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Showing 2,626 through 2,650 of 55,527 results

The Anti-Federalist: An Abridgment of The Complete Anti-Federalist

by Herbert J. Storing

Herbert J. Storing's Complete Anti-Federalist, hailed as "a civic event of enduring importance" (Leonard W. Levy, New York Times Book Review), indisputably established the importance of the Anti-Federalists' writings for our understanding of the Constitution. As Storing wrote in his introduction, "If the foundation of the American polity was laid by the Federalists, the Anti-Federalist reservations echo through American history; and it is in the dialogue, not merely in the Federalist victory, that the country's principles are to be discovered." This one-volume edition presents the essence of the other side of that crucial dialogue. It can be read as a genuine counterpart to the Federalist Papers; as an original source companion to Storing's brilliant essay What the Anti-Federalists Were For (volume I of The Complete Anti-Federalist, available as a separate paperback); or as a guide to exploring the full range of Anti-Federalist writing. The Anti-Federalist makes a fundamental source of our political heritage accessible to everyone.

The Attribution of Blame: Causality, Responsibility, and Blameworthiness (Springer Series in Social Psychology)

by K.G. Shaver

How can we identify the causes of events? What does it mean to assert that someone is responsible for a moral affront? Under what circumstances should we blame others for wrongdoing? The related, but conceptually distinct, issues of causality, responsibility, and blameworthiness that are the subject of this book play a critical role in our everyday social encounters. As very young children we learn to assert that "it wasn't my fault," or that "I didn't mean to do it." Responsibility and blame follow us into adulthood, as personal or organizational failings require explanation. Although judgments of moral accountability are quickly made and adamantly defended, the process leading to those judgments is not as simple as it might seem. Psychological research on causality and responsibility has not taken complete advantage of a long tradition of philosophical analysis of these concepts. Philosophical discussions, for their part, have not been sufficiently I1ware of the psychological realities. An assignment of blame is a social explanation. It is the outcome of a process that begins with an event having negative consequences, involves judgments about causality, personal responsibility, and possible mitigation. The result can be an assertion, or a denial, of individual blameworthiness. The purpose of this book is to develop a comprehensive theory of how people assign blame.

Biomedical Ethics Reviews · 1985 (Biomedical Ethics Reviews)

by James M. Humber Robert F. Almeder

Biomedical Ethics Reviews: 1985 is the third volume in a series of texts designed to review and update the literature on issues of central impor­ tance in bioethics today. Four topics are discussed in the present volume: ( 1) Should citizens of the United States be permitted to buy, sell, and broker human organs? (2) Should sex preselection be legally proscribed? (3) What decision-making procedure should medical per­ sonnel employ in those cases where there is a high degree of uncer­ tainty? (4) What do we mean when we use the terms "health" and "disease"? Each topic constitutes a separate section in our text; intro­ ductory essays briefly summarize the contents of each section. Bioethics is, by its nature, interdisciplinary in character. Recognizing this fact, the authors represented in the present volume have made every effort to minimize the use of technical jargon. At the same time, we believe the purpose of providing a review of the recent literature, as well as of advancing bioethical discussion, is admirably served by the pieces collected herein. We look forward to the next volume in our series, and very much hope the reader will also.

The Constitution in the Supreme Court: The First Hundred Years, 1789-1888

by David P. Currie

Currie's masterful synthesis of legal analysis and narrative history, gives us a sophisticated and much-needed evaluation of the Supreme Court's first hundred years. "A thorough, systematic, and careful assessment. . . . As a reference work for constitutional teachers, it is a gold mine."—Charles A. Lofgren, Constitutional Commentary

The Constitution in the Supreme Court: The First Hundred Years, 1789-1888

by David P. Currie

Currie's masterful synthesis of legal analysis and narrative history, gives us a sophisticated and much-needed evaluation of the Supreme Court's first hundred years. "A thorough, systematic, and careful assessment. . . . As a reference work for constitutional teachers, it is a gold mine."—Charles A. Lofgren, Constitutional Commentary

The Constitution in the Supreme Court: The First Hundred Years, 1789-1888

by David P. Currie

Currie's masterful synthesis of legal analysis and narrative history, gives us a sophisticated and much-needed evaluation of the Supreme Court's first hundred years. "A thorough, systematic, and careful assessment. . . . As a reference work for constitutional teachers, it is a gold mine."—Charles A. Lofgren, Constitutional Commentary

The Constitution in the Supreme Court: The First Hundred Years, 1789-1888

by David P. Currie

Currie's masterful synthesis of legal analysis and narrative history, gives us a sophisticated and much-needed evaluation of the Supreme Court's first hundred years. "A thorough, systematic, and careful assessment. . . . As a reference work for constitutional teachers, it is a gold mine."—Charles A. Lofgren, Constitutional Commentary

