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Showing 4,476 through 4,500 of 13,356 results

German Grand Prix Circuit (large print)

by Rnib

This is a labelled a diagram of the German Grand Prix circuit (the Nurburgring). There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the correct way up. The circuit is represented by a heavy dashed line. Each bend on the circuit is marked with a number, which is referenced in the key with the name of the bend. Some other features are labelled on the diagram. There is a North arrow and a scale down the page from it on the bottom right. The start and finish line is on the centre left of the page and is represented by a small rectangle with a chequered pattern.

German Grand Prix Circuit (UEB contracted)

by Rnib

This is a labelled a diagram of the German Grand Prix circuit (the Nurburgring). There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the correct way up. The circuit is represented by a heavy dashed line. Each bend on the circuit is marked with a number, which is referenced in the key with the name of the bend. Some other features are labelled on the diagram. There is a North arrow and a scale down the page from it on the bottom right. The start and finish line is on the centre left of the page and is represented by a small rectangle with a chequered pattern.

German Grand Prix Circuit (UEB uncontracted)

by Rnib

This is a labelled a diagram of the German Grand Prix circuit (the Nurburgring). There is a locator dot shown, which will be at the top left of the page when the image is the correct way up. The circuit is represented by a heavy dashed line. Each bend on the circuit is marked with a number, which is referenced in the key with the name of the bend. Some other features are labelled on the diagram. There is a North arrow and a scale down the page from it on the bottom right. The start and finish line is on the centre left of the page and is represented by a small rectangle with a chequered pattern.

Gerrard: My Autobiography

by Steven Gerrard

Steven Gerrard is a hero to millions, not only as the inspirational captain of Liverpool FC, but as a key member of the England team. Here, for the first time, he tells the story of his lifelong obsession with football, in an honest and revealing book which captures the extraordinary camaraderie, the soul-destroying tensions and the high-octane thrills of the modern game as never before.Born in the Liverpool suburb of Huyton in 1980, Steven first joined Liverpool as a YTS trainee and played his first game for the first team aged just 18. His career has gone from strength to strength ever since and he is now the team's captain and its lynchpin. Liverpool's incredible comeback in the Champions' League final in Istanbul in May 2005, recovering from a 3-goal deficit against AC Milan to win on penalties, is testament to the amazing power Gerrard has over his team. His presence on the pitch is a force to be reckoned with and places him amongst the very first rank of players in the world.A relatively private figure, Steven has rarely spoken out in public. Now, his legions of fans will be allowed an intimate glimpse of what makes their hero tick. He speaks for the first time about the torturous will-he-won't-he Chelsea rumours and his undying passion for Liverpool. We experience first-hand the highs of winning in Istanbul and elsewhere, as well as the occasional lows of being parted from his much-loved family and friends. And of course, the book contains a full blow-by-blow account of England's world cup campaign in Germany 2006.Steven Gerrard's book is the definitive football autobiography. Like its subject, it's honest, passionate and exhilarating. If Steven Gerrard isn't your hero yet, by the time you've read this he will be...

Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt im und durch Sport: Bildung für Vielfalt und Nachhaltige Entwicklung (Bildung und Sport #25)

by Petra Gieß-Stüber Berndt Tausch

Gesellschaften, die durch globale Entwicklungen, Migration und sozialen Wandel geprägt sind, stehen vor Herausforderungen, die den Zusammenhalt und Nachhaltige Entwicklung beeinflussen. Das Buch bietet eine Sammlung von Fachtexten, die aus sozialwissenschaftlichen, psychologischen und migrationspädagogischen Ansätzen abgeleitet sind. Für Akteur*innen der Sportpolitik definiert es strukturelle Voraussetzungen für ein ganzheitliches sportbezogenes Bildungsverständnis. Pädagog*innen in unterschiedlichen Sportsettings erhalten wichtige Impulse, um Bildungsprozesse systematisch anzuregen und gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt durch Sport zu fördern. Wenn der Sport eine Ressource für soziale Kontakte, die Erfahrung von Zugehörigkeit und erfülltes Freizeitleben für Alle sein soll, dann sind transformatorische Prozesse notwendig. Die Beiträge zeigen auf, wie durch Organisationsentwicklung, Netzwerke und Bildungslandschaften, vielfaltsgerechte Sportdidaktik sowie durch Qualifizierung im Kontext von Sport for Development (SfD)-Programmen die Transformation gelingen kann.

