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كليلة و دمنة

by مجهول

قال علي بن الشاه الفارسي: كان السبب الذي من أجله وضع بيدبا الفيلسوف لدبشليم ملك الهند كتاب "كليلة ودمنة" أن الإسكندر ذا القرنين الرومي لمَّا فرغ من أمر الملوك الذين كانوا بناحية المغرب سار يريد ملوك المشرق من الفرس وغيرهم. فلم يزل يحارب مَنْ نازعه ويواقع مَنْ واقعه ويسالم مَنْ وادعه من ملوك الفرس وهم الطبقة الأولى حتى ظهر عليهم وقهر مَنْ ناواه، وتغلَّب على مَنْ حاربه فتفرَّقوا طرائق وتمزَّقوا حزائق؛ فتوجه بالجنود نحو بلاد الصين فبدأ في طريقه بملك الهند ليدعوه إلى طاعته والدخول في ملته وولايته. وكان على الهند في ذلك الزَّمان ملك ذو سطوة وبأس وقوة ومراس يقال له فور؛ فلمَّا بلغه إقبال ذي القرنين نحوه تأهب لمحاربته واستعدَّ لمجاذبته وضمَّ إليه أطرافه وجدَّ في التألب عليه وجمع له العدَّة في أسرع مدَّة، من الفيلة المعدَّة للحروب والسباع المضراة بالوثوب، مع الخيول المسرجة، والسيوف القواطع، والحراب اللوامع. فلمَّا قرب ذو القرنين من فور الهندي وبلغه ما قد أعدَّ له من الخيل التي كأنها قطع الليل، مما لم يلقه بمثله أحد من الملوك الذين كانوا في الأقاليم، تخوَّف ذو القرنين من تقصير يقع به إن عجَّل المبارزة. وكان ذو القرنين رجلاً ذا حيل ومكايد مع حسن تدبير وتجربة؛ فرأى إعمال الحيلة والتمهُّل، واحتفر خندقًا على عسكره وأقام بمكانه لاستنباط الحيلة والتدبير لأمره وكيف ينبغي له أن يقدم على الإيقاع به، فاستدعى المنجمين وأمرهم بالاختيار ليوم موافق تكون له فيه سعادة لمحاربة ملك الهند والنصرة عليه؛ فاشتغلوا بذلك. وكان ذو القرنين لا يمرُّ بمدينة إلاَّ أخذ الصُنَّاع المشهورين من صُنَّاعها بالحذق من كل صنف؛ فنتجت له همته ودلته فطنته أن يتقدَّم إلى الصناع الذين معه أن يصنعوا خيلاً من نحاس مجوفة عليها تماثيل من الرجال على بكر تجري، إذا دفعت مرَّت سراعًا، وأمر إذا فرغوا منها أن تُحْشَى أجوافها بالنفط والكبريت وتلبس وتقدَّم أمام الصف في القلب، ووقف ما يلتقي الجمعان تضرب فيها النيران، فإن الفيلة إذا لفت خراطيمها على الفرسان وهي حامية ولَّت هاربة، وأوعز إلى الصناع بالتشمير والانكماش والفراغ منها؛ فجدُّوا في ذلك وعجَّلوا وقرب أيضًا وقت اختيار المنجمين؛ فأعاد ذو القرنين رسله إلى فور بما يدعوه إليه من طاعته والإذعان لدولته؛ فأجاب جواب مُصرٍّعلى مخالفته مقيم على محاربته. فلمَّا رأى ذو القرنين عزيمته سار إليه بأهبته وقدَّم فور الفيلة أمامه، ودفعت الرجال تلك الخيل وتماثيل الفرسان، فأقبلت الفيلة نحوها ولفت خراطيمها عليها، فلمَّا أحسَّت بالحرارة ألقت مَنْ كان عليها وداستهم تحت أرجلها ومضت مهزومة هاربة لا تلوي على شيء ولا تمرُّ بأحد إلاَّ وطئته. وتقطع فور وجمعه وتبعهم أصحاب الإسكندر وأثخنوا فيهم الجراح، وصاح الإسكندر: يا ملك الهند ابرز إلينا وأبق على عدتك وعيالك ولا تحملهم على الفناء. فإنه ليس من المروءة أن يرمي الملك بعدته في المهالك المتلفة والمواضع المجحفة، بل يقيهم بماله ويدفع عنهم بنفسه. فابرز إلي ودع الجند فأينا قهر صاحبه فهو الأسعد. فلمَّا سمع فور من ذي القرنين ذلك الكلام دعته نفسه إلى ملاقاته؛ طمعًا فيه، وظن ذلك فرصة، فبرز إليه الإسكندر فتجاولا على ظهري فرسيهما ساعات من النهار ليس يلقى أحدهما من صاحبه فرصة ولم يزالا يتعاركان. فلمَّا أعيا الإسكندر أمره ولم يجد فرصة ولا حيلة أوقع ذو القرنين في عسكره صيحة عظيمة ارتجت لها الأرض والعساكر؛ فالتفت فور عندما سمع الزعقة وظنَّها مكيدة في عسكره، فعاجله ذو القرنين بضربة أمالته عن سرجه أتبعها بأخرى فوقع إلى الأرض. فلمَّا رأت الهنود ما نزل بهم وما صار إليه ملكهم حملواعلى الإسكندر فقاتلوه قتالاً أحبوا معه الموت، فوعدهم من نفسه الإحسان ومنحه الله أكتافهم فاستولى على بلادهم وملَّك عليهم رجلاً من ثقاته وأقام بالهند حتى استوسق  له ما أرد من أمرهم واتفاق كلمتهم، ثم انصرف عن الهند وخلَّف ذلك الرجل عليهم ومضى متوجهًا نحو ما قصد له.  

