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Successful Strategies for Computer-assisted Reporting (Routledge Communication Series)

by Bruce Garrison

Computers have changed the landscape of both gathering and disseminating information throughout the world. As journalists quickly move toward the 21st century and perhaps, a new era of electronic journalism, resources are needed to understand the newest and most successful computer-based news reporting strategies. Written to serve that purpose, this book is designed to show both professional journalists and students which of the newest personal computing tools are being used by the nation's leading news organizations and top individual journalists. It further describes how these resources are being used on a daily basis and for special projects. In recent years, computers have taken on new and dominating roles in the process of news analysis, newsgathering, and news processing. Today's forward-thinking journalists often seek guidance over what they can do to strengthen their ability to be society's information processors and managers. This volume focuses upon how successful journalists are using computers through a major national computer-assisted reporting (CAR) study of daily newspapers. The study included two national surveys and a series of personal interviews with many of the nation's leading CAR specialists. Several current examples of stories used for successful database- and online-oriented news assignments are provided as part of a series of case studies incorporated throughout the book. The additional depth of description and the presentation of portions of stories themselves should help readers to understand the complete process involving CAR-oriented journalism. Substantial analytical detail is used to discuss the extent of computer use in newsrooms, computer training, CAR projects, CAR in daily reporting, hardware and software most commonly used, levels and types of online services used in news research, and portable hardware and software. The book concludes with the author's assessment of the effects and impact of personal computing in the newsroom and the future of personal computer applications in newsgathering. Explaining and defining advanced applications or terminology for readers, the approach to the book assumes a minimal familiarity with computers, but no advanced knowledge of computer operation.

Successful Strategies for Computer-assisted Reporting (Routledge Communication Series)

by Bruce Garrison

Computers have changed the landscape of both gathering and disseminating information throughout the world. As journalists quickly move toward the 21st century and perhaps, a new era of electronic journalism, resources are needed to understand the newest and most successful computer-based news reporting strategies. Written to serve that purpose, this book is designed to show both professional journalists and students which of the newest personal computing tools are being used by the nation's leading news organizations and top individual journalists. It further describes how these resources are being used on a daily basis and for special projects. In recent years, computers have taken on new and dominating roles in the process of news analysis, newsgathering, and news processing. Today's forward-thinking journalists often seek guidance over what they can do to strengthen their ability to be society's information processors and managers. This volume focuses upon how successful journalists are using computers through a major national computer-assisted reporting (CAR) study of daily newspapers. The study included two national surveys and a series of personal interviews with many of the nation's leading CAR specialists. Several current examples of stories used for successful database- and online-oriented news assignments are provided as part of a series of case studies incorporated throughout the book. The additional depth of description and the presentation of portions of stories themselves should help readers to understand the complete process involving CAR-oriented journalism. Substantial analytical detail is used to discuss the extent of computer use in newsrooms, computer training, CAR projects, CAR in daily reporting, hardware and software most commonly used, levels and types of online services used in news research, and portable hardware and software. The book concludes with the author's assessment of the effects and impact of personal computing in the newsroom and the future of personal computer applications in newsgathering. Explaining and defining advanced applications or terminology for readers, the approach to the book assumes a minimal familiarity with computers, but no advanced knowledge of computer operation.

Successfully Negotiating in Asia: 36 Success Pathways to Arguing Well and Dealing with Various Negotiator Types (Management for Professionals)

by Kim Cheng Low

Successful negotiation requires understanding your counterpart’s culture, their feelings, habits and values. When planning to do business with suppliers and other partners in Asia, thorough preparation is essential in order to avoid misunderstandings, confrontations and disappointments, and to ensure the mutually desired success. This book offers a comprehensive guide to communication, argumentation, and negotiation by demonstrating success pathways with a focus on specific types of negotiator or negotiation partner from the different regions of the Asian continent. Readers will learn to negotiate the Chinese, the Indian and the Japanese way, and come to understand how Asians approach negotiations. Written by a truly international author, both academic and practitioner, with extensive experience in both Eastern and Western cultures, this book offers a valuable resource for anyone who relies on successfully negotiating with Asian partners.

