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Refugees & Queers: Forschung und Bildung an der Schnittstelle von LSBTTIQ, Fluchtmigration und Emanzipationspolitiken (Queer Studies #17)

by Carolin Küppers Bundesstiftung Magnus Hirschfeld

Verfolgung aufgrund marginalisierter sexueller Orientierung und geschlechtlicher Identität ist in der BRD ein anerkannter Asylgrund. Mindestens fünf Prozent der derzeit einreisenden Geflüchteten sind lesbisch, schwul, bisexuell, trans*, intergeschlechtlich oder queer - kurz LSBTTIQ-Geflüchtete. Sie sind in der BRD mit spezifischen Formen von Diskriminierungen konfrontiert, wodurch in der LSBTTIQ-Community einerseits ein zunehmendes Bewusstsein über Flucht und Migration und das Bedürfnis, sich politisch und unterstützend einzubringen, entsteht. Andererseits werden mit aktuell verstärkten Migrationsbewegungen auch Sorgen um emanzipatorische Errungenschaften laut, die zum Teil jedoch in rassistische Zuschreibungen abgleiten. Die Beiträger_innen des Bandes begegnen der Diskussion in differenzierter Weise und nehmen die Herausforderungen, aber auch Chancen und Möglichkeiten jenseits von Verallgemeinerungen und Paternalismus in den Blick. Sie befassen sich mit Forschungsethik, partizipativen Erhebungsmethoden, medialen Repräsentationen, intersektionalen Erfahrungen sowie den konkreten Bedürfnissen von LSBTTIQ-Geflüchteten in Erstunterbringung und Asylverfahren. Der Band bietet somit einen Einblick in verschiedene Sensibilisierungskonzepte und Bildungsansätze zum Thema LSBTTIQ-Geflüchtete.

Schwuler* Fußball: Ethnografie einer Freizeitmannschaft (Queer Studies #18)

by Stefan Heissenberger

Durch Sprache diskriminiert und lange Zeit tabuisiert: schwule Fußballer. 2015 haben sie mit dem Coming-out des ehemaligen deutschen Nationalspielers Thomas Hitzlsperger eines ihrer ersten und prominentesten Gesichter erhalten. Jenseits von Scheinwerferlicht und Einzelfällen nimmt diese ethnografische Studie erstmalig den Alltag von schwulen* Fußballteams im Freizeit- und Amateurbereich in den Fokus. Die teilnehmende Beobachtung als Spieler-Trainer führte Stefan Heissenberger auf die Vorder- und Hinterbühnen dieses Unterfeldes des heteronormativen Fußballs. Die Ergebnisse zu Vereinspolitik, Geselligkeit, schwulen* Turnieren und Männlichkeiten sowie deren Einbettung in »den« Fußball setzen neue Impulse für die sozialwissenschaftliche und gesellschaftspolitische Auseinandersetzung mit der weltweit bedeutsamsten Sportart.

Queere: Die Geschichte der queeren Repräsentationen in der türkischen und deutschen Boulevardpresse (Critical Studies in Media and Communication #21)

by Yener Bayramoglu

Verhilft die Boulevardpresse queeren Deutungen zur Repräsentation in der dominanzgesellschaftlichen Kultur? Am Beispiel von »Bild« und »Hürriyet« zeigt Yener Bayramoglu, wie boulevardjournalistische Versuche, normabweichende sexuelle Subjekte zu skandalisieren, queere Positionen sichtbar machen. Durch seine historisch-komparative Analyse verliert die oft wiederholte Dichotomie von Okzident und Orient ihre Bedeutung: Während eine Pluralität von queeren Repräsentationen in der »Hürriyet« offen zu beobachten ist, ist der deutsche Kontext von falschen Repräsentationen, verzerrten Stimmen sowie großen Lücken auf Grund von Nicht-Repräsentation gekennzeichnet.

Trans & Care: Trans Personen zwischen Selbstsorge, Fürsorge und Versorgung (Gender Studies)

by Max Nicolai Appenroth María Do Mar Castro Varela

In Medizin, Psychologie und Pflege werden trans Personen marginalisiert. Geschlechtliche Diversität wird oft mit sexueller Vielfalt zusammen betrachtet - die gelebte Erfahrung von trans Personen wird dadurch jedoch verdeckt. Dieser Band beschäftigt sich erstmals daher nicht nur mit der aktuellen Lage von trans Personen in diversen Versorgungssystemen, sondern auch mit dem Konzept der »Selbstsorge«. Er soll einen Weg bereiten für Handlungsoptionen, die zu einer verbesserten pflegerischen, medizinischen, therapeutischen und sozialen Versorgung von trans Personen führen. Ein Großteil der Beiträge ist aus einer gelebten trans Perspektive heraus verfasst.