‘… and that’s when it fell off in my hand.’: Further Fabbitty Fab Confessions Of Georgia Nicolson (Confessions of Georgia Nicolson #5)

by Louise Rennison

Brilliantly funny, teenage angst author Louise Rennison’s fifth book about the confessions of crazy but lovable Georgia Nicolson. Louise is a star on the HarperCollins teenage list.

‘… then he ate my boy entrancers.’: More Mad, Marvy Confessions Of Georgia Nicolson (Confessions of Georgia Nicolson #6)

by Louise Rennison

Hilariously funny Louise Rennison’s fabby sixth book of the confessions of crazy but lovable teenager Georgia Nicolson. Guaranteed to have the nation laughing their knickers off!

The 1,000-year-old Boy

by Ross Welford

The astonishing, beautiful new story for all readers of 10 and over from the bestselling and Costa-shortlisted author of TIME TRAVELLING WITH A HAMSTER.

1, 2, BOO!: A Spooky Counting Book

by Paul Howard

This fun counting board book is packed with silly skeletons and creepy spiders, perfect for little monsters at Halloween!Watch out! There are monsters, ghosts, and skeletons about!Join the Halloween fun and count to ten with all the creepy creatures--you might just be scared silly!

1, 2, BOO!: A Spooky Counting Book

by Paul Howard

This fun counting board book is packed with silly skeletons and creepy spiders, perfect for little monsters at Halloween!Watch out! There are monsters, ghosts, and skeletons about!Join the Halloween fun and count to ten with all the creepy creatures--you might just be scared silly!

1: Tiger Trouble (WILD #1)

by Lucy Courtenay

Featuring tiger cubs, circus bears, swimming monkeys and cute koalas - this is a must-read series for all animal lovers!Twins Tori and Taya Wild disagree about almost everything ... except for their love of animals - which is good since their house is almost always full of them! Their mother fosters all kinds of wild animals and the adorable tiger cubs, Chips and Gravy, are the most recent animals keeping them busy.But when Dad falls ill and can no longer travel for work, mum's animal fostering days could be over. They need to think up a money making scheme fast and that's when they set up a new 'animals on film' business ... and soon their lives are about to get even wilder!

10 Advanced Short Stories from Pratham Books for ACR Project

by Pratham Books

The Advance level book of short stories from Pratham books, used in the ACR project, Pune.

10 Amazing Animal Stories for 4-8 Year Olds (Read together for 10 minutes a day)

by Arcturus Publishing

Storytime: A Brand New Series of Illustrated eBooks for KidsFrom Bambi to Puss in Boots, this classic collection features some of the world's best-loved children's stories in an easy eBook format. Ready to read at the touch of a button and beautifully illustrated throughout, it's the perfect introduction to these timeless tales for boys and girls aged 4 and up.Help improve your child's reading in just 10 minutes a day with these short story collections from Storytime.10 minutes of reading a day can...Boost VocabularyReading for a short period every day exposes your child to almost 1 million words per year, which helps to foster communication and understanding.Encourage LearningReading at home is linked to better performance in spelling, comprehension and general knowledge, helping to develop important learning skills.Promote RelaxationReading a book gives your child the quiet time they need each day to relax, and is a great way for you to spend quality time together.

