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Showing 61,701 through 61,725 of 61,821 results

5000 Years of Geometry: Mathematics in History and Culture

by Christoph J. Scriba Peter Schreiber

The present volume provides a fascinating overview of geometrical ideas and perceptions from the earliest cultures to the mathematical and artistic concepts of the 20th century. It is the English translation of the 3rd edition of the well-received German book “5000 Jahre Geometrie,” in which geometry is presented as a chain of developments in cultural history and their interaction with architecture, the visual arts, philosophy, science and engineering.Geometry originated in the ancient cultures along the Indus and Nile Rivers and in Mesopotamia, experiencing its first “Golden Age” in Ancient Greece. Inspired by the Greek mathematics, a new germ of geometry blossomed in the Islamic civilizations. Through the Oriental influence on Spain, this knowledge later spread to Western Europe. Here, as part of the medieval Quadrivium, the understanding of geometry was deepened, leading to a revival during the Renaissance. Together with parallel achievements in India, China, Japan and the ancient American cultures, the European approaches formed the ideas and branches of geometry we know in the modern age: coordinate methods, analytical geometry, descriptive and projective geometry in the 17th an 18th centuries, axiom systems, geometry as a theory with multiple structures and geometry in computer sciences in the 19th and 20th centuries.Each chapter of the book starts with a table of key historical and cultural dates and ends with a summary of essential contents of geometry in the respective era. Compelling examples invite the reader to further explore the problems of geometry in ancient and modern times.The book will appeal to mathematicians interested in Geometry and to all readers with an interest in cultural history.From letters to the authors for the German language editionI hope it gets a translation, as there is no comparable work.Prof. J. Grattan-Guinness (Middlesex University London)"Five Thousand Years of Geometry" - I think it is the most handsome book I have ever seen from Springer and the inclusion of so many color plates really improves its appearance dramatically!Prof. J.W. Dauben (City University of New York)An excellent book in every respect. The authors have successfully combined the history of geometry with the general development of culture and history. …The graphic design is also excellent.Prof. Z. Nádenik (Czech Technical University in Prague)

50 Voices of Disbelief: Why We Are Atheists

by Russell Blackford Udo Sch00FCklenk

50 Voices of Disbelief: Why We Are Atheists presents a collection of original essays drawn from an international group of prominent voices in the fields of academia, science, literature, media and politics who offer carefully considered statements of why they are atheists. Features a truly international cast of contributors, ranging from public intellectuals such as Peter Singer, Susan Blackmore, and A.C. Grayling, novelists, such as Joe Haldeman, and heavyweight philosophers of religion, including Graham Oppy and Michael Tooley Contributions range from rigorous philosophical arguments to highly personal, even whimsical, accounts of how each of these notable thinkers have come to reject religion in their lives Likely to have broad appeal given the current public fascination with religious issues and the reception of such books as The God Delusion and The End of Faith

50 Voices of Disbelief: Why We Are Atheists

by Russell Blackford Udo Schüklenk

50 Voices of Disbelief: Why We Are Atheists presents a collection of original essays drawn from an international group of prominent voices in the fields of academia, science, literature, media and politics who offer carefully considered statements of why they are atheists. Features a truly international cast of contributors, ranging from public intellectuals such as Peter Singer, Susan Blackmore, and A.C. Grayling, novelists, such as Joe Haldeman, and heavyweight philosophers of religion, including Graham Oppy and Michael Tooley Contributions range from rigorous philosophical arguments to highly personal, even whimsical, accounts of how each of these notable thinkers have come to reject religion in their lives Likely to have broad appeal given the current public fascination with religious issues and the reception of such books as The God Delusion and The End of Faith

