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Showing 53,876 through 53,900 of 54,267 results

BWL-Formeln für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Tobias Amely

Formeln und Kennzahlen verstehen, berechnen und interpretieren. Sind betriebswirtschaftliche Formeln für Sie ein Buch mit sieben Siegeln? Das lässt sich ändern! Tobias Amely bietet Ihnen einen verständlichen und kompakten Überblick über die wichtigsten Formeln und Kennzahlen der Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Praktische Beispiele und Tipps helfen Ihnen, den Zusammenhang zu verstehen, in dem die Formel jeweils verwendet wird. So bleibt es nicht beim theoretischen Wissen allein, sondern Sie können die Formeln auch praktisch anwenden. Sie erfahren Wie Sie die Produktion optimieren Wie Sie lohnende Investitionen erkennen Wie Sie Finanzierungskosten minimieren Welche Kennzahlen die Bonität eines Unternehmens ausmachen

Die antike Mathematik: Geschichte der Mathematik in Alt-Griechenland und im Hellenismus

by Dietmar Herrmann

Der Band enthält eine umfassende und problemorientierte Darstellung der antiken griechischen Mathematik von Thales bis zu Proklos Diadochos. Exemplarisch wird ein Querschnitt durch die griechische Mathematik geboten, wobei auch solche Werke von Wissenschaftlern ausführlich gewürdigt werden, von denen keine deutsche Übersetzung vorliegt. Zahlreiche Abbildungen und die Einbeziehung des kulturellen, politischen und literarischen Umfelds liefern ein großartiges Spektrum der mathematischen Wissenschaftsgeschichte und eine wahre Fundgrube für diejenigen, die biographisches und zeitgeschichtliches Hintergrundwissen suchen oder Anregungen für Unterricht bzw. Vorlesung. Die Darstellung ist aktuell und realisiert Tendenzen neuerer Geschichtsschreibung. In der Neuauflage konnten die zentralen Kapitel über Platon, Aristoteles und Alexandria aktualisiert werden. Die Ausführungen zur griechischen Rechentechnik, mathematischen Geographie und Mathematik des Frühmittelalters wurden erweitert und zeigen neue Gesichtspunkte. Völlig neu hinzugekommen ist eine einzigartige, illustrierte Darstellung der Römischen Mathematik. Neu aufgenommen sind auch mehrere Farbabbildungen, die die Thematik des Buches gelungen veranschaulichen. Mit mehr als 280 Bildern stellt der vorliegende Band ein reich bebildertes Geschichtsbuch zur antiken Mathematik dar.

Matlab für Dummies (Für Dummies)

by Jim Sizemore John Paul Mueller

MATLAB® So lernen Sie MATLAB ideal zu nutzen Ob Naturwissenschaftler, Mathematiker, Ingenieur oder Datenwissenschaftler - mit MATLAB haben Sie ein mächtiges Tool in der Hand, das Ihnen die Arbeit mit Ihren Daten erleichtert. Aber wie das mit manch mächtigen Dingen so ist - es ist auch ganz schön kompliziert. Aber keine Sorge! Die Autoren führen Sie in diesem Buch Schritt für Schritt an das Programm heran - von der Installation und den ersten Skripten bis hin zu aufwändigen Berechnungen, der Erstellung von Grafiken und effizienter Fehlerbehebung. Sie werden begeistert sein, was Sie mit MATLAB alles anstellen können. Sie erfahren Was es mit dem MATLAB-Dateisystem auf sich hat Wie Sie mathematische Operationen mit Vektoren und Matrizen durchführen Wie Sie Funktionen und Skripte erstellen Wie Sie importieren, exportieren und publizieren.

