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The EU Law Enforcement Directive (LED): A Commentary

by Eleni Kosta Franziska Boehm

The Law Enforcement Directive 2016/680 (LED) is the first legal instrument in the EU which comprehensively regulates the use of personal data by law enforcement authorities, creating a minimum standard of privacy protection across the EU. Together with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), it stands at the heart of the legal reform of the EU's data protection law. Although it was adopted at the same time as the GDPR, the LED has not received the same scholarly attention, despite its significant impact and controversial implementation in Member States. The EU Law Enforcement Directive (LED): A Commentary addresses this by providing an article-by-article commentary on the Directive. Drawing on the expertise of leading scholars, regulators, and practitioners in the EU data protection field, it offers a detailed analysis of its legal provisions, drawing on relevant case law and scholarship to illuminate the key aspects and intricacies of each provision. It analyses national transpositions of the LED while taking into account the GDPR and the regulations on the processing of personal data by EU institutions, bodies, offices and agencies. For further context, it includes introductory chapters on the background and evolution of the Directive, the Council of Europe, and the impact of Brexit on the LED. This comprehensive volume is an excellent resource for anyone seeking authoritative guidance on the application and interpretation of LED provisions, especially judges, legal practitioners, prosecutors, competent authorities, and academics.

The EU Law Enforcement Directive (LED): A Commentary

by Eleni Kosta Franziska Boehm

The Law Enforcement Directive 2016/680 (LED) is the first legal instrument in the EU which comprehensively regulates the use of personal data by law enforcement authorities, creating a minimum standard of privacy protection across the EU. Together with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), it stands at the heart of the legal reform of the EU's data protection law. Although it was adopted at the same time as the GDPR, the LED has not received the same scholarly attention, despite its significant impact and controversial implementation in Member States. The EU Law Enforcement Directive (LED): A Commentary addresses this by providing an article-by-article commentary on the Directive. Drawing on the expertise of leading scholars, regulators, and practitioners in the EU data protection field, it offers a detailed analysis of its legal provisions, drawing on relevant case law and scholarship to illuminate the key aspects and intricacies of each provision. It analyses national transpositions of the LED while taking into account the GDPR and the regulations on the processing of personal data by EU institutions, bodies, offices and agencies. For further context, it includes introductory chapters on the background and evolution of the Directive, the Council of Europe, and the impact of Brexit on the LED. This comprehensive volume is an excellent resource for anyone seeking authoritative guidance on the application and interpretation of LED provisions, especially judges, legal practitioners, prosecutors, competent authorities, and academics.

EU Telecommunications Law (Elgar European Law series)

by Andrej Savin

EU Telecommunications Law provides a comprehensive overview of the current European regulatory framework as it applies to telecommunications and examines the challenges facing regulators in this sector. Key chapters focus on the selection of appropriate regulatory models that serve to encourage effective investment in next-generation networks and ensure their successful deployment. Andrej Savin provides an up to date overview of all the relevant sources which relate to EU telecoms regulation, guiding the reader through these disparate materials in a simple and systematised way. In particular, the book provides analysis of the 2016 proposal for a European Electronic Communications Code (EECC). Using the 2009 Regulatory Framework on electronic communications as a basis the author analyses each of the 2009 framework’s five main directives, comparing them with the changes proposed in the EECC. Providing a comprehensive introduction to the main areas of EU telecoms regulation, this book will be of great value to telecoms and IT lawyers. It will also appeal to academics carrying out research in IT law or competition law as it relates to IT and telecoms.

The Euro Crisis in the Press: Political Debate in Germany, Poland, and the United Kingdom

by Katarzyna Sobieraj

This book offers a comparative study of the political debate on the Euro crisis in the press. In the tradition of Critical Discourse Analysis, it investigates the ways in which discourse produces and reproduces social domination, and demystifies the hegemony of specific discourses. Combining quantitative content-based and qualitative text-based analyses, the book examines the discursive constructions of the crisis in a selection of broadsheet newspapers in Germany, Poland, and the UK, and discloses their ideological foundations. The analysis of the representations of the crisis, social actors and their agency, and legitimating strategies, including the use of metaphors, demonstrates how neoliberalism determined the hegemonic discourse on the Euro crisis. It resulted in ideologically biased discursive constructions that created and legitimised an image of non-agentic social change. The book will appeal to an international audience of discourse and media studies. It will be of interest to university teachers, graduate and undergraduate students and researchers of international and comparative media studies, political communication, linguistics, and politics.

