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Showing 14,101 through 14,125 of 100,000 results

Consumer Vulnerability and Welfare in Mortgage Contracts

by Irina Domurath

This book advocates a new way of thinking about mortgage contracts. This claim is based on the assumption that we currently live in a political economy in which consumer debt fulfils a social function. In the field of housing this is evidenced by the expansion of mortgage credit through which consumers are to purchase residential property as a means of social inclusion and personal welfare. It is suggested that contract law needs to adjust to this new social function in order to avoid welfare losses in terms of default, over-indebtedness, and possibly eviction. To this end, this book analyses theoretical contract law frameworks and makes concrete proposals for contract law in the EU legal order.

Analysis and Modelling of the French Capacity Mechanism: Impact Assessment of Energy Policy Measures on the Security of Supply (BestMasters)

by Emil Kraft

Emil Kraft analyses the French capacity remuneration mechanism design and develops a capacity market model that draws upon an agent-based simulation. The capacity mechanism was implemented to mitigate the imminent risk to the security of supply and to complement the electricity markets. The author applies his model to real data in three scenarios and assesses both the impact of the mechanism on the development of the French generation fleet until 2050 and the evolution of the capacity prices. The key conclusions consist of the effectiveness and the controllability of the implemented mechanism. As a complement to functioning electricity markets it is able to provide sufficient investment incentives and thus to guarantee the French security of supply in the future.

Organizational Competence for Servitization (Markt- und Unternehmensentwicklung Markets and Organisations)

by Tim Posselt

Tim Posselt investigates the factors leading to organizational competence for servitization - a key strategic alternative in times of digitalization and globalization -, and analyses the transformation process servitizing firms undergo. He explores the issue through conceptual research and case studies, and identifies the ability to access and leverage customer knowledge as the foundation of successful servitization. The findings provide valuable insight for managers looking to strengthen their service business, and add to literature on servitization and service-dominant logic.

State Aid and the Energy Sector

by Leigh Hancher Adrien De Hauteclocque Francesco Maria Salerno

This important new work offers a comprehensive and compelling account of State aid law and policy and its application to the energy sector. Clearly structured and offering meticulous detail and robust analysis, it is required reading for all practitioners in the field. The volume explores general questions from the definition of State aid to its application in Member States by national courts. It also examines questions of procedure, questions of compatibility, and State aid and the EEA. It is an invaluable tool for lawyers, policymakers and tax professionals specialising in State aid law and energy law, written by a team of leading practitioners and academics in the field.

Shaping the Corporate Landscape: Towards Corporate Reform and Enterprise Diversity

by Nina Boeger Charlotte Villiers

Currently, there exists a distrust of corporate activity in the continuing aftermath of the financial crisis and with increasing recognition of the threats of climate change and global, as well as national, inequalities. Despite efforts in the arena of corporate governance to address these, we are still beset with corporate scandals and witness companies facing large fines for their environmental and cost-cutting misdemeanours. Recognising that the usual responses to dealing with these corporate problems are not effective, this book asks whether the traditional form of the joint stock corporation itself lies at the heart of these problems. What are the features of the corporate form and how does its current regulation underscore these problems? Identifying such features provides a basis for the discussion to develop towards suggesting more progressive regulatory developments around the corporate form.More fundamentally, this book investigates a diverse range of corporate governance models that are emerging as alternatives to the shareholder corporation, including employee-owned, cooperative and social enterprises. The contributors are leading scholars from various backgrounds including law, management and organisation studies, finance and accounting, as well as experienced professionals and policy makers with expertise in social and cooperative business models and the role of employees in the corporation.

Cross-border Transfer and Collateralisation of Receivables: A Comparative Analysis of Multiple Legal Systems

by Woo-Jung Jon

Legal systems around the world vary widely in terms of how they deal with the transfer of and security interests in receivables. The aim of this book is to help international financiers and lawyers in relevant markets in their practice of international receivables financing. Substantively, this book analyses three types of receivables financing transactions, ie outright transfer, security transfer and security interests. This book covers comprehensive comparison and analysis of the laws on the transfer of and security interests in receivables of fifteen major jurisdictions, encompassing common law jurisdictions, Roman–Germanic jurisdictions and French–Napoleonic jurisdictions, as well as relevant EU Directives. To be more specific, this book compares and analyses the relevant legal systems of the US, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Korea, Japan, France, Belgium, England, Hong Kong, Singapore, China, Germany, Austria and the Netherlands. Furthermore, in order to analyse those legal systems from the international perspective, this book compares relevant international conventions; it also proposes to establish an international registration system for the transfer of and security interests in receivables.