50 Schlüsselideen Philosophie

by Ben Dupré

Eine Entdeckungsreise durch die Welt der Erkenntnisse, Argumente und Schlussfolgerungen Haben Sie je nachts wachgelegen und darüber gegrübelt, inwiefern Sie sicher sein können, dass die Welt um uns herum real ist? Vielleicht sind wir ja bloß Gehirne ohne Körper, die unter der Regie einer fremden Macht in einer Nährflüssigkeit schwimmen? Mit solchen Gedankenspielen wären Sie jedenfalls nicht allein – vielmehr sogar in illustrer Gesellschaft. Denn diese und ähnliche Fragen – vom Schleier der Wahrnehmung bis zum Schiff des Theseus, vom Barbier-Paradoxon bis zu Ockhams Rasiermesser – sind über Jahrhunderte hinweg, von Platon bis Popper, Gegenstand philosophischer Überlegungen gewesen. In diesem anregenden Buch führt uns Ben Dupré in 50 leicht verständlichen Essays an die großen Probleme von Wissen, Bewusstsein, Identität, Ethik, Glauben, Gerechtigkeit, Sprache, Bedeutung und Ästhetik heran, mit denen sich berühmte Denker von der Zeit der Griechen bis zum heutigen Tag immer wieder auseinandergesetzt haben. 50 Schlüsselideen Philosophie macht schwierige Konzepte anschaulich, öffnet Zugänge in die philosophische Begriffswelt und räumt mit Missverständnissen auf. Für alle, die sich einen ersten Überblick über die westliche Philosophie verschaffen wollen, ist dieses Buch die perfekte Einführung. Das Gehirn im Tank Platons Höhle Der Schleier der Wahrnehmung Cogito ergo sum Verstand und Erfahrung Die dreiteilige Theorie des Wissens Das Leib-Seele-Problem Wie ist es, eine Fledermaus zu sein? Der Turing-Test Das Schiff des Theseus Der Geist der Anderen Humes Guillotine Des einen Freud … Die Theorie des Göttlichen Moralgebots Die Buh-Hurra-Theorie Die Zweck-Mittel-Debatte Die Erfahrungsmaschine Der Kategorische Imperativ Die Goldene Regel Handlungen und Unterlassungen Das Argument der Schiefen Ebene Über den Ruf der Pflicht hinaus Ist es (moralisch) schlecht, Pech zu haben? Tugendethik Fühlen Tiere Schmerzen? Haben Tiere Rechte? Argumentformen Das Barbier-Paradoxon Der Fehlschluss des Spielers Das Sorites-Paradoxon „Der König von Frankreich hat eine Glatze" Der Käfer in der Schachtel Wissenschaft und Pseudowissenschaft Paradigmenwechsel Ockhams Rasiermesser Was ist Kunst? Der intentionale Fehlschluss Der teleologische Gottesbeweis Der kosmologische Gottesbeweis Der ontologische Gottesbeweis Das Problem des Bösen Die Verteidigung der Willensfreiheit Glaube und Vernunft Positive und negative Freiheit Das Differenzprinzip Leviathan Das Gefangenendilemma Straftheorien Rettungsboot Erde Gerechter Krieg

50 Schlüsselideen Mathematik

by Tony Crilly

Dieser verständlich geschriebene Führer zur Gedankenwelt der Mathematik erklärt in kompakten und klaren Essays 50 zentrale Konzepte der Disziplin. Mit anschaulichen Grafiken, zahlreichen Beispiele und unterhaltsamen Anekdoten eröffnet das Buch auch denjenigen den Zugang, die ansonsten schon bei der bloßen Erwähnung des Wortes Mathematik in Panik geraten. Zu den näher erläuterten Schlüsselideen zählen imaginäre Zahlen, goldene Rechtecke und magische Quadrate ebenso wie die Gesetze der Genetik und das Geburtstagsproblem. Indem das Werk die Wissenschaft hinter den 50 entscheidenden Einsichten erkundet – vom Einfachen (wie der Zahl 1) über das Subtile (die Erfindung der Null) bis zum Komplexen (dem Beweis des Fermat’schen Theorems) –, verdeutlicht es auch, wie die Mathematik unsere Sicht auf die Welt verändert hat. Ohne die Erkenntnisse dieser Disziplin wären wir jedenfalls nicht dort, wo wir heute stehen. Mit diesem Buch können Sie mitreden.

