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Big Data for the Greater Good (Studies in Big Data #42)

by Ali Emrouznejad Vincent Charles

This book highlights some of the most fascinating current uses, thought-provoking changes, and biggest challenges that Big Data means for our society. The explosive growth of data and advances in Big Data analytics have created a new frontier for innovation, competition, productivity, and well-being in almost every sector of our society, as well as a source of immense economic and societal value. From the derivation of customer feedback-based insights to fraud detection and preserving privacy; better medical treatments; agriculture and food management; and establishing low-voltage networks – many innovations for the greater good can stem from Big Data. Given the insights it provides, this book will be of interest to both researchers in the field of Big Data, and practitioners from various fields who intend to apply Big Data technologies to improve their strategic and operational decision-making processes.

Big Data for Twenty-First-Century Economic Statistics (National Bureau of Economic Research Studies in Income and Wealth #79)

by Katharine G. Abraham, Ron S. Jarmin, Brian C. Moyer, and Matthew D. Shapiro

The papers in this volume analyze the deployment of Big Data to solve both existing and novel challenges in economic measurement. The existing infrastructure for the production of key economic statistics relies heavily on data collected through sample surveys and periodic censuses, together with administrative records generated in connection with tax administration. The increasing difficulty of obtaining survey and census responses threatens the viability of existing data collection approaches. The growing availability of new sources of Big Data—such as scanner data on purchases, credit card transaction records, payroll information, and prices of various goods scraped from the websites of online sellers—has changed the data landscape. These new sources of data hold the promise of allowing the statistical agencies to produce more accurate, more disaggregated, and more timely economic data to meet the needs of policymakers and other data users. This volume documents progress made toward that goal and the challenges to be overcome to realize the full potential of Big Data in the production of economic statistics. It describes the deployment of Big Data to solve both existing and novel challenges in economic measurement, and it will be of interest to statistical agency staff, academic researchers, and serious users of economic statistics.

Big Data for Twenty-First-Century Economic Statistics (National Bureau of Economic Research Studies in Income and Wealth #79)

The papers in this volume analyze the deployment of Big Data to solve both existing and novel challenges in economic measurement. The existing infrastructure for the production of key economic statistics relies heavily on data collected through sample surveys and periodic censuses, together with administrative records generated in connection with tax administration. The increasing difficulty of obtaining survey and census responses threatens the viability of existing data collection approaches. The growing availability of new sources of Big Data—such as scanner data on purchases, credit card transaction records, payroll information, and prices of various goods scraped from the websites of online sellers—has changed the data landscape. These new sources of data hold the promise of allowing the statistical agencies to produce more accurate, more disaggregated, and more timely economic data to meet the needs of policymakers and other data users. This volume documents progress made toward that goal and the challenges to be overcome to realize the full potential of Big Data in the production of economic statistics. It describes the deployment of Big Data to solve both existing and novel challenges in economic measurement, and it will be of interest to statistical agency staff, academic researchers, and serious users of economic statistics.