Clinical Trials: A Methodologic Perspective (WILEY SERIES IN PROB & STATISTICS/see 1345/6,6214/5 #593)

by Steven Piantadosi

Clinical Trials Comprehensive resource presenting methods essential in planning, designing, conducting, analyzing, and interpreting clinical trials The Fourth Edition of Clinical Trials builds on the text’s reputation as a straightforward, detailed, and authoritative presentation of quantitative methods for clinical trials, discussing principles of design for various types of clinical trials and elements of planning the experiment, assembling a study cohort, assessing data, and reporting results. Each chapter contains an introduction and summary to reinforce key points. Discussion questions stimulate critical thinking and help readers understand how they can apply their newfound knowledge. Written by a highly qualified author with significant experience in the field, the Fourth Edition of Clinical Trials approaches the topic with: Problems that may arise during a trial, and accompanying common sense solutionsDesign alternatives for addressing many questions in therapeutic developmentStatistical principles with new and provocative topics, such as generalizing results, operating characteristics, trial issues during the COVID-19 pandemic, and moreAlternative medicine, ethics, middle development, comparative studies, adaptive designs, and clinical trials using point of care dataRevamped exercise sets, updated and extensive references, new material on endpoints and the developmental pipeline, and revisions of numerous sections, tables, and figures Standing out due to its accessible and broad coverage of statistical design methods which are the building blocks of clinical trials and medical research, Clinical Trials is an essential learning aid on the subject for undergraduate and graduate clinical trials courses.

Essays in Honor of Subal Kumbhakar (Advances in Econometrics #46)

by Christopher F. Parmeter Mike G. Tsionas Hung-Jen Wang

Volume 46 of Advances in Econometrics presents essays in honor of Subhal Kumbhakar. His influence on the applied productivity and efficiency profession is legion, as evidenced by his voluminous body of research, must read textbook and attendance at sessions where he is presenting or his work is featured. Subal’s oeuvre continues to grow, his ability to move the applied econometric and productivity literature forward never stalling and his charismatic smile always there to cheer up colleagues and friends on a gloomy day. It is the editor’s distinct privilege to gather this collection of papers that honors Subal’s many accomplishments, drawing further attention to the various areas of scholarship that he has touched. Advances in Econometrics publishes original scholarly econometrics papers with the intention of expanding the use of developed and emerging econometric techniques by disseminating ideas on the theory and practice of econometrics throughout the empirical economic, business, and social science literature. Annual volume themes, selected by the Series Editors, are their interpretation of important new methods and techniques emerging in economics, statistics, and the social sciences.

Essays in Honor of Subal Kumbhakar (Advances in Econometrics #46)

by Christopher F. Parmeter, Mike G. Tsionas, and Hung-Jen Wang

Volume 46 of Advances in Econometrics presents essays in honor of Subhal Kumbhakar. His influence on the applied productivity and efficiency profession is legion, as evidenced by his voluminous body of research, must read textbook and attendance at sessions where he is presenting or his work is featured. Subal’s oeuvre continues to grow, his ability to move the applied econometric and productivity literature forward never stalling and his charismatic smile always there to cheer up colleagues and friends on a gloomy day. It is the editor’s distinct privilege to gather this collection of papers that honors Subal’s many accomplishments, drawing further attention to the various areas of scholarship that he has touched. Advances in Econometrics publishes original scholarly econometrics papers with the intention of expanding the use of developed and emerging econometric techniques by disseminating ideas on the theory and practice of econometrics throughout the empirical economic, business, and social science literature. Annual volume themes, selected by the Series Editors, are their interpretation of important new methods and techniques emerging in economics, statistics, and the social sciences.

Multilevel Modeling Using R (Chapman & Hall/CRC Statistics in the Social and Behavioral Sciences)

by W. Holmes Finch Jocelyn E. Bolin Ken Kelley

Like its bestselling predecessor, Multilevel Modeling Using R, Third Edition provides the reader with a helpful guide to conducting multilevel data modeling using the R software environment.After reviewing standard linear models, the authors present the basics of multilevel models and explain how to fit these models using R. They then show how to employ multilevel modeling with longitudinal data and demonstrate the valuable graphical options in R. The book also describes models for categorical dependent variables in both single-level and multilevel data.The third edition of the book includes several new topics that were not present in the second edition. Specifically, a new chapter has been included, focussing on fitting multilevel latent variable modeling in the R environment. With R, it is possible to fit a variety of latent variable models in the multilevel context, including factor analysis, structural models, item response theory, and latent class models. The third edition also includes new sections in Chapter 11 describing two useful alternatives to standard multilevel models, fixed effects models and generalized estimating equations. These approaches are particularly useful with small samples and when the researcher is interested in modeling the correlation structure within higher-level units (e.g., schools). The third edition also includes a new section on mediation modeling in the multilevel context, in Chapter 11. This thoroughly updated revision gives the reader state-of-the-art tools to launch their own investigations in multilevel modeling and gain insight into their research.