Eurocentrism, Qurʾanic Translation and Decoloniality (Routledge Studies in Arabic Translation)

by Ahd Othman

Eurocentrism, Qurʾanic Translation and Decoloniality contributes to the understanding of Eurocentrism in Translation Studies and engages with the concept through the lens of scholarship on Arabic and Qurʾan translation.This book calls for a deeper consideration of Eurocentrism as essential for several debates in the discipline, including its scientific character and future development. It claims that the angle of Arabic and Qurʾan translation is a valuable – and nearly unexploited – area where tensions in translation scholarship can play out in revealing ways. The book also draws connections between Eurocentrism, Qurʾan translation and decolonial thought in order to highlight ‘decoloniality’ as a useful framework for imagining a post-Eurocentric discipline.The book will appeal to scholars and postgraduate students and researchers interested in Translation Studies, particularly within the areas of Arabic, Qurʾanic, Islamic and religious translation.

Eurocentrism, Qurʾanic Translation and Decoloniality (Routledge Studies in Arabic Translation)

by Ahd Othman

Eurocentrism, Qurʾanic Translation and Decoloniality contributes to the understanding of Eurocentrism in Translation Studies and engages with the concept through the lens of scholarship on Arabic and Qurʾan translation.This book calls for a deeper consideration of Eurocentrism as essential for several debates in the discipline, including its scientific character and future development. It claims that the angle of Arabic and Qurʾan translation is a valuable – and nearly unexploited – area where tensions in translation scholarship can play out in revealing ways. The book also draws connections between Eurocentrism, Qurʾan translation and decolonial thought in order to highlight ‘decoloniality’ as a useful framework for imagining a post-Eurocentric discipline.The book will appeal to scholars and postgraduate students and researchers interested in Translation Studies, particularly within the areas of Arabic, Qurʾanic, Islamic and religious translation.

Eurocode ’92: International Symposium on Coding Theory and Applications (CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences #339)

by P. Camion P. Charpin S. Harari

This book is made of the proceedings of EUROCODE 1992 which was held in Udine (Italy) at the CISM, October 27 - 30, 1992. EUROCODE ’92 is a continuation as well as an extension of the previous colloquia Trois Journèes sur le codage and EUROCODE ’90, whose proceedings appeared as Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Volumes 388 and 514). The aim of EUROCODE ’92 was to attract high level research papers and to encourage interchange of ideas among the areas of coding theory and related fields which share the same tools for applications in the science of communications, theoretical computer science, software engineering and mathematics. Then the book is characterized by a very broad spectrum, ranging from combinatories or algebraic geometry to implementation of coding algorithms. There were about 90 participants to the conference, from the academic and industrial worlds; 53 conferences were selected. The submitted full-papers were separately refereed for publication by at least two international referees.

Europäische Identität und ihre Bedeutung für den Dolmetscher (Edition KWV)

by Frederike Strunk

Die Auseinandersetzung mit der Frage, was Europa ausmacht, greift beständig auf jahrhundertealte Denkmuster zurück. Anhand unterschiedlicher Texte aus Geschichte und Gegenwart beschreibt dieses Buch die Entwicklung einer europäischen Identität, die sich nicht nur an den Grenzen der Europäischen Union orientiert. Die eigene Verortung von Menschen in Europa wird am Beispiel dreier Länder – der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, des Vereinigten Königreichs und der Russischen Föderation – gezeigt, die Wahrnehmung Anderer als Europäer anhand der Grenze Europas im Osten. Die Konstruktion von Osteuropa auf der mentalen Landkarte der Europäer ist dabei ein Beispiel für die Gestaltung von Realität allein durch Kommunikation. Identität als Prozess und Gegenstand fortwährender sozialer Konstruktion wird insbesondere durch den sprachlichen Diskurs bestimmt. Der Dolmetscher als Vermittler von Kommunikation unterstützt daher auch die Vermittlung europäischer Identität. Das Buch wendet sich an Studenten der Übersetzungs- und Dolmetschwissenschaften sowie Interessierte, die sich einen Überblick über die Entwicklung des Selbstbildes der Europäer verschaffen möchten.

