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Showing 101 through 125 of 100,000 results

Learning with Lean: Unleashing the Potential for Sustainable Competitive Advantage

by James Zurn Perry Mulligan

The toughest Lean journeys are those taken in organizations that have achieved long-term success. Processes and people become fixed in their ways and exhibit a natural resistance to change. But, regardless of how well your organization is performing, unless you have a sustainable competitive advantage, you are at risk.Examining the performance gap

Designing Pilot Projects as Boundary Objects: A Brazilian Case Study in the Promotion of Sustainable Design (SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)

by Francesco Zurlo Viviane dos Nunes

This book describes a collaborative Design Pilot Project held in Brazil (called MODU.Lares) involving micro and small enterprises and other actors in the furniture sector. The experience was based on an action research method and evaluated by using a tool, in order to assess the value of pilot project as a boundary object capable of fostering innovation and sustainability. The impact of the Design Pilot Project in triggering change in a fragmented local system with a poor environmental and social record, as well as management and innovation issues, were assessed with the help of the same tool, taking into account environmental, technological, economic, sociocultural, and organizational indicators. The collaborative network established was chiefly based on four elements: prototypes, meetings, exhibitions and the Pilot Project (as an overall process). The results indeed demonstrate that a Design Pilot Project can be a valid instrument for establishing a collaborative environment that promotes sustainability and innovation, particularly in contexts with a weak associative culture. Such collaborative projects can constitute the first step in a design policy cycle in developing countries, contributing to the definition of ideas and objectives among local stakeholders, minimizing the risks of failure, and increasing the chances of receiving governmental support.

Erfolgreich in China: Ein Reisebuch für Manager

by Karl-Heinz Zürl

Was muss ein deutscher Manager über seinen chinesischen Geschäftspartner wissen, um den berühmten Tritt ins Fettnäpfchen zu vermeiden?Das Buch bietet brandaktuelle Informationen aus Recherchen und persönlichen Kontakten des Autors. Es liefert alles Wissenswerte über die Informationsbeschaffung, die Finanzierung und die Kontaktaufnahme sowie über kulturelle Hintergründe. Zahlreiche Adresslisten für alle Geschäftsfälle bieten zusätzliche Informationen.Der leichte und unterhaltsame Stil macht das Buch auch zu einer anregenden Lektüre für "zwischendurch".

Kreditrisikomodellierung: Ein multifunktionaler Ansatz zur Integration in eine wertorientierte Gesamtbanksteuerung (Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung zur Unternehmensführung #59)

by Jan Zurek

Jan Zurek präsentiert aufbauend auf den etablierten Methoden der Markt- und Kreditrisikomodellierung ein neues, multifunktionales Kreditrisikomodell, welches sich u.a. durch eine universellen Anwendbarkeit auszeichnet.

Financial Communication in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Patents in Financial Communication (Business, Economics, and Law)

by Alexander Zureck

To ensure refinancing opportunities for SMEs, answers for bridging the information gap between investor and company are needed; in this context, capital markets are becoming increasingly important. Alexander Zureck focuses on patents as an example of intangible assets and on their importance for the financial communication between SMEs and the capital market. A positive correlation between patent application and stock price development underscores the importance of patents. Based on his findings, the author recommends to take patents and other intangible assets into company's financial communication.

Momente der Führung - heute und morgen: Ein Praxis-Guide für Führungskräfte und Coaches

by Hanspeter Zürcher

Es gibt sie, diese Momente in der Führung, die Chancen eröffnen: Chancen für bessere Teamarbeit, Chancen zur Orientierung, Chancen für methodische Professionalität, für persönliches Wachstum und die Reflexion. Lassen Sie diese Momente nicht ohne Impuls und Idee verstreichen. Dieses Buch beschreibt rund 50 dieser besonderen Momente ganz pragmatisch und aus der Praxis heraus. Hanspeter Zürcher spricht Führungskräfte, Coaches und alle am Thema Leadership interessierten Leser und Leserinnen an und teilt mit ihnen erfolgreich umgesetzte Strategien. Das Buch schafft Bewusstsein für kluge Strategien, für gute Kooperation und für gewinnbringende Lösungskompetenz. Es unterstützt Sie dabei, effektiver, entschlossener, klarer und damit erfolgreicher zu führen.

