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Showing 53,851 through 53,875 of 67,211 results

The Comprehensive Resource Model: Effective therapeutic techniques for the healing of complex trauma (Explorations in Mental Health)

by Lisa Schwarz Frank Corrigan Alastair Hull Rajiv Raju

Traditional methods employed in psychotherapy have limited effectiveness when it comes to healing the psychological effects of trauma, in particular, complex trauma. While a client may seem to make significant breakthroughs in understanding their feelings and experiences on a rational level by talking with a therapist, this will make no difference to their post-traumatic symptoms if the midbrain is unable to modulate its activity in response. The Comprehensive Resource Model argues for a novel therapeutic approach, which uniquely bridges neuroscience and spirituality through a combination of somatic therapy, traditional psychotherapy, and indigenous healing concepts to provide effective relief to survivors of trauma. The Comprehensive Resource Model was developed in response to the need for a streamlined, integrative therapeutic model; one which engages a scaffolding of neurobiological resources in many brain structures simultaneously in order for clients to be fully embodied and conscious in the present moment while processing their traumatic material. All three phases of trauma therapy: resourcing, processing, and integration are done simultaneously. Demonstrating a nested model and employing brain and body-based physiological safety as the foundation of healing, chapters describe three primary categories of targeted processing: implicit and explicit survival terror, ‘Little T Truths’, and ‘Big T Truths’, all of which contribute to thorough healing of complex trauma and an expansion into higher states of consciousness and embodiment of the essential core self. This book describes the development and benefits of this pioneering new approach to trauma therapy. As such, it will be of key interest to academics, researchers and postgraduate students in the fields of psychiatry, psychotherapy, psychology and trauma studies. It will also appeal to practising therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, psychiatric nurses, and to others involved in the treatment or management of patients with complex trauma disorders.

The Comprehensive Resource Model: Effective therapeutic techniques for the healing of complex trauma (Explorations in Mental Health)

by Lisa Schwarz Frank Corrigan Alastair Hull Rajiv Raju

Traditional methods employed in psychotherapy have limited effectiveness when it comes to healing the psychological effects of trauma, in particular, complex trauma. While a client may seem to make significant breakthroughs in understanding their feelings and experiences on a rational level by talking with a therapist, this will make no difference to their post-traumatic symptoms if the midbrain is unable to modulate its activity in response. The Comprehensive Resource Model argues for a novel therapeutic approach, which uniquely bridges neuroscience and spirituality through a combination of somatic therapy, traditional psychotherapy, and indigenous healing concepts to provide effective relief to survivors of trauma. The Comprehensive Resource Model was developed in response to the need for a streamlined, integrative therapeutic model; one which engages a scaffolding of neurobiological resources in many brain structures simultaneously in order for clients to be fully embodied and conscious in the present moment while processing their traumatic material. All three phases of trauma therapy: resourcing, processing, and integration are done simultaneously. Demonstrating a nested model and employing brain and body-based physiological safety as the foundation of healing, chapters describe three primary categories of targeted processing: implicit and explicit survival terror, ‘Little T Truths’, and ‘Big T Truths’, all of which contribute to thorough healing of complex trauma and an expansion into higher states of consciousness and embodiment of the essential core self. This book describes the development and benefits of this pioneering new approach to trauma therapy. As such, it will be of key interest to academics, researchers and postgraduate students in the fields of psychiatry, psychotherapy, psychology and trauma studies. It will also appeal to practising therapists, psychiatrists, psychologists, psychiatric nurses, and to others involved in the treatment or management of patients with complex trauma disorders.

Stimmung als Information: Untersuchungen zum Einfluß von Stimmungen auf die Bewertung des eigenen Lebens (Lehr- und Forschungstexte Psychologie #24)

by Norbert Schwarz

Daß Stimmungsschwankungen die Beurteilungen des eigenen Lebens beeinflussen können, ist eine Alltagserfahrung. Eine fundierte Analyse zur Rolle emotionaler Zustände in der Urteilsbildung liegt jetzt vor: Der Autor hat verschiedene Ansätze zur Wechselwirkung von Emotion und Kognition gegenübergestellt und in Labor- sowie Feldexperimenten getestet. Die Befunde haben gezeigt, daß Personen bei der Beurteilung ihrer Lebenszufriedenheit ihre momentane Stimmung als Information berücksichtigen und in der gleichen Weise wie eine andere, externe Information verarbeiten. Aus diesem Ergebnis leitet sich ein theoretischer Ansatz für die Wechselwirkung von Kognition und Emotion ab, der die informative Funktion emotionaler Zustände hervorhebt und in die Entwicklung eines Urteilsmodells zum subjektiven Wohlbefinden eingeht. Dieser Band sollte in der Bibliothek von Psychologen, Soziologen und Meinungsforschern stehen.