Das Disziplinarrecht der Beamten (Forschungen aus Staat und Recht #67)

by Gabriele Kucsko-Stadlmayer

Der Stellenwert des Berufsbeamtenturns in der Österreichischen De­ mokratie hat gegenüber seiner staatstragenden Rolle in der Monarchie der beiden vergangenenJahrhunderte an Bedeutung nichts eingebüßt. Gerade im Spannungsfeld zwischen demokratischen Einrichtungen und der Ein­ flußnahme zahlreicher organisierter Gruppeninteressen kommt dem Be­ amten die Funktion zu, einen korrekten und von sachfremden Einflüssen unbehinderten Vollzug des "Staatswillens" zu gewährleisten. Dadurch garantiert er eine stetige und zuverlässige Erfüllung der Staatsaufgaben. Daß diese Rolle wegen des zunehmenden Gesetzesperfektionismus und der wachsenden Aufgabenlast in einem "sozialen Rechtsstaat" oft schwer wahrzunehmen ist, darf dabei nicht unberücksichtigt bleiben. Die Verbürgung einer den genannten Zielen entsprechenden Verwal­ tungsführung wird seit jeher wesentlich durch die Normierung von Verhaltenspflichten für den Beamten und deren Sanktionierung (Diszipli­ narrecht) sichergestellt. Eine rechtsdogmatische Bearbeitung dieses Ge­ genstandsbereichs ist allerdings bis heute weitgehend unterblieben; der Bereich des "Beamtenrechts", insbesondere des "Disziplinarrechts", stellt nach wie vor eine Grauzone im Bereich der rechtswissenschaftliehen Literatur dar. Verstärkten Anlaß zu einer dogmatischen Bearbeitung der genannten Themen bildet die Neukodifikation des Bundesbeamtendienstrechts in den Beamten-Dienstrechtsgesetzen der Jahre 1977 und 1979. Der darin zum Ausdruck kommende Reformgedanke ist so kurz zu charakterisie­ ren: Einerseits sollte durch eine konkretisierende Neuformulierung der Beamtenpflichten ein Eindringen in die Privatsphäre des Beamten weitge­ hend unmöglich gemacht werden; dabei wurde etwa der unklare Begriff des "Standesansehens" fallengelassen.Andererseits sollte das Disziplinar­ verfahren dem Allgemeinen Verwaltungsverfahren angeglichen und damit der Diskussion um eine subsidiäre Anwendung der StPO ein Ende gemacht werden.

Das sogenannte Rechtsgefühl (Jahrbuch für Rechtssoziologie und Rechtstheorie #10)

by Ernst-Joachim Lampe

Vor zwei Jahren, im Januar 1982, veröffentlichte mein Freund und Kollege Man­ fred Rehbinder in der "Juristenzeitung" einen Aufsatz, worin er einige "Fragen an die Nachbarwissenschaften zum sog. Rechtsgefühl" stelltel . Er verband hiermit zwar einige Hinweise, wie er sich die Beantwortung seiner Fragen denke, ließ aber im wesentlichen den Leser im Ungewissen und daher in der Meinung, daß seine Fra­ gen ernst gestellt und durchaus nicht nur der rhetorischen Absicht entsprungen seien, einige eigene Patentrezepte zu ihrer Beantwortung aus nachbarlichen Landen frisch auf dem Tisch des Juristen landen zu lassen. Da auch ich mich gleichzeitig mit Problemen des Rechtsgefühls herumschlug und dabei weder in der philosophi­ schen noch in der psychologischen Literatur glaubte hinreichend Unterstützung zu finden, wandte ich mich an Herrn Rehbinder und fragte ihn, auch meinerseits nicht nur rhetorisch, ob wir die von ihm aufgeworfenen Fragen sowie einige der meinen nicht einmal den exakten Wissenschaftlern vorlegen sollten, um hierauf endlich einmal exakte Antworten zu erhalten, auf denen wir dann aufbauen und unsere juristischen Bauwerke errichten könnten, welche bereits die Mitwelt und erst recht natürlich die Nachwelt zu ungeteilter Bewunderung hinreißen würden. Es war, nehme ich an, diese Zukunftsvision, die Herrn Rehbinder veranlaßte, mei­ nem Plan zuzustimmen. Und da wir mit dieser Zukunftsvision auch das Interesse des ZiF-Direktoriums weckten, waren die Grundlagen für die Grundlegung einer neuen Jurisprudenz geschaffen, die heute von hier aus ihren Ausgang nehmen soll und sicherlich auch wird.

Der Diskontkredit: Rechtsgrundlagen und Bankpraxis

by Joachim Kohlhof

Discourse Of Law

by S. C. Humphreys

First Published in 1985. This Volume I, Part 2 of the History and Anthropology series and focuses as Law as a discourse, including essays on disputes of locals in Eastern Brittiany on the ninth century, a British Indian dilemma when looking at property law, law-enforcement in eighteenth century England, Islamic Law in the Medieval Middle East and its social contest and silent law in context of the slaves in nineteenth century Brazil.

