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Showing 18,551 through 18,575 of 75,119 results

Software Engineering Approaches for Offshore and Outsourced Development: First International Conference, SEAFOOD 2007, Zurich, Switzerland, February 5-6, 2007, Revised Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #4716)

by Bertrand Meyer Mathai Joseph

This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the First International Conference on Software Engineering Approaches for Offshore and Outsourced Development, SEAFOOD 2007, Zurich, Switzerland, in February 2007. The 15 revised full papers constitute a balanced mix of academic and industrial aspects and address topical regions such as processes, education, country reports, evaluation and assessment, communication and distribution, as well as tools.

Software Process Dynamics and Agility: International Conference on Software Process, ICSP 2007, Minneapolis, MN, USA, May 19-20, 2007, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #4470)

by Qing Wang Dietmar Pfahl David M. Raffo

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First International Conference on Software Process, held in Minneapolis, MN, USA, in May 2007. The 28 revised full papers presented together with the abstracts of two keynote addresses cover process content, process tools and metrics, process management, process representation, analysis and modeling, experience report, and simulation modeling.

Software Process Improvement: 14th European Conference, EuroSPI 2007, Potsdam, Germany, September 26-28, 2007, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #4764)

by Pekka Abrahamsson Nathan Baddoo Tiziana Margaria Richard Messnarz

This book constitutes the refereed proceeding of the 14th European Software Process Improvement Conference, EuroSPI 2007, held in Potsdam, Germany, in September 2007. The papers are organized in topical sections on enforcement, alignment, tailoring. There is focus on SME issues, improvement analysis and empirical studies, new avenues of SPI, SPI methodologies, as well as testing and reliability.

Soldiers at Peace: Veterans of the Civil War in Mozambique

by J. Schafer

This is the first scholarly study of soldiers and guerrillas demobilized after the civil war in Mozambique (1979-1992). The book examines former soldiers' - from both sides - return to civilian life, and how their identity as veterans plays out in the political sphere.

Southern Theory: The global dynamics of knowledge in social science

by Raewyn Connell

Southern Theory presents the case for a radical re-thinking of social science and its relationships to knowledge, power and democracy on a world scale.Mainstream social science pictures the world as understood by the educated and affluent in Europe and North America. From Weber and Keynes to Friedman and Foucault, theorists from the global North dominate the imagination of social scientists, and the reading lists of students, all over the world. For most of modern history, the majority world has served social science only as a data mine.Yet the global South does produce knowledge and understanding of society. Through vivid accounts of critics and theorists, Raewyn Connell shows how social theory from the world periphery has power and relevance for understanding our changing world from al-Afghani at the dawn of modern social science, to Raul Prebisch in industrialising Latin America, Ali Shariati in revolutionary Iran, Paulin Hountondji in post-colonial Benin, Veena Das and Ashis Nandy in contemporary India, and many others.With clarity and verve, Southern Theory introduces readers to texts, ideas and debates that have emerged from Australia's Indigenous people, from Africa, Latin America, south and south-west Asia. It deals with modernisation, gender, race, class, cultural domination, neoliberalism, violence, trade, religion, identity, land, and the structure of knowledge itself.Southern Theory shows how this tremendous resource has been disregarded by mainstream social science. It explores the challenges of doing theory in the periphery, and considers the role Southern perspectives should have in a globally connected system of knowledge. Southern Theory draws on sociology, anthropology, history, psychology, economics, philosophy and cultural studies, with wide-ranging implications for social science in the 21st century.

Southern Theory: The global dynamics of knowledge in social science

by Raewyn Connell

Southern Theory presents the case for a radical re-thinking of social science and its relationships to knowledge, power and democracy on a world scale.Mainstream social science pictures the world as understood by the educated and affluent in Europe and North America. From Weber and Keynes to Friedman and Foucault, theorists from the global North dominate the imagination of social scientists, and the reading lists of students, all over the world. For most of modern history, the majority world has served social science only as a data mine.Yet the global South does produce knowledge and understanding of society. Through vivid accounts of critics and theorists, Raewyn Connell shows how social theory from the world periphery has power and relevance for understanding our changing world from al-Afghani at the dawn of modern social science, to Raul Prebisch in industrialising Latin America, Ali Shariati in revolutionary Iran, Paulin Hountondji in post-colonial Benin, Veena Das and Ashis Nandy in contemporary India, and many others.With clarity and verve, Southern Theory introduces readers to texts, ideas and debates that have emerged from Australia's Indigenous people, from Africa, Latin America, south and south-west Asia. It deals with modernisation, gender, race, class, cultural domination, neoliberalism, violence, trade, religion, identity, land, and the structure of knowledge itself.Southern Theory shows how this tremendous resource has been disregarded by mainstream social science. It explores the challenges of doing theory in the periphery, and considers the role Southern perspectives should have in a globally connected system of knowledge. Southern Theory draws on sociology, anthropology, history, psychology, economics, philosophy and cultural studies, with wide-ranging implications for social science in the 21st century.