50 Schlüsselideen Kunst

by Susie Hodge

Eine Entdeckungsreise durch die Epochen, Stile und Richtungen der Kunst - von der Höhlenmalerei bis zur GegenwartEin Besuch in einer Kunstgalerie kann einen überwältigen – eine erstaunliche Parade von rätselhaften Bildern, Gegenständen und Installationen, von Künstlern und Kunstrichtungen, die uns kaum einen klaren Blick dafür vermitteln, wie das, was da alles zusammenhängt, auch zusammenpasst. Die 50 Schlüsselideen Kunst helfen, den Überblick zu behalten. Für alle, die Schwierigkeiten haben, Degas von Dalí oder Monet von Mondrian zu unterscheiden, bietet dieser informative Ratgeber Hinweise auf 50 der wichtigsten und einflussreichsten Grundkonzepte in der Kunst – von den Ideen der alten Griechen bis zu solchen der Gegenwart. Aufgenommen sind dabei einerseits Stilepochen wie Barock, Renaissance, die niederländische Malerei des 17. Jahrhunderts, altägyptische Kunst oder klassische Antike, andererseits werden unterschiedliche Stilrichtungen betrachtet wie Romantik, Kubismus, Minimalismus, Surrealismus, Pop-Art, Konzeptkunst und Medienkunst. Die wichtigsten Schlüsselbegriffe werden in einem Glossar, das dem klaren, kompakten und auch kunstvollen Text von Susie Hodge beigegeben ist, sowie durch Mini-Essays und Kurzbiografien von epochemachenden Künstlern vertieft. Mit einer instruktiven Auswahl von Bildern, die beispielhaft Stilmerkmale und künstlerische Ideen zeigen, und mit einer übersichtlichen historischen Zeitleiste wird jede Kunstrichtung in ihren Kontext gestellt und insgesamt ein breiter Überblick über die weltweit bedeutendsten Entwicklungen von Kunst und Design vermittelt. Wem die künstlerische Ausdrucksweise jemals ein Rätsel war und wer sich einen groben Überblick verschaffen möchte, der wird bei diesem Buch voll auf seine Kosten kommen.

50 Schlüsselideen der Menschheit

by Ben Dupré

50 Schlüsselideen der Menschheit ist der perfekte Führer zu den wichtigsten Gedanken und Konzepten, die Menschen im Laufe der Jahrhunderte entwickelt haben. In fünfzig leicht verständlichen Essays führt uns Ben Dupré an die einflussreichsten Konzepte und Ideen in Politik, Philosophie, Religion, Wirtschaft, Naturwissenschaft und Kunst heran. Einige davon erscheinen unanfechtbar, andere hochkomplex, wieder andere mysteriös oder nachgerade gefährlich und verachtenswert. Allen gemeinsam ist, dass sie in der Geschichte der Menschheit eine bedeutsame Rolle gespielt und die menschliche Kultur tief geprägt haben.

50 Politics Classics: Your shortcut to the most important ideas on freedom, equality, and power

by Tom Butler Bowdon

What if you didn't have to read the 50 most important books on Politics to know the most important ideas?This is the thinking person's guide to the big political texts from across the centuries, from the original pioneers to the contemporary. With insightful commentary for each of the 50 books, key quotes and biographical information on the authors and a guide to further reading, 50 Politics Classics gives a unique overview of the political writings that shaped history and are still shaping minds today. From Abraham Lincoln to Nelson Mandela, and from Aristotle to George Orwell, 50 Politics Classics distils the essence of the books, pamphlets, and speeches of the major leaders and great thinkers that drive real-world change. Spanning 2,500 years, left and right, thinkers and doers, Tom Butler-Bowdon covers activists, war strategists, visionary leaders, economists, philosophers of freedom, feminists, conservatives and environmentalists, right up to contemporary leaders and thought leaders such as Barack Obama, Isobel Wilkerson and Michael Pillsbury. Whether you consider yourself to be conservative, liberal, socialist, or Marxist, this book gives you greater understanding of the key ideas that matter in our politically charged times.The revised edition will:· include 5-6 new contemporary classics from White Fragility to Why Nations Fail and leaders and thought leaders such as Barack Obama, Isobel Wilkerson and Michael Pillsbury.· have a revised introduction to reflect on the seismic political movements that have blown up since the last edition· have some of the less relevant titles removed

