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Studies in Neurolinguistics

by Haiganoosh Whitaker Harry A. Whitaker

Studies in Neurolinguistics, Volume 2 provides information pertinent to the fundamental aspects of neurolinguistics, which represent a synthesis of the brain sciences, the behavioral sciences, and the clinical sciences. This book discusses the interesting problems of neurolinguistics.Organized into eight chapters, this volume begins with an overview of neurolinguistic analysis of a rare form of language impairment identified as mixed transcortical aphasia. This text then explains spoken language, reading ability, and writing ability in terms of both psychological and linguistic measures. Other chapters consider a theoretical discussion with supporting evidence which concludes that there is a common relationship between sequential movements of the upper limbs and verbal expression. This book discusses as well the linguistic properties of the right hemisphere and the nonlinguistic properties of the left hemisphere. The final chapter deals with analyzing evidence on cerebral localization and the linguistic features of the alexias.This book is a valuable resource for clinical neurologists, psychologists, and speech pathologists.

Studies in Law, Politics, and Society (Studies in Law, Politics, and Society #73)

by Austin Sarat

Studies in Law, Politics, and Society provides a vehicle for the publication of scholarly articles within the broad parameters of interdisciplinary legal scholarship. In this latest edition of this highly successful research series, articles examine a diverse range of legal issues and their impact on and intersections with society. Topics covered include: marriage equality and the demise of civil unions; the LGBTQ community in the 1980s; the landscape of choice regarding reproductive rights and vaccine refusal; the rights of unvaccinated children; a socio-legal framework for understanding the social control of pleasure; and a data re-use and its impact on group identity. This volume brings together leading scholars and will be vital reading for all those researching in this subject area.

Studies in Law, Politics, and Society (Studies in Law, Politics, and Society #73)

by Austin Sarat

Studies in Law, Politics, and Society provides a vehicle for the publication of scholarly articles within the broad parameters of interdisciplinary legal scholarship. In this latest edition of this highly successful research series, articles examine a diverse range of legal issues and their impact on and intersections with society. Topics covered include: marriage equality and the demise of civil unions; the LGBTQ community in the 1980s; the landscape of choice regarding reproductive rights and vaccine refusal; the rights of unvaccinated children; a socio-legal framework for understanding the social control of pleasure; and a data re-use and its impact on group identity. This volume brings together leading scholars and will be vital reading for all those researching in this subject area.

Studies in Dyadic Communication (Pergamon General Psychology Series)

by A. W. Siegman B. Pope

Pergamon General Psychology Series: Studies in Dyadic Communication focuses on the mechanics, principles, methodologies, and approaches involved in dyadic communication. The selection first elaborates on experimental manipulations of interviewer variables; interview structure and interviewer style in initial interviews; and effects of ambiguity and anxiety on interviewee verbal behavior. Discussions focus on the effects of anxiety on interviewee verbal behavior, previous findings on ambiguity and productivity, influence in psychotherapy, patient reactions to interviewer style, and interview and therapy dyads. The text then takes a look at relationship and verbal behavior in the initial interview and temporal patterns of dialogue. The book ponders on interview synchrony, body movement-speech rhythm relationship as a cue to speech encoding, and analysis of movement behavior during clinical interview. Topics include communicative intent with body-focused movements, object- body-focused dichotomy as an intent to communicate, analysis of body-focused movements, movement and speech rhythm, and movement and speech output. The selection is a valuable reference for researchers interested in dyadic communication.

Studien zur Struktur des Bewusstseins: Teilband I Verstand und Gegenstand Texte aus dem Nachlass (1909-1927) (Husserliana: Edmund Husserl – Gesammelte Werke #43-I)