10 Basic short stories from Pratham Books for ACR Project

by Pratham Books

10 Basic level short stories in Full text with Human Narration, selected from Pratham books for the ACR project in Pune.

10 Brilliant Bedtime Stories for 4-8 Year Olds (Read together for 10 minutes a day)

by Arcturus Publishing

Storytime: A Brand New Series of Illustrated eBooks for KidsFrom Peter Pan to Sleeping Beauty, this classic collection features some of the world's best-loved children's stories in an easy eBook format. Ready to read at the touch of a button and beautifully illustrated throughout, it's the perfect introduction to these timeless tales for boys and girls aged 4 and up.Help improve your child's reading in just 10 minutes a day with these short story collections from Storytime.10 minutes of reading a day can...Boost VocabularyReading for a short period every day exposes your child to almost 1 million words per year, which helps to foster communication and understanding.Encourage LearningReading at home is linked to better performance in spelling, comprehension and general knowledge, helping to develop important learning skills.Promote RelaxationReading a book gives your child the quiet time they need each day to relax, and is a great way for you to spend quality time together.

10 Cats

by Emily Gravett

Ten cats discover three cans of paint and blotches, splotches and splats go everywhere!A funny exploration of colour from award-winning author/illustrator Emily Gravett, 10 Cats is a wonderfully simple and engaging picture book.While learning about counting and colours, very young children will delight in the adorable kittens on every spread and the simple text that is perfect for reading aloud.

10 Dogs

by Emily Gravett

Ten gorgeous dogs chase, hide and play with ten juicy sausages in this funny, original book about numbers by the multi-award-winning, bestselling Emily Gravett.Bursting with energy and fun, young children will love to count the dogs and the sausages, as well as looking out for all the funny details on each page. The book explores numbers one going up to ten, and ten going down to zero, touching on several simple concepts like half, all, more, less along the way.A brilliant companion to Emily's book about counting, colours and cats, 10 Cats.

10 Fabulous Fairy Tales for 4-8 Year Olds (Read together for 10 minutes a day)

by Arcturus Publishing

Storytime: A Brand New Series of Illustrated eBooks for KidsFrom Jack and the Beanstalk to Cinderella, this classic collection features some of the world's best-loved children's stories in an easy eBook format. Ready to read at the touch of a button and beautifully illustrated throughout, it's the perfect introduction to these timeless tales for boys and girls aged 4 and up.Help improve your child's reading in just 10 minutes a day with these short story collections from Storytime.10 minutes of reading a day can...Boost VocabularyReading for a short period every day exposes your child to almost 1 million words per year, which helps to foster communication and understanding.Encourage LearningReading at home is linked to better performance in spelling, comprehension and general knowledge, helping to develop important learning skills.Promote RelaxationReading a book gives your child the quiet time they need each day to relax, and is a great way for you to spend quality time together.

10 Fantastic Fables for 4-8 Year Olds (Read together for 10 minutes a day)

by Arcturus Publishing

Storytime: A Brand New Series of Illustrated eBooks for KidsFrom The Hare and the Tortoise to The Boy Who Cried Wolf, this classic collection features some of the world's best-loved children's stories in an easy eBook format. Ready to read at the touch of a button and beautifully illustrated throughout, it's the perfect introduction to these timeless tales for boys and girls aged 4 and up.Help improve your child's reading in just 10 minutes a day with these short story collections from Storytime.10 minutes of reading a day can...Boost VocabularyReading for a short period every day exposes your child to almost 1 million words per year, which helps to foster communication and understanding.Encourage LearningReading at home is linked to better performance in spelling, comprehension and general knowledge, helping to develop important learning skills.Promote RelaxationReading a book gives your child the quiet time they need each day to relax, and is a great way for you to spend quality time together.

10 Intermediate short stories from Pratham Books for ACR Project

by Pratham Books

This is the 2nd part of selected stories in Full text with Human narrated audio, from Pratham books, which are used for the ACR project in Pune.

10 Magical Myths & Legends for 4-8 Year Olds (Read together for 10 minutes a day)

by Arcturus Publishing

Storytime: A Brand New Series of Illustrated eBooks for KidsFrom St George and the Dragon to The Lost City of Atlantis, this classic collection features some of the world's best-loved children's stories in an easy eBook format. Ready to read at the touch of a button and beautifully illustrated throughout, it's the perfect introduction to these timeless tales for boys and girls aged 4 and up.Help improve your child's reading in just 10 minutes a day with these short story collections from Storytime.10 minutes of reading a day can...Boost VocabularyReading for a short period every day exposes your child to almost 1 million words per year, which helps to foster communication and understanding.Encourage LearningReading at home is linked to better performance in spelling, comprehension and general knowledge, helping to develop important learning skills.Promote RelaxationReading a book gives your child the quiet time they need each day to relax, and is a great way for you to spend quality time together.

