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Showing 476 through 500 of 13,236 results

Pedagogies, Physical Culture, and Visual Methods (Routledge Studies in Physical Education and Youth Sport)

by Laura Azzarito David Kirk

To understand and more creatively capture the social world, visual methods have increasingly become used by researchers in the social sciences and education. However, despite the rapid development of visual-based knowledge, and despite the obvious links between human movement and visual forms of understanding, visual research has been scarce in the fields of physical culture and physical education pedagogy. This groundbreaking book is the first to mark a "visual turn" in understanding and researching physical culture and pedagogies, offering innovative, image-based research that reveals key issues in the domains of sport, health, and physical education studies. Integrating visual research into physical culture and pedagogy studies, the book provides the reader with different ways of "seeing", looking at, and critically engaging with physical culture. Since human movement is increasingly created, established, and pedagogized beyond traditional educational sites such as schools, sport clubs, and fitness gyms, the book also explores the notion of visual pedagogy in wider physical culture, helping the reader to understand how visual-based technologies such as television, the internet, and mobile phones are central to people’s engagement with physical culture today. The book demonstrates how the visual creates dynamic pedagogical tools for revealing playful forms of embodiment, and offers the reader a range of visual methods, from researcher-produced photo analysis to participatory-centred visual approaches, that will enhance their own study of physical culture. Pedagogies, Physical Culture and Visual Methods is important reading for all advanced students and researchers with an interest in human movement, physical education, physical culture, sport studies, and research methods in education.

Pedagogies, Physical Culture, and Visual Methods (Routledge Studies in Physical Education and Youth Sport)

by Laura Azzarito David Kirk

To understand and more creatively capture the social world, visual methods have increasingly become used by researchers in the social sciences and education. However, despite the rapid development of visual-based knowledge, and despite the obvious links between human movement and visual forms of understanding, visual research has been scarce in the fields of physical culture and physical education pedagogy. This groundbreaking book is the first to mark a "visual turn" in understanding and researching physical culture and pedagogies, offering innovative, image-based research that reveals key issues in the domains of sport, health, and physical education studies. Integrating visual research into physical culture and pedagogy studies, the book provides the reader with different ways of "seeing", looking at, and critically engaging with physical culture. Since human movement is increasingly created, established, and pedagogized beyond traditional educational sites such as schools, sport clubs, and fitness gyms, the book also explores the notion of visual pedagogy in wider physical culture, helping the reader to understand how visual-based technologies such as television, the internet, and mobile phones are central to people’s engagement with physical culture today. The book demonstrates how the visual creates dynamic pedagogical tools for revealing playful forms of embodiment, and offers the reader a range of visual methods, from researcher-produced photo analysis to participatory-centred visual approaches, that will enhance their own study of physical culture. Pedagogies, Physical Culture and Visual Methods is important reading for all advanced students and researchers with an interest in human movement, physical education, physical culture, sport studies, and research methods in education.


by F. Baarveld F.J.G. Backx Th.B. Voorn

Sport gaat een steeds voornamere rol spelen in onze huidige samenleving. Sportgeneeskunde is als een nieuw onderwerp in de reeks Praktische huisartsgeneeskunde daarom goed op z'n plaats. Dit praktische kwaliteitshandboek is een onmisbaar element in de advisering van de huidige (in-)actieve mens. Sportgeneeskunde biedt huisartsen en huisartsen in opleiding de mogelijkheid hun kennis op het gebied van de sportgeneeskunde te actualiseren en te concretiseren maar is zeker ook interessant voor onder meer de sportarts, revalidatiearts en fysiotherapeut.In Sportgeneeskunde geven deskundigen vanuit diverse praktijken, ziekenhuizen en instellingen in Nederland een overzicht van het kennisdomein van de sportgeneeskunde.Het boek omvat vijf delen. In het eerste deel komen positieve en negatieve aspecten van bewegen en de epidemiologie van sportblessures aan bod. In het tweede deel wordt aandacht besteed aan sport en bewegen bij specifieke groepen, bij: jeugd, volwassenen, ouderen, verstandelijk gehandicapten en zwangeren. Het derde deel behandelt het nut van bewegen van mensen met een chronische ziekte, als epilepsie, hartziekte, diabetes mellitus, astma, artrose en osteoporose. In het vierde deel worden de mogelijke sportblessures per lokalisatie beschreven, van hoofd tot voet. Het vijfde deel schetst verschillende maatregelen ter preventie van sportletsel. De heldere structuur en de vele illustraties maken Sportgeneeskunde zeer bruikbaar in praktijk en studie.Sportgeneeskunde verschijnt in de reeks Praktische huisartsgeneeskunde. In deze reeks verschijnen uitgaven met praktische en klachtgerichte informatie over de verschillende deelgebieden in de huisartsgeneeskunde.