Multilevel Modeling Using R (Chapman & Hall/CRC Statistics in the Social and Behavioral Sciences)

by W. Holmes Finch Jocelyn E. Bolin Ken Kelley

Like its bestselling predecessor, Multilevel Modeling Using R, Third Edition provides the reader with a helpful guide to conducting multilevel data modeling using the R software environment.After reviewing standard linear models, the authors present the basics of multilevel models and explain how to fit these models using R. They then show how to employ multilevel modeling with longitudinal data and demonstrate the valuable graphical options in R. The book also describes models for categorical dependent variables in both single-level and multilevel data.The third edition of the book includes several new topics that were not present in the second edition. Specifically, a new chapter has been included, focussing on fitting multilevel latent variable modeling in the R environment. With R, it is possible to fit a variety of latent variable models in the multilevel context, including factor analysis, structural models, item response theory, and latent class models. The third edition also includes new sections in Chapter 11 describing two useful alternatives to standard multilevel models, fixed effects models and generalized estimating equations. These approaches are particularly useful with small samples and when the researcher is interested in modeling the correlation structure within higher-level units (e.g., schools). The third edition also includes a new section on mediation modeling in the multilevel context, in Chapter 11. This thoroughly updated revision gives the reader state-of-the-art tools to launch their own investigations in multilevel modeling and gain insight into their research.

Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures: 27th International Conference, FoSSaCS 2024, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2024, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, April 6–11, 2024, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14574)

by Naoki Kobayashi James Worrell

The two open access volumes LNCS 14574 and 14575 constitute the proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures, FOSSACS 2024, which took place in Luxembourg in April 2024.The 24 full papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 79 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: Part I: Infinite games; categorical semantics; automata and synthesis; Part II: Types and programming languages; logic and proofs; infinite-state systems.

Notes on Consumption Theory: Deterministic and Stochastic Dynamic Models (Classroom Companion: Economics)

by Giuseppe Travaglini Giorgio Calcagnini Alessandro Bellocchi

This textbook offers a compact, yet formal, synthesis of the broad field of consumption theory. Written in a coherent and accessible way, this book introduces graduate and postgraduate students to dynamic optimization applied to consumption under certainty and uncertainty, in discrete and continuous time. Delving into deterministic and stochastic models, including the use of Brownian motions, the book offers a deeper understanding of consumption decisions and their impact on asset pricing and investment in partial and general equilibrium. This book compiles lecture notes from advanced courses in micro- and macroeconomics, ensuring a self-contained introduction to the subject. Balancing simplicity with analytical rigor, the book equips readers with essential methodological tools for advanced research in economics. With empirical evidence and exercises integrated throughout, this textbook stands as the go-to resource for scholars and students alike, fostering further theoretical explorations in the field. Basic knowledge of economics, mathematics, and econometrics is recommended for a comprehensive understanding.

Let’s Learn Mathematics Part-2 - Pupil’s Book class 3 - MIE

by Mauritius Institute of Education

The Grade 3 Mathematics Pupil’s Book Part 2 delves into fundamental concepts such as capacity, ordinal numbers, Roman numerals, multiplication, and more. Designed to enhance arithmetic skills and mental calculations, it also focuses on fractions and measurement. Through engaging activities, students explore concepts like measuring length, solving word problems, and grasping the significance of units. With clear learning objectives centered around arithmetic operations and practical application, this book aims to foster a comprehensive understanding of mathematical concepts essential for the Grade 3 curriculum.