Trans*Gender im Film: Zur Entstehung von Alltagswissen über Transsex* in der filmisch-narrativen Inszenierung (Queer Studies #20)

by Annette Raczuhn

Wenn sich ein Individuum der binären Geschlechtseinteilung entzieht, wird das Alltagswissen instabil: Durch die Konstituierung eines ›Anderen‹ gegenüber dem menschlich ›Normalen‹ werden Individuen aus dem Bereich des Menschlichen ausgeschlossen, sie gelten als kulturell nicht intelligibel (Butler). Annette Raczuhn greift ein Forschungsdesiderat in diesem Bereich auf, indem sie erstmals die Produktion von gesellschaftlich geteiltem Wissen anhand der kulturellen Repräsentation von Transsex* in Filmen untersucht. Mit den Theoremen »Wrong Body Story«, Voyeurismus, Beichtpraxis und dem Passing-out zeigt sie die gesellschaftliche Diskrepanz zwischen wissenschaftlicher Konstruktion und Alltagsverständnis auf.

Gender und Biopolitik: Normative und intersektionale Gewalt gegen Trans*Menschen (Queer Studies #21)

by Tamás Jules Fütty

Das Zweigeschlechtermodell ist schon lange ein umkämpfter Schauplatz von Transformation sowie Versuchen der Fixierung binärer Identitätskonzepte. Tamás Jules Joshua Fütty geht der Frage nach, was Normen mit Geschlecht, Gewalt, Staatlichkeit und Biopolitik zu tun haben. Im Gegensatz zu der Reduktion auf ›transphobe Hassgewalt‹ wird ein erweitertes Gewaltverständnis begründet: als normative und intersektionale Gewalt, die v.a. über Recht und Medizin institutionell verankert ist und ungleiche Lebenschancen für Trans*Menschen hervorbringt. Innerhalb bestehender Sicherheitsdispositive und ihrer Grenzregime sind mehrfachdiskriminierte Trans*Menschen besonders stark für lebensbedrohliche Gewalt und vorzeitigen Tod exponiert.

Good White Queers?: Racism and Whiteness in Queer U.S. Comics (Queer Studies #23)

by Kai Linke

How do white queer people portray our own whiteness? Can we, in the stories we tell about ourselves, face the uncomfortable fact that, while queer, we might still be racist? If we cannot, what does that say about us as potential allies in intersectional struggles? A careful analysis of Dykes To Watch Out For and Stuck Rubber Baby by queer comic icons Alison Bechdel and Howard Cruse traces the intersections of queerness and racism in the neglected medium of queer comics, while a close reading of Jaime Cortez's striking graphic novel Sexile/Sexilio offers glimpses of the complexities and difficult truths that lie beyond the limits of the white queer imaginary.

Post/pandemisches Leben: Eine neue Theorie der Fragilität (X-Texte zu Kultur und Gesellschaft)

by Yener Bayramoglu María do Castro Varela

Die Corona-Pandemie und der damit einhergehende »Ausnahmezustand« bieten die Gelegenheit, Normativitäten infrage zu stellen, aber auch einen Blick in die Zukunft zu werfen. Mit ihrer neuen Theorie der Fragilität verdeutlichen Yener Bayramoglu und María do Mar Castro Varela, dass es im Sinne sozialer Gerechtigkeit weniger um eine Akzeptanz heterogener Lebensweisen gehen sollte als vielmehr um die Beachtung und Akzeptanz von Vulnerabilitäten, die strukturell befördert und stabilisiert werden. Ihr Ansatz bringt unterschiedliche Perspektiven aus Ethik, Politik und Kunst zusammen und bietet - u.a. im Kontext von Digitalität, Rassismus und Solidarität - die Möglichkeit, die Pandemie anders zu evaluieren.

Unbehaglich Queer: Das ernste Spiel mit der Anerkennung (Queer Studies #33)

by Martin J. Gössl

Was macht jemanden oder etwas queer? Welche Veränderungen hat Queerness angestoßen? Und gibt es queer überhaupt noch? Queere Kulturen sind lebendige Bestandteile von sich stetig transformierenden Gesellschaften des 21. Jahrhunderts. Kategorien wie Wohlstand, Erfolg und Amüsement, aber auch Sexualität und Schönheit haben innerhalb queerer Subkulturen eine starke Veränderung erfahren und gleichsam so manche Lebensrealität einer allgemeinen Öffentlichkeit beeinflusst. Martin J. Gössl arbeitet heraus, wie die Verstrickungen in heteronormative Systeme und kapitalistische Ordnungen einen queeren Standpunkt zunehmend in Bedrängnis bringen.

