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$0 to Rich: The Everyday Woman's Guide to Getting Wealthy

by Tracey Edwards

What does 'rich' mean to you? Perhaps a huge mansion and an overseas holiday every year? A wardrobe and entourage to rival Victoria Beckham's? Or maybe a simple, comfortable house, no debt and a healthy investment portfolio? However you define it, $0 to Rich will guide you towards achieving your financial goals in five easy steps and show you how to turn $0 into $1000, then $5000, then $10 000! Written specifically for women by the best-selling author of Shopping For Shares, $0 to Rich is the personal financial coach every girl should have. It will show you how to work out what rich means to you, how to articulate exactly what you want, then how to go about realising that vision over a set period of time. You'll discover: how to create a no-fuss budget to fast-track your financial success what the right amount to be saving is investment options, from savings accounts to property and everything in between how to safeguard your money (after all, it's not enough to just get rich--the trick is staying there!).

$0 to Rich: The Everyday Woman's Guide to Getting Wealthy

by Tracey Edwards

What does 'rich' mean to you? Perhaps a huge mansion and an overseas holiday every year? A wardrobe and entourage to rival Victoria Beckham's? Or maybe a simple, comfortable house, no debt and a healthy investment portfolio? However you define it, $0 to Rich will guide you towards achieving your financial goals in five easy steps and show you how to turn $0 into $1000, then $5000, then $10 000! Written specifically for women by the best-selling author of Shopping For Shares, $0 to Rich is the personal financial coach every girl should have. It will show you how to work out what rich means to you, how to articulate exactly what you want, then how to go about realising that vision over a set period of time. You'll discover: how to create a no-fuss budget to fast-track your financial success what the right amount to be saving is investment options, from savings accounts to property and everything in between how to safeguard your money (after all, it's not enough to just get rich--the trick is staying there!).

1,001 Accounting Practice Problems For Dummies

by Kenneth W. Boyd Kate Mooney

Get up to speed quickly—review and practice major concepts in accounting! Whether you're looking to improve your classroom experience, or simply become more familiar with accounting concepts, 1,001 Accounting Practice Problems For Dummies is the hands-on tool you need to get a step ahead. The book's practice questions and review content go hand-in-hand with the content offered in Accounting For Dummies, ensuring that you have a working knowledge of the most important concepts and skills in accounting. This practical resource gives you access to tons of helpful online content, including practice problems in multiple-choice format, and customizable practice sets for self-directed study, all available on the go through your smartphone, laptop, or tablet. Practice problems are categorized as easy, medium, or hard, so you can build your knowledge at your own pace. A perfect companion for anyone looking to increase their accounting skills, this book has the added benefit of offering review and practice useful for individuals looking to pass their accounting courses and lay the groundwork for an accounting career. Filled with practice questions, review content, tips, and explanations for anyone interested in accounting principles Includes tons of online practice content, such as multiple choice questions and customizable practice sets, all available with purchase of the book Ideal for individuals looking to pass an accounting class or start a career in accounting Serves as an excellent companion resource to Accounting For Dummies Packed with endless practice opportunities, 1,001 Accounting Practice Problems For Dummies has everything you need to jumpstart your journey into accounting and financial documentation.

1,001 Accounting Practice Problems For Dummies

by Kenneth W. Boyd Kate Mooney

Get up to speed quickly—review and practice major concepts in accounting! Whether you're looking to improve your classroom experience, or simply become more familiar with accounting concepts, 1,001 Accounting Practice Problems For Dummies is the hands-on tool you need to get a step ahead. The book's practice questions and review content go hand-in-hand with the content offered in Accounting For Dummies, ensuring that you have a working knowledge of the most important concepts and skills in accounting. This practical resource gives you access to tons of helpful online content, including practice problems in multiple-choice format, and customizable practice sets for self-directed study, all available on the go through your smartphone, laptop, or tablet. Practice problems are categorized as easy, medium, or hard, so you can build your knowledge at your own pace. A perfect companion for anyone looking to increase their accounting skills, this book has the added benefit of offering review and practice useful for individuals looking to pass their accounting courses and lay the groundwork for an accounting career. Filled with practice questions, review content, tips, and explanations for anyone interested in accounting principles Includes tons of online practice content, such as multiple choice questions and customizable practice sets, all available with purchase of the book Ideal for individuals looking to pass an accounting class or start a career in accounting Serves as an excellent companion resource to Accounting For Dummies Packed with endless practice opportunities, 1,001 Accounting Practice Problems For Dummies has everything you need to jumpstart your journey into accounting and financial documentation.