Moments of Leadership: How to become a Professional Leader, Manager and Coach (Management for Professionals)

by Hanspeter Zürcher

There are moments in leadership when opportunities open up: Opportunities for better teamwork, opportunities for orientation, for professional conversations, and for personal development and reflection. This book describes over 60 such opportunities, pragmatic, solution-oriented, and tested for many years. Based on concrete examples, it thus provides impulses for effective strategies and new ways of solving problems in all areas of cooperation and leadership. The book is intended to serve as a guide from which not only leaders but also managers and coaches can benefit.

Costly Democracy: Peacebuilding and Democratization After War

by Christoph Zürcher Carrie Manning Kristie D. Evenson Rachel Hayman Sarah Riese Nora Roehner

Peacebuilding is an interactive process that involves collaboration between peacebuilders and the victorious elites of a postwar society. While one of the most prominent assumptions of the peacebuilding literature asserts that the interests of domestic elites and peacebuilders coincide, Costly Democracy contends that they rarely align. It reveals that, while domestic elites in postwar societies may desire the resources that peacebuilders can bring, they are often less eager to adopt democracy, believing that democratic reforms may endanger their substantive interests. The book offers comparative analyses of recent cases of peacebuilding to deepen understanding of postwar democratization and better explain why peacebuilding missions often bring peace—but seldom democracy—to war-torn countries.

Neuromarketing: Exploring the Brain of the Consumer

by Leon Zurawicki

Over the last 10 years advances in the new field of neuromarketing have yielded a host of findings which defy common stereotypes about consumer behavior. Reason and emotions do not necessarily appear as opposing forces. Rather, they complement one another. Hence, it reveals that consumers utilize mental accounting processes different from those assumed in marketers' logical inferences when it comes to time, problems with rating and choosing, and in post-purchase evaluation. People are often guided by illusions not only when they perceive the outside world but also when planning their actions - and consumer behavior is no exception. Strengthening the control over their own desires and the ability to navigate the maze of data are crucial skills consumers can gain to benefit themselves, marketers and the public. Understanding the mind of the consumer is the hardest task faced by business researchers. This book presents the first analytical perspective on the brain - and biometric studies which open a new frontier in market research.

Leading with Life: Lebendigkeit im Unternehmen freisetzen und nutzen

by Matthias zur Bonsen

Lebendigkeit ist der fundamentalste Wettbewerbsvorteil eines Unternehmen. Denn durch einen hohen Grad an Lebendigkeit entsteht alles andere: Spitzenleistung, Innovationskraft, Veränderungsbereitschaft, Dynamik und Tempo. Mit Lebendigkeit gehen die Freude und Ausgeglichenheit der Mitarbeiter einher. Lebendigkeit bedeutet inspirierte Leistung. Dieses Buch zeigt, wie diese hohe Lebendigkeit im Unternehmen zu erreichen ist – indem man mit den Mustern des Lebens, mit der selbstorganisierenden Dynamik des Lebens und mit der Energie des Lebens arbeitet. Eine sehr inspirierende Lektüre, die Herz und Verstand anspricht. Mit vielen Beispielen aus bekannten und weniger bekannten Unternehmen und originellen Geschichten.

Evolution and Challenges in System Development

by Joze Zupancic W. Gregory Wojtkowski Wita Wojtkowski Stanislaw Wrycza

This book is a result of the Seventh International Conference on Information Sys­ tems Development-Methods and Tools, Theory and Practice held in Bled, Slovenia, Sep­ tember 21-23, 1998. The purpose of the conference was to address issues facing academia and industry when specifying, developing, managing, and improving information comput­ erized systems. During the past few years, many new concepts and approaches emerged in the Information Systems Development (ISD) field. The various theories, methods, and tools available to system developers also bring problems such as choosing the most effec­ tive approach for a specific task. This conference provides a meeting place for IS re­ searchers and practitioners from Eastern and Western Europe as well as from other parts of the world. An objective of the conference is not only to share scientific knowledge and in­ terests but to establish strong professional ties among the participants. The Seventh International Conference on Information Systems Develop­ ment-ISD'98 continues the concepts of the first Polish-Scandinavian Seminar on Current Trends in Information Systems Development Methodologies held in Gdansk, Poland in 1988. Through the years, the Seminar developed into the International Conference on In­ formation Systems Development. ISD'99 will be held in Boise, Idaho. The selection of papers was carried out by the International Program Committee. All papers were reviewed in advance by three people. Papers were judged according to their originality, relevance, and presentation quality. All papers were judged only on their own merits, independent of other submissions.