Kritik in Organisationen: Episoden, Wirkungen und Paradoxien

by Michael Hartmann

Michael Hartmann untersucht Praktiken, korrespondierende Wirkungen und Fallstricke einer positiven Entfaltung von Kritik in Organisationen. Das geschieht mit einem Ansatz, der die Interaktion von Kritiker und Rezipient in den Fokus rückt. Auf der Grundlage einer systematischen empirischen Analyse zeigt der Autor auf, wie Kritik in Organisationen funktioniert oder nicht funktioniert.

Geschichte der österreichischen Privatbanken

by Peter Eigner Helmut Falschlehner Andreas Resch

Privatbanken sind wenig bekannte und auch erforschte Firmen in der Geschichte des Bankenwesens. Mit diesem Band liegt erstmals eine umfassende Gesamtgeschichte der österreichischen Privatbanken vor, die von der Gründung der ersten Institute in der Frühen Neuzeit bis zur Rolle der Privatbanken im liberalisierten Kapitalmarkt der Gegenwart reicht. Dabei konnten neue, bisher von der Forschung kaum beachtete Quellenbestände in die Darstellung einbezogen werden. Somit dient der Band als unentbehrliche Grundlage und als Referenzwerk zum Feld des österreichischen Privatbankwesens.

Digital Leadership: Kompetenzen – Führungsverhalten – Umsetzungsempfehlungen (BestMasters)

by David Jonathan Wagner

David Jonathan Wagner erstellt einen Überblick über erfolgreiches Führungsverhalten und erforderliche Führungskompetenzen im Zeitalter der digitalen Transformation, die er mittels Expertenbefragung und durch Literaturrecherche erhoben hat. Daraus leitet er konkrete Umsetzungsempfehlungen für Führungskräfte auf dem Weg zu Digital Leadern ab.

Fernsehen in Spanien: Ursachen, Formen und Folgen der Ökonomisierung

by Markus Riese

Der Autor legt mit diesem Buch eine erste systematische und faktenreiche Analyse über die Entwicklung des Fernsehens in Spanien vor, die neben einer Jahrzehnte übergreifenden Beschreibung vor allem den treibenden Kräften und den Auswirkungen der fortschreitenden Ökonomisierung nachgeht. Was sind die Ursachen, die Strukturebenen, die Formen und Folgen der Ökonomisierung des Fernsehens in Spanien? Die Frage stellt sich nicht nur dem Beobachter aus dem deutschen Sprachraum, dem das Medium Fernsehen in unserem wichtigsten Urlaubsland außerhalb Deutschlands in mehrfacher Hinsicht „spanisch vorkommt“.

Kulturmarketing: Grundlagen - Konzepte - Instrumente

by Lorenz Pöllmann

Lorenz Pöllmann zeigt auf, wie Kulturbetriebe unter Wahrung der künstlerischen Autonomie ihrer Kernleistungen ein modernes Kulturmarketingkonzept entwickeln können. Der Autor richtet den Blick aus der Perspektive des Kulturmanagements auf verschiedene Kulturinstitutionen wie Theater, Orchester, Museen, Clubs oder Festivals. Er behandelt die grundlegenden Aufgaben wie Markt- und Besucherforschung, strategische Markenbildung, Entscheidungen zur Leistungs-, Preis-, Distributions- und Kommunikationspolitik sowie der Evaluation und dem Controlling. Kontrollfragen zu jedem Kapitel runden das Lehrbuch ab und bieten zudem eine Diskussionsgrundlage für Kulturinstitutionen.Der InhaltDer KulturbetriebMarketinganalyseStrategien des KulturmarketingsMarketing-MixControlling und Evaluation Praktische Implementierung des Marketingkonzeptes – Die Kulturmarketing-Canvas