1.001 wirkungsvolle Fragen für den Vertrieb: Das große Workbook für Vertriebsmitarbeiter und Führungskräfte (Edition Sales Excellence)

by Livia Rainsberger

Die Fähigkeit, die richtigen Fragen zu stellen, war schon immer eine der wichtigsten Fertigkeiten im Vertrieb. Insbesondere in Zeiten von Informationsüberfluss besteht die Herausforderung darin, die wichtigsten Informationen herauszufiltern und zielführend zu verarbeiten.Deshalb müssen Vertriebsmanager einerseits in der Lage sein, ihren Kunden die richtigen Fragen zu stellen, andererseits aber auch ihre Organisation hinterfragen, um zukunftsfähig zu bleiben. Dazu bietet dieses Arbeitsbuch 1.001 konkrete Fragen zu verschiedenen Themenblöcken, mit denen Mitarbeiter und Führungskräfte im Vertrieb situativ arbeiten können.Zielgerichtet und systematisch vermittelt Livia Rainsberger die relevantesten Fragen – sei es für Kundensituationen, im Vertriebsmanagement, an den Schnittstellen zum Marketing oder für strategische Entscheidungen. Mit ausführlichen Listen an Beispielfragen und Erklärungen, worauf es bei den Fragestellungen wirklich ankommt, wird dieser Leitfaden zu einem unverzichtbaren Begleiter in jeder Vertriebssituation.

1,200 Great Sales Tips for Real Estate Pros

by Realtor Magazine

Perfect for brokers, agents, and other real estate professionals, this handy guide brings together the best ideas from years of incredibly practical lists and checklists published in REALTOR Magazine. This practical, one-of-a-kind guide is perfect for learning the business of real estate and perfecting the best and most effective tactics and techniques for helping your real estate career and business grow.

1,200 Great Sales Tips for Real Estate Pros

by Realtor Magazine

Perfect for brokers, agents, and other real estate professionals, this handy guide brings together the best ideas from years of incredibly practical lists and checklists published in REALTOR Magazine. This practical, one-of-a-kind guide is perfect for learning the business of real estate and perfecting the best and most effective tactics and techniques for helping your real estate career and business grow.

The 1% and the Rest of Us: A Political Economy of Dominant Ownership

by Tim Di Muzio

While the Occupy movement faces many strategic and organizational challenges, one of its major accomplishments has been to draw global attention to the massive disparity of income, wealth and privilege held by 1% of the population in nations across the world. In The 1% and the Rest of Us, Tim Di Muzio explores what it means to be part of a socio-economic order presided over by the super-rich and their political servants.Incorporating provocative and original arguments about philanthropy, social wealth and the political role of the super-rich, Di Muzio reveals how the 1% are creating a world unto themselves in which the accumulation of ever more money is really a symbolic drive to control society and the natural environment.

The 1% and the Rest of Us: A Political Economy of Dominant Ownership

by Tim Di Muzio

While the Occupy movement faces many strategic and organizational challenges, one of its major accomplishments has been to draw global attention to the massive disparity of income, wealth and privilege held by 1% of the population in nations across the world. In The 1% and the Rest of Us, Tim Di Muzio explores what it means to be part of a socio-economic order presided over by the super-rich and their political servants.Incorporating provocative and original arguments about philanthropy, social wealth and the political role of the super-rich, Di Muzio reveals how the 1% are creating a world unto themselves in which the accumulation of ever more money is really a symbolic drive to control society and the natural environment.

