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Multivariate Analysemethoden: Eine anwendungsorientierte Einführung

by Klaus Backhaus Bernd Erichson Wulff Plinke Rolf Weiber

Dieses Lehrbuch behandelt neun grundlegende Verfahren der multivariaten Datenanalyse in ausführlicher Weise. Dies sind die:- Regressionsanalyse- Zeitreihenanalyse- Varianzanalyse- Diskriminanzanalyse- Logistische Regression- Kontingenzanalyse- Faktorenanalyse- Clusteranalyse und- Conjoint-Analyse. Das Buch stellt geringstmögliche Anforderungen an mathematische Vorkenntnisse und bietet eine allgemein verständliche Darstellung anhand eines für alle Methoden verwendeten Fallbeispiels unter Verwendung von IBM SPSS für Windows. Die Autoren legen Wert auf konsequente Anwendungsorientierung und vollständige Nachvollziehbarkeit der zentralen Rechenoperationen durch den Leser. Jedes Verfahren kann unabhängig für sich durchgeführt werden. Ein besonderes Augenmerk liegt auf dem Aufzeigen von methodenbedingten Manipulationsspielräumen. Darüber hinaus werden jeweils in Form einer kurzen Einführung die Problemstellungen und Vorgehensweisen von sieben weiteren Verfahren (Nichtlineare Regression, Strukturgleichungsmodelle, Konfirmatorische Faktorenanalyse, Neuronale Netze, Multidimensionale Skalierung, Korrespondenzanalyse und Auswahlbasierte Conjoint-Analyse) dargestellt. Diese werden in dem vertiefenden Band „Fortgeschrittene Multivariate Analyseverfahren“ ausführlich behandelt. Der vorliegende Band richtet sich primär an die Zielgruppe der Bachelor-Studierenden aller Fachrichtungen. Die Beispiele sind zwar aus dem Marketing-Bereich entnommen, die Darstellungen aber so einfach gehalten, dass die Verfahren sich leicht auf spezifische Fragen und Probleme in den unterschiedlichsten Anwendungsfeldern übertragen lassen. Über die Internetseite werden den Leserinnen und Lesern weitere Serviceleistungen zur Verfügung gestellt.In der 14. Auflage wurden alle Kapitel überarbeitet. Beispiele, soweit sie mit SPSS gerechnet wurden, sind auf die neueste SPSS-Version umgestellt worden und neue für den anwendungsorientierten Nutzer sinnvolle Auswertungsoptionen wurden ergänzt.Anlässlich des 50. Kongresses der Deutschen Marktforschung des Berufsverbandes Deutscher Markt- und Sozialforscher e. V. (BVM) wurde das vorliegende Buch als das Lehrbuch ausgezeichnet, das die deutsche Marktforschungspraxis in den letzten Jahrzehnten nachhaltig geprägt hat.

Multivariate Analysemethoden: Eine anwendungsorientierte Einführung (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Klaus Backhaus Bernd Erichson Wulff Plinke Rolf Weiber

Mit der 12. Auflage des bewährten Lehrbuchs legen wir eine neue Konzeption vor. Wir haben den methodischen Inhalt erweitert, ohne die bisherigen Verfahren einzuschränken oder zu verdrängen. Da die Erweiterung das Buch jedoch nicht mehr handhabbar macht, haben wir uns entschieden, den Leserinnen und Lesern einen zweigeteilten Weg des Zugangs zu den verschiedenen Methoden zu verschaffen. Das neue Angebot besteht neben dem Buch mit den bewährten Verfahren im Zugang zu einer Internetplattform. Das Buch umfasst die „grundlegenden Verfahren der muen Analysemethoden" in ihrer bewährten Form sowie jeweils eine kurze ltivariatEinführung in die verschiedenen „komplexen Verfahren der multivariaten Analyse". Die Plattform gewährleistet den Zugang zu den komplexen Verfahren im Detail. Wir schaffen damit eine Erweiterung des Angebots bei gleichzeitiger Möglichkeit eines selektiven Zugangs zu den tatsächlich benötigten Verfahren. Die Fallbeispiele sind mit SPSS 16.0 gerechnet.