Big Data Forensics – Learning Hadoop Investigations

by Joe Sremack

Perform forensic investigations on Hadoop clusters with cutting-edge tools and techniques About This Book • Identify, collect, and analyze Hadoop evidence forensically • Learn about Hadoop's internals and Big Data file storage concepts • A step-by-step guide to help you perform forensic analysis using freely available tools Who This Book Is For This book is meant for statisticians and forensic analysts with basic knowledge of digital forensics. They do not need to know Big Data Forensics. If you are an IT professional, law enforcement professional, legal professional, or a student interested in Big Data and forensics, this book is the perfect hands-on guide for learning how to conduct Hadoop forensic investigations. Each topic and step in the forensic process is described in accessible language. What You Will Learn • Understand Hadoop internals and file storage • Collect and analyze Hadoop forensic evidence • Perform complex forensic analysis for fraud and other investigations • Use state-of-the-art forensic tools • Conduct interviews to identify Hadoop evidence • Create compelling presentations of your forensic findings • Understand how Big Data clusters operate • Apply advanced forensic techniques in an investigation, including file carving, statistical analysis, and more In Detail Big Data forensics is an important type of digital investigation that involves the identification, collection, and analysis of large-scale Big Data systems. Hadoop is one of the most popular Big Data solutions, and forensically investigating a Hadoop cluster requires specialized tools and techniques. With the explosion of Big Data, forensic investigators need to be prepared to analyze the petabytes of data stored in Hadoop clusters. Understanding Hadoop's operational structure and performing forensic analysis with court-accepted tools and best practices will help you conduct a successful investigation. Discover how to perform a complete forensic investigation of large-scale Hadoop clusters using the same tools and techniques employed by forensic experts. This book begins by taking you through the process of forensic investigation and the pitfalls to avoid. It will walk you through Hadoop's internals and architecture, and you will discover what types of information Hadoop stores and how to access that data. You will learn to identify Big Data evidence using techniques to survey a live system and interview witnesses. After setting up your own Hadoop system, you will collect evidence using techniques such as forensic imaging and application-based extractions. You will analyze Hadoop evidence using advanced tools and techniques to uncover events and statistical information. Finally, data visualization and evidence presentation techniques are covered to help you properly communicate your findings to any audience. Style and approach This book is a complete guide that follows every step of the forensic analysis process in detail. You will be guided through each key topic and step necessary to perform an investigation. Hands-on exercises are presented throughout the book, and technical reference guides and sample documents are included for real-world use.

Big Data für Entscheider: Entwicklung und Umsetzung datengetriebener Geschäftsmodelle (essentials)

by Andreas Gadatsch Holm Landrock

Andreas Gadatsch und Holm Landrock zeigen an typischen Beispielen aus der Praxis, wie datengetriebene Geschäftsmodelle entstehen. Sie erläutern, wie sich Big-Data-Projekte rechnen und wie man am einfachsten an die Analyse großer Datenmengen herangeht. Eine Bewertung der zentralen Aspekte von Projekten und der dort eingesetzten Technologien erleichtert den Lesern die tägliche Praxis im IT-Management. Die Autoren stellen Hadoop als eine der wichtigen Big-Data-Technologien vor.

Big Data im Gesundheitswesen kompakt: Konzepte, Lösungen, Visionen (IT kompakt)

by Holm Landrock Andreas Gadatsch

Das kompakte Fachbuch gibt einen Überblick über die Möglichkeiten von „Big Data“ im Gesundheitswesen und beschreibt anhand von ausgewählten Szenarien mögliche Einsatzgebiete.Die Autoren erläutern zentrale Systemkomponenten und IT-Standards und thematisieren anhand wichtiger Daten des Gesundheitswesens die Notwendigkeit der Strukturierung und Modellierung von Daten. Das Buch gibt Hinweise wie Geschäftsprozesse im Gesundheitswesen dokumentiert, analysiert und verbessert werden können. Anwendungsszenarien, wie die Datenanalysen für Krankenhäuser, Labore, Versicherungen und die Pharmaindustrie, zeigen die praktische Relevanz des Themas. Aber auch rechtliche und ethische Aspekte werden inhaltlich angeschnitten.Ein Buch für Entscheider in der medizinischen Leitung und Verwaltung von Krankenhäusern, Fachleute sowie niedergelassene Ärzte und Apotheker, aber auch Personen in Ausbildung und Studium im Gesundheitswesen.

Big Data in Bioeconomy: Results from the European DataBio Project

by Christian Zinke-Wehlmann Caj Södergård Tomas Mildorf Ephrem Habyarimana Arne J. Berre Jose A. Fernandes

This edited open access book presents the comprehensive outcome of The European DataBio Project, which examined new data-driven methods to shape a bioeconomy. These methods are used to develop new and sustainable ways to use forest, farm and fishery resources. As a European initiative, the goal is to use these new findings to support decision-makers and producers – meaning farmers, land and forest owners and fishermen.With their 27 pilot projects from 17 countries, the authors examine important sectors and highlight examples where modern data-driven methods were used to increase sustainability. How can farmers, foresters or fishermen use these insights in their daily lives? The authors answer this and other questions for our readers. The first four parts of this book give an overview of the big data technologies relevant for optimal raw material gathering. The next three parts put these technologies into perspective, by showing useable applications from farming, forestry and fishery. The final part of this book gives a summary and a view on the future.With its broad outlook and variety of topics, this book is an enrichment for students and scientists in bioeconomy, biodiversity and renewable resources.