Europäische Öffentlichkeit durch Öffentlichkeitsarbeit?: Die Informationspolitik der Europäischen Kommission (Medien • Kultur • Kommunikation)

by Michael Brüggemann

Ausgangspunkt dieses Buches ist das Vermittlungsproblem EU: Die europäische Integration ist ein Elitenprojekt geblieben, dem viele Bürger mit Unverständnis begegnen. Abhilfe wird von der Entwicklung einer europäischen Öffentlichkeit erwartet. Die Genese eines solchen Kommunikationsforums zwischen Bürgern und EU zu fördern ist daher erklärtes Ziel der EU-Kommission. Sie begreift Kommunikation als den Gegenstand einer neu zu entwickelnden Policy. Europäische Öffentlichkeit durch Öffentlichkeitsarbeit? Michael Brüggemann hat Ansprüche und Realitäten der neuen Informationspolitik der EU-Kommission gegenübergestellt und erklärt die Diskrepanz. Er entwickelt ein aussagekräftiges Konzept von Informationspolitik und schlägt eine Brücke zu normativ anspruchsvollen Modellen von Öffentlichkeit.

Europäische Öffentlichkeit und medialer Wandel: Eine transdisziplinäre Perspektive

by Wolfgang Langenbucher Michael Latzer

Wie eine europäische Öffentlichkeit idealtypisch aussehen soll, wie sie entsteht, auf welcher Stufe des Weges sich Europa derzeit befindet und welche strukturellen Hindernisse es zu überwinden gilt, sind zentrale Fragen für die Weiterentwicklung europäischer Demokratie und Integration. Das vorliegende Buch bietet Antworten auf diese Fragen und analysiert die Rolle der Nachrichtenmedien und deren Wandel im Prozess der Europäisierung von Öffentlichkeit. 22 Beiträge vermitteln den Stand der theoretischen und empirischen europäischen Öffentlichkeitsforschung aus transdisziplinärer Perspektive.

Europäischer Journalismus: Theorie und Empirie aktueller Medienkommunikation in der Europäischen Union

by Holger Sievert

Der Band vergleicht im theoretischen Teil - aufbauend auf aktuelle internationale systemtheoretische und konstruktivistische Konzepte - ausführlich die allgemeinen Rahmenbedingungen journalistischer Kommunikation in den EU-Mitgliedsländern. Der empirische Teil nimmt erstmals eine umfangreiche Inhaltsanalyse ausgewählter Print-Nachrichtenmagazine aus zahlreichen EU-Staaten vor, wobei ein besonderer Schwerpunkt auf die Berichterstattung über die Union und ihre Institutionen gelegt wird. Darauf aufbauend wird ein Konzept einer differenzierten kommunikativen Integration auf europäischer Ebene formuliert und seine Notwendigkeit begründet. "(...) Die Studie gibt ein genaues, sehr aufschlußreiches Bild davon, wie die jeweiligen nationalen Eliten ihre Nachbarländer und Europa wahrnehmen. (...)" sage & schreibe 6/98

Europawahl 2004: Die Massenmedien im Europawahlkampf

by Christina Holtz-Bacha

Obwohl das Europäische Parlament das einzige EU-Organ mit unmittelbarer demokratischer Legitimation darstellt, ist es bis heute nicht gelungen, die Europawahl als ein wichtiges Ereignis im Bewusstsein der europäischen Wählerschaft zu verankern. Europawahlen gelten nach wie vor als Second-order elections, und zwar nicht nur im Bewußtsein der Wählerinnen und Wähler, sondern auch bei den politischen Akteuren und den Medien, und diese beeinflussen sich in dieser Hinsicht auch wechselseitig. Die sechste Direktwahl zum Europäischen Parlament im Jahr 2004 stand jedoch unter besonderen Vorzeichen, weil sie kurz nach dem Beitritt von zehn neuen Mitgliedstaaten stattfand. Dieses Buch versammelt Beiträge, die Befunde aus Untersuchungen zum Europawahlkampf in und mit den Medien präsentieren.