The Psychology of Fake News: Accepting, Sharing, and Correcting Misinformation

by Norbert Schwarz Rainer Greifeneder Mariela Jaffe Eryn Newman

This volume examines the phenomenon of fake news by bringing together leading experts from different fields within psychology and related areas, and explores what has become a prominent feature of public discourse since the first Brexit referendum and the 2016 US election campaign. Dealing with misinformation is important in many areas of daily life, including politics, the marketplace, health communication, journalism, education, and science. In a general climate where facts and misinformation blur, and are intentionally blurred, this book asks what determines whether people accept and share (mis)information, and what can be done to counter misinformation? All three of these aspects need to be understood in the context of online social networks, which have fundamentally changed the way information is produced, consumed, and transmitted. The contributions within this volume summarize the most up-to-date empirical findings, theories, and applications and discuss cutting-edge ideas and future directions of interventions to counter fake news. Also providing guidance on how to handle misinformation in an age of “alternative facts”, this is a fascinating and vital reading for students and academics in psychology, communication, and political science and for professionals including policy makers and journalists.

Tools for Transforming Trauma

by Robert Schwarz

Tools for Transforming Trauma provides clinicians with an integrative framework that covers a wide range of therapeutic modalities and a "black bag" full of therapeutic tools for healing trauma patients.

Tools for Transforming Trauma

by Robert Schwarz

Tools for Transforming Trauma provides clinicians with an integrative framework that covers a wide range of therapeutic modalities and a "black bag" full of therapeutic tools for healing trauma patients.

We're No Fun Anymore: Helping Couples Cultivate Joyful Marriages Through the Power of Play

by Robert Schwarz Elaine Braff

In the 21st century, we tend to expect more than ever from our relationships without knowing how to sustain them. Often a married couple juggling the many demands of life, work and children take their bond for granted. They fail to cultivate and nurture the positive interactions they share, neglecting the fun, playful and sexy side of the relationship. Over time, this neglect creates an increasing spiral of dysfunction. We’re No Fun Anymore reminds therapists and the couples they treat that marriage does not have to mean forfeiting the passion, playfulness and joy in a relationship. With 50 combined years of clinical experience backing it, the program outlined in this book will help to build up a relationship without first tearing it down, examining its weaknesses, or trying to fix its problems. Integrating findings from neuroscience, social psychology, positive psychology and marriage research, We’re No Fun Anymore shows couple therapists how to create and magnify positive energy between their clients to refortify the foundation of their relationship and help it stand strong, even in times of strife and crisis. Readers will find a practical (and fun) plan to get their marriage out of the rut that’s robbing it of fun, recapture the pleasure of dating, romance, and love, and revive the playful quality of sex that makes it the pleasurable and enjoyable experience it’s supposed to be. Clinicians will also get the bonus of increasing the fun that they have in their personal lives and in their clinical work with clients.

We're No Fun Anymore: Helping Couples Cultivate Joyful Marriages Through the Power of Play

by Robert Schwarz Elaine Braff

In the 21st century, we tend to expect more than ever from our relationships without knowing how to sustain them. Often a married couple juggling the many demands of life, work and children take their bond for granted. They fail to cultivate and nurture the positive interactions they share, neglecting the fun, playful and sexy side of the relationship. Over time, this neglect creates an increasing spiral of dysfunction. We’re No Fun Anymore reminds therapists and the couples they treat that marriage does not have to mean forfeiting the passion, playfulness and joy in a relationship. With 50 combined years of clinical experience backing it, the program outlined in this book will help to build up a relationship without first tearing it down, examining its weaknesses, or trying to fix its problems. Integrating findings from neuroscience, social psychology, positive psychology and marriage research, We’re No Fun Anymore shows couple therapists how to create and magnify positive energy between their clients to refortify the foundation of their relationship and help it stand strong, even in times of strife and crisis. Readers will find a practical (and fun) plan to get their marriage out of the rut that’s robbing it of fun, recapture the pleasure of dating, romance, and love, and revive the playful quality of sex that makes it the pleasurable and enjoyable experience it’s supposed to be. Clinicians will also get the bonus of increasing the fun that they have in their personal lives and in their clinical work with clients.