The 1 Day Refund: Take Back Time, Spend it Wisely

by Donna McGeorge

GAIN MORE TIME FOR WHAT YOU LOVE Are you constantly juggling multiple tasks and operating at 100 per cent or more? Do you feel you are permanently on the treadmill and can’t get off? If you needed extra capacity for something urgent, could you find it? In The 1-Day Refund, best-selling author and time management expert Donna McGeorge shows you how to recover an extra 15 per cent of your time—10 minutes per hour, 1 hour per day or a full day each week—to think, breathe, live and work. By creating more space, you’ll discover a new ability to focus on what’s truly important to you. In this book, you’ll also: Learn to achieve more by doing less and create more space across all areas of your life Stop being at the mercy of other people’s agendas and learn to say ‘no’ when you truly don’t have time. Develop your capacity to cope with change and unpredictability and rid yourself of that feeling of overwhelm A fantastic resource for middle managers, supervisors, and those on the frontlines of work, school, sports, and family, The 1 Day Refund is one of the best investments any busy person can make. With The 1-Day Refund, you’ll be on your way to getting back a full day, so you can take advantage of any opportunity that comes your way. The 1-Day Refund is the third book in Donna McGeorge’s It’s About Time series. With The 25-Minute Meeting, you’ll learn to give your meetings purpose and stop them wasting your time; with The First 2 Hours, you’ll find the best time of the day to do your most productive work; and with The 1-Day Refund, you’ll discover how to give yourself the extra capacity to think, breathe, live and work.

The 1 Day Refund: Take Back Time, Spend it Wisely

by Donna McGeorge

GAIN MORE TIME FOR WHAT YOU LOVE Are you constantly juggling multiple tasks and operating at 100 per cent or more? Do you feel you are permanently on the treadmill and can’t get off? If you needed extra capacity for something urgent, could you find it? In The 1-Day Refund, best-selling author and time management expert Donna McGeorge shows you how to recover an extra 15 per cent of your time—10 minutes per hour, 1 hour per day or a full day each week—to think, breathe, live and work. By creating more space, you’ll discover a new ability to focus on what’s truly important to you. In this book, you’ll also: Learn to achieve more by doing less and create more space across all areas of your life Stop being at the mercy of other people’s agendas and learn to say ‘no’ when you truly don’t have time. Develop your capacity to cope with change and unpredictability and rid yourself of that feeling of overwhelm A fantastic resource for middle managers, supervisors, and those on the frontlines of work, school, sports, and family, The 1 Day Refund is one of the best investments any busy person can make. With The 1-Day Refund, you’ll be on your way to getting back a full day, so you can take advantage of any opportunity that comes your way. The 1-Day Refund is the third book in Donna McGeorge’s It’s About Time series. With The 25-Minute Meeting, you’ll learn to give your meetings purpose and stop them wasting your time; with The First 2 Hours, you’ll find the best time of the day to do your most productive work; and with The 1-Day Refund, you’ll discover how to give yourself the extra capacity to think, breathe, live and work.

1% Leadership: Master the Small, Daily Improvements that Set Great Leaders Apart

by Andy Ellis

One of the most well-known and experienced cybersecurity leaders shares dozens of lessons and observations that anyone, at any stage of their career, can use to create a work culture of continuous improvement and strong leadership. Leadership development speaker & consultant Andy Ellis is the former CSO of Akamai, where he contributed to the creation of Akamai's billion‑dollar cybersecurity business. He now brings his speaking, consulting, and business knowledge to readers with 1% Leadership—based on the reality that real-world leadership is messy and complicated; it rarely fits into an acronym or a dogmatic overarching philosophy. Ellis says that there are no &“irrefutable laws&” of leadership or power; there is no secret. As a result, 1% Leadership does not provide one path to leadership—it provides dozens of practical lessons that anyone, at any stage of their career, can use continuously make tiny &“1% at a time&” improvements. 1% Leadership is a handy guidebook that business readers can regularly apply to identify blind spots, boost morale (both personal and among teams and organizations), and solve problems at work. Readers can spend a few minutes each Monday morning to focus on one lesson for their leadership development—perhaps that lesson only improves their performance by 1%; but it&’s those accumulated 1% improvements that separate the best leaders from everyone else. Lessons include: To engage in the present, be of two minds about the future. Worrying about failure will make success even more unlikely. Only by engaging in the present with that worry set aside can we find the path to success. Four days of great work now are rarely more important than four months of good work down the road. Show that long-term wellness matters. Performance development should be applied to every person on your team. Rather than treating the performance process as a way to identify and document poor performers, create a process that aims to improve and develop every person on your team.