Soziale Exklusion im Wohlfahrtsstaat: Arbeitslosensicherung und Sozialhilfe in Großbritannien und Deutschland

by Katrin Mohr

Katrin Mohr untersucht am Beispiel der Arbeitslosensicherung und der Sozialhilfe in Großbritannien und Deutschland, wie Wohlfahrtsstaaten soziale Exklusion strukturieren. Sie analysiert die inklusiven und exklusiven Mechanismen und Logiken der Systeme der sozialen Sicherung bei Einkommensarmut und Erwerbslosigkeit in beiden Ländern und geht den möglichen Konsequenzen nach, die sich aus der Verfasstheit dieser Sicherungssysteme sowie ihrem Wandel für Prozesse sozialer Ausgrenzung ergeben. Indem die Autorin die vergleichende Wohlfahrtsstaatsforschung mit der Analyse sozialer Ungleichheit verknüpft, leistet sie einen Beitrag zur Soziologisierung der Sozialpolitikforschung sowie zu einer in Deutschland noch wenig entwickelten Ungleichheitsforschung mit institutionellem Fokus.

Soziale Netzwerke und soziale Ungleichheit: Zur Rolle von Sozialkapital in modernen Gesellschaften (Sozialstrukturanalyse)

by Jörg Lüdicke Martin Diewald

Sozialkapital ist in vielfacher Weise mit dem System sozialer Ungleichheit verknüpft. Auf der einen Seite ist die Konstitution individueller Nahumwelten mitbestimmt durch die sozialstrukturelle Einbettung von Personen. Auf der anderen Seite können soziale Ungleichheiten direkt und indirekt durch soziales Kapital produziert werden. Die Beiträge in dem Band beschäftigen sich theoretisch und empirisch mit unterschiedlichen Facetten dieses komplexen Wirkungszusammenhangs. Dabei werden nicht nur individuelle Ungleichheitsmerkmale untersucht, sondern auch Ungleichheitsbedingungen verschiedener Gesellschaften.

Soziale Ungleichheit: Eine Einführung in die zentralen Theorien (Studientexte zur Soziologie)

by Nicole Burzan

Das Buch bietet eine gut verständliche Einführung in ein zentrales Thema der Sozialwissenschaften: Soziale Ungleichheit - ausgezeichnet mit dem René-König-Lehrbuchpreis der DGS!

Sozialer Wandel und Gewaltkriminalität: Deutschland, England und Schweden im Vergleich, 1950 bis 2000 (Analysen zu gesellschaftlicher Integration und Desintegration)

by Helmut Thome Christoph Birkel

Der Band dokumentiert die Entwicklung unterschiedlicher Formen von Gewaltkriminalität und setzt sie in Beziehung zum ökonomischen und sozialen Strukturwandel in den drei Vergleichsländern. Betrachtet werden insbesondere Veränderungen in der Effektivität und Legitimität des staatlichen Gewaltmonopols sowie Wandlungstendenzen in den sozialstaatlichen Sicherungssystemen, der Regulierung von Märkten und Arbeitsbeziehungen, den Familienverhältnissen sowie der Mediennutzung, die insgesamt auf eine Veränderung des Integrationsmodus moderner Gesellschaften hinweisen.

Sozialgeschichte des Geständnisses: Zum Wandel der Geständniskultur

by Jo Reichertz Manfred Schneider

Der Band zeichnet die Sozialgeschichte des Geständnisses nach. Ausgegangen wird von der These, dass sich ein Geständnis nicht aus selbstverständlichen Gründen herleiten lässt, sondern auf komplexen Voraussetzungen beruht. Auf Seiten des einer Straftat Beschuldigten stellt sich nämlich die Frage, weshalb er einen Sachverhalt einräumen soll, die u.U. sehr schwerwiegende Folgen für ihn hat. Auf Seiten der Vernehmer entsteht das Problem, wie bei einer Vernehmung ohne Zwangsmittel Gesprächsbereitschaft hergestellt werden kann.