Big Data in Complex and Social Networks (Chapman & Hall/CRC Big Data Series)

by My T. Thai Weili Wu Hui Xiong

This book presents recent developments on the theoretical, algorithmic, and application aspects of Big Data in Complex and Social Networks. The book consists of four parts, covering a wide range of topics. The first part of the book focuses on data storage and data processing. It explores how the efficient storage of data can fundamentally support intensive data access and queries, which enables sophisticated analysis. It also looks at how data processing and visualization help to communicate information clearly and efficiently. The second part of the book is devoted to the extraction of essential information and the prediction of web content. The book shows how Big Data analysis can be used to understand the interests, location, and search history of users and provide more accurate predictions of User Behavior. The latter two parts of the book cover the protection of privacy and security, and emergent applications of big data and social networks. It analyzes how to model rumor diffusion, identify misinformation from massive data, and design intervention strategies. Applications of big data and social networks in multilayer networks and multiparty systems are also covered in-depth.

Big Data in Computational Social Science and Humanities (Computational Social Sciences)

by Shu-Heng Chen

This edited volume focuses on big data implications for computational social science and humanities from management to usage. The first part of the book covers geographic data, text corpus data, and social media data, and exemplifies their concrete applications in a wide range of fields including anthropology, economics, finance, geography, history, linguistics, political science, psychology, public health, and mass communications. The second part of the book provides a panoramic view of the development of big data in the fields of computational social sciences and humanities. The following questions are addressed: why is there a need for novel data governance for this new type of data?, why is big data important for social scientists?, and how will it revolutionize the way social scientists conduct research? With the advent of the information age and technologies such as Web 2.0, ubiquitous computing, wearable devices, and the Internet of Things, digital society has fundamentally changed what we now know as "data", the very use of this data, and what we now call "knowledge". Big data has become the standard in social sciences, and has made these sciences more computational. Big Data in Computational Social Science and Humanities will appeal to graduate students and researchers working in the many subfields of the social sciences and humanities.

Big Data in Context: Legal, Social and Technological Insights (SpringerBriefs in Law)

by Thomas Hoeren Barbara Kolany-Raiser

This book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license.This book sheds new light on a selection of big data scenarios from an interdisciplinary perspective. It features legal, sociological and economic approaches to fundamental big data topics such as privacy, data quality and the ECJ’s Safe Harbor decision on the one hand, and practical applications such as smart cars, wearables and web tracking on the other. Addressing the interests of researchers and practitioners alike, it provides a comprehensive overview of and introduction to the emerging challenges regarding big data.All contributions are based on papers submitted in connection with ABIDA (Assessing Big Data), an interdisciplinary research project exploring the societal aspects of big data and funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.This volume was produced as a part of the ABIDA project (Assessing Big Data, 01IS15016A-F). ABIDA is a four-year collaborative project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. However the views and opinions expressed in this book reflect only the authors’ point of view and not necessarily those of all members of the ABIDA project or the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Big Data in der Mobilität: Akteure, Geschäftsmodelle und Nutzenpotenziale für die Welt von morgen

by Nadine Gatzert Susanne Knorre Horst Müller-Peters Fred Wagner Theresa Jost

Dieses Open-Access-Buch befasst sich mit den gesellschaftlich und wirtschaftlich weitreichenden Potenzialen von „Big Data in der Mobilität“. Zunächst werden der Mobilitätsmarkt mit seinen Akteuren sowie deren Interessen und oft paradoxen Verhaltensweisen vorgestellt sowie eine „Mobilitäts-Datenkarte“ abgeleitet. Darauf aufbauend werden auf Basis mehrerer empirischer Studien die Chancen und Risiken der Datenerhebung und deren Nutzung für neue Geschäftsmodelle und das Gemeinwohl, nicht zuletzt den Klimaschutz, analysiert. Daraus werden Nutzenpotenziale „für die Welt von morgen“ abgeleitet und die notwendigen politischen und gesellschaftlichen Voraussetzungen skizziert. Ein Ausblick auf die Zukunft der Mobilität und Implikationen für betroffene Branchen – am Beispiel der Versicherungswirtschaft – runden das Buch ab.