The China-Australia Free Trade Agreement: A 21st-Century Model (Studies in International Trade and Investment Law)

by Colin Picker Heng Wang Weihuan Zhou

This book provides readers with a unique opportunity to learn about one of the new regional trade agreements (RTAs), the China–Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA), that has been operational since December 2015 and is now at the forefront of the field. This new agreement reflects many of the modern and up-to-date approaches within the international economic legal order that must now exist within a very different environment than that of the late eighties and early nineties, when the World Trade Organization (WTO) was created. The book, therefore, explores many new features that were not present when the WTO or early RTAs were negotiated. It provides insights and lessons about new and important trade issues for the twenty-first century, such as the latest approaches to the regulation of investment, twenty-first century services and the emerging digital/knowledge economy. In addition, this book provides new understandings of the latest RTA approaches of China and Australia. The book's contributors, all foremost experts on their subject matter within this field, explore the inclusion of many traditional trade and investment agreement features in the ChAFTA, showing their continuing relevance in modern contexts.

Inbetriebnahme von Logistikzentren: Praxiserprobte Methoden, Hilfsmittel und Checklisten

by Carsten Schuchmann

Dieses Buch zeigt die wesentlichen Aspekte für den erfolgreichen Start eines Logistikzentrums sowie für komplexe förder- und softwaretechnische Erweiterungen bestehender Anlagen. Der Aufbau orientiert sich an den wichtigsten Phasen in einem Logistikprojekt und ermöglicht jederzeit einen direkten Einstieg in die Themen der jeweiligen Projektphase. Damit lassen sich in den kritischen Phasen des Projektes bestimmte Bereiche noch einmal hinsichtlich des angestrebten Ziels kontrollieren und prüfen. Checklisten unterstützen das Formulieren geeigneter Qualitätskriterien.

Brexit and Financial Services: Law and Policy

by Kern Alexander Catherine Barnard Eilís Ferran Andrew Lang Niamh Moloney

This timely book examines the legal and regulatory implications of Brexit for financial services. The UK's withdrawal from the EU is likely to have significant market, political, and policy consequences for the UK financial system, for the single market and the euro area, and for the international financial system. As the UK disentangles its financial system from the EU, law will matter to a profound extent. Treaties, legislation, and regulation, at UK, EU, and international levels, and the many dynamics and interests which drive them, will frame and shape the ultimate settlement between the UK and the EU. Law will also shape how the EU financial system develops post-Brexit and how the international financial system responds.Written by leading authorities in the field, this book addresses and contextualises the legal, regulatory, and policy issues across five dimensions, which correspond to the major legal spheres engaged: financial regulation implications and market access consequences for the UK financial system; labour law and free movement consequences for the UK financial system; the implications internally for EU financial governance and the euro area; the implications and relevance of the EEA/EFTA financial services market; and the trade law and World Trade Organization law implications.

Carter v Boehm and Pre-Contractual Duties in Insurance Law: A Global Perspective after 250 Years

by Yong Qiang Han Greg Pynt

Revisiting Carter v Boehm, the collected papers in this book are intended as a catalyst for rethinking the pre-contractual duties in insurance law and the related principle of utmost good faith at a critical time for insurance law. In so doing, it endeavours to provide insurance law students, academics, practitioners and judges with new perspectives for a keen understanding of this fundamental aspect of insurance law, which has become increasingly dynamic under both common law and civil law legal traditions. It will explore to what extent and why the doctrines of pre-contractual duties in insurance law under the two major legal traditions are converging, as well as the implications of such convergence. It will be of great interest to students, academics and practitioners in the field of insurance law.

Gas Games: Der Wandel der europäischen Erdgasaußenpolitik infolge der Ukraine-Krise

by Martina Grabau

Martina Grabau geht der Frage nach, wie sich die energiepolitischen Beziehungen zwischen der EU und Russland infolge der Ukraine-Krise zukünftig entwickeln werden. Sie untersucht die Akteurspositionen der EU-Mitgliedstaaten sowie der EU-Kommission vor und nach Beginn der Ukraine-Krise und entwickelt mittels einer spieltheoretischen Simulation ein Zukunftsszenario für die europäische Erdgasaußenpolitik. Die Autorin zeichnet ein umfassendes Bild der Handlungsmuster sowie des Wandels in den Policypositionen der Akteure infolge der Ukraine-Krise und diskutiert Faktoren zur Begünstigung und Einschränkung dieser Wandlungsprozesse. Darüber hinaus zeigt sie den methodischen Mehrwert einer Verbindung von formaler Modell- und Policyanalyse auf.