Sozialpsychologie: Eine Einführung (Springer-Lehrbuch)

by C. Lebherz

Wieso helfen Zuschauer bei einem Unfall nicht? Soll ich aufhören zu rauchen? Wie wird jemand zum Gruppenanführer? Das vielseitige Fachgebiet der Sozialpsychologie beschäftigt sich damit, wie Gedanken, Gefühle und Verhalten von Individuen durch die tatsächliche oder vorgestellte Anwesenheit anderer Menschen beeinflusst werden. Für die Prüfungsvorbereitung: Boxen mit klassischen Experimenten, Sozialpsychologie im Alltag und Pioniere der Sozialpsychologie. Ein lebendiges Bild des Faches in 5., erweiterter Auflage mit komplett neu verfassten Kapiteln. Plus: interaktive Lernwebsite mit Prüfungsfragen, Quiz, Lernkarten, dt.-engl. Glossar, Links.

Sozialstruktur und Gesellschaftsanalyse: Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung zwischen Daten, Methoden und Begriffen

by Gerd Nollmann

Wie kaum ein anderes Thema zeigt die Erforschung ungleicher sozialer Beziehungen die Notwendigkeit, Daten, Methoden und Begriffsbildung eng miteinander zu verbinden. Die Autoren fordern den Anspruch an eine enge Verbindung von Forschung und begrifflicher Arbeit ein. Die Klammer des Bandes wird gebildet von der Sozialstrukturanalyse mit den Schwerpunkten Klassenbegriff und -forschung, soziale Mobilität, soziales und kulturelles Kapital, Individualisierung, Globalisierung. Mit Beiträgen von Karl-Uwe Engels, Anthony Giddens, John H. Goldthorpe, George Ritzer, Max Haller, Dieter Holtmann, Harold Kerbo, Marcus S. Kleiner, Heiner Meulemann, Gerd Nollmann, Georg W. Oesterdiekhoff, Julia Simonson, Petra Stein, Nico Stehr, Johannes Weiß, Natalie Scherer, Thomas Schweer.

Sozialwissenschaftliche Suchtforschung

by Bernd Dollinger Henning Schmidt-Semisch

Im internationalen - vor allem im englischsprachigen Raum - ist die sozialwissenschaftliche Suchtforschung sehr viel breiter ausgebaut als im deutschsprachigen Bereich. Hier dominieren medizinische und biologische Annäherungen an das Thema. Essentielle Forschungstraditionen im Suchtbereich sind außerhalb des engen Fachexperten-Kreises vergleichsweise unbekannt. Dieser Befund ist Ausgangspunkt der Einführung in die sozialwissenschaftliche Suchtforschung. Ziel ist es, Thematik und Stand gegenwärtiger Forschungsarbeiten einem breiten Publikum im deutschen Sprachraum zugänglich zu machen.

Soziologie der Kindheit: Verletzlicher Eigen-Sinn

by Herbert Schweizer

Dieses Buch bietet eine Grundlegung der Soziologie der Kindheit in Anschluss an Berger/Luckmann. Ziel ist dabei, den veränderten Bedingungen von Kindheit theoretisch und empirisch gerecht werden zu können.

Soziologische Gegenwartsdiagnosen I: Eine Bestandsaufnahme

by Uwe Schimank Ute Volkmann

In diesem Buch werden 19 verschiedene soziologische Gegenwartsdiagnosen, die alle in den letzten 20 Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts in Deutschland, Frankreich, Großbritannien und den USA entstanden sind, in ihren zentralen Aussagen jeweils einzeln vorgestellt. Deutschland: Ulrich Beck, Richard Münch, Jürgen Habermas, Gerhard Schulze, Peter Gross, Wilhelm Heitmeyer, Niklas Luhmann; Frankreich: Jean Baudrillard, Bruno Latour, Alain Touraine, Pierre Bourdieu; Großbritannien: Anthony Giddens, Zygmunt Bauman, Ralf Dahrendorf; USA: James Coleman, Amitai Etzioni, George Ritzer, Samuel P. Huntington, Richard Sennett.

Space on Earth: Saving Our World By Seeking Others (Macmillan Science)

by C. Cockell

Sir Arthur Clarke Award Winner Many environmentalists think going into space detracts from solving problems on Earth. Most space explorers feel environmentalism hampers their exploration of space. Leading astro-biologist Prof. Cockell argues that environmentalism and space exploration have one and the same objective, to ensure humanity has a home.

