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The Organic Growth Playbook: Activate High-Yield Behaviors To Achieve Extraordinary Results - Every Time (American Marketing Association)

by Bernard Jaworski Bob Lurie

Conventional marketing strategies that focus on product differentiation and positioning often fail to deliver faster growth. Jaworski and Lurie offer a novel approach to the problem of growth based on two simple but profound insights. First, they demonstrate that in every purchase process there are a few high-yield customer behaviors that matter most in determining whether and what customers buy. Second, they show how changing those high-yield customer behaviors can consistently drive faster revenue growth. Drawing on decades of client work, the authors provide a detailed, engaging account of a proven system for accelerating – or even doubling – growth. As evidence of its value, the system has been adopted by a host of Fortune 500 firms as their marketing and growth planning process. This book forms part of the American Marketing Association (AMA) Leadership series: 7 Big Problems of Marketing.

The Organic Growth Playbook: Activate High-Yield Behaviors To Achieve Extraordinary Results - Every Time (American Marketing Association #Vol. 1)

by Bernard Jaworski Bob Lurie

Conventional marketing strategies that focus on product differentiation and positioning often fail to deliver faster growth. Jaworski and Lurie offer a novel approach to the problem of growth based on two simple but profound insights. First, they demonstrate that in every purchase process there are a few high-yield customer behaviors that matter most in determining whether and what customers buy. Second, they show how changing those high-yield customer behaviors can consistently drive faster revenue growth. Drawing on decades of client work, the authors provide a detailed, engaging account of a proven system for accelerating – or even doubling – growth. As evidence of its value, the system has been adopted by a host of Fortune 500 firms as their marketing and growth planning process. This book forms part of the American Marketing Association (AMA) Leadership series: 7 Big Problems of Marketing.

Organic Public Engagement: How Ecological Thinking Transforms Public Engagement with Science

by Adam S. Lerner Pat J. Gehrke

This book advances organic public engagement methods based on ecological thinking. The authors draw on rich multi-disciplinary literature in ecological thinking as well as research from public engagement with science events held over the past several years across the United States. Through this combination of ecology theory and case studies, this book provides both the conceptual foundations and the proven practical applications of public engagement grounded in ecological thinking. It offers engagement scholars an effective and efficient means of carrying out their missions, while simultaneously building a more ecologically valid method for studying actually existing publics.

Organic Public Engagement: How Ecological Thinking Transforms Public Engagement with Science

by Adam S. Lerner Pat J. Gehrke

This book advances organic public engagement methods based on ecological thinking. The authors draw on rich multi-disciplinary literature in ecological thinking as well as research from public engagement with science events held over the past several years across the United States. Through this combination of ecology theory and case studies, this book provides both the conceptual foundations and the proven practical applications of public engagement grounded in ecological thinking. It offers engagement scholars an effective and efficient means of carrying out their missions, while simultaneously building a more ecologically valid method for studying actually existing publics.

Organic Waste Composting through Nexus Thinking: Practices, Policies, and Trends

by Hiroshan Hettiarachchi Serena Caucci Kai Schwärzel

Organic waste composting is another excellent example to demonstrate the power and the benefits of nexus thinking. Even though organic waste composting itself is not a new topic, those who want to start a new project or align an ongoing project with nexus thinking, find it difficult to gather the necessary information. With nine case studies from four continents, this book aims to fill above gap in literature. While current literature on composting is often found to be limited to either soil/agriculture sector or waste management sector, this book presents a combined point of view. This open access book starts with an introductory chapter that describes the need to bring the waste management aspects and soil nutrient management aspects of compost production into one integrated theme. The relevance of nexus thinking and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are also presented in this introduction. The first three chapters after the introduction covers composting from the solid waste management and its policy aspects, taking examples from three developing countries. The next three examples are mostly about the benefits composting can provide to the soil and agriculture. These examples are also from three developing countries, but with a mixture of urban as well as rural settings. Last three chapters present more insight into the latest developments taking examples from Europe, as well as new methods adapted from the traditional styles from Africa.