Gendergerechtigkeit als Universalkonzept?: Kritische und kultursensible Analysen von Gendermainstreaming nach einer Katastrophe

by Silke Schwarz

​Silke Schwarz widmet sich der umstrittenen Frage nach Gendergerechtigkeit. Der transdisziplinäre Theorieteil verknüpft gängige Theorien sozialen Wandels aus den Bereichen Soziologie, Gender Studies und Psychologie und schließt mit einer Ethnographie indonesischer Genderverhältnisse. Im Ergebnisteil analysiert die Autorin mittels einer methodischen Triangulation, wie die eigene Rolle und psychische Identität innerhalb von Partnerschaft, Elternschaft, dem Erwerbsleben und der Gemeinde, also wie Subjektivität in einem zentraljavanischen Dorf erlebt wird, wie eine Positionierung im Alltag erfolgt und Anerkennung und Teilhabe erlebt bzw. gewonnen werden. Das Buch ist durchzogen von immer wieder aufgenommenen kritischen Reflexionen des eigenen Vorgehens als integraler Bestandteil bei Fragen nach Gerechtigkeit in transkulturellen, islamisch geprägten Kontexten.

Mentalisieren als schützende Ressource: Eine Studie zur gesundheitserhaltenden Funktion der Mentalisierungsfähigkeit

by Nicola-Hans Schwarzer

Nicola-Hans Schwarzer untersucht den gesundheitserhaltenden Einfluss der Mentalisierungsfähigkeit anhand einer Stichprobe angehender und bereits berufstätiger pädagogischer Fachkräfte. Hierbei zeigt sich, dass die Annahme, die die Mentalisierungsfähigkeit als schützende Ressource konzeptualisiert, auf Basis der ermittelten Befunde bestätigt werden kann. Die Ergebnisse erweisen sich als bedeutsam, da aufgrund des hohen Belastungserlebens pädagogischer Fachkräfte dringend praktikable Konzepte erforderlich sind, die es Betroffenen gestatten, sich angesichts aversiver Erfahrungen trotzdem als gesund und handlungsfähig zu erleben.

The Self in Anxiety, Stress and Depression (ISSN #Volume 21)

by R. Schwarzer

The focus of this book is on stressful experiences and emotional reactions. The common perspective is that self-related cognitions play an important role in describing and explaining the subjective experience of stress, anxiety and depression and the impact on academic performance and social interactions. The assumption of self-related cognitions as mediators in the regulation of one's behavior has a variety of consequences for different fields of applications in psychology.

Self-related Cognitions in Anxiety and Motivation

by R. Schwarzer

First published in 1986. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Self-Efficacy: Thought Control Of Action

by Ralf Schwarzer

First published in 1992. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Self-Efficacy: Thought Control Of Action

by Ralf Schwarzer

First published in 1992. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Self-related Cognitions in Anxiety and Motivation

by Ralf Schwarzer

First published in 1986. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Anxiety and Self-Focused Attention (Routledge Library Editions: Anxiety)

by Ralf Schwarzer Robert A. Wicklund

First published in 1991, this book consists of 13 articles that were originally published in the journal Anxiety Research. They address the topic of anxiety and self-focused attention from a variety of perspectives, representing recent advances in social, clinical and personality psychology at the time. As a whole, the book poses a stimulating theoretical challenge to traditional anxiety research, which had been dominated by psychometric issues, clinical case studies and stable personality constructs. The contributors share the view that anxiety is an emotional state of distress dependent upon specific antecedent cognitive processes such as self-awareness, perceived role discrepancy or unfavourable expectancies.

Anxiety and Self-Focused Attention (Routledge Library Editions: Anxiety)

by Ralf Schwarzer Robert A. Wicklund

First published in 1991, this book consists of 13 articles that were originally published in the journal Anxiety Research. They address the topic of anxiety and self-focused attention from a variety of perspectives, representing recent advances in social, clinical and personality psychology at the time. As a whole, the book poses a stimulating theoretical challenge to traditional anxiety research, which had been dominated by psychometric issues, clinical case studies and stable personality constructs. The contributors share the view that anxiety is an emotional state of distress dependent upon specific antecedent cognitive processes such as self-awareness, perceived role discrepancy or unfavourable expectancies.

Women in the Chartist Movement (Studies in Gender History)

by J. Schwarzkopf

Towards the end of the 1830s, large numbers of British working men and women rallied round the People's Charter in order to improve their living conditions through universal suffrage. Women's wide-ranging support of Chartism encompassed everything from extensive lecturing tours to domestic servicing of politically active menfolk. In this first full-length study of women's involvement in Chartism, the author demonstrates that, in their struggle, which lasted for more than a decade, Chartist men and women enforced in their own ranks standards of respectable man- and womanhood that were to shape working-class gender relations well into this century.