Sales Drive: Wie Sie durch konsequente Vertriebsorientierung im Wettbewerb gewinnen

by Dirk Zupancic

Dieses Buch richtet sich an alle, die im Vertrieb mehr bewegen wollen. Die digitale Disruption stellt viele Unternehmen vor große Herausforderungen, bietet aber auch die Chance, sich ganz neu zu definieren, sich strategisch zu differenzieren und sich damit die Pole Position im Wettbewerb zu sichern.Sales Drive bezeichnet in diesem Zusammenhang das kontinuierliche Streben von Personen und Unternehmen, durch konsequente Kundenorientierung und höchste Professionalität im Vertrieb klare Wettbewerbsvorteile zu erzielen und dadurch ein nachhaltiges und profitables Wachstum zu erreichen. Dirk Zupancic zeigt, wie und warum sich die Rolle des Vertriebs in Zeiten der Globalisierung und Digitalisierung vom Absatzmittler zum entscheidenden Wettbewerbsfaktor gewandelt hat und weiter wandeln wird. Um in diesem dynamischen Umfeld erfolgreich zu sein, müssen wachstumsorientierte Vertriebsstrategien entwickelt werden, die den Vertrieb in den Bereichen Key Account Management, Value Selling und Lean Selling neu ausrichten. Das gesamte Unternehmen muss als Sales Driven Company den Rahmen für Sales Drive schaffen. Die Menschen im Vertrieb müssen zu echten Sales Driven People werden, um den neuen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden. Eine besondere Verantwortung weist Dirk Zupancic dabei den Führungskräften im Vertrieb zu. Sie erhalten grundlegende Hinweise und inspirierende Impulse zur professionellen Führung und zum systematischen Management ihrer Mannschaft. Darüber hinaus bietet jedes Kapitel konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen. Das Ziel dieses Buches ist Ihr Erfolg in der Praxis!

Sales Drive: Wie Sie durch konsequente Vertriebsorientierung im Wettbewerb gewinnen

by Dirk Zupancic

Dieses Buch richtet sich an alle, die im Vertrieb mehr bewegen wollen. Die digitale Disruption und die verschiedenen Krisen in den letzten Jahren stellen viele Unternehmen vor große Herausforderungen. Sie bieten aber auch die Chance, sich ganz neu zu definieren, sich strategisch zu differenzieren und sich damit die Pole Position im Wettbewerb zu sichern.Sales Drive bezeichnet in diesem Zusammenhang das kontinuierliche Streben von Personen und Unternehmen, durch konsequente Kundenorientierung und höchste Professionalität im Vertrieb klare Wettbewerbsvorteile zu erzielen und dadurch ein nachhaltiges und profitables Wachstum zu erreichen. Dirk Zupancic zeigt, wie und warum sich die Rolle des Vertriebs in Zeiten der Globalisierung und Digitalisierung vom Absatzmittler zum entscheidenden Wettbewerbsfaktor gewandelt hat und weiter wandeln wird. Um in diesem dynamischen Umfeld erfolgreich zu sein, müssen wachstumsorientierte Vertriebsstrategien entwickelt werden, die den Vertrieb in den Bereichen Key Account Management, Value Selling und Lean Selling neu ausrichten.Eine besondere Verantwortung weist Dirk Zupancic dabei den Führungskräften im Vertrieb zu. Sie erhalten grundlegende Hinweise und inspirierende Impulse zur professionellen Führung und zum systematischen Management ihrer Mannschaft. Darüber hinaus bietet jedes Kapitel konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen.In der 2., überarbeiteten und erweiterten Auflage wurden alle Kapitel auf den Prüfstand gestellt und aktuelle Themen wie „Hybrider Verkauf, Social Selling und Remote Selling“ (Kapitel 11) und „Krisenbewältigung“ (Kapitel 12) aufgenommen. Das Kapitel 5 „Sales Driven Leadership“ wird um das neue Konzept des Autors „Führen mit Courage“ erweitert.

