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Rethinking Bank Regulation: Till Angels Govern (PDF)

by James R. Barth Gerard Caprio Ross Levine

This volume assembles and presents a database on bank regulation in over 150 countries (included also on CD). It offered the first comprehensive cross-country assessment of the impact of bank regulation on the operation of banks, and assesses the validity of the Basel Committee's influential approach to bank regulation. The treatment also provides an empirical evaluation of the historic debate about the proper role of government in the economy by studying bank regulation and analyzes the role of politics in determining regulatory approaches to banking. The data also indicate that restrictions on the entry of banks, government ownership of banks, and restrictions on bank activities hurt banking system performance. The authors find that domestic political factors shape both regulations and their effectiveness.

Führung in Verwaltung und Polizei: Eine soziologisch informierte Ermutigung

by Christian Barthel

Dieses Fachbuch hilft dabei, die komplexe und oft anstrengende Wirklichkeit des Führungsalltags und theoretisches soziologisches Wissen in ein ausbalanciertes Verhältnis zu bringen. Zunächst werden die organisationssoziologischen Grundlagen einer Theorie der Führung beschrieben, dann wird die praktische Arbeit der Führung im Organisationsalltag der Verwaltung fokussiert. Dies geschieht unter dem Gesichtspunkt des Managements kritischer Führungssituationen. Deutlich wird dabei, dass die durchgehende Aufmerksamkeit für kritische Situationen nicht als punktuelle Reparaturarbeit missverstanden werden darf, sondern als der systematische Weg zu einer prozesshaften Dienststellenentwicklung verstanden werden muss. Außerdem wird der Blick auf die Führungsinteraktion im engeren Sinne gewendet – also auf die Personalführung, aber auch auf die gleichermaßen relevanten Interaktionen mit ebenengleichen Kollegen, Vorgesetzten oder externen Anspruchsgruppen bzw. Kooperationspartnern. Schließlich wird das Selbstmanagement der Novizen im Höheren Dienst in ihrer neuen Führungsrolle beleuchtet.Der Autor nutzt seine persönlichen Erfahrungen als Führungspraktiker und als Dozent für Führungslehre und verdichtet und reflektiert sie für „Aufsteiger“ vor allem in den Höheren Dienst der allgemeinen Verwaltung sowie der Polizei aus organisationssoziologischer Sicht.

Managementmoden in der Verwaltung: Sinn und Unsinn

by Christian Barthel

Managementmoden kursieren schon seit langem in der Verwaltung – nicht erst seit dem New Public Management. Der vorliegende Band stellt aktuelle Konzepte vor, die in den letzten 10 Jahren Konjunktur hatten und haben. Die besprochenen Konzepte werden vor einem zumeist organisationssoziologischen, aber auch verwaltungswissenschaftlichen und psychologischen Hintergrund diskutiert. Damit werden auch die blinden Flecken, d.h. die verkürzten theoretischen Grundannahmen sowie die teilweise ideologische Vollmundigkeit der Konzeptangebote auf- und abgeklärt. In einem zweiten Abschnitt wird – gewissermaßen als Gegenmittel zu den verkürzenden Managementmoden – theoretisches Rüstzeug unterbreitet, das für die Praxis eine robustere Orientierung bieten kann.

Polizeiliche Gefahrenabwehr und Sicherheitsproduktion durch Netzwerkgestaltung: Eine Aufgabe Der Führung In Und Zwischen Organisationen