Suchen und Finden im Internet

by Jörg Eberspächer Stefan Holtel

Das Internet verändert(e) nachhaltig die Welt von Information, Kommunikation und Medien. Suchmaschinen spielen dabei eine zentrale Rolle. Die dynamische Entwicklung der Such- und Finde-Technologien ist weiterhin in vollem Gange. Der MÜNCHNER KREIS hat vor diesem Hintergrund - mit exzellenten Fachleuten aus Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft - die Entwicklungen analysiert und Zukunftsperspektiven diskutiert. Das vorliegende Buch enthält die Ergebnisse.

Suchmaschinen-Marketing: Konzepte, Umsetzung und Controlling

by Yvonne Bischopinck Michael Ceyp

Das Internet bereichert seit zehn Jahren ganz wesentlich das Dialogmarketing. Das Kompendium des Autorenteams Bischopinck/Ceyp zum Suchmaschinenmarketing (SEO - Search Engine Optimization und SEM - Search Engine Marketing) schließt eine zentrale Lücke für den konkreten Einsatz ausgewählter Online-Marketing-Instrumente. Systematisch erläutert und anwendungsorientiert erklärt: alle Parameter des Suchmaschinenmarketings und konkrete Beispiele.

Suchmaschinen-Marketing: Konzepte, Umsetzung und Controlling für SEO und SEM

by Yvonne Bischopinck Michael Ceyp

Das Internet hat das Dialogmarketing in den letzten zehn Jahren wesentlich bereichert. Allerdings fehlen meist systematische Abhandlungen über den Einsatz ausgewählter Online-Marketing-Instrumente. Hier schließt das Kompendium zu Konzepten, Instrumenten, Umsetzung und Controlling des Suchmaschinen-Marketings eine Lücke. Für die 2. Auflage wurde der Inhalt durchgesehen, korrigiert, an vielen Stellen vertieft und den rapiden Veränderungen der Praxis angepasst. Ferner ist eine aktuelle Fallstudie zu Innovationen im Suchmaschinen-Marketing eingeflossen.

Suchmaschinen verstehen (

by Dirk Lewandowski

Suchmaschinen sind heute die wichtigsten Werkzeuge, um an Informationen zu gelangen. Wir verwenden Suchmaschinen täglich, meist ohne weiter darüber nachzudenken. Doch wie funktionieren diese Suchwerkzeuge eigentlich genau? Das Buch betrachtet Suchmaschinen aus vier Perspektiven: Technik, Nutzung, Recherche und gesellschaftliche Bedeutung. Es bietet eine klar strukturierte und verständliche Einführung in die Thematik. Zahlreiche Abbildungen erlauben eine schnelle Erfassung des Stoffs.Neben einer ausführlichen Darstellung der in den bekannten Suchmaschinen verwendeten Rankingverfahren wird auch ausführlich auf das Nutzerverhalten eingegangen, das wiederum die Ergebnisdarstellung prägt. Dazu kommen grundlegende Betrachtungen des Suchmaschinenmarktes, der Bedeutung der Suchmaschinenoptimierung und der Rolle der Suchmaschinen als technische Informationsvermittler. Das Buch richtet sich an alle, die mit Suchmaschinen zu tun haben und ein umfassendes Verständnis dieser Suchwerkzeuge erlangen wollen, u.a. Suchmaschinenoptimierer, Entwickler, Informationswissenschaftler, Bibliothekare, Rechercheure in Wissenschaft und Praxis sowie Online-Marketing-Verantwortliche.Für die zweite Auflage wurde der Text vollständig überarbeitet. Neben einem neuen Kapitel zur Suchmaschinenwerbung wurden zahlreiche Abschnitte zu neu aufgekommenen Themen hinzugefügt. Alle Statistiken und Quellen wurden auf den neuesten Stand gebracht.Aus Rezensionen zur ersten Auflage:„Dirk Lewandowski bringt den Fachleuten und Laien näher, was im Hintergrund der Suchmaschine abläuft und wie die Suchergebnisse zustande kommen.“ (Stephan Holländer in Password) „Dirk Lewandowski [...] hat einerseits das Fachwissen, sowohl in die Tiefe zu gehen als auch die Zusammenhänge so verständlich wie möglich zu behandeln. Ein Glücksfall!“ (Jürgen Plieninger in BuB)