Pure Maths 1: Further Maths Revision Booklet for CCEA GCSE

by Neill Hamilton

Mechanics: Further Mathematics Revision Booklet For CCEA GCSE

by Neill Hamilton

LATIN 2024: 16th Latin American Symposium, Puerto Varas, Chile, March 18–22, 2024, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14578)

by José A. Soto Andreas Wiese

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 16th Latin American Symposium on Theoretical Informatics, LATIN 2042, which took place in Puerto Varas, Chile, in March 2024. The 44 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 93 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows:Part I: Algorithms and Data Structures; Approximation and Online Algorithms; Complexity Theory; Part II: Combinatorics and Graph Theory; Parameterized Algorithms; Automata Theory and Formal Languages; and Game Theory and Fairness.

Fluids Under Control (Advances in Mathematical Fluid Mechanics)

by Tomáš Bodnár Giovanni P. Galdi Šárka Nečasová

This volume explores state-of-the-art developments in theoretical and applied fluid mechanics with a focus on stabilization and control. Chapters are based on lectures given at the summer school “Fluids under Control”, held in Prague from August 23-27, 2021. With its accessible and flexible presentation, readers will be motivated to deepen their understanding of how mathematics and physics are connected. Specific topics covered include:Stabilization of the 3D Navier-Stokes systemFlutter stabilization of flow-state systemsTurbulence controlDesign through analysis Fluids Under Control will appeal to graduate students and researchers in both mathematics and physics. Because of the applications presented, it will also be of interest to engineers working on environmental and industrial issues.

Computer Science in Sport: Modeling, Simulation, Data Analysis and Visualization of Sports-Related Data

by Daniel Memmert

In recent years, computer science in sport has grown extremely, mainly because more and more new data has become available. Computer science tools in sports, whether used for opponent preparation, competition, or scientific analysis, have become indispensable across various levels of expertise nowadays. A completely new market has emerged through the utilization of these tools in the four major fields of application: clubs and associations, business, science, and the media. This market is progressively gaining importance within university research and educational activities.This textbook aims to live up to the now broad diversity of computer science in sport by having more than 30 authors report from their special field and concisely summarise the latest findings. The book is divided into four main sections: data sets, modelling, simulation and data analysis. In addition to background information on programming languages and visualisation, the textbook is framed by history and an outlook. Students with a connection to sports science are given a comprehensive insight into computer science in sport, supported by a didactically sophisticated concept that makes it easy to convey the learning content. Numerous questions for self-testing underpin the learning effect and ensure optimal exam preparation. For advanced students, the in-depth discussion of time series data mining, artificial neural networks, convolution kernels, transfer learning and random forests offers additional value.

LATIN 2024: 16th Latin American Symposium, Puerto Varas, Chile, March 18–22, 2024, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14579)

by José A. Soto Andreas Wiese

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 16th Latin American Symposium on Theoretical Informatics, LATIN 2042, which took place in Puerto Varas, Chile, in March 2024. The 44 papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 93 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows:Part I: Algorithms and Data Structures; Approximation and Online Algorithms; Complexity Theory; Part II: Combinatorics and Graph Theory; Parameterized Algorithms; Automata Theory and Formal Languages; and Game Theory and Fairness.

Disrupt Science: The Future Matters

by Mihai Nadin

Reaction to breakdowns is more expensive, by many orders of magnitude, than prevention. This again became clear during the COVID-19 pandemic and is evinced in the sustainability crisis. The dynamics of living matter transcends deterministic reaction. Embodied in machines, determinism empowered the human being, providing the path to prosperity. However, in conjunction with reductionism, it does away with complexity, in which life is couched. The living is by necessity anticipatory. Awareness of the future means preserving life not in reaction to, but in anticipation of change. Living entities, from the simplest bacteria, to plants and insects, to human beings, are adaptive, goal-oriented, and capable of self-healing. Anticipatory actions are expressed through non-deterministic processes that unfold in concert with reactions. They engage the wholeness of life, including its interactions with the environment. Awareness of consequences, together with memory of the past, informs actions that reflect the creative nature of human beings. Redefining science—and implicitly, medicine—is not a negation of its past, but rather an affirmation of trust in explaining life’s capacity to renew itself. As opposed to increasingly expensive medicine as a practice of repair, to prevent and to heal is to make life sustainable. The moment of truth can no longer be postponed. At stake is the future of humankind and even of life on planet Earth. Reductionist determinism informs the obsession with progress at any cost. Awareness of the fact that the human condition transcends that of the matter in which it is embodied explains, and indeed justifies, the call to Disrupt Science in its current state. The age of the digital machine, in particular of artificial intelligence, is one of opportunities that pale when compared to its inherent risks. The record of breakdowns (including so-called natural disasters), by now global in scale, is part of the empirical premise for the call for completing the Cartesian Revolution. A “Second Revolution in Science” could unleash humanity’s remaking, free of surrendering to want. Science has the opportunity not only to measure everything—life included—and accumulate data and process it for its own sake, but also to realize its meaning. The book cover is designed by Baruch Gorkin, who is celebrated internationally for exquisite typefaces and for books reflecting meaning-driven design.