by Christian Barthel

Alle Organisationen im Politikfeld Innere Sicherheit – Polizei, Feuerwehr, Rettungsdienste sowie Organisationen der öffentlichen Verwaltung mit sicherheitsrelevanten Aufgaben – sehen sich heute vor die Herausforderung gestellt, Sicherheit in Kooperation mit anderen Akteuren zu gewährleisten. Die aktuelle Bedrohungslage durch Terror, die Verletzlichkeit zentraler öffentlicher Infrastrukturen und des gesellschaftlichen Zusammenlebens bedarf einer systematischen Netzwerkorientierung der Sicherheitsakteure, die traditionelle Formen der Zuständigkeitsorientierung und des Nebeneinanderagierens der Sicherheitsakteure verabschiedet.Das Herausgeberwerk betrachtet die Perspektive der konkreten Netzwerkarbeit im Spannungsfeld zwischen (interorganisationalen) Einfluss- und Machtbestrebungen einerseits und professioneller Handlungsfähigkeit der Akteure andererseits und beleuchtet, wie die Rückwirkungen auf die jeweiligen Organisationen sich im Sinne des „institutional learning“ darstellen. Dabei steht die Rolle der Führungskräfte auf der mittleren Managementebene insbesondere der Polizei im Fokus der Beiträge. Die Autoren gehen u. a. auf folgende Fragen ein: Wie initiieren und managen Führungskräfte Kooperationen in der regionalen Sicherheitsproduktion? Welche professionellen Kompetenzen sind hierzu notwendig? Welche Angebote seitens polizeilicher Führungs- und Managementkonzepte sind für diese Fragestellung von Nutzen?

Proaktive Polizeiarbeit als Führungs- und Managementaufgabe: Grundlagen - Praxis - Perspektiven

by Christian Barthel

Dieser Sammelband zeigt, wie Bürgerorientierung und proaktive Polizeiarbeit im Organisationsalltag der Dienststellen wirksam und vor allem auf Dauer sichergestellt werden können. Beides gehört heute zum Selbstverständnis der Polizei, dennoch spielt Prävention im Alltag polizeilicher Dienststellen oft genug eine Nebenrolle. Zuspitzend könnte man sagen: Die Rede von der Bürgerorientierung dient mitunter zur Dekoration der Außen- und Schauseite der Organisation und die operative Beschäftigung mit der konkreten Präventionsarbeit, dem Dialog mit Bürgern und Sicherheitspartnern wird an die stellenmäßig gering ausgestatteten Kontaktbereichsbeamten delegiert. Die Autoren machen in ihren Beiträgen deutlich, wie entscheidend Führung für den Erfolg bürgerorientierter Polizeiarbeit ist. Führung und Management auf der Leitungsebene von Polizeiinspektionen, Revieren, Kommissariaten – also den Basisorganisationseinheiten der Polizei in der Fläche - sind die Bedingungen der Möglichkeit einer bürgerorientierten, präventiven und proaktiven Polizeiarbeit. Die Führungskräfte des Höheren Dienstes müssen die treibende Kraft für die strategische Ausrichtung und Entwicklung der Dienststelle sein, die erst die Bürgerorientierung als klugen Mix des gesamten polizeilichen Interventionsrepertoires gewährleistet.

Führung in der Polizei: Bausteine für ein soziologisch informiertes Führungsverständnis

by Christian Barthel Dirk Heidemann

Das Herausgeberwerk ist ein Plädoyer für eine organisationssoziologisch fundierte Führungskonzeption, die am Beispiel der Polizei wichtige Ansätze bündelt und ihre Brauchbarkeit in theoretischer wie praktischer Hinsicht dokumentiert. Die Polizei ist ein interessantes Feld, um Probleme der Führung zu diskutieren, weil sie durch vergleichsweise steile Hierarchien gekennzeichnet ist und dennoch komplexe Führungssituationen aufweist, die durch die Hierarchie selbst kaum bearbeitet werden können. Außerdem verfügt die Polizei über ein offizielles Führungssystem, das "Kooperative Führungssystem" (KFS), das als Leitbild und als "verbindliche Handlungsorientierung" Geltung beansprucht. Das KFS stammt aus den 1970er-Jahren und ist geprägt von den instrumentellen Lösungsansätzen, die einerseits auf klassische Motivationsansätze, aber auch auf eine unreflektierte Vorgesetztenfunktion zurückgreifen, die man als heroisch und in heutiger Zeit kaum mehr realistisch bezeichnen muss. Die Autoren präsentieren verschiedene organisationssoziologische Ansätze, um deutlich zu machen, dass eine angemessene Rekonstruktion des Führungsprozesses nicht nur im Sinne eines erweiterten theoretischen Blickwinkels, sondern auch für die Bearbeitung komplexer Führungssituationen praktisch brauchbarer ist.