Suchmaschinen verstehen (

by Dirk Lewandowski

Das Buch betrachtet das Thema Suchmaschinen ausgehend von der täglichen Recherche und führt in die technischen Grundlagen, in Recherchetechniken sowie die gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Bedingungen der Recherche im Web ein. Suchmaschinen sind heute die wichtigsten Werkzeuge, um an Informationen zu gelangen. Wir verwenden Suchmaschinen täglich, meist ohne weiter darüber nachzudenken. Doch wie funktionieren diese Suchwerkzeuge eigentlich genau?Neben einer ausführlichen Darstellung der in den bekannten Suchmaschinen verwendeten Rankingverfahren wird auch ausführlich auf das Nutzerverhalten eingegangen, das wiederum die Ergebnisdarstellung prägt. Dazu kommen grundlegende Betrachtungen des Suchmaschinenmarkts, der Bedeutung der Suchmaschinenoptimierung und der Rolle der Suchmaschinen als technische Informationsvermittler. Nicht zuletzt wird auch die Seite der Recherche betrachtet und gezeigt, wie man mit den bekannten Suchmaschinen effizient recherchieren kann.Das Buch verhilft allen, die mit Suchmaschinen recherchieren oder sich beruflich mit der Optimierung, Aufbereitung und Sichtbarmachung von Inhalten beschäftigen, zu einem umfassenden Verständnis der Ansätze, Stärken und Schwächen verschiedener Suchmaschinen und der ihnen zugrunde liegenden Technologien.

Suchmaschinenmarketing in der Personalakquise: Wie Sie mit Search Engine Advertising die richtigen Mitarbeiter finden (essentials)

by Thorsten Piening Saskia Kampmeyer

Thorsten Piening und Saskia Kampmeyer zeigen in diesem essential kompakt und auf den Punkt gebracht, wie Unternehmen im Internet neue Mitarbeiter gewinnen und insbesondere Search Engine Advertising (SEA) zielführend dafür nutzen können. Die Autoren erklären, wie Google und Co. die Candidate Journey effektiv unterstützen können und wie wichtig das kontinuierliche Monitoring mit allen Kennzahlen ist. Angereichert ist das essential mit zahlreichen praktischen Beispielen und konkreten Handlungsempfehlungen.

Suddenly Hybrid: Managing the Modern Meeting

by Karin M. Reed Joseph A. Allen

Discover the challenges and opportunities of hybrid meetings with this science-based guide from an Emmy-award winning communications expert and renowned organizational psychologist As remote work becomes less of an unusual exception and more of an everyday necessity, hybrid meetings—meetings in which some attendees are physically present while others are virtually present—are becoming the norm. In Suddenly Hybrid: Managing the Modern Meeting, Emmy award-winning communications expert Karin Reed and veteran industrial and organizational psychologist Dr. Joseph A. Allen deliver a practical and actionable framework for attending, hosting, and managing hybrid meetings. The authors draw from their extensive experience in research and business, as well as firsthand stories and up-to-date studies, to offer a guide that’s grounded in science and proven in the real world. You’ll learn about: Best practices based on research from the height of the pandemic and the unexpected paradigm shifts that resulted The challenges and opportunities presented by the trend towards hybrid meetings New research insights gathered from those early in the transition to hybrid meetings, as well as those who are well on their way to implementing a complete framework Perfect for senior business leaders, managers, and even individual contributors, Suddenly Hybrid: Managing the Modern Meeting is required reading for anyone expected to organize, host, or attend virtual or hybrid meetings in their workplace or school.