Diskriminierung aufgrund von Intergeschlechtlichkeit: Deutschland und Kanada/Québec im Vergleich (Queer Studies #34)

by Simone Emmert

Weltweit kämpfen intergeschlechtliche Menschen für ihre Rechte. Anhand eines menschenrechtsbasierten Ansatzes führt Simone Emmert einen Ländervergleich zwischen Deutschland und der kanadischen Provinz Québec durch. Besonders spannend ist dieser Vergleich, weil Québec ein bijuridisches Rechtssystem besitzt, so dass sich hierdurch - im Vergleich mit Deutschland - Unterschiede in der Anwendung internationaler Menschenrechtsverträge ergeben. Im Mittelpunkt der Analyse steht der Schutz minderjähriger inter* Kinder durch die Kinder- und Frauenrechtskonvention sowie die Yogyakarta-Prinzipien.

Queere KI: Zum Coming-out smarter Maschinen (KI-Kritik / AI Critique #3)

by Michael Klipphahn-Karge Ann-Kathrin Koster Sara Morais Dos Santos Bruss

Gängige Formen von Diskriminierung sowie die Reproduktion normativer Stereotype sind auch bei künstlicher Intelligenz an der Tagesordnung. Die Beitragenden erläutern Möglichkeiten der Reduktion dieser fehlerhaften Verfahrensweisen und verhandeln die ambivalente Beziehung zwischen Queerness und KI aus einer interdisziplinären Perspektive. Parallel dazu geben sie einem queer-feministischen Wissensverständnis Raum, das sich stets als partikular, vieldeutig und unvollständig versteht. Damit eröffnen sie Möglichkeiten des Umgangs mit KI, die reduktive Kategorisierungen überschreiten können.

Das Selbstbestimmungsgesetz: Über die Diskurse um Transgeschlechtlichkeit und Identitätspolitik (Queer Studies #35)

by Annette Vanagas Waldemar Vanagas

Im Zuge der politischen und medialen Debatten um das geplante Selbstbestimmungsgesetz, welches das Transsexuellengesetz ablösen soll, findet ein Ringen um die Selbst- und Fremdbestimmung des Geschlechts statt. Dies kann exemplarisch für den Widerstreit von geschlechterbinären und geschlechterpluralen Lebensformen verstanden werden. Annette und Waldemar Vanagas zeigen anhand der nunmehr vier Jahre andauernden Diskurse auf, wie identitätspolitische Bestrebungen um das Geschlechterwissen und eine daraus abgeleitete gesellschaftliche Ordnung zu neuen Prekarisierungen führen. So wird der vermeintliche Konsens auf Ebene der Identitätspolitik dabei zumeist auf dem Rücken transgeschlechtlicher Menschen ausgetragen.

Queere Räume: Handlungsfähigkeit, Affekte und Praktiken von Un_Bestimmtheit prekärer Subjekte (Queer Studies #36)

by Esto Mader

In queeren Räumen fühlen sich Subjekte stark, die sonst marginalisiert sind. Mittels eines imaginierten Basiskonsens und einer eigenen affektiv-ästhetischen Logik entsteht hier das Gefühl von Zuhause: Es können das zugeschriebene »being different« ausgelebt, Netzwerke geknüpft und sich gegenseitig gefeiert werden. Doch auch solche Räume sind durch Hierarchien, szene-interne Normen und Ausschlüsse strukturiert, was zu steten Aushandlungen führt. Diese sind maßgeblich an der queeren Raumproduktion und den darin entstehenden Handlungsfähigkeiten beteiligt. Esto Mader zeigt mittels diffraktiven Arbeitens die Dynamik queerer Räume und stellt fest: Fluidität ist diesen Räumen intrinsisch gegeben.