Adaptability Through Dynamic Capabilities: How Management Can Recognize Opportunities and Threats

by Herbert Endres

This book discusses theories and frameworks addressing the adaptability and sustainable competitive advantages of firms, including dynamic capabilities. This work develops and examines a concept that makes dynamic capabilities more tangible and provides guidance to managers and researchers on how to develop and maintain sustainable competitiveness. The focus thereby lies on sensing, i.e., the capability of firms to recognize opportunities and threats in their environment, and its effect on a firm’s financial success. The insights from this work will shift managers’ attention from the more static resource-based view to the dynamic capabilities perspective on firms.

The EU, World Trade Law and the Right to Food: Rethinking Free Trade Agreements with Developing Countries (Studies in International Trade and Investment Law)

by Giovanni Gruni

In recent years the European Union has developed a comprehensive strategy to conclude free trade agreements which includes not only prominent trade partners such as Canada, the United States and Japan but also numerous developing countries. This book looks at the existing WTO law and at the new EU free trade agreements with the Caribbean and sub-Saharan Africa through the lens of the human right to adequate food. It shows how the clauses on the import and export of food included in recent free trade agreements limit the capacity of these countries to implement food security policies and to respect their human rights obligations. This outcome appears to be at odds with international human rights law and dismissive of existing human rights references in EU-founding treaties as well as in treaties between the EU and developing states. Yet, the book argues against the conception in human rights literature that there is an inflexible agenda encoded in world trade law which is fundamentally conflictual with non-economic interests. The book puts forward the idea that the European Union is perfectly placed to develop a narrative of globalisation considering other areas of public international law when negotiating trade agreements and argues that the EU does have the competences and influence to uphold a role of international leadership in designing a sustainable global trading system. Will the EU be ambitious enough? A timely contribution to the growing academic literature on the relation between world trade law and international human rights law, this book imagines a central role for the EU in reconciling these two areas of international law.

Ethical Business Practice and Regulation: A Behavioural and Values-Based Approach to Compliance and Enforcement (Civil Justice Systems)

by Christopher Hodges Ruth Steinholtz

This book explains the concepts of Ethical Business Practice (EBP) and Ethical Business Regulation (EBR), a new paradigm in compliance and enforcement based on behavioural science and ethics. EBR provides the basis for an effective relationship between a business and its regulators, resulting in better outcomes for both. EBR is attracting extensive attention from regulators and businesses around the world. The UK Government's 2017 Regulatory Futures Review draws on EBR as the foundation for its policy of 'regulatory self-assurance'. EBR draws on findings from behavioural science, responsive regulation, safety and business and integrity management to create a practical and holistic approach. Examples include the open culture that is essential for civil aviation safety, the Primary Authority agreements between regulators and national businesses, and feedback mechanisms provided by market vigilance systems and sectoral consumer ombudsmen. This book provides an essential blueprint for sustainable business and effective future regulation.

Reduktion von Komplexität und Unsicherheit: Eine organisationsökonomische Untersuchung am Beispiel der Newsroom-Konvergenz

by Bartosz Wilczek

Bartosz Wilczek untersucht am Beispiel der Newsroom-Konvergenz in zwei führenden Schweizer Medienunternehmen, wie sich veränderte Marktbedingungen auf die Qualität des digitalen Journalismus auswirken. Der Autor entwickelt ein organisationsökonomisches Framework, das erklärt, wie Komplexität und Unsicherheit in Medienunternehmen entstehen, welche psychologischen Mechanismen die Reduktion von Komplexität und Unsicherheit antreiben und welche organisationalen Maßnahmen Medienmanagern, Redaktionsmanagern und Journalisten zur Verfügung stehen, um Komplexität und Unsicherheit zu reduzieren. Die Ergebnisse legen Prozesse der Komplexitäts- und Unsicherheits-Reduktion in Medienunternehmen offen, die unter verschiedenen organisationalen Bedingungen unterschiedlich verlaufen und sich in den journalistischen Inhalten niederschlagen.