Gesundheit in Sportunterricht und Sportlehrerbildung: Bestandsaufnahme, Intervention und Evaluation im Projekt ‚‘ (Bildung und Sport #21)

by Ralf Sygusch Hans Peter Brandl-Bredenbeck Susanne Tittlbach Katharina Ptack Clemens Töpfer

Der Band bietet qualitative und quantitative Befunde zum Thema Gesundheit in Sportunterricht und Lehrerbildung im Fach Sport. Das Projekt ‚‘ zielt auf eine nachhaltige Entwicklung der sportbezogenen Gesundheitskompetenz von Schülerinnen und Schülern. Dazu spannt das Projekt den Bogen vom Sportunterricht über die universitäre Sportlehrerbildung bis zum Vorbereitungsdienst. Im ersten Schritt wird eine Bestandsaufnahme zur Umsetzung des Themas Gesundheit in Sportunterricht und Sportlehrerbildung vorgenommen. Die anschließende Intervention folgt dem partizipativen Ansatz der Kooperativen Planung, in der alle beteiligten Stakeholder eines Settings involviert werden, um gemeinsam eine nachhaltige Implementation zu gewährleisten. Konzeption, Durchführung und Wirksamkeit der Intervention werden systematisch evaluiert.

Gesundheit systematisch fördern: Von der Absicht zur Realisierung (essentials)

by Wolfgang Schlicht

Wolfgang Schlicht stellt in diesem essential die wesentlichen Erkenntnisse der Implementierungsforschung vor. Er zeigt die Komplexität von Interventionen auf, die gesundes Verhalten aufbauen, riskantes Verhalten reduzieren oder das Gesundheitsverhalten behindernde Umweltbarrieren beseitigen wollen. Um die Wahrscheinlichkeit ihrer Wirkung zu erhöhen und vorhandene Ressourcen effizient zu nutzen, sollten sie systematisch erfolgen. Die methodischen Hintergründe, die notwendigen Werkzeuge und erforderlichen Schritte des komplexen Intervenierens werden in diesem essential in ihren Grundzügen erläutert.

Gesundheitsförderung systematisch planen und effektiv intervenieren

by Wolfgang Schlicht Marcus Zinsmeister

Mit diesem Lehrbuch verschaffen Sie sich den erforderlichen Über- und notwendigen Einblick. Sie lernen systematisch vorzugehen. Sie erfahren alles, was Sie zum Entscheiden, zur Relevanz von Theorien, zu Instrumenten der Gesundheitsförderung, zur Planung, Evaluation und zum Socialmarketing wissen müssen.Elf Kapitel und ein Anhang zu onlinebasierten Arbeits- und Planungshilfen zeigen eindrucksvoll, wie komplex die Praxis der Gesundheitsförderung ist und wie sie systematisch und zielgerichtet gelingt.Für Masterstudierende der Gesundheitswissenschaften (z.B. Public Health, Sportwissenschaften, Gesundheitsmanagement), Arbeits- und Sozialmediziner/innen und für Akteure in der Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung ist es ein Muss und sollte in keiner Bibliothek fehlen.

Gesundheitspsychologie: Eine Einführung – kompakt, prägnant und anwendungsorientiert (Angewandte Psychologie Kompakt)

by Peter Michael Bak

Dieses prägnante Lehrbuch aus der Lehrbuchreihe Angewandte Psychologie Kompakt enthält die wichtigsten psychologischen Theorien und Konzepte rund um das Trendthema Gesundheitspsychologie. Es ist speziell für Studierende konzipiert, die sich einen schnellen und eingängigen Überblick über die Thematik sowie einen starken Praxisbezug wünschen. Die sorgfältige Didaktik, Klausurfragen, digitale Zusatzmaterialien und Zusammenfassungen stellen eine optimale Grundlage für das Verstehen des Lehrstoffes und die Prüfungsvorbereitung im Bereich der Gesundheitspsychologie dar. Durch zahlreiche Anwendungsbeispiele, Reflexionsfragen, eingebundene Audioclips und Online-Zusatzmaterialien ist es in einzigartiger Weise anwendungsorientiert und weckt dadurch Lust, das Gelernte gedanklich weiterzuentwickeln und in verschiedensten Kontexten umzusetzen. Zusätzlich sind Fragen und Antworten zum Selbsttest über die SN Flashcards Lern-App inkludiert. Der Zugangscode befindet sich im gedruckten Buch.