Computer Science in Sport: Research and Practice (Routledge Research in Sport and Exercise Science)

by Arnold Baca

Computers are a fundamentally important tool in sport science research, sports performance analysis and, increasingly, in coaching and education programmes in sport. This book defines the field of ‘sport informatics’, explaining how computer science can be used to solve sport-related problems, in both research and applied aspects. Beginning with a clear explanation of the functional principles of hardware and software, the book examines the key functional areas in which computer science is employed in sport, including: knowledge discovery and database development data acquisition, including devices for measuring performance data motion tracking and analysis systems modelling and simulation match analysis systems e-learning and multimedia in sports education Bridging the gap between theory and practice, this book is important reading for any student, researcher or practitioner working in sport science, sport performance analysis, research methods in sport, applied computer science or informatics.

Computer Science in Sport: Research and Practice (Routledge Research in Sport and Exercise Science)

by Arnold Baca

Computers are a fundamentally important tool in sport science research, sports performance analysis and, increasingly, in coaching and education programmes in sport. This book defines the field of ‘sport informatics’, explaining how computer science can be used to solve sport-related problems, in both research and applied aspects. Beginning with a clear explanation of the functional principles of hardware and software, the book examines the key functional areas in which computer science is employed in sport, including: knowledge discovery and database development data acquisition, including devices for measuring performance data motion tracking and analysis systems modelling and simulation match analysis systems e-learning and multimedia in sports education Bridging the gap between theory and practice, this book is important reading for any student, researcher or practitioner working in sport science, sport performance analysis, research methods in sport, applied computer science or informatics.

13th World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sport and 13th International Symposium on Computer Science in Sport (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #1448)

by Arnold Baca Juliana Exel

This book discovers the latest research and insights in sports performance analysis and computer science in sports with the 13th World Congress of Performance Analysis of Sport and 13th International Symposium on Computer Science in Sport joint conference proceedings. This comprehensive book features over 40 peer-reviewed scientific works, showcasing the latest developments in these areas. The book covers a wide range of topics, including data analytics in sports, performance tracking and monitoring, artificial intelligence and machine learning in sports, virtual and augmented reality in sports, sensor technology, sports biomechanics, and motor control. By reading this book, you'll gain a deeper understanding of how applied and research-based problems can, together, transform the world of sports, and how you can stay ahead of the curve in this rapidly evolving field. This means that whether you're a researcher, coach, athlete, or sports enthusiast, there is something for everyone in this book.

Proceedings of the 9th International Performance Analysis Workshop and Conference & 5th IACSS Conference (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing #1426)

by Arnold Baca Juliana Exel Martin Lames Nic James Nimai Parmar

This covers the PACSS 2021 which approached interdisciplinary collaboration between theoretical computer science and practical performance analysis though an online workshop and conference. Readers find in this book the peer-reviewed and discussed evidences on how computer scientists and performance analysts can and have worked together to solve both applied and research-based problems in elite sport, using the methods of computer science. In this edition, we organize the content according to four major topics: machine learning, text mining, best practice and interdisciplinary collaboration. This is a refined material written by leading experts with up-to-date overview of research in the multidisciplinary field of computer science and elite sport performance analysis.