Suddenly Hybrid: Managing the Modern Meeting

by Karin M. Reed Joseph A. Allen

Discover the challenges and opportunities of hybrid meetings with this science-based guide from an Emmy-award winning communications expert and renowned organizational psychologist As remote work becomes less of an unusual exception and more of an everyday necessity, hybrid meetings—meetings in which some attendees are physically present while others are virtually present—are becoming the norm. In Suddenly Hybrid: Managing the Modern Meeting, Emmy award-winning communications expert Karin Reed and veteran industrial and organizational psychologist Dr. Joseph A. Allen deliver a practical and actionable framework for attending, hosting, and managing hybrid meetings. The authors draw from their extensive experience in research and business, as well as firsthand stories and up-to-date studies, to offer a guide that’s grounded in science and proven in the real world. You’ll learn about: Best practices based on research from the height of the pandemic and the unexpected paradigm shifts that resulted The challenges and opportunities presented by the trend towards hybrid meetings New research insights gathered from those early in the transition to hybrid meetings, as well as those who are well on their way to implementing a complete framework Perfect for senior business leaders, managers, and even individual contributors, Suddenly Hybrid: Managing the Modern Meeting is required reading for anyone expected to organize, host, or attend virtual or hybrid meetings in their workplace or school.

Suddenly Virtual: Making Remote Meetings Work

by Karin M. Reed Joseph A. Allen

Supercharge your virtual meetings with evidence-based practices from an award-winning team The shift to virtual meetings was sudden and often traumatic for businesses across all industries as they responded to the global pandemic. Rather than focusing on what worked best, they focused on what worked now . . . which meant closing up the office and being suddenly virtual in nearly every meeting, often without the tools, the training, or the expertise to optimize the new “kitchen table” office. Thankfully, businesses are beginning to be more purposeful in both the tools they use and the approach they take. This book seeks to be a definitive guide for businesses looking to make their meetings as effective as possible in the ever-evolving “new normal”—leveraging insights from some of the foremost thought leaders in meeting science and on-camera communication. This book will: · Highlight new research insights springing from the rapid and exponential adoption of virtual meeting technology · Discuss the problems, challenges, and pitfalls of meeting in this new modality · Provide practical, actionable best practices, backed by meeting research that lead to more productive and effective virtual meetings Perfect for executives, managers, and employees at companies in all industries and of all sizes, Suddenly Virtual provides practical and actionable best practices that lead to more productive and effective remote meetings.

Suddenly Virtual: Making Remote Meetings Work

by Karin M. Reed Joseph A. Allen

Supercharge your virtual meetings with evidence-based practices from an award-winning team The shift to virtual meetings was sudden and often traumatic for businesses across all industries as they responded to the global pandemic. Rather than focusing on what worked best, they focused on what worked now . . . which meant closing up the office and being suddenly virtual in nearly every meeting, often without the tools, the training, or the expertise to optimize the new “kitchen table” office. Thankfully, businesses are beginning to be more purposeful in both the tools they use and the approach they take. This book seeks to be a definitive guide for businesses looking to make their meetings as effective as possible in the ever-evolving “new normal”—leveraging insights from some of the foremost thought leaders in meeting science and on-camera communication. This book will: · Highlight new research insights springing from the rapid and exponential adoption of virtual meeting technology · Discuss the problems, challenges, and pitfalls of meeting in this new modality · Provide practical, actionable best practices, backed by meeting research that lead to more productive and effective virtual meetings Perfect for executives, managers, and employees at companies in all industries and of all sizes, Suddenly Virtual provides practical and actionable best practices that lead to more productive and effective remote meetings.

Summarizing Information: Including CD-ROM “SimSum”, Simulation of Summarizing, for Macintosh and Windows

by Brigitte Endres-Niggemeyer

This monograph summarizes what we know about summarizing, and offers a detailed analysis of professional summarizing. A computer simulation of the cognitive processes in expert summarizers is offered on the accompanying CD-ROM.