Organisation 4.0: Masterplan zur prozessorientierten Organisation

by Hartmut F. Binner

Wie Unternehmen die Herausforderungen, mit denen sie konfrontiert sind, erfolgreich managen können, beschreiben unzählige Ratgeber.Dieses Buch stellt im Detail den Weg dorthin, das „Wie“, in den Vordergrund. Der Autor verfolgt dabei einen ganzheitlichen, prozessorientierten Ansatz der Organisationsentwicklung.In dem Buch wird der Weg von einer funktionsorientierten hin zu einer prozessorientierten Organisation detailliert und anhand von vielen Anwendungsbeispielen beschrieben. Der Autor stellt Modelle, Methoden, Vorgehensweisen und Tools für die Umsetzung vor. Das MITO-Modell mit seinem Methoden-Tool als generischem Methodenbaukasten wird umfassend erläutert. Bezugspunkt für das Changemanagement ist dabei nicht die vertikale, also hierarchische Organisationsstruktur, sondern, ausgehend von einer rollenbasierten Ordnungsstruktur, die horizontale Wertschöpfungskette. Erst aus dieser detaillierten rollenbasierten Beschreibung des End-to-End-Businessprozesseses ergeben sich die Prozessaufgaben und Prozessverantwortlichkeiten. Dies wiederum ermöglicht eine hohe Datendurchgängigkeit für die Prozessdigitalisierung mit neuen Technologien wie Cloud Computing, Enterprise Mobility, Social Business, Big Data in der Organisation 4.0.In dem Buch werden alle Fragen rund um das gemeinsame Führungsverständnis in einer prozessorientierten Organisation besprochen. Auch der Aufbau einer gemeinsamen Wissens- und Lernplattform zur Qualifizierung von Führungskräften und Mitarbeitern wird behandelt. Wie lassen sich Prozesse systematisch beschreiben und im Rahmen eines ganzheitlichen Business Process Management (BPM) umsetzen? Wie können funktionsorientierte Veränderungs-, Anforderungs- und Auswirkungsanalysen durch prozessorientierte Analysen ersetzt werden? Wie lässt sich eine prozessorientierte Organisation evaluieren? Das Buch analysiert diese und weitere Fragen systematisch und detailliert und vermittelt Führungskräften nicht nur das notwendige Wissen, sondern auch die Methodenkompetenz, um Changemanagement-Prozesse umzusetzen.Ob Mittelstand oder Großunternehmen – das Buch richtet sich an alle Führungskräfte in Unternehmen, die sich mit Changemanagement auseinandersetzen.

Organisation als Kooperation

by Birger P. Priddat

Organisationen organisieren Kooperation. Das ist ihre entscheidende Leistung. Kooperation heißt: Zusammenarbeit. Hierarchische Formen der Leitung sind nötig, um die verschiedenen, arbeitsteilig zusammengefassten Kompetenzen, die sich auf natürliche Weise nie begegnen würden, in einen Kooperationsmodus zu bringen, der sich von alleine nicht herstellt. Hierarchische Formen der Leitung sind aber zugleich auch vertikale Trennungen und Störungen der Kooperation: Wer nach oben Karriere macht, verlässt den horizontalen Kooperationsmodus. Die Kooperation motiviert zu halten, ist eine Kunst des Managements – umso mehr, je stärker netzwerkartige Formen der Organisation auftreten. Die Organisation als Kooperation nachhaltig zu gewährleisten ist eine permanente Aufgabe, in der die ‚soft factors‘ sich als das Härteste herausstellen.

Organisation der Content-Produktion

by Jörg Sydow Arnold Windeler

"Content is King." Das ist in der Medienindustrie wohl bekannt. Unklarheiten bestehen dagegen bei der Frage, wie heute die Produktion von Content in dieser Branche koordiniert wird. Empirisch greift der Sammelband Fragen digitaler Technik und neuer Modelle der Produktionsorganisation auf. Er widmet sich der digitalen Nachrichtenproduktion, der projektförmigen Herstellung von Unterhaltung durch Fernsehproduzenten außerhalb der Fernsehanstalten sowie der Frage der Substitution von Intermediären durch Peer-to-peer-Systeme bei der Mehrfachverwertung von Content.