Spirit of Disobedience: Resisting the Charms of Fake Politics, Mindless Consumption, and the Culture of Total Work

by Curtis White

Trained relentlessly to work and consume, we make daily lifestyle decisions that promote corporate profits more than our own well-being. We also find ourselves working more, living in fragmented communities, and neglecting our most basic spiritual and political values. As Curtis White puts it, “In order to live, you will be asked to do what is no good, what is absurd, trivial, demeaning, and soul killing.” Although we belong to the world’s most affluent society, somehow we never have the chance to ask: How shall we live?With his trademark humor and acerbic wit, White raises this impertinent question. He also debunks the conventional view that liberalism can answer it without drawing on spiritual values. Surveying American popular culture (including Office Space and The Da Vinci Code) to illustrate his points, White urges us to renew our commitment to “human fundamentals” as articulated by Henry David Thoreau-especially free time, home, and food-and to reclaim Thoreau’s spirit of disobedience.Seeking imaginative answers to his central questions, White also interviews John De Graaf (Affluenza), James Howard Kunstler (The Long Emergency) and Michael Ableman (Fields of Plenty) about their views of the good life in our time.

Spirit of Disobedience: Resisting the Charms of Fake Politics, Mindless Consumption, and the Culture of Total Work

by Curtis White

Trained relentlessly to work and consume, we make daily lifestyle decisions that promote corporate profits more than our own well-being. We also find ourselves working more, living in fragmented communities, and neglecting our most basic spiritual and political values. As Curtis White puts it, “In order to live, you will be asked to do what is no good, what is absurd, trivial, demeaning, and soul killing.” Although we belong to the world’s most affluent society, somehow we never have the chance to ask: How shall we live?With his trademark humor and acerbic wit, White raises this impertinent question. He also debunks the conventional view that liberalism can answer it without drawing on spiritual values. Surveying American popular culture (including Office Space and The Da Vinci Code) to illustrate his points, White urges us to renew our commitment to “human fundamentals” as articulated by Henry David Thoreau-especially free time, home, and food-and to reclaim Thoreau’s spirit of disobedience.Seeking imaginative answers to his central questions, White also interviews John De Graaf (Affluenza), James Howard Kunstler (The Long Emergency) and Michael Ableman (Fields of Plenty) about their views of the good life in our time.

Spirituality, Values and Mental Health: Jewels for the Journey

by Nigel Mills Paul Chapple Luftha Meah Sarajane Aris Thurstine Basset Abina Parshad-Griffin Chris Mackenna Christopher Newell Wendy Edwards Kim Woodbridge Mary Ellen Coyte Barbara Pointon Ali Jan Haider Mark Bones Paul Grey Anne Roberts B Spalek Frances Basset Tom Gordon Julia Head Ju Blencowe Veronica Dewan Bill K. W. M. Fulford Cameron Langlands Neil Thompson Arthur Hawes Brian Thorne Fatima Kassam Peter Bates Vicky Nicholls Peter Gilbert David Mitchell Choman Hardi Premila Trevedi Andrew Powell Fozia Sarwar Sarah Carr Suman Fernando John Foskett John Swinton Azim Kidwai

Spirituality, religious belief and inclusive faith communities are important for mental well being but mental health practitioners have few guidelines for acknowledging these issues when working with service users. Spirituality, Values and Mental Health gathers together personal and professional contributions from mental health professionals, carers and mental health service users and survivors. It addresses the stigma that can surround both mental health and spirituality and explores the place of the spiritual in mental health care, teasing out its implications for research, education, training and good practice. This book is a welcome source of ideas and common-sense that is essential reading for mental health practitioners, carers and service users, chaplains, faith leaders, faith communities, as well as students and professionals working in the field of spirituality and mental health.

Spirituality, Values and Mental Health: Jewels for the Journey (PDF)

by Abina Parshad-Griffin Ali Jan Haider Andrew Powell Anne Roberts Arthur Hawes Azim Kidwai B Spalek Barbara Pointon Brian Thorne Cameron Langlands Choman Hardi Chris Mackenna Christopher Newell David Mitchell Fatima Kassam Fozia Sarwar Frances Basset John Foskett John Swinton Ju Blencowe Julia Head Kim Woodbridge Luftha Meah Mark Bones Mary Ellen Coyte Neil Thompson Nigel Mills Paul Chapple Paul Grey Peter Bates Peter Gilbert Premila Trevedi Sarah Carr Sarajane Aris Suman Fernando Thurstine Basset Tom Gordon Veronica Dewan Vicky Nicholls Wendy Edwards Bill K. W. M. Fulford

Spirituality, religious belief and inclusive faith communities are important for mental well being but mental health practitioners have few guidelines for acknowledging these issues when working with service users. Spirituality, Values and Mental Health gathers together personal and professional contributions from mental health professionals, carers and mental health service users and survivors. It addresses the stigma that can surround both mental health and spirituality and explores the place of the spiritual in mental health care, teasing out its implications for research, education, training and good practice. This book is a welcome source of ideas and common-sense that is essential reading for mental health practitioners, carers and service users, chaplains, faith leaders, faith communities, as well as students and professionals working in the field of spirituality and mental health.

