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Sourcebook for Training in Clinical Psychology

by Leonard Blank Henry Philip David

Hiv: Issues with Mental Health and Illness

by Michael B. Blank Marlene M. Eisenberg

Learn why it&’s time for a new era in mental health and prevention scienceHIV: Issues with Mental Health and Illness is a comprehensive examination of the co-morbidity that exists between HIV/AIDS and mental illness. Internationally recognized experts in the field analyze the latest research on why HIV sufferers are at risk of developing mental illness and how people who suffer from mental illness risk contracting HIV through sexual behavior and substance abuse. This unique book focuses on clinical and diagnostic issues, the organization of service delivery systems, and community-based interventions.HIV: Issues with Mental Health and Illness presents vital contributions from physicians, sociologists, nurses, social workers, and psychologists working to develop a plan to reduce the number of persons affected by the epidemic, and to improve the quality of life of those already HIV infected. Aimed at promoting a new era in mental health and prevention science, the book examines vital issues including: the interplay between depression, HIV, and chronic fatigue; condom use among adolescents with psychiatric disorders; predicting HIV risk and how targeted intervention can address multiple health risks; how an increase in emotional stress can affect African-American women concerned about becoming HIV infected; STI risk reduction strategies; how client gender can affect mental health care service delivery; and the implementation of intervention programs as part of supported housing programs.HIV: Issues with Mental Health and Illness examines: bridging the gap between research and practice depression and HIV schizophrenia and HIV mental health policy and infectious diseases HIV prevention community-based participatory research community psychology mental health disparities translation research transforming public health systemsHIV: Issues with Mental Health and Illness is an invaluable resource for public health workers and policymakers, psychologists, psychiatrists, social work nurses, infectious disease physicians, and addictions disease counselors.

Hiv: Issues with Mental Health and Illness

by Michael B. Blank Marlene M. Eisenberg

Learn why it&’s time for a new era in mental health and prevention scienceHIV: Issues with Mental Health and Illness is a comprehensive examination of the co-morbidity that exists between HIV/AIDS and mental illness. Internationally recognized experts in the field analyze the latest research on why HIV sufferers are at risk of developing mental illness and how people who suffer from mental illness risk contracting HIV through sexual behavior and substance abuse. This unique book focuses on clinical and diagnostic issues, the organization of service delivery systems, and community-based interventions.HIV: Issues with Mental Health and Illness presents vital contributions from physicians, sociologists, nurses, social workers, and psychologists working to develop a plan to reduce the number of persons affected by the epidemic, and to improve the quality of life of those already HIV infected. Aimed at promoting a new era in mental health and prevention science, the book examines vital issues including: the interplay between depression, HIV, and chronic fatigue; condom use among adolescents with psychiatric disorders; predicting HIV risk and how targeted intervention can address multiple health risks; how an increase in emotional stress can affect African-American women concerned about becoming HIV infected; STI risk reduction strategies; how client gender can affect mental health care service delivery; and the implementation of intervention programs as part of supported housing programs.HIV: Issues with Mental Health and Illness examines: bridging the gap between research and practice depression and HIV schizophrenia and HIV mental health policy and infectious diseases HIV prevention community-based participatory research community psychology mental health disparities translation research transforming public health systemsHIV: Issues with Mental Health and Illness is an invaluable resource for public health workers and policymakers, psychologists, psychiatrists, social work nurses, infectious disease physicians, and addictions disease counselors.

Cognitive Enhancement: Social and Public Policy Issues

by Robert H. Blank

Rapid advances in cognitive neuroscience and converging technologies have led to a vigorous debate over cognitive enhancement. This book outlines the ethical and social issues, but goes on to focus on the policy dimensions, which until now have received much less attention. As the economic, social and personal stakes involved with cognitive enhancement are so high, and the advances in knowledge so swift, we are likely to see increasing demands for government involvement in cognitive enhancement techniques. The book therefore places these techniques in a political context and brings the subsequent considerations and divisions to the forefront of the debate, situating their resolution within the milieu of interest group politics. The book will provide a starting point from which readers can develop a balanced policy framework for addressing such concerns.