$1 Million for Life: How to Make It, Manage It, Maximise It

by Ashley Ormond

Want to build wealth that will last you a lifetime? Then $1 Million for Life is the book for you! In this step-by-step guide to financial freedom, investor and best-selling author Ashley Ormond outlines dozens of practical ways to increase your wealth by tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, of dollars. It doesn’t matter how much you earn -- it’s what you do with the money you have that makes the difference. Inside you’ll learn how to: save money and pay off debts quickly use low-cost, tax-effective ways to invest in shares invest in residential and commercial property maximise the performance of your superannuation protect your investment plans and your lifestyle. There are no get-rich-quick schemes or trading systems -- just practical steps almost anybody can take. $1 Million for Life gives you the tools to build enough wealth so you can start doing what you really want to do for the rest of your life.

The $1 Million Reason to Change Your Mind

by Pat Mesiti

What is the $1 million reason to change your mind? Change the way you think and you will change your world. Simple. In this book Pat Mesiti will teach you how to shrug off the shackles of mediocrity, find your inner millionaire and think differently about life and money -- and get rich and happy along the way! "Soak up what Pat Mesiti has to say -- all he wants to do is share his prosperity and teach you about the millionaire mindset. Then, apply it to your life and watch it improve. Simple as that." —Mark Victor Hansen, co-creator, #1 New York Times best-selling series Chicken Soup for the Soul and co-author of Cracking the Millionaire Code and The One Minute Millionaire "Pat Mesiti is dedicated to unlocking the potential inside of people, and opening up their minds to a more rewarding, fulfilling and prosperous future. And in this book he shows you how." —Allan Pease, #1 best-selling author and international speaker "This excellent and highly recommended book will make you laugh, cry, feel encouraged and forever change your life for the better." —Steve McKnight, #1 best-selling author and founder of

The $1 Million Reason to Change Your Mind

by Pat Mesiti

What is the $1 million reason to change your mind? Change the way you think and you will change your world. Simple. In this book Pat Mesiti will teach you how to shrug off the shackles of mediocrity, find your inner millionaire and think differently about life and money -- and get rich and happy along the way! "Soak up what Pat Mesiti has to say -- all he wants to do is share his prosperity and teach you about the millionaire mindset. Then, apply it to your life and watch it improve. Simple as that." —Mark Victor Hansen, co-creator, #1 New York Times best-selling series Chicken Soup for the Soul and co-author of Cracking the Millionaire Code and The One Minute Millionaire "Pat Mesiti is dedicated to unlocking the potential inside of people, and opening up their minds to a more rewarding, fulfilling and prosperous future. And in this book he shows you how." —Allan Pease, #1 best-selling author and international speaker "This excellent and highly recommended book will make you laugh, cry, feel encouraged and forever change your life for the better." —Steve McKnight, #1 best-selling author and founder of

10,000 NOs: How to Overcome Rejection on the Way to Your YES

by Matthew Del Negro

Learn how to persevere and pivot to achieve your goals from a celebrated Hollywood actor 10,000 NOs: How to Overcome Rejection on the Way to Your YES  chronicles actor Matthew Del Negro’s tough journey from humble beginnings, through a sea of rejections, on the way to his eventual rise to become a recognizable face on some of history's most acclaimed television shows. Along the way, he learned hard lessons about perseverance, persistence, and resilience. Teaching readers how to make it through the tough times and deal with massive uncertainty by retaining the flexibility to change course and pivot to follow your passion, Del Negro explains how to achieve success in even the most competitive industries. The book, which delves into his personal story from Division I athlete to his professional dream of becoming an actor without any show business connections, shares the wisdom and knowledge Del Negro has gained from both his failures and successes in one of America’s most competitive industries: professional acting.  Amidst his own stories from life and acting, Del Negro weaves anecdotes and quotes from interviews he has had with a wide range of inspirational people from all walks of life on his popular podcast, 10,000 NOs. The list of high-achievers includes professional athletes, bestselling authors, Forbes list entrepreneurs, cancer survivors, Hollywood elite, and more. His celebrated and top-ranked podcast in the U.S., Canada, and Australia, continues to inspire others to keep going even when their progress seems infinitesimally slow.