10 Minute Sats Tests: Maths - Ages 10-11 Year 6 (PDF)

by Tim Handley

Just like the real thing - only shorter!<br> <br> Help your child prepare for the SATS with these bite-sized National test papers. This book offers 12 mini-tests - including Reasoning and Arithmetic papers. Question types and mark schemes match the format of the National tests and offer an authentic SATs experience, though the flexible format allows them to be used at any time of the day. <br> A handy progress chart is also supplied to give you some indication of the scores your child is likely to attain. A skills check section will also help you to identify all of the key maths skills your child needs to be successful in the SATs tests.

10 Perfect Poems & Rhymes for 4-8 Year Olds (Read together for 10 minutes a day)

by Arcturus Publishing

Storytime: A Brand New Series of Illustrated eBooks for KidsFrom Old Mother Hubbard to the House that Jack Built, this classic collection features some of the world's best-loved children's poems in an easy eBook format. Ready to read at the touch of a button and beautifully illustrated throughout, it's the perfect introduction to these timeless rhymes for boys and girls aged 4 and up.Help improve your child's reading in just 10 minutes a day with these short story collections from Storytime.10 minutes of reading a day can...Boost VocabularyReading for a short period every day exposes your child to almost 1 million words per year, which helps to foster communication and understanding.Encourage LearningReading at home is linked to better performance in spelling, comprehension and general knowledge, helping to develop important learning skills.Promote RelaxationReading a book gives your child the quiet time they need each day to relax, and is a great way for you to spend quality time together.

100 Birds

by Michael Whaite

A brilliant new story in the award-winning 100 Dogs series, perfect for fans of The Wonky Donkey!This hilarious picture book is a rip-roaring read-aloud guide to 100 different feathered friends. Full of endless funny details, silly scenarios, and a rare bird to spot, this is a book to read again and again. Hoot bird, fruit bird, whistles like a flute bird, walk bird, squawk bird, no need to shout!Toddle bird, waddle bird, isn't that a model bird? Curly bird, early bird, WORMS WATCH OUT!Barking mad about dogs as well as birds? Check out 100 Dogs - Winner of the Sainsbury's Children's Book Awards for Best Picture Book and Children's Book of the Year!Also by Michael Whaite:100 Dogs100 CatsDiggersaursDiggersaurs ExploreDiggersaurs: Mission to Mars

100 Cats

by Michael Whaite

Sitting cat, spitting cat, tangled-in-your-knitting cat, paw cat, claw cat ruining your chair!New cat, shoo cat! Living in the zoo cat, swing cat, cling cat . . . HANG IN THERE!This laugh-out-loud picture book is a brilliant read-aloud rhyming romp through a cornucopia of cats in silly scenarios. Follow the cat-and-mouse subplot and find endless funny details to delight read-after-read.

100 Hugs: Festive Edition

by Chris Riddell

100 Hugs is a gorgeous collection of illustrated hugs from Chris Riddell, Children's Laureate 2015-2017. This is the perfect gift for a loved one, or to cheer yourself up on a dark day when all you need is a hug. The one hundred beautiful and intricate illustrations from the three-times winner of the CILIP Kate Greenaway Medal includes a hug for every emotion and occasion. But one thing is for certain: every hug will touch your heart.In a perfect pocket-sized format, 100 Hugs is certain to comfort and raise a smile.

100% Pig (Black Cats)

by Tanya Landman

Our hero is a Tamworth pig with attitude. He was imported from Australia to improve the "bloodline" of the farmer's herd and he is in no doubt about his own importance. But his days of usefulness are numbered and he's about to be packed off on that final journey...or is it? This is a hilarious story based on the escape of the Tamworth Two, from an exciting new writing talent.

100 Questions Teens Ask with answers from God's Word

by Freeman Smith

Teens have questions and lots of them. This book guides Teens to the source of wisdom, the Bible for their answers to 100 of the most often asked questions. It addresses topics of importance for young adults that will help them build their faith. It's reassuring answers will not only help the teen who reads them, but will also give them answers to share with their friends and peers.

The 100 Society

by Carla Spradbery

For sixth-form student Grace Becker, The 100 Society is more than just a game; it's an obsession. Having convinced her five friends at Clifton Academy to see it through to the end, Grace will stop at nothing to carry out the rules of the game: tagging 100 locations around the city. With each step closer to the 100-mark they get, the higher the stakes become. But when the group catches the attention of a menacing stalker - the Reaper - he seems intent on exposing their illegal game, tormenting Grace with anonymous threats and branding their dormitory doors with his ominous tag. As the once tight-knit group slowly unravels, torn apart by doubt and the death of a student, they no longer know who to trust. With time running out, Grace must unmask the Reaper before he destroys everything she cares about for ever...With its mix of horror and mystery The 100 Society is perfect for fans of Point Horror and James Dawson.'A pleasingly dark teen thriller with fun, fresh characters. Spradbery is a debut author to watch.' James Dawson

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