Organisation Development in Health Care: Strategic Issues in Health Care Management (Routledge Revivals)

by Huw T.O. Davies Mo Malek

This title was first published in 2002: Health systems across the globe face similar problems: controlling costs while maintaining or improving health care quality and access. Notwithstanding the unprecedented health system reforms of the past decades, many outstanding problems remain in these areas. Drawing on experts from Europe and America this eclectic collection of leading edge research examines the impact of organizational development on improving quality and efficiency in health care. A series of chapters provide accounts of organizational reconfiguration in the UK and elsewhere. The contributors examine how structural and procedural changes must be matched by the development of human resource services if increases in efficiency and effectiveness are to be achieved. The book will be of interest to health care academics, policy makers, managers and practitioners who are interested in keeping abreast of the latest developments in health care research.

Organisation Development in Health Care: Strategic Issues in Health Care Management (Routledge Revivals)

by Huw T.O. Davies Mo Malek

This title was first published in 2002: Health systems across the globe face similar problems: controlling costs while maintaining or improving health care quality and access. Notwithstanding the unprecedented health system reforms of the past decades, many outstanding problems remain in these areas. Drawing on experts from Europe and America this eclectic collection of leading edge research examines the impact of organizational development on improving quality and efficiency in health care. A series of chapters provide accounts of organizational reconfiguration in the UK and elsewhere. The contributors examine how structural and procedural changes must be matched by the development of human resource services if increases in efficiency and effectiveness are to be achieved. The book will be of interest to health care academics, policy makers, managers and practitioners who are interested in keeping abreast of the latest developments in health care research.

Organisation Development in Healthcare: A Critical Appraisal for OD Practitioners

by John Edmonstone

Organisational development (OD) as a practice involves an ongoing, systematic process of implementing effective organisational change. OD is both a field of applied science focused on understanding and managing organisational change and a field of scientific study and inquiry. It is interdisciplinary in nature and draws on sociology, psychology, particularly industrial and organisational psychology, and theories of motivation, learning, and personality. Organisation Development in Healthcare: A Critical Appraisal for Practitioners provides both an overview of the evolution of OD in healthcare as a field of practice and as a challenge to its future development. It examines the underlying assumptions behind OD and tracks its historical growth in healthcare, with special attention devoted to the UK’s National Health Service. The unusual nature of healthcare organisations delivering human services through the work of professionals who are subject to emotional labor and are addressing society’s wicked problems provides a unique context. A range of challenges for healthcare OD are identified, including questions of conformists or deviant innovation; organisations as machines or systems; hierarchy versus democracy; the importance of power and emotion and possible future ways forward for healthcare OD are suggested. Examples and short case studies from both the UK and the US to illustrate the benefits of OD are included.

Organisation Development in Healthcare: A Critical Appraisal for OD Practitioners

by John Edmonstone

Organisational development (OD) as a practice involves an ongoing, systematic process of implementing effective organisational change. OD is both a field of applied science focused on understanding and managing organisational change and a field of scientific study and inquiry. It is interdisciplinary in nature and draws on sociology, psychology, particularly industrial and organisational psychology, and theories of motivation, learning, and personality. Organisation Development in Healthcare: A Critical Appraisal for Practitioners provides both an overview of the evolution of OD in healthcare as a field of practice and as a challenge to its future development. It examines the underlying assumptions behind OD and tracks its historical growth in healthcare, with special attention devoted to the UK’s National Health Service. The unusual nature of healthcare organisations delivering human services through the work of professionals who are subject to emotional labor and are addressing society’s wicked problems provides a unique context. A range of challenges for healthcare OD are identified, including questions of conformists or deviant innovation; organisations as machines or systems; hierarchy versus democracy; the importance of power and emotion and possible future ways forward for healthcare OD are suggested. Examples and short case studies from both the UK and the US to illustrate the benefits of OD are included.