Big Data in Energy Economics (Management for Professionals)

by Rui Yang Hui Liu Yanfei Li Nikolaos Nikitas

This book combines energy economics and big data modeling analysis in energy conversion and management and comprehensively introduces the relevant theories, key technologies, and application examples of the smart energy economy. With the help of time series big data modeling results, energy economy managers develop reasonable and feasible pricing mechanisms of electricity price and improve the absorption capacity of the power grid. In addition, they also carry out scientific power equipment scheduling and cost–benefit analysis according to the results of data mining, so as to avoid the loss caused by accidental damage of equipment. Energy users adjust their power consumption behavior through the modeling results provided and achieve the effect of energy saving and emission reduction while reasonably reducing the electricity expenditure.This book provides an important reference for professionals in related fields such as smart energy, smart economy, energy Internet, artificial intelligence, energy economics and policy.

Big Data in Information Society and Digital Economy (Studies in Big Data #124)

by Aleksei V. Bogoviz

This book redefines the essence of the information society and the digital economy, offering a new approach to their management and organization based on big data. The novelty of the new approach is that it ensures the use of the advanced technological capabilities of the Fourth Industrial Revolution to accelerate socio-economic development. The success of the new approach is based on progressive social institutions and advanced big data technology. Theoretical issues, methodological developments, and the author’s applied recommendations are consistently presented in forty chapters distributed in five sections. The book contains cases that reveal the practical experience of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). The intended readership of the book is scientists. The book is interesting and useful for them because it presents an innovative model of information society and digital economy development driven by big data.

Big Data in Practice: How 45 Successful Companies Used Big Data Analytics to Deliver Extraordinary Results

by Bernard Marr

The best-selling author of Big Data is back, this time with a unique and in-depth insight into how specific companies use big data. Big data is on the tip of everyone's tongue. Everyone understands its power and importance, but many fail to grasp the actionable steps and resources required to utilise it effectively. This book fills the knowledge gap by showing how major companies are using big data every day, from an up-close, on-the-ground perspective. From technology, media and retail, to sport teams, government agencies and financial institutions, learn the actual strategies and processes being used to learn about customers, improve manufacturing, spur innovation, improve safety and so much more. Organised for easy dip-in navigation, each chapter follows the same structure to give you the information you need quickly. For each company profiled, learn what data was used, what problem it solved and the processes put it place to make it practical, as well as the technical details, challenges and lessons learned from each unique scenario. Learn how predictive analytics helps Amazon, Target, John Deere and Apple understand their customers Discover how big data is behind the success of Walmart, LinkedIn, Microsoft and more Learn how big data is changing medicine, law enforcement, hospitality, fashion, science and banking Develop your own big data strategy by accessing additional reading materials at the end of each chapter

Big Data in Practice: How 45 Successful Companies Used Big Data Analytics to Deliver Extraordinary Results

by Bernard Marr

The best-selling author of Big Data is back, this time with a unique and in-depth insight into how specific companies use big data. Big data is on the tip of everyone's tongue. Everyone understands its power and importance, but many fail to grasp the actionable steps and resources required to utilise it effectively. This book fills the knowledge gap by showing how major companies are using big data every day, from an up-close, on-the-ground perspective. From technology, media and retail, to sport teams, government agencies and financial institutions, learn the actual strategies and processes being used to learn about customers, improve manufacturing, spur innovation, improve safety and so much more. Organised for easy dip-in navigation, each chapter follows the same structure to give you the information you need quickly. For each company profiled, learn what data was used, what problem it solved and the processes put it place to make it practical, as well as the technical details, challenges and lessons learned from each unique scenario. Learn how predictive analytics helps Amazon, Target, John Deere and Apple understand their customers Discover how big data is behind the success of Walmart, LinkedIn, Microsoft and more Learn how big data is changing medicine, law enforcement, hospitality, fashion, science and banking Develop your own big data strategy by accessing additional reading materials at the end of each chapter