Homosexuality, Transidentity, And Islam: A Study Of Scripture Confronting The Politics Of Gender And Sexuality (PDF)

by Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed Adi S. Bharat

-- With a foreword from Jan Jaap de Ruiter. Translation and Afterword by Adi S. Bharat. --In Homosexuality, Transidentity, and Islam: A Study of Scripture Confronting the Politics of Gender and Sexuality, Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed systematically analyses the entirety of Islamic scriptural sources that relate to the question of gender and sexuality in relation to their historical contexts. Through an approach that is certainly more politically engaged than that of most Islamic thinkers of our time, he clarifies key theological concepts that may seem esoteric to the uninitiated. In doing so, he makes a compelling case for the compatibility of sexual and gender diversity within Islam. Zahed also examines the historical and contemporary socio-political impacts of inclusive and exclusive (or, quite simply, homophobic, transphobic, and misogynistic) interpretations of scripture. This important study dynamically examines the connections between scripture, interpretation, and the politics of gender and sexuality.


by Yashraj Goswami

‘I just loved Cockatoo! I loved how nearly each story ends in a twist ending. I loved how this book is both hilarious and heartbreaking. Yashraj Goswami skilfully gives words to unspoken desires and demands to conform. I highly recommend it’ HANSDA SOWVENDRA SHEKHAR, author of The Adivasi Will Not Dance Unforeseen encounters. Blurred friendships. Teetering marriages. Twelve captivating stories bound by an unwavering desire for liberation.An unnamed young man trapped within his own existence yearns to escape his plights. Neera, a woman who is getting on in years, embarks upon an unexpected ride down memory lane, sparked by the lively ramblings of her cab driver. The hazy lines between love and friendship perplex Rishabh, an engineering student, catapulting him towards a life-altering decision ahead of a college debate. Samar and Angai, two twentysomething men connected through a dating website, struggle to make sense of their uncertain desires.Within Cockatoo, these interweaving narratives fearlessly plumb the depths of the human condition. Its characters find themselves at critical crossroads, consumed by an insatiable need to be freed from their deepest fears and stifling inhibitions even as they navigate the intricate complexities of love, loss and longing.

Queer Thriving in Catholic Education: Going Beyond the Pastoral Paradigm for LGBTQ+ Inclusion

by Sean Whittle Seán Henry

This book provides readers with the opportunity to go beyond anecdote and supposition in order to get a fuller grasp of research around Catholic education and LGBTQ+ matters. This is an edited collection of chapters which explores LGBTQ+ matters in relation to Catholic education. Although the field of Catholic Education Studies has grown exponentially over the past two decades, little if any attention has been published specifically about the place of LGBTQ+ students (and teachers) in the context of Catholic education. This edited book presents the various strands of research about Catholic education and LGBTQ+ inclusion. More specifically, this edited book of chapters addresses a number of broader themes including:• Is it possible for Catholic education to sit in harmony with the concerns of LGBTQ+ inclusive education?• What does it mean to ‘queer’ education at all? How does this sit in relation to Catholic perspectives on the purpose of Catholic education?• When it comes to LGBTQ+ issues in relation to Catholic education, what is the research agenda?• How might Catholic schools move beyond a ‘pastoral accommodation’ approach to LGBTQ+ students?• What does the evidence from research in Catholic schools indicate? Are they places of inclusion, hospitality, and welcome for LGBTQ+ young people?

De Profundis

by Rita Correia Isabel Robalinho Miguel Vale de Almeida Oscar Wilde

No Verão de 1891, Wilde é apresentado ao jovem Lord Alfred Douglas, familiarmente conhecido como Bosie, estudante de Oxford com aspirações literárias, filho do Marquês de Queensberry. Inicia-se então a tempestuosa amizade que culminará no julgamento e condenação de Oscar Wilde a dois anos de trabalhos forçados, em 1895. A longa carta dirigida a Lord Alfred Douglas foi escrita durante os últimos meses que Wilde passou na prisão de Reading. Esta carta não foi enviada a Bosie da prisão, mas confiada a Robert Ross, amigo de Wilde, várias vezes mencionado ao longo do texto, que dela mandou fazer duas cópias, de acordo com a vontade de Oscar Wilde. Uma das cópias teria como destinatário Lord Alfred Douglas, que sempre negou tê-la recebido, a segunda foi deixada em testamento ao filho de Wilde, Vyvyan Holland.