Organisation im soziotechnischen Gemenge: Mediale Umschichtungen durch die Einführung von SAP (Edition Medienwissenschaft #40)

by Lisa Conrad

Der Alltag in Organisationen besteht vor allem aus den Medien und Technologien, mit denen die Koordination zwischen einzelnen Arbeitsabläufen hergestellt wird. Diese ethnografische Studie begleitet den Prozess der Einführung eines SAP-Systems in einem mittelständischen Unternehmen und zeigt, wie das bestehende Geflecht aus Praktiken und Technologien eine Neuanordnung erfährt. Dabei tritt das komplexe soziotechnische Gemenge zutage, auf dem Koordination und Organisation beruhen. Im Fokus stehen neben Hardware und Software auch andere Gegenstände des Arbeitsalltages wie Papiere, Drucker und Akten - vor allem aber die jahrzehntelang eingespielten Routinen und das Erfahrungswissen der Angestellten.

Organisation im Stand-by-Modus: Zur Ausblendung formaler Organisation an Hochschulen

by Matthias Hahn

Auch wenn die Hochschulforschung eine zunehmende Organisationswerdung der Hochschulen registriert hat, zeigt der Autor, dass die Beschreibung der Hochschule als kollegiale Organisation keineswegs ausgedient hat. Wie sich kollegiale Strukturen an Hochschulen jedoch gegenüber zunehmender Formalisierung behaupten, ist der Hochschulforschung unklar. In seiner Studie zeigt Matthias Hahn drei unterschiedliche Typen der Ausblendung von Formalität auf, die allesamt zugleich kollegiale Strukturen zu stabilisieren vermögen. Er beleuchtet damit den deutungs- und handlungspraktischen Vollzug einer hochschulischen Wirklichkeit, die bis dato als schicksalshafte Konsequenz unklarerer Technologien in Forschung und Lehre begriffen wurde.

Organisation in der modernen Gesellschaft: Eine historische Einführung (Organisation und Gesellschaft)

by Klaus Türk Thomas Lemke Michael Bruch

Der Band bietet eine Einführung in die Genese und Entfaltung moderner Organisation von der frühen Neuzeit bis zur Gegenwart. Organisation wird dabei als ein historisch spezifisches Verhältnis und als ein strategisches Element für die Konstitution, Etablierung und Reproduktion asymmetrischer gesellschaftlicher Strukturen begriffen. Die Autoren tragen damit dazu bei, die erheblichen historischen Lücken in der organisationswissenschaftlichen Literatur zu schließen; sie streben darüber hinaus eine organisationssoziologische Erweiterung der Gesellschaftstheorie an. Das Buch richtet sich an Studierende und Lehrende der Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Es ist für den Einsatz in Lehrveranstaltungen ebenso geeignet wie zum Selbststudium.

Organisation in der modernen Gesellschaft: Eine historische Einführung (Organisation und Gesellschaft)

by Klaus Türk Thomas Lemke Michael Bruch

Der Band bietet eine Einführung in die Genese und Entfaltung moderner Organisation von der frühen Neuzeit bis zur Gegenwart. Organisation wird dabei als ein historisch spezifisches Verhältnis und als ein strategisches Element für die Konstitution, Etablierung und Reproduktion asymmetrischer gesellschaftlicher Strukturen begriffen. Die Autoren tragen damit dazu bei, die erheblichen historischen Lücken in der organisationswissenschaftlichen Literatur zu schließen; sie streben darüber hinaus eine organisationssoziologische Erweiterung der Gesellschaftstheorie an. Das Buch richtet sich an Studierende und Lehrende der Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Es ist für den Einsatz in Lehrveranstaltungen ebenso geeignet wie zum Selbststudium.