Modelling and Simulation in Sport and Exercise (Routledge Research in Sport and Exercise Science)

by Arnold Baca Jürgen Perl

Modelling and simulation techniques are of central importance to conducting research in sport and exercise science, informing data collection and helping to analyze patterns of movement and physical performance. Modelling and Simulation in Sport and Exercise is the first book to offer an instructive reference for modelling and simulation methods for researchers and sport and exercise scientists. Based around a series of research cases, describing core theories in applied, practical settings, the book draws on examples of modelling and simulation in ball games, biomechanical analysis, physiological testing and monitoring, predictive analysis and sports engineering and product design. Each research case presents a central problem, discusses different modelling approaches that could be used to deal with the issue, analysis of results and a reflection on the methodology and an exercise for students to put the techniques discussed into practice. This is an important reference for any active researcher or upper-level student in sport and exercise science with an interest in mathematical modelling, computer science or simulation techniques.

Modelling and Simulation in Sport and Exercise (Routledge Research in Sport and Exercise Science)

by Arnold Baca Jürgen Perl

Modelling and simulation techniques are of central importance to conducting research in sport and exercise science, informing data collection and helping to analyze patterns of movement and physical performance. Modelling and Simulation in Sport and Exercise is the first book to offer an instructive reference for modelling and simulation methods for researchers and sport and exercise scientists. Based around a series of research cases, describing core theories in applied, practical settings, the book draws on examples of modelling and simulation in ball games, biomechanical analysis, physiological testing and monitoring, predictive analysis and sports engineering and product design. Each research case presents a central problem, discusses different modelling approaches that could be used to deal with the issue, analysis of results and a reflection on the methodology and an exercise for students to put the techniques discussed into practice. This is an important reference for any active researcher or upper-level student in sport and exercise science with an interest in mathematical modelling, computer science or simulation techniques.

Coaching Soccer For Dummies, Mini Edition

by Greg Bach National Alliance for Youth Sports

No synopsis available.

Advances in Ergometry

by Norbert Bachl T. E. Graham H. Löllgen

Exercise testing is widely used all over the world to assess functional capacity in athletes, healthy subjects and patients. According to recent surveys, the interest in ergometry is still growing in almost all fields of medicine, especially in private practice. Furthermore, there has been an exponential growth in the number of publications on exercise testing in the last years. Several consensus and task force conferences have dealt with exercise testing and published recommendations on standardization and guidelines in ergometry. These factors have, in combination, initiated an upsurge in research and clinical use of exercise testing. At the 6th International Seminar on Ergometry the latest findings and advances in ergometry were discussed. Reviews and results of the congress covering a wide range of features in exercise testing are presented in this book. The editors hope that this book will make a substantial contribution to our knowledge regarding exercise testing and will help physicians to appropriately evaluate exercise testing in healthy and diseased subjects. The editors are indepted to Miss I. Baumgartner and Mr. W. Reith for their effort in typing and preparing the manuscripts. The editors are greatful to Springer-Verlag for the close cooperation and for their expertise in publishing the present volume. N. Bachl T. Graham H. Lallgen Contents W. Hollmann The Anaerobic Threshold as a Tool in Medicine ........... 1 L. Prokop Genetic Influences on Cardiovascular Capacity ............... 12 1) ARRHYTHMIA AND EXERCISE . . . • . . • . • • . • . 19 . . .

Bewegt Altern: Professionelle Strategien für ein gesundes und aktives Älterwerden

by Norbert Bachl Piero Lercher Barbara Schober-Halper

Das Buch gibt einen umfassenden Überblick über die biologischen und physiologischen Veränderungen im Alter und zeigt auf, wie Bewegung, Ernährung und andere Lebensstilfaktoren das Älterwerden positiv beeinflussen. Nach einer grundlegenden Darstellung des Alterungsprozesses werden anschaulich und informativ verschiedene Strategien für ein genussvolles und selbstbestimmtes Altern vorgestellt. Der große Praxisteil bietet konkrete Anleitungen, wie ein Trainingsprogramm mit der richtigen Vorbereitung gelingen kann, und zeigt auf, wie ein altersangepasstes Ernährungsmanagement erfolgreich umgesetzt wird. Beispiele für Bewegungs- und Ernährungspläne erleichtern die Umsetzung in der Praxis. Beiträge von prominenten Gastautoren, wie Prof. Dr. Gerti Senger, Dompfarrer Toni Faber, Dr. med. Kurt Leitner, sowie Rezepte zum Nachkochen der bekannten Haubenköchin Johanna Maier, der Hotelchefin Simone Ronacher und der Food-Bloggerin Michaela Lang, runden das Werk gelungen ab. Geschrieben wurde es ursprünglich für Personen aus den Gesundheitsberufen, sei es im Bereich der Gesundheitsvorsorge und Prävention, der Trainingslehre und Fitnessindustrie, der Rehabilitation oder Medizin. Aufgrund der leichten Verständlichkeit und der praxisnahen Umsetzung profitieren aber auch alle Interessierten von der Lektüre, die sich im Alter fit halten möchten.