Multivariate Analysemethoden: Eine anwendungsorientierte Einführung (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by Klaus Backhaus Bernd Erichson Wulff Plinke Rolf Weiber

Das Lehrbuch behandelt 12 wichtige Verfahren der multivariaten Analysemethoden. Dies sind Regressions-, Varianz-, Diskriminanz-, Kontingenz-, Faktoren-, Cluster-, Korrespondenz- und logistische Regressionsanalyse sowie Conjoint Measurement, Multidimensionale Skalierung, Strukturgleichungsmodelle (AMOS) und Neuronale Netze (CLEMENTINE). Die Vorteile des Buches liegen in geringst möglichen Anforderungen an mathematische Vorkenntnisse, allgemeinverständliche Darstellung anhand eines für alle Methoden verwendeten einheitlichen Fallbeispiels, konsequente Anwendungsorientierung, Erläuterung der Fallbeispiele unter Verwendung von SPSS 13.0 für Windows, vollständige Nachvollziehbarkeit der zentralen Rechenoperationen durch den Leser, Aufzeigen von methodenbedingten Manipulationsspielräumen, unabhängige Erschließbarkeit jedes Verfahrens. In der 11. Auflage wurden die Neuronalen Netze im Fallbeispiel mit dem Programm CLEMENTINE neu gerechnet und die entsprechenden Outputs kommentiert. Alle Verfahren wurden überarbeitet sowie aktualisiert und alle Fallbeispiele mit SPSS 13.0 neu gerechnet. Die Ergebnisse werden anhand der aktuellen Screenshots demonstriert. Das Buch ist von besonderem Nutzen für alle, die sich mit den Methoden der multivariaten Datenanalyse vertraut machen möchten. Die Beispiele sind aus dem Marketing-Bereich entnommen, die Darstellung ist aber so einfach gehalten, dass jeder Leser die Fragestellungen versteht und auf seine spezifischen Probleme in anderen Bereichen übertragen kann. Weiterhin wird ein Informationsservice für Leser sowie ein Dozentenservice im Internet unter geboten.

Multivariate Analysemethoden: Theorie und Praxis multivariater Verfahren unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von S-PLUS (Statistik und ihre Anwendungen)

by Andreas Handl

Das Buch wendet sich an alle, die sich mit der Analyse komplexer Datensätze beschäftigen. Die dabei benötigten unterschiedlichen multivariaten Verfahren werden jeweils an Hand einfacher Beispiele verständlich eingeführt. Nachdem geklärt ist, welche Fragestellungen mit dem jeweiligen Verfahren gelöst werden können, wird gezeigt, wie das Verfahren funktioniert. Dabei wird die zugrundeliegende Theorie Schritt für Schritt entwickelt. Danach werden die jeweils praxisrelevanten Probleme diskutiert. Neben den klassischen multivariaten Verfahren werden auch neuere Verfahren wie Klassifikationsbäume oder Silhouetten behandelt. Im letzten Abschnitt wird gezeigt, wie die Verfahren in S-PLUS angewendet werden. Falls ein Verfahren nicht in S-PLUS standardmäßig vorhanden ist, wird eine Anleitung zur Implementierung in S-PLUS gegeben.

Multivariate Analysis: An Application-Oriented Introduction

by Klaus Backhaus Bernd Erichson Sonja Gensler Rolf Weiber Thomas Weiber

Data can be extremely valuable if we are able to extract information from them. This is why multivariate data analysis is essential for business and science. This book offers an easy-to-understand introduction to the most relevant methods of multivariate data analysis. It is strictly application-oriented, requires little knowledge of mathematics and statistics, demonstrates the procedures with numerical examples and illustrates each method via a case study solved with IBM’s statistical software package SPSS. Extensions of the methods and links to other procedures are discussed and recommendations for application are given. An introductory chapter presents the basic ideas of the multivariate methods covered in the book and refreshes statistical basics which are relevant to all methods.For the 2nd edition, all chapters were checked and calculated using the current version of IBM SPSS.ContentsIntroduction to empirical data analysisRegression analysisAnalysis of varianceDiscriminant analysisLogistic regression Contingency analysisFactor analysisCluster analysisConjoint analysisThe original German version is now available in its 17th edition. In 2015, this book was honored by the Federal Association of German Market and Social Researchers as “the textbook that has shaped market research and practice in German-speaking countries”. A Chinese version is available in its 3rd edition.On the website, the authors further analyze the data with Excel and R and provide additional material to facilitate the understanding of the different multivariate methods. In addition, interactive flashcards are available to the reader for reviewing selected focal points. Download the Springer Nature Flashcards App and use exclusive content to test your knowledge.