Sport and Crime Reduction: The Role of Sports in Tackling Youth Crime

by Geoff Nichols

The use of sports-based activity programmes as a means of tackling crime has been explored in a number of countries worldwide, particularly in relation to the prevention of re-offending in the ten to eighteen age bracket. However, until now there has been no definitive and rigorous analysis of the rationale behind these programmes, and evidence of their successes and failures has been piecemeal, uncritical and without standardization. This book addresses this gap in the literature, bringing together empirical research from programmes in the UK, US and Australia with an explanation and evaluation of the results of these initiatives. Subjects covered include: assessment of programmes in a range of contexts the first evidence base of crime reduction sport programmes international comparisons and case studies conclusions for best practice advice for monitoring the effectiveness of programmes synergies with sport development and promotion of facility use. Examining a variety of realworld case studies set up with the aim of reducing levels of crime in the community, Sport and Crime Reduction should be read by students and professionals in local government, sports development, youth and community work, criminology, the youth justice system and leisure policy.

Sport and Crime Reduction: The Role of Sports in Tackling Youth Crime

by Geoff Nichols

The use of sports-based activity programmes as a means of tackling crime has been explored in a number of countries worldwide, particularly in relation to the prevention of re-offending in the ten to eighteen age bracket. However, until now there has been no definitive and rigorous analysis of the rationale behind these programmes, and evidence of their successes and failures has been piecemeal, uncritical and without standardization. This book addresses this gap in the literature, bringing together empirical research from programmes in the UK, US and Australia with an explanation and evaluation of the results of these initiatives. Subjects covered include: assessment of programmes in a range of contexts the first evidence base of crime reduction sport programmes international comparisons and case studies conclusions for best practice advice for monitoring the effectiveness of programmes synergies with sport development and promotion of facility use. Examining a variety of realworld case studies set up with the aim of reducing levels of crime in the community, Sport and Crime Reduction should be read by students and professionals in local government, sports development, youth and community work, criminology, the youth justice system and leisure policy.

Sport and Spirituality: An Introduction

by Jim Parry Simon Robinson Nick Watson Mark Nesti

Sport science can quantify many aspects of human performance but the spiritual dimensions of sports experience cannot be fully understood through measurement. However, the spiritual experience of sport – be it described as ‘flow’, ‘transcendence’ or the discovery of meaning and value – is central both to our basic motivation to take part in sports, and to achieving success. Sport and Spirituality: An Introduction explores these human aspects of sports experience through the perspectives of sport psychology, philosophy, ethics, theology and religious studies. It includes discussions of: Spirituality in the postmodern era Spirituality, health and well-being Theistic and atheistic perspectives on sport and the spiritual Nature and transcendence – the mystical and sublime in outdoor sport Applied sport psychology and the existential Spiritual perspectives on pain, suffering and destiny Sport, the virtues, ethical development and the spirit of the game The Olympic Games and de Coubertin’s ideas of the ‘religio athletae’. This groundbreaking text will be a valuable resource for students of sport and exercise studies, sports coaching, physical education and sport and health psychology. This book should be read by all those interested in the preparation, performance and well-being of athletes.

Sport and Spirituality: An Introduction

by Jim Parry Simon Robinson Nick Watson Mark Nesti

Sport science can quantify many aspects of human performance but the spiritual dimensions of sports experience cannot be fully understood through measurement. However, the spiritual experience of sport – be it described as ‘flow’, ‘transcendence’ or the discovery of meaning and value – is central both to our basic motivation to take part in sports, and to achieving success. Sport and Spirituality: An Introduction explores these human aspects of sports experience through the perspectives of sport psychology, philosophy, ethics, theology and religious studies. It includes discussions of: Spirituality in the postmodern era Spirituality, health and well-being Theistic and atheistic perspectives on sport and the spiritual Nature and transcendence – the mystical and sublime in outdoor sport Applied sport psychology and the existential Spiritual perspectives on pain, suffering and destiny Sport, the virtues, ethical development and the spirit of the game The Olympic Games and de Coubertin’s ideas of the ‘religio athletae’. This groundbreaking text will be a valuable resource for students of sport and exercise studies, sports coaching, physical education and sport and health psychology. This book should be read by all those interested in the preparation, performance and well-being of athletes.

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Showing 18,551 through 18,575 of 75,119 results