Big Data in Small Business: Data-Driven Growth in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

This important book considers the ways in which small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can thrive in the age of big data. To address this central issue from multiple viewpoints, the editors introduce a collection of experiences, insights, and guidelines from a variety of expert researchers, each of whom provides a piece to solve this puzzle.Contributions address the limitations faced by SMEs in their access to data and demonstrate that the key to overcoming this issue is to be aware of these limitations, to work within them, and to use them to think creatively about how to overcome obstacles in new ways. They discuss Artificial Intelligence, revenue blueprinting, GDPR compliance, and other key topics related to the relationships between SMEs and data. Offering ideas to inspire big data-driven success by SMEs making smaller investments, the book argues that there must be a place for “ordinary” data-driven journeys that are available to firms of any size.Stimulating further thought and action, Big Data in Small Business will be of great interest to academics, researchers, and practitioners in areas such as strategic management, organizational and innovation studies, marketing, and sales. The ideas and information in this book will help fill knowledge gaps related to important aspects of capabilities, functions, and transformations of big data that drive business growth.

Big Data in the Arts and Humanities: Theory and Practice (Data Analytics Applications)

by Giovanni Schiuma Daniela Carlucci

As digital technologies occupy a more central role in working and everyday human life, individual and social realities are increasingly constructed and communicated through digital objects, which are progressively replacing and representing physical objects. They are even shaping new forms of virtual reality. This growing digital transformation coupled with technological evolution and the development of computer computation is shaping a cyber society whose working mechanisms are grounded upon the production, deployment, and exploitation of big data. In the arts and humanities, however, the notion of big data is still in its embryonic stage, and only in the last few years, have arts and cultural organizations and institutions, artists, and humanists started to investigate, explore, and experiment with the deployment and exploitation of big data as well as understand the possible forms of collaborations based on it. Big Data in the Arts and Humanities: Theory and Practice explores the meaning, properties, and applications of big data. This book examines therelevance of big data to the arts and humanities, digital humanities, and management of big data with and for the arts and humanities. It explores the reasons and opportunities for the arts and humanities to embrace the big data revolution. The book also delineates managerial implications to successfully shape a mutually beneficial partnership between the arts and humanities and the big data- and computational digital-based sciences. Big data and arts and humanities can be likened to the rational and emotional aspects of the human mind. This book attempts to integrate these two aspects of human thought to advance decision-making and to enhance the expression of the best of human life.

Big Data in the Arts and Humanities: Theory and Practice (Data Analytics Applications)

by Giovanni Schiuma Daniela Carlucci

As digital technologies occupy a more central role in working and everyday human life, individual and social realities are increasingly constructed and communicated through digital objects, which are progressively replacing and representing physical objects. They are even shaping new forms of virtual reality. This growing digital transformation coupled with technological evolution and the development of computer computation is shaping a cyber society whose working mechanisms are grounded upon the production, deployment, and exploitation of big data. In the arts and humanities, however, the notion of big data is still in its embryonic stage, and only in the last few years, have arts and cultural organizations and institutions, artists, and humanists started to investigate, explore, and experiment with the deployment and exploitation of big data as well as understand the possible forms of collaborations based on it. Big Data in the Arts and Humanities: Theory and Practice explores the meaning, properties, and applications of big data. This book examines therelevance of big data to the arts and humanities, digital humanities, and management of big data with and for the arts and humanities. It explores the reasons and opportunities for the arts and humanities to embrace the big data revolution. The book also delineates managerial implications to successfully shape a mutually beneficial partnership between the arts and humanities and the big data- and computational digital-based sciences. Big data and arts and humanities can be likened to the rational and emotional aspects of the human mind. This book attempts to integrate these two aspects of human thought to advance decision-making and to enhance the expression of the best of human life.