The Psychology of Teaching Physical Education: From Theory to Practice

by Bonnie Blankenship

This book weaves together theory, research, and practical information related to the psychological aspects of physical education. Unlike other exercise/sport psychology books on the market, The Psychology of Teaching Physical Education is written especially for future and practicing physical educators and focuses on the psychological principles and strategies that are most relevant to them. The book covers the important topics of motivation, reinforcement, feedback, modeling, prosocial behaviors/moral development, and self-perception. In each chapter, narratives about real practicing teachers show how they apply the principles and theories of psychology to physical education, and particularly to actual situations that readers are likely to encounter professionally. Each chapter contains three main sections: following an opening scenario in which Blankenship captures the reader's attention with a real-life problem, the author then (1) highlights theories related to the subject matter of the chapter, (2) summarizes the research that has been conducted on the theories and the chapter topic, and (3) gives examples of practical applications of the theory and research to physical education. Throughout the chapter, as the theory, research, and application of the topic are discussed, Blankenship presents possible solutions to the challenge presented in the chapter-opening vignette. The classroom applications and real-world examples are relevant to many different physical education settings, including those at the elementary, middle, and high school levels, in both urban and rural schools representing various geographical regions of the country. These examples bring the theories to life and help readers envision how their own classes will benefit as they apply what theyíve learned about the psychology of teaching physical education. Key Features of the Book A theory-to-research-to-practice approach. An author whose background in both sport psychology and physical education makes her uniquely qualified to write this book. Chapter-ending application exercises that encourage readers to go beyond rote memorization of concepts and principles to apply what they learned in various specific examples. Sample instructional models and guidelines to enable readers to incorporate concepts discussed in the chapter into their own classes. A comprehensive glossary.

The Psychology of Teaching Physical Education: From Theory to Practice

by Bonnie Blankenship

This book weaves together theory, research, and practical information related to the psychological aspects of physical education. Unlike other exercise/sport psychology books on the market, The Psychology of Teaching Physical Education is written especially for future and practicing physical educators and focuses on the psychological principles and strategies that are most relevant to them. The book covers the important topics of motivation, reinforcement, feedback, modeling, prosocial behaviors/moral development, and self-perception. In each chapter, narratives about real practicing teachers show how they apply the principles and theories of psychology to physical education, and particularly to actual situations that readers are likely to encounter professionally. Each chapter contains three main sections: following an opening scenario in which Blankenship captures the reader's attention with a real-life problem, the author then (1) highlights theories related to the subject matter of the chapter, (2) summarizes the research that has been conducted on the theories and the chapter topic, and (3) gives examples of practical applications of the theory and research to physical education. Throughout the chapter, as the theory, research, and application of the topic are discussed, Blankenship presents possible solutions to the challenge presented in the chapter-opening vignette. The classroom applications and real-world examples are relevant to many different physical education settings, including those at the elementary, middle, and high school levels, in both urban and rural schools representing various geographical regions of the country. These examples bring the theories to life and help readers envision how their own classes will benefit as they apply what theyíve learned about the psychology of teaching physical education. Key Features of the Book A theory-to-research-to-practice approach. An author whose background in both sport psychology and physical education makes her uniquely qualified to write this book. Chapter-ending application exercises that encourage readers to go beyond rote memorization of concepts and principles to apply what they learned in various specific examples. Sample instructional models and guidelines to enable readers to incorporate concepts discussed in the chapter into their own classes. A comprehensive glossary.

Verplegen van zorgvragers met een psychiatrische ziekte

by W.A.P. Blankman E. Nicasie

Dit boek is bestemd voor kwalificatieniveau 4 en 5 en vormt een onderdeel van het leer- en vormingsgebied verpleegkunde. Het is een praktisch boek, dat zich vooral richt op disfuncties, beperkingen en handicaps en minder op de stoornis zelf. Na algemene hoofdstukken over o.a. beroepshouding, wetgeving en diagnostiek & methodiek volgt een geclusterde behandeling van de stoornissen uit de DSM-IV. Deze worden eerst verdeeld in stoornissen met een invaliderend beloop en stoornissen die dat niet of minder hebben, daarna komen groepen als stemmingsstoornissen, persoonlijkheidsstoornissen en psycho-organische stoornissen aan bod. Ten slotte wordt aandacht besteed aan jeugdige zorgvragers en aan ethiek in de psychiatrie. Casuïstiek uit de klinische en transmurale praktijk verlevendigt de stof.

Measurement in Social Psychology (Frontiers of Social Psychology)

by Hart Blanton LaCroix Jessica M. Webster Gregory D.