Sexualität und Macht in der Polizei: Eine multiperspektivische Fallanalyse

by Christian Barthel Claudia Puglisi

Ein hochrangiger Polizeibeamter bietet einer Angestellten eine Beförderung an und fragt sie dabei, ob sie sich „hochschlafen“ wolle. Die Frau weist ihn zurück und behält den Vorfall jahrelang für sich. Zuvor hatte sie in der Polizei vergeblich um Unterstützung ersucht. Erst Jahre später taucht dieser Polizeibeamte in den Schlagzeilen auf, weil er seiner jungen Kripochefin nachgestellt haben soll. Erst daraufhin wird er aufgrund der Anzeige der Angestellten rechtskräftig verurteilt. Diesen konkreten Rechtsfall sexualisierter Grenzüberschreitung, nehmen die Herausgeber des Buches als Anlass interdisziplinär zu untersuchen, wie Mechanismen der Skandal- und Krisenbewältigung und die damit einhergehenden Formen der institutionellen Abwehr in der Organisation Polizei wirken. Das Wegsehen und rationalisierende Verdrängen seitens Vorgesetzter, Kolleginnen und Kollegen ist unbedingt aufklärungsbedürftig. Ziel des Buches ist die Schaffung einer interdisziplinären Grundlage für die Reflexion vergleichbarer Fälle in der „Organisation mit Gewaltlizenz“ und damit die Initiierung eines organisationalen Lernprozesses, der solche Fälle zu verhindern hilft.

Die neue Sicherheits- und Verteidigungsarchitektur der Afrikanischen Union: Eine völkerrechtliche Untersuchung (Beiträge zum ausländischen öffentlichen Recht und Völkerrecht #224)

by David Barthel

In dem Band werden die völkerrechtlichen Konsequenzen untersucht, die sich aus der Gründung der Afrikanischen Union (AU) ergeben. Aufbauend auf einer Analyse der organisationsrechtlichen und programmatischen Neuerungen werden die militärischen Eingriffsbefugnisse der AU überprüft und ihr Verhältnis zu den Vereinten Nationen und regionalen Organisationen beleuchtet. So kann der Autor nachweisen, dass die AU innovative strukturelle und programmatische Entwicklungen angestoßen und sich im Einklang mit geltendem Völkerrecht neu positioniert hat.

Empire's Law: The American Imperial Project and the War to Remake the World

by Amy Bartholomew

Can democracy and human rights really be imposed 'by fire and sword'? *BR**BR*This is a collection of essays debating empire and international law, concerning the relationship between American imperialism, the abuse of 'humanitarian intervention' and its legal implications.*BR**BR*Covering everything from the role of Europe and the UN, to people's tribunals, to broader accounts of the contradictions of war and human rights, the contributors offer new and innovative ways of examining the problems that we face.*BR**BR*Contributors include Leo Panitch, Sam Gindin, Jurgen Habermas, Ulrich Preuss, Andrew Arato, Samir Amin, Reg Whitaker, Denis Halliday and Hans von Sponeck.

