of forthcoming new world economic crisis. The monograph consists of five parts: 1) sustainable development goals and the role of business; 2) climate change, COVID-19, fragile political situation, and business; 3) corporate social responsibility and corporate social hypocrisy; 4) corporate social responsibility, corporate social hypocrisy, and competitiveness of business; and 5) case study on the impact of corporate social responsibility on competitiveness with the impediments of corporate social hypocrisy. The book presents new insights in assessing the impact of CSR on competitiveness of companies with the impediments of corporate social hypocrisy. The developed framework and case study allows to develop valuable policy and managerial implications for sustainable business and engagements in corporate social responsibility as well as to show the danger of corporate social hypocrisy for competitiveness. This book will be of value to researchers, academics, and students in the fields of corporate social responsibility, organizational management, business ethics, and responsible business.

Kloster und Abt.: Nach Walter Scott für die reifere Jugend

by Adam Stein

Terror, Love and Brainwashing: Attachment in Cults and Totalitarian Systems

by Alexandra Stein

Written by a cult survivor and renowned expert on cults and totalitarianism, Terror, Love and Brainwashing draws on the author’s 25 years of study and research to explain how almost anyone, given the right set of circumstances, can be radically manipulated to engage in otherwise incomprehensible and often dangerous acts. Illustrated with compelling stories from a range of cults and totalitarian systems, from religious to political to commercial, the book defines and analyses the common and identifiable traits that underlie almost all these groups. It focuses on how charismatic, authoritarian leaders control their followers’ attachment relationships via manipulative social structures and ideologies so that, emotionally and cognitively isolated, they become unable to act in their own survival interests. Using the evolutionary theory of attachment to demonstrate the psychological impact of these environments, and incorporating the latest neuroscientific findings, Stein illustrates how the combined dynamic of terror and ‘love’ works to break down people’s ability to think and behave rationally. From small local cults to global players like ISIS and North Korea, the impact of these movements is widespread and growing. This important book offers clarity and a unique perspective on the dynamics of these systems of control, and concludes with guidance to foster greater awareness and prevention. It will be essential reading for mental health professionals in the field, as well as policy makers, legal professionals, cult survivors, and their families, as well as anyone with an interest in these disturbing groups. Students of social and developmental psychology will also find it fascinating.

Terror, Love and Brainwashing: Attachment in Cults and Totalitarian Systems

by Alexandra Stein

Written by a cult survivor and renowned expert on cults and totalitarianism, Terror, Love and Brainwashing draws on the author’s 25 years of study and research to explain how almost anyone, given the right set of circumstances, can be radically manipulated to engage in otherwise incomprehensible and often dangerous acts. Illustrated with compelling stories from a range of cults and totalitarian systems, from religious to political to commercial, the book defines and analyses the common and identifiable traits that underlie almost all these groups. It focuses on how charismatic, authoritarian leaders control their followers’ attachment relationships via manipulative social structures and ideologies so that, emotionally and cognitively isolated, they become unable to act in their own survival interests. Using the evolutionary theory of attachment to demonstrate the psychological impact of these environments, and incorporating the latest neuroscientific findings, Stein illustrates how the combined dynamic of terror and ‘love’ works to break down people’s ability to think and behave rationally. From small local cults to global players like ISIS and North Korea, the impact of these movements is widespread and growing. This important book offers clarity and a unique perspective on the dynamics of these systems of control, and concludes with guidance to foster greater awareness and prevention. It will be essential reading for mental health professionals in the field, as well as policy makers, legal professionals, cult survivors, and their families, as well as anyone with an interest in these disturbing groups. Students of social and developmental psychology will also find it fascinating.

Terror, Love and Brainwashing: Attachment in Cults and Totalitarian Systems

by Alexandra Stein

This book explains how people can be radically manipulated by extreme groups and leaders to engage in incomprehensible and often dangerous acts through psychologically isolating situations of extreme social influence. These methods are used in totalitarian states, terrorist groups and cults, as well as in controlling personal relationships. Illustrated with compelling stories from a range of cults and totalitarian systems, Stein's book defines and analyses the common identifiable traits that underlie these groups, emphasizing the importance of maintaining open yet supportive personal networks. Using original attachment theory-based research this book highlights the dangers of closed, isolating relationships and the closed belief systems that justify them, and demonstrates the psychological impact of these environments, ending with evidence-based recommendations to support an educational approach to awareness and prevention. Featuring a foreword by John Horgan, the new edition has been fully updated to include recent work on political extremism and radicalization and totalitarian systems, as well as the recent highly publicized NXIVM case. Terror, Love and Brainwashing, second edition is essential reading for professionals, policy makers, legal professionals, educators and cult survivors and their families themselves.

Terror, Love and Brainwashing: Attachment in Cults and Totalitarian Systems

by Alexandra Stein

This book explains how people can be radically manipulated by extreme groups and leaders to engage in incomprehensible and often dangerous acts through psychologically isolating situations of extreme social influence. These methods are used in totalitarian states, terrorist groups and cults, as well as in controlling personal relationships. Illustrated with compelling stories from a range of cults and totalitarian systems, Stein's book defines and analyses the common identifiable traits that underlie these groups, emphasizing the importance of maintaining open yet supportive personal networks. Using original attachment theory-based research this book highlights the dangers of closed, isolating relationships and the closed belief systems that justify them, and demonstrates the psychological impact of these environments, ending with evidence-based recommendations to support an educational approach to awareness and prevention. Featuring a foreword by John Horgan, the new edition has been fully updated to include recent work on political extremism and radicalization and totalitarian systems, as well as the recent highly publicized NXIVM case. Terror, Love and Brainwashing, second edition is essential reading for professionals, policy makers, legal professionals, educators and cult survivors and their families themselves.

Going Public: A Guide for Social Scientists (Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing)

by Arlene Stein Jessie Daniels

At a time when policy discussions are dominated by “I feel” instead of “I know,” it is more important than ever for social scientists to make themselves heard. When those who possess in-depth training and expertise are excluded from public debates about pressing social issues—such as climate change, the prison system, or healthcare—vested interests can sway public opinion in uninformed ways. Yet few graduate students, researchers, or faculty know how to do this kind of work—or feel empowered to do it. While there has been an increasing call for social scientists to engage more broadly with the public, concrete advice for starting the conversation has been in short supply. Arlene Stein and Jessie Daniels seek to change this with Going Public, the first guide that truly explains how to be a public scholar. They offer guidance on writing beyond the academy, including how to get started with op-eds and articles and later how to write books that appeal to general audiences. They then turn to the digital realm with strategies for successfully building an online presence, cultivating an audience, and navigating the unique challenges of digital world. They also address some of the challenges facing those who go public, including the pervasive view that anything less than scholarly writing isn’t serious and the stigma that one’s work might be dubbed “journalistic.” Going Public shows that by connecting with experts, policymakers, journalists, and laypeople, social scientists can actually make their own work stronger. And by learning to effectively add their voices to the conversation, researchers can help make sure that their knowledge is truly heard above the digital din.

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