Although best known for experimental methods, social psychology also has a strong tradition of measurement. This volume seeks to highlight this tradition by introducing readers to measurement strategies that help drive social psychological research and theory development. The books opens with an analysis of the measurement technique that dominates most of the social sciences, self-report. Chapter 1 presents a conceptual framework for interpreting the data generated from self-report, which it uses to provide practical advice on writing strong and structured self-report items. From there, attention is drawn to the many other innovative measurement and data-collection techniques that have helped expand the range of theories social psychologists test. Chapters 2 through 6 introduce techniques designed to measure the internal psychological states of individual respondents, with strategies that can stand alone or complement anything obtained via self-report. Included are chapters on implicit, elicitation, and diary approaches to collecting response data from participants, as well as neurological and psychobiological approaches to inferring underlying mechanisms. The remaining chapters introduce creative data-collection techniques, focusing particular attention on the rich forms of data humans often leave behind. Included are chapters on textual analysis, archival analysis, geocoding, and social media harvesting. The many methods covered in this book complement one another, such that the full volume provides researchers with a powerful toolset to help them better explore what is "social" about human behavior.

Measurement in Social Psychology (Frontiers of Social Psychology)

by Hart Blanton LaCroix Jessica M. Webster Gregory D.

Although best known for experimental methods, social psychology also has a strong tradition of measurement. This volume seeks to highlight this tradition by introducing readers to measurement strategies that help drive social psychological research and theory development. The books opens with an analysis of the measurement technique that dominates most of the social sciences, self-report. Chapter 1 presents a conceptual framework for interpreting the data generated from self-report, which it uses to provide practical advice on writing strong and structured self-report items. From there, attention is drawn to the many other innovative measurement and data-collection techniques that have helped expand the range of theories social psychologists test. Chapters 2 through 6 introduce techniques designed to measure the internal psychological states of individual respondents, with strategies that can stand alone or complement anything obtained via self-report. Included are chapters on implicit, elicitation, and diary approaches to collecting response data from participants, as well as neurological and psychobiological approaches to inferring underlying mechanisms. The remaining chapters introduce creative data-collection techniques, focusing particular attention on the rich forms of data humans often leave behind. Included are chapters on textual analysis, archival analysis, geocoding, and social media harvesting. The many methods covered in this book complement one another, such that the full volume provides researchers with a powerful toolset to help them better explore what is "social" about human behavior.

High-Reliability-Entscheidungen: Evidenzbasierte Ansätze zur Entscheidungsforschung für Verantwortungsträger (BestMasters)

by Benedikt M. Blanz

Benedikt Blanz erbringt eine empirische Evidenz dafür, dass bei praxisnahen Entscheidungsaufgaben auch erfahrene Verantwortungsträger im Beruf kognitiven Verzerrungen durch Framing-Effekte unterliegen, die sich allerdings durch die ‘Faktenbox’ als Instrumentarium wirksam vermeiden lassen. Darauf aufbauend erarbeitet der Autor wertvolle Vorschläge zur Förderung von Risikokompetenz bei Entscheidungsträgern in der betrieblichen Praxis von High-Reliability-Organisationen.

Der Anti-Stress-Trainer für Projektmanager: Auf den Punkt geplant und trotzdem entspannt

by Markus Blaschka Peter Buchenau

Dieses Buch aus der Anti-Stress-Trainer-Reihe befasst sich eingehend mit dem inoffiziell größten Berufsrisiko von Projektmanagern, dem Stress. Nicht einmal ihr Privatleben bleibt von der Vielzahl von Stressfaktoren, denen sie sich gegenüber sehen, verschont. Projekte müssen nicht nur kompetent, sondern bei ungeduldigen Auftraggebern auch möglichst schnell abgewickelt werden. Erschwerend dazu können Präsentationsdruck, ein entscheidungsschwacher Vorstand, ein enges Budget und im schlimmsten Fall auch noch Kleinkrieg im Team hinzukommen. Aber all dies muss nicht sein, denn dieses Buch hilft Ihnen dabei, Ihren beruflichen und privaten Stress erfolgreich und effizient zu meistern und macht nebenbei auch noch Spaß beim Lesen. Die Leser erhalten Informationen aus erster Hand, da der Autor aufgrund seiner weitreichenden Erfahrung im Bereich von IT- und Beratungsprojekten Experte für das Thema Projektmanagement ist. Die ReiheStress gehört in unserem Berufs- und Privatleben zum Alltag. Dabei unterscheiden sich die stressauslösenden Faktoren jedoch je nach Berufsgruppe. Aus diesem Grunde widmen sich in der Anti-Stress-Trainer-Reihe, initiiert von Peter Buchenau, führende Expertinnen und Experten diesen spezifischen Stresssituationen.Der AutorDr. Markus Blaschka ist Business Coach, Management Trainer und Senior Consultant. Er coacht Projektleiter und entwickelt maßgeschneiderte Projektmanagement-Konzepte für Betriebe. Besonders beschäftigt er sich mit der Frage, wie Projekte stressfrei und ohne die üblichen zwischenmenschlichen Konflikte erfolgreich durchgeführt werden können.