10,000 NOs: How to Overcome Rejection on the Way to Your YES

by Matthew Del Negro

Learn how to persevere and pivot to achieve your goals from a celebrated Hollywood actor 10,000 NOs: How to Overcome Rejection on the Way to Your YES  chronicles actor Matthew Del Negro’s tough journey from humble beginnings, through a sea of rejections, on the way to his eventual rise to become a recognizable face on some of history's most acclaimed television shows. Along the way, he learned hard lessons about perseverance, persistence, and resilience. Teaching readers how to make it through the tough times and deal with massive uncertainty by retaining the flexibility to change course and pivot to follow your passion, Del Negro explains how to achieve success in even the most competitive industries. The book, which delves into his personal story from Division I athlete to his professional dream of becoming an actor without any show business connections, shares the wisdom and knowledge Del Negro has gained from both his failures and successes in one of America’s most competitive industries: professional acting.  Amidst his own stories from life and acting, Del Negro weaves anecdotes and quotes from interviews he has had with a wide range of inspirational people from all walks of life on his popular podcast, 10,000 NOs. The list of high-achievers includes professional athletes, bestselling authors, Forbes list entrepreneurs, cancer survivors, Hollywood elite, and more. His celebrated and top-ranked podcast in the U.S., Canada, and Australia, continues to inspire others to keep going even when their progress seems infinitesimally slow.

The 10 Cardinal Sins of Leadership: What Thought Leaders Must Never Do to Succeed in High-Risk Environments

by Casey J. Bedgood

Why do some leaders succeed and others fail? Is there a magic ingredient that the leaders must consider in their career journey to ensure the joy ride does not turn into a nightmare? What is the key to maximizing leaders' success in ways that are sustainable long term? The purpose of this book is to provide a simple road map for leaders, aspiring leaders, students, and anyone interested in the art of leadership to succeed in high-risk environments. Often, leaders don’t know what they don’t know. One main culprit is the lack of assessing, measuring, analyzing, and addressing risk. Simply put, we don’t know what we don’t measure. What is not known can and will eventually harm leaders, organizations, and their customers. Change is the new normal and only constant. As change grows, so does risk. Risk can be a friend or foe to thought leaders. It all depends on perspective, insight, and knowledge. Ignorance is never bliss, and leaders must leverage knowledge to mitigate risks at every turn. In The 10 Cardinal Sins of Leadership: What Thought Leaders Must Never Do to Succeed in High-Risk Environments, readers will learn: How to identify, measure, analyze, and address various types of risk How to determine if risk is a friend or a foe Strategic planning concepts that will allow leaders to magnify, plan for, leverage, and marginalize risks long term Methods to ensure that inclusion efforts do not become overly exclusive, thus excluding key stakeholders and creating new levels of organizational risk Techniques for looking back at organizational yesteryears to create a high-performing journey map for the road ahead The value of perspective – how we view things determines how we respond or wait to be disrupted unknowingly

The 10 Cardinal Sins of Leadership: What Thought Leaders Must Never Do to Succeed in High-Risk Environments

by Casey J. Bedgood

Why do some leaders succeed and others fail? Is there a magic ingredient that the leaders must consider in their career journey to ensure the joy ride does not turn into a nightmare? What is the key to maximizing leaders' success in ways that are sustainable long term? The purpose of this book is to provide a simple road map for leaders, aspiring leaders, students, and anyone interested in the art of leadership to succeed in high-risk environments. Often, leaders don’t know what they don’t know. One main culprit is the lack of assessing, measuring, analyzing, and addressing risk. Simply put, we don’t know what we don’t measure. What is not known can and will eventually harm leaders, organizations, and their customers. Change is the new normal and only constant. As change grows, so does risk. Risk can be a friend or foe to thought leaders. It all depends on perspective, insight, and knowledge. Ignorance is never bliss, and leaders must leverage knowledge to mitigate risks at every turn. In The 10 Cardinal Sins of Leadership: What Thought Leaders Must Never Do to Succeed in High-Risk Environments, readers will learn: How to identify, measure, analyze, and address various types of risk How to determine if risk is a friend or a foe Strategic planning concepts that will allow leaders to magnify, plan for, leverage, and marginalize risks long term Methods to ensure that inclusion efforts do not become overly exclusive, thus excluding key stakeholders and creating new levels of organizational risk Techniques for looking back at organizational yesteryears to create a high-performing journey map for the road ahead The value of perspective – how we view things determines how we respond or wait to be disrupted unknowingly