Multivariate Analysis: An Application-Oriented Introduction

by Klaus Backhaus Rolf Weiber Bernd Erichson Thomas Weiber Sonja Gensler

Data can be extremely valuable if we are able to extract information from them. This is why multivariate data analysis is essential for business and science. This book offers an easy-to-understand introduction to the most relevant methods of multivariate data analysis. It is strictly application-oriented, requires little knowledge of mathematics and statistics, demonstrates the procedures with numerical examples and illustrates each method via a case study solved with IBM’s statistical software package SPSS. Extensions of the methods and links to other procedures are discussed and recommendations for application are given. An introductory chapter presents the basic ideas of the multivariate methods covered in the book and refreshes statistical basics which are relevant to all methods.ContentsIntroduction to empirical data analysisRegression analysisAnalysis of varianceDiscriminant analysisLogistic regression Contingency analysisFactor analysisCluster analysisConjoint analysisThe original German version is now available in its 16th edition. In 2015, this book was honored by the Federal Association of German Market and Social Researchers as “the textbook that has shaped market research and practice in German-speaking countries”. A Chinese version is available in its 3rd edition.On the website, the authors further analyze the data with Excel and R and provide additional material to facilitate the understanding of the different multivariate methods. In addition, interactive flashcards are available to the reader for reviewing selected focal points. Download the Springer Nature Flashcards App and use exclusive content to test your knowledge.

Multivariate Analysis with LISREL (Springer Series in Statistics)

by Karl G. Jöreskog Ulf H. Olsson Fan Y. Wallentin

This book traces the theory and methodology of multivariate statistical analysis and shows how it can be conducted in practice using the LISREL computer program. It presents not only the typical uses of LISREL, such as confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation models, but also several other multivariate analysis topics, including regression (univariate, multivariate, censored, logistic, and probit), generalized linear models, multilevel analysis, and principal component analysis. It provides numerous examples from several disciplines and discusses and interprets the results, illustrated with sections of output from the LISREL program, in the context of the example. The book is intended for masters and PhD students and researchers in the social, behavioral, economic and many other sciences who require a basic understanding of multivariate statistical theory and methods for their analysis of multivariate data. It can also be used as a textbook on various topics of multivariate statistical analysis.

Multivariate and Mixture Distribution Rasch Models: Extensions and Applications (Statistics for Social and Behavioral Sciences)

by Matthias Davier Claus H. Carstensen

This book examines extensions of the Rasch model, one of the most researched and applied models in educational research and social science. This collection contains 22 chapters by some of the most renowned international experts in the field. They cover topics ranging from general model extensions to applications in fields as diverse as cognition, personality, organizational and sports psychology, and health sciences and education.

Multivariate Applications in the Social Sciences

by N. Hirschberg L. G. Humphreys

First published in 1982. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Multivariate Applications in the Social Sciences

by Nancy Hirschberg Lloyd G. Humphreys

First published in 1982. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

Multivariate Datenanalyse: Eine kompakte Einführung (Basiswissen Psychologie)

by Dirk Wentura Markus Pospeschill

Was sind Multivariate Verfahren? Wozu dienen sie, wie werden sie richtig eingesetzt? Das Buch liefert einen fundierten Überblick über diese wichtige Klasse von Verfahren, die in der Psychologie und den Sozialwissenschaften zunehmend an Bedeutung gewinnt. So werden einerseits die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten dieser Methoden aufgezeigt, aber auch auf Grenzen und Schwächen hingewiesen. Zahlreiche Beispiele und eine verständliche Sprache tragen zur Lebendigkeit dieser zu keinem Zeitpunkt langweiligen Einführung bei.

Multivariate Datenanalyse mit R: Eine kompakte Einführung mit Online-Extras (Basiswissen Psychologie)

by Dirk Wentura Benedikt Wirth Markus Pospeschill

Was sind Multivariate Verfahren? Wozu dienen sie, wie werden sie richtig eingesetzt? Das Buch liefert einen fundierten Überblick über diese wichtige Klasse von Verfahren, die in der Psychologie und den Sozialwissenschaften zunehmend an Bedeutung gewinnt. So werden einerseits die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten dieser Methoden aufgezeigt, aber auch auf Grenzen und Schwächen hingewiesen. Zahlreiche Beispiele und eine verständliche Sprache tragen zur Lebendigkeit dieser zu keinem Zeitpunkt langweiligen Einführung bei.

Multivariate Statistical Methods: A First Course

by George A. Marcoulides Scott L. Hershberger

Multivariate statistics refer to an assortment of statistical methods that have been developed to handle situations in which multiple variables or measures are involved. Any analysis of more than two variables or measures can loosely be considered a multivariate statistical analysis. An introductory text for students learning multivariate statistical methods for the first time, this book keeps mathematical details to a minimum while conveying the basic principles. One of the principal strategies used throughout the book--in addition to the presentation of actual data analyses--is pointing out the analogy between a common univariate statistical technique and the corresponding multivariate method. Many computer examples--drawing on SAS software --are used as demonstrations. Throughout the book, the computer is used as an adjunct to the presentation of a multivariate statistical method in an empirically oriented approach. Basically, the model adopted in this book is to first present the theory of a multivariate statistical method along with the basic mathematical computations necessary for the analysis of data. Subsequently, a real world problem is discussed and an example data set is provided for analysis. Throughout the presentation and discussion of a method, many references are made to the computer, output are explained, and exercises and examples with real data are included.