Adcreep: The Case Against Modern Marketing

by Mark Bartholomew

Advertising is everywhere. By some estimates, the average American is exposed to over 3,000 advertisements each day. Whether we realize it or not, "adcreep"—modern marketing's march to create a world where advertising can be expected anywhere and anytime—has come, transforming not just our purchasing decisions, but our relationships, our sense of self, and the way we navigate all spaces, public and private. Adcreep journeys through the curious and sometimes troubling world of modern advertising. Mark Bartholomew exposes an array of marketing techniques that might seem like the stuff of science fiction: neuromarketing, biometric scans, automated online spies, and facial recognition technology, all enlisted to study and stimulate consumer desire. This marriage of advertising and technology has consequences. Businesses wield rich and portable records of consumer preference, delivering advertising tailored to your own idiosyncratic thought processes. They mask their role by using social media to mobilize others, from celebrities to your own relatives, to convey their messages. Guerrilla marketers turn every space into a potential site for a commercial come-on or clandestine market research. Advertisers now know you on a deeper, more intimate level, dramatically tilting the historical balance of power between advertiser and audience. In this world of ubiquitous commercial appeals, consumers and policymakers are numbed to advertising's growing presence. Drawing on a variety of sources, including psychological experiments, marketing texts, communications theory, and historical examples, Bartholomew reveals the consequences of life in a world of non-stop selling. Adcreep mounts a damning critique of the modern American legal system's failure to stem the flow of invasive advertising into our homes, parks, schools, and digital lives.

Nachhaltigkeitsinduzierte Kreditrisiken: Empirische Untersuchung der Wirkungszusammenhänge zwischen Nachhaltigkeits- und Kreditrisiken unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Klimawandels

by Christian Barthruff

Das Thema Nachhaltigkeit hat in den vergangenen Jahren in der Finanzbranche zunehmend an Bedeutung gewonnen. Christian Barthruff zeigt auf, dass zahlreiche Banken im deutschsprachigen Raum eine Nachhaltigkeitsprüfung im Firmenkundenkreditgeschäft durchführen. Anhand einer empirischen Untersuchung werden die Nachhaltigkeitsrisiken von Unternehmen quantifiziert und deren Einfluss auf das Kreditrisiko analysiert. Es wird aufgeführt, dass nachhaltige Unternehmen im Beobachtungszeitraum sowohl stichtagsbezogen als auch über den Zeitverlauf bessere Kreditratings und geringere Risikoprämien für Kreditausfallversicherungen haben als weniger nachhaltige Unternehmen. Die Untersuchungen belegen, dass Nachhaltigkeitsratings grundsätzlich als Indikator zur Bestimmung von Kreditrisiken geeignet sind.

Free Hands and Minds: Pioneering Australian Legal Scholars

by Susan Bartie

Peter Brett (1918–1975), Alice Erh-Soon Tay (1934–2004) and Geoffrey Sawer (1910–1996) are key, yet largely overlooked, members of Australia's first community of legal scholars. This book is a critical study of how their ideas and endeavours contributed to Australia's discipline of law and the first Australian legal theories. It examines how three marginal figures – a Jewish man (Brett), a Chinese woman (Tay), and a war orphan (Sawer) – rose to prominence during a transformative period for Australian legal education and scholarship. Drawing on in-depth interviews with former colleagues and students, extensive archival research, and an appraisal of their contributions to scholarship and teaching, this book explores the three professors' international networks and broader social and historical milieux. Their pivotal leadership roles in law departments at the University of Melbourne, University of Sydney, and the Australian National University are also critically assessed. Ranging from local experiences and the concerns of a nascent Australian legal academy to the complex transnational phenomena of legal scholarship and theory, Free Hands and Minds makes a compelling case for contextualising law and legal culture within society. At a time of renewed crisis in legal education and research in the common law world, it also offers a vivid, nuanced and critical account of the enduring liberal foundations of Australia's discipline of law.

Free Hands and Minds: Pioneering Australian Legal Scholars

by Susan Bartie

Peter Brett (1918–1975), Alice Erh-Soon Tay (1934–2004) and Geoffrey Sawer (1910–1996) are key, yet largely overlooked, members of Australia's first community of legal scholars. This book is a critical study of how their ideas and endeavours contributed to Australia's discipline of law and the first Australian legal theories. It examines how three marginal figures – a Jewish man (Brett), a Chinese woman (Tay), and a war orphan (Sawer) – rose to prominence during a transformative period for Australian legal education and scholarship. Drawing on in-depth interviews with former colleagues and students, extensive archival research, and an appraisal of their contributions to scholarship and teaching, this book explores the three professors' international networks and broader social and historical milieux. Their pivotal leadership roles in law departments at the University of Melbourne, University of Sydney, and the Australian National University are also critically assessed. Ranging from local experiences and the concerns of a nascent Australian legal academy to the complex transnational phenomena of legal scholarship and theory, Free Hands and Minds makes a compelling case for contextualising law and legal culture within society. At a time of renewed crisis in legal education and research in the common law world, it also offers a vivid, nuanced and critical account of the enduring liberal foundations of Australia's discipline of law.