by Edmund Husserl

Die ersten drei Bände der vorliegenden,vier Teilbände umfassenden Edition bieten eine umfangreiche Präsentation von Husserls deskriptiver Erforschung der intentionalen Strukturen des Bewusstseins in den drei Hauptklassen von intentionalen Akten, den Verstandes-, Gemüts- und Willensakten. Der größte Teil der wiedergegebenen Manuskripte entstand in den Jahren zwischen 1908 und 1915. Im Jahr 1925 hat Husserls Assistent Ludwig Landgrebe auf der Grundlage vieler der hier edierten Texte ein umfangreiches Typoskript mit dem Titel „Studien zur Struktur des Bewusstseins“ angefertigt. Husserls fragmentarischer Entwurf einer Einleitung zu diesem Typoskript wird im ersten Band der Edition wiedergegeben.Der erste Teilband enthält Manuskripte, die der deskriptiven Analyse verschiedener Weisen der Objektivation in unterschiedlichen Aktformen und Aktvollzügen des Vorstellens und Denkens wie dem thematischen Meinen, dem Aufmerken und Zuwenden, dem Explizieren und Urteilen sowie dem Stellungnehmen gewidmet sind. Husserls besonderes Interesse gilt dabei der Beziehung zwischen Rezeptivität und Spontaneität.Dieser Band ist der erste Teilband des vier Teilbände umfassenden Sets Husserliana 43. Er enthält keinen Index (erhältlich als Teilband 4). This volume is the first part of the four-part set Husserliana 43. It does not contain the Index (available as the fourth volume of the set).f

Studien zur Struktur des Bewusstseins: Teilband II Gefühl und Wert Texte aus dem Nachlass (1896-1925) (Husserliana: Edmund Husserl – Gesammelte Werke #43-II)

by Edmund Husserl

Die ersten drei Bände der vorliegenden,vier Teilbände umfassenden Edition bieten eine umfangreiche Präsentation von Husserls deskriptiver Erforschung der intentionalen Strukturen des Bewusstseins in den drei Hauptklassen von intentionalen Akten, den Verstandes-, Gemüts- und Willensakten. Der größte Teil der wiedergegebenen Manuskripte entstand in den Jahren zwischen 1908 und 1915. Im Jahr 1925 hat Husserls Assistent Ludwig Landgrebe auf der Grundlage vieler der hier edierten Texte ein umfangreiches Typoskript mit dem Titel „Studien zur Struktur des Bewusstseins“ angefertigt. Husserls fragmentarischer Entwurf einer Einleitung zu diesem Typoskript wird im ersten Band der Edition wiedergegeben.Der zweite Teilband enthält Husserls deskriptive Untersuchungen der Gefühlsakte und der Konstitution der Werte in solchen Akten. In detaillierten Beschreibungen unterscheidet er zwischen verschiedenen Gefühlsarten, zwischen Gefühlspassivität und Gefühlsaktivität und er ringt mit dem Problem der objektivierenden Leistung der Gefühlsakte. Dieser Band ist der zweite Teilband des vier Teilbände umfassenden Sets Husserliana 43. Er enthält keine Einleitung (erhältlich als Teil des Teilbandes 1) und keinen Index (erhältlich als Teilband 4). This volume is the second part of the four-part set Husserliana 43. It does not contain the Introduction (available as part of the first volume of the set) nor Index (available as the fourth volume of the set).

Studien zur Struktur des Bewusstseins: Teilband III Wille und Handlung Texte aus dem Nachlass (1902-1934) (Husserliana: Edmund Husserl – Gesammelte Werke #43-III)

by Edmund Husserl

Die ersten drei Bände der vorliegenden, vier Teilbände umfassenden Edition bieten eine umfangreiche Präsentation von Husserls deskriptiver Erforschung der intentionalen Strukturen des Bewusstseins in den drei Hauptklassen von intentionalen Akten, den Verstandes-, Gemüts- und Willensakten. Der größte Teil der wiedergegebenen Manuskripte entstand in den Jahren zwischen 1908 und 1915. Im Jahr 1925 hat Husserls Assistent Ludwig Landgrebe auf der Grundlage vieler der hier edierten Texte ein umfangreiches Typoskript mit dem Titel „Studien zur Struktur des Bewusstseins“ angefertigt. Husserls fragmentarischer Entwurf einer Einleitung zu diesem Typoskript wird im ersten Band der Edition wiedergegeben.Der dritte Teilband dokumentiert Husserls deskriptive Forschung im Willensgebiet, seine Analysen der Willens- und Handlungsformen, eingeschlossen die Willenspassivität in Form der Neigungen, Triebe, Tendenzen und Strebungen. Das Wollen als Ingangsetzen der Handlung, das fiat, wird vom die Handlung ausführenden Wollen, dem Handlungswillen, unterschieden. Verschiedene Formen der Handlung werden analysiert. Passive und aktive Willensmodi und ihre Beziehung werden untersucht.Dieser Band ist der dritte Teilband des vier Teilbände umfassenden Sets Husserliana 43. Er enthält keine Einleitung (erhältlich als Teil des Teilbandes 1) und keinen Index (erhältlich als Teilband 4). This volume is the third part of the four-part set Husserliana 43. It does not contain the Introduction (available as part of the first volume of the set) nor Index (available as the fourth volume of the set).