Multivariate Statistical Methods: A First Course

by George A. Marcoulides Scott L. Hershberger

Multivariate statistics refer to an assortment of statistical methods that have been developed to handle situations in which multiple variables or measures are involved. Any analysis of more than two variables or measures can loosely be considered a multivariate statistical analysis. An introductory text for students learning multivariate statistical methods for the first time, this book keeps mathematical details to a minimum while conveying the basic principles. One of the principal strategies used throughout the book--in addition to the presentation of actual data analyses--is pointing out the analogy between a common univariate statistical technique and the corresponding multivariate method. Many computer examples--drawing on SAS software --are used as demonstrations. Throughout the book, the computer is used as an adjunct to the presentation of a multivariate statistical method in an empirically oriented approach. Basically, the model adopted in this book is to first present the theory of a multivariate statistical method along with the basic mathematical computations necessary for the analysis of data. Subsequently, a real world problem is discussed and an example data set is provided for analysis. Throughout the presentation and discussion of a method, many references are made to the computer, output are explained, and exercises and examples with real data are included.

Multiway Contingency Tables Analysis for the Social Sciences

by Thomas D. Wickens

This book describes the principles and techniques needed to analyze data that form a multiway contingency table. Wickens discusses the description of association in such data using log-linear and log-multiplicative models and defines how the presence of association is tested using hypotheses of independence and quasi-independence. The application of the procedures to real data is then detailed. This volume does not presuppose prior experience or knowledge of statistics beyond basic courses in fundamentals of probability and statistical inference. It serves as an ideal reference for professionals or as a textbook for graduate or advanced undergraduate students involved in statistics in the social sciences.

Multiway Contingency Tables Analysis for the Social Sciences

by Thomas D. Wickens

This book describes the principles and techniques needed to analyze data that form a multiway contingency table. Wickens discusses the description of association in such data using log-linear and log-multiplicative models and defines how the presence of association is tested using hypotheses of independence and quasi-independence. The application of the procedures to real data is then detailed. This volume does not presuppose prior experience or knowledge of statistics beyond basic courses in fundamentals of probability and statistical inference. It serves as an ideal reference for professionals or as a textbook for graduate or advanced undergraduate students involved in statistics in the social sciences.

Mum, Can You Lend Me Twenty Quid?: What drugs did to my family

by Elizabeth Burton-Phillips MBE

i newspaper 'What We're Reading This Week' December 2017'Elizabeth's courage in speaking out is moving, and her ability to move others is impressive. This is a story that needs to be told, and needs to be heard.' - Theresa May, Prime Minister'Elizabeth [is] someone who had the courage to tell her family's story and to challenge attitudes. Elizabeth has already made a difference and I am sure that all those who read this book will be both challenged and inspired.' - Chief Constable Sara Thornton, National Police Chiefs' Council'I cannot praise this book highly enough . . . Born out of personal pain and tragedy, this story will lead you to the birth of DrugFAM . . . It is truly inspiring and wonderful what has been and continues to be achieved through this story.' - Sir Anthony Seldon, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Buckingham'I would urge all parents, teachers and pupils to read this heart-rending book.' - FT Magazine'A book that is moving and ultimately, inspiring.' - Waterstones Books QuarterlyElizabeth Burton Phillips was a teacher, an ordinary mother who had always tried to do the best for her children; she never imagined that her identical twin sons, who had been doing so well at school, would become involved in drugs. She was shocked when they were suspended from school for smoking cannabis; but this was just the start of a terrible descent into personal and family heartbreak. The painful journey ended in the way Elizabeth had always dreaded - a knock on the door in the middle of the night by the police. They gave her the devastating news that her son Nick had killed himself in despair at his heroin addiction. Since his death, Elizabeth has campaigned tirelessly to make parents aware of the pain and suffering caused to families by drug addiction; and her surviving twin, Simon, now drug-free, has contributed his own thoughts to this inspiring and gut-wrenching story that will shake every reader to the core.This new edition brings Elizabeth's story up to date, sharing the inspiring achievements of the author - awarded an MBE in the Queen's 2017 Honours List - and her charity DrugFAM, giving hope to families impacted by addiction.