Big Data in the GovTech System (Studies in Big Data #110)

by Victoria N. Ostrovskaya Aleksei V. Bogoviz

This book presents applications and solutions of Big Data in the GovTech system and recommendations for regulating the institutions of the digital economy and information society for the wide application of Big Data with the use of the institutional approach. In this book, a systematic scientific understanding of GovTech is formed, the central place of Big Data in this system is substantiated, and modern experience in the functioning and development of this system is considered in detail. The contribution of the book to the literature is to bridge the gap between theory and practice of GovTech through a comprehensive study of all its manifestations in the three parts of the book. The first part is devoted to GovTech in the provision of high-tech educational services based on Big Data. The second part reflects state regulation of the economy by industry using Big Data in the GovTech. The third part outlined the digital divide and the experience of overcoming it with the help of GovTech based on Big Data.The practical significance of the book lies in the fact that it offers a holistic practical guide to the development of the GovTech system based on Big Data. The book will be of interest to academic scientists studying GovTech, as it clarified its categorical apparatus and scientific basis. The subjects of management in GovTech form the secondary target audience of this book, which provides them with numerous cases from the experience of modern Russia, as well as applied recommendations for improving the efficiency of the GovTech system based on Big Data. The book is multidisciplinary and is intended for scientists from various fields of science (pedagogy, economics, business, law, management, and ICT).

Big Data Integration Theory: Theory and Methods of Database Mappings, Programming Languages, and Semantics (Texts in Computer Science)

by Zoran Majkić

This book presents a novel approach to database concepts, describing a categorical logic for database schema mapping based on views, within a framework for database integration/exchange and peer-to-peer. Database mappings, database programming languages, and denotational and operational semantics are discussed in depth. An analysis method is also developed that combines techniques from second order logic, data modeling, co-algebras and functorial categorial semantics. Features: provides an introduction to logics, co-algebras, databases, schema mappings and category theory; describes the core concepts of big data integration theory, with examples; examines the properties of the DB category; defines the categorial RDB machine; presents full operational semantics for database mappings; discusses matching and merging operators for databases, universal algebra considerations and algebraic lattices of the databases; explores the relationship of the database weak monoidal topos w.r.t. intuitionistic logic.

Big Data Management

by Fausto Pedro García Márquez Benjamin Lev

This book focuses on the analytic principles of business practice and big data. Specifically, it provides an interface between the main disciplines of engineering/technology and the organizational and administrative aspects of management, serving as a complement to books in other disciplines such as economics, finance, marketing and risk analysis. The contributors present their areas of expertise, together with essential case studies that illustrate the successful application of engineering management theories in real-life examples.

Big Data Management and Analytics: 9th European Summer School, eBISS 2019, Berlin, Germany, June 30 – July 5, 2019, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing #390)

by Ralf-Detlef Kutsche Esteban Zimányi

This book constitutes 5 revised tutorial lectures of the 9th European Business Intelligence and Big Data Summer School, eBISS 2019, held in Berlin, Germany, during June 30 – July 5, 2019. The tutorials were given by renowned experts and covered advanced aspects of business intelligence and big data. This summer school, presented by leading researchers in the field, represented an opportunity for postgraduate students to equip themselves with the theoretical and practical skills necessary for developing challenging business intelligence applications.

Big Data Management and Processing (Chapman & Hall/CRC Big Data Series)