Europawahlkampf 2014: Internationale Studien zur Rolle der Medien

by Christina Holtz-Bacha

Dieses Buch versammelt deutsch- und englischsprachige Beiträge, die Befunde aus Untersuchungen zum Europawahlkampf in und mit traditionellen und neuen Medien präsentieren​.​ Ende Mai 2014 fand zum achten Mal die Direktwahl zum Europäischen Parlament statt. In 28 EU-Mitgliedstaaten wurde gleichzeitig gewählt. Mit dem Erstarken populistischer und EU-kritischer Parteien, ausgelöst nicht zuletzt durch die jahrelange Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise, erhielt die Wahl ihre besondere Spannung. Neu war zudem die Nominierung europäischer Spitzenkandidatinnen und ‑kandidaten durch die Parteienfamilien, die damit auch als Bewerber für das Amt des Kommissionspräsidenten antraten. Ein Dreivierteljahr nach der Bundestagswahl war die Europawahl in Deutschland auch ein erster Test für die Große Koalition.

Europawahlkampf 2019: Zur Rolle der Medien

by Christina Holtz-Bacha

Der Band versammelt Beiträge, die Befunde aus Untersuchungen zum Europawahlkampf 2019 in und mit den traditionellen und den neuen Medien präsentieren. In Anbetracht des Erstarkens rechtspopulistischer Parteien und des Nationalismus galt die Europawahl 2019 als Schicksalswahl für Europa, was für den Wahlkampf ein besonderes Engagement auf Seiten der Politik wie auch der Medien erwarten ließ. Gegenüber dem Europawahlkampf 2014 kam zudem den sozialen Netzwerken gesteigerte Bedeutung zu, die den politischen Akteuren ein zusätzliches Kampagneninstrument bieten, aber auch den Wahlkampf abseits der öffentlichen Beobachtung ermöglichen.

Europe in the Media: A Comparison of Reporting, Representation, and Rhetoric in National Media Systems in Europe (European Institute for the Media Series)

by Deirdre Kevin

Europe in the Media draws together the results of several research projects that examined media coverage of European political and cultural affairs and media representations of Europe. The book attempts to outline some of the important debates regarding European integration and to describe the media landscape in which these debates are informed, reflected, and facilitated. The research presented sought to answer several questions, namely the role of the media in the democratic process at the European level and the extent to which the media contributes to and reflects the process of European integration. The book provides a wide scope of comparative analysis, allowing for an extremely interesting overview of the way that national media systems in France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom approach the issue of European integration. Based on the news output of over 50 media outlets in eight countries, this book contains the original data gathered by experts during two 1-week monitoring periods, as well as data that was collected and coded by experts with reference to the programming of more than 12 major broadcasters in six countries. This volume addresses debates and analysis from the fields of political science in relation to the process of European integration, EU policymaking and public participation and opinion-formation. It also outlines relevant media theory regarding the relationships between the media and democracy, and the media and identity formation. In this way, the book provides a valuable link between these two separate fields of investigation in an area that is of increasing interest to academics, students, politicians, and journalists.