Molekulare Sport- und Leistungsphysiologie: Molekulare, zellbiologische und genetische Aspekte der körperlichen Leistungsfähigkeit

by Norbert Bachl Herbert Löllgen Harald Tschan Henning Wackerhage Barbara Wessner

Molekulare Sport- und Leistungsphysiologie ist die Lehre der Genetik und Signaltransduktion im Kontext körperlicher Aktivität. Ihre grundlegenden Ansprüche liegen in der Erforschung des Einfluss der Genetik auf die sportliche Leistungsfähigkeit und der Anpassungsprozesse durch Bewegungs- oder Trainingsreize auf molekularer und zellulärer Ebene.Dieses Werk vermittelt Grundlagenwissen in Genetik, Molekular- und Zellbiologie, stellt molekulare Mechanismen in leistungsphysiologischen Systemen dar und verbindet sportmedizinische mit -wissenschaftlichen Aspekten der körperlichen Leistungsfähigkeit. Der Brückenschlag zwischen theoretischem Wissen und praktischer Umsetzung gelingt durch Einbindung methodischer Aspekte in die sog. „Tooltipps“.Das Buch richtet sich an Sportmediziner, Sportwissenschaftler und sonstige im sportmedizinischen oder -wissenschaftlichen Bereich tätigen Berufsgruppen und Studenten, die sich fundiertes Wissen über moderne Erkenntnisse der körperlichen Leistungsfähigkeit aneignen möchten.

Aktiv ins Alter: Mit richtiger Bewegung jung bleiben

by Norbert Bachl Werner Schwarz Johannes Zeibig

Schlagen Sie Ihrem "kalendarischen Alter" ein Schnippchen! Aktiv und in Bewegung ist es leichter älter zu werden. Und es ist nie zu spät, mit Bewegung und Sport anzufangen. Auf der Basis wissenschaftlich gesicherter Erkenntnis verfassten erfahrene Mediziner und Sportwissenschafter diesen nützlichen, nachvollziehbaren, leicht verständlichen Ratgeber. Verzögern Sie den biologischen Alterungsprozess. Zahlreiche Tipps zeigen Ihnen wie Sie mehr Bewegung in den Alltag einbauen und bieten umfassende Anleitungen für Sportarten mit hohem "Active Aging-Faktor". Zusätzlich kombinieren die Autoren ihre Bewegungstipps mit Hinweisen zur gesunden Ernährung.

Fit ins Alter: Mit richtiger Bewegung jung bleiben

by Norbert Bachl Werner Schwarz Johannes Zeibig

Sie halten dieses Buch in den Händen, weil für Sie persönlich Fitness, oder das Altern an sich ein Thema sind. Vielleicht haben Sie sich schon mit Hilfe von Büchern, Kursen, oder auch persönlicher Beratung Unterstützung gesucht, wenn es darum ging, Ihr persönliches Wohlbefinden, Ihre Belastbarkeit, oder einfach die Lebensqualität in der kommenden Zeit zu verbessern. Das bedeutet, dass Ihr Interesse an den modernen und wissenschaftlich begründeten Methoden, gesund und fit ins Alter zu wachsen, groß genug ist, um dieses Buch zu lesen. Ganz gleich, wie alt Sie sind, wenn Sie körperlich inaktiv, vielleicht etwas üb- gewichtig sind, einen oder mehrere Risikofaktoren für Zivilisationserkrankungen aufweisen, hier finden Sie Lösungen für einen Weg zur Besserung Ihres Zustandes. Sind Sie vielleicht schon chronisch von einer dieser Erkrankungen betroffen dann wird dieses Buch eine Unterstützung sein. Je untrainierter Sie sind, desto mehr werden Sie von diesem Buch profitieren, da es Ihnen Stra- gien zur Wiedererlangung bzw. Festigung der Gesundheit im Rahmen eines gesunden und erlebnisreichen Alterns aufzeigt. Auch wenn Sie regelmäßig körperlich aktiv sind, joggen, schwimmen, be- steigen, Ski fahren und Tennis spielen, und sich nach Ihrer Pensionierung noch einmal ein großes „Erlebnis“ gönnen wollen, wie z.B. den Kailash zu umrunden, einige 4000er zu bezwingen, einen Marathon zu laufen oder Helikopter Ski fahren zu gehen – auch dann sollten Sie in diesem Buch blättern, da auch die wichtigsten Grundlagen für eine gezielte Leistungssteigerung vermittelt werden.