50 Politics Classics: Your shortcut to the most important ideas on freedom, equality, and power (50 Classics Ser.)

by Tom Butler-Bowdon

Whether you consider yourself to be conservative, liberal, socialist, or Marxist, 50 Politics Classics gives you greater understanding of the key ideas that matter in our politically charged times.From Abraham Lincoln to Nelson Mandela, from Mary Wollstonecraft to George Orwell, 50 Politics Classics distills the essence of the books, pamphlets, and speeches of the major leaders and great thinkers that drive real-world change. Spanning 2,500 years, left and right, thinkers and doers, Tom Butler-Bowdon's new book covers activists, war strategists, visionary leaders, economists, philosophers of freedom, feminists, conservatives and environmentalists, from ancient philosophical texts right up to contemporary classics such as The Spirit Level and No Logo.

50 Philosophy of Science Ideas You Really Need to Know (50 Ideas You Really Need to Know series)

by Gareth Southwell

Science first began as a branch of philosophy, but it has since grown up and moved out of the family home, and its successes have put its parent in the shade. Thanks to scientific knowledge we have walked on the Moon, cured once-fatal illnesses, and even identified the very building blocks of life and the universe. But it is these very successes that underline the need for philosophy. How much should we trust the pronouncements of scientists that we read in the media? What are the ethical implications of our delving into the foundations of our DNA, reproductive treatments, or artificially prolonging life? And are there limits to what science can tell us about the world we think we know? In straightforward and accessible terms, 50 Philosophy of Science Ideas You Really Need to Know explains the key philosophical questions that continue to lie at the heart of the nature and practice of science today. The ideas explored include: Appearance and reality; Knowledge; Anti-realism; Metaphysics; Science and gender; Phenomenology and science.

50 Philosophy Ideas You Really Need to Know (50 Ideas You Really Need to Know series)

by Ben Dupre

Have you ever lain awake at night fretting over how we can be sure of the reality of the external world? Perhaps we are in fact disembodied brains, floating in vats at the whim of some deranged puppet-master? If so, you are not alone - and what's more, you are in exalted company. For this question and others like it have been the stuff of philosophical rumination for centuries, from Plato to Popper. In a series of accessible and engaging essays, 50 Philosophy Ideas You Really Need to Know introduces and explains the problems of knowledge, consciousness, identity, ethics, belief, justice and aesthetics that have troubled the minds of great thinkers for centuries, from the ancient Greeks to the present day. Contents include: The brain in a vat, Plato's cave, Cogito ergo sum, The mind-body problem, The boo/hurrah theory, Ends and means, The categorical imperative, Acts and omissions, The rights of animals, The gambler's fallacy, Paradigm shifts, Occam's razor, Positive and negative freedom, Theories of punishment and Just war.

50 Philosophy Ideas You Really Need to Know (50 Ideas You Really Need to Know series)

by Ben Dupre

In a series of 50 accessible essays, Ben Dupré introduces and explains the philosophical questions around knowledge, consciousness, identity, ethics and justice that have engaged the minds of thinkers from the Ancient Greeks to the present day. From Plato's cave to virtue ethics, theories of punishment to animal rights, 50 Philosophy Ideas You Really Need to Know is a complete introduction to the most important philosophical concepts in history.