The Sun Tyrant: A Nightmare Called North Korea

by JP Floru

When Londoner JP Floru tags along with three friends running the marathon in Pyongyang, little could have prepared him for what he witnessed. Shown by two minders what the regime wants them to see during their nine-day trip, the group is astounded when witnessing people bowing to their leaders' statues; being told not to take photos of the leaders' feet; and hearing the hushed reverence with which people recite the history invented by the regime to keep itself in power. Often, the group did not understand what they were seeing: from the empty five-lane motorway to the missing fifth floor of their Yanggakdo Hotel on an island in the Pudong River; many answers only came through extensive research of the few sources that exist about this hermit country. Shocking and scary, The Sun Tyrant uncovers the oddities and tragedies at the heart of the world's most secretive regime, and shows what happens when a population is reduced to near-slavery in the twenty-first century.

Sunburn: The unofficial history of the Sun newspaper in 99 headlines

by James Felton

'James Felton makes me laugh like a bellend' Robert Webb'James Felton makes me laugh every day' Marina Hyde'James never fails to make me laugh and then think, then laugh some more' Dermot O'Leary You should buy this book if: a) you dislike the Sun, but have never actually read it to know why and/or b) you're still not sure how we got into this mess. Using his famed on-the-nose commentary, Twitter legend James Felton has dissected 99 of the most outlandish stories the Sun (for a long time the biggest-selling British newspaper) has run since it became a tabloid in 1969, hoping to answer once and for all whether the press has reflected - or manipulated - the British people over the last 50 years. Included: joke-riddled and illustrated analyses of the Sun's most infamous stories about celebrities, war, royals, crime, the LGBTQ+ community, migrants, the EU, politics, bacon sandwiches and page 3.Not included: A blindfold. We suggest reading through your fingers instead.

The Sunday Times Investigates: Reporting That Made History

by Jonathan Calvert

The national newspaper is famous for it’s insight investigative journalist team. These are the selection of best articles from that team.

Sundays at Eight: 25 Years of Stories from C-SPAN'S Q&A and Booknotes

by Brian Lamb C-SPAN

For the last 25 years, Sunday nights at 8pm on C-SPAN has been appointment television for many Americans. During that time, host Brian Lamb has invited people to his Capitol Hill studio for hour-long conversations about contemporary society and history. In today's soundbite culture that hour remains one of television's last vestiges of in-depth, civil conversation.First came C-SPAN's Booknotes in 1989, which by the time it ended in December 2004, was the longest-running author-interview program in American broadcast history. Many of the most notable nonfiction authors of its era were featured over the course of 800 episodes, and the conversations became a defining hour for the network and for nonfiction writers.In January 2005, C-SPAN embarked on a new chapter with the launch of Q and A. Again one hour of uninterrupted conversation but the focus was expanded to include documentary film makers, entrepreneurs, social workers, political leaders and just about anyone with a story to tell.To mark this anniversary Lamb and his team at C-SPAN have assembled Sundays at Eight, a collection of the best unpublished interviews and stories from the last 25 years. Featured in this collection are historians like David McCullough, Ron Chernow and Robert Caro, reporters including April Witt, John Burns and Michael Weisskopf, and numerous others, including Christopher Hitchens, Brit Hume and Kenneth Feinberg.In a March 2001 Booknotes interview 60 Minutes creator Don Hewitt described the show's success this way: "All you have to do is tell me a story.” This collection attests to the success of that principle, which has guided Lamb for decades. And his guests have not disappointed, from the dramatic escape of a lifelong resident of a North Korean prison camp, to the heavy price paid by one successful West Virginia businessman when he won 314 million in the lottery, or the heroic stories of recovery from the most horrific injuries in modern-day warfare. Told in the series' signature conversational manner, these stories come to life again on the page. Sundays at Eight is not merely a token for fans of C-SPAN's interview programs, but a collection of significant stories that have helped us understand the world for a quarter-century.

