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A Day at the Eden Project: Band 05/Green (Collins Big Cat)

by Kate Petty Ley Honor Roberts Cliff Moon Collins Big Cat

This book recounts the experiences of two children as they take a look inside the giant Biomes and discover the exciting plants and exotic foods that grow in difficult environments. Green/ Band 5 books offer early readers patterned language and varied characters. Text type – A non-fiction recount of a visit. A map of the Eden project can be found on pages 22 and 23 to encourage children to discuss the information. Curriculum links – Geography: Passport to the world; Science: Growing plants and animals in the local environment. This book has been levelled for Reading Recovery. This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader.

The Oak Tree: Band 02b/Red B (PDF)

by Anna Owen Cliff Moon Laszlo Veres Collins Big Cat

A non-fiction, photographic picture book about the different parts of an oak tree and the creatures that live in its roots, trunk, bark, branches and leaves. The photographs and life-like illustrations answer the repeated question: 'Who lives…?'

Vegetation Of Britain And Ireland (Collins New Naturalist Library (PDF))

by Michael Proctor

Another volume in the popular New Naturalist series, this book covers all aspects of the plant life of Britain and Ireland. Michael Proctor, an expert in his field, discusses the development of the landscape of Britain and Ireland from prehistoric times, including the influence of people and their agricultural practices on the vegetation. He provides a comprehensive account of all the different types of plant habitat in Britain and Ireland: from woodlands and scrubland to meadows and grasslands, from wetlands and peatlands to heaths, and from the mountain vegetation to the sea coast. He examines the history and ecology of each of these habitats, and describes the rich variety of flora found living there. The author concludes with an account of the changes to our landscape which have taken place during the twentieth century, and prospects for the future, including the effects of environmental change.

Winter Sunshine

by John Burroughs

Volume II in The Writings of John Burroughs.


by John Burroughs

The author's anecdotal study of birds of the Adirondacks.


by George Everett Foster

Published in 1885, this is the biography of famed Cherokee Indian, Se-Quo-Yah, the inventor of the Cherokee alphabet.

The Romance of the Colorado River

by Frederick S. Dellenbaugh

In 1871, seventeen-year-old Fred Dellenbaugh walked into a hotel room in Chicago, and with a “You’ll do, Fred,” began a lifetime of danger-fraught exploration. Under the lead of John Wesley Powell, a Civil War hero with only one arm, Fred journeyed into the Grand Canyon and its subsidiary canyons and rivers, with the intention of exploring, mapping, and recording description of the uncharted territory. The men found themselves battling the great force of the Colorado River, with its fatal, quick rapids and mighty waterfalls. Their small, frail boats were no match for the river, and as they began to capsize and as supplies were lost overboard, the expedition quickly became about survival. It was only through the steady command of Major Powell that the team prevailed. They went on to accomplish their mission, which has become historically significant today. <P><P> The Romance of the Colorado River is Dellenbaugh’s personal story, written thirty years after the great adventure. The volume includes twenty of the author’s original illustrations, as well as nearly 150 contemporary photographs, which provide an accurate image of what the explorers encountered during their expedition. Dellenbaugh also recounts previous attempts to explore the valley, by both Europeans and fellow Americans, adding a historical element to the story. Part adventure narrative and part geography survey of the Colorado River, this book offers a unique firsthand account of a fascinating scientific expedition.


by Herman Melville

Gardening Without Irrigation: or Without Much, Anyway

by Steve Solomon

Highly informative book on gardening in arid areas.

Travels in the Interior of America

by John Bradbury

Interesting notes about the country in early times.

Birds and Bees, Sharp Eyes and Other Papers

by John Burroughs

From the Biographical Sketch:<P> "Probably no other American writer has a greater sympathy with, and a keener enjoyment of, country life in all its phases--farming, camping, fishing, walking--than has John Burroughs. His books are redolent of the soil, and have such "freshness and primal sweetness," that we need not be told that the pleasure he gets from his walks and excursions is by no means over when he steps inside his doors again. As he tells us on more than one occasion, he finds he can get much more out of his outdoor experiences by thinking them over, and writing them out afterwards."<P> Mary E. Burt

عمدة الطبيب في معرفة النبات

by يحيى مراد

دراسة التراث وتاريخ العلوم عند العرب والمسلمين، أمر لابدّ منه في مرحلة التحوّل التي تمر بها الأمة العربية. ذلك لأن اطلاع أبنائها على المنجزات العلمية التي حققها الأجداد في الماضي، لابدّ أن يكون باعثاً على الثقة في النفوس، وحافزاً لحث الخطى في طريق التقدم العلمي والتقني الذي نسعى لتحقيقه.‏ ومن واجب التراث علينا أن نتصدى بأنفسنا لكشف مكنوناته، ونشر روائعه، وإلقاء الضوء على مدى مساهمته في إغناء المعرفة والعلم خلال قرون عديدة، بعد أن ظل هذا العمل مقتصراً على المستشرقين الذين ينتمون إلى أمم مختلفة.‏ وفي مكتباتنا العربية العامة والخاصة كثير من المخطوطات القيّمة، والكتب النافعة التي لم تدرس حتى الآن، ولاسيّما في موضوع الطب والصيدلة وعلم النبات والتي كان لها سماتها، فأدت دوراً كبيراً في إثراء العلوم وبث روح الحياة. حيث كان يلتقي النبات والدواء في مسيرة واحدة لتأمين الغذاء النافع والدواء الناجع.‏ لقد توافرت للعرب ثروة معرفيّة ولغويّة هائلة حين انصرفوا إلى الطبيعة، كغيرهم من الأمم التي سبقتهم، فوجدوا أن الأرض تزخر بالخيرات، من شجر وعشب وبقل وتابل وغذاء، فانصرفوا إلى "علم الفلاحة" ودراسة النباتات. وألّفوا في ذلك كتباً كثيرة لها أهميتها في ميادين علوم النبات والصيدلة والطب وغيرها.‏ وكانت عنايتهم بأصناف النبات نابعة من حاجتهم إلى الغذاء والدواء معاً. وإلى التطيب بالعطور، وصناعة الصباغة والدباغة، وتركيب المواد الصيدلانية من جذور وقشور وثمار وبذور وأعشاب نباتات مختلفة.‏ وهكذا أصبحت المعاجم العربية، والمؤلفات العلمية، غنية بكم وافر من الأسماء والمصطلحات النباتية، وضمَّت معارف العرب المسلمين القدماء في علمي الطب والنبات. فكانت مصدراً لمن ألف وكتب في المفردات النباتية والغذائية والدوائية. وهي كثيرة العدد نذكر منها: "كتاب النبات" لأبي حنيفة الدينوري(1) ت 282هـ-895م)، وكان من أكثر المعاجم جمعاً للمادة، وأعظمها أثراً في معاجم النبات التي ألفت فيما بعد.‏

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