The Mathematical Foundation of Multi-Space Learning Theory

by Tai Wang Mengsiying Li

This book explores the measurement of learning effectiveness and the optimization of knowledge retention by modeling the learning process and building the mathematical foundation of multi-space learning theory.Multi-space learning is defined in this book as a micro-process of human learning that can take place in more than one space, with the goal of effective learning and knowledge retention. This book models the learning process as a temporal sequence of concept learning, drawing on established principles and empirical evidence. It also introduces the matroid to strengthen the mathematical foundation of multi-space learning theory and applies the theory to vocabulary and mathematics learning, respectively. The results show that, for vocabulary learning, the method can be used to estimate the effectiveness of a single learning strategy, to detect the mutual interference that might exist between learning strategies, and to predict the optimal combination of strategies. In mathematical learning, it was found that timing is crucial in both first learning and second learning in scheduling optimization to maximize the intersection effective interval.The title will be of interest to researchers and students in a wide range of areas, including educational technology, learning sciences, mathematical applications, and mathematical psychology.

Bertrand’s Paradox and the Principle of Indifference (Routledge Studies in the Philosophy of Mathematics and Physics)

by Nicholas Shackel

Events between which we have no epistemic reason to discriminate have equal epistemic probabilities. Bertrand’s chord paradox, however, appears to show this to be false, and thereby poses a general threat to probabilities for continuum sized state spaces. Articulating the nature of such spaces involves some deep mathematics and that is perhaps why the recent literature on Bertrand’s Paradox has been almost entirely from mathematicians and physicists, who have often deployed elegant mathematics of considerable sophistication. At the same time, the philosophy of probability has been left out. In particular, left out entirely are the philosophical ground of the principle of indifference, the nature of the principle itself, the stringent constraint this places on the mathematical representation of the principle needed for its application to continuum sized event spaces, and what these entail for rigour in developing the paradox itself. This book puts the philosophy and its entailments back in and in so doing casts a new light on the paradox, giving original analyses of the paradox, its possible solutions, the source of the paradox, the philosophical errors we make in attempting to solve it and what the paradox proves for the philosophy of probability. The book finishes with the author’s proposed solution—a solution in the spirit of Bertrand’s, indeed—in which an epistemic principle more general than the principle of indifference offers a principled restriction of the domain of the principle of indifference.Bertrand's Paradox and the Principle of Indifference will appeal to scholars and advanced students working in the philosophy of mathematics, epistemology, philosophy of science, probability theory and mathematical physics.

ACT Math Prep For Dummies: Book + 3 Practice Tests Online

by Mark Zegarelli

Improve your score on the math section of the ACT A good math score on the ACT exam can set you on the path to a number of rewarding college programs and future careers, especially in the STEM fields. ACT Math Prep For Dummies walks you through this challenging exam section, with simple explanations of math concepts and proven test-taking strategies. Now including access to an all-new online test bank—so you can hammer out even more practice sessions—this book will help you hone your skills in pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, trigonometry and beyond. Handy problem-solving tips mean you’ll be prepared for the ever-more-advanced questions that the ACT throws at students each year. Learn exactly what you’ll need to know to score well on the ACT math section Get tips for solving problems quicker and making good guesses when you need to Drill down into more complex concepts like matrices and functions Practice, practice, practice, with three online testsIf you’re a high school student preparing to take the ACT and you need extra math practice, ACT Math Prep For Dummies has your back.

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