Discourse Of Law

by S. C. Humphreys

First Published in 1985. This Volume I, Part 2 of the History and Anthropology series and focuses as Law as a discourse, including essays on disputes of locals in Eastern Brittiany on the ninth century, a British Indian dilemma when looking at property law, law-enforcement in eighteenth century England, Islamic Law in the Medieval Middle East and its social contest and silent law in context of the slaves in nineteenth century Brazil.

The Economics of Deep-Sea Mining

by J. B. Donges

The Economics of the Shadow Economy: Proceedings of the International Conference on the Economics of the Shadow Economy, Held at the University of Bielefeld, West Germany, October 10–14, 1983 (Studies in Contemporary Economics #15)

by W. Gaertner A. Wenig

Robbery, larceny, blackmail, fraud, and other crimes with economic motives are likely to be as old as mankind, and the evasion of taxes and economic regulations can be assumed to begin with the introduction of taxes and economic regulations. Thus the shadow economy is certain­ ly not a new phenomenon. However, economists did not pay much attention to it until quite recently. P. GUTMANN in his pioneering article "The Subterranean Economy" (Financial Analysts Journal, Nov/Dec 1977, p. 24- 27) was first to point out that unreported economic activity cannot (or, at least, can no longer) be considered as a "quantite negligeable". Challenged by GUTMANN's hypothesis many economists have then tried to assess the quantitative and qualitative importance of the shadow economy (commonly also known as the underground, or subterranean, or black, or unreported economy, and by other names). There seems to be wide agreement nowadays that the shadow economy has not only reached a substantial portion of total economic activity in both Eastern and Western countries but that it is also growing at rates which can no longer be experienced in the official sector. The existence of a considerable volume of unreported economic activities implies that important macroeconomic variables are biased in the official statistics. The rate of unemployment, for example, may be over-estimated while production figures, on the other hand, tend to be underrated. The government could thus be mislead and choose inadequate policies.

Ethical Issues in Preventive Medicine (NATO Science Series D: #26)

by Spyros Doxiadis

The first suggestions and exchange of ideas for this Workshop began about two years ago when, at the invitation of Professor E Bennett, Director of Health and Safety of the Commission of the European Communities and Professor W W Holland of the Panel of Social Medicine and Epidemiology of the EEC, I asked the Panel to sponsor a project for the study of Ethical Issues in Preventive Medicine. The Panel gave its approval and support and asked Dr L Karhausen, Dr R Blaney, and me to undertake the planning. Since then we have had several meetings in Brussels and have added Professor Heleen Terborgh-Dupuis and Mrs Susie Stewart to our small planning team. The Planning Committee invited many experts to collaborate with us on the project and, as can be seen from the list of participants, they represent many scientific disciplines and many countries. About a year ago we also asked for the help and sponsorship of the NATO Science Council which was generously given. The culmination of our efforts was the Workshop held in Athens in January 1985, the proceedings of which are contained in the present book. The members of the Planning Committee and the participants at the Workshop would like to express thanks to Mr H Durand, Secretary General for NATO Scientific Affairs and Dr M di Lullo, Programme Director of N A TO Scientific Affairs and to Professor Bennett and Professor Holland for all the moral and financial support they have given to this project.

Ethical Issues in Psychosurgery (Psychology Revivals)

by John Kleinig

First published in 1985, Ethical Issues in Psychosurgery examines the continuing debate surrounding the treatment of psychiatric disorder by psychosurgery and its ethical implications. Psychosurgery represents a radical treatment and it therefore raises, in a particularly acute and challenging fashion, questions which are implicit In most therapy. The book offers a focussed study in bioethics, a model for bioethical inquiry, as well as introduction to some of the major problems in bioethics. These range from detailed discussions of informed consent, the sanctity of the brain, and the use of experimental therapies, to wider questions of social contract and professionalization. John Kleinig’s balanced and informed treatment of the questions will make this book invaluable not only to those concerned with the philosophy of legal and medical ethics, but also to those in the fields of psychiatric practice and research.

Ethical Issues in Psychosurgery (Psychology Revivals)

by John Kleinig

First published in 1985, Ethical Issues in Psychosurgery examines the continuing debate surrounding the treatment of psychiatric disorder by psychosurgery and its ethical implications. Psychosurgery represents a radical treatment and it therefore raises, in a particularly acute and challenging fashion, questions which are implicit In most therapy. The book offers a focussed study in bioethics, a model for bioethical inquiry, as well as introduction to some of the major problems in bioethics. These range from detailed discussions of informed consent, the sanctity of the brain, and the use of experimental therapies, to wider questions of social contract and professionalization. John Kleinig’s balanced and informed treatment of the questions will make this book invaluable not only to those concerned with the philosophy of legal and medical ethics, but also to those in the fields of psychiatric practice and research.

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