Europe in the Media: A Comparison of Reporting, Representation, and Rhetoric in National Media Systems in Europe (European Institute for the Media Series)

by Deirdre Kevin

Europe in the Media draws together the results of several research projects that examined media coverage of European political and cultural affairs and media representations of Europe. The book attempts to outline some of the important debates regarding European integration and to describe the media landscape in which these debates are informed, reflected, and facilitated. The research presented sought to answer several questions, namely the role of the media in the democratic process at the European level and the extent to which the media contributes to and reflects the process of European integration. The book provides a wide scope of comparative analysis, allowing for an extremely interesting overview of the way that national media systems in France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom approach the issue of European integration. Based on the news output of over 50 media outlets in eight countries, this book contains the original data gathered by experts during two 1-week monitoring periods, as well as data that was collected and coded by experts with reference to the programming of more than 12 major broadcasters in six countries. This volume addresses debates and analysis from the fields of political science in relation to the process of European integration, EU policymaking and public participation and opinion-formation. It also outlines relevant media theory regarding the relationships between the media and democracy, and the media and identity formation. In this way, the book provides a valuable link between these two separate fields of investigation in an area that is of increasing interest to academics, students, politicians, and journalists.

European Audiovisual Policy in Transition (Routledge Studies in Media and Cultural Industries)

by Heritiana Ranaivoson Sally Broughton Micova Tim Raats

This book describes and critically addresses the innovations and shifts made in the revision of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD) adopted by the European Parliament and Council in 2018. Reflecting on European Union regulation and policy practice in all its Member States, the book’s unique approach places in-depth case study topics against the broader theoretical background. Taking a Europe-wide angle, an international team of authors focuses on key aspects of the AVMSD: the expansion of its scope to include video-sharing-platforms such as YouTube; the update of the rules for commercial communications; the first attempt for harmonized, minimal requirements at EU level regarding transparency of media ownership; new rules to ensure that video-on-demand services offer, invest in, and prioritise European content; the obligation on television distributors and smart TV manufacturers to pass on broadcasters’ signal without any interference, alteration or modification; and, the formalisation and consolidation of new forms of collaboration among national regulatory authorities. This thorough analysis of the cornerstone of European media policy makes this edited collection a crucial reference for scholars and students of media and cultural industries, media law and policy, European and EU media policy, and technology studies.

European Audiovisual Policy in Transition (Routledge Studies in Media and Cultural Industries)

This book describes and critically addresses the innovations and shifts made in the revision of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD) adopted by the European Parliament and Council in 2018. Reflecting on European Union regulation and policy practice in all its Member States, the book’s unique approach places in-depth case study topics against the broader theoretical background. Taking a Europe-wide angle, an international team of authors focuses on key aspects of the AVMSD: the expansion of its scope to include video-sharing-platforms such as YouTube; the update of the rules for commercial communications; the first attempt for harmonized, minimal requirements at EU level regarding transparency of media ownership; new rules to ensure that video-on-demand services offer, invest in, and prioritise European content; the obligation on television distributors and smart TV manufacturers to pass on broadcasters’ signal without any interference, alteration or modification; and, the formalisation and consolidation of new forms of collaboration among national regulatory authorities. This thorough analysis of the cornerstone of European media policy makes this edited collection a crucial reference for scholars and students of media and cultural industries, media law and policy, European and EU media policy, and technology studies.

European Culture In The Great War: The Arts, Entertainment And Propaganda, 1914-1918 (PDF)

by Aviel Roshwald Richard Stites Paul Kennedy Antoine Prost Emmanuel Sivan Jay Winter

It is commonplace to refer to the First World War as an historical watershed, but the nature of that great cataclysm's impact upon European society and culture remains a hotly debated topic. Many recent works have dealt with the Great War's role in shaping artistic and intellectual modernism and with the social history of the war. Yet the English-language literature remains dominated by a disproportionate emphasis on the western European experience. This book redresses the balance by giving equal attention to the countries of eastern and central Europe, and distinguishes itself by focusing specifically on cultural change during the course of the war, as distinct from the after-effects and memories of the conflict.