Beartown: From The New York Times Bestselling Author of A Man Called Ove

by Fredrik Backman

In a large Swedish forest Beartown hides a dark secret . . . Cut-off from everywhere else it experiences the kind of isolation that tears people apart.And each year more and more of the town is swallowed by the forest.Then the town is offered a bright new future. But it is all put in jeopardy by a single, brutal act. It divides the town into those who think it should be hushed up and forgotten, and those who'll risk the future to see justice done. Who will speak up?Could you stand by and stay silent?Or would you risk everything for justice?Which side would you be on? 'I utterly believed in the residents of Beartown and felt ripped apart by the events in the book' JOJO MOYES, bestselling author of Me Before You'Surrounded by impenetrable forests, Beartown recreates the stifling atmosphere of a dying community. A mature, compassionate novel' Sunday Times 'You'll love this engrossing novel' People'Backman is a masterful writer' Kirkus Review

Us Against You: From The New York Times Bestselling Author of A Man Called Ove and Beartown

by Fredrik Backman

'I utterly believed in the residents of Beartown, and felt ripped apart by the events in the book' JOJO MOYES, bestselling author of Me Before You, on Beartown__________________Can a broken town survive a second tragedy? The follow-up to the international bestseller Beartown.Beartown is dying . . . Tucked in a forest in the frozen north, Beartown's residents are tough and hardworking. They don't expect life to be easy, but they do expect it to be fair. Which is why the sudden loss of their hockey players to the rival town of Hed hurts. Everyone needs something to cheer for in the long winter nights. Now they have nothing. So when a new star player arrives, Coach Peter sees an opportunity to rebuild the team - to take on Hed and restore Beartown's fortunes. But not everyone in town sees it his way.As the big game between both towns approaches, the rivalry turns bitter and all too real. Once the stands rumbled with threats to 'kill' and 'ruin' each other, but the residents didn't mean it. Now they do.By the time the last goal is scored, someone in Beartown will be dead . . . Us Against You is the story of two towns, two teams and what it means to believe in something bigger than yourself. It's about how people come together - sometimes in anger, often in sorrow, but also through love. And how, when we stand together, we can bring a town back to life.

Mountain: A Life on the Rocks

by Steve Backshall

Steve Backshall's love affair with the mountains has taken him to some of the world's wildest places, environments that have the power to make a human being feel very small, very vulnerable and very alive. MOUNTAIN: A LIFE OF THE ROCKS is an account of his most breathtaking expeditions: heading into the 'Death Zone' on the roof of the world in the Himalayas, and picking a precarious route up hundreds of metres of rock in the Arctic and Alps. There are expeditions of exploration, as Steve makes the first ascent of jungle peaks and scales the tabletop mountains of the 'Lost World', Venezuela's Gran Sabana, in search of undiscovered animal species on their summits. Steve recalls his apprenticeship in the art of mountaineering with the Indian army, and the terror and near-disaster of some of his more ill-fated adventures, including the aftermath of the fall that should have ended his life.This is a tale of terror and ecstasy, a book that tries to get to the heart of why we risk our lives to climb and conquer. But most of all, MOUNTAIN is a love letter to the wilderness, from one of the world's most adventurous spirits.