Babes in the Wood: Two girls murdered. A guilty man walks free. Can the police get justice?

by Graham Bartlett

A gripping true crime story and an insight into the motivations of a truly evil man, Babes in the Wood by Graham Bartlett with Peter James is a fascinating account of what became a thirty-two year fight for justice.On 9 October 1986, nine-year-olds Nicola Fellows and Karen Hadaway went out to play on their Brighton estate. They would never return home; their bodies discovered the next day concealed in a local park. This devastating crime rocked the country.With unique access to the officers charged with catching the killer, former senior detective Graham Bartlett and bestselling author Peter James tell the compelling inside story of the investigation as the net tightens around local man Russell Bishop. The trial that follows is one of the most infamous in the history of Brighton policing – a shock result sees Bishop walk free.Three years later, Graham is working in Brighton CID when a seven-year-old girl is abducted and left to die. She survives . . . and Bishop’s name comes up as a suspect. Is history repeating itself? Can the police put him away this time, and will he ever be made to answer for his past horrendous crimes?'An extremely well-written and detailed account' – Adam Hibbert, former head of Surrey and Sussex Major Crime Team'A triumph . . . Babes in the Wood should be required reading for all budding detectives' – Malcolm Bacon, former DI

Elements of Moral Experience in Clinical Ethics Training and Practice: Sharing Stories with Strangers

by Virginia L. Bartlett

Elements of Moral Experience in Clinical Ethics Training and Practice: Sharing Stories with Strangers is a philosophical and professional memoir of the education, training, and professional development of becoming a clinical ethics consultant. Utilizing a phenomenological and narrative lens, this book offers a fresh and energizing window into the field of healthcare ethics by pairing compelling clinical narratives of what it is like to do clinical ethics consultation with clear reflections and accessible introductions to key philosophical, professional, and humanistic roots for responsible practice. Each chapter contains a firsthand account of a clinical ethics encounter – with vivid detail, verbatim dialogue, and internal monologues that reveal the consultant’s reflections throughout the consultation. Following or at times woven into the clinical story, each chapter explores elements of practice by highlighting philosophical, professional, and humanistic resources that connect to and shape meaning in everyday clinical ethics work, drawing from phenomenologically and narratively oriented ethicists (Richard Zaner, Andrea Frolic, Mark Bliton, and Stuart Finder), influential thinkers in adjacent fields (Alfred Schutz, Kurt Wolff, and Pierre Bourdieu), and creative writers and artists (Barry Lopez, Joe Henry, Audre Lorde, Robert M. Pirsig, and Dar Williams). The innovative structure signposts and illustrates distinct elements of clinical ethics experience and practice, inviting the reader to move through the book in different ways, according to their own learning goals, as graduate students, advanced trainees, practicing clinical ethicists, or ethics educators. By focusing on themes identified in the unique instances or experiences of first-hand accounts, or by tracing the philosophical reflections on grounding and orienting texts from the field, readers can access different elements of clinical ethics practice while the book as a whole models a process for considering and interrogating these elements. Elements of Moral Experience in Clinical Ethics Training and Practice: Sharing Stories With Strangers invites readers to articulate, reflect on, share, and ultimately learn from their own experiences in clinical ethics consultation.