Studien zur Struktur des Bewusstseins: Teilband IV Textkritischer Anhang (Husserliana: Edmund Husserl – Gesammelte Werke #43-IV)

by Edmund Husserl

Die ersten drei Bände der vorliegenden,vier Teilbände umfassenden Edition bieten eine umfangreiche Präsentation von Husserls deskriptiver Erforschung der intentionalen Strukturen des Bewusstseins in den drei Hauptklassen von intentionalen Akten, den Verstandes-, Gemüts- und Willensakten. Der größte Teil der wiedergegebenen Manuskripte entstand in den Jahren zwischen 1908 und 1915. Im Jahr 1925 hat Husserls Assistent Ludwig Landgrebe auf der Grundlage vieler der hier edierten Texte ein umfangreiches Typoskript mit dem Titel „Studien zur Struktur des Bewusstseins“ angefertigt. Husserls fragmentarischer Entwurf einer Einleitung zu diesem Typoskript wird im ersten Band der Edition wiedergegeben.Der vierte Teilband enthält den textkritischen Apparat.Dieser Band ist der vierte Teilband des vier Teilbände umfassenden Sets Husserliana 43. Er enthält den kritischen Apparat und Index zu den Texten in den ersten drei Teilbänden dieses Sets. This volume is the fourth part of the four-part set Husserliana 43. It the Critical Apparatus and the Index for the edited texts available in the first three volumes of the set.

Studien zur Geschichte des Deutschen Geistes

by Wilhelm Dilthey

Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfängen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen für die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfügung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden müssen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.

Student's Gluten-Free Cookbook For Dummies

by Nancy McEachern

The easy, delicious, and nutritious way for students to eat gluten-free At least 3 million Americans are affected by celiac disease, and as awareness of this genetic disorder grows, more people are adopting the required gluten-free lifestyle. Student's Gluten-Free Cookbook For Dummies is a perfect resource, featuring cooking and nutritional advice along with dishes that are tasty and simple for young adults to prepare using low-cost and easy-to-obtain ingredients. Student's Gluten-Free Cookbook For Dummies shows you how to cook classic college meals such as pizza and pasta ... gluten-free. It tailors the information and recipes to your needs, considering time, cooking expertise, budget, and unconventional cooking methods. The book includes a brief explanation of gluten and the benefits of living without it, tips on reading labels and budgeting, and more than 160 recipes outlining the ingredients, cooking time (emphasizing any shortcuts), cost, and easy-to-follow directions. The recipes cover the categories of breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert (including the challenge of gluten-free baking), easy-on-the-go snacks, and gluten-free entertainment food. This title includes dishes that can be assembled in about 5 minutes, microwave meals, tips for breathing new life into leftovers, and fancy meals to impress friends and family. Features a wide variety of more than 160 healthy and hearty gluten-free recipes for every meal of the day Includes easy on-the-go snacks, food that can be assembled in about five minutes, meals to impress, and much more Recipes allow for a limited variety of appliances and space available to students Thanks to Student's Gluten-Free Cookbook For Dummies, students who choose a gluten-free lifestyle, either for health reasons or simply by choice, can still enjoy delicious dishes that can be prepared quickly and easily.

Student's Gluten-Free Cookbook For Dummies

by Nancy McEachern

The easy, delicious, and nutritious way for students to eat gluten-free At least 3 million Americans are affected by celiac disease, and as awareness of this genetic disorder grows, more people are adopting the required gluten-free lifestyle. Student's Gluten-Free Cookbook For Dummies is a perfect resource, featuring cooking and nutritional advice along with dishes that are tasty and simple for young adults to prepare using low-cost and easy-to-obtain ingredients. Student's Gluten-Free Cookbook For Dummies shows you how to cook classic college meals such as pizza and pasta ... gluten-free. It tailors the information and recipes to your needs, considering time, cooking expertise, budget, and unconventional cooking methods. The book includes a brief explanation of gluten and the benefits of living without it, tips on reading labels and budgeting, and more than 160 recipes outlining the ingredients, cooking time (emphasizing any shortcuts), cost, and easy-to-follow directions. The recipes cover the categories of breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert (including the challenge of gluten-free baking), easy-on-the-go snacks, and gluten-free entertainment food. This title includes dishes that can be assembled in about 5 minutes, microwave meals, tips for breathing new life into leftovers, and fancy meals to impress friends and family. Features a wide variety of more than 160 healthy and hearty gluten-free recipes for every meal of the day Includes easy on-the-go snacks, food that can be assembled in about five minutes, meals to impress, and much more Recipes allow for a limited variety of appliances and space available to students Thanks to Student's Gluten-Free Cookbook For Dummies, students who choose a gluten-free lifestyle, either for health reasons or simply by choice, can still enjoy delicious dishes that can be prepared quickly and easily.