50 Philosophy Classics: Thinking, Being, Acting Seeing - Profound Insights and Powerful Thinking from Fifty Key Books

by Tom Butler Butler Bowdon

For over 2000 years, philosophy has been our best guide to the experience of being human, and the true nature of reality. From Aristotle, Plato, Epicurus, Confucius, Cicero and Heraclitus in ancient times to 17th century rationalists Descartes, Leibniz and Spinoza, from 20th-century greats Jean-Paul Sartre, Jean Baudrillard and Simone de Beauvoir to contemporary thinkers Michael Sandel, Peter Singer and Slavoj Zizek, 50 Philosophy Classics explores key writings that have shaped the discipline and had an impact on the real world. This is the thinking person's guide to a uniquely powerful tool for opening our minds and helping us view the world. It synthesises the 50 greatest books ever written, distilling hundreds of ideas from across the centuries with insightful commentary, key quotes and biographical information on the authors.The revised edition will:· include 7 new contemporary or timely classics such as Judith Butler's Gender Trouble, Michael Sandel's The Tyranny of Merit, Isaiah Berlin's The Hedgehog and the Fox and Mary Midgely's Myths We Live By.· include a reader code to access a free pack of downloadable bonus material· have a revised introduction to reflect on the current relevance of philosophy today with topical themes to have emerged in the 9 years since the last edition was written.· have some of the less relevant titles removed "50 Philosophy Classics is an impressively wide-ranging compendium of nutshell clarity. It strikes just the right balance between contextual analysis, and breezy illustrative anecdote." Dr Phil Oliver, Department of Philosophy, Middle Tennessee State University, USA

50 Philosophy Classics: Thinking, Being, Acting Seeing - Profound Insights and Powerful Thinking from Fifty Key Books (50 Classics Ser.)

by Tom Butler-Bowdon

For over 2000 years, philosophy has been our best guide to the experience of being human, and the true nature of reality. From Aristotle, Plato, Epicurus, Confucius, Cicero and Heraclitus in ancient times to 17th century rationalists Descartes, Leibniz and Spinoza, from 20th-century greats Jean-Paul Sartre, Jean Baudrillard and Simone de Beauvoir to contemporary thinkers Michael Sandel, Peter Singer and Slavoj Zizek, 50 Philosophy Classics explores key writings that have shaped the discipline and had an impact on the real world. Philosophy can no longer be confined to academia, and 50 Philosophy Classics shows how powerful it can be as a tool for opening our minds and helping us think. Whether you are fascinated or daunted by the big questions of how to think, how to be, how to act and how to see, this is the perfect introduction to some of humanity's greatest minds and their landmark books.

50 Great Myths About Atheism

by Russell Blackford Udo Schüklenk

Tackling a host of myths and prejudices commonly leveled at atheism, this captivating volume bursts with sparkling, eloquent arguments on every page. The authors rebut claims that range from atheism being just another religion to the alleged atrocities committed in its name. An accessible yet scholarly commentary on hot-button issues in the debate over religious belief Teaches critical thinking skills through detailed, rational argument Objectively considers each myth on its merits Includes a history of atheism and its advocates, an appendix detailing atheist organizations, and an extensive bibliography Explains the differences between atheism and related concepts such as agnosticism and naturalism

50 Great Myths About Atheism

by Russell Blackford Udo Schüklenk

Tackling a host of myths and prejudices commonly leveled at atheism, this captivating volume bursts with sparkling, eloquent arguments on every page. The authors rebut claims that range from atheism being just another religion to the alleged atrocities committed in its name. An accessible yet scholarly commentary on hot-button issues in the debate over religious belief Teaches critical thinking skills through detailed, rational argument Objectively considers each myth on its merits Includes a history of atheism and its advocates, an appendix detailing atheist organizations, and an extensive bibliography Explains the differences between atheism and related concepts such as agnosticism and naturalism

50 Ethics Ideas You Really Need to Know (50 Ideas You Really Need to Know series)

by Ben Dupre

Questions of ethics - about how we should act, our responsibilities to one another, the difference between right and wrong - have long been debated by philosophers the world over and form the foundations of government, culture and religion. Here, in concise, easy-to-read chapters, Ben Dupré explains the fundamentals of this discipline and how it is relevant to our lives today. Covering essential ethical concepts, including relativism, the golden rule and utilitarianism, as well as high-profile issues such as terrorism, censorship and the death penalty, 50 Ethics Ideas You Really Need to Know will lead you through the moral maze - and rattle your conscience in the process.

50 Democracy Ideas You Really Need to Know (50 Ideas You Really Need to Know series)

by Adam Fleming

In a series of 50 accessible essays, Adam Fleming introduces and explains the history, key ideas and tools of democracy developed by some of the world's greatest thinkers - spanning from the ancient Greeks to the present day.From the right to vote to the monarchy, viral politics to Brexit, 50 Democracy Ideas You Really Need to Know is a complete introduction to the most important democracy ideas throughout history.