Documents of the LGBT Movement (Eyewitness to History)

by Chuck Stewart

Beginning from the First People, through the influx of European settlers and the slave trade from Africa, to the modern era, this book presents and discusses documents that reflect pivotal moments in the LGBT rights movement in North America.While most would think of the modern Gay Rights Movement as beginning in the 1960s, in reality, the issue of nonheterosexual human behavior within society and the campaign to achieve equality and acceptance have existed far earlier. Beginning with the First People in the Americas and their acceptance of tribal members who did not conform to gender and sexual binary roles, to the expansion west and establishment of the United States as a Republic, to the contentious struggles for equality in the 20th and 21st centuries, this reference traces the development of the Gay Rights Movement through the examination of primary source materials related to the incremental changes toward making America safe for all people.These documents enable readers to reflect on pivotal moments in the LGBT rights and sexual equality movement in the past up to the achievement of marriage equality. A modern chronology traces key events in the Gay Rights Movement across the last 70 years, such as those during the World War II era, the formation of the Mattachine Society in Los Angeles in the 1950s, to the Stonewall Riot in New York in the late 1960s, the elimination of the category of homosexuality as a mental disorder in 1973, the judgment in 2003 by the U.S. Supreme Court that laws criminalizing sodomy are unconstitutional, and the legalization of same-sex marriage in all U.S. states in 2015.

Gay and Lesbian Rights: A Reference Handbook (Contemporary World Issues)

by David E. Newton

This thoroughly updated edition provides readers with the background and resources needed to understand one of the greatest civil rights issues of our time.When it was first published in 1994, Gay and Lesbian Rights: A Reference Handbook was acclaimed in School Library Journal for taking "a sober and balanced approach in addressing this emotionally charged and complex topic." The new edition shows just how far the nation has come in securing legal protections regardless of sexual orientation—and how far we still have to go.Gay and Lesbian Rights: A Reference Handbook, Second Edition provides a history of the gay liberation and gay rights movements in the United States and other parts of the world. Maintaining the careful approach of the first edition, it addresses a range of current issues from housing and employment discrimination to military service to same-sex marriage and adoption laws. Wholly rewritten, with almost 80 percent new material, it is the ideal introduction to one of the most important civil rights issues in the world today.

Gender Ambiguity in the Workplace: Transgender and Gender-Diverse Discrimination

by Alison Ash Ph.D. Lily Zheng

A delicate exploration of the discrimination that gender-diverse people face, this book analyzes the relationship between gender identity and performance in the workplace while considering the emotional and economic survival of those who identify as transgender.The transgender community is more visible now than ever before, but the diversity within this community has remained obscure in the workplace as organizations, corporations, and institutions struggle to keep up with the rate at which transgender communities are gaining visibility. For leaders seeking best practices related to bathroom access, workplace transition, hiring practices, inclusive workplace culture, and more, this book offers guidance and novel policy recommendations designed to ensure the success of transgender employees.Extending the existing theoretical literature on masculinity in the workplace, gender discrimination, and gender performance, the book introduces the new concept of "doing ambiguity." It contains original research complemented by humanizing narratives from transgender people that provide insights into rarely explored non-binary, gender-fluid, and genderless experiences. In addition, it identifies factors that may preclude and minimize discrimination, including strategies pursued by transgender people at the individual level as well as policies employed at the organization level, and outlines a pragmatic set of policy recommendations for employers, community leaders, and others looking to help transgender people thrive in organizational environments.

Gender and Identity around the World [2 volumes]: [2 volumes]

by Chuck Stewart

This book provides an indispensable resource for high school and college students interested in the history and current status of gender identity formation and maintenance and how it impacts LGBTQ rights throughout the world.Gender and Identity around the World explores a variety of gender and LGBTQ experiences and issues in countries from all the world's regions. Guided by more than 50 recognized academic experts, readers will examine how gender and LGBTQ identities are developed, fought for, perceived, and policed in countries as diverse as France, Brazil, Russia, Jordan, Iraq, and China.Each chapter opens with a general introduction to a country or group of countries and flows into a discussion of gender and identity in terms of culture, education, family life, health and wellness, law, work, and activism in that region of the world. A section on contemporary issues specific to the country or group of countries follows this discussion.

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Americans at Risk [3 volumes]: Problems and Solutions [3 volumes]

by Chuck Stewart

Three volumes organized by the three phases of life—youth, middle age, and old age—explore the LGBTQ+ experience, delving deeply into research on a multitude of hot topics including risks experienced by this sometimes targeted population.In June of 2015, the United State Supreme Court issued an opinion that directly impacted the lives of many LGBT Americans: in Obergefell v. Hodges, the court required all states to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples and to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other jurisdictions. While many activists consider this a major achievement, LGBT individuals still face a number of pressing issues. In Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Americans at Risk, editor Chuck Stewart and a carefully selected group of contributors unravel these far-reaching concerns. The book is a cutting-edge resource for academics, activists, scholars, students, and lay people who are interested in examining LGBT social and political movements as well as the public policy progress and setbacks of recent years. Three volumes of essays by experts in a variety of fields delve deeply into primary sources to tackle important topics such as transgender adolescents, alcohol and drug abuse, and the massacre at Pulse gay nightclub, along with dozens of others. Organized by life stages, this comprehensive work sheds light on concerns and controversies affecting youth, adults, and seniors connected to the LGBT community