A Student Guide to Health [5 volumes]: Understanding the Facts, Trends, and Challenges [5 volumes]

by Georganna Leavesley Alice C. Richer Nancy A. Piotrowski Yvette Malamud Ozer

This comprehensive, five-volume reference set is aligned with the National Health Education Standards, containing up-to-date, scientifically based information on a variety of health and wellness topics relevant to high school students.A Student Guide to Health: Understanding the Facts, Trends, and Challenges provides straightforward, factual, and accessible information about a multitude of health issues. It is an essential reference set that provides high school students, teachers, and administrators with a comprehensive health and wellness education resource that aligns with National Health Education Standards and common health curriculum. This expansive five-volume set is ideal for students' research projects; highly useful as a resource for community college and public library patrons, librarians, teens, and parents; and is a suitable supplement to any health education curriculum.Each chapter includes up-to-date, evidence-based information that provokes further examination and encourages critical thinking to evaluate the validity of information encountered about health and wellness topics. Each chapter provides an abundance of references and lists of resources for further information, including books, articles, websites, organizations, and hotlines. Special attention is paid to social trends that affect youth health and wellness, such as bullying, eating disorders, steroid abuse, sexting, and the peer pressure associated with drug use and abuse.

A Student Guide to Health [5 volumes]: Understanding the Facts, Trends, and Challenges [5 volumes]

This comprehensive, five-volume reference set is aligned with the National Health Education Standards, containing up-to-date, scientifically based information on a variety of health and wellness topics relevant to high school students.A Student Guide to Health: Understanding the Facts, Trends, and Challenges provides straightforward, factual, and accessible information about a multitude of health issues. It is an essential reference set that provides high school students, teachers, and administrators with a comprehensive health and wellness education resource that aligns with National Health Education Standards and common health curriculum. This expansive five-volume set is ideal for students' research projects; highly useful as a resource for community college and public library patrons, librarians, teens, and parents; and is a suitable supplement to any health education curriculum.Each chapter includes up-to-date, evidence-based information that provokes further examination and encourages critical thinking to evaluate the validity of information encountered about health and wellness topics. Each chapter provides an abundance of references and lists of resources for further information, including books, articles, websites, organizations, and hotlines. Special attention is paid to social trends that affect youth health and wellness, such as bullying, eating disorders, steroid abuse, sexting, and the peer pressure associated with drug use and abuse.

Student Eats: Fast, Cheap, Healthy – the best tried-and-tested recipes for students

by Rachel Phipps

Broke, stressed and hungry? Make sure every student you know has a copy of this essential cookbook! Recently graduated, Rachel Phipps knows the reality of a student kitchen – what you want to eat versus what you can actually make and afford. Here she offers hundreds of tried-and-tested ideas to cook with the minimal utensils, no fancy gadgets and affordable ingredients, for everyone from absolute beginners to kitchen wizards. Also included: Rachel’s essential student kitchen kit, starter store cupboard shopping list, smart meal maths and simple menu plans for one, two, four or more.Chapters include: Breakfast, Lunch, Solo Dinners, Food for Friends, Something Sweet, Drinks. Recipes include: Chorizo Baked Beans, Green Eggs & Ham, Leftover Fajita Burritos, Frying-pan Lasagne, Kitchen Cupboard Fishcakes, Pizza Baked Potato, Quick Late-night Miso Soup, One-Bowl Chocolate Cake and Banana & Nutella Muffins

Structuring the Self (New Directions in Philosophy and Cognitive Science)

by Majid Davoody Beni

This book presents a unified account of the self, based on a network of knowledge sourced from several scientific accounts of selfhood. Beni constructs his ontological account of the self from the common structure that underpins the theoretical diversity that is manifested in rival and sometimes incompatible scientific accounts of the self and its aspects. The enterprise is inspired by recent structural realist theories in the philosophy of science, specifying the basic structure of the self, and explaining how representational, phenomenal, and social aspects of the self are embodied within this structure.

