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Showing 1 through 25 of 77,510 results
Title Author ISBN Copyright Features Action
Terrorismus im Spielfilm: Eine filmwissenschaftliche Untersuchung über Konflikte, Genres und Figuren 2875362 Bernd Zywietz 9783658121617 2016
Consumer Credit and the American Economy (Financial Management Association Survey and Synthesis) 5068066 Todd J. Zywicki Michael E. Staten Thomas A. Durkin Gregory Elliehausen 9780199384969 2014 Contains images
Designing Networks for Innovation and Improvisation: Proceedings of the 6th International COINs Conference (Springer Proceedings in Complexity) 2848637 Matthäus P. Zylka Hauke Fuehres Andrea Fronzetti Colladon Peter A. Gloor 9783319426976 2016 Contains images
IT Crisisology Casebook: Smart Digitalization for Sustainable Development (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies #300) 4637118 Sergey V. Zykov 9789811922312 2022 Contains images
Childhood and Youth Studies (Childhood and Youth Studies Series) (1st edition) (PDF) 1237195 Paula Zwozdiak-Myers 9781844450756 2007
Finanzierung und Förderung von Kinospielfilmen in Deutschland: Herausforderungen und Chancen für junge Produzenten (Film, Fernsehen, Medienkultur) 4738685 Anke Zwirner 9783531942711 2012
Nonreligion in Late Modern Societies: Institutional and Legal Perspectives (Boundaries of Religious Freedom: Regulating Religion in Diverse Societies) 4836279 Anne-Laure Zwilling Helge Årsheim 9783030923952 2022 Contains images
Übergewicht und Adipositas bei Kindern und Jugendlichen 4673769 Michael Zwick Jürgen Deuschle Ortwin Renn 9783531931586 2011
Je fremdländischer desto einheimischer?: Fallstudien zu Integrationsdynamiken bei nordafrikanischen Einwanderern in Frankreich (Sozialwissenschaft) 4663161 Almut Zwengel 9783322813534 2004
Contemporary Qatar: Examining State and Society (Gulf Studies #4) 4163631 Mahjoob Zweiri Farah Al Qawasmi 9789811613913 2021 Contains images
The Working Class Majority: America's Best Kept Secret 4064626 Michael Zweig 9780801464782 2011 Contains images
Socioinformatics - The Social Impact of Interactions between Humans and IT: The Social Impact Of Interactions Between Humans And It (Springer Proceedings in Complexity) 2812258 Katharina Zweig Wolfgang Neuser Volkmar Pipek Markus Rohde Ingo Scholtes 9783319093789 2014 Contains images
Health Economics 4665438 Peter Zweifel Friedrich Breyer Mathias Kifmann 9783540685401 2009
Standards of Futures Research: Guidelines for Practice and Evaluation (Zukunft und Forschung) 4923416 Axel Zweck Karlheinz Steinmüller Lars Gerhold Dirk Holtmannspötter Christian Neuhaus Elmar Schüll Beate Schulz-Montag 9783658358068 2022
Continental Philosophy of Technoscience (Philosophy of Engineering and Technology #38) 5043836 Hub Zwart 9783030845704 2022 Contains images
Built for People: Transform Your Employee Experience Using Product Management Principles 5272405 Jessica Zwaan 9781398608030 2023 Contains images
Health, Technologies, and Politics in Post-Soviet Settings: Navigating Uncertainties 1760177 Olga Zvonareva Evgeniya Popova Klasien Horstman 9783319641492 2018
Health, Technologies, and Politics in Post-Soviet Settings: Navigating Uncertainties 1760189 Olga Zvonareva Evgeniya Popova Klasien Horstman 9783319641492 2018
International Handbook of Migration, Minorities and Education: Understanding Cultural and Social Differences in Processes of Learning 4613047 Zvi Bekerman and Thomas Geisen 9789400714663 2012 Contains images
Disaster Risk Reduction: Community Resilience and Responses 5122016 Bupinder Zutshi Akbaruddin Ahmad Ananda Babu Srungarapati 9789811088452 2019 Contains images
The Practice of Theoretical Curiosity (Explorations of Educational Purpose #20) 4702005 Mark Zuss 9789400721173 2012
Werbung, Mode und Design 4787412 Guido Zurstiege Siegfried J. Schmidt 9783663078104 2001
Festschrift für die Wirklichkeit 4825131 Guido Zurstiege 9783322873309 2000
Medien und Werbung (Medienwissen kompakt) 2868793 Guido Zurstiege 9783658013134 2015
Designing Proximity: Reflections on Future Cities (Springer Series in Design and Innovation #45) 6056687 Francesco Zurlo Laura Galluzzo 9783031601453 2024 Contains images

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