Sunshine Warm Sober: Unexpected sober joy that lasts (The Unexpected Joy #5)

by Catherine Gray

'Exquisite' - Fearne Cotton'The kind of book that changes lives, and very possibly saves them' - The Lancet Psychiatry'A reflective, raw and riveting read. A beautiful book on what it takes to root for yourself' - Emma Gannon, Ctrl Alt Delete'Stone cold sober.'Sounds horrible, doesn't it? Hard, icy. Brrrrr. No bloody ta.However, as the millions who choose to stay sober now know, the propaganda around drinking and sobriety is wonky. Sober doesn't feel stony, or cold. Retired wreckhead Catherine Gray, author of surprise bestseller The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober, is now in her eighth sober year and has learnt a damn sight more. This hotly anticipated sequel enlists the help of experts and case studies, turning a curious, playful gaze onto provocative questions. Is alcohol a parenting aid? Why are booze and cocaine such a horse and carriage? Once an addict, always an addict? How do you feel safe - from alcohol, others and yourself - in sobriety? Whether you're a dedicated boozehound, flirting with teetotalling, or already sober, this witty, gritty read may just change how you think about alcohol forever. Praise for The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober:'Fascinating' - Bryony Gordon 'Truthful, modern and real' - Stylist'Brave, witty and brilliantly written' - Marie Claire'Gray's tale of going sober is uplifting and inspiring' - Evening Standard 'Not remotely preachy' - Sunday Times 'Jaunty, shrewd and convincing' - Sunday Telegraph 'Admirably honest, light, bubbly and remarkably rarely annoying' - Guardian 'An empathetic, warm and hilarious tale from a hugely likeable human' - The Lancet Psychiatry

Super-sticky WeChat and Chinese Society (Emerald Points)

by Yujie Chen Zhifei Mao Jack Linchuan Qiu

App designers dream of creating a platform that users never want to leave, that keeps them glued forever - a platform that is "sticky". Over 846 million WeChat users leave text and voice messages, share life moments, play games, use stickers, purchase rail and flight tickets, shop online, pay utilities and bills, transfer money to friends, and even donate to charity without leaving WeChat, the super-sticky platform. The Economist called WeChat "one app to rule them all", and as it starts to gain global appeal, it is rewriting the rules for social media platforms. This book provides a balanced and nuanced study of how the super-sticky WeChat platform interweaves into the fabric of Chinese social, cultural, and political life. It keeps the wider global and national social media landscape in view and compares and contrasts WeChat with Weibo and QQ, two other popular social media platforms in China, and other Western social media platforms.

Super-sticky WeChat and Chinese Society (Emerald Points)

by Yujie Chen Zhifei Mao Jack Linchuan Qiu

App designers dream of creating a platform that users never want to leave, that keeps them glued forever - a platform that is "sticky". Over 846 million WeChat users leave text and voice messages, share life moments, play games, use stickers, purchase rail and flight tickets, shop online, pay utilities and bills, transfer money to friends, and even donate to charity without leaving WeChat, the super-sticky platform. The Economist called WeChat "one app to rule them all", and as it starts to gain global appeal, it is rewriting the rules for social media platforms. This book provides a balanced and nuanced study of how the super-sticky WeChat platform interweaves into the fabric of Chinese social, cultural, and political life. It keeps the wider global and national social media landscape in view and compares and contrasts WeChat with Weibo and QQ, two other popular social media platforms in China, and other Western social media platforms.