Die Individualisierung des Informationsangebots im E-Commerce: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Generierung strategischer Wettbewerbsvorteile (Medienmanagement und E-Business)

by Philipp Hoberg

In dem vorliegenden Buch zeigt Philipp Hoberg, dass die Ausspielung individualisierter Informationsangebote Unternehmen im E-Commerce ein großes Potenzial zur Generierung strategischer Wettbewerbsvorteile in einem hoch-kompetitiven Umfeld eröffnet. Zudem beschreibt der Autor die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer bedarfsgerechten Kundenansprache im Internet und verdeutlicht, welche Faktoren das spezifische Individualisierungspotenzial eines Unternehmens bedingen.​

Infrastructure Investments: Regulatory Treatment and Optimal Capital Allocation Under Solvency II (BestMasters)

by Fabian Regele

Fabian Regele examines the appropriateness of the current regulatory treatment and the general suitability of unlisted infrastructure equity investments for the investment purposes of insurance companies. The employed valuation model of a stylized infrastructure asset delivers sound economic results and is consistent with the typical J-curve effect of the cumulative cash flows of these assets. In the context of a portfolio optimization, the infrastructure asset improves the insurance company’s solvency situation by lowering its default probability and increasing its solvency ratio. In regard to the asset’s risk contribution, there is a time-variant occurrence of certain risk channels during its lifecycle that leads to substantial differences in the risk exposure of the insurance company.

Bankwirtschaft (Studienwissen kompakt)

by Detlef Hellenkamp

Dieses Buch aus der Reihe "Studienwissen kompakt" bietet einen Komplettüberblick über alle wesentlichen Teilbereiche der Bankbetriebslehre. Es unterstützt insbesondere Nebenfachstudenten bei der schnellen Erfassung des für sie relevanten Fachwissens.

Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften im digitalen Zeitalter: Innovation - Steuerung - Compliance

by Andreas Gadatsch Hartmut Ihne Jürgen Monhemius Dirk Schreiber

Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften ist eine Zukunftsaufgabe, der sich das Buch aus verschiedenen Perspektiven widmet. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die Frage, wie die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit unseres Landes erhalten, gestärkt und damit die Zukunftsperspektiven der nächsten Generation gesichert werden können. Behandelt werden darüber hinaus u. a. Fragen nach den ethisch sinnvollen Verankerungsmöglichkeiten von Nachhaltigkeit im Unternehmen und in der Gesellschaft, nach der rechtlichen Unterstützung des globalen nachhaltigen Wirtschaftens, nach den Instrumenten für zukünftige Führungskräfte und den Nutzungsmöglichkeiten von Innovationen für ein nachhaltiges Wachstum, nach den Messungs- und Steuerungsmöglichkeiten von Nachhaltigkeit sowie nach der Perspektive des nachhaltigen Controlling im Nachfolgeprozess. Zusätzlich zur Erörterung praktischer Erfahrungen in Organisationen bilden die nachhaltige Entwicklung der Finanzwirtschaft und die Auswirkungen der Digitalisierung auf die Immobilienbranche weitere thematische Schwerpunkte.

Finanzinstrument „Schuldschein“: Attraktiver Baustein der Unternehmensfinanzierung (essentials)

by Hans-Werner Grunow Christoph Zender

In diesem essential beschreiben Hans-Werner Grunow und Christoph Zender die Konstruktion und Funktionsweise des Schuldscheins und skizzieren die relevanten Investorengruppen. Die Autoren geben eine Übersicht zum Schuldscheinmarkt und zu gegenwärtigen Trends sowie zu den Spezifika von Schuldscheinen. Strukturen und Prozesse einer Schuldscheintransaktion erschließen sich dem Außenstehenden nicht auf den ersten Blick. Doch für die Transaktionsbeteiligten zeigt der Schuldschein ein hohes Maß an Transparenz und Kalkulierbarkeit.

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