Engineering Asset Management 2016: Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering)

by Ming J. Zuo Lin Ma Joseph Mathew Hong-Zhong Huang

These proceedings gather selected peer-reviewed papers from the 11th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management (WCEAM), which was held in Jiuzhaigou, China, on 25–28 July, 2016. These proceedings cover a wide range of topics in engineering asset management, including:· strategic asset management;· condition monitoring and diagnostics;· integrated intelligent maintenance;· sensors and devices;· information quality and management;· sustainability in asset management;· asset performance and knowledge management;· data mining and AI techniques in asset management;· engineering standards; and· education in engineering asset management.The breadth and depth of these state-of-the-art, comprehensive proceedings make them an excellent resource for asset management practitioners, researchers and academics, as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Work and Family in Urban China: Women’s Changing Experience since Mao (Politics and Development of Contemporary China)

by Jiping Zuo

This book examines a three-way interaction among market, state, and family in China’s recent market reform. It depicts transformations in urban women’s experiences with both paid and non-paid domestic work. The book challenges China’s free-market approach and demonstrates its negative impacts on women’s work and family experiences by revealing labor commodification processes and work-to-family conflicts as the state abandons its commitment to public welfare. Using interview data collected from 165 women of three different cohorts in urban China during the 2000-2008 period, this study uncovers the revival of traditional gendered family roles among urban women and men as one of their strategies to resist market brutality and their struggles to balance work and family demands. The book also explores urban women’s non-market definitions of marital equality, and highlights theoretical and policy implications concerning market efficiency, marital equality, and the state’s role in protecting public good.

Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate

by Jian Zuo Gui Ye Hongping Yuan

This book covers various current and emerging topics in construction management and real estate. Papers selected in this book cover a wide variety of topics such as new-type urbanization, planning and construction of smart city and eco-city, urban–rural infrastructure development, land use and development, housing market and housing policy, new theory and practice of construction project management, big data application, smart construction and BIM, international construction (i.e., belt and road project), green building, off-site prefabrication, rural rejuvenation and eco-civilization and other topics related to construction management and real estate. These papers provide useful references to both scholars and practitioners. This book is the documentation of “The 24th International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate,” which was held in Chongqing, China.

Inclusive Development and Poverty Reduction (International Research on Poverty Reduction)

by Changsheng Zuo Chengwei Huang Xiaojun He Xiaolin Wang

This book discusses poverty reduction and inclusive development in China. The relevant research reports included here combine unique perspectives and thorough analysis, and include both comparative and empirical analyses. Although China is the first country to have achieved the UN’s Millennium Development Goals, it still faces enormous problems and challenges in terms of narrowing the income gap, reducing poverty and attaining sustainable development. This book not only provides valuable theoretical material to help readers understand inclusive development and poverty reduction in today’s China, but also offers relevant government authorities a solid theoretical and practical basis for informed decision-making.

The Evolution of China's Poverty Alleviation and Development Policy (Research Series on the Chinese Dream and China’s Development Path)

by Changsheng Zuo

This book explains in simple language the change of perspective and the transition of the systems for poverty alleviation, based on the fifteen-year development of China’s poverty alleviation policy. Written by scholars from the International Poverty Reduction Center in China, Peking University and the China Agricultural University who have been engaged in the field of poverty alleviation for many years, the contributions combine views on China's poverty reduction policy with the authors’ personal experiences. It is a valuable reference resource for researchers at the forefront of poverty alleviation and also appeals to anyone interested in poverty alleviation and China’s poverty alleviation changes.