Great British Cycling: The History of British Bike Racing

by Ellis Bacon

In 1868, the first ever documented bicycle race was held in a Paris park, and to the locals' chagrin, was won by a Briton. Yet while cycling culture became ingrained in continental European culture, riders this side of the Channel were engaged in constant battles with the authorities to pursue their sport - road racing was in fact banned as early as 1890. Its rise in popularity over the past 150 years, and the many triumphs of British cyclists in that time, have therefore been phenomenal.Never before has the full story of the sport been documented in one book, and in Great British Cycling, Ellis Bacon guides you through the development of our bike racing world, from weekend outings to British riders being able to compete in, then finish and win stages of the Tour de France. It takes you from cycling clubs and iconic frame-builders to a post-war explosion in cycling participation inspired by the likes of Brian Robinson, Tommy Simpson, Barry Hoban and Beryl Burton, from huge crowds witnessing the Tour of Britain and other races up and down the land to the modern era of glorious success by the likes of Mark Cavendish, Bradley Wiggins and Chris Froome.As the Tour de France returns to these shores for the fourth time, with Great Britain now firmly established at the top of the world of cycling, this is the ideal time for fans of the sport, both new and old, to explore its wonderful history.

Mapping Le Tour: The Unofficial History Of All 100 Tour De France Races

by Ellis Bacon

Recommended for viewing on colour device.Mapping Le Tour charts the course of every race route in cycling’s most prestigious event, including a special section on the 2014 Tour de France.

The Cycling Anthology: Volume Five (5/5)

by Ellis Bacon Lionel Birnie

Professional cycling is a rich, dynamic and often controversial sport that lends itself to great writing. Some of the most famous and illustrious races were founded by newspapermen and The Cycling Anthology continues this tradition by bringing together the best in the business. Volume Five is an eclectic mix of stories old and new:As World War One is commemorated acros the globe, Brendan Gallagher looks at cycling's war heroes and the role the bicycle played in WWI. Jeremy Whittle goes in search of panache - why you don't always have to be a winner to be a winner in the public's eyes.Francois Thomazeau examines how the Tour de France became the international event it is today. The 2014 Tour de France is relived in the form of poetry, by Ellis Bacon. Lionel Birnie tells the story behind the Linda McCartney cycling team, the great British team that could have been. Joey McLoughlin was a shining star of the British cycling scene in the 1980s and '90s - Andy McGrath finds out what happened to him. Edward Pickering returns to one of cycling's great Pyrenean climbs - Superbagneres. As Matt Beaudin finds out, the Tour de France is a treat for the senses - albeit a loud one. Matt McGeehan sends a postcard from the 2014 World Track Championships in Colombia. And Daniel Friebe introduces us to Jean Francois Naquet-Radiguet: Tour de France pioneer.

The Cycling Anthology: Volume Two (2/5)

by Ellis Bacon Lionel Birnie

Professional cycling is a rich, dynamic and often controversial sport that lends itself to great writing. Some of the most famous and illustrious races were founded by newspapermen and The Cycling Anthology continues this tradition by bringing together the best in the business. Volume Two is a Tour de France special edition and features original and exclusive pieces by leading cycling writers. ITV reporter Ned Boulting looks at how the Tour made it to our living rooms and into our hearts; pro rider Daniel Lloyd lifts the lid on actually riding a Tour in 'A Domestique's Tale'; Jeremy Whittle examines why, despite drug scandal and infamy, the Tour still intoxicates us; and many more. Between them, they’ve covered hundreds of Tours de France and written dozens of excellent books and some have even ridden the Tour. Here, their work is showcased together.