The 10-Day MBA: A step-by-step guide to mastering the skills taught in top business schools

by Steven Silbiger

'Anyone who has ever wished they attended a top-ten MBA school now has an alternative. Silbiger's The 10-Day MBA. It distils the basics of a top MBA programme. It's interesting, informative and certainly cheaper. I recommend it!' Tom Fischgrund, author of The Insider's Guide to the Top Ten Business SchoolsA business classic, The 10-Day MBA provides an invaluable guide for all the people who do not have the time or resources to take a full-time business degree, or who require a short revision aid. Internationally acclaimed, this carefully structured and easy-to-read course will enable you to understand the concepts and jargon used in the business world without having to leave your desk. Here is your chance to become familiar with the key tools and theories taught at Harvard and Stanford and other leading business schools - in just ten days!

The 10% Entrepreneur: Live Your Dream Without Quitting Your Day Job

by Patrick J. McGinnis

Start something new, develop your career and diversify your skills - without giving up your day jobYou want to launch a business, try something new and make yourself more employable, but you don't want to lose the security of your job. You no longer have to choose. Instead, become a 10% entrepreneur. In The 10% Entrepreneur, Patrick J. McGinnis shows you how to integrate entrepreneurship into your life by investing 10% of your time and, if possible, 10% of your capital into side projects. You will generate more income, discover new opportunities, sharpen your skills - and get the life you've always wanted.

10 Erfolgstipps für Berufseinsteiger: Ein persönlicher Ratgeber für den Jobstart und die ersten Berufsjahre

by Tamara Schrammel

Dieser Ratgeber vermittelt die 10 wichtigsten Erfolgsfaktoren rund um den Berufseinstieg und die ersten Berufsjahre. Besonders wertvoll sind die persönlichen Erfahrungen der Autorin, die angesichts der Erfolge und Misserfolge ihrer eigenen ersten Berufsjahre in großen internationalen Unternehmen ein Fazit zieht und ihre Erkenntnisse und Beobachtungen offen teilt. Mit diesem Wissens- und Erfahrungsvorsprung gelingt es jedem, den Karrierestart erfolgreich zu meistern und die eigenen beruflichen Weichen von Anfang an richtig zu stellen. Der Leser profitiert in diesem Buch von Insiderwissen und Karriere-Alltagswissen, dass so in Schule, Ausbildung und Studium nicht gelehrt wird. Ein Must-read für den erfolgreichen Karrierestart.

10 Essentials for High Performance Quality in the 21st Century

by Diomidis H. Stamatis

As a society, we tend to reward problem solvers, rather than those who prevent problems at their source. In other words, we focus on after-the-fact occurrences (appraisal activities) instead of trying to eliminate these occurrences (preventing activities). Discussing and evaluating the core requirements of quality efficiency and improvement, 10 Essentials for High Performance Quality in the 21st Century proposes an approach to help shift the paradigm of quality from appraisal mode to preventing mode.Identifying 10 steps readers can follow to optimize the quality of products and improve customer satisfaction, the book explains the rationale behind each of the steps in separate chapters. It addresses specific quality issues in six different sectors of the economy and provides statistics, tables, and figures from various organizations that support the need for a paradigm shift.Outlining a systematic process to guide your organization along the path toward improvement, the book covers risk and quality, multicultural management, empowerment, error analysis, team building, advanced quality planning, and quality operating systems. The accompanying CD provides tips and tools to help you implement all the necessary improvement initiatives under the umbrella of quality.

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