50 Dáil Debates that Shaped the Nation: Standing by the Republic

by John Drennan

From the debates of the 1950s that were strikingly similar to what we face today – struggles against bankruptcy, emigration and abuse of power by the State – through the wars in the 70s and 80s over divorce and abortion, to the Jacobean dramas surrounding the fall of Haughey in the 1990s, this essential book finally traces the fall of the first Republic via the tragic-comic dénouement of the Cowen era and the first breaths of hope provided by a new administration.John Drennan's Standing by the Republic captures the fascinating story of Ireland's evolution in the seven decades since the end of the war and encapsulates the culture that shaped these moments of national drama.

50 Big Ideas You Really Need to Know (50 Ideas You Really Need to Know series)

by Ben Dupre

50 Big Ideas You Really Need to Know is a concise, accessible and popular guide to the central tenets of Western thought. Every important principle of philosophy, religion, politics, economics, the arts and the sciences is profiled in a series of short illustrated essays, complemented by an informative array of timelines and box features.

50 Big Ideas You Really Need to Know (50 Ideas You Really Need to Know series)

by Ben Dupre

In a series of 50 accessible essays, Ben Dupré introduces and explains the central ideas of politics, philosophy, religion, economics, science, and the arts that have engaged key thinkers and leaders, from Plato to the present day.From the Big Bang to romanticism, fate to democracy, 50 Big Ideas You Really Need to Know is a complete introduction to the most important concepts in history.

5/1/1968: Rethinking France's Last Revolution

by Julian Jackson

The events of 1968 are often seen purely as a student revolution, but impacted on every aspect of French society – theatre, film, sexuality, race, the countryside, the factories. This volume explores the full diversity of this extraordinary upheaval, and shows how 1968 continues to reverberate in France today.

4th Refinement Workshop: Proceedings of the 4th Refinement Workshop, organised by BCS-FACS, 9–11 January 1991, Cambridge (Workshops in Computing)

by Joseph M. Morris Roger C. Shaw

This volume contains the proceedings ofthe 4th Refinement Workshop which was organised by the British Computer Society specialist group in Formal Aspects of Computing Science and held in Wolfson College, Cambridge, on 9-11 January, 1991. The term refinement embraces the theory and practice of using formal methods for specifying and implementing hardware and software. Most of the achievements to date in the field have been in developing the theoretical framework for mathematical approaches to programming, and on the practical side in formally specifying software, while more recently we have seen the development of practical approaches to deriving programs from their speCifications. The workshop gives a fair picture of the state of the art: it presents new theories for reasoning about software and hardware and case studies in applying known theory to interesting small-and medium-scale problems. We hope the book will be Of interest both to researchers in formal methods, and to software engineers in industry who want to keep abreast of possible applications of formal methods in industry. The programme consisted both of invited talks and refereed papers. The invited speakers were Ib S0rensen, Jean-Raymond Abrial, Donald MacKenzie, Ralph Back, Robert Milne, Mike Read, Mike Gordon, and Robert Worden who gave the introductory talk. This is the first refinement workshop that solicited papers for refereeing, and despite a rather late call for papers the response was excellent.

4E Cognitive Science and Wittgenstein (New Directions in Philosophy and Cognitive Science)

by Victor Loughlin

This book demonstrates for the first time how the work of Ludwig Wittgenstein can transform 4E Cognitive Science. In particular, it shows how insights from Wittgenstein can empower those within 4E to reject the long held view that our minds must involve representations inside our heads. The book begins by showing how proponents of 4E are divided amongst themselves. Proponents of Extended Mind insist that internal representations are always needed to explain the human mind. However, proponents of Enacted Mind reject this claim. Using insights from Ludwig Wittgenstein, the book introduces and defends a new theoretical framework called Structural Enacted or Extended Mind (STEEM). STEEM brings together Enacted Mind and Extended Mind in a way that rejects all talk of internal representations. STEEM thus highlights the anti-representationalist credentials of 4E and so demonstrates how 4E can herald a new beginning when it comes to thinking about the mind.

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