The Best of Bacon: Select Cuts

by John U. Bacon

From the Preface: “I wrote these stories between 1992 and 2018. They cover a dozen different sports for a dozen different media outlets, from the Ann Arbor News to National Public Radio, and they stretch from a couple pages to a dozen. But they have one thing in common: they all meant a lot to me when I wrote them, and they still do today.” The Best of Bacon presents both new and familiar stories by best-selling author John U. Bacon, all centered on sports in his home state of Michigan. Best known for his acclaimed books on college football, Bacon’s writing has been praised for going beyond traditional Xs and Os sports reporting. True to that reputation, this collection showcases personal, behind-the-scenes stories of players, coaches, and even fans. Many of these stories are connected to specific moments in time—a great season, the passing of a legendary broadcaster, or a star player’s daily grind before a big game—and will immediately transport readers to some of the highs (and lows) of their own sports memories. More often, Bacon’s writing explores timeless themes—why we love sports, how we pass that passion down to the next generation, and how it will be threatened or preserved in the future. ?Michigan is one of the nation’s best sports states, home to countless amateur squads, two Big Ten schools, and professional teams in all four major sports whose histories reach back to the start of their leagues—something only New York, Massachusetts, and Illinois can also claim. This book covers the spectrum, from insider profiles of big names like Magic Johnson, Bo Schembechler, and Joe Louis, to cautionary tales of the debilitating greed threatening our favorite pastimes, to uplifting stories of the unsung heroes whose passion drives them to coach Little League baseball teams or run summer camps for peanuts. These stories speak to the value of sports, but also to our values. Whether a Spartan or a Wolverine, a long-suffering Lions’ backer or a diehard Wing-Nut, a lifetime sports fan or just someone who loves a good story, there is something here for everyone.

There's Only One Stevie Bacon: My Life Watching West Ham Through a Camera Lens

by Steve Bacon

He has never scored a goal, lifted a trophy, worn the captain's armband or even played for the club, but Steve Bacon is considered a genuine Hammers legend. As West Ham United's official photographer for more than thirty years, Steve has become a cult hero at Upton Park - he has appeared on Sky's Soccer AM, featured in a fanzine comic strip and even had a burger named after him. From his privileged position as part of the club's backroom team, Steve has enjoyed unlimited access behind the scenes and established close friendships with many managers and players. John Lyall, Lou Macari, Billy Bonds, Harry Redknapp, Glenn Roeder, Alan Pardew, Alan Curbishley, Gianfranco Zola, Avram Grant and Sam Allardyce have all found themselves the focus of Bacon's candid camera, while Trevor Brooking, Tony Cottee, Frank McAvennie, Julian Dicks, Rio Ferdinand, Frank Lampard, Paolo Di Canio and Scott Parker are just a few of the star players who have welcomed him into their world. Packed with terrific tales, amusing anecdotes and controversial characters, and illustrated with the very best of Steve's photographs, There's Only One Stevie Bacon offers an intriguing insight into life at the Boleyn Ground and one that no West Ham United fan will want to miss.

A New Innings

by Manoj Badale Simon Hughes

This is it. A guided missile leaves the hand of Jofra Archer and arrows towards you at 90mph. You must score two runs to win the World Cup. You miscue it and England triumph instead, a ground-breaking moment that captivates a global audience. Except you’re not playing to 700 million people, you’re actually at home, immersed in virtual reality. Technology is transforming sport, personalising fan experiences, and transforming sport’s economics. Technology is also radically altering sporting performance, sharpening preparation, training and skills, and reinventing team tactics, as analysts drill down into the data revealing exactly where Jasprit Bumrah is going to bowl or where Jos Buttler is going to hit his next boundary. Technology’s transformative impact has revolutionized the sports business, with a resulting increase in broadcast and digital media rights, enabling players like Virat Kohli or Ben Stokes to earn $2m for six weeks work. The Indian Premier League (IPL) has been at the centre of cricket’s reinvention. It has catapulted cricket into the global mainstream, spawning numerous imitators. It is one of only two professional sports leagues in the world, where all franchises are profitable. After only 12 years since launch: the IPL is valued at $6.3bn; accounts for over 30% of global cricket revenues; and over 60% of Indian sports revenues. What lessons can be learnt from its design and the rapid growth of its media rights? How it secures, develops and manages the world’s best players? And how the IPL has dealt with governance, ownership and gambling challenges? But now cricket, along with all sports, has been rocked by coronavirus, with IPL season 13 postponed, and the English season decimated. How can the IPL inform cricket’s evolution in a post Covid world? What are the imperatives for cricket’s ‘New Innings’?Award-winning cricket writer and broadcaster Simon Hughes - The Analyst - and technology entrepreneur Manoj Badale, lead owner of the Rajasthan Royals, one of the IPL’s most forward-thinking franchises, dissect the global business of sport. They offer unique insights into the IPL’s drivers and innovations and, with unprecedented access into dressing rooms and boardrooms, reveal lessons for the business of sport. An essential read for all those with a passion for cricket and an interest in the business of sport, this book is as innovative and ambitious as a Steve Smith century.

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