Overcoming Debt, Achieving Financial Freedom: 8 Pillars to Build Wealth

by Cindy Zuniga-Sanchez

Transform your financial situation with easy-to-follow advice from a first-generation professional In Overcoming Debt, Achieving Financial Freedom: 8 Pillars to Build Wealth, lawyer, business owner, and first-generation professional Cindy Zuniga-Sanchez delivers a practical and actionable blueprint for financial independence. Full of easy-to-apply advice for young adults, students, and early-career professionals, the book is a holistic guide to responsibly managing money and debt while building your nest egg. In the book, you&’ll explore how to be a responsible consumer, how to budget, save, invest, pay off debt, build credit, and increase your income. You&’ll also understand much of what school didn&’t teach you about student loans. The author explains: Strategies to create a realistic and actionable debt repayment plan that will save you money and time Strategies for maximizing your income by negotiating your salary and finding profitable &“side hustles&” Techniques for straightforward forms of investing that responsibly balance risk and reward The money strategies that she put into place and resources that she used to go from having six-figures of debt to a multiple six-figure net worthAn essential money resource for students, professionals, entrepreneurs, young families, and anyone else hoping to reduce their financial stress and improve their lives, Overcoming Debt, Achieving Financial Freedom is the simple and powerful money guide you&’ve been waiting for.

Overcoming Debt, Achieving Financial Freedom: 8 Pillars to Build Wealth

by Cindy Zuniga-Sanchez

Transform your financial situation with easy-to-follow advice from a first-generation professional In Overcoming Debt, Achieving Financial Freedom: 8 Pillars to Build Wealth, lawyer, business owner, and first-generation professional Cindy Zuniga-Sanchez delivers a practical and actionable blueprint for financial independence. Full of easy-to-apply advice for young adults, students, and early-career professionals, the book is a holistic guide to responsibly managing money and debt while building your nest egg. In the book, you&’ll explore how to be a responsible consumer, how to budget, save, invest, pay off debt, build credit, and increase your income. You&’ll also understand much of what school didn&’t teach you about student loans. The author explains: Strategies to create a realistic and actionable debt repayment plan that will save you money and time Strategies for maximizing your income by negotiating your salary and finding profitable &“side hustles&” Techniques for straightforward forms of investing that responsibly balance risk and reward The money strategies that she put into place and resources that she used to go from having six-figures of debt to a multiple six-figure net worthAn essential money resource for students, professionals, entrepreneurs, young families, and anyone else hoping to reduce their financial stress and improve their lives, Overcoming Debt, Achieving Financial Freedom is the simple and powerful money guide you&’ve been waiting for.

PROgrammierte GRaphErsetzungsSysteme: Spezifikation, Implementierung und Anwendung einer integrierten Entwicklungsumgebung

by Albert Zündorf

PROGRES schließt eine Lücke in der objektorientierten Modellierung durch die Modellierung des dynamischen Verhaltens von Objektwelten. Mit Hilfe "visueller" Graphoperationen werden komplexe Strukturveränderungen beschrieben.

Management von Produktions-Netzwerken: Eine Konzeption auf Basis des Netzwerk-Prinzips

by Phil Zundel

Der Autor zeigt themenzentrierte und institutionelle Managementanforderungen an die Konfiguration eines Produktions-Netzwerkes auf und integriert diese in den strategischen Netzwerk-Managementprozess.

Konfliktmanagement, Team Work Engagement und psychologische Sicherheit in Scrum-Teams: Eine quantitative Studie (BestMasters)

by Michelle Zumsteg

Michelle Zumsteg untersucht unterschiedliche Konfliktstile in Scrum-Teams und deren Effekt auf das arbeitsbezogene Wohlbefinden in den Teams. Die Autorin stellt sich ebenfalls der Frage, ob der Zusammenhang zwischen den Konfliktstilen und dem Team Work Engagement durch die erlebte psychologische Sicherheit in der Teamarbeit vermittelt wird. Im Rahmen einer Online-Befragung von 68 in der IT und Softwareentwicklung tätigen Scrum-Teams aus 20 Unternehmen konnte ein starker positiver Effekt des kooperativen Konfliktstils auf das Team Work Engagement ermittelt werden. Ebenfalls konnte ein negativer Zusammenhang zwischen dem kompetitiven und dem vermeidenden Konfliktstil mit Team Work Engagement festgestellt werden.

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