Organisation, Motivation und Konflikte in der Freiwilligenarbeit: Eine organisationspsychologische Analyse freiwilligen Engagements in Non-Profit-Organisationen

by Kathrin Thiel

Kathrin Thiel untersucht in einer längsschnittlichen Studienreihe das Erleben von Konflikten in Non-Profit-Organisationen: Welche Auswirkungen hat das Konflikterleben etwa auf Zufriedenheit oder Bereitschaften zu weiterem Engagement? Und wie bedeutsam ist Konflikterleben dabei im Vergleich zu Motiven und ausgewählten Variablen der Organisationspsychologie, etwa Gerechtigkeitswahrnehmungen? In einer multimethodalen Studienreihe werden dazu über 1.700 freiwillig engagierte Personen verschiedener Non-Profit-Organisationen befragt. Die Befunde bestätigen die negativen Auswirkungen von Konflikten und damit die Notwendigkeit eines organisationspsychologischen Blicks auf Freiwilligenarbeit. Konkrete Ansatzpunkte für ein erfolgreiches Management von Freiwilligen in Non-Profit-Organisationen werden abgeleitet.

The Organisation of Tomorrow: How AI, blockchain and analytics turn your business into a data organisation

by Mark Van Rijmenam

The Organisation of Tomorrow presents a new model of doing business and explains how big data analytics, blockchain and artificial intelligence force us to rethink existing business models and develop organisations that will be ready for human-machine interactions. It also asks us to consider the impacts of these emerging information technologies on people and society. Big data analytics empowers consumers and employees. This can result in an open strategy and a better understanding of the changing environment. Blockchain enables peer-to-peer collaboration and trustless interactions governed by cryptography and smart contracts. Meanwhile, artificial intelligence allows for new and different levels of intensity and involvement among human and artificial actors. With that, new modes of organising are emerging: where technology facilitates collaboration between stakeholders; and where human-to-human interactions are increasingly replaced with human-to-machine and even machine-to-machine interactions. This book offers dozens of examples of industry leaders such as Walmart, Telstra, Alibaba, Microsoft and T-Mobile, before presenting the D2 + A2 model – a new model to help organisations datafy their business, distribute their data, analyse it for insights and automate processes and customer touchpoints to be ready for the data-driven and exponentially-changing society that is upon us This book offers governments, professional services, manufacturing, finance, retail and other industries a clear approach for how to develop products and services that are ready for the twenty-first century. It is a must-read for every organisation that wants to remain competitive in our fast-changing world.

The Organisation of Tomorrow: How AI, blockchain and analytics turn your business into a data organisation

by Mark Van Rijmenam

The Organisation of Tomorrow presents a new model of doing business and explains how big data analytics, blockchain and artificial intelligence force us to rethink existing business models and develop organisations that will be ready for human-machine interactions. It also asks us to consider the impacts of these emerging information technologies on people and society. Big data analytics empowers consumers and employees. This can result in an open strategy and a better understanding of the changing environment. Blockchain enables peer-to-peer collaboration and trustless interactions governed by cryptography and smart contracts. Meanwhile, artificial intelligence allows for new and different levels of intensity and involvement among human and artificial actors. With that, new modes of organising are emerging: where technology facilitates collaboration between stakeholders; and where human-to-human interactions are increasingly replaced with human-to-machine and even machine-to-machine interactions. This book offers dozens of examples of industry leaders such as Walmart, Telstra, Alibaba, Microsoft and T-Mobile, before presenting the D2 + A2 model – a new model to help organisations datafy their business, distribute their data, analyse it for insights and automate processes and customer touchpoints to be ready for the data-driven and exponentially-changing society that is upon us This book offers governments, professional services, manufacturing, finance, retail and other industries a clear approach for how to develop products and services that are ready for the twenty-first century. It is a must-read for every organisation that wants to remain competitive in our fast-changing world.