Super Thinking: Upgrade Your Reasoning and Make Better Decisions with Mental Models

by Gabriel Weinberg Lauren McCann

Turn yourself into a superthinker and make the right decisions every time.You want to make better decisions. You want to be right more of the time-professionally and personally. However, being more right consistently is a hard problem because the world is such a complex, evolving place. How do you navigate this complexity?Mental models are decision making tools that guide our perception of the world and our behaviour in it. They help us understand life, make decisions and solve problems. The best models help us make intelligent investments, develop ground-breaking technologies and even travel to outer space. - Note your frame of reference before debating someone with different political views. If you understand how your perspective contrasts with someone else's you can prevent the conversation from getting hostile.- Apply the sunk cost fallacy to the end of a doomed project. Just because you've put a lot of hours into it doesn't mean that you have to keep going.- Before blaming someone, consider Hanlon's Razor, 'Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by carelessness'.- Try to solve mysteries with Occam's Razor, 'Among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected'. When you hear hoof beats, think of horses not zebras.Building on our knowledge of well-known models such as the Bandwagon Effect or Paradigm Shift and introducing us to the lesser known like the Eisenhower Matrix or the Boiling Frog Symbol, this indispensable book distills the most effective mental models into a single, digestible volume. It will make even the most complex models accessible and engaging to enable you to make better, more informed decisions in every part of your life.

Supercomplexity in Interaction: An Introduction to the 4Es

by Victoria Orange

This book aims to explore the supercomplexity of interaction and to suggest ways of teaching about this supercomplexity in various settings, including intercultural communication and language-learning. Using complex systems theory, the author argues that interaction is actually a supercomplex adaptive system which interconnects a number of different complex systems (the 4Es: Expression, Encounter, Education, Emotion) to give it meaning. She then draws on the concept of heartfulness to promote different ways of understanding and teaching the supercomplexity of interaction. This book will be of interest to language educators and students, as well as scholars of intercultural communication.

Superconductor Electronics: Fundamentals and Microwave Applications (Graduate Texts in Contemporary Physics)

by Johann H. Hinken

Recent research on superconductors with high critical temperature has led to results that were not available when the original German edition was prepared but could be included in the present English edition. This concerns materials based on bismuth and thallium, as well as measurements of low microwave loss. The author would like to thank Mr. A. H. Armstrong for translating the book from German to English in a very dedicated and competent manner. Thanks are also due once again to Springer-Verlag for their generous support and cordial cooperation. Bad Salzdetfurth September 1989 Johann H. Rinken Preface to the German Edition The development of materials which lose their electrical resistance when cooled, even before reaching the boiling point of liquid nitrogen, has considerably in­ creased the interest in superconductor technology, and with it superconductor electronics. This development had not been foreseen when work on the present book started, just over a year ago. Nevertheless, recent results of research on materials with high critical temperature are included to the extent that they seem to be confirmed and to be of interest to superconductor electronics. The present book deals with the physical and technological foundations of superconductor electronics so far as they must be known in order to under­ stand the principal modes of operation of superconductor electronics components.

Superconnector: Stop Networking and Start Building Business Relationships that Matter

by Scott Gerber Ryan Paugh

Abandon the networking-for-networking's-sake mentality in favor of a more powerful and effective approach to creating and enhancing connections. STOP NETWORKING. Seriously, stop doing it. Now. It is time to ditch the old networking-for networking's-sake mentality in favor of a more powerful and effective approach to creating and enhancing connections. In Superconnector, Scott Gerber and Ryan Paugh reveal a new category of professionals born out of the social media era: highly valuable community-builders who make things happen through their keen understanding and utilization of social capital. Superconnectors understand the power of relationship-building, problem-solve by connecting the dots at high levels, and purposefully cause different worlds and communities to interact with the intention of creating mutual value. How can you become a Superconnector? Gerber and Paugh share instructive anecdotes from a who's who roster of high achievers, revealing how to systematically manage a professional community and maximize its value. Of utmost importance is practicing Habitual Generosity, acting on the knowledge that your greatest returns come when you least expect them, and that by putting others' needs first the good karma will flow back to you tenfold. Gerber and Paugh also explore winning strategies such as The Art of Selectivity, a well-honed ability to define which relationships matter most for you and decide how you will maintain them over time. Full of helpful advice on how to communicate with anyone about anything, Google-proof your reputation, and much more, Superconnector is a must-read for those seeking personal and business success.

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