Elements of Moral Experience in Clinical Ethics Training and Practice: Sharing Stories with Strangers

by Virginia L. Bartlett

Elements of Moral Experience in Clinical Ethics Training and Practice: Sharing Stories with Strangers is a philosophical and professional memoir of the education, training, and professional development of becoming a clinical ethics consultant. Utilizing a phenomenological and narrative lens, this book offers a fresh and energizing window into the field of healthcare ethics by pairing compelling clinical narratives of what it is like to do clinical ethics consultation with clear reflections and accessible introductions to key philosophical, professional, and humanistic roots for responsible practice. Each chapter contains a firsthand account of a clinical ethics encounter – with vivid detail, verbatim dialogue, and internal monologues that reveal the consultant’s reflections throughout the consultation. Following or at times woven into the clinical story, each chapter explores elements of practice by highlighting philosophical, professional, and humanistic resources that connect to and shape meaning in everyday clinical ethics work, drawing from phenomenologically and narratively oriented ethicists (Richard Zaner, Andrea Frolic, Mark Bliton, and Stuart Finder), influential thinkers in adjacent fields (Alfred Schutz, Kurt Wolff, and Pierre Bourdieu), and creative writers and artists (Barry Lopez, Joe Henry, Audre Lorde, Robert M. Pirsig, and Dar Williams). The innovative structure signposts and illustrates distinct elements of clinical ethics experience and practice, inviting the reader to move through the book in different ways, according to their own learning goals, as graduate students, advanced trainees, practicing clinical ethicists, or ethics educators. By focusing on themes identified in the unique instances or experiences of first-hand accounts, or by tracing the philosophical reflections on grounding and orienting texts from the field, readers can access different elements of clinical ethics practice while the book as a whole models a process for considering and interrogating these elements. Elements of Moral Experience in Clinical Ethics Training and Practice: Sharing Stories With Strangers invites readers to articulate, reflect on, share, and ultimately learn from their own experiences in clinical ethics consultation.

An Introduction to Ethics in Robotics and AI (SpringerBriefs in Ethics)

by Christoph Bartneck Christoph Lütge Alan Wagner Sean Welsh

This open access book introduces the reader to the foundations of AI and ethics. It discusses issues of trust, responsibility, liability, privacy and risk. It focuses on the interaction between people and the AI systems and Robotics they use. Designed to be accessible for a broad audience, reading this book does not require prerequisite technical, legal or philosophical expertise. Throughout, the authors use examples to illustrate the issues at hand and conclude the book with a discussion on the application areas of AI and Robotics, in particular autonomous vehicles, automatic weapon systems and biased algorithms. A list of questions and further readings is also included for students willing to explore the topic further.

The Internationalisation of Constitutional Law: A View from the Venice Commission (Parliamentary Democracy in Europe)

by Sergio Bartole

In this book one of the longest-standing members of The Venice Commission reflects on the work of the institution to show how constitutional law in Europe (and beyond) has become increasingly borderless. Over nine chapters, the book tracks the work of the Commission, illustrating the law both in action and in its broader political and historical context. It looks at its treatment of the judiciary and judicial conflicts, including the present crisis of the rule of law in Central Eastern Europe Member States of the European Union. Finally it suggests how all this can only be sensibly understood as a feature of the broader trend towards the internationalisation of constitutional law.

The Internationalisation of Constitutional Law: A View from the Venice Commission (Parliamentary Democracy in Europe)

by Sergio Bartole

In this book one of the longest-standing members of The Venice Commission reflects on the work of the institution to show how constitutional law in Europe (and beyond) has become increasingly borderless. Over nine chapters, the book tracks the work of the Commission, illustrating the law both in action and in its broader political and historical context. It looks at its treatment of the judiciary and judicial conflicts, including the present crisis of the rule of law in Central Eastern Europe Member States of the European Union. Finally it suggests how all this can only be sensibly understood as a feature of the broader trend towards the internationalisation of constitutional law.