Mum's List

by St John Greene

The heartbreaking and heartwarming true story of a mother dying of a cancer and the special gift she left for her husband and two young sons - it'll have you crying and laughing equally. Now a major film starring Rafe Spall and Emilia Fox, which the Guardian called 'Heartfelt, sweet and desperately sad'.'Always kiss the boys goodbye and goodnight.''Please teach the boys to say what they mean.''Mummy loved orange Club biscuits, jam and jelly and lemon curd.'For Kate Greene, nothing was as important as the happiness and well-being of her two little boys, Reef and Finn, and her loving husband, Singe. Even when she fell very ill, they were her only concern. Over her last few days, Kate created Mum's List. With Singe's help, she wrote her thoughts and wishes down, trying to help the man she loved create the best life for their sons after she was gone. Mum's List encapsulates Kate's passionate nature, her free spirit and even her sense of humour. It became Singe's rock, as he turned to it again and again for strength and inspiration. Slowly, gradually, Singe began to fulfil Kate's requests.This is the heart-warming memoir of how Kate's list has helped Singe and his brave little boys move on and build a new life for themselves, while always keeping her in their hearts.This updated edition contains new material from Singe and behind-the-scenes photos from the film adaptation of the book.

Munchausen by Proxy and Other Factitious Abuse: Practical and Forensic Investigative Techniques (Practical Aspects of Criminal and Forensic Investigations)

by Kathryn Artingstall

This book covers Munchausen and Munchausen by Proxy (MBP) though the terms have recently changed. The 2013 DSM-V—the update to the American Psychiatric Association's (APA) diagnostic and classification tool—has classified both Munchausen and MBP as "Factitious Systematic Abuse." While thought to have occurred primarily with children and their caregivers, recent research shows a more widespread problem: such medical abuse to spouses, the disabled, the elderly—even pets. Many involve repeat and long-term instances of hospital and medical fraud. This book covers the syndrome itself, interviewing and investigative aspects, victimology, as well indicators in the event of homicide and death.

Munchausen by Proxy and Other Factitious Abuse: Practical and Forensic Investigative Techniques (Practical Aspects of Criminal and Forensic Investigations #64)

by Kathryn Artingstall

This book covers Munchausen and Munchausen by Proxy (MBP) though the terms have recently changed. The 2013 DSM-V—the update to the American Psychiatric Association's (APA) diagnostic and classification tool—has classified both Munchausen and MBP as "Factitious Systematic Abuse." While thought to have occurred primarily with children and their caregivers, recent research shows a more widespread problem: such medical abuse to spouses, the disabled, the elderly—even pets. Many involve repeat and long-term instances of hospital and medical fraud. This book covers the syndrome itself, interviewing and investigative aspects, victimology, as well indicators in the event of homicide and death.

Mundane Heterosexualities: From Theory to Practices

by J. Hockey A. Meah V. Robinson

Mundane Heterosexualities provides the reader with a critical overview of feminist thinking on the topic of heterosexuality. It argues that as a social rather than sexual category, heterosexuality can be seen as the organizing principle of our everyday lines.

MuPAD Pro Computing Essentials

by Miroslaw Majewski

This book explains basic principles of MuPAD commands. It teaches how to write simple programs and develop interactive environments for teaching mathematics. The text gives a large number of useful examples from different areas of undergraduate mathematics developed by the author during his long teaching experience. All the book examples are available online. Flash, SVG and JVX formats are used to display interactive and animated graphics.

Murder: A Psychotherapeutic Investigation (The Forensic Psychotherapy Monograph Series)

by Ronald Doctor

This book, a sequel to the edited book Dangerous Patients: A Psychodynamic Approach to Risk Assessment and Management, places the emphasis on working in psychodynamic psychotherapy with patients who have killed to gain a greater understanding of their internal world and object relationships.

Murder: A Psychotherapeutic Investigation (The Forensic Psychotherapy Monograph Series)

by Ronald Doctor

This book, a sequel to the edited book Dangerous Patients: A Psychodynamic Approach to Risk Assessment and Management, places the emphasis on working in psychodynamic psychotherapy with patients who have killed to gain a greater understanding of their internal world and object relationships.

Murder and Society

by Peter Morrall

Human psychological and physical well-being is damaged and destroyed when people are deliberately killed by other people. There are millions of primary and secondary victims of murder throughout the world, and human society as a whole is a tertiary victim of murder. Despite this, people are often fascinated and engrossed by stories of homicide and killers. This book provides a fascinating exploration of murder, providing an insight into what leads people to kill and what effect this has on society as a whole. This book is organized into five chapters that each answer a specific question on murder: What is Murder? Who Commits Murder? Why Commit Murder? Why is Murder Devastating? Why is Murder Fascinating?

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