The Classification of Psychopathology: Neo-Kraepelinian and Quantitative Approaches

by R. K Blashfield

The Neurocognition of Dance: Mind, Movement and Motor Skills

by Bettina Bläsing Martin Puttke Thomas Schack

Dance has always been an important aspect of all human cultures, and the study of human movement and action has become a topic of increasing relevance over the last decade, bringing dance into the focus of the cognitive sciences. Since the first edition of The Neurocognition of Dance was published, research into the cognitive science of dance has expanded extensively, with the number of scientific studies focusing on dance and dance-related topics in cognitive psychology growing significantly. Featuring three new chapters addressing topics that have become highly relevant to the field in recent years – neuroaesthetics, entrainment, and choreographic cognition – as well as progress in teaching based on novel methods, this comprehensively revised and updated new edition of The Neurocognition of Dance is full of cutting-edge insights from scientists, researchers, and professionals from the world of dance. Also now including online material such as links to video clips, colour images and hands-on material for practical application, this book is an essential companion for students and professionals from fields including dance, cognitive psychology, sport psychology and sport science, movement science, and cognitive robotics.

The Neurocognition of Dance: Mind, Movement and Motor Skills

by Bettina Bläsing Martin Puttke Thomas Schack

Dance has always been an important aspect of all human cultures, and the study of human movement and action has become a topic of increasing relevance over the last decade, bringing dance into the focus of the cognitive sciences. Since the first edition of The Neurocognition of Dance was published, research into the cognitive science of dance has expanded extensively, with the number of scientific studies focusing on dance and dance-related topics in cognitive psychology growing significantly. Featuring three new chapters addressing topics that have become highly relevant to the field in recent years – neuroaesthetics, entrainment, and choreographic cognition – as well as progress in teaching based on novel methods, this comprehensively revised and updated new edition of The Neurocognition of Dance is full of cutting-edge insights from scientists, researchers, and professionals from the world of dance. Also now including online material such as links to video clips, colour images and hands-on material for practical application, this book is an essential companion for students and professionals from fields including dance, cognitive psychology, sport psychology and sport science, movement science, and cognitive robotics.

Bewusst erziehen: Nachdenkliches zum bewussten Umgang mit Erziehung (in schwierigen Zeiten)

by Andreas Blasius Ulrich Schmitz-Roden

Vor dem Hintergrund unserer gesellschaftlichen Situation, die gekennzeichnet ist durch Globalisierung, Beschleunigung und Unsicherheiten, ist jeder mehr denn je auf sich selbst zurückgeworfen. Es gibt kaum noch institutionellen Rückhalt, weil es dem Zeitgeist entsprechend ist, alle normativen Setzungen zu zersetzen. Gegen die Unsicherheit setzen die Autoren normative Eckpfeiler: Autorität, Verantwortung, Grenzen. Sie sind davon überzeugt, ohne solche Eckpfeiler kann keine Erziehung gelingen. Sie halten es zudem für notwendig, dass jeder in den unterschiedlichen Feldern der Erziehung Tätige, ob Eltern, Pädagogen, Psychologen, sich jedes Schrittes in der Erziehung bewusst ist. Das Buch gibt bewusst keine Erziehungsratschläge, sondern will durch eine Kombination aus Theorie und Praxis anregen, eine eigene bewusste Haltung zu Erziehungsfragen zu finden und umzusetzen.

Developmental Psychobiology and Behavioral Ecology (Handbooks of Behavioral Neurobiology #9)