Structuring Mind: The Nature of Attention and how it Shapes Consciousness

by Sebastian Watzl

What is attention? How does attention shape consciousness? In an approach that engages with foundational topics in the philosophy of mind, the theory of action, psychology, and the neurosciences this book provides a unified and comprehensive answer to both questions. Sebastian Watzl shows that attention is a central structural feature of the mind. The first half of the book provides an account of the nature of attention. Attention is prioritizing, it consists in regulating priority structures. Attention is not another element of the mind, but constituted by structures that organize, integrate, and coordinate the parts of our mind. Attention thus integrates the perceptual and intellectual, the cognitive and motivational, and the epistemic and practical. The second half of the book concerns the relationship between attention and consciousness. Watzl argues that attentional structure shapes consciousness into what is central and what is peripheral. The center-periphery structure of consciousness cannot be reduced to the structure of how the world appears to the subject. What it is like for us thus goes beyond the way the world appears to us. On this basis, a new view of consciousness is offered. In each conscious experience we actively take a stance on the world we appear to encounter. It is in this sense that our conscious experience is our subjective perspective.

Structuring Mind: The Nature of Attention and how it Shapes Consciousness

by Sebastian Watzl

What is attention? How does attention shape consciousness? In an approach that engages with foundational topics in the philosophy of mind, the theory of action, psychology, and the neurosciences this book provides a unified and comprehensive answer to both questions. Sebastian Watzl shows that attention is a central structural feature of the mind. The first half of the book provides an account of the nature of attention. Attention is prioritizing, it consists in regulating priority structures. Attention is not another element of the mind, but constituted by structures that organize, integrate, and coordinate the parts of our mind. Attention thus integrates the perceptual and intellectual, the cognitive and motivational, and the epistemic and practical. The second half of the book concerns the relationship between attention and consciousness. Watzl argues that attentional structure shapes consciousness into what is central and what is peripheral. The center-periphery structure of consciousness cannot be reduced to the structure of how the world appears to the subject. What it is like for us thus goes beyond the way the world appears to us. On this basis, a new view of consciousness is offered. In each conscious experience we actively take a stance on the world we appear to encounter. It is in this sense that our conscious experience is our subjective perspective.

Structural Energetics in Zero Balancing Bodywork

by Alan Hext

Written by a well-established teacher of the practice, this guide to the mind-body therapy Zero Balancing is aimed at bodyworkers and all complementary medicine practitioners who work with qi. Zero Balancing uses hands-on conscious touch to address the relationship between energy and the structures of the body and clears blocks in energy flow to allow greater postural alignment and vitality. Rooting the esoteric aspects of qi and energy in a practical bodywork approach, the book is essential reading for any practitioner wishing to develop their awareness skills and access the world of energy medicine.

Structural Energetics in Zero Balancing Bodywork

by Alan Hext

Written by a well-established teacher of the practice, this guide to the mind-body therapy Zero Balancing is aimed at bodyworkers and all complementary medicine practitioners who work with qi. Zero Balancing uses hands-on conscious touch to address the relationship between energy and the structures of the body and clears blocks in energy flow to allow greater postural alignment and vitality. Rooting the esoteric aspects of qi and energy in a practical bodywork approach, the book is essential reading for any practitioner wishing to develop their awareness skills and access the world of energy medicine.

Strongman: My Story

by Eddie 'The Hall

Eddie ‘The Beast’ Hall is the first Brit in 24 years to win the World’s Strongest Man competition, beating The Mountain from Game of Thrones. Everything about Eddie is huge. Standing at 6’3 he weighs almost 30 stone, and to make it through his hellish four-hour gym sessions he needs to eat a minimum of 10,000 calories a day. He eats a raw steak during weight sessions. His right eyeball once burst out of its socket under the strain. He put it back in.In his remarkable autobiography, Eddie takes you inside the world of the professional strongman – the nutrition, the training and competitions themselves. This is a visceral story of sporting achievement, an athlete pushing himself to the limits, and the personal journey of a man on the path to becoming being the best of the best.Contains strong language.