by Kuan-Ching Li, Hai Jiang and Albert Y. Zomaya

From the Foreword: "Big Data Management and Processing is [a] state-of-the-art book that deals with a wide range of topical themes in the field of Big Data. The book, which probes many issues related to this exciting and rapidly growing field, covers processing, management, analytics, and applications... [It] is a very valuable addition to the literature. It will serve as a source of up-to-date research in this continuously developing area. The book also provides an opportunity for researchers to explore the use of advanced computing technologies and their impact on enhancing our capabilities to conduct more sophisticated studies." ---Sartaj Sahni, University of Florida, USA "Big Data Management and Processing covers the latest Big Data research results in processing, analytics, management and applications. Both fundamental insights and representative applications are provided. This book is a timely and valuable resource for students, researchers and seasoned practitioners in Big Data fields. --Hai Jin, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China Big Data Management and Processing explores a range of big data related issues and their impact on the design of new computing systems. The twenty-one chapters were carefully selected and feature contributions from several outstanding researchers. The book endeavors to strike a balance between theoretical and practical coverage of innovative problem solving techniques for a range of platforms. It serves as a repository of paradigms, technologies, and applications that target different facets of big data computing systems. The first part of the book explores energy and resource management issues, as well as legal compliance and quality management for Big Data. It covers In-Memory computing and In-Memory data grids, as well as co-scheduling for high performance computing applications. The second part of the book includes comprehensive coverage of Hadoop and Spark, along with security, privacy, and trust challenges and solutions. The latter part of the book covers mining and clustering in Big Data, and includes applications in genomics, hospital big data processing, and vehicular cloud computing. The book also analyzes funding for Big Data projects.

Big Data Management and Processing (Chapman & Hall/CRC Big Data Series)

by Kuan-Ching Li Hai Jiang Albert Y. Zomaya

From the Foreword: "Big Data Management and Processing is [a] state-of-the-art book that deals with a wide range of topical themes in the field of Big Data. The book, which probes many issues related to this exciting and rapidly growing field, covers processing, management, analytics, and applications... [It] is a very valuable addition to the literature. It will serve as a source of up-to-date research in this continuously developing area. The book also provides an opportunity for researchers to explore the use of advanced computing technologies and their impact on enhancing our capabilities to conduct more sophisticated studies." ---Sartaj Sahni, University of Florida, USA "Big Data Management and Processing covers the latest Big Data research results in processing, analytics, management and applications. Both fundamental insights and representative applications are provided. This book is a timely and valuable resource for students, researchers and seasoned practitioners in Big Data fields. --Hai Jin, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China Big Data Management and Processing explores a range of big data related issues and their impact on the design of new computing systems. The twenty-one chapters were carefully selected and feature contributions from several outstanding researchers. The book endeavors to strike a balance between theoretical and practical coverage of innovative problem solving techniques for a range of platforms. It serves as a repository of paradigms, technologies, and applications that target different facets of big data computing systems. The first part of the book explores energy and resource management issues, as well as legal compliance and quality management for Big Data. It covers In-Memory computing and In-Memory data grids, as well as co-scheduling for high performance computing applications. The second part of the book includes comprehensive coverage of Hadoop and Spark, along with security, privacy, and trust challenges and solutions. The latter part of the book covers mining and clustering in Big Data, and includes applications in genomics, hospital big data processing, and vehicular cloud computing. The book also analyzes funding for Big Data projects.

Big Data Marketing: Engage Your Customers More Effectively and Drive Value

by Lisa Arthur

Leverage big data insights to improve customer experiences and insure business success Many of today's businesses find themselves caught in a snarl of internal data, paralyzed by internal silos, and executing antiquated marketing approaches. As a result, consumers are losing patience, shareholders are clamoring for growth and differentiation, and marketers are left struggling to untangle the massive mess. Big Data Marketing provides a strategic road map for executives who want to clear the chaos and start driving competitive advantage and top line growth. Using real-world examples, non-technical language, additional downloadable resources, and a healthy dose of humor, Big Data Marketing will help you discover the remedy offered by data-driven marketing. Explains how marketers can use data to learn what they need to know Details strategies to drive marketing relevance and Return On Marketing Investment (ROMI) Provides a five-step approach in the journey to a more data-driven marketing organization Author Lisa Arthur, the Chief Marketing Officer for Teradata Applications, the leader in integrated marketing software, meets with thousands of CMOs and marketing professionals annually through public speaking and events Big Data Marketing reveals patterns in your customers' behavior and proven ways to elevate customer experiences. Leverage these insights to insure your business's success.

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