Get Big: The beginners guide to building muscle & burning fat without the nonsense

by Marcel Eniu

Author, personal trainer and coach Marcel Eniu is an expert in muscle building and weight loss. With fifteen years experience in the fitness industry, Marcel has supported numerous clients working towards achieving their fitness goals and improving their self-esteem. This is his first book and is designed around his expert fitness plans which can help everyone from gym novices and experienced trainers to hit their body targets.

Get Fishing: the 'how to' guide to Coarse, Sea and Fly fishing

by Allan Sefton

The next five years will see a massive national drive on the part of the Angling Trust and the Environment Agency to get everyone out there fishing, from inner cities to remote villages, from local ponds and upland steams to beaches. This colourful, lively book is aimed at complete beginners of all ages, and those who have been out fishing a couple of times and want to take it further. It outlines what you need to know to experience the joy of getting out there, alone or with family and friends, and enjoying a day or an afternoon fishing – and catching, whether it’s mackerel, pike or trout. The book is endorsed by the Angling Trust and their Get Fishing campaign. It has everything a beginner would need to know about the basics: species, tackle, bait, tactics and watercraft.

Get Her Off the Pitch!: How Sport Took Over My Life

by Lynne Truss

From the bestselling author of Eats, Shoots and Leaves, a hilarious new book from Lynne Truss about her strange journey through the world of sport and sports journalism.

Get in the Game: An Interactive Introduction to Sports Analytics

by Tim Chartier

An award-winning math popularizer, who has advised the US Olympic Committee, NFL, and NBA, offers sports fans a new way to understand truly improbable feats in their favorite games. In 2013, NBA point guard Steph Curry wowed crowds when he sunk 11 out of 13 three-pointers for a game total of 54 points—only seven other players, including Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant, had scored more in a game at Madison Square Garden. Four years later, the University of Connecticut women’s basketball team won its hundredth straight game, defeating South Carolina 66–55. And in 2010, one forecaster—an octopus named Paul—correctly predicted the outcome of all of Germany’s matches in the FIFA World Cup. These are surprising events—but are they truly improbable? In Get in the Game, mathematician and sports analytics expert Tim Chartier helps us answer that question—condensing complex mathematics down to coin tosses and dice throws to give readers both an introduction to statistics and a new way to enjoy sporting events. With these accessible tools, Chartier leads us through modeling experiments that develop our intuitive sense of the improbable. For example, to see how likely you are to beat Curry’s three-pointer feat, consider his 45.3 percent three-point shooting average in 2012–13. Take a coin and assume heads is making the shot (slightly better than Curry at a fifty percent chance). Can you imagine getting heads eleven out of thirteen times? With engaging exercises and fun, comic book–style illustrations by Ansley Earle, Chartier’s book encourages all readers—including those who have never encountered formal statistics or data simulations, or even heard of sports analytics, but who enjoy watching sports—to get in the game.

Get in the Game: An Interactive Introduction to Sports Analytics

by Tim Chartier

An award-winning math popularizer, who has advised the US Olympic Committee, NFL, and NBA, offers sports fans a new way to understand truly improbable feats in their favorite games. In 2013, NBA point guard Steph Curry wowed crowds when he sunk 11 out of 13 three-pointers for a game total of 54 points—only seven other players, including Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant, had scored more in a game at Madison Square Garden. Four years later, the University of Connecticut women’s basketball team won its hundredth straight game, defeating South Carolina 66–55. And in 2010, one forecaster—an octopus named Paul—correctly predicted the outcome of all of Germany’s matches in the FIFA World Cup. These are surprising events—but are they truly improbable? In Get in the Game, mathematician and sports analytics expert Tim Chartier helps us answer that question—condensing complex mathematics down to coin tosses and dice throws to give readers both an introduction to statistics and a new way to enjoy sporting events. With these accessible tools, Chartier leads us through modeling experiments that develop our intuitive sense of the improbable. For example, to see how likely you are to beat Curry’s three-pointer feat, consider his 45.3 percent three-point shooting average in 2012–13. Take a coin and assume heads is making the shot (slightly better than Curry at a fifty percent chance). Can you imagine getting heads eleven out of thirteen times? With engaging exercises and fun, comic book–style illustrations by Ansley Earle, Chartier’s book encourages all readers—including those who have never encountered formal statistics or data simulations, or even heard of sports analytics, but who enjoy watching sports—to get in the game.