Stronger Together: How We’re Living While Fighting

by Anne Nolan Linda Nolan

"It's ok to be scared, to feel lonely... we'll get through it, because we have to."For more than 40 years Linda and Anne have performed side by side as members of iconic Irish girl group The Nolans. But in 2020 the sisters sat next to each other for a very different experience. Soon after returning home from filming their hit TV series The Nolans Go Cruising, with their sisters Coleen and Maureen, Linda and Anne received devastating cancer diagnoses within days of each other and soon began gruelling rounds of chemotherapy together. It was a stark reminder of how cruel life can be and, of course, of their beloved sister Bernie, who also faced and lost the same battle.Stronger Together is Linda and Anne's story. A reflection on their close-knit relationship, in the limelight and behind the scenes, and of how family helped them hold it all together when things got tough. Deeply personal, incredibly moving and told with trademark humour, it's a story they hope will help you too.

Stronger Than Infertility: The Essential Guide to Navigating Every Step of Your Journey

by Heather Huhman

This indispensable, comprehensive, and accessible reference book to infertility provides people with the tools they need to be their own best advocates as they navigate fertility treatments and highs and lows of their infertility journey. Author Heather Huhman guides readers through every stage of the process—from knowing when to seek medical advice to parenting after infertility, and everything in between. There's the medical nitty gritty: getting a diagnosis (or not); selecting a fertility clinic that's right for you; understanding IUI and IVF and genetic testing; a comprehensive list of medications and their side effects, and much more. There are emotional high and lows: staying hopeful while managing grief and depression, maintaining and strengthening your relationship, and navigating religious and ethical concerns. And then there is the practical and often complicated questions around affording treatments, dealing with your workplace (including the military), and everything you need to know about insurance and fertility treatments.Stronger Than Infertility breaks down complicated clinical information and expert medical advice from top specialists in the field. The book includes first-person stories and hard-won advice from women who have been down this long and often painful road (Huhman included) and offers a clear-eyed look at the emotional and psychological landmines that come with the journey. The result is a book that inspires as much as it educates and is a much-needed source of support and inspiration for readers hungry for understanding and hope.

Stronger: Changing Everything I Knew About Women’s Strength

by Poorna Bell

If you are the girl, the woman who feels like she is never enough, that she will never be as strong, as good, as capable, I am here to tell you that you are enough. I am here to tell you that while it shouldn’t have been your burden, you can write a different story.Stronger will change what you think you know about strength and, most importantly, empower you to go on your own journey to discover what strength looks like for you.Now a competitive amateur powerlifter who can lift over twice her own bodyweight, Poorna Bell is perfectly placed to start a crucial conversation about women’s strength and fitness, one that has nothing to do with weight loss. In Stronger she challenges the notions taught to us as girls, and examines how all of us can tap into our reservoir of inner strength to make us our strongest selves mentally and physically. Describing taking up weightlifting after the death of her husband, she shows how discovering her own strength helped her to find the confidence that physical pursuits can amplify – the confidence that has been helping men to succeed for centuries – and that women can find too.In these pages, Poorna tells not only her own story but those of a range of women, investigating intersections of race, age and social background. Part memoir, part manifesto, Stronger explodes old-fashioned notions and long-held beliefs about getting strong and explores the relationship between mental and physical strength.Whether you’re into weightlifting, running, swimming, yoga or don’t consider yourself to be sporty at all, Poorna shows how finding strength can work for you, regardless of age, ability or background.

Stronger: How to build strength: the secret to a longer, healthier life

by David Vaux

Stronger is a life-changer - a refreshing, innovative and powerful roadmap to healthy ageing through strength building. -- Dr. Kelly Starrett and Juliet Starrett, co-authors of the Sunday Times Bestseller Built to Move Discover the key to longevity, health and happiness...Renowned osteopath David Vaux has spent decades advising patients and supporting government initiatives on healthy ageing. He knows that one activity above all others can make the difference to your future health: strength building. In Stronger, Vaux brings together the latest scientific research to explain why strength training in midlife is the simplest and cheapest thing you can do to transform your body. It reinforces your muscles and bones, enhances your nervous system, boosts your immunity and ultimately paves the way to a better future. With dynamic illustrations and habit-building hacks tailored to you, Stronger unveils the mere ten movements you need to fortify your body and embark on your journey towards a stronger and healthier life.

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