by Elliott M. Blass

The previous volume in this series (Blass, 1986) focused on the interface between developmental psychobiology and developmental neurobiology. The volume emphasized that an understanding of central nervous system development and function can be obtained only with reference to the behaviors that it manages, and it emphasized how those behaviors, in tum, shape central development. The present volume explores another natural interface of developmental psy­ chobiology; behavioral ecology. It documents the progress made by developmental psychobiologists since the mid-1970s in identifying capacities of learning and con­ ditioning in birds and mammals during the very moments following birth-indeed, during the antenatal period. These breakthroughs in a field that had previously lain dormant reflect the need to "meet the infant where it is" in order for behavior to emerge. Accordingly, studies have been conducted at nest temperature; infants have been rewarded by opportunities to huddle, suckle, or obtain milk, behaviors that are normally engaged in the nest. In addition, there was rejection of the exces­ sive deprivation, extreme handling, and traumatic manipulation studies of the 1950s and 1960s that yielded information on how animals could respond to trauma but did not reveal mechanisms of normal development. In their place has arisen a series of analyses of how naturally occurring stimuli and situations gain control over behavior and how specifiable experiences impose limitations on subsequent development. Constraints were identified on the range of interactions that remained available to developing animals as a result of particular events.

The Man Who Shocked The World: The Life and Legacy of Stanley Milgram

by Thomas Blass

Creator of the famous Obedience Experiments and originator of the "six degrees of separation” theory, Stanley Milgram transformed our understanding of human nature and continues to be one of the most important figures in psychology and beyond. In this sparkling biography, Thomas Blass captures the colorful personality and pioneering work of a visionary scientist who revealed the hidden workings of our social world. In this new paperback edition, he includes an afterword connecting Milgram's theories to torture, war crimes, and Abu Ghraib.

Obedience To Authority: Current Perspectives On The Milgram Paradigm

by Thomas Blass

Stanley Milgram's experiments on obedience to authority are among the most important psychological studies of this century. Perhaps because of the enduring significance of the findings--the surprising ease with which ordinary persons can be commanded to act destructively against an innocent individual by a legitimate authority--it continues to claim the attention of psychologists and other social scientists, as well as the general public. The study continues to inspire valuable research and analysis. The goal of this book is to present current work inspired by the obedience paradigm. This book demonstrates the vibrancy of the obedience paradigm by presenting some of its most important and stimulating contemporary uses and applications. Paralleling Milgram's own eclecticism in the content and style of his research and writing, the contributions comprise a potpourri of styles of research and presentation--ranging from personal narratives, through conceptual analyses, to randomized experiments.

Obedience To Authority: Current Perspectives On The Milgram Paradigm (PDF)

by Thomas Blass

Stanley Milgram's experiments on obedience to authority are among the most important psychological studies of this century. Perhaps because of the enduring significance of the findings--the surprising ease with which ordinary persons can be commanded to act destructively against an innocent individual by a legitimate authority--it continues to claim the attention of psychologists and other social scientists, as well as the general public. The study continues to inspire valuable research and analysis. The goal of this book is to present current work inspired by the obedience paradigm. This book demonstrates the vibrancy of the obedience paradigm by presenting some of its most important and stimulating contemporary uses and applications. Paralleling Milgram's own eclecticism in the content and style of his research and writing, the contributions comprise a potpourri of styles of research and presentation--ranging from personal narratives, through conceptual analyses, to randomized experiments.

Obedience to Authority: Current Perspectives on the Milgram Paradigm

by Thomas Blass

Stanley Milgram's experiments on obedience to authority are among the most important psychological studies of this century. Perhaps because of the enduring significance of the findings--the surprising ease with which ordinary persons can be commanded to act destructively against an innocent individual by a legitimate authority--it continues to claim the attention of psychologists and other social scientists, as well as the general public. The study continues to inspire valuable research and analysis. The goal of this book is to present current work inspired by the obedience paradigm. This book demonstrates the vibrancy of the obedience paradigm by presenting some of its most important and stimulating contemporary uses and applications. Paralleling Milgram's own eclecticism in the content and style of his research and writing, the contributions comprise a potpourri of styles of research and presentation--ranging from personal narratives, through conceptual analyses, to randomized experiments.

Obedience to Authority: Current Perspectives on the Milgram Paradigm

by Thomas Blass

Stanley Milgram's experiments on obedience to authority are among the most important psychological studies of this century. Perhaps because of the enduring significance of the findings--the surprising ease with which ordinary persons can be commanded to act destructively against an innocent individual by a legitimate authority--it continues to claim the attention of psychologists and other social scientists, as well as the general public. The study continues to inspire valuable research and analysis. The goal of this book is to present current work inspired by the obedience paradigm. This book demonstrates the vibrancy of the obedience paradigm by presenting some of its most important and stimulating contemporary uses and applications. Paralleling Milgram's own eclecticism in the content and style of his research and writing, the contributions comprise a potpourri of styles of research and presentation--ranging from personal narratives, through conceptual analyses, to randomized experiments.

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