Responsible Organizations in the Global Context: Current Challenges and Forward-Thinking Perspectives

by Annie Bartoli Jose-Luis Guerrero Philippe Hermel

This book aims to spur critical thought on the various dimensions and impacts of “responsibility” for organizations, including companies, institutions, and governments, while considering international differences and similarities, as well as global challenges. It analyzes to what extent responsibility is becoming a crucial issue for all kinds of organizations, examining both the intensifying pressures of international competition and the growing crisis of confidence towards some management concepts and practices. As more and more socio-economic and political systems are suspected of serving selfish interests instead of the public good, more accountable and integrated processes are appropriate in order to deal with the present and future stakes of our society. Further, with the development of digital technology and the use of data mining, new questions regarding responsibility require examination. This edited collection is a culmination of the international scientific conference "Responsible Organizations in the Global Context", co-organized by the CIED of Georgetown University (United States) and the Larequoi Research Center of the University of Versailles St-Quentin (France) in June 2017 in Washington DC. It will contribute to research and actions in the areas of social responsibility, business ethics, organizational excellence, sustainability, and cross-cultural management.

Dictionary of Statuses within EU Law: The Individual Statuses as Pillar of European Union Integration

by Antonio Bartolini Roberto Cippitani Valentina Colcelli

This Dictionary analyses the ways in which the statuses of European citizens are profoundly affected by EU law. The study of one’s particular status (as a worker, consumer, family member, citizen, etc.) helps to reconsider the legal notions concerning an individual’s status at the EU level. The Dictionary includes a foreword by Evgeni Tanchev, Advocate General at the Court of Justice of the European Union, which illustrates some interesting features of the Court’s case law on statuses.The Dictionary’s core is composed of 79 chapters, published in alphabetical order. Each brief chapter analyses how the individual status was conditioned or created by contemporary EU law, or how the process of European integration modified the traditional juridical definition of the respective status. The Dictionary provides answers to the following questions: Has the process of European integration modified the traditional juridical definition of individual status? Has the concept of legal status now acquired a new function? What role has EU law played in developing a new modern function for the concept of individual status? Are the selection of a specific individual status by EU law and the proliferation of such statuses, which is synonymous with the creation of new privileges, collectively undermining the goal of achieving substantive equality between EU citizens? Does this constitute a return to the past? Under EU law, is it possible to create a uniform definition of the legal status of the person, over and above the definition that is provided by a given Member State’s legal system?

A History of International Law in Italy (The History and Theory of International Law)

by Giulio Bartolini

This volume critically reassesses the history and impact of international law in Italy. It examines how Italy's engagement with international law has been influenced and cross-fertilized by global dynamics, in terms of theories, methodologies, or professional networks. It asks to what extent historical and political turning points influenced this engagement, especially where scholars were part of broader academic and public debates or even active participants in the role of legal advisers or politicians. It explores how international law was used or misused by relevant actors in such contexts. Bringing together scholars specialized in international law and legal history, this volume first provides a historical examination of the theoretical legal analysis produced in the Italian context, exploring its main features, and dissident voices. The second section assesses the impact on international law studies of key historical and political events involving Italy, both international and domestically; and, conversely, how such events influenced perceptions of international law. Finally, a concluding section places the preceding analysis within a broader, contemporary perspective. This volume weighs in on in the growing debate on the need to explore international law from comparative and local viewpoints. It shows how regional, national, and local contexts have contributed to shaping international legal rules, institutions, and doctrines; and how these in turn influenced local solutions.

Second Generation United Nations

by Michael Bartolo

As the United Nations moves beyond its fiftieth anniversary into the new millennium, it is faced with a new global system fraught with political and economic tensions that can no longer be handled with models that defined the organization when it was founded in 1945. An innovative vision for a restructuring of the United Nations, this book offers an insider's look at how the UN can respond more effectively to the challenges of the future in an age of globalization.

Second Generation United Nations

by Michael Bartolo

As the United Nations moves beyond its fiftieth anniversary into the new millennium, it is faced with a new global system fraught with political and economic tensions that can no longer be handled with models that defined the organization when it was founded in 1945. An innovative vision for a restructuring of the United Nations, this book offers an insider's look at how the UN can respond more effectively to the challenges of the future in an age of globalization.

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