Burnout in Teams: Ursachenanalyse und Ableitung von Vorbeugungsmaßnahmen (BestMasters)

by Jasmin Schwazer

Burnout als chronischer Erschöpfungszustand beschränkt sich nicht nur auf Individuen, sondern erfasst zunehmend ganze Teams. Jasmin Schwazer analysiert systematisch und umfassend, welche teamspezifischen Ursachen für Burnout verantwortlich sind, wie z.B. Teamzusammensetzung, Teamführung sowie Agilität, und welche Vorbeugungsmaßnahmen ergriffen werden können. Die Rolle, die Teams hierbei spielen, ist bisher nicht ausreichend betrachtet worden, obwohl diese heutzutage die Zusammenarbeit in Unternehmen prägen.

Understanding and Helping Families: A Cognitive-behavioral Approach

by Andrew I. Schwebel Mark A. Fine Andrew Schwebel

This book presents a new approach to understanding the family unit and how and why it functions as it does. The approach focuses on the cognitions of family members and how these, in turn, shape individuals' behavior and the functioning of the family system. The use of the cognitive-behavioral perspective in family science has gained a quick and broad acceptance among social scientists and practitioners during the past decade. One reason for its success is that the basics of the approach are easy to learn and apply. Specifically, the approach maintains that a person who believes that he or she is a failure will -- because of this cognition -- act in certain self-defeating ways and have various self-deprecating feelings. The wide acceptance of the cognitive-behavioral approach rests on more than its simplicity: the approach has repeatedly proven itself in the laboratory and in the clinic. The knowledge readers of this volume will gain about the cognitive-behavioral approach provides them with tools that they can use to better understand not only the family interactions, but the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of individuals -- including themselves -- in the family setting.

Understanding and Helping Families: A Cognitive-behavioral Approach

by Andrew I. Schwebel Mark A. Fine Andrew Schwebel

This book presents a new approach to understanding the family unit and how and why it functions as it does. The approach focuses on the cognitions of family members and how these, in turn, shape individuals' behavior and the functioning of the family system. The use of the cognitive-behavioral perspective in family science has gained a quick and broad acceptance among social scientists and practitioners during the past decade. One reason for its success is that the basics of the approach are easy to learn and apply. Specifically, the approach maintains that a person who believes that he or she is a failure will -- because of this cognition -- act in certain self-defeating ways and have various self-deprecating feelings. The wide acceptance of the cognitive-behavioral approach rests on more than its simplicity: the approach has repeatedly proven itself in the laboratory and in the clinic. The knowledge readers of this volume will gain about the cognitive-behavioral approach provides them with tools that they can use to better understand not only the family interactions, but the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of individuals -- including themselves -- in the family setting.

Promoting Cognitive Growth Over the Life Span

by Milton Schwebel Nancy S. Fagley Charles A. Maher

This book introduces special programs designed to enhance thinking and problem solving at the preschool, elementary, secondary, college, and graduate levels, as well as proven instructional methods to aid the elderly in retaining or regaining essential mental skills. The volume also considers difficult problems confronting psychology, including such disparate issues as the appropriate content of courses to develop thinking, resistance to the introduction of programs in schools and universities, and psychology's limitations on progress in these areas.

Promoting Cognitive Growth Over the Life Span

by Milton Schwebel Charles A. Maher Nancy S. Fagley

This book introduces special programs designed to enhance thinking and problem solving at the preschool, elementary, secondary, college, and graduate levels, as well as proven instructional methods to aid the elderly in retaining or regaining essential mental skills. The volume also considers difficult problems confronting psychology, including such disparate issues as the appropriate content of courses to develop thinking, resistance to the introduction of programs in schools and universities, and psychology's limitations on progress in these areas.

Facetten des Vertrauens und Misstrauens: Herausforderungen für das soziale Miteinander

by Martin K. W. Schweer

Der Band stellt den aktuellen Forschungsstand zu dem gesellschaftlich hochrelevanten Themenkomplex um Vertrauen und Misstrauen zusammen. In Forschung und Transfer zeigt sich, welche wertvollen Beiträge die diesbezügliche Forschung leistet, wenn es um die Lösung konkreter sozialer Probleme und um die Bewältigung gesellschaftlicher Herausforderungen geht.

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