The European Handbook Of Media Accountability (PDF)

by Tobias Eberwein Susanne Fengler Matthias Karmasin

In recent years, the Leveson Inquiry in Great Britain, as well as the EU High Level Group on Media Freedom and Pluralism, have stirred heated debates about media accountability and media self-regulation across Europe. How responsible are journalists? How well-developed are infrastructures of media self-regulation in the different European countries? How much commitment to media accountability is there in the media industry and how actively do media users become involved in the process of media criticism via social media? With contributions from leading scholars in the field of journalism and mass communication, this handbook brings together reports on the status quo of media accountability in all EU members states, as well as key countries close to Europe, such as Turkey and Israel. Each chapter provides an up-to-date overview of media accountability structures as well as a synopsis of relevant research, exploring the role of media accountability instruments in each national setting, including both media self-regulation (such as codes of ethics, press councils, ombudspersons) and new instruments that involve audiences and stakeholder groups (such as media blogs and user comment systems). A theoretically informed, cross-national comparative analysis of the state of media accountability in contemporary Europe, this handbook constitutes an invaluable basis for further research and policy-making and will appeal to students and scholars of media studies and journalism, as well as policy-makers and practitioners.

European Media in Crisis: Values, Risks and Policies (Routledge Studies in European Communication Research and Education)

by Josef Trappel Jeanette Steemers Barbara Thomass

When the financial markets collapsed in 2008, the media industry was affected by a major slump in advertising revenues, and a formerly highly successful business model fell into a state of decay. This economic crisis has threatened core social values of contemporary democracies, such as freedom, diversity and equality. Taking a normative and policy perspective, this book discusses threats and opportunities for the media industry in Europe: What are the implications of the crisis for professional journalism, the media industry, and the process of political communication? Can non- state and non-market actors profit from the crisis? And what are media policy answers at the national and European level?

European Media in Crisis: Values, Risks and Policies (Routledge Studies in European Communication Research and Education)

by Josef Trappel Jeanette Steemers Barbara Thomass

When the financial markets collapsed in 2008, the media industry was affected by a major slump in advertising revenues, and a formerly highly successful business model fell into a state of decay. This economic crisis has threatened core social values of contemporary democracies, such as freedom, diversity and equality. Taking a normative and policy perspective, this book discusses threats and opportunities for the media industry in Europe: What are the implications of the crisis for professional journalism, the media industry, and the process of political communication? Can non- state and non-market actors profit from the crisis? And what are media policy answers at the national and European level?

European Media Policy for the Twenty-First Century: Assessing the Past, Setting Agendas for the Future (Routledge Advances in Internationalizing Media Studies)

by Seamus Simpson Manuel Puppis Hilde Van Den Bulck

Media policy issues sit at the heart of the structure and functioning of media systems in Europe and beyond. This book brings together the work of a range of leading media policy scholars to provide inroads to a better understanding of how effective media policies can be developed to ensure a healthy communication sector that contributes to the wellbeing of individual citizens, as well as a more democratic society. Faced with a general atmosphere of disillusionment in the European project, one of the core questions tackled by the volume’s contributors is: what scope is there for European media policy that can exist beyond the national level? Uniquely, the volume’s chapters are structured around four key policy themes: media convergence; the continued role and position of public regulatory intervention in media policy; policy issues arising from the development of new electronic communication network environments; and lessons for European media policy from cases beyond the EU. In its chapters, the volume provides enriched understandings of the role and significance of policy actors, institutions, structures, instruments and processes in communication and media policy.

European Media Policy for the Twenty-First Century: Assessing the Past, Setting Agendas for the Future (Routledge Advances in Internationalizing Media Studies)

by Seamus Simpson Manuel Puppis Hilde Van den Bulck

Media policy issues sit at the heart of the structure and functioning of media systems in Europe and beyond. This book brings together the work of a range of leading media policy scholars to provide inroads to a better understanding of how effective media policies can be developed to ensure a healthy communication sector that contributes to the wellbeing of individual citizens, as well as a more democratic society. Faced with a general atmosphere of disillusionment in the European project, one of the core questions tackled by the volume’s contributors is: what scope is there for European media policy that can exist beyond the national level? Uniquely, the volume’s chapters are structured around four key policy themes: media convergence; the continued role and position of public regulatory intervention in media policy; policy issues arising from the development of new electronic communication network environments; and lessons for European media policy from cases beyond the EU. In its chapters, the volume provides enriched understandings of the role and significance of policy actors, institutions, structures, instruments and processes in communication and media policy.

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