LGBT Psychology and Mental Health: Emerging Research and Advances (Practical and Applied Psychology)

by Richard Ruth and Erik Santacruz

This cutting-edge guide spotlights some of the most exciting emerging discoveries, trends, and research areas in LGBT psychology, both in science and therapy.LGBT Psychology and Mental Health: Emerging Research and Advances brings together concise, substantive reviews of what is new or on the horizon in science and in key areas of clinical practice. It will equip professionals at institutions with mental health programs that deal with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues with information and insight to help psychologists, mental health clinicians, and counselors better serve the LGBT populations that, increasingly, are seeking their services.The book begins with introductory chapters that present an overview of the field, chronicle the relationship between the LGBT community and the field of psychology in past decades, and identify emerging issues covered in the volume. It then addresses subjects such as social psychology and LGBT populations, health disparities and LGBT populations, the evolution of developmental theory related to the LBGT populations, emerging policy issues in LGBT health and psychology, and recent efforts to make the field of psychology more trans-inclusive and affirmative. Chapters are also dedicated to examining contemporary, LGBT-affirmative psychoanalysis and treating addictions and substance abuse in the LGBT community. The book concludes with chapters that address how the concept of intersectionality can serve as a way to better understand LGBT members who possess multiple cultural identities and the unique stressors they experience in daily life. The final chapter summarizes issues that bridge the contributions provided by the authors, and it highlights current issues of focal concern in order to project future directions for the field of LGBT psychology in the next two decades.

LGBT Youth Issues Today: A Reference Handbook (Contemporary World Issues)

by David E. Newton

The increasing numbers of LGBT teenagers who choose to live their lives as "out" youth face unique issues within their schools, families, and communities. This book provides information that will help LGBT youth overcome their challenges and give non-LGBT youth a better understanding of sexual identities different from their own.While all youth are likely to face traumatic or stressful situations in their transition to adulthood, lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgendered (LGBT) youth face significant and specific challenges in their lives—a result of living in a society that has yet to accept or be comfortable with the idea of same-sex or other "non-heterosexual" attraction, especially among young people. LGBT Youth Issues Today: A Reference Handbook presents historical background on the topic, provides an up-to-date examination of the issues of concern to LGBT youth, and offers in-depth information and resources for further research.In addition to providing frank, accessible information about the problems, controversies, and solutions facing today's LGBT teenagers, the work contains a chapter of essays from informed individuals regarding same-sex relationships among youth, voicing the experiences and opinions of activists, social workers, psychologists, educators, parents of LGBT youth, and LGBT youth themselves. Also included is a chapter profiling about 20 individuals and organizations that have been involved in discussions about gay and lesbian youth, such as Tony Perkins, Kevin Jennings, Robert Parlin, the GLBT National Help Center, It Gets Better, Gay Lesbian Straight Educational Network (GLSEN), Family Pride Coalition, Out Scouts, Family Research Council, and the National Organization for Marriage (NOM).

LGBTQ Americans in the U.S. Political System [2 volumes]: An Encyclopedia of Activists, Voters, Candidates, and Officeholders [2 volumes]

by Jason Pierceson

This comprehensive sourcebook covers the evolution of LGBTQ engagement in American politics, from the emergence of gay rights as a political issue in the early 1970s to the present day, when LGBTQ issues occupy a prominent place in politics.This work provides a broad and authoritative survey of the ways in which gay Americans are influencing the tenor and trajectory of U.S. politics at the local, state, and national levels. An encyclopedic section offers thorough coverage of all of the individuals, organizations, cultural forces, political issues, and legal decisions that have combined to elevate the role of LGBTQ people at the ballot box, on the campaign trail, in Washington, and in mayors' offices, city councils, and school boards across the country. Complementing reference entries are in-depth essays on the rising prominence of gay Americans as voters, candidates, public officials, lawmakers, and opinion leaders, providing further context for understanding their impact on modern U.S. political processes and institutions from the perspective of liberals and conservatives alike. Finally, the set includes a collection of important primary source documents that illuminate landmark events, examine gay policy priorities and preferences, and showcase the beliefs and experiences of prominent LGBTQ Americans in the world of politics.

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