Get Into Running: Teach Yourself (Teach Yourself)

by Sara Kirkham

Get into Running will enable you to enjoy a managable training programme that fits into your lifestyle. It will improve your technique, focus your mind and inspire a nutritious diet. Packed full of essential advice on everything from kit and route planning to technique and psychology, this invaluable guide will motivate you take up running...and stick with it.NOT GOT MUCH TIME?One, five and ten-minute introductions to key principles to get you started.AUTHOR INSIGHTSLots of instant help with common problems and quick tips for success, based on the authors' many years of experience.TEST YOURSELFTests in the book and online to keep track of your progress.EXTEND YOUR KNOWLEDGEExtra online articles at to give you a richer understanding of running.THINGS TO REMEMBERQuick refreshers to help you remember the key facts.

Get It On: How the ’70s Rocked Football

by Jon Spurling

Get It On description “Sheer joy!” – Patrick Barclay “Fascinating, funny and poignant.” – Henry Winter “Brilliant, non-judgemental, superbly researched and anecdote-laden.” – Guillem Balagué “Wonderfully evocative.” – Michael Cox, The Athletic “Cracking tales from the terraces amid betrayal in the boardrooms.” – Tim Marshall, author of “Dirty Northern B*st*rds!” and Other Tales from the Terraces: The Story of Britain’s Football Chants “If 1970s football is due a reappraisal, Get It On is an exhilarating place to start.” – Tom Lines, When Saturday Comes *** Four years after the crowning glory of 1966 and a decade after the abolition of the maximum wage, a brash new era dawned in English football. As the 1970s took hold, a new generation of larger-than-life footballers and managers came to dominate the sport, appearing on television sets in vivid technicolour for the first time. Set against a backdrop of three-day weeks, strikes, political unrest, freezing winters and glam rock, Get It On tells the intriguing inside story of how commercialism, innovation, racism and hooliganism rocked the national game in the 1970s. Charting the emergence of Brian Clough, Bob Paisley and Kevin Keegan, and the fall of George Best, Alf Ramsey and Don Revie, this fascinating footballing fiesta traces the highs and lows of an evolutionary and revolutionary era for the beautiful game. Jon Spurling has been interviewing footballers for twenty-five years, including legends George Best and Jack Charlton, European Cup-winning captains Emlyn Hughes and John McGovern and pioneering black footballers Cyrille Regis and Brendon Batson. Get It On presents these heroes of the era in their unvarnished and uncompromising glory and explores how the 1970s was the most groundbreaking decade in English football history.

Get on your bike: Stay Safe, Get Fit And Be Happy Cycling

by Rebecca Charlton

This book isn't like other cycling books. It's not designed to help you shave seconds off your time trial, help you corner like a pro, or eat like an Olympic athlete. It's not trying to get you into racing, nor make you the next Tour de France riderWhat it will do is show you how to choose the right bike, what to wear, how to cycle safely so that you will feel confident making cycling part of your everyday life and how to keep your bike going. But as well as this, you will learn how to use the bike as a fitness and wellness tool – to make you slimmer, fitter, healthier and altogether happier. You'll feel better about yourself and have more energy throughout the day, increase your productivity, happiness and reduce stress.

Get on Your Bike!: Stay safe, get fit and be happy cycling

by Rebecca Charlton Robert Hicks Hannah Reynolds

This book isn't like other cycling books. It's not designed to help you shave seconds off your time trial, help you corner like a pro, or eat like an Olympic athlete. It's not trying to get you into racing, nor make you the next Tour de France riderWhat it will do is show you how to choose the right bike, what to wear, how to cycle safely so that you will feel confident making cycling part of your everyday life and how to keep your bike going. But as well as this, you will learn how to use the bike as a fitness and wellness tool – to make you slimmer, fitter, healthier and altogether happier. You'll feel better about yourself and have more energy throughout the day, increase your productivity, happiness and reduce stress.