Organisation, Strukturwandel und Arbeitsmarktmobilität: Untersuchungen zum evolutionären Wandel der Sozialstruktur

by Michael Windzio

In dieser Studie wird die Analyse der Arbeitsmarktmobilität mit dem organisationsökologischen Ansatz und der evolutionären Ökonomie verbunden. Erkenntnisleitend ist dabei die Annahme, dass ein wesentlicher Teil der sozialen Positionen in Organisationen eingebettet ist. Wenn die Populationen von Organisationen aber aufgrund von Gründungen und Schließungen einem permanenten dynamischen Austausch unterliegen, ist es für eine strukturalistische Mobilitätsforschung unerlässlich, diese Prozesse sowohl in die theoretische Konzeptualisierung als auch in die empirische Analyse einzubeziehen. Auf der theoretischen Ebene deutet sich damit eine evolutionäre Theorie der Sozialstruktur an. Im empirischen Teil der Arbeit wird der Zusammenhang von Organisationsökologie und Beschäftigtenmobilität unter anderem als dynamischer Mehrebenenprozess untersucht.

Organisation Studies and Human Resource Management: An Educator's Handbook

by Kate Black

This book advances educational understanding and practice in Organisation Studies and Human Resource Management (OSHRM). It develops new theoretical perspectives on learning in OSHRM and introduces and evaluates a range of educational approaches, methods and techniques to advance teaching and assessment and student learning in the field. Chapters are evidence-based and provide practical advice for enhancing the effectiveness of OSHRM programmes and courses in universities, colleges and human resource development settings globally. With contributions from leading educators in OSHRM, the book both advances understanding and provides practical guidance for the design of programmes, courses and classes. Importantly, it illustrates innovative classroom and virtual learning experiences that will secure student engagement; cultivate critical and creative thinking; and enhance students’ employability, leadership and enterprise capabilities. A distinctive contribution of the book lies in the inclusion of student viewpoints on the understandings and educational advances proposed by the authors. Significantly, the book demonstrates how recent changes affecting higher education, such as globalisation, mass participation and marketisation, and, most recently, the pandemic crisis, can be embraced as opportunities to advance both educational understanding and educational policy and practice in OSHRM. This book will be invaluable for university educators internationally in the fields of OSHRM and for HR developers working in management and leadership development, and the book has relevance to both groups whatever their career stage, from absolute beginners through to advanced practitioners.

Organisation Studies and Human Resource Management: An Educator's Handbook

by Kate Black Russell Warhurst

This book advances educational understanding and practice in Organisation Studies and Human Resource Management (OSHRM). It develops new theoretical perspectives on learning in OSHRM and introduces and evaluates a range of educational approaches, methods and techniques to advance teaching and assessment and student learning in the field. Chapters are evidence-based and provide practical advice for enhancing the effectiveness of OSHRM programmes and courses in universities, colleges and human resource development settings globally. With contributions from leading educators in OSHRM, the book both advances understanding and provides practical guidance for the design of programmes, courses and classes. Importantly, it illustrates innovative classroom and virtual learning experiences that will secure student engagement; cultivate critical and creative thinking; and enhance students’ employability, leadership and enterprise capabilities. A distinctive contribution of the book lies in the inclusion of student viewpoints on the understandings and educational advances proposed by the authors. Significantly, the book demonstrates how recent changes affecting higher education, such as globalisation, mass participation and marketisation, and, most recently, the pandemic crisis, can be embraced as opportunities to advance both educational understanding and educational policy and practice in OSHRM. This book will be invaluable for university educators internationally in the fields of OSHRM and for HR developers working in management and leadership development, and the book has relevance to both groups whatever their career stage, from absolute beginners through to advanced practitioners.

Organisation und Bewertung (Organisationssoziologie)

by Frank Meier Thorsten Peetz

Organisationen spielen für viele Bewertungsprozesse eine entscheidende, aber oft übersehene Rolle: Sie geben den Kontext ab, in dem Bewertungen vollzogen werden, sie produzieren und kommunizieren Bewertungen und werden schließlich auch selbst regelmäßig bewertet, evaluiert, geratet und gerankt. Die Beiträge des Bandes verknüpfen systematisch Ansätze aus Organisationsforschung und Valuation Studies und eröffnen dadurch einen dezidiert organisationssoziologischen Blick auf Phänomene des Bewertens, Vermessens, Kategorisierens und Vergleichens in, von und durch Organisationen.

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