Get Physical! An Inclusive, Therapeutic PE Programme to Develop Motor Skills (PDF)

by Lois Addy

Lois Addy has designed an inclusive PE scheme for all children, with focused support for those with specific motor difficulties. It covers the National Curriculum in a fun and enjoyable way and helps to integrate PE with other aspects of learning.

Getter And Getter-Ion Vacuum Pumps

by Georgii L. Saksaganskii

This unique monograph discusses all aspects of the design and operation of electrophysical ultrahigh-vacuum pumps (EUVP). The adsorption-diffusion model of interaction of gas molecules with metal getters is presented, together with getter films sorption characteristics. A mathematical model of molecular transfer in electrophysical pumps and the principles and criteria of their energy and structural-geometrical optimization are proposed; and the physical processes in the pumps are analyzed during the pumping out of both active and inert gases. Also presented are the generic and specific pump parameters and the methods of calculating their main characteristics. Of special interest are discussions of the design, structure, and operational featuress of evaporation getter and ion-getter pumps with thermal deposition of getter films; EUVP with plasma evaporation; sputter-ion pumps with and without built-in evaporators; pumping out methods based on nonevaporable getters; and impantation, membrane and catalytic pumps. This book will appeal to experts and students in experimental physics, electronics, fusion accelerator techniques and electrophysical and vacuum apparatus design.

Getter And Getter-Ion Vacuum Pumps

by Georgii L. Saksaganskii

This unique monograph discusses all aspects of the design and operation of electrophysical ultrahigh-vacuum pumps (EUVP). The adsorption-diffusion model of interaction of gas molecules with metal getters is presented, together with getter films sorption characteristics. A mathematical model of molecular transfer in electrophysical pumps and the principles and criteria of their energy and structural-geometrical optimization are proposed; and the physical processes in the pumps are analyzed during the pumping out of both active and inert gases. Also presented are the generic and specific pump parameters and the methods of calculating their main characteristics. Of special interest are discussions of the design, structure, and operational featuress of evaporation getter and ion-getter pumps with thermal deposition of getter films; EUVP with plasma evaporation; sputter-ion pumps with and without built-in evaporators; pumping out methods based on nonevaporable getters; and impantation, membrane and catalytic pumps. This book will appeal to experts and students in experimental physics, electronics, fusion accelerator techniques and electrophysical and vacuum apparatus design.

Getting Started at Fly Fishing for Trout

by Allan Sefton

In this practical, easy-to-understand guide, Allan Sefton explains everything a new fly fisher needs to know.He covers modern fishing tackle, up-to-the-minute methods, how to develop the correct technical skills, right through to preparing and cooking the catch. He'll help you to understand why techniques work and how to avoid the pitfalls. Gain insight into the world of the trout and understand why they behave as they do.

Getting to Know Your Cells

by Leslie Saucedo

This book acts as a field-guide for human cells. The book’s unique structure first separates cells by what makes them distinctive, and then examines the essential “tools and parts” needed for both the cells’ specialized function, and also the basic mechanisms that are shared with most other cells. The chapters highlight interactions between multiple cell types, exploring areas such as immunology and cancer to exemplify the complex coordination of cells, as well as the manipulation of normal cell interactions. This book works as a companion reference for an academic text in cell and molecular science, and will be of general interest to anyone who wants to learn more about how cells work and interact.

The Ghost: In Search of My Father the Football Legend

by Rob White Julie Welch

When Spurs legend John White was killed by a bolt of lightning in 1964, the football world was rocked by the tragedy. He was just 27 years of age.Nicknamed the 'Ghost' for the way that he could drift into space undetected, White played an inspirational role in the great double-winning Tottenham Hotspur side of the early 1960s. Every fan has a story about him. When White died, his son, Rob, was only six months old and so never knew his father. The man who was revered by hundreds of thousands of football fans across the country was a stranger to him. Beyond the grainy Cup Final footage and yellowed newspaper articles, there was so much Rob didn't know, questions he had never had an opportunity to ask. To find answers he set out to speak to White's former teammates, his family and followers, and built up a touching portrait of a gifted young footballer and of a lost era. 'Had John lived, he could have been one of the greatest footballers of all time' Jimmy GreavesWith a new afterword for the paperback.

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